This Is The Detailed Response From Yusuf Estes Regarding Apostasy

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This is the detailed response from Yusuf Estes regarding


To begin, there is not a hard and fast rule concerning this subject because
there are perhaps as many reasons why people do what they do as there are
people in the world. The answer must be based on each individual situation,
as it depends largely on the person, his or her knowledge, intention and
understanding as well as the conditions surrounding the circumstances.

Murtid (apostasy) a Muslim who makes the choice to leave Islam (submission
to God's Will).

Next let them know, no one is ever forced or coerced into accepting Islam.
This always was and always will be a matter of choice left up to the individual.
Muslims are not ordered to "convert" people to Islam. Rather, they are
ordered to deliver the message of Islam to others through their own righteous
living as an example and in respectful "reminding" as taught in the Quran.

Islam (willful submission) to Allah's Shar'iah (God's Commandments in Islamic

Law) and is the very balance needed for all humans for all times and in all
places (according the teachings of Islam). The Paradise is reserved for only
those who submit themselves to the Commandments and Judgments of
Almighty Allah.

There is never to be forced conversion to Islam (if it were forced, then the
word "Islam" would not really apply anyway), and it is forbidden according to
the Quran, in the second chapter, verse 256: "Let there be no compulsion in
the religion ("deen": actually means way of life as opposed to "religion"). From
this we understand no one can be made to believe anything by force. Rather,
it must be by their own decision.
Now be sure they understand the difference between "Islam" and "Muslims",
meaning: "Islam" is perfect, but we as humans (Muslims) are not. Therefore,
we can and do make mistakes. This lets us know immediately if anyone is
calling for something in the name of "Islam" or the "Shar'iah", this should be
viewed in the evidence of the Shar'iah itself and not just what some jurist or
scholar may conclude.

Even during the time of our prophet, peace be upon him, there were some
who "left Islam" and then they were allowed to come back if they wanted to or
stay away if they so desired. One example is from the Muslims who migrated
in the first migration to Ethiopia and one of them left Islam, became a
Christian (the people of Abyssinia were Christians at that time) and then even
told people there he was an "author" of the Quran. Of course such actions are
most despicable and worthy of some kind of reprimand, especially considering
the extent of the lies against the Quran and the prophet, peace be upon him.
Yet, nothing was done to this man by the Muslims. His wife, Zainab, could not
tolerate his lies and his turning his back against the truth of Islam and she
returned back to the Muslims in Arabia. After the man died the Christians
attempted to bury him, but the next day they found his body out of the grave
and laying on the ground. Considering the Muslims must have done this act,
they moved him to another area and buried him there. Again, the next day
they found his body out of the grave and on top of the ground. So, they took
him far from there and made another grave and buried him in it. But again, the
next day his body was out of the grave and laying on the ground. At this point
they decided the ground would not accept his body and they left it for the wild
animals. We learn from this example Allah will be the One to finally deal with
these people and He may even do so in this world as well as on the Day of
Other examples include those who entered Islam in the presence of our
beloved prophet, peace be upon him, yet when they were returned back to
their people (during an agreement between the pagans and Muhammad,
peace be upon him) some of them reverted back to their old pagan religion.
Some of them did come back to Islam again later on after Islam came to be
the governing state. In this case we observe what can happen in the case of
the one who is in Islam and then for whatever reason decides not to stay.

Yet another example that occurred at the time of our blessed prophet, peace
be upon him, was that of some who pretended they wanted to be Muslims
only to take advantage of the believers, gain some worldly benefits and then
abused and slaughtered an entire group of shepherds that memorized the
entire Quran, who were caring for them. They killed them in cold blood and
took everything for themselves. The prophet, peace be upon him, was very
disturbed over this and ordered them to be severely punished and left to die
without any food or water. From this example we learn how to deal with
traitors and terrorists who have no intention of doing anything except evil and
spreading fitnah (evil and terror) throughout the land.

Over the centuries since the inception of Islam, we can find cases of people
leaving Islam and what was their example and what the prevailing jurists
decided in their particular situation. Most all of these were not punished
except in the cases of treason, other acts of violence or for propagating
corruption, dissention and promoting evil along with their apostasy. Those
who were found to be causing sedition or of being enemy spies during times
of war or advocating the overthrow of Islamic government could
understandably be court-martialed and executed.

To conclude, Islam comes from Allah, the actual Creator and Sustainer of the
universe. Islam provides for all situations and dictates what are the rights and
limitations. This all seeks to provide a safe environment for all people to learn
the correct message of Almighty Allah and how to live as upright citizens in a
place of peace and mutual cooperation for all humans, regardless of their

f a person wants to accept this belief and way of life, then they should be free
to do so. If another person would reject this even though the evidence is
clearly in favor of Islam, they are free to make this choice but would live in the
society still receiving the benefits and services available, such as food,
shelter, clothing, protection and charity. However, they would pay a larger tax
on their wealth due to their not being conscripted to serve in the military and
so on.

Conditions are really what bring about the different rulings on dealing with
those who enter Islam and then leave it, with the clear intention of bringing
about dissention and unrest amongst the people. Also, those who seek to
convert people away from Islam into other faiths or to destroy the Islamic
government would naturally be considered as traitors and then dealt with as

All knowledge is with Allah and for any mistakes I seek Allah's forgiveness
and beg the pardon of anyone whom I may have offended in this writing.

Again, may Allah reward you for your effort and accept from you and all of us,

Salam alaykum,
Yusuf Estes

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