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NAMES: ___________________________ ID: _________

1. Complete the paragraph with the expressions in the box. There is an extra option. There is
an extra expression.

will be will host will go raise will raise won’t

On Saturday, September 17, the local fire department __WILL GO___ a family event
to __RAISE__ money for the children’s hospital of Deerfield County. The event is from 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m. at Willow Park. There _WILL RAISE__ various games, ice cream, hamburgers, hot
dogs, face painting, and more.  All donations _WILL BE_ to the hospital. 
For 18 years, we have raised more than $15 million to help sick and injured children.  The
event __WON´T___ be held if it rains. The rain date is the following Saturday.

2. Match the offers to the corresponding responses. Write the letter on the line.

a. I need help planning this fundraiser in August.

b. I have to sell cookies for my daughter's school charity.
c. We're collecting money for a family that lost their home in a fire.
d. We need a lot of help due to the damage caused by the flood.
__C_ If I give the family $50, will you give the same amount?
__B_ I'll buy some from you. What kind do you have?
__A_ I'll give you a hand cleaning up.
__D_ I'll help you if I have time that month.

3. Complete the sentences to make offers. Then, write two more sentences by your own.

 If I go to the charity event, __I WILL CONTRIBUTE 20 DOLLARS__.

 ___50 IF___, if she has enough money.
 I won’t pass this English course __I FEEL THAT I HAVE DONE BADLY_____.
 If we have time tomorrow, ___________________
 _________________, I will help you.
 __________________.
 __________________.

4. What kind of charity would you like to participate in? What would you donate? Why?

____ I would like to participate in the elderly, since I like that older adults have a good

quality of life and can finish enjoying life without needing any implement____________
5. Read the text and hightlight the correct option.

GoodWorld is a new technology startup which makes contributing to charity easy to do on social

media such as Twitter or Facebook.   

Dale Nirvani Pfeifer, the founder and CEO of GoodWorld, invented #donate after reading a
Facebook post about a cause she wanted to donate to. She felt annoyed by the complicated
process of making her donation and wanted to create something much simpler. 

GoodWorld’s #donate allows users to give to charity without needing to re-enter their
information every time. The charity has the option to either create a fixed-amount hashtag or a
flexible one that allows the donor to choose how much they want to give. If it is the first time
someone has donated on that particular social media (e.g., Twitter or Facebook), they are asked
to set up a payment method. After they’ve set this up, all future donations are easy. For
example, on Twitter, a charity would then send out a tweet using the hashtag (#) name of
charity, and the amount of money they want the person to donate. 

Although technology is often blamed for problems in human relationships, GoodWorld is based on
the opposite philosophy. GoodWorld gives people an opportunity to connect with each other
while, at the same time, giving to and promoting charity. Nirvani Pfeifer saw this as her
opportunity to create the biggest impact and help the most people. “I see generosity as a
superpower,” Nirvani Pfeifer says “Everyone has the potential to do it and become a force for
good; it brings health, happiness and meaning to life.”

a. GoodWorld's technology,  #donate / hashtag / post, makes it easy to give to charity.

b. Donations can be made  over the pone / on twitter or Facebook / in person at
fundraising events .
c. Users can decide how much  food / time / money  they want to donate.
d. After they  pick a charity they like / set up an account / call the company,
future donations can be made very easily.
e. Pfeifer thinks that giving to others is a  way to connect / complicated process /

6. Answer the questions based on the text.

a. What is GoodWorld?
b. Why did Pfeifer invent GoodWorld?
c. What makes GoodWorld's #donate easy?
 __
d. What is GoodWorld's philosophy?
 __
e. What was Pfeifer's goal?

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