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Journal Pre-proof

Importance of surface water background values for objectively

assessing water quality in a unique basin

Maoqing Duan, Xia Du, Wenqi Peng, Cuiling Jiang, Shijie Zhang,
Yang Ding, Luqing Yan

PII: S0048-9697(20)31435-2
Reference: STOTEN 137922

To appear in: Science of the Total Environment

Received date: 31 December 2019

Revised date: 12 March 2020
Accepted date: 12 March 2020

Please cite this article as: M. Duan, X. Du, W. Peng, et al., Importance of surface water
background values for objectively assessing water quality in a unique basin, Science of the
Total Environment (2020),

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Journal Pre-proof

Importance of Surface Water Background Values for Objectively Assessing

Water Quality in a Unique Basin

Maoqing Duan2,3, Xia Du1,2, Wenqi Peng1,2*, Cuiling Jiang3, Shijie Zhang1,2, Yang Ding1,2 Luqing


State Key Laboratory of Simulation and Regulation of Water Cycle in River Basin, China Institute

of Water Resources and Hydropower Research, Beijing 100038, China

Department of Water Environment, China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research,

Beijing 100038, China

College of Hydrology and Water Resources, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, China
*Correspondence:; Tel.: +86-010-6878-1946

Maoqing Duan:; Xia Du:; Wenqi Peng:; Cuiling Jiang:; Shijie Zhang:; Yang


Ding:; Liuqing Yan:


Received: date; Accepted: date; Published: date


Abstract: Ignoring differences in surface water background values of different basins is a

prominent shortcoming in water resource assessment and management systems in China. This

study described the impact of this shortcoming on the results of water quality assessments by

analysing water quality and the intensity of anthropogenic activities in 10 water resource basins in

China. In particular, the Songhuajiang River Basin had a relatively undegraded natural

environment with minimal anthropogenic activity. however, water quality assessment results

showed the lowest water quality, and this basin is the most seriously affected by background

values. The Huma River source water reserve was selected to conduct research of background
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value identification, concentration characteristics, migration and transformation laws, and output

mechanism characteristics to enable the acknowledgment of the severe background value problem.

Most data collected in basins with minimal anthropogenic pollution failed to meet Chinese water

quality standard requirements, and high background values mainly resulted from litter leachate

and soil erosion by rainfall or snowmelt runoff. A revised water quality assessment method was

proposed in view of the particularity and heterogeneity of background values in the Songhuajiang

River Basin. This study therefore clarified the negative impact of background values on water

quality assessments, so that these values can be properly considered in Chinese water quality

assessment and management systems. pr

Keywords: water resource basin; surface water; water quality; background value; assessment and



River water quality assessments are fundamental for water resource management and

development. The accuracy of determining whether river water quality is affected by


anthropogenic activities is directly related to the evaluation standard and method choices(Jung et

al. 2019; Parinet et al. 2004). In 2011, the strictest water resources management system (SWRMS)

was proposed by the Chinese Ministry of Water Resources to protect water environments in China

from interference of anthropogenic activities. The SWRMS made specific provisions for regional

water quality standard-reaching rates, namely that the rate of satisfying water quality standard

requirements of water functional zones should be increased to more than 95% by 2030 (Wang et al.

2017; Yan et al. 2016). Standard-reaching rates have thus far effectively been improved by

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controlling the total pollutant loads in rivers. Nevertheless, water quality indices have failed to

meet standard requirements in areas with little or no human activity before measures implemented.

Table 1 shows the percentage of source water reserves that satisfied standard requirements in 10

water resource basins, Songhuajiang River Basin has the lowest rate of satisfying the standards.

Given the monotonous land-use types in source water reserves, almost all the surface water quality

data reflected the impact of natural factors on the water environment without anthropogenic


The problem of differing surface water quality background values in different regions has

increasingly attracted concern (Oste et al. 2012). Regardless of these differences, water quality
evaluation methods and standards in different regions are the same, and it is therefore difficult for

unique regions with severe background value problems(due to natural factors) to satisfy SWRMS

requirements. This is the most prominent contradiction between the SWRMS and existing water

quality evaluation and management system in China (Duan et al. 2019). Research on surface water

environmental background values in typical areas is therefore urgently needed to improve the

Chinese surface water quality evaluation and management system.


In the 1980s, relevant scientific research departments, including the Chinese Academy of

Sciences, began to successfully carry out background value investigations in China (Huang et al.

1984; Xu et al. 1992; Zhang et al. 1987). However, many of these data are now too dated to guide

water resource management systems and decision-making. Moreover, current research is more

focused on river pollution caused by anthropogenic inputs because of the conflict between social

development and the environment (Mijin et al. 2017; Wang et al. 2007; Wu et al. 2009), and few

studies have been done on background values, leaving a considerable time gap between past and

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current research on this topic. Water environmental management is based on investigations into

water environmental background values, which are important for developing a regulatory

framework regarding surface water quality (Gałuszka et al. 2016; Ismaiel et al. 2018).

Current methods of determining water environmental background values mainly include

sample analyses combined with statistical analyses. These methods focus on determining the

background value characterisation range of a certain chemical index. Few reports exist on possible

causes of environmental background concentrations and how they impact environmental

management. Therefore, we developed research methods to address the shortcomings of water

resource management and assessment systems in China. In this study, the impact of surface water
background conditions on water quality assessment results in the Songhuajiang River Basin was

highlighted by comparing the ratio between the number of times that water quality monitoring

data satisfied the standard requirements and the total number of monitoring times (p), gross

domestic product (GDP), which represents regional economic development, and population

density distribution, which reflects the intensity of regional human activities in 10 water resource

zones. The Huma River source water reserve, located in the southern Songhuajiang River Basin,

was selected to investigate surface water background conditions, analyse water quality, and

identify major water quality indices affected by background conditions. Sources and variations in

background values were subsequently analysed to better understand the laws of migration and

transformation (Gao et al. 2003; Swaine et al. 2006). In addition, a small watershed was selected

to assess background loads and investigate its output mechanism. Finally, we discussed the

particularity and heterogeneity of background values that seriously affect water quality in the

Songhuajiang River Basin, and consequently proposed revised water quality assessment methods.

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This study improves understanding of the impact of the background environment on water quality.

It also provides revised water environment quality standards and improved water quality

assessment methods for China.

Table 1. Percentage of water quality standard requirements reached by source water reserves in 2017.

Evaluation The number of reaching

Water resource basins Proportion (%)
times standard requirement

Songhuajiang River 80 16 20

Liaohe River 37 25 67.6

Haihe River 30
pr 13 43.3
Yellow River 70 52 74.3

Huaihe River 78 41 52.6

Yangtze River 273 193 70.7


Southeast Rivers 26 22 84.6


Pearl River 97 50 51.5


Southwest Rivers 62 47 75.8

Northwest Rivers 138 131 94.9

Nationwide 891 590 66.2

Materials and Methods

Study Area

The Huma River source water reserve is a water functional zone located in the hinterland of

the Greater Khingan Mountains. The drainage area is 19,176 km2, with considerable forest and

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grassland cover (farmland, 0.33%; woodland, 80.79%; grassland, 6.91%; water, 0.58%;

construction land, 0.35%; unused land, 11.03% in 2014). The Kamalan River Basin, a sub-basin of

the Huma River Basin, was selected as the sampling area (Figure 1 and Table 2). The Kamalan

River flows into the Huma River from west to east. A natural runoff experimental plot (Bridge 2),

with an area of 14 km2, was located in the Kamalan River Basin. Bridge 2 was selected for two

reasons: (1) During on-site investigations, we could walk along the tributary to the source of the

Kamalan River, and (2) the experimental plot was approximately 12 km away from the nearest

village outside the basin, which was convenient for carrying out long-term field experiments.

u rn

Figure 1. Location of study area and sampling sites in Kamalan River Basin, located in Huma River source reserve

in Songhuajiang River Basin, China. China contains 10 water resource basins: 1, Songhuajiang River Basin; 2,

Liaohe River Basin; 3, Haihe River Basin; 4, Huaihe River Basin; 5, Yellow River Basin; 6, Yangtze River Basin;

7, Southeast Rivers Basin; 8, Pearl River Basin; 9, Southwest Rivers Basin; 10, Northwest Rivers Basin. E1‒E3:

sites where surface water quality is regularly monitored to inform policy-making. B1‒B10: monitoring sites for

gathering data for a surface water background values database and to determine background values.

Data Sources

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Three sites (E1‒E3) are used by the Ministry of Water Resources to regularly monitor the

surface water quality in the Huma River source water reserve (Figure 1). Water quality monitoring

is conducted year-round (January, March, May, July, September, and November), and a high water

quality standard is applied (Grade II, referred to as GB 3838-2002). Data from 10 water quality

monitoring stations (B1–B10), with strong background characteristics in the upstream area of the

Kamalan River, minimal interference from anthropogenic activities, and a relatively undegraded

environment, were used (Reimann et al. 2005; Smith et al. 2003). River water not impacted by

human activities was sampled monthly during 2017‒2018 to determine the range of water

environmental background values. pr

The data sources used in this study are listed in Table 2. Land-use types were used to reflect

the natural environment in the Huma River source water reserve. Population density distribution

and GDP data in the 10 water resource basins in China were used to reflect the intensity of human

activity. Water quality monitoring data (from sites E1–E3) were regularly obtained to assess

surface water environmental quality. Background value data (from monitoring stations B1–B10)

were monitored to determine the range of water environmental background values. Groundwater,

ice, snow, rainfall, leaf litter, and soil were sampled and water quality and flow at Bridge 2 in

the Kamalan River Basin were used to study the migration, variation, and output mechanism

of background pollutants. The particularity and heterogeneity of background values in the

Songhuajiang River Basin were described by comparing differences in the rate at which water

quality standards are met in source, restricted and developed zones in the 10 water resource


Table 2. Data sources used in this study.

Journal Pre-proof

Number Data Source

Land-use of Huma River source water Landsat 8 OLI interpretation of satellite

reserve remote sensing images

Resource and Environment Data Cloud

Population density distribution and GDP
2 Platform

Regularly water quality monitoring data

3 Heilongjiang Hydrological Bureau
of E1-E3 during 2011~2016

Background value monitoring data of pr Da Hinggan Ling Water Environment
B1-B10 during 2017~2018 Monitoring Centre

Water quality and flow of Bridge 2 and

5 Kamalan River Basin during May to Field monitoring


August 2019

Groundwater, ice, snow, rainfall, leaf Collect samples on site and laboratory

litter, and soil analysis

The rate of meet water quality standard

of source zones, restricted zones and

7 China Water Resources Bulletin in 2017
developed zones in 10 water resource


The proportion of wastewater China Environmental Quality Bulletin

discharged to surface water resources in 2017

Journal Pre-proof

Twenty-three water quality indices were monitored at E1–E3 in 2011‒2016, namely

dissolved oxygen, chemical oxygen demand (COD), permanganate index (CODMn), 5-day

biological oxygen demand, ammonia nitrate (NH3-N), mercury, arsenic, cadmium, lead, copper,

zinc, cyanide, fluoride, chloride, sulfide, volatile phenols, sulfate, chromium(VI), selenium,

petroleum, anionic surfactants, total phosphorus, and faecal coliform bacteria. Four water quality

indices were measured at sites B1–B10, namely COD, CODMn, NH3-N, and total organic carbon.

Groundwater, ice, snow, rainfall, leaf litter, and soil (which may cause high background

values in river water due to runoff) were sampled in the Kamalan River Basin during 2018‒2019

(Table 3). Ice, snow, and rainfall samples were filtered through 0.45 µm filters to remove
impurities. Leaf litter and soil samples were air-dried and soaked in distilled water (1:2vsample/vwater)

for two days, and the soaking solutions were analysed. Leachates of the litter and soil humus

samples were obtained using customised devices (Figure 2). The main water quality indices were

COD, CODMn, NH3-N, and total organic carbon.


Table 3. Samples collected on site and analysed in laboratory; litter leachate (LL) and soil humus layer

leachate (HL) were obtained using customised devices.

Type Sampling Sampling
quantity Sampling time
code site

Snow under the canopy 4 S1 A2 March 30, 2018; May 17, 2018;

August 8, 2018; December 20,

Snow under the open land 4 S2 A2

Journal Pre-proof

May 17, 2018; August 8, 2018;

Rain under the canopy 3 R1 A2
June 24, 2019

Rain under the open land 2 R2 A1 August 8, 2018; June 24, 2019

March 30, 2018; August 8, 2018;

December 20, 2018; March 20,

Soaking solution of litter 6 LS A2
2019; June 24, 2019; August 19,


Soaking solution of soil humus March 20, 2019; June 24, 2019;
3 HS A2
layer pr August 19, 2019
May 17, 2018; August 8, 2018;
leachate of litter 3 LL A2

June 24, 2019

leachate of soil humus layer 2 HL A2 August 8, 2018; June 24, 2019


Water sample of Bridge 2 35 BW A3


May to August 2019

Water sample of Kamalan 43 KW A1

March 30, 2018; December 20,


Ice sample of Kamalan 3 KI A1

2018; March 20, 2019

March 30, 2018,Groundwater wells

in surrounding
Groundwater 2 GW /

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Figure 2. Devices used to collect leachates from litter (LL) and soil humus (HL) layers.

Analysis Method

We used the single factor evaluation method to evaluate water quality(Hao et al., 2014). The
background values of water quality indices were calculated using the iterative 2σ-technique

(Figure 3; Nakic et al. 2007).

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Figure 3. Flow chart for calculating background values.

A rectangular outlet section at the outlet of Bridge 2 was used to conduct natural

rainfall-runoff experiments. The flow rate (q) was measured via a flow velocity detection

instrument (LS1206B/LS300-A), and water quality indices in collected water samples were

measured: COD was measured via the dichromate method using Environmental Protection

Journal Pre-proof

Standard of the People‘s Republic of China (HJ) 828-2017, and CODMn was measured using the

National Standard of the People‘s Republic of China (GB) 11892-1989. NH3-N was measured

using Nessler‘s reagent spectrophotometry (HJ 535-2009) and total organic carbon using the

combustion oxidation nondispersive infrared absorption method (HJ 501-2009). An automatic

rainfall monitoring station was established at the outlet of Bridge 2 to monitor rainfall. Water

quality and quantity of the control section at the outlet of the Kamalan River Basin were

monitored simultaneously.

Monitoring was conducted once a day (with no rainfall event) or twice a day (with rainfall

event) at the outlets of Bridge 2 and Kamalan River Basin during May to August 2019. We used
the flow before the rainfall event at the outlet of Bridge 2 as the starting point and followed the

rainfall event until the flow returned to the starting flow as a flow process. Five such flow

processes were identified, and five runoff coefficients were obtained using the ratio of runoff (m3)

to precipitation (m3) from the five flow processes in Bridge 2. The mean value of the five runoff

coefficients was taken as the runoff coefficient in the rainy season. According to the background

load mechanism of the five flow processes, total pollutant loads in the rainy season in the Bridge 2

basin were estimated (Figure 4).

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Figure 4. Flow chart for estimating background loads. Q, total runoff at Bridge 2 in rainy season; q, mean flow of

outlet of Bridge 2; c, mean water quality indices at outlet of Bridge 2; water quality–quantity relationship curve
obtained using regression analysis of monitoring data.

Background Problem Identification


The Songhuajiang River Basin had the lowest rate of satisfying water quality standards

(Table 1) despite the fact that relatively low-intensity human activities, reflected by the

distribution of GDP and population density, were observed in this basin (Figure 5). This may be

associated with the previously discussed problem of background values, although there was no

consistent link between water quality and human activities.

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Figure 5. Distribution of a) gross domestic product (USD/km2), and b) population (persons/km2) of 10 water

resource basins in China. Area bordered in red is Songhuajiang River Basin.

The most deteriorated water quality category at sites E1‒E3 was taken as the water quality
grade of the Huma River source water reserve in the relevant month. Long-term water quality

assessment results from 2011‒2016 were analysed (Table 4). Only 13 of a total of 35 assessment

results conformed to the standard requirements, and the percentage reaching the standard

requirements (P) was only 37%, which is far below the SWRMS requirements. The months in

which the standard was not exceeded were concentrated in the dry season (January and March),

and two months with high rainfall (July and September) also did not conform to the standard

requirements. Combined with the preliminary judgment of the environment in the study area,

surface water was more negatively affected by natural background conditions rather than by

anthropogenic pollution.

Figure 6 shows that 5 of the 23 water quality indices failed to meet the standard, and COD,

CODMn, and NH3-N frequently exceeded the standard by up to 44%, 52% and 11%, respectively.

Therefore, these three indices were seriously affected by the background environment.

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Table 4. Surface water quality assessment results of Huma River source water reserve in 2011‒2016.

2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Jan √ × √ √ √ √

Mar / √ √ √ √ √

May √ × × √ × ×

Jul × × × × × ×

Sep × × × × × ×

Nov × √ × × × ×

Note: The poorest water quality of E1–E3 as was taken as the water quality of the month, and water quality
reaching the GB3838-2002 standard was estimated; ‗√‘:water quality met the water quality standard; ‗ב: water

quality failed to meet water quality standard requirements; ‗/‘:no water sample was collected.
u rn

Figure 6. Proportion of water quality indices that met or failed to meet water quality standard requirements. DO,

dissolved oxygen; COD, chemical oxygen demand; CODMn, permanganate index; BOD5, 5-day biological oxygen

demand; NH3-N, ammonia nitrate.

Characterisation of Background Values

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Monitoring data were unsuitable as background data for calculating the range of background

values due to domestic sewage, livestock, and agricultural activities around sites E1‒E3, which

affected the water quality to varying degrees. Given the difficulty in identifying water bodies with

no anthropogenic inputs (Smith et al. 2003), 10 water quality monitoring sites (B1–B10) were

identified in the upper river to monitor background values, where pollutant concentrations

represent natural and low levels of anthropogenic inputs; 154 water samples were collected from

during 2017 to 2018. Monitoring data showed COD, CODMn, NH3-N concentrations of 5‒77 mg/L,

2‒27.2 mg/L, and 0.03‒1.45 mg/L, respectively, with 77.9%, 89.6%, and 47.4% not reaching the

standard requirements. The percentages remained high in areas that were relatively undisturbed by
anthropogenic activities.

The background value ranges differed significantly between dry periods (January–March and

November–December) and wet periods (all other months). According to the iterative 2σ-technique,

the characterisation ranges of COD, CODMn, and NH3-N background concentrations were 10.9‒

17.5 mg/L, 2.9‒5.9 mg/L, and 0‒0.4 mg/L, respectively, in the dry season, and 13.2‒32 mg/L,

5.4‒9.2 mg/L, and 0.23‒0.86 mg/L, respectively, in the wet season, i.e. background values in the

wet season were approximately double those in the dry season. Therefore, the COD, CODMn, and

NH3-N background concentrations in river water with no or little interference from anthropogenic

activities exceeded the maximum values, namely COD ≤ 15 mg/L, CODMn ≤ 4 mg/L, and NH3-N

≤ 0.5 mg/L in the Huma River source water reserve. In this reserve, forest land is a major land-use

type, and a large amount of litter accumulated on the ground.

Furthermore, freeze–thaw cycles aggravated the loss of humic substances (HSs) (Kim et al.

2017; Watanabe et al. 2019; Xiao et al. 2019), beside, low temperatures limited the degradation of

Journal Pre-proof

litter, resulting in HS accumulation (Baker et al. 2015). HSs are high–molecular-weight

compounds (300–30000 Da) with a stable structure. The molecular weight of HSs is much higher

than that of other oxygen-rich organic matter (e.g. protein and sugar), which is readily degradable

under natural conditions and thus consume oxygen in river water (Duan in press). Terrigenous HSs

flow into rivers via runoff, which causes background values to vary between the wet and dry

seasons. The water samples collected from the river had higher COD, CODMn, and NH3-N

concentrations. However, these concentrations differed from that of other organic matter that do

not readily degrade under natural conditions, consuming oxygen.

Migration and Variation

Samples in the process of background concentration migration were collected throughout the

watershed to determine the reason for the high background values in surface water and the

contributions of different processes. Figure 7a shows that COD, CODMn, and NH3-N

concentrations in the soaking solution of litter were the highest at 466‒1264 mg/L, 215‒430 mg/L,

and 3.64‒11.4 mg/L, respectively, followed by that in the soaking solution of the soil humus layer.

Dense forests with a thick litter layer store large amounts of terrestrial carbon, and organic matter

migrates into rivers via runoff. The results of this study showed that litter was responsible for the

high index background concentrations that did not reach standard requirements. Concentrations in

leachates were lower than those in soaking solutions but were still high, with mean COD, CODMn,

and NH3-N concentrations of 201.7 mg/L, 77.1 mg/L, and 1.3 mg/L in litter leachate and 173

mg/L, 72.8 mg/L, and 1.1 mg/L in soil humus layer leachate, respectively. Although the

concentrations of these indices in leachates and soaking solutions differed from the actual runoff

from litter and soil, they nonetheless reflected the contribution of litter and soil to the river

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background values.

Runoff produced by rainfall or snowmelt was the main source of surface water as well as the

main driving factor of terrigenous organic matter into the river. Figure 7b shows the trends in

background concentrations in other samples. These trends were much lower than those of the

leachates and soaking solutions, but they were higher than the Grade Ⅱ water quality standards

(COD ≤ 15 mg/L; CODMn ≤ 4 mg/L; NH3-N ≤ 0.5 mg/L). Concentrations at S1 (226.8 mg/L COD;

41.1 mg/L CODMn; 0.71 mg/L NH3-N) were much higher than those at S2 (28.3 mg/L COD; 6.5

mg/L CODMn; 0.42 mg/L NH3-N) since low temperatures limited litter decomposition because of

lowered microbial metabolism (Baker et al. 2015). Furthermore, litter accumulated in snow, and
low temperatures do not completely hinder microbial activity (Wei et al. 2018). Concentrations at

R1 were higher than those at R2, but the differences were smaller than those for snow.

As a sub-basin of the Kamalan River, the background values at the outlet section of Bridge 2

(BW) were slightly higher than those of the Kamalan River (KW), and concentrations in the ice

samples (KI) of the Kamalan River were relatively low in the dry season, indicating that ice does

did not negatively impact water quality. Groundwater (GW), as the main source of river water in

the dry season, had the lowest concentrations. Therefore, groundwater recharge did not affect river

water quality in the dry season. The concentrations of these indices in various samples showed

that water quality improved in the dry season. The main reason for high background values in the

river was leaching of litter and soil humus by snowmelt and rainfall during the wet season.

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Figure 7. Background concentrations of water quality indices in different sample types. COD, chemical oxygen

demand; CODMn, permanganate index; NH3-N, ammonia nitrate; TOC: total organic carbon; see Table 3 for

definitions of sample types.
Output Mechanism Characteristics

The rainfall-runoff experiment was conducted to understand the output mechanism of


background values from May to August 2019. Water quality and quantity of the Kamalan River

control section were monitored simultaneously. During the experimental monitoring period, five

flow processes at Bridge 2 were captured (Figure 8). Precipitation and runoff during the five

periods at Bridge 2 were 243,600 m3 and 14688 m3 (Figure 8a), 42,000 m3 and 1987.2 m3 (Figure

8b), 116,200 m3 and 7408.8 m3 (Figure 8c), 163,800 m3 and 9547.2 m3 (Figure 8d), and 336,000

m3 and 32,421.6 m3 (Figure 8e), respectively. Runoff coefficients were 0.05–0.09, with an mean of

0.062. According to the COD output per second, the COD loads during the five flow processes

were 2260.7 kg, 62.2 kg, 206.2 kg, 283 kg, and 1688.5 kg.

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Figure 8. Five flow processes and chemical oxygen demand output over experimental monitoring

Water Quality–Quantity Relationship

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Statistically significant correlations (with correlation coefficients of > 0.7) were found

between the concentrations of water quality indices and flow (Figure 9). The regression curve was

verified by using all the data as well as mean concentrations and flow of the abovementioned five

flow processes as input data. The results showed that few data had large relative errors (> 30%)

between the calculated and mean values (Table 5). It was largely caused by uncertain factors

affecting water quality. Water quality was impacted to varying degrees by other natural factors, in

addition to flow, such as temperature, radiation, soil types, and vegetation. Surface runoff was the

most important factor affecting water quality, especially when the water quality is influenced by

non-point source pollution load; this relationship can be applied to estimate non-point source
pollution load (Zhou 2018). The relationship between mean background concentration and flow in

a certain period followed the regression curve and could be used to predict trends in background

values under conditions of changing flow and to estimate the background loads in the Bridge 2

basin during rainfall periods.

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Figure 9. Correlations between concentration of background pollutants and flow: (a) correlation between mean

flow of outlet of Bridge 2 (q) and chemical oxygen demand; (b) correlation between q and permanganate index; (c)

correlation between q and ammonia-nitrogen; and (d) correlation between q and total organic carbon.

Table 5. Applicability evaluation of regression curve in relationship between mean flow rate and

concentration. Flow process involved flow before rainfall event at outlet of Bridge 2 as starting point and followed

rainfall event until flow reached starting point again. COD, chemical oxygen demand; CODMn, permanganate

index; NH3-N, ammonia nitrate; TOC: total organic carbon.

COD CODMn NH3-N TOC Mean flow

(mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) rate (m3/s)

All monitoring Mean value 35.6 13.9 0.25 14.4 0.092

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data Calculated value 35.4 13.4 0.24 14.3

Relative error(%) 0.46 4.28 3.04 0.63

Mean value 78.3 29.7 0.76 34.2

Flow process(1) Calculated value 76.5 33.3 0.77 32.3 0.363

Relative error(%) 2.33 11.98 1.77 5.63

Mean value 26.9 7.8 0.17 10.9

Flow process(2) Calculated value 22.7 7.2 0.08 8.8 0.008

Relative error(%) 15.45 8.07 53.55 19.08

Mean value 26.1 pr

8.6 0.19 10.0
Flow process(3) Calculated value 23.8 7.7 0.09 9.3 0.015

Relative error(%) 9.00 10.30 49.27 7.48

Mean value 20.6 7.5 0.16 8.4


Flow process(4) Calculated value 27.5 9.5 0.14 10.9 0.04


Relative error(%) 33.50 27.27 11.82 29.60


Mean value 40.0 17.2 0.26 16.1


Flow process(5) Calculated value 36.2 13.7 0.25 14.7 0.09

Relative error(%) 9.55 20.19 3.36 8.75

Notes: ‗Calculated value‘ was calculated using regression curve in Figure 9; ‗mean value‘ was calculated using

measured data.

Background Load Estimation

Based on the five flow processes we estimated the total pollutant load in the Bridge 2 basin

during the rainy period in 2018. Precipitation data were obtained from the Bishui hydrological
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station in Da Hinggan Ling Prefecture, using 0.062 as the mean runoff coefficient for the rainy

season (May 10 to October 10). The total runoff (Q) of the Bridge 2 basin in 2018 was 288,002.4

m3. According to q = Q/t, the mean flow (q) of Bridge 2 was 0.022 m3/s during the rainy season.

Mean concentrations of COD, CODMn, NH3-N, and total organic carbon at the river basin outlet in

the rainy season were 24.8 mg/L, 8.2 mg/L, 0.11 mg/L, and 9.7 mg/L, respectively. Subsequently,

the background loads of the Bridge 2 basin during the rainy period in 2018 were estimated as 7.2 t

COD, 2.4 t CODMn, 0.03 t NH3-N, and 2.8 t total organic carbon. It was difficult to estimate the

background loads of the Huma River source water reserve because of insufficient hydrological

data. Nonetheless, from the background loads of Bridge 2 (14 km2), those of the Huma River
source water reserve were predicted to be substantial (19,176 km2).

To verify the applicability of the mean concentration (c) to the estimated total load (T) over a

certain period, the relationship between the monitored total pollution load (T) and the load

calculated by the mean concentration of water quality indices (𝑐̅) × total runoff (Q) in the five flow

processes was used in this study. Four calculation results had large relative errors, which could

have been caused by the concentration error calculated according to the water quality and quantity

relation curve. Moreover, the rainfall data from Bishui hydrological station were used to represent

the rainfall distribution in the Bridge 2 basin, which was caused by a lack of spatial representation.

The results show that 𝑐̅ × Q was approximately equal to T in a certain period. Therefore, the

estimated result of background loads in the Bridge 2 basin during the rainy season in 2018 had

some applicability.

Table 6. Relationship between average concentration of water quality indices 𝑐̅ × total runoff (Q) and actual

load (T, kg). COD, chemical oxygen demand; CODMn, permanganate index; NH3-N, ammonia nitrate; TOC: total

Journal Pre-proof

organic carbon.


Flow process(1) 1150.6 436.7 11.12 502.8

Flow process(2) 53.4 15.6 0.34 21.6

𝑐̅×Q Flow process(3) 193.4 63.6 1.37 74.1

Flow process(4) 196.9 71.5 1.54 80.3

Flow process(5) 1296.9 557.6 8.49 521.7

Flow process(1) 96.5 44.9 23.3 22.2

Flow process(2) pr
16.4 1.9 149.5 17.2
Relative error (%) Flow process(3) 6.6 15.7 23.5 10.9

Flow process(4) 28.5 35.1 62.1 21.8

Flow process(5) 30.2 31.1 33.0 30.4


u rn

Severity of Background Values


A source water reserve was selected to determine background conditions, since water indices

failing to meet the standard requirements were affected by the natural environment rather than

anthropogenic input. The influence of background values on water quality assessment results was


Zoning schemes are designed to reflect a zone‘s social service object and ecological function,

and continuous water quality monitoring should be conducted to ensure that management of such

a zone is periodically updated and planning is improved (Brierley et al. 2002; Sabatini et al. 2007).

Journal Pre-proof

In developing countries, conflicts between economic development and environmental protection

persist (Chaiprasithikul et al. 2013), and population and economic development are key drivers of

the deterioration of water environments (Juma et al. 2014; Wu et al. 2014). Figure 5 illustrates that

the population and economic development in the Songhuajiang River Basin were lower than those

in basins in the eastern coastal areas of China. Furthermore, statistical data analyses by the China

Water Resources Bulletin and China Environmental Quality Bulletin in 2017 showed that the

proportion of wastewater discharged into surface water was low in the Songhuajiang River Basin

(Figure 10a). Thus, minimal human development and pollution intensity occurred in this basin.

Generally, source water reserves are located in upstream areas, and background values from
upstream can pressure water quality downstream (Chen et al. 2014; Yang et al. 2005). Rates of

water quality standards being satisfied in restricted and developed zones in the Songhuajiang

River Basin were low (Figure 10b). The poor water quality assessment results and relatively slow

economic development contradicted the results of Chaiprasithikul et al. (2013), Juma et al. (2014),

and Wu et al. (2014). It is unavoidable to associate with background values from reserve zones (Su

et al. 2011).

Figure 10. (a) Proportion of wastewater discharged to surface water. (b) Percentage of measurements that satisfied

standard requirements of restricted and developed zones in 10 water resource basins. Restricted zones are located

Journal Pre-proof

downstream and adjacent to source water reserve, where human activities are limited; developed zones are located

downstream and water use serves human activities.

Spatiotemporal Variability

Background values should not be neglected in the Songhuajiang River Basin. COD, CODMn,

and NH3-N concentrations in surface water were water quality indices affected by the background

environment due to terrigenous organic matter input. Soil and litter layers act as a sink for organic

matter and as a source of background concentrations in surface waters (Davisson et al. 2003;

Levshina et al. 2008). For this reason, we compared the ratio (p) of the number of times that the
background values failed to meet standard requirements (n) to the total monitoring times (N) of
three water quality indices from all source water reserves in the 10 water resource basins

(statistical data from the Water Resources Bulletin in 2017; Table 7), since they were located in

river source areas and had similar land-use types. The highest pCOD and pCODMn, and relatively

high pNH3-N were found in the Songhuajiang River Basin, and CODMn failed to meet the standard

requirements significantly more often than did the other water quality indices.

Water quality background values caused by HSs had a greater influence on water quality in

the Songhuajiang River Basin than on that of the other basins. Regional differences in background

values can be caused by different soil types. In the Songhuajiang River Basin, soil types rich in

HSs are mainly black soils (Wang et al. 2010; Zhang et al. 2007). Low temperature is a major

factor limiting litter decomposition because of its effect on microbial activity (Baker et al. 2015).

Freeze–thaw cycles at mid–high latitudes substantially affect the stability of soil aggregates,

which may increase soil erosion and chemical dissolution (Kim et al. 2017; Watanabe et al. 2019;

Xiao et al. 2019). Coniferous forests were the main vegetation type in the Songhuajiang River
Journal Pre-proof

Basin, and microbial decomposition typically occurs in broad-leaved rather than coniferous forests.

In the latter, organic matter is therefore incompletely decomposed and accumulates on the forest

floor (Wei et al. 2018). Thus, climatic conditions (including temperature), soil, and vegetation type

were key factors in the spatial variability in background values in the Songhuajiang River Basin.

We quantified the background concentration ranges of three water quality indices. These

indices varied because of annual increases in temperature as a controlling factor (Pachauri et al.

2014). Background values and flow were positively correlated. Climate change therefore causes

fluctuations in background values under the assumption that land uses in source water reserves

remain virtually unchanged (Huntington et al. 2003; Labat et al. 2004). All of the above caused the
particularity and heterogeneity of the serious impacts of background value on water quality in the

Songhuajiang River Basin.

Table 7. The frequency with which three water indices failed to satisfy the standard requirements in 10 water

resource basins.

Total The times of exceed


Water resources Ratio of n to N(p%)


monitoring standard requirement(n)


645 58 179 44 9.0 27.8 6.8

Liaohe River 213 7 13 7 3.3 6.1 3.3

Haihe River 288 24 52 6 8.3 18.1 2.1

Huaihe River 706 52 43 19 7.4 6.1 2.7

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Yellow River 445 24 3 37 5.4 0.7 8.3

Yangtze River 2955 41 126 101 1.4 4.3 3.4

Southeast Rivers 312 0 0 6 0.0 0.0 1.9

Pearl River 761 10 27 41 1.3 3.5 5.4

Southwest Rivers 377 3 4 5 0.8 1.1 1.3

Northwest Rivers 490 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Revised Assessment Method

Because of the unique geographical environment of the Songhuajiang River Basin, this basin
tends to have high background COD, CODMn, and NH3-N concentrations. Therefore, a revised
water quality assessment method which considers background values should be used in this basin.

The high background values were caused by HSs from terrestrial sources. Refractory organic

matter is not easily degradable and does not consume dissolved oxygen under natural conditions

(Fisher et al. 2015). Chen et al. (2003; 2004a; 2004b) comprehensively discussed the concern

caused by the COD concentration in the Yellow River not truly reflecting the degree of water

pollution, because organic matter in sediments are natural HSs and are relatively stable.

Consequently, the XAD-8 resin adsorption method has been proposed by Duan et al. (In press) to

remove HSs from river water by measuring the COD value of the filtrate as the natural oxygen

consumption capacity. Considering the application of background values, revised assessment

method will ultimately improve water quality management. However, XAD-8 resin adsorption is

unlikely to be popularised and applied in local hydrological monitoring because of the high level

of expertise required for operation and the complexity of the technology (Kida et al. 2016). In this

study, a revised water quality assessment method based on background value ranges was proposed.
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This method could quantify the background value ranges of all source water reserves in China.

Monitoring data met the standard requirements if the values were within or below the background

value range, and vice versa. Anthropogenic pollution should be considered if values continuously

exceed these ranges.


In this study, the negative impact of water environmental background values on the surface

water quality and water functional zones in the Songhuajiang River Basin was explored. Its

severity was demonstrated by comparing the rate at which water quality standard requirements

were met by source water reserves and the distribution of human activity intensity from 10 water
resource basins in China. Experimentally, we showed that water quality background values in

river water were controlled by terrigenous organic matter input, and changes in concentrations

varied between watersheds and rivers. Consequently, surface water background value ranges were

determined, and revised water quality assessment methods were proposed for solving the problem

of water quality index background values for regional water quality management and evaluation.

To achieve a more comprehensive and accurate understanding of the background values of water

quality indices in the Songhuajiang River Basin, further research that combines climate change

scenarios and larger-scale monitoring experiments is needed.


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Conflict of interest statement

We declare that we have no financial and personal relationships with other people or organizations

that can inappropriately influence our work, there is no professional or other personal interest of

any nature or kind in any product, service and/or company that could be construed as influencing

the position presented in, or the review of, the manuscript entitled, ―Importance of Surface Water

Background Values for Objectively Assessing Water Quality in a Unique Basin‖

Author Contributions:

Wenqi Peng and Xia Du provided overall guidance;

Cuiling Jiang and Shijie Zhang analysed the data;

Yang Ding and Liuqing Yan contributed analysis tools;

Maoqing Duan wrote the paper.


Graphical abstract


 Prominent shortcomings exist in water resource assessment and management



 Songhuajiang River Basin was assessed to exemplify background value


 The water quality assessment results and human activity intensity were

 High background concentrations were due to terrigenous organic matter inputs

 Water quality assessment methods are proposed to acknowledge background



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