EJER ADJ COMP para Politicas

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Finding an Apartment (comparative adjectives)

My wife and I need a new place to live. We spent the past week-end looking at apartments. We found
two apartments that we like but we can’t decide which one we like better.

 I like the first apartment that we saw. It is closer to work. It is in a newer, cleaner building. The inside
is brighter because it has bigger windows. The view is nicer too. Unfortunately, it is more expensive.
The rent is too high.

My wife likes the second apartment that we saw. It is in an older building and it is in a more
interesting neighbourhood. The apartment has larger rooms. The rent is cheaper. Unfortunately, it is
farther from work than the other apartment. It would take both us longer to get to work.

We are going to look at more apartments next week-end. Maybe we will find an apartment that we
both like!

Responde Verdadero o Falso

1. El departamento viejo es más caro. ______________

2. Ellos buscarán más departamentos el siguiente fin de semana. ____________

3. El departamento barato tiene ventanas más grandes. __________

4. El departamento barato tiene cuartos más grandes. ___________

5. El departamento más caro está más cerca de donde ellos trabajan. ____________

Completa las siguientes oraciones utilizando las palabras del recuadro

6. They have been looking at _____________________ because they need a new place to live.

7. The like different apartments. His wife likes the apartment in the _________ interesting

8. One apartment is _____________ because it has bigger windows.

9. The cheaper apartment is ____________ from where they work. It will take __________ to get to

10. They can't ____________ which apartment to choose.

brighter / more / longer / decide / farther / apartments/ cheaper / Unfortunately

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