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Silver Oak College of Engineering and Technology

Department of Information Technology

Mid Semester 1 Syllabus (Winter-2020)
3rd IT

Subject Subject Name Syllabus( According to GTU)


3130006 Probability and UNIT - 1 Basic Probability

Statistics Experiment, definition of probability, conditional
probability, independent events, Bayes' rule, Random
variables, discrete random variable, probability mass
function, continuous random variable, probability
density function, cumulative distribution function,
properties of cumulative distribution function, Two
dimensional random variables and their distribution
functions, Marginal probability function, Independent
random variables

UNIT - 3 Basic Statistics

Measure of central tendency: Moments, Expectation.

UNIT - 5 Curve Fitting

Curve fitting by of method of least squares, fitting of
straight lines, second degree parabola and more
general curves

3130004 Effective
Technical Unit-1 Dynamics of Communication
Definition and process
Paralinguistic features
Importance of Interpersonal and Intercultural Communication in
today’s organizations.
Unit- 2 Technical Writing

Report writing
Technical proposal
Technical description
Business letters(sales, order, complaint, adjustment, inquiry,
recommendation, appreciation, apology, acknowledgement,
cover letter)
Agenda of meeting, Minutes of meeting
Resume writing

3130704 Digital Module 1 :Fundamentals of Digital Systems and logic

Fundamentals families Digital signals, digital circuits, AND, OR, NOT,
NAND, NOR and Exclusive-OR operations, Boolean algebra,
examples of IC gates, number systems-binary, signed binary,
octal hexadecimal number, binary arithmetic, one’s and two’s
complements arithmetic, codes, error detecting and correcting
codes, characteristics of digital ICs, digital logic families, TTL,
Schottky TTL and CMOS logic, interfacing CMOS and TTL,
Tri-state logic.

Module 2: Combinational Digital Circuits Standard

representation for logic functions, K-map representation, and
simplification of logic functions using K-map, minimization of
logical functions. Don’t care conditions, Multiplexer, De-
Multiplexer/Decoders, Adders, Subtractors,

3130703 Database Unit 1 Database system architecture:

Management Data Abstraction, Data Independence, Data Definition
System Language (DDL), Data Manipulation Language (DML).

Unit 2 Data models:

Entity-relationship model, network model, relational and object
oriented data models, integrity constraints, data manipulation

Unit 3 Relational query languages:

Relational algebra, Tuple and domain relational calculus, SQL3,
DDL and DML constructs, Open source and Commercial
Unit 4 Relational database design:
Domain and data dependency, Armstrong's axioms, Normal
forms, Dependency preservation, Lossless design.

UNIT 8 SQL Concepts:

Basics of SQL, DDL,DML,DCL, structure – creation, alteration,
defining constraints – Primary key, foreign key, unique, not null

3130702 Data Structure Unit-1 INTRODUCTION TO DATA STRUCTURE

Data Management concepts, Data types – primitive and non-
primitive, Performance Analysis and Measurement (Time and
space analysis of algorithms-Average, best and worst case
analysis), Types of Data Structures- Linear & Non Linear Data


Array: Representation of arrays, Applications of arrays, sparse
matrix and its representation Stack:

Stack-Definitions & Concepts, Operations On Stacks,

Applications of Stacks, Polish Expression, Reverse Polish
Expression And Their Compilation, Recursion, Tower of

Queue: Representation Of Queue, Operations On Queue,

Circular Queue, Priority Queue, Array representation of
Priority Queue, Double Ended Queue, Applications of Queue

5th IT

Subject Subject Name Syllabus( According to GTU)


3151606 Web Development Unit-1 Introduction

Basics of WWW, HTTP protocol methods and headers, HTTP
Request and Response, Architecture of web browser, Web
server installation and configuration, Web security, CORS,
Understanding SEO

Unit-2 HTML & CSS

HTML page structure, formatting tags in HTML, tables, links,
images, meta tags, frames, html form tags, media, APIs,
HTML5 tags in relation to validations and SEO.

CSS: Need for CSS, Basic syntax and structure, Backgrounds,

Colors and properties, Manipulating texts, Fonts, borders and
boxes, Margins, Padding Lists, CSS2, CSS3, Animations, Tool-
Tips, Style images, Variables, Flex Box, Media Queries,
Wildcard Selectors (*, ^ and $) in CSS, Working with
Gradients, Pseudo Class, Pseudo elements, basic of frameworks
like Bootstrap, Responsive web design and Media Query, CSS

Introduction to Server side programming , PHP variables,
decision and looping with examples, PHP and HTML, Arrays,
Functions, Browser control and detection, String, Form
processing, File uploads, Dates and timezone, Working with
Regular Expressions, Exception Handling, Working with JSON
data, Object Oriented Programming with PHP

3150703 ANALYSIS AND Unit-1 Introduction Basics of Algorithms and Mathematics

DESIGN OF What is an algorithm?, Mathematics for Algorithmic Sets,
ALGORITHMS Functions and Relations, Vectors and Matrices, Linear
Inequalities and Linear Equations.

Unit-2 Analysis of Algorithm

The efficient algorithm, Average, Best and worst case analysis,
Amortized analysis , Asymptotic Notations, Analyzing control
statement, Loop invariant and the correctness of the algorithm,
Sorting Algorithms and analysis: Bubble sort, Selection sort,
Insertion sort, Shell sort Heap sort, Sorting in linear time :
Bucket sort, Radix sort and Counting sort

Unit-3 Divide and Conquer Algorithm

Introduction, Recurrence and different methods to solve
recurrence, Multiplying large Integers Problem, Problem
Solving using divide and conquer algorithm - Binary Search,
Max-Min problem, Sorting (Merge Sort, Quick Sort), Matrix
Multiplication, Exponential.

Unit-4 Dynamic Programming

Introduction, The Principle of Optimality, Problem Solving
using Dynamic Programming – Calculating the Binomial

3150714 Cyber Security Unit 1

Systems Vulnerability Scanning Overview of vulnerability
scanning, Open Port / Service Identification, Banner / Version
Check, Traffic Probe, Vulnerability Probe, Vulnerability
Examples, OpenVAS, Metasploit. Networks Vulnerability
Scanning - Netcat, Socat

Unit 4
Introduction to Cyber Crime and law Cyber Crimes, Types of
Cybercrime, Hacking, Attack vectors, Cyberspace and Criminal
Behavior, Clarification of Terms, Traditional Problems
Associated with Computer Crime, Introduction to Incident
Response, Digital Forensics, Realms of the Cyber world,
Recognizing and Defining Computer Crime, Contemporary
Crimes, Contaminants and Destruction of Data, Indian IT ACT

Unit 5
Introduction to Cyber Crime Investigation Keyloggers and
Spyware, Virus and Warms, Trojan and backdoors,
Steganography, DOS and DDOS attack, SQL injection, Buffer
Overflow, Attack on wireless Networks

3150710 Computer Unit 1 : Introduction to computer networks and Internet

Networks Understanding of network and Internet, The network edge, The
network core, Understanding of Delay, Loss and Throughput in
the packet switching network, protocols layers and their service
model, History of the computer network.

Unit 2 :Application Layer

Principles of computer applications, Web and HTTP, E-mail.

Unit 3 :Transport Layer

Introduction and transport layer services, Multiplexing and
Demultiplexing, Connectionless transport (UDP)

3150709 Professional Unit-1 Concepts and theories of Business Ethics: Definitions

Ethics of Ethics, Personal ethics and Business ethics, Morality and
law, How are moral standards formed? Religion and Morality,
Morality, Etiquette and Professional codes, Indian Ethical

Unit-2 Business Ethics: Principles of personal Ethics,

Principles of Professional ethics, Evolution of Ethics Over the
years, Honesty, Integrity and Transparency are the touchstones
of Business Ethics, Distinction Between Values and Ethics,
Roots of unethical Behaviour, Ethical Decision – Making

Unit-3 Ethical Dilemmas, Sources and Their resolutions: What

is an Ethical Dilemma, Sources of Ethical Behaviour, Code of
Personal Ethics for Employees, How to Resolve an Ethical
Problem, How to Resolve Ethical Dilemmas

7th IT

Subject Code Subject Name Syllabus( According to GTU)

2170715 DATA MINING Unit 1 Overview and concepts Data Warehousing and
AND BUSINESS Business Intelligence
INTELLIGENCE Why reporting and Analysing data, Raw data to valuable
information-Lifecycle of Data - What is Business
Intelligence - BI and DW in today’s perspective - What is
data warehousing - The building Blocks: Defining
Features - Data warehouses and data 1marts - Overview
of the components - Metadata in the data warehouse -
Need for data warehousing - Basic elements of data
warehousing - trends in data warehousing

Unit 2 The Architecture of BI and DW

BI and DW architectures and its types - Relation between
BI and DW - OLAP (Online analytical processing)
definitions - Difference between OLAP and OLTP -
Dimensional analysis - What are cubes? Drill-down and
roll-up - slice and dice or rotation - OLAP models -
ROLAP versus MOLAP - defining schemas: Stars,
snowflakes and fact constellations

Unit 3 Introduction to data mining (DM)

Motivation for Data Mining - Data Mining-Definition and
Functionalities – Classification of DM Systems - DM task
primitives - Integration of a Data Mining system with a
Database or a Data Warehouse - Issues in DM – KDD

Unit 4 Data Pre-processing

Why to pre-process data? - Data cleaning: Missing

Values, Noisy Data - Data Integration and transformation
- Data Reduction: Data cube aggregation, Dimensionality
reduction - Data Compression - Numerosity Reduction -
Data Mining Primitives - Languages and System
Architectures: Task relevant data - Kind of Knowledge to
be mined - Discretization and Concept Hierarchy

2171607 Big Data Analytics Unit 1 INTRODUCTION TO BIG DATA

Introduction– distributed file system–Big Data and its
importance, Four Vs, Drivers for Big data, Big data
analytics, Big data applications. Algorithms using map


Apache Hadoop & Hadoop EcoSystem, Moving Data in
and out of Hadoop – Understanding inputs and outputs of
MapReduce -, Data Serialization.


Overview, Installation and Shell, Java API; Hive
Architecture and Installation, Comparison with
Traditional Database, HiveQL Querying Data, Sorting
And Aggregating, Map Reduce Scripts, Joins & Sub

Unit 5 NoSQL
What is it?, Where It is Used Types of NoSQL databases,
Why NoSQL?, Advantages of NoSQL, Use of NoSQL in
Industry, SQL vs NoSQL, NewSQL

2170709 Information and UNIT 1 :Symmetric Cipher Model, Cryptography,

Network Security Cryptanalysis and Attacks; Substitution and
Transposition techniques
UNIT 2 : Stream ciphers and block ciphers, Block
Cipher structure, Data Encryption standard (DES) with
example, strength of DES, Design principles of block
cipher, AES with structure, its transformation functions,
key expansion, example and implementation

UNIT 3 : Multiple encryption and triple DES, Electronic

Code Book, Cipher Block Chaining Mode, Cipher
Feedback mode, Output Feedback mode, Counter mode

UNIT 4 : Public Key Cryptosystems with Applications,

Requirements and Cryptanalysis, RSA algorithm, its
computational aspects and security, Diffie-Hillman Key
Exchange algorithm, Man-in-Middle attack

2170710 Mobile Computing UNIT-1

and Wireless Introduction, Transmission Fundamentals-Signals for
Communication Conveying Information, Analog and Digital Data
Transmission, Channel Capacity, TransmissionMedia,
Communication Networks-
witching,Packet Switching,
Protocols and the TCPlIPSuite- The Need for a
Protocol Architecture,TheTCP/IP Protocol
Architecture,The OSI Model,Internetworking
Cellular Wireless Networks-Principles of Cellular
Networks,FirstGeneration Analog Second-Generation
TDMA Second-Generation CDMA,Third-Generation
Antennas and Propagation-Antennas, Propagation
Modes, Line-ofSight Transmission, Fading in the Mobile
Modulation Techniques-Signal Encoding Criteria,
Digital Data- Analog Signals, Analog Data-Analog
Signals, Analog Data-Digital Signals
Spread Spectrum-The Concept of Spread
Spectrum,Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum,Direct
Sequence Spread Spectrum,Code Division Multiple
Coding and Error Control-Error Detection, Block
Error Correction Codes , Convolutional Codes,
Automatic Repeat Request
Multiple access in Wireless System – Multiple access
scheme, frequency division multiple access, Time
division multiple access, code division multiple access,
space division multiple access, packet radio access,
multiple access with collision avoidance.
Global system for mobile communication - Global
system for mobile communication, GSM architecture,
GSM entities, call routing in GSM,PLMN interface,
GSM addresses and identifiers, network aspects in
GSM,GSM frequency allocation, authentication and

Prof Jaimin Dave

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