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Formación de Palabras

1.1. Prefijos: Significado negativo: un-, in-, il-, ir- y dis-

Transforma las siguientes palabras para que signifiquen lo contrario.

 happy        …………
 possible     …………
 like             …………
 legal           …………
 correct       …………
 regular       …………
 lock            …………
 honest       …………


1.2. Sufijos: forman nombres a partir de:

Verb: -ment/ -ion /-ation /-ing

Adjective: -ness/-ity

Transforma las siguientes palabras a sustantivos.

 Educate …………
 Improve …………
 Jog          …………
 Similar   …………
 Popular  …………
 Govern   …………
 Spell       …………
 Weak      …………
 Hesitate …………
 Arrange …………


Noun/ Verb (profesiones): -er/-or /-ist 

 Farm           …………
 Direct          …………
 Economics …………
 Psychology …………
 Manage       …………
 Translate    …………

2. Nombres y adjetivos compuestos

Completa los espacios con nombres compuestos.

 I never take the car in the city. I don’t want to spend hours in a _____
_____ .
 She said that she was late because her _____ _____ didn’t ring.
 My eyes are very sensitive to light, that’s why I always wear ________.
 I spend at least half an hour in the _____ _____ every time I go to the


Empareja las palabras para formar adjetivos compuestos.

1. Good a. Known

2. Easy d. Going

3. Well c. Handed

4. North d. Class

5. First e. East

6. Part f. Time

7. Left g. Looking

4. Phrasal Verbs

Completa con la parte verbal que corresponda:

 We try to be as ecological as possible. We even _____ up rubbish from

the street.
 This is our secret, nobody should ____ out.
 Oil prices keep  ___ up every year.
 I’m afraid we have _____ out of milk, we should go to the store.
 I can’t ___ on like this. I really need a break.
 Sam needs to _____ after his niece this weekend.
5. Conectores

Completa los espcios con el conector correspondiente:

Even if / Whereas /Otherwise / Therefore/Although / Even

though / Afterwards / Unless

 ___________   it stops raining we will not go for a walk.

 He was injured and __________  unable to work.
 ________ I had time and money, I wouldn’t travel around the world.
 Hugh is very hard-working _______  his brother is lazy.
 I have to help my mother in garden _______  I can go to the cinema.
 I’ll try to help them in the garden _______ I have got little time.
 She left him _____  he was very good husband.
 He must pass the exam, ______ , his parents will be mad at him.

1. I have been living in Madrid ......

 A. since ten years.
 B. ten years ago.
 C. for ten years.
 D. ten years.

2. This is the ......

 A. harder
 B. hardest
 C. hard
 D. more hard
...... thing I have ever done.     

3. Have you finished with the newspaper ......

 A. still?
 B. already?
 C. now?
 D. yet?

4. If I want to pass my exam, I ......

 A. will have to
 B. would have to
 C. had to
 D. want to
...... study harder.     

5. Michael is ......
 A. not so clever than
 B. not as clever than
 C. not as clever as
 D. not so clever as
...... his sister.     

 A. Very little
 B. Very less
 C. Very least
 D. Very few
...... people eat very healthy food.     

 A. We told him going to the doctor.
 B. We told him to go to the doctor.
 C. We told him he go to the doctor.
 D. We told that he goes to the doctor.

8. What ......
 A. does you
 B. do you do
 C. will you do
 D. do you
...... now?     

9. He hasn't got ......

 A. many
 B. few
 C. a lot
 D. much
...... time for a coffee.     

10. I have arranged ......

 A. to have
 B. having
 C. have had
 D. had
...... dinner with Barbara on Thursday.     

Is the sentence correct?
11. I have never been in Scotland.
 A. False
 B. Correct

12. We are going to Brazil in the summer.

 A. False
 B. Correct

13. It costed me thirty Euros to get the visa.

 A. False
 B. Correct

14. I can swim when I was five.

 A. False
 B. Correct

15. What are you doing next weekend?

 A. False
 B. Correct

16. He must finish the job yesterday.

 A. False
 B. Correct

17. You shouldn't collect me from the office, it isn't

 A. False
 B. Correct

18. She's married to a doctor, doesn't she?

 A. False
 B. Correct

Choose the correct pronoun
19. There's a woman ...... handbag was stolen.
 A. who's
 B. whose

20. The guy ...... we met at the concert is a friend of

my brother.
 A. who
 B. that

21. A social networking site is ...... you can meet new

 A. when
 B. where
22. ...... one do you want? The red one or the blue
 A. What
 B. Which

23. They invited us to dinner ...... is very nice of them.

 A. which
 B. that

24. He's that famous actor ...... is always on TV.

 A. which
 B. who

25. ...... book is this?

 A. Who's
 B. Whose

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