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for Grand Prix GMT 1.0.0 - Designed by Gattsu (10/2018)

Set up (Grand Prix)
Set the game up normally for a 5 team race like you would in a multiplayer game. Therefore, each team will have 2 Team cars and 2 NPC Team Cars per race. (20
cars per race)

Rules changes
1. Don’t assign wear tokens to AI cars.
2. AI cars don’t voluntarily retire.
3. Resolving Event cards have specific rules. See below.
4. AI Teams don’t choose Tire and are not affected by the Event Weather change
5. The Tire requirements does not affect AI Teams

Playing the AI
1. Whenever it is an AI opponent’s turn, draw a card from the Race Card deck and resolve the instructions as described below (see AI Race Card activation
and movement)
- Each card will indicate
a. which car from that team to ACTIVATE ; and
b. how that car will move based upon “AI Race Card activation and movement” Table (see below).
i. When deciding on the car to ACTIVATE, always apply the activation condition to the cars of that team which haven’t been activated yet.
Example: Blue Team “ACTIVATE: furthest behind.” However, the blue car furthest behind has already been activated. Therefore, apply
this rule to the blue cars that haven’t been activated yet. In this case, the middle blue car is activated because it is furthest behind the
other unactivated car.
ii. When choosing how the activated car will move, consider the conditions in the instructions. Start at the top and choose the first
condition that applies. Any other condition lower down on the card is ignored. Example: the first condition doesn’t apply, but the second
one does. So, apply that movement behavior to the activated car. The third condition doesn’t come into play.
2. Keep the used Race Card for each AI Team till the end of the round (will be used later for Event checks)
3. At the end of the round:
a. After the Event perform an AI Pit Stop (see below).
b. Remove lapped cars and discard all Race Cards used by the AI

General AI rules
“team” - whenever a card refers to “team” it means same color team cars as the car that is being activated, e.g. A blue car is activated and the instructions say to
“push team”, so it will push other blue cars. In case of a Team NPC car team means the associated Team cars, e.g. A blue team NPC car is activated and the
instructions say to “push team”, so it will try to push blue cars but not the other Team NPC car.

The idea is that Team NPC cars try to push/lead/draft their associated Team cars but not the other Team NPC car.

Always move AI cars in a manner that follows their instructions and maximizes the number of spaces they advance to end in the furthest position ahead, unless it
says to end movement linked to other cars. In that case, it is acceptable to forego one movement to link to another car.

If the card instructs you to move the AI car to the inside/outside/diagonally/etc. and in order to perform that move you must move into an occupied space, pay
the regular movement cost.

If an activation is not clearly use the Otherwise statement, eg “linked with the most team cars behind it. Otherwise, furthest ahead.” And there are 2 lines which
might be chosen. In that case activated the team car/team NPC car furthest ahead.

Drafting into and out of a corner
When the AI needs to pick between lanes, move to an empty lane unless it can connect to a draft line with a team car. If there is more than one option, 1) first
connect to the line with the most team cars, 2) the longest line, 3) the inside lane.

Diverging and Converging lanes
When the AI needs to pick which line of cars is considered part of its draft line, 1) pick the draft line with the most same team cars; 2) pick the longest line; 3) pick
the inside lane.

Crossing the finish line
When selecting the car to activate, if an AI car could cross the finish line on the last lap (typically at 7-8 segments distance), activate it instead. You must cross the
finish line with this car. If there is more than one AI car that can cross the finish line, then choose the car furthest from the finish line even if it isn’t the car
indicated by the activation condition.

Follow event card instructions like in a multiplayer game. If an event card says “The car with the most engine wear/close call tokens gets an engine wear token”
check the AI used Race Cards per team in this turn. If an AI team has played more Race Cards with a certain wear indicator than the player cars the card will affect
the AI Team. In case an AI Team has played the same number of Race Cards with a certain wear indicator then make a Team draw. Always choose the AI Team
NPC car furthest behind. eg. If an event card says “The car with the most engine wear gets retired”
1. A Player Car has 1 Engine wear and AI Team Blue has played 2 Race Cards with Engine Wear indicator -> AI Blue Team NPC Car furthest behind is affected
by the Event
2. A Player Car has 2 Engine wear, AI Team Blue has played 2 Race Cards with Engine Wear indicator and AI Team Red has played 2 Race Cards with Engine
Wear indicator -> Team Draw to find out which Team is affected (Player, Red or Blue)
3. A Player Car has 1 Engine wear, AI Team Blue has played 2 Race Cards with Engine Wear indicator and AI Team Red has played 2 Race Cards with Engine
Wear indicator -> Team Draw to find out which Team is affected (Red or Blue)

Pit Stops
The number at the bottom of each Event Card indicates a pit stop for one or more AI cars. All AI cars on the track whose last digit
matches the Pit Number must pit and go back 5 spaces.

Once a Race card is drawn for an AI which activates the car that made the Pit Stop, move the AI car back onto the track with the given Pit exit speed. Cars exiting
the pits always use Solo Movement rules.

Like in the multiplayer game Team NPC cars claim Position Tokens, but do not receive the points for their Team.

Overview AI Race Card activation and movement
Activate linked with the most team cars behind it. Otherwise, furthest ahead
Cross the finish line move laterally and/or forward to cross the line
Not linked move as many vacant forward or lateral spaces as possible then continue moving forward.
End movement linked, if possible
Linked move as many vacant forward or lateral spaces as possible then continue moving forward

Activate linked with the most team cars in front of it. Otherwise, furthest behind
Cross the finish line move laterally and/or forward to push team OR move laterally and/or forward to finish solo
Linked push forward
with team in front
Not Linked move laterally and/or forward in order to push team.
with team in front Otherwise, move laterally once to the inside if possible, otherwise to the outside. Then move forward

Activate linked with the most team cars. Otherwise, furthest behind
Cross the finish line move laterally and/or forward to draft team OR move laterally and/or forward to finish solo
Not linked move laterally and/or forward to link with team. Otherwise, move as many vacant forward or lateral spaces as possible
then continue moving forward.
Only linked if possible, one laterally move to link with team.
with opponents Otherwise, move laterally once to the inside if possible, otherwise to the outside. Then move forward
Linked with team move forward

Activate furthest ahead
Cross the finish line move laterally and/or forward to finish solo
move as many vacant forward or lateral spaces as possible then continue moving forward.
End movement linked, if possible

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