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Company Name -


About Company -

Vicara is an Immersive Technology company, pioneering in intuitive &

immersive computing platforms.Vicara focuses on developing technology
and solutions that augment the capability of humans to work with their
digital surroundings.

Theme -

Healthcare and Crisis Response

Prize -
Vicara will be responsible for picking out winners and awarding them with paid
internships, for the duration of 6 months and a stipend between Rs. 15,000

Problem Statement
Create an AI model that can recognize possible deeper issues from
simple vital signs/time-series of vital signs.

Problem Description
Given a time series of metrics from a user with regards to their vitals and
their metrics, use a machine learning model that can recognize deeper issues
in the user and, more importantly, display that to the user in a neat,
fashionable dashboard that is easy to interpret by any common person

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