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Can Online Language Education Replace Face to Face Language Education?

With the advancement and improvement of technology,people can learn a lot of languages by
following language channels on YouTube,watching their videos or buying language sets on
internet.Have you ever thought whether they are beneficial as much as face to face language
education or not?Some people think that there is not any differences between online language
education and face to face language education.However,If you look them in detail,you can see a lot
of differences such as environment,atmosphere.In fact,these differences make huge gap between
online education and traditional(face to face) education.For example,according to experts,they have
found that %94 of people can learn a language easily with face to face education.So,we can say that
online language education seems to can not replace face to face language education soon.In other
words,traditional face to face language education is better than online language education in some
ways such as practising,having enough ambiance(atmosphere) to learn a language and dont need to
internet connection.

First of all,practising has a main role to learn a language.For example,while we are learning a
new language,all the teachers wants you to practice by speaking someone.I mean that all the
languages can be learnt by practise.In other words,every languages gets better with
practise.However,in the online language education,we cant do that.So,it affects our learning style in
a bad way.We learn the languages late and that means time losing.Finally,This situation makes the
face to face language education more beneficial than online language education.

Secondly,ambiance(atmosphere) has also main role to learn a language.In traditional language

education,everyone is in class,they listen the teacher carefully and take note in an efficient way.No
one can not distrub them,they are in so silent atmosphere that everyone learn easily.However,in
online language education,we can not achieve these points actually.We enter a visiual classroom,can
not see each other.Also,there may be a lot of noises from some students while we are in the middle
of lesson.Unfortunately,we can mute them because of talking of friends.In other words,we can be
disturbed by some environment factors.So,it is hard to focus on language lesson while these
problems are happening.

Thirdly,Face to face language education doesnt need to internet connection.I mean that you
have not connection problems.In online language education,there may be connection problems such
as disconnected person,teacher’s low internet connection.If these problems happen,there may be
misunderstanding and students can not understand well.Then,this misunderstanding may cause
another misunderstanding and it will continue like domino.So,face to face language education
doesnt need internet connection for teaching but online education needs.

To sum up,face to face (traditional) language education is better then online language education for
learning in some good ways such as practising,atmosphere and doesnt need to internet
connection.We should use face to face education instead of online education because of online
education’s problem.In the future,it can improve itself and make itself best
option.However,traditional language education is the best option to learn language right now and it
seems to will have been for nearly decades.

Ismail Hakkı Bulut


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