Taebo Routine

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Taebo Routine

Steps Counts
Block 1
Combination Alternate Straight Punch + 4 sets
Alternate Knee Strike

March 16 counts
Squat bounce + uppercut
8 counts
Skip Rope

16 counts
Block 2
Combination Alternate right and left 4 sets
arm punch + speed ball

Bounce left and right 8 counts left side, 8 counts right side

V step + Knee Strike 4 sets (Right foot first, right knee up

first for knee strike)
Duck and weave
8 counts

Block 3
hook+ speedball 4 sets (right elbow first, right hook,
right arms speedball)
16 counts
Combination Alternate Hook +
Alternate Uppercut + Squat 4 sets
Shift weight

16 counts
Block 4
Squat bounce + jab + elbow + 4 sets (left jab first, left elbow, left
uppercut uppercut)

Bounce left and right 8 counts left, 8 counts right

Knee Strike + Side kick + Front Kick + 4 sets (right knee, left side sick, left
squat front kick, 1 squat)

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