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Annexure ‘CD – 01’

Course Title: Administrative Law L T P/S SW/FW PSD TOTAL

Course Code: LAW 203 UNITS
Credit Units: 4
Level: UG 3 - - 2 1 4

Course Objectives:

 The aim of the course is to acquaint the students with the structure and modus operandi of administration.
 To enable the students to appreciate the various kinds of administrative decisions and how they can be challenged in terms of someone being aggrieved
of the outcome.
 To expose the students to the remedies available to common man in case of administrative deviance.
 This course further deals with the role played by courts in the development of Administrative Law. The focus is on their role in protecting the rights of
individuals against abuse of administration. In addition, adjudicatory powers of the administration and liability of administrative authorities are also
studied in this course.
 The above in addition to the principles of natural justice delegation and sub-delegation are all core objectives of this course so as to ensure
comprehensive understanding of administrative procedures.

Students should have a basic understanding about the functioning of administrative bodies. Further since all authorities are governed by the provisions of the
Constitution, basic knowledge about constitutional law is essential.

Course Contents/Syllabus:
Weightage (%)
Module I: Evolution, Nature and Scope of Administrative law 15
 Definition, importance and scope of Administrative Law
 Reasons for growth of administrative law
 Droit Administraiff.
 Rule of Law
 Separation of Powers
 Relationship between constitutional law and administrative law

Module II: Delegated Legislation 15

 Constitutionality of delegated legislation
 Classification of delegated legislation,
 Legislative control of delegated legislation: Laying procedures and their efficacy
 Committees on delegated legislation, their constitution, functions and effectiveness
 Control Mechanisms of Delegated Legislation: Parliamentary, Procedural and Judicial control of delegated
Module III: Administrative Adjudication 10
 Meaning of administrative adjudication
 Difference between Courts and Tribunals, Administrative adjudication and Tribunals
 Advantages of Tribunals
 Classification of Tribunals: Constitution, powers, procedures and rules of evidence etc.,
 Principles of good governance- transparency and right to know, Right to Information Act, 2005
 Principles of good governance Ombudsman, The Lokpal and Lokayukta Act, 2013

Module IV: Principles of Natural Justice 20

 Meaning of Principles of natural Justice
 Rule Against Bias
 Audi Alteram Partem
 Post Decisional Hearing
 Reasoned Decision
 Exceptions to Rule of Natural Justice
 Effect of Breach of Natural Justice.

Module V Administrative Discretion 20

 Meaning of Discretion and Its Need
 Control Over Its Mis-Exercise at the Stage of Conferment and Exercise
 Grounds of Judicial Review: Failure to Exercise Discretion, Abuse of Discretion
 Wednesbury Principle
 Doctrine of Proportionality
 Doctrine of Estoppel
 Doctrine of Legitimate Expectation

Module VI Judicial Review of Administrative Action and New Emerging Trends in Administrative Law 20

 Nature, Scope and Extent of Power of Judicial Review of the Supreme Court and the High Courts
 Difference between Judicial Review, Appeal and Revision
 Difference between Art. 226 and Art. 227
 Writ Jurisdiction
 New Emerging Trends in Administrative Law

Course Learning Outcomes:

The outcomes for the course are that at the end the students will be able to:

 Retrieve and sustain comprehensive knowledge of principles of administrative law.

 Explain and evaluate complex legal information, with a particular emphasis upon legislation.
 Apply administrative law principles to complex legal problems and critique the operation of administrative law from a theoretical and practical
 Analyze the impact and operation of administrative law from policy perspectives and identify and explain government accountability for the exercise of
public power.
 Assess their abilities to effectively undertake work as an administrative decision maker, or to challenge administrative decisions.
 Undertake legal research and create self-directed research project in administrative law.

Pedagogy for Course Delivery: The course will be taught by a combination of lectures and case law method. Special lectures will be delivered by Industry
experts to understand the practical aspects and application of administrative law.

List of Professional Skill Development Activities (PSDA)

 Application for seeking relief from government, its agencies and instrumentalities
 Writs (all five)
 Application before CCI, SEBI, TRAI for filing cases
 Application for issuing VISA and cases of rejecting of visas

Lab/ Practicals details, if applicable: N/A

List of Experiments:

Assessment / Examination Scheme:

Theory L/T (%) Lab/Practical/Studio (%) End Term Examination

100% NA 60%

Theory Assessment (L&T):

Continuous Assessment / Internal Assessment (40%)

Components (Drop Class Test Project Viva PSDA Report Evaluation and Attendance Total
down) Submission Presentation End Term
Linked to PSDA 1,2, 3 &4 Examination

Linkage of PSDA Quality of project Viva Report Presentation

with Internal based on research Evaluation
Assessment conducted
Component, if any
Weightage (%) 10% 10% 5% 5% 5% 5% 60% 100%

Lab/ Practical/ Studio Assessment: N/A

Continuous Assessment/Internal Assessment End Term Examination

(____ %) (____ %)

Components (Drop down

Weightage (%)
Mapping Continuous Evaluation components/PSDA with CLOs

Bloom’s Level > Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating

Course Learning Retrieve and Explain and Apply Analyze the impact Assess their Undertake legal research
Outcomes sustain evaluate administrative and operation of abilities to and create self-directed
comprehensive complex legal law principles administrative law effectively research project in
knowledge of information, to complex from policy undertake work administrative law.
Assessment principles of with a legal problems perspectives and as an
type/PSDA administrative particular and critique the identify and explain administrative
law. emphasis upon operation of government decision maker,
legislation. administrative accountability for or to challenge
law from a the exercise of administrative
theoretical and public power. decisions.
Class Test    
Project     
Viva     
PSDA 1 (Report)     
PSDA 2 (Presentation)    

 Text

P Jain & S.N Jain, Principles of Administrative Law, Lexis Nexis, 2013 (7th Edition)
K Takwani, Lectures on Administrative Law, Eastern Book Company (2012) 5th Edition


P Sathe, Administrative Law, Lexis Nexis Butterworths, 2010, 7th Edition

P Massey, Administrative Law, Eastern Book Co., 2012, 8th Edition
Wade & C.F. Forsyth, Administrative Law, Oxford University Press, 2009 (12th Edition)
De Smith: Judicial Review of Administrative Action.
H.W.R. Wade: Administrative Law
DD Basu: Administrative Law & SP Sathe: Administrative Law.

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