Ace The Game by Vin Clancy PDF

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Around 10,000 years ago, the world was ruled by empires.

They controlled entire chunks of the earth.

Then came the time of countries, and rulers of those countries.

As civilisation developed, wealth went to the King and his henchmen.

Later, numerous powerful corporations began to spring up around the 19th century and became
powerful by the end of the second world war.

This led to the creation of globally recognisable brands which dominated the world, particularly in the

And then came the worldwide adoption of the internet.

Small businesses, which had been steadily growing a tiny but growing % of companies, suddenly had a
place to call their own.

In fact, more than that, they had a level playing eld with which to compete with global corporations
and brands, who were largely caught flat-footed.

Now was the rise of the “little guy”.

It began with SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) in the late 1990’s.

Companies were getting mountains of tra c, the equivalent of a perfectly-placed shop in a busy mall,
for free or comically low cost.

Within ten years, the corporations had largely caught up and it became harder and harder to get easy,
free traffic, and by 2010 it had became a competitive space.


By this point, social media had sprung up, allowing anyone with no technical knowledge to reach a
large audience overnight, through sharing and viral functions which were baked in to social platforms.

Ace the Game


Alongside this, innovative marketers in Silicon Valley started discovering methods to get tra c and
customers without using traditional expensive methods (P.R., TV, Radio, etc.)

What this meant was, for the rst time in human history, a single person from their laptop could
acquire great wealth, whether they were an influencer, dating coach, startup founder, or consultant.

The possibility of business success has gone from empires to countries to brands to single people, like
you reading this book.

This is the greatest time ever to start and grow a company.

(Now, I know that’s something everyone says, so let me explain)

Once we get into the book, there will be no “Here’s a case study of a company that did a super speci c
thing that you probably can’t replicate but they were super successful so let’s pretend you can do it

In fact, much as I like to talk about myself, once we get into the hacks, there will be nothing but the
hacks themselves.

Too many “business secrets” books are stu ed with anecdotes and stories which don’t actually teach
you how to do anything.

This book and video course will be brutally e cient: Just the strategies you need to grow your business
and change your life.

I’ve been told by my editor I should include some note about myself in this section,

But the reason I’m not is part of the reason I wrote this book:

This book isn’t about me standing on a hill saying “My techniques are the best”.

That’s the method used by sleazy coaches to trick you into buying their $10k a month courses or
masterminds on the tropical island of Bali.

They are known as “guru’s” for some reason, they’ve really ruined that word, which (ironically) signi ed
the sacred place of knowledge (vidya) and the imparter of knowledge.

I have no intentions of being your guru.

Like news, knowledge is best when it comes at you from multiple veri ed sources, leaving you to cherry
pick the parts that are right for you.

Ace the Game


As such, this book is a curation of the best minds and ideas from the entire growth hacking and
internet marketing industries.

A few of the ideas are mine, but by and large they are contributions from those who are doing it in the
space right now, and marketing for or running the fastest-growing companies in the world right now.

As for the reason I care enough to write this book?

Growth hacking took me from living on social welfare back in the U.K. living off less than $100 a week to
an insane last ve years where I’ve raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for my startup, launched
websites that have had 20 million views, got into the Techstars business accelerator, work with the
royal family, win best speaker for my “Growth Hacking” workshop at SXSW V2V, make nearly $200k on
my rst book, y around the world doing a 100-date growth hacking tour, and ful l my lifetime dream
of moving to Los Angeles. (This bit should make my editor happy lol)

As I write this, the sun is shining in through my window, and I’m about to go to an in uencer party in
the Hollywood Hills.

Whatever you want to achieve, growth hacking is the vehicle to get you there.

I was no lemonade-stand entrepreneur.

I never had a “real” job before starting my first startup.

I just learned the hacks, and they served me, just as they will serve you, IF you put them into action.

So if you’re ready to ace the game, let’s fucking do this ;)

Don’t waste this opportunity.

Vin Clancy

How to u se th i s b ook

Continuing the “anti-guru” theme, this is not a “one way or the highway” type of book.

Most business books tend to be “Here’s a PERFECT, INFALLIBLE system. If you do EXACTLY what I say, it
will DEFINITELY work. If it goes wrong it is YOUR FAULT. NO REFUNDS”.

This doesn’t work as it doesn’t take into account where in the journey the entrepreneur reading it is at.

Here’s an example:

Ace the Game


It’s trendy right now to sell courses on how to launch a book or product, or run Facebook ads, or sell
high-ticket coaching.

The dogma tends to be, “this worked for me so it should work for you”.

When they say “copy my sales script/website funnel/Facebook ad strategy” here’s what their method
will leave out:

> That they have 100,000+ people on their email list

> That they already have a group of previous buyers to market to

> They they have a pixel pool of hundreds of thousands of people to run targeted ads to

> That they already have a strong brand or personal brand, are well known in the space

> That they have affiliates with large email lists who will help them sell their product

I’m gonna guess that you, reading this, don’t have m(any) of the above.

That’s okay.

99% of the methods in this book don’t need any of the above.

They are powerful yet don’t require you to be a big name to make them work.

Some of the conversion rate optimisation hacks will be more powerful if you have existing tra c, but
they’ll work without it.

This book was written with the intention that anyone could read it and make six gures and above with
what they learn.

I don’t mention being on welfare to play into the meme of a “rags to riches” story, I mention it as I don’t
forget what it was like when I had no idea what I was doing and just wanted fast results.

If that’s you, you’re going to love what you’re about to get into.

The reason I’m saying all of the above is simple:

No matter what stage you are at, there are multiple di erent hacks that you can use today or in the
near future to change your business virtually overnight.

Ace the Game


So I urge you to read this book (and/or watch the video course) all the way through

Things that are NOT in the book but you really should keep an eye on

So you’re about to get the best strategies in the world for growing your company.

Aren’t you lucky?

Now, before you get stuck in, I’ve gotta go over some basics with you.

All the growth hacking and neat methods in the world won’t save you if you have:

> A bad product/service

> A product/service no one wants

> The wrong product/service for a particular market (These methods can help you test to markets
quicker, but this can still kill companies

The best business advice in the history of business comes from Y-Combinator founder Paul Graham:

“Build something people want”.

Simple, but often overlooked advice.

This book is not going to cover how to build, what to build, what to sell.

There are plenty of great books out on that already.

There are very few good marketing books because it all changes so quickly, hence why a book like this
is needed.

The reason I put this footnote at the start of this book is, when I’m coaching entrepreneurs, I see them
asking for the super growth hack that will make it all okay.

Well, it’s not as simple as that if the above are not dealt with.

So, just to labor this point home:


Ace the Game



So, we’re all set and you have that?

Great! ;)

So in this mini-section of the book, I’d like to go over some of the basics you should have next, based on
the teachings of some of the best in the game (remember, this book isn’t about me, it’s about bringing
you the best of everything).

Loosely speaking, once you have a good product, service you need the following:

> A landing page or main “home” on your website

> Sales copy on that page that encourages people to take an action (drop an email, buy something)
right away

> Pricing that makes sense

> To be “comfortable” with selling

So in this chapter, you’ll get a lightning-quick

How to build a landing page/funnel (full method) - Via the teachings of Russell Brunson

Ace the Game


1. The #1 KPI of Russel Brunson’s company (Clickfunnels and associated companies) is growing his
email list

2. Those stoopid popups that take up your whole screen- That 80% of people exit your website
when they see them? They WORK as the only people who click through are much more likely to
want your product and buy, and your smaller list is higher quality (great for email

3. The above only works if the bait/gift is LEGIT. Your audience must want this badly. Eben Pagan
built up Double Your Dating to a $10 million dollar business with a squeeze page that only
delivered a three paragraph gift to men that revealed the secret for how to know whether a
woman is ready to be kissed or not…

4. Ryan Deiss (digital marketer. com) loves landing pages with a headline and an opt-in box. This
works very well for **email** tra c, not so much for social, but it *must* be a curiosity based
headline which makes you want to click more

5. Ryan Deiss uses the bribe (i.e. free e-book) landing page for pages with social media ads, your
list or PPC traffic

6. Reverse squeeze page is the third type- give them value in a video then ask for the upsell after-
works well with *Facebook*

7. Squeeze pops - show 2 CTA’s for di erent needs (i.e. “starting a company” or “already running a
company”) and show them different squeezes based on those (i.e. segmenting your list)

8. Autoresponders are the engine that powers your funnel, i.e. sending a sequence of emails out.
Russell has found the sequences that span over 5-6 days to be the most pro table for him.
Russell’s favorite autoresponder is Aweber.

9. Emails should be 90% entertainment,10% pitch

10. Your “free report” or “free e-book” should be NOTHING BUT A SALES LETTER. It should still be
valuable, but it must lead to the sale.

11. To nd high-converting products/landing pages, click on your niche on clickbank and see the
conversion rates of di erent pages/products- major time-save when building your pages to see
what is (and isn’t!) working already

12. Use Clickfunnels to create your landing page, obviously

13. Create your list and signup form in your Autoresponder using Aweber

Ace the Game


14. Connect your autoresponder to your squeeze/bridge page on Clickfunnels

15. Get tra c to your landing page using Clickbank or the internal a liate network of Clickfunnels
(presuming you are selling something)

HOW TO BUILD A SALES LETTER THAT CONVERTS (via the teachings of Mike Dillard)

THIS IS SO POWERFUL and maybe one of the most important things you can learn in sales copywriting.
And once you read this, you're going to start seeing it everywhere, like the Matrix. Reason is: It works.
You need these 12 steps, basically in this order:

1. Is this for me? Identify your target audience -“Attention entrepreneurs”

“Are you currently building a network marketing business or about to start one? Well hold on

2. Identify the biggest problem or desire - “Can it help solve my problem” - This is the headline: “Here’s
how to get off the yoyo diet once and for all”

3. Create the bond - “Do they really understand what I’m going through” “Feel/felt/found” I know how
you feel, I felt the same way, and then I found a solution

4. Present the solution: How did you solve it?

5. Establish your credentials “Why should I trust you” How do you know it’s true? I lived it. How do you
know it works? I used it + Borrowing credibility- In order to bring you this, I partnered with…

6. Educate them - “Do you really know what you’re talking about?” - Act of teaching makes you an
authority, builds trust, create goodwill

7. Show the bene ts, NOT the features - How will this help me, Features tell what it is, has or does,
bene ts - does for you - “the Super deluxe has 5 levels” VS “Easily drill through the most challenging
walls, and you’ll never lose your drill bits again, so use:

Will allow you to, Will help you, , providing you with, makes it fast, simple, effortless to…

8. Give social proof - How can I be sure this will really work? (e.g. have done it before, have had this
press, etc)

9. Make an irresistible offer - “What do I get, and how much is it?”

- Acknowledge the bene t - Sell bene ts, not products. “If you’re ready to end the stress, then this is
what you want”

Ace the Game


- Defuse logic - Purchasing is an emotional decision. People buy emotionally, then back it up rationally

10. Inject Scarcity - “Why should I buy this now?” - “You need to give them a reason to act now, or they

11. Remove risk - “What if I buy it and it doesn’t work” - Remove all risk

12. Call to action - What do I do next? Don’t let them experience a moment of hesitation and confusion
“If you’re ready to get started, hit the yellow button, fill out the form and we’ll send it to you”

To see that “in the wild”, here’s a great sales letter from legendary marketer Neil Patel that came up on
my Facebook feed.

He’s one of the masters in this field.

Watch how he:

1. identi es his audience in the rst two sentences (and gets rid of any irrelevant prospects at the
same time)

2. Gets you in a loop of saying “yes”

3. Gives social proof about who he is now he’s got your attention

4. Gives a “core story” that you can empathize with (lost money, was naive etc)

5. Redemption story/happy ending - he made it!

6. …and now you can too!

7. With decent Call-to-action to get you into his funnel. Masterful.

(Also note: How short and spaced out the sentences are, so you don't get overwhelmed)

Are you an entrepreneur who sells your products or services online?

If so, are you frustrated, overwhelmed and overloaded with all the so-called “sure re” ways to get
traffic to your website…

Ace the Game


And convert that traffic into PAYING customers?

Hi my name is Neil Patel and I help companies generate more revenue through digital marketing.

Entrepreneur Magazine said I was the number 1 marketer in the world…

…and they also said I created one of the 100 most brilliant companies.

I started my first website at the age of 16 on a hope and a prayer…

I took all the money I had earned from working my tail o at Knott’s Berry Farm when I wasn’t going to

And I paid a marketing firm to help me get traffic to my website…

Thinking I was going to make it big overnight…

After all, they made these HUGE promises to me…

Plus, the were the experts - they should be able to deliver me results…

Well, the fact of the matter was…

This marketing firm provided no results and I quickly learned that I wasn’t alone…

Sound familiar?

Out of my frustration and the fact that I was now flat broke…

I decided I HAD to learn online marketing…

However, I couldn’t just learn EVERYTHING!

I really needed to focus my time and attention on just ONE THING…

Since I didn’t have a dime to my name, it made the decision easy for me…

My attention HAD to be on guring out how to drive FREE tra c to my website and get that tra c to
become customers…

And I needed to do it fast!

Ace the Game


So I read all the books and blogs I could get my hands on…

Then I got to testing.

A lot of the things I tried failed…

However, I just kept going and going and going…

I HATE losing!!!!!!

Eventually, I started getting traffic to my first little website…

And people were buying my products :)

That’s when I knew I was on to something!

I kept making connections with other website owners - they all wanted to know what I was doing to

be so successful…

I told them my story of how I got ripped off by that marketing firm I initially hired…

Many of them relayed to me their same frustrations…

So I decided to start a marketing agency to help others do what I was doing for myself…

My first client was a power supply manufacturer and I helped them generate $25 million in sales…

And from that point I realized the REAL power of marketing…

I helped everyone that I could and built my reputation by being honest and over-delivering…

I’ve helped companies like Google, NBC, General Motors, Viacom, and eBay…

But nothing is more satisfying, than helping a small business owner succeed…

I’ve founded 4 multi-million dollar companies and learned the mistakes you should avoid…

I’ve written about them on Forbes, Entrepreneur, Inc, Fast Company, and my own blogs…

Ace the Game


It’s so awesome to know that colleges from all over the world are teaching my material in their

Over the years I’ve received awards from the President of the U.S., The House of Representatives, and
The United Nations…

People believe marketing is expensive and difficult…

Fortunately that’s not true…

There is a formula and even if you don’t have a technical background, you can get results…

And my mission is to share this formula with you…

Which is exactly why I’m here today…

I recently put together a free online workshop that I’d like to invite you to…

It’s called:

“How I Built 4 Multi-Million Dollar Companies With Free Traffic Available To Anybody…”

On this free workshop, you’ll discover a 9 step process I use to generate 195,013 visitors to my websites
EVERY MONTH - WITHOUT paying for advertising…

AND how I convert those visitors into happy, customers :)

This is the exact same process I use in my marketing agency to get AMAZING results for small mom
and pop businesses all the way to giants like NBC…

It’s time tested, proven and works for any business…

If that’s something you’re interested in, just click the link below and register today.


When I started my agency, I made the classic ego mistake of trying to price as highly as possible, with
little previous reputation for good client work. This meant I got a whole heap of unanswered emails
once the price was asked (as an aside: Never, ever, tell the client by email your price for anything over
£999, get them on a call).

Ace the Game


Then I started to honestly work out what my time was worth, what it would cost me in assets or sta
time, and started to ask for that. Clients were happy and I was o to the races. I’ve said before how I
believe that, if you’re a freelancer, pricing low is a good starting point- you get con dent asking for
money (which isn’t natural), get clients quicker (and thus referrals to more clients), and everything,
from talking to your parents to investors to potential employees flows smoother once there’s some cash
coming in.

If you feel you’ve changed too little, that’s ne too. Charge new customers the higher price, while the
old customers get to keep the early bird discount. It’s very easy to raise prices over time- It’s very hard
when you’re looking at a big fat zero on day one to get that first sale if you’re charging too much.

The 10 essentials to online selling

1. Put the Facebook tracking pixel on your website

2. Collect fucking emails into an autoresponder drip campaign (via Aweber)

3. Have a fast fucking website

4. Be able to make changes to your fucking website quickly (i.e. be careful of outsourcing)

5. Do your basic fucking SEO (read the chapter in my growth hacking book if unsure)

6. Follow-up with all fucking leads (new and old) once a month

7. Acquire a customer with a low cost product & fucking upsell them to a higher one

8. Call people on the fucking phone / Don’t hide behind email

9. Invoice and close sales fucking quickly (buyers’ remorse)

10. Automate your fucking funnel from start to finish once it works

11. Bonus:Test fucking mobile first, not desktop

So now we have:

> A high-quality product/service

> A landing page/website that works in your favor (If it doesn’t, it works *against* you)

Ace the Game


Table Of Contents

Introduction 1
1) How a “Ghost Pro le” can get you on high-ticket 15
podcasts, public speaking gigs and basically anything else
- By Klyn Elsbury
2) Get Tonnes of Leads & Registrations For Your Webinars 16
With This Simple Eventbrite Hack - Quintin Ford
3) How to make $20k in 15 days from Cold Email - By 25
Aaron Krall
4) My favorite B2B Lead Generation Tactic with 27
FindThatLead + BuiltWith - Kieran Goodacre
5) How to Hack a Hollywood event - By Andrew Medal 32
6) The One high-ticket hack no-one is doing - By Vin Clancy 32
7) Target People Who use your competitors Technology - 33
By Dylan Hey
9) How to Find Anyone’s Emails in Bulk - Bo Bergstrom 34
10) The Blindingly Obvious Attention Hack - By Leo 35
11) How to poach your competitor’s customers - By Gilles 37

Ace the Game


12) Turn Your Silent Website Visitors Into customers on 55

Autopilot - By Marcus Svensson Hey, everyone! I’ve a got a
pretty solid setup for B2B guys here. Below I described
how you can turn your visitors into customers in 4 simple
steps. Basically you just need to check every day or or
week to see which have visited you then go to their
website and use the zapier function to send them an email
with whatever offert or what you looking to sell.
13) The Cold Pitch 2 Touch Combo - By Jon Buchan 58
14) How we increased our cold email response rate by 63
900% - By Christien Louviere
15) The “Nectar” hack - By Andrew Medal (Written by Vin 64
16) How I got my rst 10 paid clients by leveraging Yelp 65
comments - Bobby KriegerOne of my most e ective
growth hacks for lead generation, the “Yelp” hack turns
cold leads to warm before even getting on the phone.
17) The Growth Hacker's Playbook To Finding Anyone's 70
Email - By Gilles DC
Bonus: Get LinkedIn URLs for the scraped Facebook 96
Tools 105
1) Rebump 105
2) Standuply 105
3) Queueat 106
4) Gleam 108
5) Ninja Outreach 108
6) Yet another Mail Merge 109

Ace the Game

Finding Leads & Outreach

7) Leadfeeder 109
8) GoPinLeads 110
Traffic Generation 112
1) “Make me famous” technique - By Vin Clancy 113
2) One Secret Hack to Increase Your Email Open Rate 113
(takes one minute!) - By Vin Clancy
3) How to turn $5 into 100 email signups in a day - By 113
Kerrie Rycroft
4) How to build a business using a liate tra c - By Adrian 113
5) Send Readers Down The Rabbit Hole - By Vin Clancy 115
6) Using a SmartBribe to build an awesome 116
following/email list - By Vin Clancy
9) How to create an awesome a liate programme - Hailey 118
10) LinkedIn Engagement Hack - By Jon Buchan 123
11) How Current Media achieved 600,000 Referrals + 126
$36,000,000 Initial Coin Offering - By Manuel Frigerio
Tools 133
1) Angage 134
2) Cloudsponge 135
3) 136
4) Push Crew 138
5) Linkgage 139
6) Referral Candy 140
In this section: 142

Finding Leads & Outreach

Finding Leads & Outreach

1) Hashtag Ladders The Secret to Massive Instagram 143

Growth that Anyone Can Use - By Connor McCreesh
2) 9 Steps to Go From 0–10,000 DAILY Website Visitors 150
from Pinterest in Under 6 Months - By Connor McCreesh
3) How to use Quora to get massive visibility, tra c and 158
social proof- By Ruslan Nazarenko
4) Create a community of Instagram In uencers FAST - By 160
Quintin Ford
5) How to automagically invite 15,000 people to like your 167
page every month - By Jeremy Gillespie
6) The Playbook to Getting 1 Million Highly Targeted Leads 168
From Twitter Without Paying a cent - By Tomiwa Adey
​W hat to expect 171
Table of content 171
Tools/Scripts Used 171
Introduction 171
Play 1: Get users who are potentially interested in your 173
content/product by reaching out to Twitter users who
have shared articles on the same topic.
Step #1: Find in-depth, well-written, and well-shared 174
articles on your topic
Step #2: Get the details of everyone that shared all the 174
articles on Twitter
Step #3: Find their contact email address at all costs 176
Step #4: Follow all the leads on Twitter 177
Implementation. 179
Notable users of this play. 180

Finding Leads & Outreach

Finding Leads & Outreach

Play 2. Using the crystal ball formula to get new clients as 182
a freelancer/consultant and make $1000 in the next
month — even if you have no experience, no portfolio, and
no website.
Step #1: Go where the actual paying clients are 184
Step #2: Learning with benefits 185
Step #3: Get the details of your potential clients 185
Step #4: Prep 187
Step #5: The Proposal 189
Step #6: Rinse and repeat (as needed) 190
Implementation 190
Play 3: Steal your competitor’s users on Twitter (poaching 192
at scale)
Step #1: Gather a list of your competitors Twitter profiles. 192
Step #2: Get their users. 193
Step #3: Filter the data. 193
Step #4: Find their contact email address at all costs 193
Step #5: Reach out to them 195
Implementation 195
Play 4 (Bonus Play): ProductHunt Upvoters 196
Step #1: Get your Product Hunt Developer Token 198
Step #2: Grab the Twitter handles from upvoters with 199
this tool
7) Get 3,000+ leads from AngelList and Twitter or directly 201
from a list of domains - By Mathieu Picard

Finding Leads & Outreach

Finding Leads & Outreach

Goal: Get thousand of emails from domains. Extract 201

targeted domains and get related employees +
information about the company.
8) How to use a “ghost” social media pro le to get invites 207
to big podcasts, and much more - By Klyn Elsbury
9) Where to Post Your Product/Startup to Get Traction, 208
Traffic, and Attention - By Andy Rosic
10) How to use Help A Reporter Out to get content created 211
for you, and email subscribers too! - By Stephanie Burns
11) How to maximize success of having a killer Product 211
Hunt launch - By Davis Baer
12)How to nd people who will love your Product Hunt 212
launch on Twitter - Nicholas Van Zant
13) How to create $26.5m in revenue using Facebook ads - 212
By Depesh Mandalia
14) How to get thousands of followers on Medium and 214
make your articles go viral - By Michael Gasoriek
Medium-Sized Growth 215
Building a Medium Media Property 216
How to Make that One Post Go Viral 229
16) Extract Every Post Ever from Your Competitors’ 239
Facebook Pages" - By Elias Benjelloun
17) I was featured on Medium’s Twitter Page! - By Vin 239
18) Increase YouTube subscribers by 400%! 240

Finding Leads & Outreach

Finding Leads & Outreach

Tools 243
1) Pay with a tweet 243
2) 243
3) Tech Press List - A curated list of tech journalists from 244
18 countries. So you can nd relevant journalists with
which you can get press. Tech journalists change jobs
often so it’s good to have an up-to-date list.
4) Tap Bio 245
5) Audiense 245
7) Social Blade 249
8) MSG Hero 250
9) Snoop report 250
10) Grytics 251
12) / - nd people talking about 252
your product and speak to them (Social listening)
13) Thunderclap 253
14) OwlStat 253
1) How To Create Killer Blog Posts That Drive Insane 254
Traffic - By Jingcong Zhao
2) Creating a content machine - By Juan Felipe Campos 270
1) Portent 273
2) 273
3) Hemingway 274
4) Pexels 275
5) Canva 275
6) Crello 276
7) 276

Finding Leads & Outreach

Finding Leads & Outreach

8) Quuu Promote 277

9) Meet Edgar 278
10) Answer The Public 278
11) Buzzumo 279
1) The Ultimate Guide To SEO - Austen Allred 280
SEO is Not Hard  —  A step-by-step SEO Tutorial for 280
beginners that will get you ranked every single time
SEO In One Day 280
How Google Works 280
The Early Days of Google 281
Google Today 281
Gaming the System 281
On-Page SEO 282
Keyword Research 282
The Long Tail 282
Finding the Long Tail 283
Step 1: Brainstorming and Keyword Generating 283
Step 2: Traffic Estimating 285
Google Keyword Planner 285
Exact Match 287
Keyword Trends 287
Manual Keyword Difficulty Analysis 288
On-Page SEO 291
On-Page SEO Checklist 291
Off-Page SEO 292
Link Juice 292

Finding Leads & Outreach

Finding Leads & Outreach

Checking Link Juice 292

Link Structure 293
Internal Structure 294
Robots.txt, disavow, nofollow, and other minutia 294
Link Building 296
Web 2.0s 296
Expired Domains 297
Link Intersection 297
Your First Drip of Traffic — Becoming an Authority Site 297
Take a Long-Term View 298
Monitoring Alerts 298
BuzzBundle 298
Disclaimer: This is not the SEO comment spam you’ve 298
Productive Commenting 299
Accounts and Personas 299
Disqus 299
UTM Parameters 300
Link Shorteners 300
Using BuzzBundle 300
2) Ahrefs Content Explorer Hack - By Si Quan Ong 303
3) Did you know you can improve your SEO by training 304
Google's AI algorithm? - By Joseph Lazukin
Tools 306
1) Cognitive SEO keywords tool 306
1) Using to work out if your customers love 308
you - By Vin Clancy

Finding Leads & Outreach

Finding Leads & Outreach

2) How to take a brand new com store from 0 to 132k in 308

just a few weeks - By Joseph D Lazukin
3) How to upgrade from $25k to $1m contracts (by doing 310
less work) - By Joseph D Lazukin
4) Crafty conversion rate tactic - By Jon Buchan 312
5) A Costly Mistake You’re All Making With Your Facebook 313
Pixel (and how to avoid it) - Joseph Lazukin
Tools 315
1) iZooto 315
2) App follow 315
3) Olark 316
4) 317
5) ###a href="GA" class="redactor-linkify- 318
object">https://ga-dev-tools.appspot.c... builder
6) Hello Bar 318
7) SendX 319
8) Baremetrics 320
9) Proof 321
10) 321
11) Supermetrics 321
12) Stunning 322
Stunning is an incredible service which chases bounced 322
and failed payments from your customers and
automagically emails (or texts!) them until they put their
new card in to re-activate subscriptions and purchases.
One of the few tools you can absilutely guarantee will
make you way more money than it costs to pay it's
monthly fee. Get it.

Finding Leads & Outreach

Finding Leads & Outreach

13) ASO Desk 322

14) Intercom 323
15) Tower Data “Get Data in Real Time” (link here) 324
Bonus 325
1) Huge List of the world’s best Incubators and 325
Accelerators - By Juan Campos
2) Turn your LinkedIn contacts into a list of emails 325
3) I’ve spotted Neil Patel’s hack to help increase gain social 326
shares! - Vin Clancy
4) Identify, Email & Convert: The Simple Method to Turn 326
Unconverted Tra c Into Loyal Customers - By Marcus
5) The 1000 Podcast Swipe File - By Logan Honeycutt 332
6) Use Botletter instead of email 332
7) 26 Cold email examples broken down to help you write 332
your own - Dmitry Dragilev
Defining cold email 333
Is Cold Email Spam? 334
Cold Email vs. Unsolicited Email 336
Don’t Break the Law 337
Don’t Send Spam 337
Score a $3K contract 340
What can you learn from this? 341
Try this template 341
Land a whale 342
Write an email that works the same way 342
Template 343

Finding Leads & Outreach

Finding Leads & Outreach

How to blow minds 343

Follow these guidelines to write one yourself 345
The best pitch ever 345
Land meetings 346
Grab attention 348
Win over a founder 349
Score an Interview 350
Kickstart a relationship 352
Land a $15K project 353
Grab customers early 354
Connect with a pain point 355
Start a relationship 357
Help someone out 358
Use a hook 359

Finding Leads & Outreach

Finding Leads & Outreach

Get published 359

Win a backlink 360
Nail a sales call! 361
More Cold Email Resources 363
###a href=" 363
db31e2a1be4a">1. How to get early customers to respond
to your emails
2. How to write a great email to a cold lead 363
3. How to automate prospecting to land clients fast 364
4. How to write an email that doesn’t suck 364
5. Seven sanity checks for sending emails out 364
6. Quick tips on how to write a subject line for sales emails 364
7. 15 commandments for every email sequence 364
8. How I Wrote an Email that Got A 50% Reply Rate 364
9. Email Signature Perfection: Should I Buy One or Create 364
Cold Calls Don’t Work! 365
Cold emailing is scaleable 365
You can easily track your open and response rates 371
It’s much easier to nd and guess emails than phone 372

Finding Leads & Outreach

Finding Leads & Outreach

Subject Lines that Work 373

Bonus: Cold email pro tips! 375
8) A simple hack to double your conversion rate 386
9) ‘The UX project checklist' - By Andrea Soverini 386
11) Over Performing social media in uencer posts from 390
the biggest in the gameCheck out this doc of THE biggest
social media in uencer posts ever!
12) The ultimate guide to building (and pro ting from) 390
Chatbots - Even if you’ve never built one before! - By
Angelo Sorbello
Messenger Marketing. Chatbots. Puh-lease— anything but 390
another shiny and distracting new trend, right?
What Is Messenger Marketing and Why Should You Care? 392
Why Are Chatbots the Future of Customer Service? 395
Why Your Lead Response Time Matters 395
How to Create Your First Facebook Chatbot: Step-By-Step 396
1. Do You Have a Facebook Page? 396
2. Setup your Welcome Message. 397
3. Set Up AI for your FAQ 398
The “ONE” Secret Strategy to Supercharge Your Facebook 399
Messenger Marketing Results
How to Build a Messenger Marketing Funnel 400
Chatbot Copywriting: Use Psychology to tell Stories & Sell 401
How to Qualify Your Potential Clients – On Autopilot Using 403
Messenger Marketing

Finding Leads & Outreach

Finding Leads & Outreach

How to Optimize Your Chatbot, 10 Easy Tips You MUST 404

1- Tell People What to Do 404
2- Make Sure That People Know that they’re talking with a 406
bot, not with an actual person
3- Give them a Reason to Use Your Chatbot (Instead of the 406
4- Beware of how your Pro le image looks like on 406
5- Assume your user is stupid… 407
6- Deliver Value on a Regular Basis 407
How to Get More Subscribers to Your Facebook 407
Messenger Chatbot
5 Great Examples of Using Messenger Marketing and 415
Chatbots for Growth that you can take inspiration from
1. How to Teach and Sell on a Mass Scale through 415
Facebook Messenger
2. How a real estate bot helped sell three apartments in 10 418
The Results 423
3. How to Distribute Your Contents on a Mass Scale Using 424
Messenger Marketing
SimilarWeb Pro o ers website analytics intelligence tools 434
that collect important metrics on tra c, engagement,
keywords, etc. for your website as well as for the sites of
your competitors. It gives you a comprehensive overview
of where you are against your competition and hints for
smarter business decisions.
Conclusion 435

Finding Leads & Outreach

Finding Leads & Outreach

> A sales letter/good copy to get people to convert

> Pricing that makes sense

> The essentials of online setting set up as practices in your company. Well, sounds like you’re ready to
kickstart this journey. This book covers the main areas you need to focus on to grow an online

> Lead generation

> Traffic acquisition

> Social Media

> Copywriting


> Conversion rate optimization

Remember, you don’t , shouldn’t (and can’t) do everything in this book.

Don’t get overwhelmed.

You’ll get a feeling in your gut when something feels “right” for you.

And more than anything, try things out. You never know what will work for you.

And remember, we and the community are here for you in the private Facebook group


if you have any questions.

Let’s Ace The Game!

​In this section:

Th e Hacks

Finding Leads & Outreach

Finding Leads & Outreach

1)Get Tonnes of Leads & Registrations For Your Webinars With This Simple Eventbrite Hack - By Quintin
2) How to make $20k in 15 days from cold email - By Aaron Krall
3) My favorite B2B Lead Generation Tactic with FindThatLead + BuiltWith - Kieran Goodacre
4) How to hack a Hollywood event - By Andrew Medal
5) The one high-ticket hack no-one is doing - By Vin Clancy
6) Target people who use a certain technology - By Dylan Hey
7) How to capture the attention of 50,000 companies - and feel like you’re only taking to them - By Neil
8) How to find anyone’s emails (in bulk) - By Bo Bergstrom
9) The Blindingly Obvious Attention Hack - By Leo Gamayunov
10) How to poach your competitor’s customers - By Gilles DC
11) Turn your silent website visitors into customers on autopilot using this insane method - By Marcus
12) The Cold Pitch 2 Touch Combo - By Jon Buchan
13) How we increased our cold email response rate by 900% - By Christien Louviere
14) The Nectar hack - By Andrew Medal
15) The “YELP” hack: How I got my first 10 paid clients by leveraging Yelp comments - Bobby Krieger
16) The Growth Hacker's Playbook To Finding Anyone's Email - By Gilles DC

Th e Tool s

1) Rebump2) Standuply - List of 1000 Slack communities

3) Queueat
4) Gleam
5) Ninja Outreach
6) Yet Another Mail Merge
7) Leadfeeder
8) GoPinLeads

Finding Leads & Outreach

Finding Leads & Outreach

1) Get Tonnes of Leads & Registrations For Your Webinars

With This Simple Eventbrite Hack - Quintin Ford
Eventbrite Lead Gen and Webinar Hack

Eventbrite is an amazing platform that allows people to register for your event, weather it's free or
paid, online or offline.

What most people don't realize is that Eventbrite is also a huge source of free tra c. According to
Similarweb - Eventbrite gets 46 million visitors a month!!!!

There are even apps built into Eventbrite that can help you maximize your organic sales and

Overall, if you dig deep, it's an amazing platform that can be utilized for a variety of things.

I’ve been able to generate over 4,500 quality leads and make $1500 - $2000 a week on webinar
registrations all with FREE traffic from Eventbrite.

Here I’m going to show how you can generate leads and or gain more attendees to your webinars for
Free with Eventbrite!

Step 1:

Create your event / webinar.

Make sure you have a catchy title for your event. I usually put the words FREE in the title so people
know right away, they’re getting a deal.

Step 2:

Associate a location with your event. You can just add a city and state. No need to add an actual
address. If you add a location like “Los Angeles, CA” your event will appear in search results for people
who are searching for events in the local area!

Si d e n ote: There is a location option for online. Never create an "online" event within Eventbrite.
You'll get no traffic.

Step 3:

Finding Leads & Outreach

Finding Leads & Outreach

Add a start date. You’ll want to make your event at least 1 month in the future in order for the event to
sit online long enough to gather the maximum amount of organic traffic. Eventbrite events also rank on
Google Search results. So, the longer your event sits on Eventbrite the better chances you have to rank
in search results.

Step 1 - 3 example

Step 4:

Add an event image. Create a compelling image for your webinar / online event. I like to put text on my
image and add a call to action. Usually I’ll repeat the title of my event and add something like a
“REGISTER NOW” call to action.


Step 5:

Finding Leads & Outreach

Finding Leads & Outreach

Create your event description.

Create your ticket structure. Make sure in the rst line of your event description, you state that this is
an ONLINE event. It also helps to add the time and date. People like to see things repeated.

The first line should read something like this:

Facebook Marketing 101 ONLINE seminar (Free Event) - June 6th @ 2pm PST

After the rst line, it’s really up to you how you want to sell the event. Be creative, use great sales copy
and make sure you use multiple calls to action in your description. Do whatever you can to encourage
people to register for the event.

Step 4 -5 example

Step 6:

Add an “organizer name”

Finding Leads & Outreach

Finding Leads & Outreach

This is your chance to tell people about your company or organization. Make sure to ll this section out
and write a paragraph about your company. People will be more likely to trust your event and they will
be more likely to convert into a registered guest.

Step 6 example

Step 7:

Ticketing. This part is extremely important!

Create 1 FREE ticket option and make 100 tickets available.

Create a paid ticket.

This can be an up sell to consulting for 1 hour. Or you can include a guide of some sort for the paid

The idea is to o er the event for free but have paid options. No one will really buy the paid option, it's
just there to make people more likely to register free.

It's a psychology thing.

People see a Free ticket and a paid ticket and think to themselves, oh heck no, I'm not paying for this, I'll
take the FREE ticket.

This increases your conversions on Free registrations which = more leads!!!

Pro ti p : People can search Eventbrite by "Tickets under $10" Your event will show up in those search
results, which is exactly what you want. In fact, even if you’re hosting a paid event, you'll want to give
away at least one Free ticket so that you show up in the "Under $10" search results. Then people can
be up sold to the paid tickets. This works well with local live events.

Step 7 example

Finding Leads & Outreach

Finding Leads & Outreach

Step 8:

Add a refund policy. This section doesn’t really matter because your event is Free! But choose whatever
options you’d like.

Step 8 example

Step 9:

Properly categorize your event.

Finding Leads & Outreach

Finding Leads & Outreach

In this section you have the opportunity to make your event public (do this of course)

You also have the option to categorize your event. There are a ton of options and sub-options, so pick
whatever categories work best for your particular event.

In this case, I selected

Class, Training, or Workshop

Business & Professional

Sales & Marketing

Step 9 example

Step 10:

Include instructions to attend your webinar. Once people register for you event, Eventbrite will send
them a confirmation email. You have the ability to add instructions in the confirmation email.

Add instructions on how to attend the webinar with links etc.

Step 10 example

Finding Leads & Outreach

Finding Leads & Outreach

Pro ti p : You can use a tool called Zapier to automatically send event registrations to your email list.
When people sing up on eventbrite, you get their rst name, last name and email. You can also collect
additional information, like phone number etc., by adjusting your settings. See pic below.

Typically I use Zapier to automatically send event registrations to my mailchimp account. Once the
“leads” hit my mailchimp account I have an Autoresponder send the attendee another message with all
of the webinar details included. This way, you ensure that your attendees are able access your webinar
and you build an email marketing list simultaneously.

Finding Leads & Outreach

Finding Leads & Outreach

Step 11:

Make your event live!

If you do everything correctly, you'll get about 5 - 10 registrations for your event just by creating your
event listing and letting it sit for a month.

All organic!

But here's where it gets fun!

Step 12:

You can copy your event, and all you have to change is the location. Go ahead and post copies of your
event in 25 or more, major cities across the nation. Be careful though, I've noticed if you post in more
than 50 cities, you might get flagged by Eventbrite.

The best part is, once you create all the events, you don't have to do anything. Just let the registrations
come in organically!

Here's the math for the low end of registrations.

Average 3 registrations per city, 25 cities = 75 webinar registrations = 75 leads!

Step 12

Finding Leads & Outreach

Finding Leads & Outreach

Si d e n ote: When I did this, I started o small, then I had our data scientist plug into the Eventbrite API
and automatically create 500 events in the top 500 cities in the US. After 5 weeks of successfully
hosting webinars, week after week, we had our account banned and our IP address blocked.

I charged $10 per ticket and made $1500 - $2000 per webinar.

Looking back I should have never charged for the events and just used this strategy for email collection
and lead generation. I would have gathered tons more emails (our conversions would be way higher)
and I could have turned those email leads into sales and customers down the line.

Some things to note:

1. Eventbrite is not made for this type of activity, so it’s crucial that you come up with a system to
easily communicate with your event registrations. (like the mailchimp method I described earlier)
If you don’t, you’ll get a bunch of confused people who can’t log on to your webinar. If it’s PAID,
which I highly suggest it isn’t, then you’ll have angry paying customers who complain to
Eventbrite that your event is a SCAM! That’s the main reason we got shut down. The complaining
customers are the ones who caused Eventbrite to look into our account and discover we had
posted hundreds of events. The point is, make sure your customers can access the webinar.

1. If you want to host webinars more than once a month, so you can collect more than the
MINIMUM of 75 leads per month, then you must create 25 events for a date 1 month out, then
create 25 more events for the week after and so on an so forth. This way you create a schedule
that allows you host webinars every week. On the low end you could be collecting 300 leads a

1. If you’re a Facebook Advertiser, you might be seeing a huge opportunity. We’ll there are really two
MASSIVE opportunities. 1. You can create a custom audience and lookalike audience with all of
the emails you collect. 2) You can actually pixel your Eventbrite events, so you can retarget or
create lookalike audiences based o of page views and people who hit the registration page but
did not register. This is a CRAZY way to suck in huge amounts of FREE data on your target

There yah go.

Have fun crushing the webinar and lead gen game for FREE by using Eventbrite!

2) How to make $20k in 15 days from Cold Email - By

Aaron Krall
I just nished up a campaign for a SaaS client and brought in $20,000 in 15 days…with just a few
emails to their current list of trial and potential users.

Here’s how I did it:

Finding Leads & Outreach

Finding Leads & Outreach

- Identi ed the unique pain points of a narrow market. This particular client had a few di erent sub-
markets on their list, so I identi ed just ONE of those markets and focused on it. I went into forums,
searched through Facebook groups, then had 2 recorded (then transcribed and printed out) interviews
with the client. (Other than a few texts and putting up some blog posts that I wrote for them, this was
all the time the client spent during these 15 days.) By focusing on one speci c sub-market within the
list, I could get laser focused with my emails and the offer. Don’t be afraid to laser focus!

- Created a unique o er. The key to converting trial users to paid is to creating and positioning the
right o er. After identifying the pain points of the market, we created an o er that provided the MOST
value to that market segment and solved their biggest pain points. It wasn’t a cheap o er, but it was
the best one. I always focus on what VALUE I can provide.

- Set a beginning and end date for the email campaign. Nothing sells like a time deadline, BUT you
have to have a valid reason for the time deadline and you HAVE to follow through with taking the o er
down once the deadline hits. In this case, we set a maximum number of new users we were accepting,
then at the end of the campaign we switched to a time deadline (meaning the offer ended on a specific
time and date.)

- Live chat. I setup a live chat box on the landing page and had real time conversations with customers.
I setup an automatic message to send after 3 minutes. The message was: “Are you wondering if this
will work for you?” I had about 10 conversations, and just by chatting with users I closed over $5k in

- I sent out 12 emails over the 15 days. The rst few emails were focusing on pain points of the market
and how this o er would solve them. The last few emails addressed objections I received from those
chat conversations. The insight I gathered from those chats will be worth $100,000’s to the client in
future marketing campaigns they run.

- I pivoted, and often. I never write all the emails at the beginning of the campaign. As I get feedback
from customers and discover new objections, I address those in the emails. This wasn’t a “set it and
forget it” autoresponder campaign, although the data we got from the campaign can be used to help
create a very effective and profitable nurturing campaign for future users.

We decided to sell a year of service in advance, so I could spend a little more time addressing concerns
in the sales process because the ticket price was higher. (I only got paid if we made sales, so I didn’t
mind spending the extra time.)

For a lower price point, you probably wouldn’t spend as much time with each customer, but you can
still uncover lots of objections that you can address in the campaign with a few convos.

Best of all, we got lots of great feedback from the campaign (even from folks who didn't end up buying)
that the emails were valuable and very helpful...

Which means that the relationship with their list improved even with the folks that didn’t buy!

Finding Leads & Outreach

Finding Leads & Outreach

Cool, right?

The key to making that happen this is to provide actionable, valuable insight in each email.

3) My favorite B2B Lead Generation Tactic with FindThatLead +

BuiltWith - Kieran Goodacre
Here is a favourite B2B lead generation tactic of mine. Super simple and effective.

Shout out to the BuiltWith guys (think they're in here) great tool. Also Gerard Compte of FindThatLead.

This guide is going to detail one of my favourite B2B hacks. Within a few days you can have all of your
competitors emails for a couple of $100 bucks.

Let’s get started

Spying on tools & websites is a tool for seeing what technologies websites use. It’s super detailed and even goes to
the extent of guessing how much they spend on technologies. There’s some great data you can get
from the tool…

SEO ranks

Estimated tech Spend

The technologies they use!

These three data points alone are absolute gravy for B2B marketers.

Here’s why...

Complementary products

At Maitre we run a suite of viral tools which grow email lists. So hypothetically it would be right for us
to assume we should target every email marketing platforms customers as we compliment each other.

The great thing about BuiltWith is if I type ‘Active Campaign’ in the search bar, you can see BuiltWith
has scraped 16,342 URL’s using Active Campaign...perfect.

Finding Leads & Outreach

Finding Leads & Outreach

See search result

Next you can download the list of URL’s as a report. The report also contains lot’s of other juicy
information including emails, marketing spend, the other they tech use...

Here’s what a download looks like…

Great Tip: If you're aiming for enterprise level clients you can weed out the good ones by ltering by
tech spend and Quantcast rank.

And what about your competitors?

This works equally well for competitors…Here’s what happens when we type Gleam...

2,490 websites using Gleam. Pretty sweet hey!

Finding Leads & Outreach

Finding Leads & Outreach

There are many di erent types of exports you can do with BuiltWith, I tend to nd most use with just
getting the URL’s, so the technology report works best for me.

There is a CRM friendly one which includes emails although I am not to sure how accurate they and or
where they get the from, at a guess I think it is to do with the emails registered with the domain.

Anyway a list of URL’s is more powerful than you think, here’s why...What do you do with the CSV of

Sort the lists by marketing spend / Quantcast rank

If you’re selling B2B software these two methods are pretty good gauges of how serious a company is.
Theory being, if they already spend a lot then hopefully they are likely to spend it on your tool.

Now for the juicy part….With your CSV of URL’s you can do a number of things. Let's take a walk
through the options…

FindThatLead Bulk URL lookup

Finding a decent bulk URL checker is quite di cult, especially one that’s accurate, for this I have been
using FindThatLead.

Finding Leads & Outreach

Finding Leads & Outreach

It’s good, quite cheap ($0.01/lead), my only criticism isn’t doesn’t pull in rst names, or company names
on the bulk import.

Use VA’s to find first names

With the FindThatLead bulk look up and the thousands of emails addresses you now have a a csv of
100’s of emails but no names. If your looking to keep it a bit more personalised you can hire a VA to
sort, and search for names, company name and job titles.

Upwork is where I tend to nd good VA’s, you can get a VA to do this for $0.05 depending on the
number of lookups.

Fully manual VA method

With a decent brief and a direction you can give a VA the list of sorted URL’s.

For the VA’s brief, I tend to be specific about which job titles matter most in order of importance.

For example, the product I am generally promoting is a marketing product so in the brief it will say…

If company size below 10 (on LinkedIn)

Job titles: Co-founder, CEO, CMO, Head of Growth

If company larger than 10 (on LinkedIn)

Job titles: Head of Growth, Digital Marketing, CMO

Cold Email Automation

I use WoodPecker, haven’t used many other tools so I don’t pretend to know much about the rest but I
can’t fault WoodPecker. It’s super simple to use, connects up to gmail and the folllow-ups are easy to

There’s a 14 day free trial which is nice.

Send Cold Emails that don’t suckBe honest about where you got the email from, business folks seem to
love it…

Finding Leads & Outreach

Finding Leads & Outreach

Here is a template of the cold email I sent round…[Template]


It's Kieran here from Maître.

I found your company via BuiltWith and I noticed you are using Active Campaign - great tool.

I thought you might be interested to know, we built a set of tools which help grow the number of leads
on your website through running viral competitions. It takes a few minutes to set up and is fully
integrated with Active Campaign.

Our tool has now helped 1,000's of websites increase their email list size an average of 65%, with Cost
per Email Acquisition of $0.03.

It's free to try and I would love for you to take it for a spin.

Check it out here.

We are happy to help on the installation and integration. Let me know what you think?


Kieran Goodacre
As seen on: Hackerpreneur | Tech Crunch |

C’est fini

Finding Leads & Outreach

Finding Leads & Outreach

There you have it.

I hope you enjoyed the post and it was useful!

4) How to Hack a Hollywood event - By Andrew Medal

In 2009 I became the co-founder of a sports nutrition company, raised $2.3m and scaled the business
to what is now a $60m company.

I struck a deal with a new tness movement called CrossFit and aggressively rolled out advanced
o ine and online marketing campaigns (like seeding top athletes with gear and products that tied
back to performance-based payouts. Yeah, influencer marketing before it was called that).

The important lesson I learned while building that company was how to drive online sales through
o ine activity. Disclaimer: Obviously, online can stand on its own merit, but the combination can
sometimes result in explosive impact.

Today's systems and tools are much more advanced than they were then, but I still look for unique
opportunities to use offline tactics to drive online actions.

Last weekend I was invited to the Think & Grow Rich movie premiere, and although I don't care about
the "red carpet allure" I saw an opportunity to execute a unique o ine campaign with all of the "super
important" people and media attending.

I created my own version of the event program (which looked almost identical to theirs), with a call to
action on the back to signup for my upcoming book. Then, had my brother dress up like event sta ,
and pass out the flyers to people going into the event.

The feedback was awesome. I received tons of sign-ups for my upcoming book, massive exposure
through some of the right people/media, and 4 interview offers.

I was already planning on being at the event and it took less than an hour to leverage my time there to
create unique opportunities Keep 'dem eyes open for ways to stand out and be creative including slave
sibling labor...

5) The One high-ticket hack no-one is doing - By Vin Clancy

How to make a high-ticket sale

1. Go to lumpymail. com

Finding Leads & Outreach

Finding Leads & Outreach

2. Send the above company a message to write on a piece of paper to send to your potential client
inside a novelty trashcan, something like "This is one unsolicited proposal you WON'T want to put in
the trash...(begin pitch with humor) (costs about $15 all in, they even include the plastic bin to make it
in when they send it out for you!)

3. Profit! NO-ONE does this sort of stuff. Happy Monday!

6) Target People Who use your competitors Technology - By

Dylan Hey
This is a simple little trick that I found when building some advanced lead lists with LinkedIn sales nav.

LinkedIn now has the functionality to be able to search by 'technology used'.

I've been using this to find companies that are using my competitors solution, then having a VA find my
target buyer persona and ll in a google sheet with the company, target buyer, their linkedin pro le url
and their email.

I paid $25 and have a list of 1000 leads.

Then I use Linked Helper to visit their pro les, send connection requests and build a relationship from

Hope some of you find this simple little trick useful!

Finding Leads & Outreach

Finding Leads & Outreach

7) How to capture the attention of 50,000 companies - and

feel like you’re only taking to them - By Neil Cocker
Over the last few months we have emailed 50,000 companies, o ering the services of, the smartest, simplest, custom t-shirt ordering site in the world. Each sales email
featured a photo of me, Ramp’s CEO, wearing their company t-shirt so that they could see what they
would be buying.

50,000 people have received an email in their inbox with the subject line: “I’m wearing a [YOUR
COMPANY] t-shirt!”.

How could they not open that…?

We built a system that sent this email out to tens of thousands of people, each featuring a
*personalised* image.


We had three main types of replies:

* Amazing! 90% of the people who responded had a positive comment on our marketing, or just
bought straight away. I have literally hundreds of these.

* Funny! The majority of the rest were amusing.

* Angry! A tiny handful were upset, and just didn’t get it. We had legal threats, insults about my
appearance, and some other unsavoury comments. If you want to see a selection of some of the best,
funniest (and angriest responses), with a rundown of how we did it - and how you can do it too! - then
click here:…/…/wrote-sent-best-cold-email-ever/

8) How to Find Anyone’s Emails in Bulk - Bo Bergstrom

Hey guys! So here's an awesome new way to get more out of Elucify.

As is, the limit on Elucify is 100 leads per day, but if you combine it with the "Data Scraper" chrome
extension + "Recipe Creator" chrome extension, you can scrape emails in bulk in spite of the limit. I
was able to scrape 10K email addresses in an hour but if you're targeting large enough companies you
should be able to use this to get up around ~50K per hour. The one limitation is elucify - a lot of
companies I looked up were not listed, but this should improve over time as more people use it.

Data Scraper link =…/nndknepjnldbdbepjfgmncbggmopgde…​

Recipe Creator link =…/icadidhenmiokjlmpdgjikdoknhfgkhg

Finding Leads & Outreach

Finding Leads & Outreach

9) The Blindingly Obvious Attention Hack - By Leo Gamayunov

Looking to increase your direct sales conversion? Want to increase the number of meetings you land
with potential clients? Looking for creative ways to stand out from the competition and warm the

I'm Leo - co-founder of TTBA Group ( digital marketing agency based in Montreal,
Canada. We recently launched a warming campaign to help our direct sales e orts. It worked like a
charm, hopefully, you could take advantage of it too.

I am pretty sure most of the people here disregard direct mail initiatives, due to its cost ine ciency
and low open rates. However, if you spin it right, you can trigger personal emotions of particular
targeted individuals in the firm.

Personalized direct letter with a humorous touch.

1. Collect the list of potential companies in your neighborhood (now we are going with segmented
niches) that you'd like to work with.

2. Using LinkedIn, nd the names and the positions of two of the main decision makers in the company
(ex: CEO and a Marketing director).

3. Buy slick eye-catching envelopes

4. Buy (preferably expensive) chocolate that is packaged in small pieces (we used "Swiss")

5. Buy packs of painkillers (Advil, Tylenol, etc) preferably, so pills are sealed and packaged separately

6. Write up a personalized letter template to each decision maker of the company (you can use our

Dear John, we understand how big of a headache Marketing can be for a business. In this envelope,
you will nd an Advil to ease the pain in the short term. We sent the same letter to your marketing
manager - Steve. We enclosed a chocolate in your letters so you can take a co ee break together and
discuss a marketing approach that makes both your jobs easier in the long-run. Meanwhile, we wanted
to say hello to our neighbors. You might have seen us working late in the “aquarium-like” corner o ce
on St. Patrick.

If you need assistance in understanding how to turn positive ROI from Marketing this year, we are
already brewing some coffee.


Co-founder & COO

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Finding Leads & Outreach

7. Put the letter in the envelope along with a chocolate and a painkiller

8. Send it out

The nice part about this approach is that you are sending 2 letters to 2 people in the same company.
They will definitely talk about it. You sparked a conversation right there.

Wait 1-2 weeks to receive inbound calls or emails.

Follow up with decision makers to introduce yourself o cially, mention your letter in a humorous way.
You will be surprised how many people will appreciate the creative outreach and agree to give you
some of their precious time, at least to hear what you have to say.


100% of people who received the letter remembered it and talked about it internally.

90% of people who received this letter were really impressed with the approach.

About 5% of the people found the pill part offensive lol, but probably that is because we saved on costs
and bought the pills that were not separately packaged, I guessed that looks a bit sketchy :)

10% of the companies scheduled a meeting with us in the same month

10% of those meetings were closed

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Finding Leads & Outreach

If you are looking for creative ways to stand out and impress a strong account, this tactic should be
helpful. Please feel free to copy this to your own advantage!

10) How to poach your competitor’s customers - By Gilles DC

If you’re involved in SaaS I’m sure you’re familiar with the likings of Capterra, GetApp, G2Crowd and
their gazillion cousins.

When I started at Salesflare, I was obsessed with these websites.

Not because they would get us tons of leads. They just don’t if you’re not willing to open up your wallet
big time for a good listing.

No, I used to browse them for hours because of the gazillion reviews people left our competitors. It was
a great way to get to know our target audience and their needs. It helped me gure out what kind of
value we needed to create to win them over.

Today, I know who our target customers are and I know what kind of value they’re looking for. The
game has shifted from getting to know them to putting the moves on them.

Which brings us to the next phase: how do you target all those target customers at scale?

This guide will walk you through the steps needed to get target customers like these in front of your
value using cold emails, Facebook Ads and LinkedIn automation.

We’ll be taking Capterra as an example but you can make this work for any webpage that provides you
with at least the following three elements:

first name

last name

company name

Here’s what a typical Capterra review looks like (for workflow automation gem Zapier)

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Finding Leads & Outreach

In addition to the name of the reviewer and the company he/she represents, we’ll also have their role
and their industry.

Zapier has 130 reviews on Capterra. Of course, there’s no way we’re going to manually copy and paste
all of that data.

Welcome to the Scrapocalypse

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Finding Leads & Outreach


Step 1: Create a scraping recipe with Recipe Creator

Step 2: Scrape it. Scrape it real good with DataMiner

Step 3: Match Company Names with Domains using PhantomBuster

Step 4: Use FindThatLead to find email addresses for cold emailing

Step 5: Match personal addresses to make Facebook Audiences with


Step 6: Match LinkedIn Profiles with PhantomBuster

Step 7: Automate LinkedIn outreach with Dux-Soup

Targeting possibilities:

Cold email

Facebook Ads

LinkedIn outreach and automation


Finding Leads & Outreach

Finding Leads & Outreach

DataMiner ft. Recipe Creator


Microsoft Excel and/or Google Sheets



Step 1: Create a scraping recipe with Recipe Creator

There’s tons of scraping tools out there.

To get the data we want, we don’t need something fancy schmancy. DataMiner is a free and easy
Chrome extension that does the job.

First thing you’ll need to do is set up DataMiner to scrape the data you want, creating a recipe for it.

I’d happily share mine in the public DataMiner directory but I’d need to have a paid subscription to do
that, which I don’t.

Instead, I’ll just tell you how to create the recipe yourself, which will also get you acquainted with data
scraping logic.

Once you get a hang of this, no data on the web will be safe for you anymore.

First, download Recipe Creator  —  another Chrome extension that will work together with DataMiner.
Open it up on the page you want to scrape and click ‘New Recipe’.

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Finding Leads & Outreach

You’ll now be taken through a process that’ll help you de ne the data you want to retrieve from the
review page.

Check out this 2-minute video for instructions:

This recipe will work for every Capterra product page you’d ever want to scrape.

Step 2: Scrape it real good with DataMiner

Time to mine the gold .

Open the DataMiner Chrome extension and select the recipe you just created with Recipe Creator.

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Finding Leads & Outreach


Names, roles, company names, industries and company sizes.

Hit ‘Download’ on the bottom of the DataMiner UI for a .CSV with the results.

Pretty sweet but not quite enough have them fall into your web. Yet.

Step 3: Match Company Names with Domains using PhantomBuster

(There is an alternative way to retrieve Domains. This involves getting LinkedURLs from names +
company names (with another PhantomBuster script) and then revisiting/scraping those LinkedIn
profiles using Dux-Soup. Head over to Step 5–6 i f th i s sou n d s more l i ke you r j am. )

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Finding Leads & Outreach

To find email addresses, we need (1) names and (2) domains.

Names we already have.

Domains we can nd by running the Company Names through a search engine and getting the rst
result, which will be the company’s website in about 90% of the cases.

No, we’re not going to do this manually.

You’re a human being. This is robot’s work so we’ll have a robot do it.

PhantomBuster is a platform that gives you the power to automate repetitive data scraping tasks like
this one.

You just have to tell it what to do.

We to set up a bot that automatically runs search queries in Google for each of the company names,
then save the first result in a column of a .CSV export file.

That is exactly what this script does.

You can follow these steps to set up the script in PhantomBuster and run it to retrieve Company
Domains from a list of Company Names:

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Finding Leads & Outreach

Head over to Phantombuster and create a free account.

Select ‘Agents’ from the top menu and Create a ‘New Agent’ from the
form on the top.

You’ll be taken to a scary-looking code interface. Stay calm, you just

need to copy-paste a script into it.

There may be some pre- lled code into. Empty everything (Select All >
Delete/Backspace) and copy-paste the code from this script.

The script will source Company Names from a Google Sheet. Copy the
contents of the .CSV with scraped data you got from DataMiner into a
Google Sheet and paste the link into the script as shown in the
screenshot. Make sure to delete everything after the rst combination
of letters/numbers when you paste it in.

the script will source company names from the column with header ‘Column’. If you followed the
scraping script from Step 1 this should be fine.

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Finding Leads & Outreach

Go into ‘Settings’ and set a number higher than 0 for ‘number of retries’. Google has the tendency to
block IPs if a certain number of searches are run from the same IP in quick succession. The script will
relaunch and use another IP if this happens.

Click ‘Launch’ — you’ll get something like this

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Finding Leads & Outreach

Download the .CSV with the Company Domains - this will be called output.csv

These domains enable you to nd work email addresses (Step 4) and LinkedIn pro les (Step 6) for the

Step 4: Use FindThatLead to find email addresses for cold emailing

FindThatLead is a badass lead nder tool that will get you email addresses from inputs like names and

From the data we have gathered, there’s two things we can do with FindThatLead:

‘Domain Search’ to retrieve emails linked to a Domain

‘Lead Search’ to nd speci c emails from First Name, Last Name and

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Finding Leads & Outreach

Domain Search

All you need: a .CSV with a ‘Domain’ column — FindThatLead will get you emails for every domain.

Lead Search

To nd the email addresses of speci c people at companies, you’ll need a .CSV with three columns:
First Name, Last Name and Domain.

Since you scraped the names in full, you’ll need to split rst name and last name. The fastest way to do
this in Excel is to select the column containing the name and then using Data > Text to Columns, using
‘Space’ as delimiter.

A free FindThatLead account will get you 10 credits per day, so you’ll need to upgrade to a paid plan.

Here’s the thing though: you won’t find anything cheaper that is as good.

Step 5: Find LinkedIn Profiles with PhantomBuster

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Finding Leads & Outreach

Having names and domains also allows us to match reviewers with LinkedIn Profile URLs.

Similar to how we matched Domains to Company Names, we’ll have PhantomBuster automate scraping
Google to retrieve LinkedIn URLs from name + company name.

Yes, you’ll need another script.

This one .

The steps to have PhantomBuster execute it are essentially the same as the ones described in Step 3.

create a New Agent

empty the terminal and copy-paste the script

link a Google Sheet containing names and company names. The script
will take names from column A and company names from column C.
This is based on the scraping recipe outlined in Step 1

Run the script hitting ‘Launch’

Download .CSV with results

PhantomBuster will just ll the rst empty column in the sheet with results, so you don’t need to set
something up there.

Running the two scripts to retrieve domain names and LinkedIn pro le URLs, you now should be left
with this beautiful sheet of data on your competitor’s customers.

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Finding Leads & Outreach

Step 6: Unleash the Dux

To make the most out of the found LinkedURLs we’ll be using one of my favourite growth hacking tools:

Dux-Soup is a little robot that allows you to auto-visit LinkedIn profiles.

You can use it to auto-visit targeted profiles in LinkedIn or Sales Navigator.

You’ll get new connections, introductions and leads without lifting a finger.

There’s more.

Dux-Soup will also scrape rst names, last names, industries, roles, company size and company
domains and whatever else they have filled in on their LinkedIn profiles. Exportable as a .CSV — file.

In fact, instead of retrieving domains with the PhantomBuster script, you could have also rst scraped
the LinkedIn Profile URLs and then visit those with Dux-Soup to get company domains.

To auto-visit/scrape the LinkedIn pro les of the Capterra reviewers, we’ll be using Dux-Soup’s ‘Revisit
Data’ feature.

Note: Revisiting is a Pro-feature. It would set you back about $15 a month.

#1. Download Dux-Soup .CSV template

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Finding Leads & Outreach

The idea of Dux-Soup’s ‘Revisit Data’ is to revisit profiles you auto-visited before.

We’re going to trick Dux-Soup into thinking it already visited the LinkedIn pro les of the Capterra
reviewers before.

All it takes is a .CSV with Dux-Soup export headers and first names + last names filled in.

You can get a template here.

#2. Paste the Linked URLs in the ‘Profile’ column

Dux-Soup will update the rest of the data once it revisited the LinkedIn Pro le URLs in the ‘Pro le

#3. ‘Revisit’ the LinkedIn profiles

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Finding Leads & Outreach

#4. Up l oad th e .CSV wi th th e Li n ked In p rofi l es

#5. Hi t ‘Vi si t Profi l es’ from th e Du x- Sou p Ch rome exten si on UI

#6. Down l oad resu l ts wi th ‘Down l oad Data’

Step 7: Create Facebook Audiences by getting personal email addresses with Dux-Soup’s email finder

As soon as you hit that ‘Visit Pro les’ button, Dux-Soup will ask if you want it to nd email addresses

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Finding Leads & Outreach

Dux-Soup has a point system where 1 point is good for 1 email address return.

You can either buy these points or trade in the email addresses from your LinkedIn connections.

This is how they source all those emails.

Return rate? About 90% .

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Finding Leads & Outreach

Get this: a lot of the email addresses Dux-Soup will return are personal Gmail — addresses.

How so?

Simple: back when LinkedIn was taking its rst steps, most people signed up with their personal email
and never bothered to change their primary email addresses to their work email.

If you’re having an oh oh  — moment now: sorry about that. Now go ahead and change it.

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Finding Leads & Outreach

There’s good news too.

Personal email addresses are what you need to create Facebook Audiences from these competitor’s

Once your Facebook Audience has reached a certain size, you can make a Lookalike Audience out of it.

More of your competitor’s customers .

If you’re looking for more inspiration to hit hard on Facebook, make sure to check out my Facebook

What about other review websites?

You can apply this Play and its steps to any website that gives you at least names and company names.

Keep in mind that you’ll need to create di erent scrape recipes with Recipe Creator. It goes without
saying every other website will have its data structured differently than Capterra.

I used Capterra as an example because it’s arguably the most important software review website out
there and because most products have a ton of reviewers you can all turn into leads.

Second biggest GetApp is part of the Capterra — ecosystem as of recently and sources reviews from
Capterra onto its page. That plus the fact that it leaves out company names for reviewers makes it not
worth looking at.

Scraping G2Crowd is possible (and interesting) but more complicated because the reviewers’
credentials are only provided on the reviewer’s pro le page. This means you’d rst have to scrape all
pro le URLs to then scrape the data you want o each pro le URL. This is not possible with
DataMiner’s free version. If you’d like to get into this, feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn or


Siftery lists the companies using a particular software product.

You can scrape these companies pretty easily by using DataMiner’s ‘GetSimilar’ feature on each page.

This will get you all the company names and their Siftery Profile URLs in two columns.

Repeat on every page.

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Finding Leads & Outreach

There’s a drawback.

Siftery only allows you to check out 120 companies using a software product. With each page
showcasing 30 companies, you’ll be prompted to submit a special request to Siftery as soon as you try
to access page 5.

You can use the PhantomBuster script to retrieve Domains for Company Names as shown in Step 3 and
then use those Domains to find email addresses using FindThatLead’s Domain Search feature.

12) Turn Your Silent Website Visitors Into customers on

Autopilot - By Marcus Svensson
Hey, everyone! I’ve a got a pretty solid setup for B2B guys here. Below I described how you can turn
your visitors into customers in 4 simple steps. Basically you just need to check every day or or week to
see which have visited you then go to their website and use the zapier function to send them an email
with whatever offert or what you looking to sell.

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Finding Leads & Outreach

1. Go to and signup to see which companies are visiting your website.

(Here is a identified companie that have visit your website)

2. Go to the company's website to localize their email address.

3. Automatically it just send an email with push by function.

4. The prospect will receive a email.

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Finding Leads & Outreach

Here is a image of the automation:

And this is basically it! Turn your visitors into customers :)

13) The Cold Pitch 2 Touch Combo - By Jon Buchan

Finding Leads & Outreach

Finding Leads & Outreach

This is a tactic I used to get the attention of hard to reach prospects and maximise response rates from
my cold pitching campaigns.

Step 1 - Send an ‘unusual’ direct mail piece

Create a list of prospects.

Get their office address.

Send them each an unusual piece of direct mail.

See example below.

I included a sticker containing a picture of a ferret wearing bunny ears for no other reason other than
to be silly.
Prospects seem to like this.

These are all photos of prospects who have uploaded a picture of their sticker to Twitter:

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Finding Leads & Outreach

You don’t have to be as absurd as me.

Here is an example of a clever piece of direct mail from a video advertising agency:

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Finding Leads & Outreach

If you get it right, your agency will get the added bene t of additional exposure on social media as
people share your creative attempts to get their attention.

Postcards are a great option as they don’t have to be opened.

This is an example postcard I sent to prospects who I knew were currently being inundated with cold

Include a little charming copy on the other side of the postcard to introduce yourself.

Make this handwritten (and in nice handwriting!) if possible.

Step 2 - Send a follow-up email

Many prospects will reply directly to your letter.

For those who don’t, send a follow up email that mentions the unusual element of your direct piece in
the subject line.

E.g. “Sorry for the ferret in the post” or “Did you get the cold call bingo card?”

Then include some suitably charming copy.

(The example below isn’t personalised. Make sure you add the prospects name in the greeting!)

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Finding Leads & Outreach

This will massively increase the open rates of your cold email.

You can, of course, send additional follow-ups to the prospect if they don’t reply to either the direct
mail piece or your follow up email.

Furthermore, you could even call the prospect a few days after the follow up email has been sent.

When the gatekeeper asks who is calling, say “Tell him/her it’s the guy who sent him the [unusual item]
in the post.”

I’ve never had to do this as I’ve always had too many calls and meetings booked from responses
generated from the direct mail and email follow up.

Finding Leads & Outreach

Finding Leads & Outreach

14) How we increased our cold email response rate by 900% -

By Christien Louviere
Hey everyone! Christian Louviere here, CEO of Sell Personal. I wanted to go over one of our recipes of
how we do strategic personal email lead generation. This is something I’ve been doing for the 10 years
I was in SaaS sales to get my emails OPENED. What I learned quickly is, as a sales rep, I had to be able
to personalize my message.

You’ll need Mixmax & Gmail for Business - which Mixmax runs on top of. There’s other comparable
tools to Mixmax but to me it’s the best one I’ve found. You also need leads with personalized
information (firstname, specific info, location etc.).

When you start you’re going to have to nd a strong buyer persona, (typically when you start an email
campaign you don’t want to send it to a hundred or a thousand people), we want to pick a a nice and
tight audience of around 25 - 50 people which fit into a buyer persona or job title.

So start with Mixmax in your gmail you have to set up the 3 stages, the 1st stage is setting up your
variables/custom elds. For our best campaigns the main custom elds we made were:Firstname
(powerful if used correctly)Email Custom subject (how we could help them)Most popular content (this
is what we’ll mention in the email)Location (we’ll mention this in the title)Custom P.S. message

You’ll need to form a highly personalised message with gaps that will incorporate these custom elds
nicely (you can get a VA to do this on excel)Once you’ve got your custom elds in your rst email set up
you need to have at least four follow-ups ready. I recommend ve, but basically what the most focus is
on is at every stage message personalizing a little bit extra, taking them into the process, letting them
know we’re there, people get busy and forget.

Most of our response rates have a response either comes after the 2nd email or after the 4th email. I
don’t really know why the 3rd gets skipped a lot for some reason. So on the 3rd email I’ll usually beta
test things. Mixmax allows you to put Yes/No questions in here that creates an instant poll that gets
embedded in the email.

So I’ll A/B test things on the 3rd stage because for some reason it’s always been my lowest response
rate. The 4th email is always strong because it’s basically thought I’d try one more time and that little
sentence makes them scroll down to see what happened.

And then stage 5 is a breakup email which is kind of cheesy but it works because it makes an
emotional attachment to somebody. That’s our 2nd highest performing if we use stage 5 when we use
the breakup sequence.

Engagement is the key, and it’s all about being human and sincere as opposed to salesly.

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Finding Leads & Outreach

The quicker that you can gure out your buyer persona, personalize the messaging and how that
messaging goes into the channels, the faster you’re going to make sales and hit quota.Happy cold-
emailing! (Check this hack out in the Ace The Game video course for more detail!)

15) The “Nectar” hack - By Andrew Medal (Written by Vin

Hey guys it’s your boy VC here featuring another hack from the amazing Andrew Medal.

Thought I would share, since Josh Fechter does it in reverse on Quora by answering VC's questions but
here is a slightly paid but hyper targeted way to use FB or LI for targeting clients.

THE BEST CLIENT ACQUISITION IDEA I'VE EVER HEARD via Andrew Medal, incredible entrepreneur who
spoke at the Yacht mastermind I attended last year.

1. Andrew looks at a client/customer he wants to do business with, e.g. Nectar.

2. He creates an article for Forbes, Inc., or Hu ngton Post (see previously in this chapter for how to do
that) and the entire article is written about how they could grow more- e.g. "10 ways Nectar can scale
to become a globally-recognised brand"

3. The genius part is, of course, his marketing agency can ful ll all the parts he talks about (or
brainstorm with the client how they can achieve them)

4. This article will immediately get their attention. They look at the di erent ideas he created, and
reach out. Pretty damn warm lead!

If they DON'T reach out, he mentions another amazing hack he has used using Linkedin ads to get in
front of anyone:

1. He finds his target (e.g. the Marketing Director at Tilly's)

2. He grabs their profile picture from LinkedIn

3. He makes super-targeted ads aimed at everyone in his target's Linkedin audience

4. The ad says "Hey! Do you know Kevin Hunter? Tell him I need to get in touch with him" and a link to a
landing page.

You can probably guess that that's a pretty unignorable method.

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Finding Leads & Outreach

16) How I got my rst 10 paid clients by leveraging Yelp

comments - Bobby KriegerOne of my most e ective growth
hacks for lead generation, the “Yelp” hack turns cold leads to
warm before even getting on the phone.
Let's be honest. Cold Leads are a pain, you have just a 1 in 8 chance of even engaging with a cold lead
to begin the sales prospect.

Referral leads however are a much di erent story, studies show people are 4 times more likely to buy
when referred by a friend or past client.

Thats why its important to start a relationship before you even pick up the phone, with this hack you’ll
be able to use Yelp as not only a search engine for niche lead generation but will be able to leverage
the comment section as a easy reference, drastically increasing your chance of getting a phone call or
meeting and closing sales.

Here’s How It Works

To break it down here’s what you’ll be doing.

1. Searching Yelp for whoever you want to target (Ex. lawyers, dentist, etc)

2. Clicking through to their website and using to scrape their personal email

3. Going back to yelp and using the name of the most recent positive comment as a friendly
reference in your email or opening phone call line

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Finding Leads & Outreach

This is an e ective growth tactic when applied correctly for several reasons, 92% of
consumers/business owners trust referrals from people they know, by using the last and most relevant
yelp comment as a referral to your service you instantly justify relevance and stand out in the dreaded
email inbox and increase your chances of not only the potential client opening the email but getting
the meeting your phone call.

In my experience the responses have been overwhelming and not once was I asked about my
relationship to the name I referenced in the email.

Let’s See It In Action

The rst thing you need to do is to think about who you want to target, for this example let’s say we are
targeting dentist with hopes of selling them a social media package, Let’s search dentist and see what
comes up

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Finding Leads & Outreach

Finding Leads & Outreach

Finding Leads & Outreach

Perfect! Here we have a local Dentist, with a website and a recent comment that gives a stellar and
detailed review or the business and the Dentist himself, now let's get the email

Finding Leads & Outreach

Finding Leads & Outreach is a website and tool that will scrape any website for hidden or personal emails, Once we
have the email we can start an introduction

Finding Leads & Outreach

Finding Leads & Outreach

Now that have the email address go back to Yelp and nd the rst positive comment, Now use that
comment as reference in your email and put pressure on how much of a great service it was and that
fact that you will be stopping by (even if you don’t)

In Conclusion

This trick got me my rst 10 clients in a month where I was spending hours working harder not
smarter, Use this wisely and see the di erence using a reference in your emails and phone calls make.
You will instantly see a tone change from spam caller to friendly face.

17) The Growth Hacker's Playbook To Finding Anyone's Email -

By Gilles DC
The email address is still a big deal.

Work emails for outreach campaigns, personal emails for Facebook Ads and a lot more.

Email addresses also allow you to do cross-matching with all kinds of other data. If you have someone's
email address, you can find out the rest pretty easily.

Thing is you can also pretty easily find out an email address from... well, pretty much everything.

If you can get your hands on someone's name and the company they work at, you can get both their
work and personal email pretty easily.

This Playbook includes 10 Plays on how to get emails from di erent sources but the overall logic to it is
that you can pretty much get it from anything. The Plays are carried out using a few tactics and tools
you can apply elsewhere just as easy.

I believe in a multi-touchpoint strategy. You connect with people on LinkedIn, you follow them on
Twitter, you show them Facebook Ads with relevant value and you feed them content they can use via
email. Be selflessly everywhere.

The simple reason I wrote this guide is for people to have a go-to doc where they get exact steps on
how to source emails (personal + work) for LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and other. A lot of the tactics will
be familiar to you, but I think it's still nice for people to have everything together.

The deeper reason is to convey that mindset that you can pretty easily nd someone's email and other
stuff like social profiles from very little data - in an automated way.

Table Of Contents:

* Play #1: Get targeted work emails with the FindThatLead Prospector

Finding Leads & Outreach

Finding Leads & Outreach

* Play #2: Get work emails from LinkedIn

* Play #3: Get personal emails from LinkedIn

* Play #4: Get work emails from Twitterhandles

* Play #5: Get personal emails from Twitterhandles, Part I

* Play #6: Get personal emails from Twitterhandles, Part II

* Play #7: Get work emails from Facebook Groups

* Play #8: Get personal emails from Facebook Groups

* Play #9: Get personal emails from Facebook Friends

* Play #10: Get personal and work emails from… anything?

The go-to email nding tool used in the guide is Findthatlead and that's no coincidence. I'm convinced
it's the most complete tool out there and Gerard + team have shown their full support. They're

That doesn't mean that this guide was written as promotional material for FindThatLead.

FindThatLead oats your boat for a lot of stu concerning email nding but there are still a few things
I prefer to do in another way because it gives me better results. I made sure to include several options
for different steps so you can choose whatever suits you best.

Basic work email nding is done by combining names + domains and then verifying permutations
thereof. FindThatLead does a great job at this but if you're already using another tool, it will be able to
do that too. If it's also able to do the other stuff I do with FTL, depends on the tool.

Hope you guys enjoy the read:

Finding Leads & Outreach

Finding Leads & Outreach

In the realm of online marketing, the email address is king.

It’s the key to extensive online targeting across the mishmash of channels at your disposal.

Cold email is the obvious one, but emails also enable for Facebook Audience building and point the
way on different social platforms.

And what if I told you that that cold email doesn’t have to be so cold .

This is more than just a manual on how to nd emails. Turning leads into deals takes human
relationship building and you won’t get there by sticking to some nifty data work and shooting o
thousands of emails at once.

People don’t buy from companies, they buy from people.

More specifically, people buy from people they know, like and trust.

You have to show your face. If you don’t, you’re no better than your average spammer nobody likes and
no one will ever buy something from.

Finding Leads & Outreach

Finding Leads & Outreach

Going through the Plays for di erent platforms, you’ll nd that you can ght your marketing battle on
multiple fronts and create multiple touch-points to take putting the moves on your leads to a next

Yes, you’ll step up your lead game but your day doesn’t end there.

No sh worth catching bites the rst time you lower your lure. Turning leads into deals takes patience,
nurturing, value and availability. You’ll need to equip yourself accordingly if you want to keep on giving
every single lead the attention they deserve and build relations at scale.

If you don’t, all those carefully found emails will come back to hit you in the nose like a boomerang.
You’ll be mopping the floor with the water running.

With a lot of leads comes great responsibility.

I’ll show you how to handle that responsibility and come out swinging.

Not sure if you feel excited or scared?

Good, that means that I have your attention.

You’ll see the light soon enough as the narrative unfolds across the different Plays.

Spoiler alert: everything is connected.

Table of Contents

Finding Leads & Outreach

Finding Leads & Outreach

Play #1: Get targeted work emails with the FindThatLead Prospector

Play #2: Get work emails from LinkedIn

Play #3: Get personal emails from LinkedIn

Play #4: Get work emails from Twitterhandles

Play #5: Get personal emails from Twitterhandles, Part I

Play #6: Get personal emails from Twitterhandles, Part II

Play #7: Get work emails from Facebook Groups

Play #8: Get personal emails from Facebook Groups

Play #9: Get work emails for Facebook Page likers

Play #10: Get personal emails for Facebook Page likers

Play #11: Get personal emails from Facebook Friends

Play #12: Get personal and work emails from… anything?

Play #1: Get targeted work emails with the FindThatLead Prospector

The value of this Playbook is mainly in showing you how to get from nding prospects on various social
platforms and match them to work and personal emails, all ready for targeting.

You’ll be able to turn about any relevant social pro le into a lead by getting the right data and
generating or verifying the email attached to it with FindThatLead’s variety of power tools.

But you don’t always have to resort to social media to source leads.

Why make life difficult if it can be easy.

Finding Leads & Outreach

Finding Leads & Outreach

FindThatLead itself has a database of leads as vast as LinkedIn for you to dig into with their Prospector

Targeting criteria? Check.

LinkedIn Sales Navigator has a few more, but none that I actually use. These six will get you a long way.

The biggest edge FTL’s Prospector has on Sales Navigator is speed.

To get extract leads from Sales Navigator, you need a LinkedIn bot that automatically visits pro les and
scrapes their data. Not only does this take a lot of time, you also have to limit the number of leads you
scrape to make sure you don’t get banned from LinkedIn altogether.

Three clicks in Prospector and you have yourself big ass list. No time restrictions, no speed bumps, no

Finding Leads & Outreach

Finding Leads & Outreach

Here’s a list of 9127 startup founders in the Internet, Computer Software and Information Technologies
Services Industries located in Los Angeles and San Francisco.

It took me about 10 seconds to put this together.

If I want their emails, I just have to click ‘Generate Emails’ then sit back and relax. Or do something else
productive (probably that ).

The alternative is cleaning up names, company names and domains in a sheet I got from an out-of-the-
box LinkedIn scraper  —  then run those names and domains through and email nder like…

I did that kind of work when I just started at Sales are and it’s horrible. Makes you feel like some kind
of data-Cinderella. It’s not meant for humans.

FindThatLead has those clean lists all ready for you to go nuts on. No need to bang your head on the
table every hour or lose your shoes at midnight.

Play #2: Get work emails from LinkedIn profiles

Finding Leads & Outreach

Finding Leads & Outreach

Yes I know I just told you to not waste your time and money on LinkedIn prospecting, but getting emails
for LinkedIn profiles is still a crucial skill.

You’ll find out why soon enough.

From LinkedIn URLs to emails is a short way, often the shortest. Finding emails often equals rst name,
last name and domain — d ata you can scrape from LinkedIn in a jiffy using various tools.

Other than the world’s biggest business network, LinkedIn is also the world’ds single biggest pool of
B2B leads.

Most of the other Plays are about getting the data we need to locate leads on LinkedIn and source the
emails from there.

In other words, you’ll be using this Play a lot to nish o the other ones. The same can be said for Play
#3 (personal emails from LinkedIn profiles).

If all roads do lead back to Rome, LinkedIn is the Rome of your email finding efforts.

Option 1: FindThatLead’s Social URL Search

###p FindThatLead can still float your boat with their Social URL Search.

(The snapping-up part will become clear in later Plays)

All you need is a one column — CSV filled with LinkedIn URLs.

Finding Leads & Outreach

Finding Leads & Outreach

FTL will process all of the URLs, then ask you if you want it to generate and verify email addresses for it.

Easy enough. You’ll have yourself email addresses for all your URLs in no-time. But: results aren’t

For example: FindThatLead returns as my email address when I run my LinkedIn
URL. Deltaworx is the hospitality agency I used to work for three years ago. I never had an email
address there.

It’s a good and fast solution, but you’ll likely have some bounces if you use this method.

Option 2: Meet the Dux

So in spite of FindThatLead getting better and better, I still go with the rst ever growth hack tool I ever
used when it comes to retrieving emails for LinkedIn profiles: Dux-Soup.

FTL’s LinkedIn URL Search returning an email with the domain of a company I worked for three years
ago indicates that their lead database can be outdated.

Your best shot at a database that is not outdated, is LinkedIn itself.

We’ll still use FTL to generate/verify emails, but we’ll first go all the way back to the source to

scrape first names, last names and domains, using Dux-Soup on LinkedIn.

Dux-Soup is a little robot that allows you to auto-visit LinkedIn profiles.

You can use it to auto-visit targeted profiles in LinkedIn or Sales Navigator.

You’ll get new connections, introductions and leads without lifting a finger.

There’s more.

Dux-Soup will also scrape rst names, last names, industries, roles, company size and company
domains and whatever else they have filled in on their LinkedIn profiles. Exportable as a .CSV — file.

Exactly what we need to get our hands on precious first names, last names and domains.

Before using FindThatLead’s Prospector, I used to look for leads on Sales Navigator, then use Dux-Soup
to scrape their data.

To retrieve first name, last name and domain, we’ll be using Dux-Soup’s ‘Revisit Data’ feature.

Finding Leads & Outreach

Finding Leads & Outreach

Note: Revisiting is a Pro-feature. It would set you back about $15 a month.

Step 1: Download Dux-Soup .CSV template

The idea of Dux-Soup’s ‘Revisit Data’ is to revisit profiles you auto-visited before.

We’re going to trick Dux-Soup into thinking it already visited these LinkedIn profiles before.

All it takes is a .CSV with Dux-Soup export headers and first names + last names filled in.

You can get such a template here.

Step 2: Paste the Linked URLs in the ‘Profile’ column

Dux-Soup will update the rest of the data once it revisited the LinkedIn URLs in the ‘Profile column’.

Step 3: ‘Revisit’ the LinkedIn profiles

Finding Leads & Outreach

Finding Leads & Outreach

Step 4: Upload the .CSV with the LinkedIn profiles

Step 5: Hit ‘Visit Profiles’ from the Dux-Soup Chrome extension UI

Step 6: Download results with ‘Download Data’

Time to get back to FindThatLead and run rst names, last names and domains through its Lead

Finding Leads & Outreach

Finding Leads & Outreach

FindThatLead will now combine names and domains into email addresses and verify them on the spot.

Ready to use for whatever sneaky scheme you have in mind .

Play #3: Get personal emails from LinkedIn Profiles

When I introduced Dux-Soup before, I wasn’t telling the whole story.

In Play #2 we used Dux-Soup to scrape names and domains from LinkedIn to feed them to

Thing is you actually have Dux-Soup itself source emails from LinkedIn pro les. These are the primary
emails associated with each of those profiles.

So why didn’t we do that instead of using a second tool?

The emails sourced by Dux-Soup are the emails associated with people’s LinkedIn pro les. Here’s
where it becomes interesting: most of those emails are personal emails.

Turns out a lot of people signed up with their personal emails in the beginning days of LinkedIn and
never bothered to change it.

Finding Leads & Outreach

Finding Leads & Outreach

You might have an oh oh  — moment now.

Just change your primary email to your work email.

Or go all-in while you’re at it and create a new email address speci cally for people trying to send you
cold emails going through LinkedIn. They’re scraping you anyway, better arm yourself.

My primary email address on LI is

Anyway, to have Dux-Soup retrieve personal emails, we’ll be using its ‘Revisit Data’ feature again,
similar to what we did in Play #2 for work emails.

Follow the same steps:

Step 1: Paste the LinkedIn Pro le URLs in the Pro le column of the Dux Revisit
Template you can get here.

Step 2: ‘Revisit’ the LinkedIn profiles

Step 3: Upload the .CSV with the LinkedIn profiles

Step 4: Hit ‘Visit Profiles’ from the Dux-Soup Chrome extension UI

Step 5: Download results with ‘Download Data’

Finding Leads & Outreach

Finding Leads & Outreach

That’s it.

Now, there’s no such thing as a free lunch. That goes for emails too.

Dux-Soup has a point system where 1 point is good for 1 email address return.

This is how they source all those emails.

Return rate? About 90%.

Sneaky yes, but darn effective too.

You can also just pay up, of course.

Play #4: Get work emails from Twitterhandles

Don’t spend your time on Twitter to spark engagement or build brand.

There’s bots that can do that for you.

In my estimation, about 70% of what happens on Twitter is bot-driven.

Finding Leads & Outreach

Finding Leads & Outreach

Which makes most of the engagement going on there fake and useless.

Rather than give, you should take from Twitter.

It’s a deep pool of leads waiting for you to pull your rod out.

Now, getting work emails require you to have at least names and company domains.

In theory, you could pull that o with server-side scraping but that’s quite the hassle and your returns
won’t be spectacular as both data-parts of that equation can be kind of crappy when you scrape them
from Twitter profiles.

There is no direct way to get work emails from Twitterhandles. We’ll have to call on our buddy LinkedIn
to make this party happen.

Game plan: match Twitter pro les to LinkedIn pro les, then match LinkedIn pro les with email
addresses. You can find the how-to of that second part in Play #5.

Don’t shoot at random

Especially not cold emails.

Do all the data enrichment you want, you won’t hit anything if you don’t sharpen your aim first.

In other words: where to get Twitterhandles worth getting work emails for?

Where to get lead-worthy Twitterhandles?

There’s a couple of options.

My favourite one revolves around Twitter friends.

Others possibilities include scraping Product Hunt upvoters or social sharers via BuzzSumo.

You can catch up with all three these tactics in this Playbook on How To Steal Your Competitor’s

To pair Twitterhandles with LinkedIn profiles, we’re going to use FullContact.

Step 1: Make an account over at FullContact

Finding Leads & Outreach

In fact, you’re probably better off rearranging the order and send out your cold
email after the LinkedIn connection, maybe even after the Facebook Ad.

Finding Leads & Outreach

This is kind of straightforward.

Step 2: Download the Person Enrichment Template (Excel Macro File).

You can do it.

Step 3: Log in as developer to get an API Key

First go here

Then here

Step 4: Paste the API Key into the Person Enrichment Template

Finding Leads & Outreach

Finding Leads & Outreach

Step 5: Select Twitterhandles as source

Step 6: Go to ‘InputSheet’ and paste the Twitterhandles

Step 7: Go back to Begin and hit ‘Populate Contacts’

You should have something like this now

Step 8: Head back to Play #2 to match work emails for the found LinkedIn profiles

Finding Leads & Outreach

Finding Leads & Outreach

Play #5: Get personal emails from Twitterhandles, Part I

Work emails open the gates to a fierce cold email offensive, but what about Facebook Ads?

No sane person ever made a Facebook pro le with his work email. You need personal emails to have
leads gaze upon your brilliant Facebook Ads.

There’s two ways to get from Twitterhandles to personal emails.

The rst one (this one) involves FullContact, the second one we need Dux-Soup (and LinkedIn) for. Head
over to Play #6 for that.

The first way to get personal emails is a case of ennobled educated guessing.

We’re going to guess emails and then verify those emails with FindThatLead.

There’s two assumptions that guide these guesses:

1. For quite some people the part that comes before ‘@’ in their personal emails is identical to their

2. People tend to use Gmail, Outlook, iCloud (maybe even Hotmail?) for personal emails.

Now, open your list with Twitterhandles in a sheet (Excel or Google Sheets).

Combine email addresses,,… using

‘CONCATENATE’ in a new column in your sheet and save the column as a separate .CSV.

If you’re looking to target Mickey Mouse and his Twitterhandle is ‘MickeyMouse’, your educated guess
would be ‘’.

(I would expect Mickey to to have a Hotmail email actually


Now we’ll hit up FindThatLead to find out if these email addresses exist with its Email Verifier feature.

Get yourself an account and select .CSV upload from your Dashboard.

Then click ‘Verify Emails’.

Finding Leads & Outreach

Finding Leads & Outreach

Repeat the process for other common personal email domains for the ones that return negative.

Your success rate won’t be 100%. Not everyone uses their Twitterhandle as identi er in their emails. I

But if combined it with method #2 you should a pretty decent return rate.

Play #6: Get personal emails from Twitterhandles, Part II

Part II of the ‘getting personal emails from Twitterhandles’ — magic trick has more backbone but also
takes more effort.

It’s based on the superpower of our favourite LinkedIn growth hack tool Dux-Soup to gather personal
emails for LinkedIn Profiles, as first described in Play #3.

Finding Leads & Outreach

Finding Leads & Outreach

Match Twitterhandles with LinkedIn profiles using FullContact

Sounds familiar?

We already did this in Play #4.

Here’s a recap of the process. You can check back on Play #1 for step-by-step instructions and

Step 1: Make an account over at FullContact

Step 2: Download the Person Enrichment Template (Excel Macro File)

Step 3: Log in as developer to get an API Key

Step 4: Paste the API Key into the Person Enrichment Template

Step 5: Select Twitter handles as source

Step 6: Go to ‘InputSheet’ and paste the Twitter handles

Step 7: Go back to Begin and hit ‘Populate Contacts’

Step 8: FullContact will return LinkedIn pro les for your Twitter

‘Revisit’ with Dux-Soup to source personal emails

We’ll now auto-visit the matched LinkedIn pro les with Dux-Soup and have it retrieve email addresses,
a lot of which will be personal email addresses.

As shown in Play #3.

Here’s a recap of the process.

Finding Leads & Outreach

Finding Leads & Outreach

Step 1: Paste the LinkedIn Pro le URLs in the Pro le column of the Dux
Revisit Template you can get here.

Step 2: ‘Revisit’ the LinkedIn profiles

Step 3: Upload the .CSV with the LinkedIn profiles

Step 4: Hit ‘Visit Profiles’ from the Dux-Soup Chrome extension UI

Step 5: Download results with ‘Download Data’

Take the value road

Personal emails. You know what that means.

Data goes in data comes out Facebook Ad.

Easy peasy.

This is the straightforward approach to go from Twitter to Facebook Ads.

☝ However.

Finding Leads & Outreach

Finding Leads & Outreach

You’re going to need to do more than that if you want people to connect with your value and convert
from your Facebook Ads.

How many times did you actually make a purchase off a Facebook Ad?

I’d guess something between 1 and 2. That goes for most people.

People don’t buy from companies. They buy from people.

They buy from people they know, like and trust.

If people know who you are and what you do before you show them a Facebook Ad, it will land more
softly and gently.

You don’t achieve this by scraping their data and running it through FindThatLead and FullContact.

Build a multi-touchpoint strategy where you connect with people on various channels and make sure
to provide value everywhere.

Finding Leads & Outreach

Finding Leads & Outreach

This will build acquaintance and trust. Now they’ll have an aha-moment when they see your Facebook

To apply that idea going from Twitter to Facebook Ads, you can use Dux-Soup’s auto-connection feature
and, instead of retrieving their emails without ever showing your face to them, send them a connection
request with a personalised note.

Now this is an interaction. Way more meaningful than just visiting them.

If they accept your invitation, you won’t only have their email address, you’ll also have them in your
network, meaning you can now showcase your value to them on LinkedIn.

If you’re looking for inspiration on how to create value and build in uence on LinkedIn, check out this
Playbook on LinkedIn Lead Generation.

Play #7: Get work emails from Facebook Groups

Groups on Facebook have been big lately.

They went from wastelands ruled by spammers to dedicated communities with loads of quality
content, packed with like-minded professionals to connect with.

They’re great places to find leads, introductions and partnerships.

And, if you’re an active member of the community in question (which I recommended before you target
them), — your email will land better.

Finding Leads & Outreach

Finding Leads & Outreach

How to scrape Facebook Groups? Scrapely.

Step 1: Scrape Facebook Group with Scrapely

Scrapely is a nifty little Chrome extension that will hand you the members of a Facebook Group on a
silver platter (in a Google Sheet really) — complete with company (if filled out) and work roles.

It can also scrape likers of Facebook Pages, attendees of Facebook Events and members of LinkedIn

Step 1: Pull up the the Group you want to scrape.

Step 2: Create a Google Sheet and set share settings to ‘can edit’.

Finding Leads & Outreach

Finding Leads & Outreach

Step 3: Link Scrapely to your Google Sheet and specify the tab name within the Google Sheet you want
Scrapely to push your data to.

Step 4: Launch Scrapely. It will fill up your Google Sheet at lightning speed.

Facebook Groups are already quite targeted lead pools. Filter on work role to sharpen your aim.

Step 2: Match Company Names to Domains using the Clearbit API

Before we can feed FindThatLead with data to get back work emails, we need to turn Company Names
into Domains.

We can do this by running the company names by the Clearbit API and fetching the returning domain
URL. Thank you Badis Khalfallah from for this nifty trick, it’s better than how I did it before.

Open up a Google Sheet and paste the list of company names in the first column.

In the next column, use the CONCATENATE function to combine the company names and the Clearbit
Autocomplete URL, being:[company]

Finding Leads & Outreach

Finding Leads & Outreach

That looks something like this:


A1 being the cell that contains the company I want to find the domain for.

Drag-down the function to the rest of the column so to cover all your company names.

Now we’re going to make a script that fetches the domain URL from the data Clearbit sources for the
company names.

In Google Sheets, open Tools > Script Editor.

Paste this in:

function FETCH(url) {

var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url);


var out = JSON.parse(response.getContentText());

return out[0]['domain'];

Then hit ‘Save’. CMD + S on Mac and CTRL+S on Windows.

Close the tab and get back to your Google Sheet. In the third column, use this function to source the


Your sheet should look something like this:

Finding Leads & Outreach

Finding Leads & Outreach

Combine the domains with the first and last names you got from the Facebook Groups with Grouply.

Now you’re all set for FindThatLead.

Step 3: Fill up FindThatLead and lean back

FindThatLead will take it from here.

Et voila, work emails for Facebook Group members.

Bonus: Get LinkedIn URLs for the scraped Facebook profiles

Names and domains can also get us LinkedIn Profile URLs for the Facebook Group members.

Finding Leads & Outreach

Finding Leads & Outreach

Phantom Buster is a platform that gives you the power to automate repetitive data scraping tasks like
this one.

You just have to tell it what to do.

In this case, we’ll have it automatically run search queries in Google for each of the Facebook Group
members from their first name, last name and company name.

Using this script.

The script will automatically run search queries for the names + companies on  — 
returning LinkedIn profiles as first result.

Because you probably have rst name and last name in two separate columns, you’ll rst need to put
them together in the same column, using the CONCATENATE function in Google Sheets.

Finding Leads & Outreach

Finding Leads & Outreach

CONCATENATE also works in Excel but you’ll have to use a Google Sheet as input for the
Phantombuster script anyway so save yourself the extra trouble.

For detailed steps on how to set up Phantombuster to get this done, I’ll refer you to Play #1, Step 5in
this Growth Hacker’s Playbook to Stealing Your Competitor’s Customers.

Phantombuster will ll up the rst empty column of your Google Sheet with LinkedIn results. You can
auto-connect with them using Dux-Soup’s ‘Revisit’ feature similar to the way we did back in Play #3.
Other tools that let you auto-connect include LinkedInHelper and GPZ LinkedInTools.

Remember that you have access to all the email addresses of your LinkedIn connections, meaning that,
if you do take this step you’ll have the primary LinkedIn emails (often personal ones) of these people
you initially scraped from a Facebook Group.


From Facebook Groups to cold emails, connected on LinkedIn and Facebook Ads. If you’re an active
member of the Facebook Group you scraped, you can safely say you have yourself an online relation

That is if the other people think of you as a good guy/gal and you establish yourself as a valuable
member of their network. That’s up to you.

In fact, you're probably better o rearrantign the order and sending out your cold email after the
Linkedin connection, maybe even after the Facebook Ad.

Warms up that cold email of yours .

Finding Leads & Outreach

Finding Leads & Outreach

Play #8: Get personal emails from Facebook Groups

So in Play #7 we got work emails and LinkedIn profiles for Facebook Group members.

What more can we do?

You should know the drill by now.

Use Dux-Soup to ‘revisit’ LinkedIn pro les as described in Play #3 and order it to get you some personal
emails with it.

One more time?

Play #9: Get work emails for Facebook Page likers

Step 1: Paste the LinkedIn Pro le URLs in the Pro le column of the Dux Revisit Template you can
get here.

Step 2: ‘Revisit’ the LinkedIn profiles

Step 3: Upload the .CSV with the LinkedIn profiles

Step 4: Hit ‘Visit Profiles’ from the Dux-Soup Chrome extension UI

Step 5: Download results with ‘Download Data’

This process is identical to Play #7, only now you’ll use Scrapely to scrape Facebook Page likers.

Finding Leads & Outreach

Finding Leads & Outreach

Play #10: Get personal emails for Facebook Page likers

Going from the data you got from Play #9, you can now use the same process described in Play #8
(personal emails for Facebook Group members) to get personal emails for Facebook Page likers.

Play #11: Get personal emails from Facebook Friends

Wouldn’t it be awesome if you could show Facebook Ads to your Facebook friends?

Thing is Facebook doesn’t want you to advertise to your friends and understandably so.

It would turn into a spam-infested wasteland, fast.

That being said, there’s still a way to get all of your friends’ Facebook emails.

It’s one of oldest growth hacks in the book.

It involves Yahoo Mail, which may well be the reason that this thing is still around (both the growth
hack and Yahoo).

Finding Leads & Outreach

Finding Leads & Outreach

I simply see no other reason why someone would still use Yahoo Mail.

Create a Yahoo Mail account.

Or login to your existing one.

You’re not just getting the possibility to see your Facebook friends’ email addresses, you’ll also get 1TB
worth of storage.

That’s about 54 million emails.

Maybe that’s their way of making up for the fact that you can’t change the interface language. It’s
location- xed, so the next couple of screenshots will be in Dutch (I’m in the wonderful city of Antwerp,
Belgium ✌ ).

Translation will be provided where necessary.

Finding Leads & Outreach

Finding Leads & Outreach

Connect your Facebook account logging into your account.

Yahoo will immediately get to work.

Up until a few weeks ago, you could now just export that list into a nice .CSV. Things have not changed
recently and not for the better. Yahoo got wind of people using its email service to export their
Facebook friend’s email and now explicitly forbids you from exporting those. In fact, if you hit ‘Export’,
you’ll see a statement saying ‘export all of your contacts EXCEPT your Facebook Friends.’ (The capitals
are not actually there, but I thought they were fitting here).

It gets worse. Yahoo also made it damn hard to scrape the emails o the page client-side like we
usually would do.

We’ll just have to get creative here.

First, scroll all the way down to make sure you fully activated the infinite scroll.

Then hit ‘select all’.

And send all these people an email. Not for real, we just want all their email addresses in a eld of

Finding Leads & Outreach

Finding Leads & Outreach

Once you’re in the compose email - eld, click ‘More’ to show every single email address and then just
select all, copy and paste into notepad or textedit.

The emails will be formatted like this:

<>; <>

To have it as a .CSV, lose the spaces using Find and Replace All. Then do the same to change ‘;’ into ‘,’.

(You may actually not have to carry out this last step, my Excel is set on .CSVs with ‘,’ as separators but
for some people it’s ‘;’)

You can also lose ‘<’ and ‘>’ using Find and Replace or do that later in Excel.

Save the file with the extension .CSV and open in Excel.

You’ll now have all the email addresses in columns, while you want them in rows.

Select the entire rst column > ‘Copy’, then select the rst row underneath the rst one and choose
‘Paste Special > Transpose’. This will copy all the columns into rows.

Finding Leads & Outreach

Finding Leads & Outreach

The downside here is that it’s hard to match those personal emails to actual names, which would be
nice to create a database of contacts - but to create a Custom Audience in Facebook this works just

So yeah: nice try Yahoo.

For inspiration on how to kill it on Facebook check out this Playbook.

Play #12: Get personal and work emails from… anything?

You’re probably pretty bored by now.

In spite of 9 Plays, we didn’t use a whole lot of tactics.

Depending on what kind of emails you’re willing to cook up, you just need to get yourself some data,
sprinkle with some Dux-Soup and heat up in FindThatLead.

First name, last name, company name.

If you have these three, you can get all the rest by just being a little creative with the tools and tactics
out there.

Twitter profiles? Match with LinkedIn and get names and domains from there.

Company names? Use the Clearbit API to get domains. (There’s more ways).

The reason I wrote it all out isn’t to bore you, it’s to familiarise you with a way of thinking.

Any source that provides you with at least names and company names is good enough to get emails

Want to get email addresses for reviewers on the SaaS directory Capterra?

Scrape the names and company names, turn company names into domains and you can run your
combos through FindThatLead.

Scraping can be complicated, but it can also be just as easy as using a Chrome extension like

For an e ective use case, check out the rst Play from this Playbook on how to steal customers from
your competitors. I elaborate on how to scrape reviewers from Capterra with DataMiner (free) and get
email addresses for them. Once you get how that works, possibilities are infinite.

Finding Leads & Outreach

Finding Leads & Outreach

1) Rebump
Rebump is a tool which, if the person you email doesn’t reply, will send them an automated email,
every 24 hours…forever (lol)

Seriously crafty piece of kit.

It is RIDICULOUS how many opportunities fall through the cracks by people being busy.

You are looking after 9,000 things at any given time, this helps you keep the pressure up on those
important emails that can’t not get back to you.

Automated follow ups any scale- awesome.

REMEMBER - You need to put humorous, fun copy in your follow ups or people will get annoyed.

Take a look at what Jon Buchan did with the ferret (What?! - Editor’s note) to see how to write amazing

2) Standuply

Finding Leads & Outreach

Finding Leads & Outreach

A categorised list of 1000 slack communities. Find potential users and customers, do market research,
make sales. Boom.

3) Queueat
THIS piece of software is in my top 5 growth hacking tools of all time, easy.

It was the reason we went from zero to selling $100k in pre-orders of my book even though neither me
nor my co-author had any sort of personal brand or following.

I have since used it to promote my legendary (and controversial) Harambe “celebration of life” event
(hated by Wired, loved by Vice) which somehow, despite being a joke, made $5k on Kickstarter to create
a live event.

Finally, I used it to promote this book you’re holding in your hands right now. At the time of writing,

over 20,000 people had hit the landing page, who can all be re-targeted by Facebook ads once this
book comes out, let alone all the other data I’m about to show you below?

So it works like this:

People give you their email (or sign in by Facebook and can then win prizes if they share with their

The more they share with their friends, the more points they get.

So…get imaginative.

Finding Leads & Outreach

Finding Leads & Outreach

What could you give away?

Subscriptions for life?

Lots of products delivered to their door?

Get imaginative.

You sign up for a Queueuat account:

You add it to your site (very simple code).

You decide what prizes they should win:

You decide what they need to do to win points:

Pro-tip: Make sure the copy when they share to social is VERY EYE-CATCHING.

Keep a swipe file of ads you like, then steal the best titles ;)

The backend looks like this; Grey is people you’ve invited, purple is people they’ve invented (i.e. the
new people who come in out of the cold and are now in your world!

These numbers all sign up with an email.

I don’t need to tell you how amazing that is.

Now look at this section, hundreds of thousands of social media impressions for free!

Oh, that ain’t enough?

How about hundreds of free likes, followers, and social actions taken?

Again, this is on top of all of the above.

I’m betting you want to stop reading this and go launch something, right?>

You bet you do.

Promote it using the other hacks in this book and you’re away!

Finding Leads & Outreach

Finding Leads & Outreach

People fight it out to win the competition, so it’s a good idea to regularly email them to remind them

How much is at stake and to keep them sharing (most people are lazy)

4) Gleam
Gleam is Queueat’s rival or accompanying sister, depending on how you look at it.

Gleam has a similar system where people get points for taking actions, but it’s less of a “ ght it out to
win the competition” and more of a “win lots of cool mini-prizes for doing stuff”

Gleam is amazing due to the incredible amount of actions you can get people to take to win prizes.

As well as everything Queueat does (Facebook likes, Twitter follows, YouTube subscribers etc) you can
give people points for following on Snapchat, visiting a Kickstarter or Indiegog, following on Twitch,
subscribing to a Mailchimp mailing list and a zillion other things:

Gleam is a SOLID choice for getting a lot of social followers and building a brand.

Also, they are very easy to set up, (Queue needs you to integrate on your own site, Gleam hosts for you).

5) Ninja Outreach

Finding Leads & Outreach

Finding Leads & Outreach

Do you want to nd in uencers in your industry easily and have a tool allowing you to automate
outreach? Ninja Outreach is for you then. Actually, this growth hacking tool goes much further than
emails. Indeed, this will let you nd in uencers, generate leads, nding guest posts' opportunities,
build links, cold email outreaching, Twitter prospecting, Instagram outreach and more. Give it a try if
you want to reach to influencers through emails or other mediums.

Get instant access to over 25 million bloggers without the hours of research

The all-in-one blogger outreach and lead generation marketing tool

for bloggers, marketers, entrepreneurs, small agencies, or large enterprises.

6) Yet another Mail Merge

Create email campaigns with Gmail and Google Sheets. Personalize & track each email sent. Yet
Another Mail Merge is so easy to set up that everybody can use it! In a couple of clicks, send bulk
emails to a mailing list without any coding knowledge.

7) Leadfeeder
This tool automatically nds the name, company name, and email address of anyone who visits your

Not much else to say. It’s magic

Finding Leads & Outreach

Finding Leads & Outreach

(See the video for how to set it up and use it).

8) GoPinLeads

The future of lead generation isn't the schlep you think it is.

Most people believe that lead generation is an absolute snooze-fest. When you go about it the old
fashioned way it's an attention sucking vortex of doom.

Finding Leads & Outreach

Finding Leads & Outreach

Painstakingly Googling keywords and copying them to a spreadsheet while your life drags before your
eyes - who has the time?

With a nifty little tool called GoPinLeads, it’s easier than you could possibly imagine.

GoPinLeads is a tool that generates thousands of leads with the click of a button.

It’s as easy as it sounds, too, which is rare these days.

Users select the location they need to search, insert a keyword or two, and GoPinLeads emails the
results including email addresses, venues, contact numbers, and more within 10 minutes.

The tool scouts millions of websites and social platforms including LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook,
corporate sites, and databases across the globe.

On average, users can save over 50 hours per week on searching potential client data. Rather than
spending time on menial tasks, business people are able to focus on their core business and growing

It scales databases so fast, it’s scary. The AI abilities keep the results accurate - the bots don’t miss a

It’s the perfect way for product developers to nd a thousand factories in China before their next
business trip or for sales people to connect with the top dogs in a hundred hotels in Hawaii.

The brains behind this tool are constantly developing new versions, including a brand new edition
launched on 11th June 2018 that doesn’t require any installation, is 2x faster and works within pretty
much every browser and device including mobiles and tablets.

The only way to nd out is to give it a spin! Try it for free and upgrade using the coupon code
ACETHEGAME to get the first month at 50% off.

Finding Leads & Outreach

Traffic Generation

Traffic Generation
In this section:Th e Hacks

1) “Make me famous” technique - By Vin Clancy

2) One Secret Hack to Increase Your Email Open Rate (takes one minute!) - By Vin Clancy

3) How to turn $5 into 100 email signups in a day - By Kerrie Rycroft

4) How to build a business using affiliate traffic - By Adrian Nutiu

5) Send your readers down the Rabbit hole! - Vin Clancy

6) Smart bribe (UpViral)

7) “Hidden places of high traffic”


9) How to create an awesome affiliate programme - By Hailey Friedman

10) LinkedIn Engagement Hack - Jon Buchan11) How Current Media achieved 600,000 Referrals +
$36,000,000 Initial Coin Offering - By Manuel Frigerio

Th e Tool s

1) Angage

2) Cloudsponge


4) Push Crew

5) Linkgage

6) Referral Candy

Traffic Generation
Traffic Generation

1) “Make me famous” technique - By Vin Clancy

2) One Secret Hack to Increase Your Email Open Rate (takes
one minute!) - By Vin Clancy
Step 1. Take the SAME email you sent and CHANGE the subject line to something new.

Step 2. Email it out 12 hours later JUST TO YOUR NON-OPENS. Get 30%+ more opens.Amazing how
much this works!

3) How to turn $5 into 100 email signups in a day - By Kerrie

Step 1 - Know your audience. At the time I was selling social media plans and strategies and done for
you social media, etc etc etc. My audience wanted to know all about how they could use social media to
grow their business and what they needed to do.Step 2 - Find your audience. I identi ed 3 Facebook
groups where my ideal clients spent their time. I built up a pro le in these groups over the space of a
couple of weeks. Give good content, don't try and sell, answer questions, be helpful etc etcStep 3 - Use
Fiverr. I went to verr and bought 1500 motivational business images. I then went through these and
picked out the best 100. The quality wasn't great, I think out of the 1500 there were about 250 - 300
that were really good.Step 4 - I packaged them up as a 90 day + worth of social media content. I
created a quick video on how to add your website / branding to an image in canva and then posted in
the FB groups that I had identi ed.My $5 purchase became an opt in which gave my subscribers 100
days worth of social media content for free. All it took was a short video to show them what to do with
it.I literally posted this in 3 groups and had over 1000 subscribers in the rst day.Think outside the
box.Use verr and other sites.What could you buy from verr and repurpose as an opt in gift or other
value for your tribe?

4) How to build a business using a liate tra c - By Adrian

About 8 years ago I built a business using a liates only. Speaking recently with an amazing growth
hacker about consulting opportunities he asked me if I can replicate that for clients as that would be a
very valuable skill and so I ended up creating this Affiliates/JV/Partnerships Hack.

Who can benefit from this?

99% of the businesses. It all boils down to who already has your customers and how can you provide
enough value to access them. The value doesn’t always have to be money.

So let’s go over examples:

1. The most basic a liate relationship. If you are not alone in your niche or if it’s a competitive niche
there might be review sites or simply websites promoting your competition or related products.

Traffic Generation
Traffic Generation

The 2 most common ways are by email or on the website(as a review, ad...).

To find the affiliates promoting related products register for their affiliate program and:

- Search using Google for the affiliate url

- Google the product name + review

- Google product name + resources/links/tools.

- Check their backlinks pro le and see which of the backlinks are from a liates. Tools like Ahrefs and
Majestic can find these links even if they use cloaking/redirects.

2. Simple JV’s. Find products that target the same niche as you do but not a direct competitor. You can
swap webinars or give x months free as bonus for each other service when someone buys. I've seen it
done both ways. If one has a signi cant larger email list, it can help to track and o er monetary

3. Deal sites. If your product is targeted at marketers or business in general you can quickly grow a
mailing list by doing a deal for Appsumo. Besides the fast cash your new list can be leveraged using
method 2 above.

4. Many sites list discounts as a perk to their buyers/members. If the area is password protected this
will not be seen by the public so you are not cannibalizing existing sales channels. The same can be
done with people that register for conferences or online summits.

5. Content partnerships. This could range from guest posting on top industry magazines, to having a
printed book or ebook given for free(sell it on its dedicated site or Amazon to increase perceived value)
to 3rd party audiences. You can mix this with #2 and reciprocate.

6. Create a course(free or paid) on the biggest problem your target market has. If it is paid this can
open the doors to a whole new world of opportunities - see all above.

7. In uencers. Give them the product for free. You will nd most will be happy to use a version that
has a “powered by“ link. Set it up as their a liate link. Even if they don’t want to use a powered by link
people will start wondering what tool they use. This works well for marketing/business tools.

8. Be creative. It is very likely that someone has already aggregated your audience and

you only need a MAFIA offer(an offer they can’t refuse).

I hope you like it. Happy to connect if you want me to look over your specific situation.

Traffic Generation
Traffic Generation

5) Send Readers Down The Rabbit Hole - By Vin Clancy

Alright, so this hack is how to send your users down a wormhole. So this is one of my Hu ngton Post
articles, it’s quite old but it was on the blog so it o cially ranked for SEO and is featured on the front

Second paragraph rst thing I do is I mention my conference company so straight away there’s a plug
out there that links to that. Then I do a couple of links to other articles and then I do a link to some
talks that I gave recently that have been quite successful.

Then that links to a Storify page of all of my recent talks. So straight away it shows a validation, there’s
people queing up to speak to me. Here are my new tweets of people who have seen me and so this is a
very valid thing, give out your Twitter handle during your talks.

People will tweet throughout it and then you have this great catalog of people who want to talk.
Straight away I’ve linked out to that. That’s another thing people can get into. Secondly I did a second
link out to “Should you use fake users on your app?” - narrowing the blog post, a little more value on
why you should do this thing.

Guess what happens here, there is another link hidden inside this and then it just goes on and on. So
you get people into this spiral, all you gotta do is get that rst click and then they go into this trance
and you’ve got them.

Traffic Generation
Traffic Generation

So that’s how you turn one click into many and it doesn’t cost anything, just need to add a few more
links when you’re blogging. You’ll get a ton more eyeballs and then from there people follow you. Pretty

6) Using a SmartBribe to build an awesome following/email list

- By Vin Clancy
How to get more traffic from every Opt-in

Why it’s cool: At this moment people are in “action” mode and most people give a lame “thank you”
page once you agree to give your email for a lead magnet.

This is the moment you should get more from them. Smart Bribe does this elegantly. A must have to
give every optin the chance to go viral.

Pro tip: Have a series of cool rewards to make them “play the game”. Swipe les, webinars, “power-up”
calls with your team. You can even line multiple rewards up for those who have an itchy clicky trigger
finger (What a sentence that is).

1. We built this app a few days ago during a 24-hour Product Challenge (full story:

2. The app solves a big problem for us: "How do we get people to send traffic to us once they optin"

3. We installed Go Viral on our site and it increased our average daily share count from 10-15 shares
per day to over 500 (in the first 24 hours)

This is how it works:

Step 1: First identify your most popular existing lead magnet (ebook, newsletter, video course etc)

Step 2: Setup a SmartBribe to give away something in addition to that free thing on the thank you page
(SB will allow you to give this additional thing in exchange for people telling their friends about you)

Step 3: Once your peeps tell their friends about you (via Twitter and email) they’ll get the additional
awesome thingIt takes about 30 seconds to install.To see it in action go to Going
trough the signup process will show you what it looks like as we use SB to distribute SB (inception like).

It takes about 30 seconds to install.

To see it in action go to Going trough the signup process will show you what it looks
like as we use SB to distribute SB (inception like).

Traffic Generation
Traffic Generation

7) Hidden places of high traffic - By Vin Clancy

Hey kids! Here’s a cheeky list of tra c hotspots that many people think
about. Enjoy!
- The P.S. on emails (one of the most read locations)
- Your ‘About’ page (A surprising amount of web traffic heads here)
- The rst email you send someone after they sign up (maybe slip an
upsale in here?)
- Referral link on invoices!
- Use the “Thanks for Signing Up” page or post-email capture to give leads
the opportunity to immediately reserve a calendar slot for a sales call do

This removes the steps of opening an email and clicking through to the
calendar, thus taking away an opportunity for them to change their minds
about the call.
8) Use on launch day for an extra BOOST - Vin

Building a startup is hard and marketing one is even harder. It takes time, e ort and can often result
in a small spike of temporary traffic which leaves you demotivated and frustrated.

Traffic Generation
Traffic Generation

Instaaa is a mass marketing tool, enabling you to promote your startup, business or website on more
than 365 directories with a single click.

What’s cool about this:

It’ll help you get your product in front of “early adopters”

1. Early users who love trying out new things who hang out on the type of sites they send to (they also
do the same for songs to submit to music blogs which is pretty awesome!)
2. It’ll give you lots of juicy backlinks from authority sites which will help you rank far faster than
through pure content and on-page settings alone
3. It normally helps your brand to show up on google for a few things, so you’re not a “nothing shows
up on Google” company (this will help build trust)

9) How to create an awesome a liate programme - Hailey

When I joined RealtyShares in 2015 as the second marketing hire and 20th employee at the company,
among the many things on my plate, I was tasked with building an a liate program from the ground

The rst thing I did was research and create a list of all the FinTech/investing bloggers in our space
and reach out to them via email to invite them to join our affiliate program…

Traffic Generation
Traffic Generation

I sent out 50 emails and got 12 responses. All of which did not think the partnership would be a t or
were not interested at this time. That e ort produced zero a liate partnerships.It wasn’t until I was
working on a side project of mine, when I unlocked the secret to building affiliate relationships. is a blog where I aggregated survey responses from hundreds of New

Yorkers and San Franciscans about their absolute favorite restaurants in various categories. Each week
I’d post a new blog post based o the data I collected “Top Five Brunch Spots in NYC”, “Top Five Burgers
in NYC”, “Top Five Coffee Spots in NYC”.

Each time I wrote something I also posted about it on Facebook and Twitter, tagging every restaurant or
company that was mentioned in the blog post. To my surprise, these renowned restaurants and food
brands were extremely flattered by the mention and over 50% of them “liked”, “re-posted” and “shared”
my tweets…

It was at this point that I came to a realization about life that helped to drive my growth marketing
career forward. People love being recognized.

I took this concept and ran with it at RealtyShares. I put together content around the “Top 60 Real
Estate Investing Blogs”, “Top 76 Alternative Investing Blogs”, “Top 75 Real Estate Blogs”, “Top 14 Personal
Finance Blogs” and many many more. As many categories as I could possibly think of that related to
FinTech or the Real Estate industry. All together we ended up mentioning over 373 di erent blogs,
podcasts, books and influencers within these “Top” lists that we posted to the RealtyShares blog.

Next, I reached out to every single person that was mentioned in one of our blog posts, taking a slightly
di erent approach then the rst time I reached out via email- I didn’t mention our a liate program at
all.Here’s the response I got this time around…

Here’s the response I got this time around…

Traffic Generation
Traffic Generation

By rst giving recognition to the blogger for their fantastic content, I was able to “warm up” the
relationship, and therefore Joe and the rest of the bloggers I spoke to were far more open to learning
about our affiliate program.

Not to mention all the shares and backlinks we gained when these 373 in uencers shared our post
with their followers.

Out of the 373 influencers we emailed, 66 of them ended up signing up for our affiliate program. That’s
an 18% conversion rate.

By utilizing this strategy alone, I was able to grow our a liate program 9X year over year.Not only did
a liate tra c grow exponentially- but the quality of the leads proved to be among the strongest
relative to other channels like SEM, Native and Paid Social.

Meaning that signups that came from our a liate program, became investors at a higher rate and
invested more dollars on our platform than signups from other channels.

If you’re looking for a tool to manage & track your a liate marketing partners and the commissions
that they’re each earning, I use Ambassador, which is referral marketing software and it’s awesome.
The Ambassador platform makes it easy for a liates to sign up, access their unique tracking link and
monitor their clicks, conversions and commission. You can even pay your a liates through the

Traffic Generation
Traffic Generation

How did I nd out about Ambassador? Well, rst I used them to build out our referral program at
RealtyShares which scaled 10X within 45 days of implementing Ambassador. Enough said. I
implemented it on the a liate marketing side as soon as I saw those results. However, if you nd
Ambassador is out of your price range- look into Omnistar. Omnistar’s tool will also let you track an
a liate program quickly and easily and it’s a fraction of the cost. Omnistar costs ~$40/month rather
than $1,000/month like Ambassador. This is the rst platform we used to get the referral program o
the ground and it worked wonders, however there were a couple of feature limitations that led us to to
our ultimate switch to Ambassador.So I have a liate partners- now what? Once someone agrees to be
an a liate partner, you'll want to send them a link to sign up for your a liate program. This link
should take them to a sign up page that explains how your a liate program works. For example,
"When you sign up as an a liate, you'll get a unique link that you can use any time you refer to our
company. When someone clicks on your link and signs up or makes a purchase, we'll pay you $X in
commission." Every a liate marketing partner should have their own unique tracking link. That way,
whenever they write about your product, they'll be able to link to your site and get credit for every click
or every sale. If you use a tracking platform like Ambassador, your a liates will be able to log in and
monitor their performance in terms of clicks, conversions and the commissions that they're earning.

How do you get affiliates to write about your product?

It's one thing to convince someone to sign up as an affiliate.
You: "Hey, do you want to make money for writing about my product on your blog?"
Them: "Uh, yeah." It's another thing to convince them to actually sit down, and take the time to create
content that will drive affiliate conversions.
Your product is likely not the only product that they've signed up to promote.
You: "Hey, so I noticed you signed up to be an a liate, but I'm not seeing any tra c from your site
Them: "Oh yeah, I've been meaning to, but I just haven't had the time to get around to writing new
So, how do you actually encourage your new affiliates to take the time to write about your product?
How can you get your new partners to prioritize producing your content and promoting your content
ahead of their other partnerships?
Provide affiliates with the tools they need to be successful
This includes: Pre-written blog posts
Best practices around creative (what works for your company when you write about your product?)
Examples of high converting headlines Important data points around your company Press pieces that
mention your company
Examples of blog posts from successful a liates Set up a kick-o call where you can brainstorm ideas
Incentivize your affiliate marketing partners
Say it's a month or two later and you're still not seeing them send tra c to your site, how do you
motivate them to get started?
I'll tell you how- you pay them!
Money talks.

Traffic Generation
Traffic Generation

Check it out... You: "Hey, so you know how I told you earlier that I'd pay you $40 per conversion? Well, if
you send over your first few conversions before the end of the month, you can lock in a special rate $60
per conversion for good." Them: "Oh shit, sweet deal. I'm going to get on writing your content ASAP!"
Reward affiliate partners that send strong leads
Before going ahead and o ering more money per conversion, you'll have to make sure that the
numbers back out for your company.
Make sure you're thinking about your return on investment (ROI) when offering a special deal.
You'll want to make sure that you're still getting value from these conversions.
That might mean that you start newer a liates at a lower pricing tier and promote them to higher
priced tiers once you determine that they send you high quality traffic.
It's totally okay to have pay different affiliates different base commissions per conversion.
Sucky Affiliate: "Hey, can you bump up my base commission rate?"
You: "Uh, no. None of the leads you are sending me are actually converting.
They're low quality and I can hardly afford to pay you what I'm paying you.
In fact, I'm considering terminating our partnership if I don't see an improvement in lead quality
before the end of the month.
Awesome Affiliate: "Hey, can you bump up my base commission rate?"
You: "Yes- the leads you are sending me are awesome and spending a lot of money our product.
I can bump up your commission rate by $X."
Usually anywhere from $5-$20 extra is very much appreciated!
Stay top of mind with your affiliate marketing partners

Traffic Generation
Traffic Generation

Once you've gotten your a liate partners to "activate" or make their rst few referrals that convert on
your site,
you'll want to continue to stay top of mind so that they're constantly motivated to continue pumping
out content with your company's name on it.
There are a few ways you can do this.
Email drip campaign: Enter your a liate's emails into an automated email drip campaign that sends
them an email every week with data and nuggets of information that they can use in their content.
Press: Send your a liates any articles or press mentions about your company. They can share this
with their audience or integrate the news into their own content.
Build relationships: Follow your affiliates on Twitter. Connect on Linkedin.
Join Facebook groups and engage in their communities.
Integrate yourself into their world and bring value when you can by sharing articles they might be
interested in and liking their content.
Host events: Invite your a liate partners to company events or o er to host a meetup at your o ce. If
you can provide value to your affiliate marketing partners, they will want to return the favor.
People love to be recognized.Identify influencers you want to partner with.
Create a “top list” blog post that recognizes them for high quality content.
Email them to let them know you think they’re awesome and they’ve been featured.
Pitch your affiliate marketing program.
Manage your affiliate program through Ambassador ($1,000/month) or Omnistar ($40/month)
Set your affiliates up for success and motivate them to get started
Stay top of mind with your affiliate partners
If you carefully track your a liate marketing tra c, you’ll soon discover that it can be an incredibly
valuable source of leads.
At RealtyShares, a liate tra c has become a huge part of our funnel and this tra c converts to sign
ups at a massive rate compared to other traffic sources.
Affiliate traffic is too valuable to ignore!
The great thing about an affiliate program is that it’s relatively inexpensive.
Rather than paying per click or per impression like you do on Google Adwords or Facebook, you only
pay for actual signups on your site.
No money wasted!
If you’re looking for high quality traffic growth, an Affiliate program is a great place to start.

10) LinkedIn Engagement Hack - By Jon Buchan

LinkedIn shows your posts to more people if they get likes and comments not soon after you’ve posted.

If you have a Facebook group, an email list or other social pro les with a decent following, simply
politely ask people to like / comment on your LI post and provide a link to it.

Traffic Generation
Traffic Generation

Traffic Generation
Traffic Generation

This works especially well if you’ve built up goodwill, e.g. you have a Facebook group that frequently
delivers useful content.

It also helps to add a dash of charming copy to your requests. :)

You can use this to your advantage when you want to generate new opt-ins to your list.

Step 1 - Post a link to your opt-in page.

Step 2 - Ask your Facebook group members, email list subscribers and other social media followers to
like / comment.

Traffic Generation
Traffic Generation

(Op ti on al ) Step 3 - You can further boost the e cacy of this tactic by using Content Upgrades. (I use

When someone opts-in, they are presented with a page that tells them to check their email for the lead
magnet but also that they can unlock a bonus if they share some of your content.

In the settings, make sure to put the URL of the original opt-in page as the link you want people to
share in order to unlock the bonus content.

This way you create a ‘viral loop’ where new people are sharing a link to the original opt-in, thus giving
you additional free exposure and boosting your email subscribers further.

11) How Current Media achieved 600,000 Referrals +

$36,000,000 Initial Coin Offering - By Manuel Frigerio

Traffic Generation
Traffic Generation

Current is a new app that lets users access all their favourite streaming services from the same place.
It employs a cryptocurrency token  —  called CRNC  —  that rewards members for streaming via Spotify,
Apple Music, YouTube and other popular services. In return for their time, money spent and data
shared, the user gets currency to spend on premium streaming subscription services.

By the end of its ICO on February 7th, Cu rren t h ad reach ed i ts goal of sel l i n g 350,000,000 CR N C
token s . In the process, it rai sed $36 mi l l i on and earned a hype rating of “Very High” on ICO Drops.

###p Maître’s Viral Lead Magnetplayed a central role in making this possible.

Getting 600,000 referrals from your investors

Getting tokens to sell like hotcakes in an ICO is all about building buzz and gaining trust. One of the
best ways to do both these things at once is referral marketing. By getting fans to talk about your ICO,
you can simultaneously reach more investors and p u b l i cl y d emon strate to cyp to i n vestors tru st
i n th e ICO.

These objectives were at the top of Current’s strategy when they set up their ICO referral programme.
To this day the approach earned them 636,000 token sal e su b scri b ers (an d sti l l cou n ti n g) i n
th e l ead - u p to th e ICO.

What is even more impressive is that 91% of th ese su b scri b ers were referred !!

Let’s go through the process Current used to achieve this.

The Perfect Landing Page

From the homepage you get a clear call to action (CTA), it is simple and enticing.

Traffic Generation
Traffic Generation

Once the user clicks ‘Join Now’ they are taken to another page on the site.

Simplicity is crucial to this landing page’s success, and we can see it at work in both the copy used and
the signup process itself. The potential investor can clearly see that initial signup is going to be simple,
with just two elds (Name and Email) to ll out before they click the sign-up button. Th i s i n creases
th e l i kel i h ood of th em goi n g th rou gh wi th th e si gn u p .

Traffic Generation
Traffic Generation

The value proposition is clearly explained on the page. “Refer friends and earn $100 in CRNC”

They also included a section below the sign up form which contains a bullet list reasons Current is the
next big thing.

Pro Tip: One other way is to include a break down of the rewards people get if they refer their friends

The Hook

The o er it sold in the most straightforward terms possible: “Refer friends to Current and, get up to
$100 in free credit”.

Having a simple to understand o er one of the most important elements to the campaign as most
people don’t have time to wonder what the hell they need to do.

Remember, the rst aim of any referral programme landing page is to get them to perform the rst
action, i.e signup. From this, we now have a way to contact them directly to begin to push more
marketing messages, like, refer more friends and get X.

Viral Sharing Screen

Once the lead has signed up, the Current referral programme uses the out of the box features in
Maïtre viral lead magnet to show the user exactly what they can get from the campaign.

Traffic Generation
Traffic Generation

There are lots of di erent elements in this view that combine to make the lead likelier to start making
referrals. Let’s break it down:

Si mp l e Cal l to acti on (CTA)  — the most important element of the whole campaign and, one that is
crucial to your signups making their first referral.

R eferral tal l y   —  when the a liate revisits their referrals account they’ll be able to see their live
referrals tally here.

Tel egram grou p l i n k  — take a look right at the top of the screenshot showing the referral link and
bene ts view. You’ll notice a link to Current’s Telegram group, just beneath the title. This is an
important part of how Current has built a sense of community around their referral scheme and
placed useful feedback within reach of their a liates. The Current a liates group is currently the #1
group on the Telegram platform — a powerful signal of its success.

Traffic Generation
Traffic Generation

Soci al sh ari n g b u tton s   —  Telegram, Facebook, Twitter, Email and WhatsApp buttons enable
subscribers to share a rich version of their a liate link on social in just two clicks. One click loads a
post of the link on the relevant social account; the second click sends the post.

Un i q u e cu stom referral l i n k  — this is the key mechanic of the referral process. Each a liate gets a
unique referral link to share with their network. Whenever someone signs up after using it, the a liate
progresses towards earning a cryptocurrency incentive. To encourage sharing, we’ve made it as easy as
possible for the affiliate to copy the link to their clipboard. All it takes is a single left-click.

Here’s an example of an affiliate sharing their unique referral link via Twitter:

Traffic Generation
Traffic Generation

R eferral i n cen ti ves  — Current motivate their a liates to make referrals by o ering incentives, in the
form of various quantities of their own cryptocurrency, CRNC. The a liate can see how many referrals
they need to make to earn each level of incentive, with the rewards getting greater as they work
harder. The range of referral levels represented — from just 2 to 80 — is designed to appeal to a wide
range of people, from casual users to full-time affiliate marketers.

Here’s what Current’s referral campaign manager, Shadi from the 1860 had to say on their tactics:

“Clearly communicating the incentives and linking out to our Telegram community meant we managed
to build the biggest Telegram community in the world!”.

Engage throughout the campaign


Building the biggest Telegram channel on the web

A key component of Current’s campaign was to drive users to their Telegram group so as they would be
able to message users and, promote their Airdrop and to build trust with investors.

They drove people to the group both via the viral sharing screen shown above, and by sending people
who land on their website.

24/7 community management (near enough)

New joiners will expect to get their questions answered right away. Scams are a big fear in the ICO
world so having someone to answer questions immediately will help remove any people calling you out
for being a scammer.

Here’s how it looks when people join the community.

Traffic Generation
Traffic Generation

When direct messaging is involved people tend to ask the same questions over and over again.
Questions like, ‘how do I receive my CRNC’ Either make sure you have a copy and paste answer at the
hand to save time.

You are going to want to welcome new joiners and keep the community engaged so I would automate
daily broadcast messages by ###a href="using" class="redactor-linkify-
object"> a bot.

Use community managers to carry out the day-to-day contacting required from questions which
appear from the community. If you keep getting the same questions asked like, ‘how do I get my CRNC?’
th en au tomate th i s as wel l .

How to replicate Current’s successful ICO referral programme

Emulating Current’s referral marketing technique takes a good amount of planning and/or
consultation. How will you incentivise referrals? Will you use community tools like Telegram to support
the process? How will you optimise your referral link content for social media?

Once you’ve got the details mapped out, technical execution on your site can be achieved in the space
of minutes, using Maître’s Viral Lead Magnet.


Traffic Generation
Traffic Generation

1) Angage
An gage en ab l es you to Fi n d an d sou rce h ot p rod u cts an d e- commerce stores.

An gage i s a p owerfu l research tool an d on l i n e commu n i ty for store own ers, marketers an d
d rop sh i p p ers. R u mored to al so h ave th e p i xel s of p eop l e wh o h ave b ou gh t certai n
p rod u cts b u t I h aven ’t veri fi ed th i s. You can , h owever:

See i f th e store i s d oi n g A/B testi n g or u si n g retargeti n g. Ch eck wh at cart ab an d on men t

an d frau d p reven ti on tech n ol ogi es i t i s u si n g.

Li st p rod u cts an d ven d ors. Get soci al an d tra c i n fo ab ou t th e store. Get p rod u cts an d
p ri ci n g i n fo an d , for sel ected stores, get sal es d ata.

Fi n d “Hot” E- Commerce p rod u cts b efore th ey b ecome a tren d

Traffic Generation
Traffic Generation

Li st th e top p rod u cts, stores, an d l ocati on s

Al l of th i s i s some seri ou s i n tel l i gen ce - wh i ch i s ESSEN TIAL i n th e h yp er- comp eti ti ve

worl d of E- Commerce.

2) Cloudsponge
Email sharing right in your product with CloudSponge

CloudSponge lets users access their address books without having to leave your product. Growth
teams at Airbnb, Kiva, and Yelp use this tool to encourage referrals and create " nd-a-friend" viral loop

Best bit: CloudSponge works just as easily with international email providers as it does with popular
U.S. email providers. CloudSponge makes sharing a breeze for fast-growing global products.

Why this is awesome: Email is SO MUCH stronger than social in many cases. It has more clicks, more
visibility, and more chances to convert than social in most cases, so if you get people to invite their
address books, you could get huge uptake.

Traffic Generation
Traffic Generation

This is a KILLER service if you want to get a lot of press.

There are six main functions:

Discover relevant journalists & bloggers.

Find the right people to pitch by searching keywords,

competitors, niches, publications and more.

Get alerts in your inbox in real time.

Receive email notifications when we find new journalists who

write about your niche, industry or competitors. You'll know

who to connect with wherever you are.

Find journalists looking for a source for their story.

Traffic Generation
Traffic Generation

Search thousands of HelpAReporter, Twitter, ProfNet queries

from journalists writing an article every single day who need a

source to quote in their story.

Find & participate in relevant Quora & Reddit threads.

We show you the most popular and highly trafficked Quora

and Reddit discussions which are relevant to you where you

should leave a comment to get some exposure daily.

Your email pitches are tracked so you know if and when they open it.

When you send an email through our system, you can see

exactly if and when your email was opened.

Organize media lists.

Search for journalists and add the ones which you think are the best fit for

you to Favorites. Reach out to your list when you're ready.

What this means for you is the leads come to you;

You’ll have to be somewhat active but, honestly, you could set this up and have an intern monitor in
then call you in when a lead gets hot and needs a quote, etc.

One of the best tools I’ve seen so far for getting press.

Traffic Generation
Traffic Generation

4) Push Crew
Push Crew is a neat way of being able to serve people desktop notifications.

You need two things to make this work:

1. A reason for them to come back that’s legitimately of interest to them, and

2. Good copy to get them to convert when they see the popup

Once they have agreed, you can (go into features and benefits…)

Again, set it up once, and it’ll be free traffic to your site as you use it.

This works especially well if you have a medium to high-traffic website.

Traffic Generation
Traffic Generation

5) Linkgage
Li n kgage is a tool that allow users to promote their products, services, events or anything by adding a
branded Call-To-Action to the links they share.

Everyone who clicks your link will see the content & your call-to-actions. Links are also tracked so you
can see all the views & clicks your content gets.

Traffic Generation
Traffic Generation

6) Referral Candy
Referral candy allows you to set up referral programs for E-Commerce stores.

This is a killer idea, getting your biggest fans to be your advocates,

And honestly?

It’s under-rated.

Everyone wants to spend every penny on Facebook ads.

Don’t forget about affiliates.

Traffic Generation
Traffic Generation

Traffic Generation
Social Media

In this section:
Th e Hacks

1) Hashtag Ladders The Secret to Massive Instagram Growth that Anyone Can Use - By Connor

2) 9 Steps to Go From 0–10,000 DAILY Website Visitors from Pinterest in Under 6 Months - By Connor

3) How to use Quora to get massive visibility, tra c, and $70k monthly recurring revenue - By Ruslan

4) Create a community of Instagram Influencers FAST - By Quintin Ford

5) How to automagically invite 15,000 people to like your page every month - By Jeremy Gillespie

6) The Playbook to Getting 1 Million Highly Targeted Leads From Twitter Without Paying a Cent

7) How to get 3,000+ leads from AngelList & Twitter or directly from a list of domains - Mathieu Picard

8) How to use a “ghost” social media pro le to get invites to big podcasts, and much more - By Klyn

9) Where to Post Your Product/Startup to Get Traction, Traffic, and Attention - By Andy Rosic

10) How to use Help A Reporter Out to get content created for you, and email subscribers too! - By
Stephanie Burns Robertozzi

11) How to maximize success of having a killer Product Hunt launch - By Davis Baer

12) How to find people who will love your Product Hunt launch on Twitter - Nicholas Van Zant

13) How to create $26.5m in revenue using Facebook ads - By Depesh Mandalia

14) Michael Gasoriek - How to get thousands of followers on Medium and make your articles go viral

15) How To Scrape Linkedin Profiles From Comments And Auto-add Them - Robert Bolkow

16) Extract Every Post Ever from Your Competitors’ Facebook Pages - By Elias Benjelloun

17) I was featured on Medium’s Twitter Page! - By Vin Clancy

Social Media
Social Media

18) Increase YouTube subscribers by 400%!

19) How to get high-ticket customers instantly using a hidden section on Fiverr - By Nadya Rousseau

Th e Tool s

1) Pay with a tweet


3) Tech Press List - Curated list of tech journalists from 18 countries

4) Tap Bio

5) Audiense

6) Famepocket

7) Social Blade

8) MSG Hero

9) Snoop report

10) Grytics

11) AdEspresso

12) - find people talking about your product and speak to them (Social listening)

13) Thunderclap 14) Owlstat

1) Hashtag Ladders The Secret to Massive Instagram Growth

that Anyone Can Use - By Connor McCreesh
You want to know the secret to skyrocketing your Instagram growth? It’s probably some little known
technique, hoarded away by the Insta in uencers right? Nope! It’s hidden in plain sight, open to for
anyone to take advantage of.

I’ve used this strategy, in combination with one or two other simple strategies to grow my Instagram
audience by 5–20% per week, every week, for months.

Social Media
Social Media

That’s compound growth baby! Once you get this right, you’re o to the races and ready to making all
that Internet bank.
My main account @TransformFitspo was launched in mid July 2016 and has just crossed 200,000
followers. Every day it sends ~500–1500 super targeted buyers to my website, and for most of its
existence, it’s taken ~2 hours work a week to get those results (I’ve recently started investing more
heavily into it, hiring someone full time to keep on top of it).

So what’s the big secret?

Drumroll please….


Keep with me now! Everyone knows about hashtags, right?

Sure, but I’ve seen NO ONE nailing this in quite the right way.

Everyone pulls together 30 somewhat relevant hashtags and post them as a rst comment. Great, you
may get a handful of extra likes you otherwise wouldn’t have had. But if used correctly, you can
structure your hashtags in such a way that primes your posts to get 10x the engagement. What’s more,
the extra engagement from hashtags translates into an avalanche of new followers, as the new
engagement doesn’t come from your existing followers.

I’ve used this strategy to grow @TransformFitspo at 10 times the rate of other pages the same size as it,
posting the same content as I do (trust me, I monitor my competition closely!) My page posts female
transformation pictures, and despite not being the largest of it’s kind on Instagram, it is the fastest
growing, and that’s largely due to this hashtag strategy.

Social Media
Social Media

But that’s just because you’re posting inspiring tness pictures I hear you say? Sure, and perhaps that
helps me get 10x the growth expected, but I’ve translated this growth to a number of other accounts
with almost as impressive results!

I grew 10 accounts across the whole range of tness niches (hot gals, hot guys, gym jokes, female
transformations, male transformations etc.) to 5,000–10,000 followers on autopilot in 3 months, in total
each account took perhaps 10–15 hours to set up and automate each. I’ve done the same for accounts
about art, travel, fashion, and sport.

I’ve also applied them to client accounts, growing a success quote account with ~100,000 followers at
the rate of similar accounts with 3–4x the follower counts. So hopefully you get it! Nail this, and you’re
not only making your life much easier, you’re in on something that 99.999% of Instagram is completely
fucking up.

So, hashtags, what are they?

For most, they will be a familiar concept, but with regards to Instagram, #hashtags are a particularly
important as they make up one of the main discovery mechanics of the site!

Slight aside:

I’ve managed to gure out several social platforms at this point, and it seems like the formula is pretty
much the same for all of them:

1. Find the discovery mechanic — How do people nd your content on the platform / how do you make
your content more discoverable.

2. Put out consistent, quality content — This changes from platform to platform, but the basic formula is
the same. If you can put out X good quality, consistent content posts, every single day, at about the
same times each day, you’re onto a winner.

That’s literally it. Figure out how people find your content. Put out lots of good content. Easy ;)

Back to Instagram — hashtags make up one of two main discovery mechanics on the site (the second
being the explore page, the third-ish is other accounts tagging you in various forms). Hashtags are the
mechanic that anyone can nail from the start, making them great to focus on for small accounts.

Each hashtag on Instagram has a feed that people can search for content relating to that tag. The
results page for each hashtag has a chronological stream of all the latest content to use that tag, and a
top 9 “Top Posts” section — i t’s this popular section that we want to take advantage of. If we can get our
posts in that popular section (one of my posts is in the middle there), we will get more likes, more
comments and more followers. Bingo.

Social Media
Social Media

Each post can use 30 hashtags, so you best be sure we’re going to nd 30! Technically, you can post 30
hashtags as a rst comment, and then edit your caption to add another 30 for a total of 60, but with
some basic tests this doesn’t amount to much more engagement. Could be worth playing with though!

So we need 30 hashtags, but which ones to pick? To get into the popular results of any hashtag, you
need to quickly build up engagement on your post  —  if you’re account has a lot of followers, this is
simple, as your followers will engage with your posts, and you’ll hit the popular section for the
hashtags you use for that post.

Trouble is, most people don’t have lots of followers! On top of this, even with a “great” engagement
(~5% of your followers liking anything you post), you’re unlikely to rank in the popular results for
hashtags that are large enough to give you much of a boost, let me give you an example to illustrate!

Say you’ve got 5,000 followers, so a 5% engagement rate would be 250 people liking one of your photos.
Using a classical hashtag strategy, that 250 likes is unlikely to get you to appear in the popular results
for most of the hashtags you’re using, they’re just too competitive. For the tags you do rank in, you may
be an extra 10–20 likes, so it’s not enough to get any crazy growth.

So what’s the solution?

Hashtag ladders!

Social Media
Social Media

The theory is that by having a set of 30 hashtags, ranging from easy to di cult to rank for, you can
start to hit the popular results for the easy ones, gain some engagement, rank for more di cult ones,
grab more engagement and so on. By structuring your hashtags in this way you can start to have posts
that get 10x the engagement you’re use to! Now this won’t happen all the time, but it can set you up for
these spikes every 5–10 posts, which come with big followers boosts.

More detail?

Social Media
Social Media

I’d suggest that for an account below 10,000 followers, you want to nd a range of RELEVANT hashtags
(check the popular results to make sure there’s content similar to your in them) that have been used
between 10,000 and 250,000 times.

You may even want to nd multiple sets of 30 hashtags, each with a roughly even distribution of
hashtag uses across this range, using di erent sets for di erent posts. The key here is that your posts
normally couldn’t rank in the popular results for the hashtags that have been used 250,000 times, but
they could easily rank for those that have been used 10–20,000 times. So you get some engagement
from those, which pushes you into the results for the 20–40,000 tags and so on.

O course, the more content you post (to a degree), and the better quality that content, the more
runaway successes you’ll have. The key point here is that if you don’t have this hashtag ladder in place,
it’s much more difficult, if not impossible to get any viral results from your Instagram posts!

What’s your Instagram hashtag strategy? Any recommended tools? How many do you use per post? Any
success using 60 per post instead of 30? Let me know!

And give the little claps button a few clicks. Yeahhh just like that.

For your hard work,

Social Media
Social Media

You earned it ;)

Who is Connor McCreesh?

I have a fervent passion for understanding the psychology behind “viral”, and turning it into combo;
human & software automated systems for my businesses and clients.

In under a year I’ve grown an Instagram following of 250,000, and cracked Pinterest for 10,000+ daily
unique website visitors.

A deep need for adventure and personal development has me on a whirlwind globetrotting odyssey.
I’m shifting country once a month.

Finally. I'm a massive, fucking nerd ! A background in physics has me enthralled by sci and ready to
dork out about the wonders of the universe at any opportunity.

Social Media
Traffic Generation

2) 9 Steps to Go From 0–10,000 DAILY Website Visitors from

Pinterest in Under 6 Months - By Connor McCreesh
Despite What You’ve Been Told, This Ain’t Yo Momma’s Social Media Platform…

###p I was lost.Confused.Completely. Fucking. Wrong.

Pinterest is a tra c beast, and may be a smarter investment of your time than more popular platforms
(hint, Instagram, hint).

Want to start Pinterest pimpin?

Let’s set the scene with a little story..

It’s the start of a wonderful new year. Whilst using ###a href="">IFTTT, I noticed they
have a “Repost from Instagram to Pinterest” automation.

I set up a simple profile and just let it auto post out.

See what happens.

[Spoiler alert]

Sweet fuck all. For months.

Several months later…

After a large expanse of nothingness, I notice a traffic spike that catches my attention..

Traffic Generation
Traffic Generation

Intresting ..

Turns out, good Instagram content is also good Pinterest content (I’m now con dent that this can be
extended to any visual platform).

I make my pro le look better, create 10–15 varied boards, and start scheduling tens of daily posts
across those boards.

Working, but not for me..

I notice that some content I’m reposting is gaining repins, but the majority is getting little to none.

Also, the pins that are gaining traction, are only going to be sending tra c to the external sites that
they link to.

I think I need more followers to seed out the content.

That way I can determine which type of content does well more quickly.

I start using some engagement automation to follow, like content and unfollow the accounts of my
competition’s followers.


I notice 10–15 of the repins I’ve done are getting shared 10,000+ times…


I decide to make my own versions, and direct them at my own website and blog content, and then..

Traffic Generation
Traffic Generation

10,000 shares. 20,000! And then…

50,000! 100,000!! 250,000!!!

The shares keep on climbing, as does the traffic those pins are sending to my website.

Some peak at over 1,000 unique hits A DAY.

I know I know, it sounds really sweet, right?

But don’t worry, I know there’s one burning question on your mind…

“Mmmm, sounds impressive, but I think I’ll just keep bashing my head against a wall with Instagram.
Could you talk about that instead?”

Look, I’m known for being good at both Instagram and Pinterest.

I’m acutely aware that Instagram is all that everybody cares about with regards to visual marketing.

I get asked about it far more often.

But you know what?

Everybody might be dumb.

Don’t get me wrong, Instagram’s traffic is GOLD. It really does convert very well for (mostly) cold traffic.

But, it’s now a nightmare to do well at Instagram without investing serious time and or cash.

It can give the best results.

Traffic Generation
Traffic Generation

But not for you.

Because you’re a business owner with a million and one tasks and projects to juggle in order to make
your baby a success.

You got no time.

You got no money.

You need marketing with maximum bang for your buck!

What do I know about Instagram? I grew my business’ account from 0–250,000 followers in 10 months.

Sounds awesome right?

It was, but Instagram has a massive problem at the moment.

You only really get website clicks based on new followers.

To reliably add new followers, you need not only post e ective, regular content, but you need to keep
on top of every new feature in order to remain in the algorithm’s good graces.

That doesn’t mean that Instagram can’t work. I have lots of friends having success with it, and running
large Instagram marketing groups.

Vivien and Tasha have an awesome group — Instagram Growth and Engagement. It’s more branding

Jeannette , Daniel & Len have a great one as well — Dream Team Instagram Secrets. It’s more growth
hack focused.

So if you insist on Instagram, check them out.

It can work. I just think you’re unlikely to have an easy win with it.

Instagram’s biggest business issue is that you can’t currently share content on it.

The lack of shareability means that your existing audience is only so powerful. Again, the majority of
website clicks comes from new followers.

Yes, they will engage with your content, which helps it get in front of more new potential followers — 
meaning your audience GENERALLY grows at an accelerating rate, but they can’t propagate your
content .

Traffic Generation
Traffic Generation

Once content is posted, it will be useful to you for maybe 3–7 days.

If Instagram content could be shared, then your followers could seed out content you create.

This would make having more followers, more useful, as they’re essentially posting your content to all
of their followers. It would also give your content a MUCH longer lifetime.

So, which platform has the best potential for shared content…..?

You guessed it

Pinterest is absolutely insane for content sharing.

With just 500 relevant followers, you can have your content become one of the most repinned in your
niche (if you’re smart with your content creation).

Not only is this great for reach, but as each pin can link back to your website, one super successful pin
can generate hundreds of clicks a day, for months and months.

If you think you could get results from Instagram, you 100% can get results from Pinterest.

Here are the 9 steps you need to follow to get a tsunami of traffic from Pinterst:

1. Change your mindset about Pinterest

- It’s the 2nd biggest referrer of traffic online (after Facebook).

- It’s not just full of mums — you’re audience is there, and no one is effectively marketing to them.

Traffic Generation
Traffic Generation

2. Do your research

Use Pinterest’s search to:

Find keywords in your niche.

Find influencer accounts with 5,000+ followers.

Find board name inspiration from the influencers.

3. Build your profile

Fill your account name and description with keywords relevant to your niche.

Create 10–20 boards in your niche. Get granular. Use the in uencer accounts you researched for

Fill your board descriptions with relevant keywords.

Create a cover for each board using

4. Repost A LOT to find the best content

Pinterest use to give repin counts on all content, so it was easy to see what the best performing
content was.

Today is different. Now you need to repin lots of content in order to see what bubbles to the top.

Use Tailwind and their chrome to schedule 50–100 posts across your boards DAILY.

Look at the in uencer accounts you identi ed and schedule any pins you see them reposting

Schedule pins that the search returns near the top of the results for your keywords.

5. Engagement automation

With no followers, no one is getting alerts when you repost all of this content, and so no one is sharing

Engagement automation will send out alerts to new potential followers, so they can nd your pro le,
follow you, and share your repins.

Traffic Generation
Traffic Generation

You need to hit about 500 followers to start getting good repin counts.

Use Ninja Pinner to automate your engagement.

Follow the followers of your identi ed in uencers (start unfollowing them once you’re following
~10,000 people)

6. Content seeding with group boards

Group boards are boards that you can request to contribute to.

Joining them means you can repin content to an existing audience. This can greatly increase your
follower growth and greatly shorten the time it takes to identify which pin style is the most shareable.

Use Pin Groupie and Pinterest’s search function to find account that have group boards.

Follow the board’s steps to become a contributor. This may be email, commenting on a speci c
post, sending them a DM etc.

Repin content to these boards with Tailwind.

7. Identify content that resonates

Now comes the waiting game. Sometimes this may take a week or two, sometimes it could take a few

It’s a case of viral natural selection — you need to gure out what works the best, the more followers
you can gain, the faster this should work.

Use Tailwind’s analytics to see which of your pins are performing the best.

Repost those pins more, and schedule more that are of a similar style.

Stop reposting the content that is performing the worst.

8. Run with the winners

Whist you’re repinning, you’re just sharing other peoples content. Generating traffic for them.

The next step is to create your own pins and direct them to your website.

Traffic Generation
Traffic Generation

Wait until 5–10 of your schedules pins, have been repinned over 1,000 times.

Create your own versions of these pins with corresponding blog posts.

Enable rich pins to pull your blog post titles to display with your pins  —  this will make them
perform better.

9. Create a blog post system

Once you’ve had a few of your own pins reach 10,000+ repins, it’s time to create a system.

Find a type of blog post you can easily whip up in 30–90 minutes that suits the type of pin you’ve
identified as high performing: recipes, listicles, workouts, quizzes etc.

Alternatively — if you have a strong enough pro t engine from your website, pay people to write
unique content. Point is, you want lots of content relevant to the pin style, and you want it fast.

Churn out 50+ of these blog posts and pin combos.


Make sure to constantly analyse the similarities between your top performing pins:

What words in blog post titles are performing the best?

What structure of post title?

What imagery style is performing best on the pins?

What colours are performing the best?

What you’ll likely nd is that pins that re ect xing the fears, relieving the pains, or enabling the
desires of your audience will perform the best.

So make sure you understand your audience, it will only hasten your success!

That’s it!

You’ll be amazed at how much tra c you can start to pull from Pinterest once you run through this

Traffic Generation
Traffic Generation

It takes a while to gather the data, but once you know what works and start directing pins to your own
site, you’ll start hitting 1,000+ clicks daily before you know it, and it’s not difficult to maintain this!

Post August dip is because I created zero new pins for 3–4 months when I started traveling

3) How to use Quora to get massive visibility, tra c and social

proof- By Ruslan Nazarenko
Hey folks,

I got something for you.

Guess a lot of you know that one of my main areas is content boosting.

Or seeding.

You can call it whatever you want.

It has millions of questions.

And you gonna die before getting something pretty good for you and what can drive more leads for
your product.

First of all, I wanna give some credits to Josh Fetcher, he told you should answer to question which has
7:1 ratio.

7 followers per 1 answer.

You probably were trying to follow this recommendation.

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Traffic Generation

And maybe you got a good result.

Actually, I did. And it was fantastic.

I never publish this case study before, but with one of my client, we got $70k MRR. After 3 months of
work. Impressed, yeah? More than 20% of this money came to us from Quora.

I, literally, spent hours every day to nd something valuable. And I even would like to pay someone $50
per day just to give me a list of questions I should answer.

Monkey job and $1.5k per month, hah.

It's all because the search inside Quora sucks.

I found the solution. And you know what? IT'S FUCKING FREE!

Meet ###a href="

And lemme make a short walk-through for you.

Step 1: Go to the site.

Step 2: Install extension.

Step 3: Go to Quora and put some KWs to the search.

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Traffic Generation

Step 4: Open Data Miner and let the magic happens.

Step 5: Choose New Recipe -> List Page ->

Step 6: Tab Rows. Find -> QueryResult

Step 7: Tab Cols. Extract URL -> selector .question_link

Step 8: Tab Cols. Extract Text -> selector .title

Step 9: Tab Cols. Extract Text -> selector .count

Step 10: Scroll a page down as much as you need (or use

Nav tab at Data Miner)

Step 11: Run the script

Step 12: SCRAPE 'EM ALL!

You should get the same result as I am.

Keep rocking.

If you like this post, press the like button and leave a comment. It's really important to me and makes
me sure I'm doing something you want me to do for you.

4) Create a community of Instagram In uencers FAST - By

Quintin Ford
At Wild and West, we love building communities. In fact, we’ve build some of the worlds largest
Facebook Fan Pages based on the idea of community. Our largest page is currently at 37 million likes.

Typically, we run paid advertising to build our communities but I understand that building a
community for Free is what ya’ll really want.

In this Growth Hack I’ll show you how to gain a massive amount of Instagram influencers emails ( in any
niche ), reach out to them properly and add them to your community ie. Facebook group, newsletter,
telegram chat, slack channel etc.


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Traffic Generation

Step 1:

First you’ll want to download the Google Chrome Extension Data Miner found at

You’ll need to use the Google Chrome Web Browser for this extension to work.

Step 2:

Go to your Google Search Page, and click “settings” and the bottom right hand corner.

Traffic Generation
Traffic Generation

Select “Search Settings”

Move the search results bar from 10 search results to 100 search results

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Traffic Generation

Step 3:

Do a Google Search targeting only Instagram, your key words and a email handle.

Here is an example: “los angeles” “fashion” “” E

nter this search and Google will pull up all of the instagram accounts that have “los angeles” “fashion”
and “” in their bio.

Because you set your search results setting to 100 results per page, you have 100 IG accounts you can
scrape with Data Miner.

You can extract every page of Google Search results and end up with thousands of emails in literally 10

Step 4: Use Data Miner to extract all of the emails associated with the Instagram accounts in the search

All you have to do is click the little icon (red square with the white pick axe) at the top right of your
browser, let data miner open and choose the “public” tab.

Traffic Generation
Traffic Generation

You’ll see a list of recipes you can choose from. If you want to just extract the emails, then click the
“General Email Extraction” and within seconds Data Miner will scrape all of the emails and you can
download the CSV file.

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Traffic Generation

There are 100’s of free recipes that people have created and make public for this tool. You might even
be able to find a recipe that extracts profile links and emails.

If you want to extract a list of all the profile links, you can do that too.

This way you can have a VA or a intern or someone on your team sort through all the pro les to make
sure you’re creating a more curated list of influencers.

Additionally, you can create your own recipes, if you know how to, or you can learn how to on the Data
Miner website.

Great I have tons of emails, now what?

Step 5:


Get a Mailshake account. (It’s a paid service, no affiliation)

Mailshake allows you to automatically send individual personalized emails to people from your Gmail

Step 6:

Upload your CSV of contact to your Mailshake account. You can also set your daily sending limits.

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Traffic Generation

You should have Mailshake send 1 - 100 personalized emails a day. I wouldn’t send more than that,
just to avoid being marked as spam.

If you’re not familiar with mailshake, they provide plenty of guidance. It’s easy to do.

Si d e n ote: The last thing you want to do is send a mass email blast to these people through a
provider like Mailchimp. No only will you get you account banned due to bounces and unsubscribes,
you’ll damage your reputation. If you really want to create a great community that you can tap for
pro ts down the road, you do not want to SPAM these people. You want to reach out personally and
create the sense of authenticity. (This is my opinion, but it’s up to you)

Step 7:

Create your email.

This part is really up to you. I’d suggest sending an email like…

“ Hey {{Firstname}}

I found your IG account and wanted to reach out. We’re creating a community of Fashion In uencers
who want to help each other succeed. Our group allows you to connect with new people in fashion to
facilitate collaborations and partnerships.

Please join our group at (Insert your slack link, facebook group link, where ever you want to drive them)


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Traffic Generation

(Add your signature) “

Step 8:

Set it and forget it.

Allow your emails to send daily and watch as people start joining your community!

Once you have a good group going, you can start conversations and add value as a community leader.
Do your best to make sure people receive value in the group, build trust, and then you can monetize!

Some things you should know:

If you know how to search Google properly, Data Miner is a VERY powerful tool.

Instead of the search - “los angeles” “fashion” “”

You can search any website!

Just make sure to follow the same formula.

For example “Social Media Manager” “@gmail” “Los Angeles”

And remember, not everyone uses Gmail, so you can search “” and other email service

There are literally 100 other ways to use this tool!

Have fun building communities and monetizing.

5) How to automagically invite 15,000 people to like your page

every month - By Jeremy Gillespie
We all know there's value in building a brand and community.

Outside of Groups, using your business Facebook page is a great way to build a following around your
brand. And not just for the vanity metrics, but to increase your know, like, and trust factor.

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Traffic Generation

Anyway, there's been numerous times when I've had Facebook ads get a shitload of likes and shares,
but no Page love... which sucks because I want to engage and nurture them into repeat buyers.

Yes, you can manually go through all of your likes and invite them to your page, but that takes too
much time.

To the point - there's a script you can run to auto-invite (up to 500/day = 15,000/mo) to like your page.

If this is new to you, give it a try and let the community know your results.

If this is old news and you've been doing it for awhile, what type of results have you had?

// Invite All On Post //

1. Click on the number of likes of a post then you scroll al the way down, press 'See more' until the list

is completed.

2. Right click on the blank area --> Inspect element --> choose Console tab.

3. Then paste the following script & enter.

javascript:var inputs = document.querySelectorAll('a._42ft._4jy0._4jy3._517h');

for(var i=1; i<inputs.length;i++) {


6) The Playbook to Getting 1 Million Highly Targeted Leads

From Twitter Without Paying a cent - By Tomiwa Adey

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Traffic Generation

This playbook focuses solely on how to kill it on Twitter.

But not in the way you're thinking.You see, in 2014/2015, I went from the next big thing in the startup
world (in London) to the next big fail.
I lost it all.
My confidence, my penthouse apartment, my relationships.
But even worse, this ordeal left me with a huge debt.
It wasn't my first failure, but it was the first time I failed on that scale.
I'm not sure if you're familiar with the situation with kids from African parents.TLDR; a bunch of
people's livelihood depend on you.
The next six months was an ordeal I really don't like to revisit.
Dark times.
But with the help of the closest people to me, I got my ass up and moved to Central America. I'm sure
you can guess why.
I gave myself three months to sort out my finances.
I consumed a lot of content.
I worked my ass off.
And, In less than 3 months in Panama.
I got paying gigs in marketing with no experience whatsoever.
I made $100,000 by selling softwares I built, without sharing it on social media.
All using Twitter.
Yes, Twitter.
Your view on Twitter will change when you start seeing it for what it is - an interest-based platform.
Users follow who/what they're interested in, they tweet about what they truly care about.

Basically, a gold mine that's still full of gold.

You just need to know how to mine.

What if there are proven methods you could follow to grow your business or get gigs with no

1,000,000 highly qualified leads: No problem!

$10,000 product launches: Yup!

100,000 visitors to your website: Absolutely!

$1,000/month as a new consultant without an idea: Definitely!

Contrary to what you might think, they are plug and play methods for reaching these goals using

Methods that have been proven by Elon Musk, Brian Chesky of Airbnb, Patrick Collison of,
every successful agency, consultant, or blogger you know.

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Traffic Generation

Simple, repeatable, and scalable methods.

They aren’t complicated but are dressed in overalls and looks like an unimaginable amount of work

.In this playbook, I give it all.

These plays saved me from a difficult situation and so I'm confident it'll help some of you on here.…/1VC6mFMOsGqmf6EXV6eZjzEdp19yinLL_

…Hope you guys enjoy the read.

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Traffic Generation

​What to expect
1. By following the steps I laid out, you will be able to get millions of leads and connect with them at
scale without paying a cent.

2. If you’re a consultant/freelancer, and you follow play 2 religiously, you’ll de nitely make at least
$1000 bucks next month — even if you have no experience..

3. If you’re in the content marketing/blogging space, from now on, you’ll be able to get thousands of
targeted readers as soon as you publish an article.

4. And just by chance, you’ll grow your Twitter following. It’s not the goal, but it comes as a by-product ;)

5. A bonus :)

If this sounds good to you, let’s dive in straight away.

Table of content
Play 1. Get users who are potentially interested in your content/product by reaching out to
Twitter users who have shared articles on the same topic.
Play 2. Using the crystal ball formula to get new clients as a freelancer/consultant and make
$1000 in the next month — even if you have no experience, no portfolio, and no website.
Play 3. Steal your competitor’s users on Twitter (poaching at scale)

Tools/Scripts Used
1. Topik — simply to get the details of everyone that shared an article on Twitter. (Buzzsumo is too
2. Scrape Similar chrome extension.
3. The Ultimate Twitter script — Get all Twitter followers, mass follow/unfollow, get twitter sharers,
get more details from Twitter url, and so on.
4. Nimrod Hunter —  nding more than 300 emails per month? Why pay when Nimrod returns 3x
more emails than competitors, and you can find unlimited emails for free.
5. Yet Another Mail Merge — to send personalised emails at scale.
6. FullContact — to match Twitter handles to LinkedIn profiles.
7. Dux-Soup — to get emails.
8.  —  to get the details of everyone that upvotes a
product on ProductHunt.

Twitter is fundamentally an interest-based platform. Users follow who they’re interested in, they talk
about what they truly care about, and they also share what makes them look good.

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Traffic Generation

Basically, a gold mine that’s still full of gold.

You just need to know how to mine.

But Twitter has one big flaw! A flaw so big that turns most people away from it.

It is noisy as hell! And because of that it generally has a low conversion rate.

You might ask, how do you make sense of the noise to find:

People with problems I have a solution to?

People willing to pay for my product or service?
People that will get me the biggest candy for us entrepreneurs — sales!
In short, highly qualified leads

What if I told you there are proven methods you could follow to get the answers to your questions
above using Twitter?

Methods that have been proven by Elon Musk, Brian Chesky of Airbnb, Patrick Collison of,
every successful agency, consultant, or blogger you know.

1,000,000 highly qualified leads: No problem!

$10,000 product launches: Yup!

100,000 visitors to your website: Absolutely!

$1,000/month as a new consultant without an idea: Definitely!

Contrary to what you might think there are plug-and-play methods for reaching these goals using

Simple, repeatable, and scalable methods. They aren’t complicated but are dressed in overalls and
looks like an unimaginable amount of work.

Brace yourself. I’ll show you how.

Let’s start with 3 different personas with three different goals.

Person a 1: En trep ren eu r Sal l y.

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Traffic Generation

Sally was frustrated with how di cult it is for online entrepreneurs to collect payment on the web. As
an entrepreneur at heart, she built a solution — a simple to use payment software anyone can install
on their site in less than 5 mins. She wants more people to use her software, and she is con dent it’ll
reduce the hassle for online entrepreneurs to collect payments on the web.

Person a 2: Travel Bl ogger Joh n .

John is one of those digital nomads. He works remotely and lives the location independent lifestyle. He
wants to get more people to visit his content, convert by taking his free email course on ‘the rst steps
you need to take to become a digital nomad’, and ultimately buy his full e-course where he goes in
depth on becoming a digital nomad.

Person a 3: N ew Con su l tan t Larry.

Larry is a Jack of all trades. He has no idea which of his many skills he can o er as a consultant. He is
resourceful, he learns fast, and good at implementing ideas, but he has no website, no business card,
and no money.

Play 1: Get users who are potentially interested in your

content/product by reaching out to Twitter users who have
shared articles on the same topic.
Contrary to what you may think, people want to know more about:

what they’re interested in

genuine solutions to problems they’re facing

The main di erence between you and someone successful in your industry is their ability to nd
people that are interested in what they are talking about or offering, and telling them about it.

I used to think he who builds the best product wins.

Or in John’s case, he who writes the best content wins.

“Build it well and they will come”.


In some cases, the best product, provided it’s exponentially better than existing solutions, can give you
high retention rates, and a great NPS score (people telling their friends and family about your product).

But to get people to tell others or stick with your product, they have to use it rst, for them to use
it you h ave to tel l th em ab ou t i t .

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Traffic Generation

If you want to build a successful product or blog. You can’t escape this.

Now, how would Entrepreneur Sally and Travel Blogger John go about this?

Step #1: Find in-depth, well-written, and well-shared articles on your topic
En trep ren eu r Sal l y starts looking for well-written articles that talk about how to implement existing
solutions. “These competitors suck”, she thought to herself.

Travel Bl ogger Joh n starts looking for the most popular content with an overlap between travelling
and working. “My last article on this topic is longer, better designed, more up to date, and more
actionable”, he said to himself.

Step #2: Get the details of everyone that shared all the articles on Twitter
There are two ways of going about this:

Option 1: Paid (very cheap)

Traffic Generation
Traffic Generation

#1. First, go to ###a href="" data-href=""

class="markup--anchor markup--li-anchor" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">Topik and
enter the URL of each article.

Your spreadsheet will look like the screenshot below:

#3 Click the “Export to CSV” button to export their details (Full name, username, pro le URL, bio,
website, location, follower count, following count, status count, pro le image, the date they
created their twitter account, and their verified status).
#2 Then click the “Search” button. You get a list of everyone who shared the article on Twitter.

Option 2: Free

#1. Install the Scrape Similar chrome extension.

#2. Go to and enter the article’s URL (without http://www).
#3. Scroll down till you load all the tweets.
#4. Highlight the name of one of the sharers, right-click, and click “Scrape Similar”.

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Traffic Generation

#5. In the Scrape Similar tool, if you don’t see the results below, enter “//*/div/div[2]/div[1]/a” in the text
box on the left.

#6. Copy the content to your clipboard and paste in a Google sheet.
#7. Download the script from Github:
#8. Follow the steps in to install the script
#9. Then follow the steps to clean the list of usernames from the Scrape Similar extension.
#10. Then nally follow the steps to ll up the pro le URLs in the Google sheet with their full

Step #3: Find their contact email address at all costs

For the leads that have their website lled in their twitter info, you can get their corporate email
addresses easily with these tools:

Traffic Generation
Traffic Generation

#option 1. Nimrod Hunter (free for 10 million email results/unlimited).

#option 2. Find That Lead (free for 10 email results per day).

#option 3. (free for 100 email results per month).

#option 4. VoilaNorbert ($0.10 per lead, first 50 leads free).

For the leads that don’t have their website lled in their twitter info, you can get their personal emails

#Option 1. Using Nimrod Hunter pro to get their personal emails.

Click here to try the demo

#Option 2. Matching the Twitter handles to LinkedIn Profiles with FullContact.

#1. Make an account.

#2. Download the Person Enrichment Template (Excel Macro File).
#3. Log out and Log in again as a developer to get an API KEY.
#4. Open the template and enter your API KEY.
#5. Select Twitter handles as the source.
#6. Click on ‘InputSheet’ and paste in the Twitter Profile URLs.
#7. Go back to ‘Begin’ and click ‘Populate Contacts’.
#8. Now you have the LinkedIn URLs populated.

#Route 1.

What vital data do you get with LinkedIn? Correct! Their company’s website.
Now you can fill in the company’s website of each lead.
Then get their work emails with one of the options above. (Nimrod Hunter, Find That Lead,, and so on).

#Route 2.

Use Dux-Soup
Click on Dux-Soup > Download Data to get Dux-Soup’s CSV Export.
Empty just the ID and visit time columns.
Paste the LinkedIn URLs you got from the Twitter handles in the Profile column.
Now click on Dux-Soup > Revisit Data and upload the CSV with the LinkedIn profiles.
Then click on ‘Visit Pro les’. Dux-Soup will ask if you want to them to retrieve email addresses too,
say yes.
Dux-Soup works on a point based system where one point is one email address returned.
You can get point by buying them or trading the emails of your own LinkedIn connections.
Leave the Dux to perform its magic.

Step #4: Follow all the leads on Twitter

Traffic Generation
Traffic Generation

Yes, if you have a lot of leads, it’s almost impossible to follow all of them manually. That’s where scripts
come in. Follow the steps to follow all the leads on Twitter. You’ll see why this is important soon

NB: Don’t forget to unfollow those that don’t follow back or convert a week later.

###p Manage Flitter.

Step #5: R each ou t to th em.

Now all that is left is to email each person on your list.

Here is the template I usually use:

NB: You see why I told you to follow them first?

Now to send this email to thousands of people, it will take time. It’s tedious work, and so you want to
automate it.

I can give you a script I wrote to have 1:1 conversations at scale, track opens and clicks, location, device,
OS, and so on. But it requires a bit of technical expertise to implement it, and that’ll make this playbook
even longer than it already is.

###p Yet Another Mail Merge

Traffic Generation
Traffic Generation

Shameless Plug: If you’re interested, take my free email course on becoming a technical marketer,
where I’ll go in-depth on how to use the email script, and much more. I’ll also help you master the
technical skills you need to take your marketing to the next level.

En trep ren eu r Sal l y:

Sally gathered 230 well-shared articles on implementing the ‘hard-to-use’ payment software
She then turned these articles into 150,000 leads from those that have shared these articles.
She reached out to them with the email below:

Sally converted 6% of the leads = 9000 new customers.

Each customer makes an average of $20,000 per year from sales on their website and Sally takes 4%
per transaction.

This makes Sally a cool $7,200,000 year.

Now Sally’s was honest, her product was exponentially better than the competitors, so her converted
customers tell their friends and family, some blogged about it, and so on.

What’s Sally’s ROI?

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Traffic Generation

Travel Bl ogger Joh n :

John gathered 150 well-shared articles on travelling as a lifestyle.

He turned these articles into 75,000 leads from those that have shared the articles.
He reached out to them with the email below:

John converted 10% of the leads to new readers on his blog post = 7,500

Using the email course as a content upgrade 2.8% (2100) of the leads signed up for the email course to
learn the first steps they need to take to become digital nomads.

Out of those 2,100 subscribers, 8% bought the full e-course worth $350 a piece.

This makes Johnny boy a cool $58,800.

It’s not enough to have a great product or great content, you need do it justice and tell the people
that’ll benefit from it about it.

Notable users of this play.

En trep ren eu r Sal l y’s rou te:

1. Elon Musk (Founder of Paypal)

Traffic Generation
Traffic Generation

In the early days of PayPal, just after the merge with, Elon and his colleagues, found eBay users
by searching popular articles that talked about how to collect payments online as a seller on eBay
(which was mostly done by mailing checks).

Elon then reached out to the authors of these articles, o ering a better solution, and also giving them a
gift of $10 credit on PayPal. Guess what, most of these authors wrote about PayPal to their audience.

Tod ay PayPal i s worth : $62 Bi l l i on

2. Patrick Collison (Founder of

Patrick’s payment solution was founded in 2010, at that time there were quite a few places on the web
to nd people that have shared ‘how to integrate PayPal on your website’, and other ‘complicated’
solutions. Patrick found the emails of these sharers on Hacker news, Twitter, and so on. And reached
out to them. Here’s a screenshot of one of his emails:

Tod ay Stri p e i s worth : $9 b i l l i on .

Traffic Generation
Traffic Generation

3. Brian Chesky (Founder of Airbnb)

Brain found early Airbnb hosts by reaching out to people that shared/listed their accommodation on
craigslists, Couchsurfing, and so on.


Tod ay Ai rb n b i s worth : $31 Bi l l i on

Travel Bl ogger Joh n ’s rou te:

1. Neil Patel
2. Brian Dean
3. Noah Kagan
4. Almost every successful blogger you know (ask them).

Did some people ignore their emails? Yes!

Did some people mark their emails as spam? Absolutely!

Did people reply saying rude things? You bet!

Di d th i s stop El on an d th e oth ers from b el i evi n g i n wh at th ey were o eri n g? Ab sol u tel y

N ot!

PS: ###a
class="markup--anchor markup--p-anchor" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">Click here, If you’d
like your prospecting outsourced.

Play 2. Using the crystal ball formula to get new clients as a

freelancer/consultant and make $1000 in the next month  — 
even if you have no experience, no portfolio, and no website.

Ready Larry?

Let’s dive in.

Step 1: Go to Twitter search and type in “Looking for a freelance + [Your Industry]”

Traffic Generation
Traffic Generation

Step 2: ….

That’s what you thought you’d read eh?

Nah, you’re in for a much more exciting treat.

Let’s dive in Larry. Seriously this time :)

Most people struggle with how to get going as a new freelancer.

What can I sell?

What service can I provide?

How do I get clients?

How do people find out about me?

These are some of the most common questions you ask yourself.

But what if I told you that contrary to what you may think, starting out as a freelancer and getting paid
work does not have to be a slow and painful process.

You would de nitely not hear this from the current/old school freelancers you talk to. Freelancers who
are in some ways trying to protect their turf — they want it to seem complicated for you, the newbie.

But the truth is, no matter when you start, you can start getting paid work in less than a month.

And I intend to show you how in this play.

To do this, we’re going to talk about a technique called the crystal ball formula.

And the best thing about the crystal ball formula is that it can work for anyone even i f you h ave n o
web si te, n o exp eri en ce, an d n o p ortfol i o.

The crystal ball formula is best suited to getting clients now, but it also helps you get paid to build your

Before we dive in, let’s take a look at the most common advice from the so-called experts.

You will hear things like:

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Traffic Generation

1. Spend a bunch of time learning your craft.

2. Spend even more time building a portfolio.
3. Beg people to give you work, often taking gigs for peanuts (or worse, for free in the hope that one
day they’ll pay).
4. Go to Upwork. Don’t!.
5. Ask friends and family for recommendations.
6. Go to events and expand your network.
7. Some other vague advice on how to market yourself.

This approach works backwards because:

1. You end up wasting a ton of time creating a portfolio that’s full of work future clients don’t care
2. You end studying and practising for months without ever doing any real work, when you would
have learned faster, better, and more profitably on the job instead.
3. Worst of all, you still end up with no clear path to finding paid work.

The crystal ball formula helps you avoid all this by turning the traditional advice on its head.

Now, how would new consultant Larry go about using the crystal ball formula?

Step #1: Go where the actual paying clients are


Not if you want to pay your rent.

Reach out to more businesses?

Yes, that might work, but you’re technically wasting a bunch of time by guessing what that client needs
at that particular time.

How do you take the guesswork out of the equation?

By finding a well written ‘how-to’ article in your industry.

What did you smoke, Tomiwa?

Stick with me.

The first step is to find an article that meets these criteria:

Traffic Generation
Traffic Generation

1. Long form/In-depth
2. Must be a ‘how-to’ guide
3. It’s well shared by big influencers/agencies
4. It’s in your industry.

Here are a few example of the guides I’m referring to:

###a href="" data-

href="" class="markup--anchor markup--li-anchor"
rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">Conversion rate optimisation.
Growth hacking by Neil Patel.
Link building by Brian Dean.

After you’ve done that, let’s move on to the next step.

Step #2: Learning with benefits

The next step is to digest the information in the guide you’ve chosen.

Go read it now.


Congratulations! You’re better than 98% of people on the internet on that topic.

Plus, you’re learning from the solutions to problems faced in the real world.

But Tomiwa, what’s the actual benefit?

The benefit is that in just one article:

You’ve learnt all that you need to know to start getting paid gigs.
Your potential clients are also mixed in the package.

Basically, you’re going to get paid to implement the solution that article provides as a service.

I still don’t get where the potential clients are?

This leads us to the next step.

Step #3: Get the details of your potential clients

Your potential clients are those who expressed interest in that particular article a.k.a those who have
shared the article.

Traffic Generation
Traffic Generation

How do you do that?

First, go to ###a href="" data-href=""

class="markup--anchor markup--p-anchor" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">Topik and enter
the URL to the article

Then click the “Search” button and this will give you a list of everyone who shared the article on

Your spreadsheet will look like the screenshot below;

Traffic Generation
Traffic Generation

See step #2 on play 1 on how to do this with the scrape similar extension + a script.

Export the sharers and upload it to your Google drive.

Step #4: Prep

Make a list of potential clients.

Out of the sharers, you’re looking for those with a few attributes:

1. Have a sizable audience (higher chances they can pay for your services)
2. Have small businesses that have a product in the market

Once you’ve identified your potential clients, you need to set a specific goal for


Most people are not specific. Don’t!

Most people think too little about this. Don’t!

I want to xx. Nope!

Traffic Generation
Traffic Generation

I want to get at least 1 client in November. Not bad!

I want to send 30 personalised proposals in November and get told ‘No, I’m not interested’ 29 times.

Now, the next step is to get the emails of the potential clients.

For those that have their website lled in their twitter info, you can get their corporate email addresses
easily with these tools:

#option 1. Nimrod Hunter (free for 10 million email results/unlimited).

#option 2. Find That Lead (free for 10 email results per day).

#option 3. (free for 100 email results per month).

#option 4. VoilaNorbert ($0.10 per lead, first 50 leads free).

For the leads that don’t have their website lled in their twitter info, you can get their personal emails

#Option 1. Using Nimrod Hunter pro to get their personal emails.

Click here to try the demo

#Option 2. Matching the Twitter handles to LinkedIn Profiles with FullContact.

#1. Make an account.

#2. Download the Person Enrichment Template (Excel Macro File).
#3. Log out and Log in again as a developer to get an API KEY.
#4. Open the template and enter your API KEY.
#5. Select Twitter handles as the source.
#6. Click on ‘InputSheet’ and paste in the Twitter Profile URLs.
#7. Go back to ‘Begin’ and click ‘Populate Contacts’.
#8. Now you have the LinkedIn URLs populated.

Traffic Generation
Traffic Generation

#Route 1.

What vital data do you get with LinkedIn? Correct! Their company’s website.
Now you can fill in the company’s website of each lead.
Then get their work emails with one of the options above. (Nimrod Hunter, Find That Lead,, and so on).

#Route 2.

Use Dux-Soup
Click on Dux-Soup > Download Data to get Dux-Soup’s CSV Export.
Empty just the ID and visit time columns.
Paste the LinkedIn URLs you got from the Twitter handles in the Profile column.
Now click on Dux-Soup > Revisit Data and upload the CSV with the LinkedIn profiles.
Then click on ‘Visit Pro les’. Dux-Soup will ask if you want to them to retrieve email addresses too,
say yes.
Dux-Soup works on a point based system where one point is one email address returned.
You can get point by buying them or trading the emails of your own LinkedIn connections.
Leave the Dux to perform its magic.

Step #5: The Proposal

This is where things get exciting.

By now you have a skill that is translatable to a service and you have people to offer it to.

Now create a proposal for each potential client. Your proposal should follow these guidelines:

1. Spend at least 4 hours on each proposal, uniquely crafted for each potential client.
2. Don’t tell them what you can do for them. Show them!
3. Attach your work to a direct ROI. It makes it easier to demonstrate the value you’re bringing to
the table.

The last step is to send off your proposal. Below is a template I normally use:

Traffic Generation
Traffic Generation

Step #6: Rinse and repeat (as needed)

The crystal ball formula is like a sniper ri e — it’s all about accuracy and e ciency. You learn what’s
actually needed where your potential clients are.

Other freelancers will take a “shotgun” approach, aimlessly applying for tons of jobs with samples that
just aren’t relevant to 99% of clients.


There you have it. I’ve just given you a solid play for becoming a freelancer/consultant that’s fast, free,
and way easier than the advice the gurus give you.

Get to it. There’s no need to wait.

You aren’t risking anything and no one is going to bite you…except maybe one of the stu y old
freelancing pros you piss off with your speedy success.

N ew Con su l tan t Larry:

Traffic Generation
Traffic Generation

After searching for a bunch of ‘how-to’ articles in the Facebook Ad space, Larry settled on this
one: ###a href=" rst-100-on-retargeting-ads/" data-
href=" rst-100-on-retargeting-ads/" class="markup--
anchor markup--li-anchor" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">How to start your rst $100
retargeting campaign.
Larry read and digested the information on retargeting ads carefully. He learnt about what
retargeting is, how it works, content retargeting ads, lead generation ads, direct purchase
retargeting ads, pixel and list based retargeting ads, the ROI on retargeting, and most
importantly how to implement everything.
He then gathered 150 leads from the sharers, and from those leads, he felt 45 of them t the
criteria to be potential clients.
He gathered their details as explained above, and sent a proposal to all 45 of the potential clients
with the email below:

Larry got 2 of them to pay him to implement the process in their Business.

Traffic Generation
Traffic Generation

Cl i en t 1

Client 1 pay paid him $1000/month for a 6 months contract. The client makes return of 200% ROI on
his investment and so extended Larry’s contract and now pays him $3,500/month.

Cl i en t 2

Since Larry already had a client, he could pay his rent and live comfortably, he decided to go with a
contingency based service with client 2.

Clients 2 business currently makes $500,000 semi-annually (every 6 months).

Larry takes no money upfront and decided to take 10% of the revenue he brings to client 2

With retargeting, Larry doubled client 2’s revenue to $1 million in 6 months. Which means a $500,000
increase in revenue.

Larry took home $50,000 for 6 months work.

Not too shabby, Larry.

Play 3: Steal your competitor’s users on Twitter (poaching

at scale)
Like I mentioned earlier, Twitter is an interest-based platform, and so another good tactic is to target
customers of your competitors.


These people already know they have a problem, they know what the problem is, they know the
products (your competitors) that solve their problem and their o erings. However, they may or may not
know about your product.

What does this mean?

It means you can skip lead qualification altogether.

The best part is, with the method I’m about to teach you, you have a direct line with them.

NB: You only have one chance, and so before you reach out to them, make sure your product/service is
of value, has a unique advantage, and is generally worth selling.

Step #1: Gather a list of your competitors Twitter profiles.

Traffic Generation
Traffic Generation

Simple enough, get a list of the Twitter pro le URL of your competitors. Focus on the ones that have a
reasonable amount of following/followers.

Step #2: Get their users.

Using the Twitter script, follow the steps to extract all the Twitter accounts your competitors follow.

This is an important step because the Twitter accounts your competitors follow are more likely to be
important to them.

Using the Twitter script again, follow the steps to extract all the Twitter accounts that are following
your competitors.


And so, grab them all.

If you’re interested in a chrome extension that grabs all your competitor’s followers/following at the
click of a button, ###a
O Y b g / v i e w f o r m ? u s p = s f _ l i n k " data-
OYbg/viewform?usp=sf_link" class="markup--anchor markup--p-anchor" rel="nofollow noopener"
target="_blank">register your interest here.

Step #3: Filter the data.

Put the followers and following for each competitor on the same Google sheet. Then use the Remove
Duplicates Google sheet add-on to mark the accounts that follow and are being followed by your

You don’t have to remove the duplicates, just use the add-on to highlight rows that are duplicated.

Often times, these are the important users to your competitor.

Use this Google sheet guide to add a filter to a couple of columns on your Google sheet:

1. The status count column.

2. The following count column.
3. The follower count column.

For example, I usually remove the Twitter accounts with less than 30 statutes. And I prioritise the
accounts with a followers/following ratio greater than 1.2.

Step #4: Find their contact email address at all costs

Traffic Generation
Traffic Generation

For the leads that have their website lled in their twitter info, you can get their corporate email
addresses easily with these tools:

#option 1. Nimrod Hunter (free for 10 million email results/unlimited).

#option 2. Find That Lead (free for 10 email results per day).

#option 3. (free for 100 email results per month).

#option 4. VoilaNorbert ($0.10 per lead, first 50 leads free).

For the leads that don’t have their website lled in their twitter info, you can get their personal emails

#Option 1. Using Nimrod Hunter pro to get their personal emails.

Click here to try the demo

#Option 2. Matching the Twitter handles to LinkedIn Profiles with FullContact.

#1. Make an account.

#2. Download the Person Enrichment Template (Excel Macro File).
#3. Log out and Log in again as a developer to get an API KEY.
#4. Open the template and enter your API KEY.
#5. Select Twitter handles as the source.
#6. Click on ‘InputSheet’ and paste in the Twitter Profile URLs.
#7. Go back to ‘Begin’ and click ‘Populate Contacts’.
#8. Now you have the LinkedIn URLs populated.

#Route 1.

What vital data do you get with LinkedIn? Correct! Their company’s website.
Now you can fill in the company’s website of each lead.
Then get their work emails with one of the options above. (Nimrod Hunter, Find That Lead,, and so on).

#Route 2.

Traffic Generation
Traffic Generation

Use Dux-Soup
Click on Dux-Soup > Download Data to get Dux-Soup’s CSV Export.
Empty just the ID and visit time columns.
Paste the LinkedIn URLs you got from the Twitter handles in the Profile column.
Now click on Dux-Soup > Revisit Data and upload the CSV with the LinkedIn profiles.
Then click on ‘Visit Pro les’. Dux-Soup will ask if you want to them to retrieve email addresses too,
say yes.
Dux-Soup works on a point based system where one point is one email address returned.
You can get point by buying them or trading the emails of your own LinkedIn connections.
Leave the Dux to perform its magic.

For example, for my tool Nimrod Hunter, I was able to get leads from current users of other email
finding software like

Step #5: Reach out to them

Now all that is left is to email each person on your list.

See Play 1: step 5 for an email outreach template.

See Play 1’s implementation which includes ROI, exact outreach templates, and so on.

En trep ren eu r Sal l y

Sally, make a list of her competitor’s users on Twitter:

Traffic Generation
Traffic Generation approximately 500K approximately 100K approximately 30K

She is able to gather 1.5M twitter users.

Travel Bl ogger Joh n

John, on the other hand, looks for Twitter pro les his potential customers might be following. From
other influencers to tool for digital nomads:

###a href="" data-href=""

class="markup--anchor markup--li-anchor" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank"> approximately 25K approximately 20K approximately 20K approximately 120K

He is able to gather 500K twitter users.

N ew Con su l tan t Larry


he came across ###a href="" data-

href="" class="markup--anchor markup--p-
anchor" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">this post on how to double your tra c from social
media by recycling your social media updates using the Bu er API. And with this, you r free Bu er
accou n t wh i ch sol e j ob i s to sch ed u l e tu rn s i n to a p owerfu l soci al med i a
man ager/au tomati on tool l i ke Ed gar.

Who does Larry implement this for?

That’s right, Buffer users.


Boom! Almost 1 Million Leads.

The possibilities are endless.

PS: Click here, If you’d like your prospecting outsourced.

Play 4 (Bonus Play): ProductHunt Upvoters

Traffic Generation
Traffic Generation

I love bonuses and I’m sure you do too.

Now that you know how to turn twitter handles into rich pro les with email addresses and so on, we
can find highly targeted leads in other places like Product Hunt.

Product Hunt is a community of product-loving enthusiast that share and geek out about…products.

It’s safe to assume that people who upvoted a similar product are likely to be interested in your

And best of all, the Product Hunt user profiles are linked to their Twitter handles.

You see where I’m going with this so let’s get started:


1. Enter the ProductHunt URL and your token in this tool.

2. Get a CSV filled with the details of all the Upvoters (like the image below)

Traffic Generation
Traffic Generation


Great! Let’s dive in.

Step #1: Get your Product Hunt Developer Token

1. Create a ProductHunt account.

2. Once you’ve signed up, click on your avatar > API Dashboard.

Traffic Generation
Traffic Generation

3. Then click ‘Add an Application’.

4. You can call the Application whatever you want, and redirect to whichever website you want.

5. Once you get to the page in the screenshot below, click the ‘CREATE TOKEN’ button:

6. Once you click ‘CREATE TOKEN’, you’ll have something like this:

Step #2: Grab the Twitter handles from upvoters with this tool

Traffic Generation
Traffic Generation

1. Enter your Product Hunt Developer Token and the ProductHunt’s product page URL here.
2. Click “Get Upvoters”.
3. If everything worked right, you should see a page that looks like this:

4. You’ll get the CSV file sent to your email.

Now you can ll other details from the Twitter handles and reach out to them as we’ve done
throughout this playbook.

I hope you enjoyed this Playbook.

Traffic Generation
Traffic Generation

If you did, please share it with someone who would benefit from it! ❤

7) Get 3,000+ leads from AngelList and Twitter or directly from

a list of domains - By Mathieu Picard

Goal : Get thousand of emails from domains.

Extract targeted domains and get related
employees + information about the company.
User case of this guide: This guide will explain you how to extract the emails of employees from
Angellist or from the followers of your competitors.


1. Extract from AngelList domains.

2. Extract from Twitter followers (domains) (your competitor for instance)

3. Upload domains to Anyleads to get thousands of contacts


1. A Google Chrome browser

2. A Anyleads account

Time to run: ≈ 10 mi n u tes

Outcome: more than 3,000 h i gh targeted con tacts i n 10 mi n u tes

Hey everyone,

Here is how you can retrieve the email address of all the employees who are working in a speci c
company. It took me something like 10 minutes to get more than 3,000 well-targeted emails with almost
no coding skills required.

1. Extract targeted domains.

a. Extract domains from AngelList

Traffic Generation
Traffic Generation

With Data Miner

Here is the name of the code to run with Data Miner to get a CSV from AngelList results.

AngelList Company Search - Erik’s

With Data Miner you can extract domains for AngelList in one click.

With Javascript code You can use the AngelList’s search engine to build a segmented list of companies.
We can go pretty deep in the criteria. For instance, we can get all domains for US companies in the E-
Commerce industry that have recently raised a serie A.

Traffic Generation
Traffic Generation

This search query returns 426 companies. To extract their domain, I have built a simple Javascript code
that you can insert in your Google Chrome browser console. This will output a CSV that will contain the
list with all their domains.

Open your console (here is how you can do it if you don’t know how to proceed) and paste the code
below. Hit submit and the process will start.


You should see something similar to this displayed in your console.​

Traffic Generation
Traffic Generation

Wait a few seconds and the domain list will be displayed on your page. Ready to be copied.

Copy them and then go to #2 in order to upload those domains on Anyleads.

1. Your competitor Twitter account followers

Go to (don’t forget to append “/followers” at the end of the


You can use many tools to extract Twitter followers. The goal is to get the domain in the bio of each
follower. I did a script in PHP to extract directly to a CSV le all the followers related to a Twitter
username. Here is a gist (sample code to run) if you do not want to pay for a software to extract
followers (you will have to create a Twitter App to get your access tokens).

After running the code I just extracted more than 30,000 domains of the followers of the username

Here is a preview with some of the followers of Intercom.

Traffic Generation
Traffic Generation

Once the php snippet has been run (or when you have
downloaded the followers list will all domains), you are
ready to get emails related with employees from each

#2. Go to Anyleads and use the “Enrich domains”


This is where you can get the list of all the employees for
a given list of domains. The di erence from other
software like is that Anyleads is Unlimited and
provide much more data than any software on the
market. You will get all information related to the
company and also the employees working at each
company with all information needed to market them.

Paste the domains in the eld and submit. You may

need to repeat this operation several times as you
cannot add more than 100 companies (domains).

Traffic Generation
Traffic Generation

You can upload the list of domains in the Anyleads software.

A new le that will contain each employee’s email will be generated with more than 40 data points.
Download it and you are good to go!

Traffic Generation
Social Media

8) How to use a “ghost” social media pro le to get invites to big

podcasts, and much more - By Klyn Elsbury

Social Media
Social Media

Did you know you can have success by marrying growth hacks with dating?

Hear me out.

I've been getting speaking gigs a lot lately, I've been getting podcast invites often. My script isn't that
badass. Not Badass quality for BAMF anyways.

How did I land guest slots on some of the top podcasts in America?

The same way I had success dating. I had a friend talk about how great I was. I would send a sexy
girlfriend over to talk to a hot guy, and right when he was interested in her, she would use this line -
"oh my goodness, I'm attered you want to hang out again/buy me a drink/etc. I have a boyfriend but I
really think you'd like my friend, Klyn. She's over there..." and she'd point. "Want an intro?"

99% of the time, the guy wanted to meet me.

When you run an online company, you don't need a hot friend. You need a "target market friend." For
me, that means a reputable CEO to get me intros. And because this person doesn't exist, or rather, I am
this person, I can scale and recommend as many "dates" to the real me as I have time for.

Here's what I did:

1) Created a ghost email account

2) Created a ghost Linkedin account; made sure to have over 500+ connections, solid professional
photo of the type of client I want. I know most of my clients are males with companies over $1 million
in revenue. So therefore, my LI picture was a successful male. His bio, was of a CEO.
3) Send out emails from the LI to my prospective customers
4) Pitch an intro if interested
5) Move the conversation to direct email, CCing myself from the ghost account
6) Thank my ghost for the intro and viola!

9) Where to Post Your Product/Startup to Get Traction, Tra c,

and Attention - By Andy Rosic
Directories are the best places to post your product/startup/app and get feedback, early adopters, and
press coverage. There are new directories almost every day, but most of them are quickly abandoned.
Here are known, active directories:

All Top Startups




Social Media
Social Media

Beta Page


Cool Startup Bro


Designer News





Hacker News

Just Gone Live

Launching Next

Launch Lister


New Startups


Product Hunt


Side Projects

Startup Genome

Startup Buffer

Social Media
Social Media


Startup Ranking


The Startup Pitch



World Startup Map

Beta test tools - If you need early adopters to test your beta product, use one of the following services.
They are all paid services but you get very detailed feedback from the users. It can be worth it.


Erli Bird


User Testing

Reddit channels - Be *careful* with reddit. It’s an amazing tool but it has its own rules and netiquette.
Be sure to understand it before posting your product. Here are some generic channels. You should
find specific channels for your niche, your platform or your market.







Social Media
Social Media


Submission services - If you don’t have time to manually submit your startup/product to all these
websites, or if you want to reach several tech blogs in one shot, you can use one of these services and
they will do the submission for you. Some of them can also be used to nd blogger/journalist contact

Hey Press

Pitch Pigeon





I post things like this regularly on my FB group: Startup Ruckus. Everyone's invited!

10) How to use Help A Reporter Out to get content created for
you, and email subscribers too! - By Stephanie Burns
#listbuilding Hey all! Just wanted to share a tip that's always worked well for me and done double duty.
I always see a huge spike in subscribers when I use HARO. Posting a super speci c query based on 1)
something I want to write for my subscribers 2) using my target subscriber as a source.

I follow up with each answer to say thanks, but some people just cruise over to my site and sign up.

I get about 50-100 new subs each time I do this. I can create content and get new eyes on my site.


11) How to maximize success of having a killer Product Hunt

launch - By Davis Baer
I have taken the painstaking time to go through and nd all top Product Hunt hunters
on Twitter (save for a few with private accounts). I added them all to a “Top 500 Hunters on Product
Hunt” public Twitter List:…/lists/product-hunt-500-hunters

Social Media
Social Media

You can automatically follow all of them by using the Chrome extension Mass Follow For Twitter:…/lfmanfkmmgfigbnjibfemdnnfjbofic…

Click “List members”, then click “Follow All” using the Mass Follow For Twitter extension.

Why does this matter?

When you launch your product on Product Hunt, these are the people whose upvotes carry a LOT of
weight. If you follow them, many of them may follow you back. Even if they don’t, it gives you a chance
to easily interact with them prior to your launch.

Would you be more likely to upvote a product from a complete stranger, or someone who frequently
likes, replies, and retweets your tweets?

How well you build relationships with some of these people might make or break your next Product
Hunt launch!

12)How to find people who will love your Product Hunt launch
on Twitter - Nicholas Van Zant
We got ~65K Twitter handles in no time!

You search for any topic, and scrape the likers of all the products that fall under that category on
Product Hunt. It's that simple.

Here's the code:!

13) How to create $26.5m in revenue using Facebook ads - By

Depesh Mandalia
This is based on helping a children's ecom startup hit 8 gures through global sales in 18 months via
FB ads. But the learnings apply universally (because I've made it work elsewhere).

The success has helped me land an advisory role with Facebook, an all expenses trip to Menlo park
(The Zuck wasn't there, but Sheryl was), speaking opportunities on behalf of Facebook and the chance
to meet inspiring people along the way.

Amazingly, and I still look back in disbelief, that insane growth period also saw me handling a spend in
peak of around $265k IN A SINGLE DAY (if you're wondering it was around 250% ROAS).

Social Media
Social Media

Only 3 months prior I spoke to someone from King (Candy Crush) who mentioned they hit around
$500k/d in peak. My mind was blown yet 3 months later I'd hit half of that!

I can't even explain how stressful and scary yet adrenaline pumping managing that level of spend was.
Imagine jumping out of an aeroplane and building the parachute as you fall.

To scale this fast took a mixture of endurance to take the lows with the highs, patience, an enormous
amount of testing and being able to balance the technical insights with creative marketing.

Here are some of the tactics we used to scale so insanely:

- Don't expect to grow fast without reinvesting your failures. That means, a set back is a learning,
understand why it didn't work, iterate and test again. Keep swinging for the home run

- Whether starting or scaling set aside a test budget; if you lose it all with no sales/leads but a tonne of
learnings, its progress. If you can't afford to lose it, don't invest it.

- de ne and re ne your audience. I'd often spend hours every few weeks stalking our fans to see what
interests they had and tally them in spreadsheets looking for commonalities. For example in Italy we
started to notice mums were liking a particular brand of baby blender. When we targeted women 25-
40 interested in that blender our CPC (cost) signi cantly dropped (low competition) and conversion
rates increased (right product market fit) leading to a big drop in CPA. ka-BOOM!

- use audience manager to not just look at fans' pro les, but to also look at segments of your emails if
you have them. Is there something you're missing out on? Particular pages they like or a particular
demographic? For example we analysed those that purchased more than 2 books in a single
transaction. Turns out many were part of local mummy clubs - guess what we started to test out.

- once you generate sales/sign ups ask your customers open ended questions. Like what made you
choose us, who else were you considering, etc. Through this we surveyed what we believed were
parents buying books for their children. Turned out about 80% were gifting for other children. We saw
HUGE growth through a simple copy change on 'gift for *your* child' to 'gift for *a* child' to appeal to
gifting for others. ka-BOOM part 2. This one change had one of the most explosive impacts on growth.

- don't discount audiences out. We tested the 55+ market in the US whilst most people were chasing
the competitive mums 25-40 for children's gifts and saw our fastest growth sector - GRANDPARENTS.
Those with high disposable income/retired and a need to please their grandchildren. ka-BOOM part 3.
It's not just targeting them but getting the copy tailored for that audience.

- we ALWAYS had new audiences and new creatives under test, even when we were scaling hard.
Audiences die out, creatives die out. When scaling and spending large amounts, the details matter.

Social Media
Social Media

- we had creatives ready at least a week in advanced to cycle in when we needed when scaling. We
ensured relevance scores remained above 3 (at least) and frequencies below 4 in a week to score good
CPCs and CTRs.

- Conversely focus on CPA at every level: audience, platform, demographic, creative. If CPA is good yet
relevance score is 1 and frequency is uber high, don't change it but be testing alongside it

- FB advise to not combine LAL (lookalike) audiences and to run them in separate ad sets; we combined
and stacked LAL audiences to great e ect, because when scaling large spends, its better to have fewer
larger audiences than lots of smaller ones

- Don't always believe what FB tell you. Most of the FB reps have never run their own ad accounts. Test
Test Test!

- within a single audience we might have tested 10 or more creatives and copy; generally creative
exhaustion happens before audience fatigue. I can't stress enough the importance of cycling and
testing creatives even when an audience seems to not be responding, sometimes a very di erent
creative can wake them up

- don't ignore Facebook's "thumb stopping content" line. Make people stop and take notice of your ad.

- we ran a survey to nd out what made people interact with our ads. 80% said it was the eye catching
visual (video/image) and the majority of the remainder that they recognised our brand. Pictures speak
a 1000 words

- from the same survey, many of them said the copy helped or convinced them to click. There's a
difference between creative being thumb stopping and being click worthy.

There is so much depth and complexity to Facebook ads but at the same time much of the success
comes down to some basic principles of marketing.

I could write tonnes more on this if I had the time but hopefully there are some things here you can
take away today and use.

I hope this helps you guys in scaling your own FB campaigns ⚡

14) How to get thousands of followers on Medium and make

your articles go viral - By Michael Gasoriek
Want to become a specialized thought leader or public intellectual?

Social Media
Social Media

When it comes to speaking at conferences, moderating panels, and making high level or enterprise
connections - the power is still in the written word, at least if you have anything good to say.

But how do you make some boring ol’ text pop?

Maybe you’ve even been getting a lot of advice from “contributing writers” about how to pitch yourself
to a publication.

It’ll be cool: after the rst few rejections, getting a column on Inc or Fortune can be pretty in uential.
Just make sure you’re ready to write 2-4 pieces a month to keep your writer pro le, wait 2-6 weeks for a
piece you wrote to go up, and often with no-follow or links totally stripped out, if the piece isn’t outright
retitied and sometimes even slightly rewritten.

Not so great if you have just one important thing to say, or don’t aspire to become an unpaid content
shill in the seedy underworld of free contributors (that’ll be for another book).

Maybe you’re thinking you’ll start a blog from scratch, and build up your audience with some amazing
content over time, like your content idols have done. Except “writing amazing content” is bullshit
advice: there’s loads of amazing content out there no one reads, because it’s not being distributed.

If you don’t have money to blow and want to get a message out there, you need to borrow someone
else’s platform - and in the world of content, Medium still rules the seas.

Medium-Sized Growth
I learned Medium’s power firsthand. But I sure took an uphill, winding road to get there.

If you don’t care to build a media brand for yourself, skip this section to get right to the top of Mt

I spent 2015-2017 as Editor in Chief at Startup Grind, an events (and now media) business focused on
entrepreneurs. With no team and no budget, I spent a painstaking year and a half growing our humble
little blog from zero to 250k monthly readers.

We d i d i t i n fou r p h ases:

First, we wrote our Golden Rule. As we knew who our target readers were - 16-40-year-old, English-
speaking early stage founders, if you’re wondering - we knew what they were after, and decided on one
rule that would guide every piece of content we’d ever publish: every p i ece mu st make th e read er
a b etter fou n d er. This rule would end a lot of arguments. Have one for your publication. Better to
have the wrong one and fix it later than to go without one.

Second, we built a contributor program. We ended up signing up over 1,000 contributing writers over
the years, all on a simple set of promises:

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1. Vi si b i l i ty : Publishing alone won’t reach nearly as many people as writing with Startup Grind would,
nor would it carry the same brand gravitas.

Granted, we started o with good brand presence, but honestly, you don’t need a huge brand or even
readers if you’re willing to spend $5-25 in Facebook Ads on your rst 10-25 posts to get things started.
We may not have a huge brand behind The Crypto, but we’re already pulling in great contributors with
this strategy - and focusing on the other 2 pillars.

2. Commu n i ty : Being an expert can be lonely. At the end of the day, we’ve all worked hard in one way
or another to sit at the cool table or to be around fellow nerds.

We created a Slack channel (and for The Crypto, a Telegram channel) where fellow writers could meet
one another. Venture investments and new ventures started in that Slack, and I mentioned this plus
name dropped a few of the hotshots any time I recruited a new contributor.

3. Access : Being on the conference side meant being able to give folks tickets to our local events - but
it quickly became clear that our contributors could use their writer status with us to get into almost
any conference and request an interview with anyone but the most baller speakers.

All they’d have to do is email the organizers, point to a piece they did recently with us, and boom,
Media Pass. Once you get used to this, it’s hard to go back - and many contributors have gone to events
like SXSW, Web Summit, and Startup Grind Global for years for their work. Encourage your people to
make bold asks like this as media, both of event organizers and speakers - it’ll make them feel like VIPs
and result in great stories.

Third, we p i cked areas of con ten t focu s we kn ew ou r read ers wou l d eat u p . You can do your
SEO research, you can ask people, or you can pull from what you know - but it helped us to focus our
contributors on speci c subjects rather than taking anything in. We focused down on ve topics
relevant to startup founders in any country: team dynamics, product development, growth marketing,
fundraising, and analysis of technology trends. It didn’t just make it easier to own our categories - it
told our contributors what we were looking for, and made it easy to push things through editorial.

When it comes to your own writing, almost no editor will turn you away if you follow a simple model:
open with a compelling personal story relevant to the body of the work, hit folks with a few lessons and
maybe a few examples, and express your gratitude for their reading your work while requesting they
check out some cool new thing you’re working on. Medium readers love authenticity and personal or
professional growth they can put to work - so mash the two together with a strong call to action
promising further growth, and you should make a lot of friends.

It took ages, but eventually, as our contributors promoted their work to their own networks and the SEO
juice kicked in, we hit that quarter million monthly number. I thought that’s just how it was going to be
all the way up to the first monthly million. And then our intern suggested we try our Medium.

Building a Medium Media Property

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Publishing an article on Medium is easy. Getting it seen isn’t hard, either, provided you use the right
tags and do your usual content distribution - send it to some friends when you push it live, maybe kick
a few bucks to Facebook ads to kick start the algorithm, throw it up to Quuu Promote, and hope for the
best on reddit or Hacker News.

What we were going for at Startup Grind was rapid growth and email capture, and hustling to pump
up each piece we publish on both Medium and Startup Grind just wasn’t going to cut it.

Six underappreciated features got us results that made me feel like we just spent 18 months grinding
on a traditional blog for no damn reason.

F i r s t , start a M ed i u m p u b l i cati on . Most of these growth tactics only serve publications, not
individual writers. If you’re writing more than one post, it makes sense to throw all your content under
a pub not just to bene t from some extra credentialing if you want to show o your portfolio, but you’ll
have added control over Medium’s few conversion optimization features.

Do give your publication a decent icon (I grabbed mine o Pexels and spiced it up with Canva), an SEO-
friendly but descriptive name relevant to the content, and use all 5 of the tags you’re allowed to hit the
biggest, most relevant categories to your readers.

Pro Ti p : If you want a concise publication name like /crypto, /calendar, or /due (all which we’ve gotten
for clients and friends), you should start your pub with a temporary longer name, then email to request the pub be renamed to the one-word subdomain of your choice.

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Secon d , con n ect th e b i ggest Twi tter accou n t(s) you h ave avai l ab l e to th e p u b l i cati on . Ev,
being part of the Twitter ma a, built quite the hack for folks with large Twitter followings. Medium
allows you to port your Twitter followers to your publication using the “Connect to Twitter” feature
under your publication settings.

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Once connected, Medium will cross-reference every one of your followers against Medium users who
have connected their Twitter account. If it’s a match, you add one follower to your publication, driving
anything you post to your publication to their organic feed. It’s almost like jumping up in the Google
page rankings. This feature took Startup Grind from under 1,000 fans at the start to over 60,000
readers overnight, and drove our readership to about 100,000 readers per month by the second

Pro Ti p : Notice I say accounts? Medium allows you to disconnect your linked Twitter account, plug in a
friend’s for the day, come back to a substantially larger Medium publication, and reconnect your own
Twitter. It’s kind of a janky feature when used this boldly, so if you’re running into problems,
troubleshoot below:

Th e accou n t i s al read y con n ected el sewh ere? No problem - assuming you have the Twitter login
credentials. Open up your publication in a fresh Chrome/Firefox window, and disconnect the existing
Twitter account. Open an Incognito browser window, log in to Twitter with your homie’s account, then
log into Medium with Twitter. Head to their writer pro le, disconnect their account, Save the changes
and refresh the window to make sure they went through. Don’t close the Incognito windows!

Then, switch over to your regular browser where you’re logged into your Medium publication and
connect the Twitter account under your publication settings. You may need to erase the Twitter handle
under Contact Info for this to function properly. Once you can see the pro le is connected on the
Settings page, head to and refresh it a few times over the course of
5-15 minutes to see if the followers are being piped in. Keep in mind, large publications will take
longer to see growth by the time you run this hack your third or fourth time.

You’ll have your friend’s account listed as the Twitter contact for a day - just deal with it, and let it sit
overnight. Come back to it tomorrow, disconnect your friend’s account from your publication and save
the changes. Then, switching over to the Incognito window, reconnect the Twitter for your friend, save
your changes, and close things out. Read on for some of our results.

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Here’s an example of one of the Twitter growth hacks at play, adding over 15k followers to a publication
with zero published content. Not a bad starting ground for a brand - but this hack scales to larger
accounts, and doesn’t seem to have a ceiling to the number of times you can do it, so beg, borrow, and
hustle to get access to those Twitter accounts whenever you can! Usually, an account under 50,000
followers isn’t worth the trouble once you’ve done this process a few times, as there won’t necessarily
be that many Medium accounts in the mix who don’t already follow you.



Th i rd , op ti mi z e you r p u b l i cati on for emai l cap tu re wi th fron tp age, footer, an d ti tl e b ar

l i n ks. Medium may not be optimized for email capture, but you’re leaving money on the table by not
using everything they give you. We’ve found the three most e ective ways of converting tra c to an
o er is by making it prominent in the navigation (possibly including the background image), a call to
action on the front page of your publication, and in the body or footer of each piece.

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In th e n avi gati on : Medium allows you one outgoing link in the publication nav bar. Head over to, then check “Add a tab linking to a di erent site,” where you can
drop your outgoing link.

On th e p u b l i cati on h ome p age : You can also drop a visual call to action smack dab on the middle
of the home page of your publication (which will always be, which looks
like this “Got a Startup?” CTA on Startup Grind.

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Head over to​ and click

croll past your content blocks and nd the --[+]- symbol at the end of the page. Click it and add a
“Promo” block. Throw some solid copy and an image in, ideally a lead magnet, and save your changes.

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On each p i ece: Medium lets you throw up to three images together in a row to create a custom call
to action in the body or footer of your piece - even if the piece isn’t being published on your own
publication, which is amazing. Whip up a nice graphic (or three) designed to convert using Canva,
select between one to three images (and drop the pictures right into the piece or select up to 3 images
using the “Insert Image” popup), and once they’ve dropped in, select an image with Command-K (or
Ctrl-K) to link it to an outgoing link.

A width of 325px works well for a 3-image set, with a height anywhere from 325px to 150px
recommended. For a single CTA graphic, use at least 600px width and play with the image sizing
options available on Medium to make things look crisp.

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Last, u se M ed i u m for syn d i cati on rath er th an rst- ti me p u b l i sh i n g. Medium’s greatest gift to

marketers is the virality potential of your content to their baked-in audience - but there’s a cost. If
you’re writing to Medium, you’re not growing your owned audience on a blog or media publication -
and most of all, you’re not collecting that sweet, sweet SEO juice on an owned property.

Designed to make transfering your blog to Medium easy (and to avoid duplicate content penalties), the
Medium Import Tool is Medium’s greatest gift to SEO nerds - plus it makes syndication a breeze.

How it works is simple: once you publish a piece on your website or with an authoritative outlet, give it
a few days to make sure it has been crawled by Google’s spiders, then grab the link to the post. Drop it
into the import tool, style the imported piece, drop your CTA graphic and a header image in, and you’re
good to publish to your own or a top publication.

So why go through the trouble? To lock in that Canonical URL - giving Google the nod that the piece
you’ve published to Medium is a duplicate of the one that appears on your home site, and that any SEO
love the piece receive should be credited to the original post. Given Medium’s domain authority and
the size of the readership, that ain’t nothing.

If you want to double-check the canonical attribution, just view the page source on the piece once it’s
live and search for canonical, like we demo with this TechCrunch piece:

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We’ve used these tactics, on top of our existing contributor program described in the rst part of this
guide, to hit over 1 million monthly readers on Medium in under 6 months with a publishing ow of 5-
10 pieces per week - almost all of them contributed, none written in-house.

###p Product Hunt, Due,, Hostfully, Buffer, and a handful of other “Top 250” pubs.

How to Make that One Post Go Viral

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So, let’s say you’ve got something important to share with the world (maybe a book) and you want to
maximize immediate readership and search rankings on that one post. After nearly 3 years of messing
with the platform, here’s the step-by-step of what I’d do to get traction on a single post on Medium -
and you can replicate for yourself.

1. Wri te an d p u b l i sh th e p i ece on you r h ome si te. You want to keep the SEO goddness for your
owned property, right?

2. Imp ort th e p i ece i n to M ed i u m. Throw in a sexy header image from Pexels and a good lead
magnet CTA in the footer of the piece. Do n ot publish the piece yet, but do copy the Share link. You’re
going to use it for some pitching.

3. Pi tch some of th e top p u b s wi th you r M ed i u m d raft. Head over to Top Pub and nd three to
ve publications relevant to your content. Click their names and add /about to the web address to
which you’re redirected. Here’s how it looks on Startup Grind and Hacker Noon.

If the publication doesn’t tell you how to contribute content right in the description like Hacker Noon,
ping a few (emphasizing a few - not just one) of the listed editors on Twitter with a link to the draft
(again, don’t publish the damn thing yet) and tell them you’d love to share your piece with their
readers. Then you wait - you’ve gotta be accepted as a writer, which is usually a 10 second process for
the Editor if you’ve already got a piece drafted right on Medium.

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4. On ce mad e a con tri b u ti n g wri ter, p u sh you r d raft to th e l arge p u b l i cati on . In your draft
story, click the three dots and hit “Add to publication,” then select the publisher you’ve been approved
to publish under. Once the draft is submitted, it helps to ping your new Editor friend on Twitter to let
them know it’s in the system so they expedite the approval, which is often same-day.

Pro Ti p : So why should you keep the piece as a draft until it hits the big publication? Because the way
Medium’s algorithm works celebrates new pieces with immediate readership, and suppresses content
submitted to a publication long after it went live. Roughly speaking, we’re looking at (Mi n u tes Read +
Cl ap s p er Read er) divided by (Ti me Si n ce Posti n g) . Submitting the piece to a publication after it
has gone line will hurt your organic reach with the publication’s followers - and the same goes for your
own publication! You’ve gotta add it as a draft and publish it through the publication - not the writer
tool. More work, yes, but also significantly more reach.

5. Gi ve th e p i ece a week or so of h yp e on th e b i g p u b , th en move i t over to you r own

p u b l i c ati on . Why? So you can add it to your own publication (and hit at least a portion of your own
audience with a highly-read piece) and capture the interest being generated using the CTAs you
implemented in part 2 of this guide. The piece will continue to sit there, having bene ted from the
authority of the large publication, and with the long term visibility of your own Medium property as
optimized for conversions as is possible on Medium.

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###p The Crypto as your publisher of choice :)

M i ch ael Gasi orek is a writer, marketer, and founder focused on emerging technology. He runs Truth
Cartel, an agency specialized in marketing for crypto projects, and few media properties oriented
around philosophy, psychology, and technology. He was Editor in Chief at Startup Grind for a few years,
where he now remains the San Francisco co-director.


AND AUTO-ADD THEM - Robert Bölkow
From Facebook comments to LinkedIn contacts with Chrome and some Python

Step 1

Follow the instructions to install the Bookmarklet to ‘Expand all’ comments:

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Step 2

Find a post that might contain tons of

Linkedin profiles in the comments.

Note: If your group doesn’t contain one, start one!

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Step 3

Open the post in a new tab by clicking the date of the post. Call the bookmarklet you saved in Step 1.

Note: You probably can’t touch your PC for 30 minutes.

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Step 4

Use inspect element to save the full HTML of the page.

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Step 5

Use a library or RegEx in your Editor to filter out only the linkedin-links.

I used BeautifulSoup with Python and logged all profile links to a text file.

Step 6

Copy the list into a Google spreadsheet.

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Step 7

Create a free trial with Phantombuster.

Step 8

Follow the documentation in their Script ‘Linkedin Network Booster’ to automate invitations from that

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Pro Tip

Make sure you follow the Automation-Recommendations in Josh’s book Linkedin Influencer:

Get a Sales Navigator Account or keep the volume really low or you’ll get banned.

16) Extract Every Post Ever from Your Competitors’ Facebook

Pages" - By Elias Benjelloun
1. Create Access Token from Facebook Graph API

1. Requires Facebook Developer Account

2. This access token expires every two hours, so you will have to renew it to continue using
this method.

2. Copy Facebook Page URL and find Facebook Page ID using this tool.

3. Replace PAGEID with Facebook ID# and ACCESSTOKEN with your new access token and visit the
following URL:

It will look like:

1. Convert JSON to CSV

2. Convert CSV into Google Sheets/ Excel.

3. To get the next set of 100 posts, download the CSV and view the furthest right column for the
JSON link to the next 100 posts.


Hope I saved you HOURS of time.

17) I was featured on Medium’s Twitter Page! - By Vin Clancy

Here's the ONLY way you should be using Medium. This is it, in 8 easy steps:

1. Write great content (well, duh) - Include a cool-looking pic too

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2. Make a list of all the relevant publications from + Http:// (Has the top 100 Medium publications on it, most
of the good ones are in there now)

3. Ask to become a contributor of all relevant publications

4. Submit everything (good) that you write

5. These will not only 10x - 20x the number of people who read your posts, but can also be picked up
by Medium themselves to be posted from their official Twitter account (like my article below)

6. Evergreen content works. I actually wrote this post in 2015 but I keep a le of everything I write for
re-purposing on all channels (I've been teaching all my private coaching clients to do the same,
shouldn't you be doing this now?)

7. This can be ran on auto-pilot using an intern/your head of content distribution, alongside LinkedIn,
your blog, your FB, etc, as part of your overall organic content marketing strategy > A little of all of the
above adds up to huge returns when you make an offer or are looking for clients

8. Be consistent. Only about 1 in every 7 or 8 of my posts I submit makes it to a publication, but is so

worth it when it does.

18) Increase YouTube subscribers by 400%!

Simply add “?sub_con rmation=1” at the end of your YouTube channel URL. For example: (works
only on desktops)

Link all users from all your videos, website, tweets, blog to this URL. Everybody will see a popup
“Confirm Channel Subscription”, which increases YouTube subscribers by 400%.

19) How to get high-ticket customers instantly using a hidden section on Fiverr - By Nadya Rousseau

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Hi there, Nadya Rousseau here, social media strategist and founder/CEO of digital marketing agency
Alter New Media.

I have a killer growth hack that I really want to share with you--it’s one that’s grown my business by
four times in under six months!

Funny enough, that growth hack is a result of caving to a platform I said under no circumstances would
I ever offer a service on. That platform is Fiverr.

For those of you unfamiliar with Fiverr, Fiverr is a marketplace that o ers services ranging from web
design to copy editing to social media marketing to publicity to...sign twirling...literally everything.
Fiverr is also notorious for having service providers that o er dirt cheap services. As a play on the
name, “Fiverr,”--most services start at $5.00 and don’t go up too much more than $100.00.

So, being someone who cares very much about her brand and bottom line, I vowed to never
downgrade my abilities by o ering a crazy cheap service. I did, however, buy quite a bit on Fiverr,
being a cost-savvy entrepreneur. I liked the platform. I was even invited to participate in a photoshoot
at Smashbox Studios in Los Angeles, February 2017, from a “buyer’s perspective.” It was there, that I
learned about a new segment of the platform they would be rolling out in the next couple months:
Fiverr Pro.

Fiverr Pro gives “premium” service providers an opportunity to sell their services at higher (i.e. more
normal) prices. The catch is, these pros have to be killing it in their niche already and have some solid
skills under their belt. Ideally (because Fiverr likes promotion) the pro seller also has a decent social
media following. When I learned about pro, I figured I may as well try applying.

So I did.

Six months later, I was approved. Always being interested in what I call a "productized service," (a
service that acts as a package deal that requires less time from you/your team), I decided to launch
Instagram Rockstar at $450.00 for 30 days of service.

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Instagram Rockstar o ers strategic guidance for business/personal Instagram accounts, curated 2 x
daily posts, and organic targeted growth.


Then, well, it kind of blew up. Since November, my revenue has quadrupled; and my service is top-
rated (with countless ve-star reviews and over 600 "favorites"), and the #1 listed best selling
Instagram service on Fiverr. I now charge $625.00 for the service and have multiple inquiries everyday,
and have had over 53 complete orders. Again-- I have done ZERO marketing outside of the platform!

I have worked with everyone from beauty in uencers to NYC psychotherapy practices to jewelry
brands, to entertainers, to startup...after startup...after startup, to realtors, to coaches, and many many
more. What's awesome is they come from ALL over the world.

Honestly, it's been a gamechanger for my business.

Moral of the story? Don't knock it 'til you try it! Or, at least, until a premium version (of whatever you are
questioning) that matches your expertise comes to fruition.

If you are interested in applying, you can go to: ###a href="http://

Want to learn more about my service? Find me here:


Or on Instagram @nadyarousseau

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1) Pay with a tweet
If someone posts to social media, they get a bonus.

Your customers get access to discount-codes, e-books, music and much more.

This gives you built-in virality for free.

As long as you can link to it, your customers can post about it.

2) answers the question: “Will all those social media likes actually turn into sales?”Jumper
brings shopping to where your customers are - Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Youtube - and helps
you sell directly in social media and anywhere else you do business by DM’ing or commenting anyone
who interacts with your post - pretty magic.

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3) Tech Press List - A curated list of tech journalists from 18

countries. So you can nd relevant journalists with which you
can get press. Tech journalists change jobs often so it’s good
to have an up-to-date list.

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Social Media

4) Tap Bio
Allows you to use the one link in your Instagram bio to send people to multiple di erent webpages,
mirroring your actual Instagram feed (particularly good for product-based companies)

Waiting list only for now but will open up to everyone soon.

5) Audiense
My favorite growth hacking software of all time.

The easiest way to scrape all of Twitter and Instagram with the click of a button then export that to
excel to follow, create influencer campaigns, etc.

Instagram data stopped updated on April 4th, but it still has archived 90% of Instagram, so is still
super-relevant for the time being.

You can also monitor and grow your Twitter account on here, see who your in uential or veri ed
followers are, etc etc. There are tonnes of other features. But seriously, you need this tool if you’re
doing anything on social, especially ion you’re a heavy Twitter user like I am.

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6) FamepocketFamepocket

provides a powerful, easy-to-use platform that simpli es the engagement process between thousands
of Instagram users.

They provide multiple engagement groups, called Famegroups, where real accounts are exchanging
likes and comments as soon as they post.In case you don’t know, Instagram Engagement Groups are
groups where people with di erent Instagram accounts come together and exchange likes/comments
with each other whenever they make a new post.

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The point of participating in these groups is to get your post featured into the explore section and gain
good organic growth from there.

Famepocket pretty much grabbed this engagement group space and created a unique solution that
not only is powerful but super easy to use.How does it work?

On Famepocket there are multiple engagement groups you can join depending on your account’s
number of followers and niche category!

You just need to choose the ones more suitable to you.Afterwards, add your account to the desired
group and choose your engagement settings - you can choose the number of likes/comments you want
to get from members in that group or even choose the speed you want other users to like/comment
your post.

Once you have everything ready you just need to post. As soon as you post, all other users in your
group will engage with it, pushing your content to the explore page and ranking it on your favourite

The best part is that it's all automatic! So you don't need to worry about engaging back with everyone
else in the group, the Famepocket team does that for you, so you can focus on creating quality
content!Instagram Growth Hack

Famepocket is the ultimate Instagram growth hack. They leverage the Instagram suggestions and
popularity algorithm and trick it into assuming the content is more popular than the rest.

According to the Famepocket team, their system is quite simple:

“If you get likes/comments from a powerful account, your post has the potential to show up to all users
who follow that same powerful account”

This means that if you have likes or comments from an account with 100 thousand followers, it’s likely
for some of those followers to see your post on the explore page and, if it’s good enough and gets
engaged from there, it can explode into thousands, if not, millions of impressions.

It’s pretty much the same algorithm you see running on your Facebook feed when a post appears
because one or more of your friends liked it. Instagram does the exact same thing and the explore
page you see it’s based not only on your preferences but the preferences of the people you follow.

What Famepocket does really well is to intensify this organic e ect by having thousands of powerful
accounts split across multiple groups engaging with your content as soon as you post. If your content
has good quality and it’s disruptive enough, it can yield the following results to your page:

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As you can see, my account was getting at least 3000 followers on a daily basis by just posting 2 or 3
times. The more I posted the more followers I would get because you can have multiple posts going
viral on the explore at the same time. The problem is that it’s hard to create quality content and some
niches are by default more viral than others.

Using only Famegroups, one of my posts reached 1,420,524 unique accounts, received 1,531,316
impressions, and a total of 85 000+ interactions. As you can see, 99% of the people did not follow my
account, most of them found my post on Instagram’s explore page.

Why Famepocket?There are multiple engagement group services out there but Famepocket is definitely
the world’s largest one. Their customer support is also friendly and their groups have accounts with
great quality.

They control the quality of their groups by having an algorithm that lters out fake and inactive
accounts. Besides that, all accounts need to have a good engagement level (3-5%) to access any of the
groups. To join their smallest groups you need at least 1000 followers.If you don’t have 1000 followers
on your account or if you don’t meet their other requirements to enter the groups, you can buy
Powerlikes - getting likes from the accounts in the powerful groups without having an account to
provide likes back to that same group

7) Social Blade
Social Blade is the ULTIMATE website for tracking social media influencers.

YouTube, Twitch, Insta, Twitter - You can track how influencers have grown over time right up to today.

A great intel tool before you send money to indfluencers.

The only one it doesn’t cover up-to-the minute in Instagram of the API.

Luckily for you, as growth hackers we know where to find software that works OFF the API.

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8) MSG Hero
This software magically messages anyone who comments on one of your Facebook (page) posts. It still
amazes people to this day, as it reaches new markets. Can also create a nifty chatbot to speak to your
customers using smart triggers. They love to talk about how hard it is to get emails seen/clicked on.
They may well be on to something. This is one of those tools you could reasonable say is the “future” of

9) Snoop report
Track what your competitors do on social media. How often do they post? When? Whose posts they like.
Possibly good for spying on your significant other also, lol

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10) Grytics
The BEST tool on earth for monitoring your Facebook group.

Helps you nd who the most engaged members of your group are, which posts do the best, what days
and times you should post, and lots of other cool stu that is ESSENTIAL you know if you’re growing a

11) AdEspresso Recently acquired by Hootsuite, AdEspresso is a

tool that optimizes your Facebook Ads

FB ads are notoriously intimidating — where do you start when designing your first ad?

AdEspresso allows you to create thousands of variations from one template, so you can test designs
easily. Experiment with the most e ective ads for acquisition and measure the results with
AdEspresso's simple dashboard. Best bit: Tailor how you experiment with AdEspresso. They'll send you
daily actionable advice for optimizing your current campaign based on what you're looking to grow,
whether it's “likes” or downloads or subscribers

Social Media
Social Media

12) / - nd people talking about your

product and speak to them (Social listening)

Social Media
Social Media

13) Thunderclap
Try out “the rst-ever crowdspeaking platform” to amplify your message on social media. Thunderclap
harnesses the power of the crowd and allows people to pledge to post your message on Twitter and
Facebook at the same time for maximum possible effect.

14) OwlStat
Owl Stat is the tool to see how good someone’s engagement is on Instagram, as well as how their
followers have grown. Cool tool

Social Media
Copywriting & Content

In this section Hacks

1. ​How To Create Killer Blog Posts That Drive INSANE Traffic - JingCong Zhao
2. Create an unstoppable content machine - By Juan Felipe Campos
3. How to create a shareable, interesting article in 30 minutes - Vin Clancy
4. How to write a proposal that will have your perfect prospect desperate to give you their money
and have you all to themselves - Vin Clancy


1. Portent


3. Hemingway

4. Pexels

5. Canva

6. Crello


8. Meet Edgar

9. Quuu Promote

10. Answer The Public

11. Buzzumo

1) How To Create Killer Blog Posts That Drive Insane Tra c -

By Jingcong Zhao
Be sure to jump towards the end for my ideas on big opportunities for blog posts that rank for tra c
which can work for any B2B SaaS business.

Creating SEO optimized blog posts that drive tra c to our website is a key part of our content
marketing strategy.

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Typ es of b l og p ost th at d ri ves traffi c

1. “How to” – give people actionable advice including the steps they can follow.

1. “How to Gain Access Back into Twitter After Being Locked Out”

2. Using Twitter for Lead Generation: Two Approaches You Need to Know

3. How to Convert Event Attendees into Customers Without Sponsoring the Event

4. “How to Use Twitter to Bring Leads into Your Funnel”,

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1. Lists – A quick & digestible way to give people ideas they can implement to get better results in a
marketing domain.

1. 3 Ways Social Intent Data Can Improve the Sales Process

2. “14 Reasons why every professional should have a Twitter Account”

3. “5 Winning Ways to Use Social Media to Drive Traffic and Leads”

4. “9 Proven Ways to Increase Your Marketing Contribution to the Sales Pipeline”

5. “Avoid These 5 Common Behavioral Lead Scoring Mistakes To Find Better Leads”

2. Resources or Link Lists – Curate other people’s content when the content provides fresh,
actionable knowledge that can guide marketing practices

1. “New research on buyer preferences and implications for B2B marketers”

3. Cheat sheets, checklists, and to dos – Give people an easy-to-follow roadmap to getting
something done.

1. “The Cheat Sheet to Socedo’s Free Trial”

4. Reviews of Tools/ Products – Review tools that help marketers automate routine tasks, nd new
leads, get better data, etc. By mentioning other tools and letting those brands know, they’ll share
the article.

1. “5 Winning Ways to Automate Lead Generation and Nurturing on Social Media”.

5. Case Studies (on How to Get a specific result or lessons from trying something) –

1. “What we’ve learned from our lead generation experiments”

2. How We Empowered Our SDR team to score appointments and get sales ready leads

6. Infographics – we’ve had guest contributions on popular marketing topics like developing a
“content marketing plan”

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1. “How to Develop a Content Marketing Plan That Gets Results- Keyword Research”

12. De ning a new trend in marketing – posts that explain why a concept or trend is important to
B2B marketers, taking something from concept to execution.

1. Pulling Apart the Curtains on Third Party Intent Data Providers

2. Finding the balance between ABM and Inbound Marketing.

3. How predictive is intent data?

How I d etermi n e i f a top i c i s worth wri ti n g ab ou t/creati n g con ten t for.

Filters I use:

-Pick a specific niche within a broad topic that we can try to “own”.

For example, “using social intent data to improve the sales process” is a niche topic, because while
there are articles about using intent data to improve marketing and revenue, there aren’t articles
about “social media intent data” speci cally and there’s not articles that dive deep into using intent
data to improve the “sales process.

Or if it’s a broad topic like account based marketing, gure out what type of content is missing that’s
useful to people (use Google searches). For example, one question marketers have is “how do I start
testing the waters with ABM without investing a lot of resources or new tech”? Another is “Should I
keep inbound activities running while I implement an ABM program?” – these are more speci c topics
we can write about and rank for.

To make sure the topic has potential to compete, type the topic in Google to see who we’re competing
with. If we’re competing with all big-name sites, then we should choose another topic that’s being
covered by smaller blogs.

-Make a list of subtopics you can cover. Outline the subtopics. For example, if I’m writing about How to
Use Twitter to Get Sales Leads, I will identify the key aspects of the topic and have sections on each
topic or each of the sub-topics can be its own article.

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Why Twitter is worth your time for B2B marketing

How to optimize your Twitter profile and content to attract the right audience

Using keywords to find your target buyer personas or potential business leads

How you can engage people in an authentic way to bring new leads into your sales funnel

How to do this efficient with tools like Socedo

-Make sure the post is answering “burning” questions from our readers. Are people asking questions
about this topic on Quora? Search for “top B2B marketing challenges”, “top B2B marketing trends”, “top
social media challenges” and see what challenges come up. I use these trends/challenges as the
starting point for my keyword research.

How to i d en ti fy a top i c th at wi l l d o wel l wi th keyword research

Start with the topics we want to cover – which falls into 4 content clusters – social media best practices,
Twitter marketing, growth marketing/full-funnel marketing, and product updates. See SEO Strategy
Doc. For more details.

Go to Moz Keyword Explorer– put in a keyword suggestion, understand what is the average monthly
search volume on that keyword, understand how much competition there is, how much opportunity
there is.

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I like to look at the Priority Score which gives you an all up sense of how worthwhile it is to go after a

Guidelines for keywords that work well:

-Has at least 50-100 or more monthly searches.

-Difficulty score below 50

-Higher opportunity score, aim for 70 or above.

-Priority scores that are higher than 40.

Look at SERP Analysis to see what articles are ranking on Page one for that keyword.

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Search for your target keyword on Google and see what comes up in Google auto-complete, then look
at related searches for more ideas to see what’s popular.

Some ways to learn more about what topics are audience cares about:

Using keyword research tools: Using tools like the Google Keyword Planner (pictured above) and
Wordstream’s Free Keyword Tool, plug in general themes we think social media marketers and demand
gen marketers would be interested in. Look for phrases that seem to be relatively popular (but not TOO
popular; these will be harder to rank for), and that you know you could write a great post about.

Look at Google Analytics to see which pieces get the most organic tra c. Look at Oktopost Analytics –
which posts gets the most engagement, shares.

Use BuzzSumo to see which topics have already done well. Search for a topic, BuzzSumo shows the
most popular articles on that topic. Gives you a good idea on what people like.

-Type in a topic into Google search, see what are the related searches that come up, see the options for
Google auto-complete, these often give me good ideas.

-Go to Amazon book reviews – search for books on marketing, nd books that deal with digital
marketing/social media, read reviews and mine for phrases that reveal what people want.

-Go through G2Crowd reviews of software in our space, see what business problems people are looking
to solve.

How to wri te a b l og p ost to ran k for organ i c search traffi c 1.M ake su re i t’s l on g en ou gh
Generally speaking, in-depth posts will tend to rank better in Google. Research seems to indicate that
1,500 words should be your minimum length if you want your post to rank in the search engines. Some
experts recommend shooting for 2,000-3,000 words.

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2.Use keyword s i n strategi c l ocati on s i n th e p ost

Try to use them in your:

Page URL:


Headings and subheadings

In the caption and alt image tag of your images (where appropriate)

Throughout your content

Use the Yoast SEO plugin

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Once you enter the Target Keyword for a blog post, it’ll tell you whether this keyword is a good keyword
(whether it’s used before or not). It’ll also tell you whether your post is optimized to rank for the
keyword phrase. It helps you write an SEO friendly title and meta-description.

You’ll want to have this keyword in in the SEO title, the URL itself, and in the meta-description. Simply
click Edit snippet to change the snippet that will show up in the search engine.

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Once you enter the Target Keyword for a blog post, it’ll tell you whether this keyword is a good keyword
(whether it’s used before or not). It’ll also tell you whether your post is optimized to rank for the
keyword phrase. It helps you write an SEO friendly title and meta-description.

You’ll want to have this keyword in in the SEO title, the URL itself, and in the meta-description. Simply
click Edit snippet to change the snippet that will show up in the search engine.

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3. M ake su re th e b l og p ost l i n ks to oth er p ages on you r web si te

Internal linking is one of the most important things you can do to rank in the search engines. More
internal links = higher placement in SERP. Each blog post should include at least 2-3 links to other
pages on the blog or the main site.

###p Tip 9 how to think about internal linking.

4. M ake su re i t l i n ks to oth er au th ori tati ve si tes’ sou rces i n th e b od y of th e p ost– this will
help Google “see” your page as a “hub” of resources.

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5. Pu t i n “Cl i ck to Tweet” feature in sections where there are good quotes or statistics.

6. M ake su re each secti on h as cl ear h ead l i n es/key takeaways so that the blog post is easy to
skim. Break up the paragraphs into short paragraphs. Each one should have no more than 4
sentences. I like the ###a href="Neil" class="redactor-linkify-object">
Patel format because it’s super easy to read.

7. M ake su re to wri te a con cl u si on th at su mmari z es th e key takeaways from th e p osts.

There are some people who will read an article by immediately scrolling to the end to read the
conclusion, if they like the ideas in the conclusion, they will continue reading the piece.

8.Use pictures, infographics and videos throughout to break out the text. Good example. – “7 Ways to
Up Your Lead Gen Game with Video”

8. Cop y – wri te a comp el l i n g i n trod u ctory p aragrap h

I like to start by calling out the problem marketers are facing. Then, let the readers know why they
should consider a particular type of solution. Here’s an example:

“Thinking about kicking o a campaign to generate leads from Twitter? Or maybe you’re already a
Socedo customer and you’re looking for tips on taking things to the next level.

Of all the questions we get, these are the questions our customers raise most often regarding running
social lead gen campaigns:

What keywords should I use when starting a new campaign?

How do I know when my campaign’s performance has declined and it’s time to do something about it?

If a campaign isn’t performing ( i.e. “I am not gaining enough followers”), what can I do to optimize it?

Recently, I decided to sit down with Nate Strong, Head of our Customer Success team, and asked him to
share his best tips on what our users can do to set up high performing campaigns that drive lots of
relevant followers, website traffic and new leads.

Below, Nate reveals tips on how you can select the best keywords to reach your goals, common
mistakes to avoid, and how to know when it’s time to make changes to an existing campaign.”

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9 . M ake su re you r i mages h ave ap p rop ri ate “al t_text” - Alt Text is how Google is able to
understand what an image is about. Certai n i mages i n th e p ost can b e tagged wi th you r target
keyword . For example, I could tag this image and call it “Socedo social media campaigns” in the post
about “Socedo’s multiple social media campaigns”. Each image should have the appropriate title and
alt text.

10. Su b mi t th e b l og p ost to Googl e Search Con sol e to make su re i t gets i n d exed . Sometimes
Google simply can’t or won’t index your latest post. If you update any old posts to add new content, you
should always redex the page.

Head to your Search Console, go to “Crawl” - > Fetch as Google -> Fetch

Put in just the URL of the speci c blog post you want to index. Once the blog post is fetched, hit
“Request indexing”.

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Select “Crawl only this URL” and hit Go.

Organ i z i n g b l og p osts u si n g th e Top i cs Cl u ster M od el

Use th e Top i cs Cl u sters M od el to organ i z e mu l ti p l e p osts as i t wi l l h el p Googl e i n d ex you r

con ten t an d u n d erstan d h ow d i fferen t p i eces are rel ated .

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In this cluster model, a single “pillar” page acts as the main hub of content for an overarching topic
and multiple content pages that are related to the same topic link back to the pillar page and to each
other. For Socedo, “How to Use Twitter to Bring new Leads Into Your Sales Funnel” can be considered a
main hub because it’s the most comprehensive article on how to use Twitter for lead generation. Other
pieces like “The Ins and Outs of Running Social Lead Generation Campaigns”, “How to Use Keywords to
Find Your Target Audience on Twitter” are considered related pieces the “pillar” page should link to.

In the future, if we built a “Twitter lead generation” page on our main site, that can become the new
“pillar” page.

By linking all internal content within that topic to a pillar page, search engines can easily scan all the
content and understand th ere i s a seman ti c rel ati on sh i p b etween th e p ages’ con ten t. This
setup also signals to search engines that there is real breadth and depth in the content, which gives
the pillar page more authority on the topic.

Content clusters I’ve developed for Socedo are based on the topics I want Socedo to compete in, rather
than discrete keywords. The keywords are still a part of our overall strategy, but topics are the
umbrella under which our keywords strategy operates. Th ese are th e top i cs we wan t to own –
th i n k of th i s as ou r own “sp h ere of i n fl u en ce on th e i n tern et.

1. Social media best practices

2. Twi tter M arketi n g

3. Growth M arketi n g/Fu l l Fu n n el M arketi n g

4. Prod u ct Up d ates

Bl og Post Temp l ate

Follow this standard content template to consistently produce high quality work and create each article
faster. Outline to follow

1. Headline: make sure it’s attention grabbing

2. Hook/lead: Paragraph(s) to get reader interested and build anticipation with an attractive angle

3. Problem/Context: Fill readers in on the problem and what issues it can cause

4. Solution: Give a solution (or multiple ones) to fix the problem

5. Conclusion/wrap up – summarize the key points, add a CTA

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Copywriting & Content

Make sure to keep formatting primed for distracted readers.

How to d evel op great evergreen l i st p osts “5 Ways to Use Soci al M ed i a to [ R esu l t] ”


Make sure the post makes a speci c promise. Make sure the post is useful and address that speci c

Make sure the headline you’re thinking already listed in Google’s index.

Step #1: Visit

Step #2: Plug your headline into the search box (in double quotes for an exact match).

Step #3: Check the results. If there are no results, there is no competition and a huge opportunity to
rank well in the SERPs.

Researching – reading other blogs, whitepapers is the way to find the best topics to write about.

Promoti n g th e con ten t i s cri ti cal

Create at least 3 variations of social media posts for the blog post – schedule them over the next
couple of weeks. Tag relevant people mentioned in the post.

Slot it into emails – figure out which segments would find post helpful.

Share on Hacker News,, get other people to upvote it.

Let the influencers you worked with know about the post once it’s live

Send post to clients or customers who you think would be interested.

Link to it from your email signature

###a href=""

Repurposing existing blog posts where we’re currently ranking on Page 2 and could get onto page 1 of

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Go to Google Search Console - log in with your Socedo address.

Go to Search An al yti cs for th e b l og.soced p rop erty

Check o clicks, impressions, CTR and positions. Select Pages to n d th e b l og p osts th at are
ran ki n g . It’s best to look at data for the last 90 days which is as much data as Google stores.

Download the sheet as a CSV. Add some filters.

Filter: cut anything with less than 100 impressions. Look for things with positions in the ranges of 11-30
(page 2 or page 3 ranks).

For these posts that in the 11-30 position range, see which ones already have thorough and relevant
information about Twitter Marketing or Social Media Lead Generation. These are the ones I prioritize

Once I identify the target blog posts, in Google Search Console, lter to that page. Click “Queries” to see
which queries are bringing impressions and clicks to the post. Make sure that the most relevant
queries are including in your article body, title and meta-description.

Oth er ways to d ri ve traffi c b y u p d ati n g ol d b l og p osts

In crease cl i ck th rou gh rate on b l og p osts th at al read y get a l ot of i mp ressi on s b u t h ave a

l ow cl i ck th rou gh rate.

Find blog posts that drive more than 1,000 impressions in the last 90 days but have CTR of between 0.5
% and 3%. There’s opportunities to drive traffic by increasing click through rate.

By updating the headline, and meta- description of these blog posts, and by using appropriate target
keywords to tag the images in these blog posts, updating any data cited, adding more internal links
and linking to more recent external resources, we can increase both the CTR on the blog post and the
position/ranking of the blog post.

For example, Socedo’s post ranks in 2nd position for “Social Media Outreach”, this is because “social
media outreach” is in the title and the URL itself. This tells Google about the topic of the post which
helps it rank for that keyword. However, the meta-description can be better to entice people to click on
this search result.

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Google automatically pulls in the rst 1-2 sentences of your article. But you can specify what you want
to do and override the default.

To x the meta-description, go to Th eme SEO Setti n gs (th i s i s a b ox th at si ts u n d ern eath th e

text ed i tor of each p ost). Give the post the Document Title and Meta Description you want search
engines to display. Specify meta keywords - or the target keyword for this article.

Do you typ i cal l y wri te th ese p osts you rsel f or u se a freel an cer?

I typically update these posts myself as it’s not time-consuming, and I know what titles are going to
work best, what our target keywords are, and which other blog posts or links I want an article to link to.

2) Creating a content machine - By Juan Felipe Campos

Building a personal brand can seem intimidating at first…

I always hear founders say "I understand the value of a personal brand and I REALLY wish I could get
to that point but:

1) I don't have time


2) I don't have the expertise Let's debunk both of these myths right now.

Wanna know the secret to creating content every day for Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Quora, LinkedIn
and more?

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Copywriting & Content

It's simple:

Quote your own content.

That's it. You can stop reading now…...

Still reading? Ok, I'll explain.

Most people try to create content for each platform individually... the problem is that doing it this way
takes too much time!

Coming up with Twitter posts and Instagram posts and Medium posts– it's exhausting!

Here's what works: create long form content on ONE platform (podcast, YouTube, Quora, etc.) and then
chop up that pillar of content into a million different pieces for each platform.

WARNING: Don't try to drive tra c from all platforms to your main source. If you try to link to your
YouTube video from Facebook/Twitter/etc people won't come back to like your post and the algorithm
will hide your content because you're trying to get people to leave that website. Social platforms don't
like this and will fight you with technology.

What does this look like in action?

Here's what I do:

Spend time on Quora bookmarking questions I want to answer later.

Start answering questions.

Repurpose this content for other sites.

If you do this for a whole day, you'll have native content for all platforms for a whole month.

Instead of sharing a link to my Quora answers on other social platforms, I just copy-paste sections of
my Quora answers to each platform individually and natively while taking each social site's nuances
into consideration.

For practically EVERY social post you see from me on ANY social platform, there's a longer version on
Quora of it.

What this looks like:

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On Twitter, that means taking a 280 character excerpt from my Quora answer and posting it natively on

On Facebook/LinkedIn that means getting rid of long paragraphs and posting




so people

can read it on their phones easy peasy.

If I were to make YouTube videos, I would just make a video version of each one of my popular

Does this make sense???

You only need ONE main place to create, then just respect each platform individually and post natively

It's more important to be omnipresent than it is to drive all traffic from all sites to one source.

Oh, and if you "don't have the expertise" just curate other people's expertise via podcast/video
interviews and repurpose. Takes 30 minutes.

You want a brand? It's right there for the taking.

Just execute.


1) Portent
This ABSURDLY COOL piece of software will come up with Buzzfeed-worthy ideas for articles.It basically
solves the problem of “I don’t know what to write about”.Just type in your niche and BOOM! Instant
articles. Don’t you love me?

Copywriting & Content

Copywriting & Content

Riddle enables you to create super-shareable quizzes.The game is to create a quiz based on your
target audience, throw it on Facebook with some highly-targeted ads, then let the natural vitality of
sharing bring your ad cost through the floor and you get mass exposure.Powerful.

3) Hemingway

Copywriting & Content

Copywriting & Content

You’re smarter than you think you are.That is a BAD thing in this case.You see the problem that many
of us have especially if we’ve been writing for a little while is that we try to write like we speak but
actually in real life we would never speak this long without taking a breath but that’s not the point
really if we have something important to say we can forego full stops then if we feel we need to slow
down, we can use commas, like this, but unfortunately we then feel like those are commas and go o
into another wilderness of long sentences, even worse when we start using long words no-one knows
like apoplectic and hell even gregarious, well let me try and remember the point of this sentence, oh
yeah, to make a very long-winded point about how BAD your content can be if you use long
sentences.I’m even worried people have glossed o this hack as of the sweat of doing the
above.Hopefully not!AS Hemingway is so smart.You copy and paste your text into it’s text editor, and it
tells you when your sentences are too long, if you don’t get to the point fast enough, and if you use long
words when short words will do.The simpler your sentences are, the more likely they are to get
read.This will help.

4) Pexels
Unlimited free stock photography. Millions of high-quality images with a nifty search bar. Need I say

Copywriting & Content

Copywriting & Content

5) Canva
Canva solves the problem “I don’t know how to make high-quality images and am too lazy to learn
Photoshop”.The second part of that sentence is a joke, obviously, but, real talk: Canva will help you
produce INCREDIBLY high, design-quality images from a very simple drag and drop in-browser
interface.A monkey with arthiritis in his thumbs could make a beautiful event invite using Canva.Now
you know this, you will never produce low-quality images again.

6) Crello
Crello is like Canva but for animations instead of images. Incredible.​

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Copywriting & Content

Beacon is the excellent tool we use to build our ebooks and lead magnets. If you’ve had access to any
of my previous resources the chances are it was built using Beacon!

8) Quuu Promote
Quuu Promote is a service that helps brands and bloggers get their content shared by real social
media users in the relevant industries and drive targeted traffic.

Content creators submit their best content into the special curation system, after the approval by the
Quuu team it can be automatically and simultaneously shared through social media channels of the
Quuu users who are subscribed to the particular category. You can further manage and keep track of
all your promotions from your Quuu Promote dashboard.

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Copywriting & Content



9) Meet Edgar
Tired of having to ll up your social media every day? Put the posts in Meet Edgar and it will send the
same posts over and over. On platforms like Twitter, no one will notice, believe me.

10) Answer The Public

Copywriting & Content

Copywriting & Content

ATP is a RIDICULOUS tool which will mean you never run out of ideas for content (literally).Type in any
phrase and it will show you what people search about that on Google.One innovative strategy to create
a months' worth of video content in one day is to geo to a studio, load up this website, then ri on the
phrases around your keyword for 2-5 minutes. You will get organic traffic like you wouldn't believe.

11) Buzzumo
The best content marketing tool of all time. Type in a keyword and this tool will show you the most
popular articles ever written in the space, so you can see what an audience likes. It will also show you
how many social shares that article got, and who shared those articles (you can even export that
Twitter data, incredible for nding people into very niche subjects which don't match generic targeting
options).A little pricey but worthwhile if you're doing content marketing BIG.

Copywriting & Content


In this section:

Th e Hacks

1) The Ultimate Guide to SEO - Austen Allred

2) Ahrefs Content Explorer Hack - By Si Quan Ong

3) How to “train” Google’s algorithm for killer SEO - By Joseph D Lazukin

4) Market Muse - By Joseph D Lazukin

5) How to get TONNES of organic traffic from keywords the easy way - Si Quan On

The Tools

1) Cognitive SEO keywords tool

1) The Ultimate Guide To SEO - Austen Allred


SEO is Not Hard  —  A step-by-step SEO

Tutorial for beginners that will get you
ranked every single time
Note: This one of one of the chapters of Secret Sauce: A step-by-step growth hacking guide. Secret
Sauce breaks down every channel just like this one, so if you think this is valuable check it out. It’s for
sale now.

SEO In One Day

SEO is simply not as hard as people pretend like it is; you can get 95% of the e ort with 5% of the work,
and you absolutely do not need to hire a professional SEO to do it, nor will it be hard to start ranking
for well-picked key terms.

Of all the channels we’ll be discussing, SEO is the one that there is the most misinformation about.
Some of it is subtle, but some of it is widely spread and believed by so-called SEO consultants who
actually don’t know what they’re doing.

SEO is very simple, and unless you’re a very large company it’s probably not worth hiring somebody
else to do.

How Google Works

In order to understand what we need to do for SEO let’s look back at how Google started, how it’s
evolving today, and develop a groundwork from which we can understand how to get ranked on

The Early Days of Google

The idea for PageRank  —  Google’s early ranking algorithm  —  stemmed from Einstein. Larry Page and
Sergei Brin were students at Stanford, and they noticed how often scienti c studies referred to famous
papers, such as the theory of relativity. These references acted almost like a vote — the more your work
was referenced the more important it must be. If they downloaded every scienti c paper and looked at
the references, they could theoretically decide which papers were the most important, and rank them.

They realized that because of links, the Internet could be analyzed and ranked in a similar way, except
instead of using references they could use links. So they set about attempting to “download” (or crawl)
the entire Internet, guring out which sites were linked to the most. The sites with the most links were,
theoretically, the best sites. And if you did a search for “university,” they could look at the pages that
talked about “university” and rank them.

Google Today


Google works largely the same way today, although with much more sophistication and nuance. For
example, not all links carry the same weight. A link from an authoritative site (as seen by how many
links a site has pointing at it) is much more valuable than a link from a non-authoritative site. A link
from the New York Times is probably worth about 10,000 links from sites that don’t have much

All this means is we need to make it clear to google what our page is about, and then make it clear that
we’re popular. If we do that we win. In order to do that, we’ll follow a very simple process that works
every single time with less effort than you probably think is required.

Gaming the System

Google is a very smart company. The sophistication of the algorithms they write is incredible; bear in
mind that there are currently cars driving themselves around Silicon Valley powered by Google’s

If you get too far into the SEO rabbit hole you’ll start stumbling upon spammy ways to attempt to speed
up this process. Automated software like RankerX, GSA SER, and Scrapebox, instructions to create spam
or spin content, linkwheels, PBNs, hacking domains, etc.

Some of that stu works very short term, but Google is smart and it is getting smarter. It gets harder to
beat Google every day, and Google gets faster at shutting down spammy sites every day. Most don’t
even last a week before everything you’ve done disappears and your work evaporates. That’s not the
way you should do things.

Instead of Internet-based churn and burn we’ll be focusing on building equity in the Internet. So if you
see some highly-paid SEO consultant telling you to use software and spun content to generate links, or
when you see some blackhatter beating the system, just know that it’s not worth it. We’re going to build
authority and get tra c fast, but we’re going to do it in a way that doesn’t disappear or cripple your
site in the future.

On-Page SEO
The first step in getting our site ready to rank is making it clear to Google what our site is about.

For now we’re going to focus our home page (our landing page) on ranking for one keyword that isn’t
our brand or company name. Once we do that and get that ranking we can branch out into other
keywords and start to dominate the search landscape, but for now we’ll stay laser focused.

Keyword Research
The rst thing we need to do is to gure out what that keyword is. Depending on how popular our site
is and how long it’s been around, the level of traffic and difficulty we’ll get from this effort may vary.

The Long Tail

There’s a concept we need to be familiar with known as the “long tail.”


If we were to graph “popularity” of most things with “popularity” being the Y axis and the rank order
being the X axis, we’d get something like a power law graph:

There are some big hits that get the majority of attention, and after a few hits the graph falls sharply.
The long-tail theory says that as we become more diverse as a society the yellow end of the above
graph will stretch forever and get taller.

Think of Amazon. They probably have a few best-selling products, but the majority of their retail
revenue comes from a wide variety of things that aren’t bought anywhere nearly as often as their best-
selling products. Similarly, if we were to rank the popularity of the songs played in the last 10 years,
there would be a few hits that would garner the majority of plays, and an enormous number of songs
that have only a few plays. Those less popular products and songs are what we call the long tail .

In SEO this matters because, at least in the beginning, we’re going to go after long tail keywords — very
exact, intention-driven keywords with lower competition that we know can win, then gradually we’ll
work our way to the left.

Our site isn’t going to outrank ultra-competitive keywords in the beginning, but by being more speci c
we can start winning very targeted traffic with much less effort.

The keywords we’re looking for we will refer to as “long-tail keywords.”

Finding the Long Tail

In order to nd our perfect long-tail keywords, we’re going to use a combination of four tools, all of
which are free.


The process looks like this:

1. Use UberSuggest, KeywordShitter and a little bit of brainstorming to come up with some

2. Export those keywords to the Google Keyword Planner to estimate traffic level

3. Search for those keywords with the SEOQuake chrome extension installed to analyze the true
keyword difficulty

Don’t be intimidated — it’s actually very simple. For this example we’ll pretend like we were nding a
keyword for this book (and we’ll probably have to build out a site so you see if we’re ranked there in a
few months).

Step 1: Brainstorming and Keyword Generating

In this step we’re simply going to identify a few keywords that seem like they might work. Don’t
concentrate too much on culling the list at this point, as most bad keywords will be automatically
eliminated as a part of the process.

So since this is a book about growth hacking, I’m going to list out a few keywords that would be a good

Growth hacking

Growth marketing

Internet marketing

Growth hacking guide

Growth hacking book

Book about growth hacking

What is growth hacking

Growth hacking instructions

That’s a good enough list to start. If you start running out of ideas go ahead and check out ###a
href=""> If you plug in one keyword it will start spitting
out thousands of variations in just a few minutes. Try to get a solid list of 5–10 to start with.


Now we’ll plug each keyword into UberSuggest. When I plug the rst one — “growth hacking” — in, I get
246 results.

Clicking “view as text” will let us copy and paste all of our keywords into a text editor and create an
enormous list.

Go through that process with each keyword you came up with.

Now we’ll assume you have 500+ keywords. If you don’t, try to start with something more generic and
broad as a keyword, and you’ll have that many quickly. Ideally you’ll have over 1500.

Step 2: Traffic Estimating

Now that we have a pretty good list of keywords. Our next step is to gure out if they have enough
search volume to be worth our while.

You’ll likely notice that some are so far down the long tail they wouldn’t do much for us. For example,
my growth hacking list came up with “5 internet marketing techniques.” We probably won’t go after
that one, but instead of guessing we can let Google do the work for us. This will be our weeding out

Google Keyword Planner


The Google Keyword Planner is a tool meant for advertisers, but it does give us some rough idea of
traffic levels.

Google doesn’t make any promise of accuracy, so these numbers are likely only directionally correct,
but they’re enough to get us on the right track.

You’ll have to have an AdWords account to be able to use the tool, but you can create one for free if you
haven’t use AdWords in the past.

Once you’ve logged in, select “Get search volume data and trends.”

Paste in your enormous list of keywords, and click “Get search volume.” Once you’ve done so, you’ll see
a lot of graphs and data.

Unfortunately the Keyword Planner interface is a little bit of a nightmare to work within, so instead
we’re going to export our data to excel with the “download” button and play with it there.

Now what we’re going to do is decide what traffic we want to go after.

This varies a bit based on how much authority your site has. So let’s try to determine how easy it will
be for you to rank.

Go to and enter your URL, looking at the total backlinks in the third column:

Number of Backlinks

Maximum Difficulty


< 30:<40




Go ahead and sort the data by di culty, and eliminate all of the stu that is too high for your site
(don’t worry, we’ll get those keywords later). For now you can simply delete those rows.

Exact Match
One important thing to note is that Google gives us this volume as “###a href="exact" class="redactor-
linkify-object"> match” volume. This means that if there is a slight
variation of a keyword we will see it if the words are synonyms, but not if they are used in a phrase, so
the traffic will be underestimated from what you would expect overall.

Now with that disclaimer sort the tra c volume highest to lowest, and from this data pick out ve
keywords that seem like a good fit.

Here are mine:

growth hacking strategies

growth hacking techniques

growth hacking 101

growth hacking instagram

growth hacking twitter

Mine all look the same, but that may not necessarily be the case.

Keyword Trends
Unfortunately the “keyword di culty” that Google gives us is based on paid search tra c, not on
natural search traffic.

First, let’s use Google Trends to view the keyword volume and trajectory simultaneously. You can enter
all of the keywords at the same time and see them graphed against each other. For my keywords it
looks like this:


The ones I’m most excited about are purple and red, which are “Growth hacking techniques” and
“Growth hacking Twitter.”

Now we’ll take a deeper look at what the competition is like for those two keywords.

Manual Keyword Difficulty Analysis

In order to analyze how di cult it will be to rank for a certain keyword, we’re going to have to look at
the keywords manually, one by one. That’s why we started by nding some long-tail keywords and
narrowing the list.

This process gets a lot easier if you download the SEOQuake Chrome extension. Once you’ve done that,
do a Google search and you’ll notice a few changes.

With SEOQuake turned on the relevant SEO data of each site is displayed below each search result.

We’re going to alter what is displayed, so in the left-hand sidebar click “parameters” and set them to
the following:


Now when you search, you’ll see something like this

SEOQuake adds a ranking number, and the following at the bottom:

Th e Googl e In d ex: This is how many pages from this base URL Google has indexed

Page Li n ks : The number of pages linking to the exact domain that is ranking according to SEMrush’s
index (usually very low compared to reality, but since we’ll be using this number to compare it wil be
somewhat apples to apples)

UR L Li n ks : The number of pages pointing to any page on the base URL

###b The first time the page was indexed by the Internet Archive

Traffi c : A very rough monthly traffic number for the base URL

Looking at these we can try to determine approximately what it would take to overtake the sites in
these positions.


You’ll notice that the weight of the indicators change. Not all links are from as good of sources, direct
page links matter much more than URL links, etc., but if you google around and play with it for a while
you’ll get a pretty good idea of what it takes.

If you have a brand new site it will take a month or two to start generating the number of links to get to
page one. If you have an older site with more links it may just be a matter of getting your on-page SEO
in place. Generally it will be a mixture of both.

Keep in mind that we’re going to optimize our page for this exact keyword, so we have a bit of an
advantage. That said, if you start to see pages from sites like Wikipedia, you will know it’s an uphill

Here are a couple of examples so you can see how you should think through these things, starting with
“Growth hacking techniques.” is de nitely a big name, and “growth hacking techniques” is in the title explicitly.
This will be difficult to beat, but there are no links in the SEMRush index that point direct to the page.

(By the way, I wonder how hard it would be to write an article for — I could probably
do that and build a few links to that easily, even linking to my site in the article)., have never heard of that site. 206 total links, not much traffic, this one I could pass up. It
does have quite a bit of age and “Growth hacking tactics” in the title explicitly, so that would make it
tough, but this one is doable to pass up after a while.


Alright, so quicksprout is relatively popular, a lot of links, good age, lots of tra c, a few links direct to
the page but not a ton.

But the word “tactics” doesn’t even appear here. This page isn’t optimized for this keyword, so I could
probably knock it out by being optimized specifically for “growth hacking tactics.”

Let’s jump down a ways to see how hard it would be to get on the front page.

17 total pages indexed? Created in 2014? No links in the index, even to the root URL? This one’s mine. I
should be able to front-page easily.

So this looks like a good keyword. Now we just have to get the on-page SEO in place and start building
a few links.

On-Page SEO
Now that we have our keyword selected, we need to make sure Google knows what our site is about.
This is as simple as making sure the right keywords are in the right places. Most of this has to do with
html tags, which make up the structure of a webpage. If you don’t know html or understand how it
works, just pass this list to a developer and they should be able to help you.

Here is a simple checklist you can follow to see if your content is optimized.

On-Page SEO Checklist

☐ Your keyword is in the <title> tag, ideally at the front (or close to the front) of the tag

☐ Your keyword is close to the beginning of the <title> tag (ideally the first words)

☐ The title tag contains less than the viewable limit of 65 characters (optional but recommended)

☐ Your keyword is in the first <h1> tag (and your page has an <h1> tag)

☐ If your page contains additional header tags (<h2>, <h3>, etc) your keyword or synonyms are in most
of them


☐ Any images on the page have an <alt> tag that contain your chosen keyword

☐ Your keyword is in the meta description (and there is a meta description)

☐ There is at least 300 words of text on the page

☐ Your keyword appears in the URL (if not the homepage)

☐ Your keyword appears in the first paragraph of the copy

☐ Your keyword (or synonyms — Google recognizes them now) is used other times throughout the page

☐ Your keyword density is between .5% and 2.5%

☐ The page contains dofollow links to other pages (this just means you’re not using nofollow links to
every other page)

☐ The page is original content not taken from another page and dissimilar from other pages on your

If you have all of that in place you should be pretty well set from an on-page perspective. You’ll likely
be the best-optimized page for your chosen keyword unless you’re in a very competitive space.

All we have left now is off-page optimization.

Off-Page SEO
Off-Page SEO is just a fancy way to say links. (Sometimes we call them backlinks, but it’s really the same

Google looks at each link on the web as a weighted vote. If you link to something, in Google’s eyes
you’re saying, “This is worth checking out.” The more legit you are the more weight your vote carries.

Link Juice
SEOs have a weird way to describe this voting process; they call it “link juice.” If an authoritative site,
we’ll say Wikipedia for example, links to you, they’re passing you “link juice.”

But link juice doesn’t only work site to site — if your homepage is very authoritative and it links o to
other pages on your site, it passes link juice as well. For this reason our link structure becomes very

Checking Link Juice


There are a number of tools that let you check how many links are pointing to a site and what the
authority of those pages are. Unfortunately none of them are perfect — the only way to know what links
are pointing to your site is to have crawled those pages.

Google crawls most popular pages several times per day, but they don’t want you manipulating them,
so they update their index pretty slowly.

That said, you can check at least a sample of Google’s index in the Google Search Console (formerly
known as Webmaster Tools). Once you navigate to your site, In the left-hand side select “Search Tra c”
then “Links to your site.” There’s a debate raging over whether or not this actually shows you all of the
links Google knows about (I’m 99% convinced it’s only a sample), but it’s at least a representative

To see all of your links, click on “More” under “Who links to you the most” then “Download this table.”
This, again, seems to only download a sample of what Google knows about. You can also select
“Download latest links” which provides more recent links than the other option.

Unfortunately this doesn’t let us see much a to the value of the links, nor does it show us links that
have dropped or where those links are from.

To use those there are a wide variety of tools: If you have a budget I’d go with as they have
the biggest index, followed by Moz’s Open Site Explorer (most of the data you can get with a free
account, if not then it’s slightly cheaper than ahrefs), and nally SEMrush, which is free for most
purposes we need. MajesticSEO uses a combination of “trust ow” and “citation ow” which also works
fairly well to give you an idea as to the overall health and number of links pointing to your site.

All of these use di erent internal metrics to determine the “authority” of a link, but using them to
compare apples to apples can be beneficial.

Link Structure
HTML links look something like this:” title=”keyword”>Anchor text

Where is the place the link directs you to, the title is largely a remnant of
time gone by, and the linked text  —  think the words that are blue and you click on  —  is called the
“anchor text.”

In addition to the amount of link juice a page has, the relevance of the anchor text matters.

Generally speaking you want to use your keyword as the anchor text for your internal linking whenever
possible. External linking (from other sites) shouldn’t be very heavily optimized for anchor text. If 90%
of your links all have the same anchor text Google can throw a red ag, assuming that you’re doing
something fishy.


If you’re ever creating links (like we’ll show you in the future) I only ever use something generic like the
site name, “here” or the full URL.

Internal Structure
Generally speaking you don’t want orphan pages (those that aren’t linked to by other pages), nor do you
want an overly-messy link structure.

Some say the ideal link structure for a site is something like this:

That’s close, but it gets a couple things wrong. First, you’ll never have a structure that organized, and
second, in an ideal world every page would link to every other page on its same level. This can easily
be done with a footer that feels like a sitemap or “recommended” pages. That allows you to specify
anchor text, and pass link juice freely from page to page.

Unfortunately it’s impossible to draw such a web without it becoming a mess, so you’ll just have to
imagine what that actually looks like.

We have just one more thing to go over before we start getting those first links pointing to our site.

Robots.txt, disavow, nofollow, and other minutia

Most of SEO is managing stu that can go wrong. There is a lot of that, but we’ll go over what will cover
99% of needs, and you can Google if there’s something really crazy.

R ob ots.txt


This is just a plain text le that lets you tell search engine crawlers what to crawl and not to crawl.
Most are pretty good about listening, except the Bingbot, which pretty much does whatever it wants no
matter what you tell it. (I’m mostly kidding.)

If you don’t want Google to crawl a page (maybe it’s a login page you don’t want indexed, a landing
page, etc.) you can just “disallow” it in your robots.txt by saying disallow: /somepage.

If you add a trailing / to it (e.g. disallow: /somepage/) it will also disallow all child pages.

Technically you can specify di erent rules for di erent bots (or user agents), but it’s easiest to start
your file with “User-agent: *” if you don’t have a need for separate crawling rules.

Di savow

Google will penalize spammy sites, and unfortunately this causes some bad behavior from bad actors.
Say, for example, you wanted to take out a competitor. You could send a bunch of obviously spammy
links to their site and get them penalized. This is called “negative SEO,” and is something that happens
often in highly contested keywords. Google generally tries to pretend like it doesn’t happen.

In the case that this does happen, however, you can “Disavow” links in the Search Console, which is
pretty much saying, “Hey Google, don’t count this one.” I hope you’ll never have to use it, but if you hire
(or have hired) a bad SEO or are being attacked by a competitor, that is how you combat it.


A link can have a property called “nofollow” such as this:” title=”keyword” rel=”nofollow”>Anchor text.

If you want to link to somebody but you don’t want it to count as a vote (you don’t want to pass link-
juice), or you support user-generated content and want to deter spammers, you can use a nofollow
link. Google says it discounts the value of those links. I’m not convinced they discount them heavily, but
other SEOs are so they seem to deter spammers if nothing else.

R ed i rects

If you’re going to change a URL, but you don’t want its link juice to disappear, you can use a 301
redirect. A 301 will pass a majority of the link juice.

Can on i cal UR Ls


If you have two pages that are virtually the same, you can add something like <link rel=”canonical
href=””> to say “hey, treat this page as if it were that page instead,
but I don’t want to 301 it.”


Link Building
Link building is where SEO really starts to matter, and where a lot of people end up in a world of hurt.

The best way to build links is to not build links. I’ve worked for companies in the past that don’t have to
ask for them, they just ow in from press, customer blogs, their awesome blog posts, etc. If this is an
option (and we’ll go over a couple of ways to make it more likely) you’re in a great place.

If not, at least in the beginning, we’re going to manually create just a few.

We’re going to create them in legitimate ways and not hire somebody in India to do so. That is a recipe
for disaster, and I can’t even count the number of times I’ve seen that take down a site.

Web 2.0s
The easiest way to build high quality links are what SEOs call “web 2.0s.” That’s just a way to say “social
sites” or sites that let you post stu . Now tweeting a link into the abyss won’t do you anything, but
pro les, status pages, etc. do carry some weight. And if they come from a popular domain that counts
as a link.

Some of the easiest are:

Twitter (in your bio)

Github (the readme of a repo)

YouTube (the description of a video — i t has to actually get views)

Wordpress (yes, you’ll have to actually create a blog)

Blogger (same here)


Upvote-based sites (HackerNews, GrowthHackers,, etc.)


If nothing else you can start there and get a half dozen to a dozen links. There are always big lists of
“web 2.0s” you can nd online, but keep in mind if you’re going to build something out on a blogging
platform you’re going to have to really build something out. That’s a lot of content and time, but you
have to do it the right way.

We generally keep a bigger list of Web 2.0s

href="">here. Some may
be out of date, but you should probably only build a half dozen to a dozen Web 2.0s anyway.

Expired Domains
Another way to get link juice is by purchasing an expired domain. This is more di cult to do, but there
are a lot of options such as (Google “expired domains” and you’ll nd dozens of
sites monitoring them.)

You’ll want to purchase a domain that has expired and restore it as closely as you can to its original
form using an archive. These sites likely have some link juice to pass on and you can pass it to yourself.

Link Intersection
Another way to nd places you can build links is by using a link intersection tool. These nd sites that
link to “competitor a” and “competitor b” but not to you. Theoretically, if they link to both of your
competitors, they should be willing to link to you. Moz, Ahrefs, LunaMetrics and others have link
intersection tools that work quite well.

Now that we have a few basic links owing, we’re going to work on some strategies that will send
continual links and press, eventually getting to a point where we don’t have to build any more links.

Your First Drip of Traffic —  B ecoming an Authority Site

Awesome — you have a site that converts well, your SEO is in place, ready for you to drive tra c. Now

As you’re probably learned at this point, a site that converts very well but has no traffic flowing to it still
converts zero traffic.

We’re going to fix that.

This section takes a lot of time and e ort, and in the beginning you’ll likely wonder if you’re doing
anything at all. Remember that class in college that is so di cult it’s the point where most people give
up, effectively weeding out the people who aren’t ready to major in a specific subject?

Well this is the weeder-out chapter of growth hacking.


Take a Long-Term View

The reason so many people stumble on this step is the same reason people stumble on so many steps
that take a little e ort under time  —  losing weight, investing in a 401(k), etc. In the beginning you’re
going to have a little seedling of tra c, and you’ll be looking up to those who have giant oak trees,
thinking, “I must be doing something wrong.” You’re not doing anything wrong. The tra c starts as a
trickle before it becomes a flood.

But don’t worry if you’re a startup. Our goal is to get enough tra c that continuing to do this e ort will
be sustainable (meaning we won’t die before we start to see the rewards), but at the same time we’re
building equity in the Internet.

The type of tra c we want to build is the type that will compound and will never go away. We want to
create tra c today that will still give us a little trickle in ve years. Combining hundreds (or thousands)
of little trickles, our site that converts, and a great product we will create a giant river.

Future chapters will go into depth on the networks we need to drive tra c from, so in this chapter
we’re going to focus on tra c that’s network-agnostic. Tra c that we can’t get by tapping any speci c

Just to give you some idea of scale, I’ve seen this process drive over 500,000 visits per day, though the
build up to that level took almost a full year. What could you do with 500,000 visits per day?

Monitoring Alerts
To start we’re going to use the keywords we found in the SEO chapter, and inject ourselves (and our
company) into the conversation wherever it’s taking place.

To do this we’re going to use software called BuzzBundle.

This software lets us do a few things:

1. Constantly monitor all mentions of a speci c topic, competitor, or keyword across multiple
locations on the Internet (from Facebook groups to Quora questions to blog posts) where
comments are available

2. Allow us to leave a constructive comment that references our product or company

Disclaimer: This is not the SEO comment spam you’ve



This step takes thought, e ort, and a real human who understands what they’re typing. I don’t often
say this, but you cannot e ectively automate this step without it becoming spammy. If you’re trying to
replicate the automated SEO spam you’ve seen on various blogs and sites this will probably work, but
you’ll get banned, your clickthrough will be a fraction of what it could be, and you’ll be banned

Productive Commenting
We’re not going to re up some awful software to drop spun mentions of garbage onto various
comment sections online hoping that brings us SEO traffic. Our comments must do two things:

1. Be contextual. We are only going to talk about the topic presented in an article or tweet, and only
mention our company when it naturally fits in

2. Contribute to the conversation. I should learn something or have value added to my life by
reading your comment

If you do these two things a few changes will take place: First, you’ll notice that people click on your
links because you’re a thoughtful person who likes to contribute. Second, people will respect your
company because you’re a thoughtful person who likes to contribute.

And with that disclaimer, we’ll move on to the nitty gritty of how this is done.

Now that all of that is out of the way, let’s fire up BuzzBundle and get to work.

Accounts and Personas

The rst thing you’ll want to do in BuzzBundle is go to Accounts -> Add new accounts. This is the
starting point for everything we’ll do, as we need accounts to comment.

One thing you’ll notice about BuzzBundle is that it lets you use multiple accounts. I nd it bene cial to
think from multiple perspectives and therefore multiple points of view, but I don’t want to go too far
overboard and be spammy.

I’d recommend doing something simple — create 2–3 personas, each of whom you identify with (or are
you), and enter them into your BuzzBundle accounts.

Personally I don’t even change my name, I just use a di erent one (eg. Austen J. Allred vs. Austen
Allred) or use a few photos, just so it isn’t literally the same name and same photo blanketing the

Disqus is a comment system used all over the place, and it carries some caveates. Disqus will ban you
if you use the same link in every post, so there are two workarounds:


1. Use a lot of different accounts, rotating IPs or using a proxy every two days or so

2. Use your site URL as your “display name”

Both of these work, but the second one is much easier in my view.

UTM Parameters
Using links with our UTM parameters here will be very bene cial. We’ll be able to track tra c back to
each individual blog or site, and if necessary double down on the ones that are driving traffic.

Link Shorteners
If you ever start to run into problems with getting your link posted, it may be useful to use a few link
shorteners or some 301 redirects.

To keep it simple you can use a link shortener that 301s such as, or if you want to spend a little
more time you can set up your own site and 301 the traffic from a certain page to your money site.

Using BuzzBundle
Let’s get started with the BuzzBundle.

First, it’s going to ask you for a keyword. We already have a keyword from the SEO section, but we may
want to do something even a bit more generic. For this one I’m going to go with “growth hacking.”

Simply hit “go” and let BuzzBundle get started.

It will load di erent content types into di erent columns, but generally we are going to be scrolling
through until we find something that looks compelling and like we can actually contribute to.

The first thing I clicked on was this:


It’s a review of another book about growth hacking. All I had to do was comment, tag the author, ask
him if he were willing to review our book, and o er to send him one for free. (If you’re reading this now
it’s going to be pretty awkward).

My assumption is this person will nd the conversation to be completely authentic, because it is. The
fact that there’s now a link on his video that people who are searching for something else will nd is
just an added bonus.


As an aside, I much prefer to hold “shift” and click on a link to open it in my normal browser if I’m just
going to be commenting as myself.

The next one I found was a roundup of great growth hacking blog posts from the week.

I left the following comment:

Note how I followed him on Twitter so that it’s obviously personal and not an automated spam
comment. I even went a little bit overboard and tweeted at him just for kicks.

That is how you get people on your team.

As you get further along and have an idea of how to get a good response, I’d recommend starting to
sort by reach, ramping up the number of keywords you’re searching for, and possibly even gasp
upgrading to the paid version of BuzzBundle.


2) Ahrefs Content Explorer Hack - By Si Quan Ong

Hey Everyone

Here's a quick hack that will solve that problem for you:

1. Go to Ahrefs Content Explorer (href="

2. Type in a keyword relevant to your niche or industry (in the example below I used "beard"), and hit

3. Under the "Organic Tra c" drop down, enter "1,000" into the From eld, and hit apply. Content
Explorer will only show you articles that receive >1,000 organic traffic per month.

4. Next, under the "Referring Domains" drop-down menu, enter "0" into the To eld, and hit apply.
What happens is...

Content Explorer will show ALL the articles that:

- receives more than 1,000 organic traffic/month

- have ZERO backlinks

That means these articles are receiving tons of search traffic... without even putting in any effort in link


All you have to do is to scroll through the list of articles and start generating ideas.

In fact, using only a couple of minutes, I've already discovered a ton of content ideas I can write about
(if I was in the beardsmen niche, or am selling beard products):

- Difference between beard oil, wax and balm

- Why you should put coconut oil on your beard

- How to grow a beard if you can't


- Best beard styles for round faces

And so on...

If you prefer a visual guidance, I've attached the images so that you can see how it's done.

Happy content creating!

3) Did you know you can improve your SEO by training

Google's AI algorithm? - By Joseph Lazukin
For many people optimizing their sites to get on the first page of Google is this mysterious unknown...

However, what if I told you, that you can improve your site rank and even outrank your competitors by
training Google's algorithm? There's no way, the average person could do that! Right?! WRONG!

Under the Search Appearance tab, there are a bunch of goodies, you absolutely should be paying
attention to...


It's one of the tools I used to rank a site for over 30,000 new keywords IN LESS THAN 30 DAYS! 1,000
KEYWORDS PER DAY! OVER 100+ RANKING ON PAGE #1 PER DAY! Name one SEO expert that can do
anything similar?

You can't...

So how did I do it?

Among other techniques, I spent about an hour in the "Data Highlighter", which is a tool that allows
you to highlight and label the data on your website Google should be looking for!

No programming experience required!

Just point, click, and select the label of what it that data is!

This is a CRITICAL step, that every business owner should be doing, but probably has never heard of,
and if you own a blog or have an e-commerce store, you should drop everything and spend the next
hour training Google's algorithm to index your website better!


The better Google understands your site structure, the easier it is for it to index information, the easier
it is for Google to serve that information to people searching for that information, which in turn
increases your site rank!

So if you are not doing it, your competition is, but if they are not doing it yet, then doing so will give you
a ranking advantage! So what are you waiting for?

Stop reading and go label your site data

You can thank me later!

Cheers, and happy bank account building!



1) Cognitive SEO keywords tool

Conversion Rate Optimization

In this section:

Th e Hacks

1) Use Net Promoter Score - By

2) How to take a brand new com store from 0 to 132k in just a few weeks - By Joseph D Lazukin

3) How to upgrade from $25k to $1m contracts (by doing less work) - By Joseph D Lazukin

4) Crafty conversion rate tactic - By Jon Buchan

5) A Costly Mistake You’re All Making With Your Facebook Pixel (and how to avoid it) - Joseph Lazukin

The Tools

1) iZooto

2) App follow

3) Olark


5) GA builder

6) Hello Bar

7) SendX

8) Baremetrics

9) Proof


11) Supermetrics

12) Stunning

Conversion Rate Optimization

Conversion Rate Optimization

13) ASO Desk / - Pump up your keywords to build perfect semantic
core for your app. Gain free search traffic in App Store & Google Play with ASO Tools.

14. Intercom

15. Tower Data “Get Data in Real Time”

1) Using to work out if your customers love you -

By Vin Clancy
Net promoter score enables you to nd out if people actually like your product. This is an ESSENTIAL
tool used by Silicon Valley startups to aggressively improve their o ering. It's a series of questions you
ask anyone using what you're working on, normally something along the lines of:

1. How happy are you with our product on a scale of 1-10?

1-6 is negative, 7-8 is neutral, 9-10 is positive.

This number should be going up month-on-month.

2.​ What's your favorite feature/thing about our product/service?

This could make an amazing one-liner for your website.

Also, can often show you what you think is valuable and your customer thinks is valuable are two
different things.

Finally, many would say most importantly:

How disappointed would you be if our product went away tomorrow?

Not disaapointed

Somewhat disappointed

Very disappointed

Once 40% say "very disappointed" it's time to scale!

2) How to take a brand new com store from 0 to 132k in just a

few weeks - By Joseph D Lazukin

Conversion Rate Optimization

Conversion Rate Optimization

My initial goal was to go from 0 to 50K in 21 days with a brand new store, because I wanted to
demystify this whole misconception that making money online is "too hard" while at the same time
creating a massive case study.

I documented each day which you can see on my pro le from the 7th all the way until the 31st, with
screenshots of ad spend and how I scaled the entire store from 0 to 100K in 30 days and explaining
why I started with a super broad adset and then scaled low performing adsets to get data, to then
creating dozens of split tests and LLAs (look a like audiences).

Total disclaimer it took roughly $40K in ad spend to hit $104K in sales from start. I only started with
$2,000 and bank rolled that to pay for the remaining ads and product. My pro t from the 104K in sales
in 30 days was around 27K since I had a lot of split tests.

All of the ads intentionally were image ads for the case study as not everyone has the funds to pay for
product videos.

Here are some key takeaways :

1. Add a paypal button to the cart page in Shopify and remove it on the checkout page (it will increase

2. Add at least 2 rows of products for each category you create.

3. Always add images to your product descriptions to increase conversions since mobile users are lazy
and may not swipe or click to see more images.

4. Have an additional "checkout" sticky button that appears at the bottom of a screen once someone
has added to cart, it will increase conversions.

5. Check your ads every 4 hours to remove negative comments, negative comments will destroy your

6. By liking 2 pictures and commenting on one picture of the people who like and/or comment on your
photos, you can usually get them to buy and/or ask to be an in uencer if you have less follower than

7. Always charge in uencers for product, but give discounts 20% for in uencers 50K followers and
below and 50% for influencers 100K and above in order to turn influencers into profit.

8. Negotiate rebates with your sellers in China, I received an extra .30 back per item sold with them
which added up quite quickly.

Conversion Rate Optimization

Conversion Rate Optimization

9. Make sure to sign up for the AliExpress a liate program in order to get up to 10% cash back on all
product cost on AliExpress. I ended up with 1.6K cash back for my product cost.

10. Make sure to put all ads and product cost on a credit card, the amount of points or cash back is
insane. I ended up with around $1K in cash back o a 1.5% cash back card between ads and product

Anyway hope the tips above help all of you.

3) How to upgrade from $25k to $1m contracts (by doing less

work) - By Joseph D Lazukin
So how did I suddenly hike my rates and still get paid? Simple! I changed the way I framed my value! If
I made you 10 million dollars, would you pay me a million? How about three million? How about ve? If
you presented that same deal to me, I'd take that deal 10 out of 10 times, even if you made half of the
10M you generated!

...and there lies the secret of how I landed $1M+ contracts.

For the longest time, I have been doing CRO (conversion rate optimization) for my clients, reducing cart
abandonment rates by an average 30%, essentially doubling their online sales, on the side of doing
Facebook ads (which is how most of you know me), and have been charging $25K-$50K respectively to
come in and optimize things using the strategies I've split tested to death and proven with my other

However those same strategies I was charging 25K-50K for, were generating millions, even when I was
rst starting out and was getting 15-18% reductions, I was putting 5M-10M+ on the board for my

So they made 10M while I made 50K and some change...

Scaled down to more palatable numbers, that's the same as paying someone $50 to make you $10,000.
You'd do that every day of the week right?

...but guess what?

Even at that pay scale I would get resistance! Why was I hitting so much resistance? I have a proven
track record, and they're shelling out 100k+ a month in ad spend without blinking, so why was paying
me 50K to drastically increase their conversions such a hard sale?

It seemed paradoxical that they would spend millions to bring in leads but not spend money to convert
those leads better, so like everything else I do, I started split testing my rates and approach with
prospective clients and here is what I found...

Conversion Rate Optimization

Conversion Rate Optimization

$50K upfront = Resistance$25K upfront + 5% of recovered sales = Resistance$10K upfront + 10% of

recovered sales = Less Resistance$0 upfront + 20% of recovered sales = No Resistance$0 upfront + 30%
of recovered sales = Sweet Spot$0 upfront + 50% = Resistance due to technical factors

Now you can't go around just charging more, but in this speci c case, I was charging 1/200th my value
so I had some room to play, and after really taking a step back and really thinking about it, it made
sense. Which deal seems sweeter?

Paying a 50K upfront out of pocket and tie up cash ow that could go towards known returns via
marketing channels with hopes of a return in 4-6 weeks?


Invest nothing and pay 30% to recover sales that currently do not exist, and increase revenue to the
company immediately.

It's a clear win win! ...and the result?

If a company is doing 10M in sales, that means they have on average around 20M in abandoned sales,
and since I have a proven system I've split tested to death across multiple industries that saves on
average 30% of that abandonment volume, that means I put 6M in sales back on the board for that
company and now get paid 1.8M, they keep 4.2M.

Beats 50K, right?So by changing nothing else, but how you frame and charge for the value you provide
can truly change your life!

My advice to all of you reading this, is to take a step back from the day to day execution, and evaluate
the value you provide, and see if there are more creative ways to package and present that value to
your customers.

Often times we get so consumed by the process of the day to day, that in our attempts to drive
progress and claw back gains, we inherit this funnel vision and overlook potential opportunities that
could help us get to where we want to be a lot easier with a lot less headache and time wasted!

Don't spin your wheels just to spin your wheels, challenge yourself to always set time aside to re-
evaluate what you're doing and survey the landscape by asking yourself the hard questions...

What is the value I create?Am I presenting my value in the best way?Am I utilizing the time of my sta
in the best way?Are they valued and invested in the outcome?Is my company presenting itself in the
right way?Are my clients connecting with my message?Am I utilizing my time in the best way?Am I
achieving the best possible outcome?If not then why...

Conversion Rate Optimization

Conversion Rate Optimization

If you can learn anything from the above, it's to never get too clouded by your own routine that you
ignore new opportunities that can make a world of di erence. I did, and I left both money and time on
the table. I would have to take on over 10 new clients doing ten times the work, to earn half the income
I now make with a small pivot in my presentation of value!

So now it's your turn...

What could reframing how you present your value do for you and your business?

Food for thought... :)

Thank you for reading and happy bank account building!


4) Crafty conversion rate tactic - By Jon Buchan

Entrepreneurs and marketers often have dozens of tabs open.

We often are drawn to tabs that show there’s new stuff waiting for us.

E.g. Emails and social media websites.

You can take advantage of this force of habit.

Change your title tag to include a (1) at the start.

Conversion Rate Optimization

Conversion Rate Optimization

I use Wordpress and Yoast SEO but this is possible on any platform where you can amend the <title>

With Yoast SEO, you can create a separate title for Facebook so it doesn’t contain the (1) in the title if
you wish to post the link there.

5) A Costly Mistake You’re All Making With Your Facebook Pixel

(and how to avoid it) - Joseph Lazukin
A lot of marketers don't know how to use the Facebook pixel, most copy and paste the Facebook pixel
code not realizing there are two pixel codes, and 99.9% of the time change the events for the top pixel
but not the second pixel and RARELY if ever take advantage of the custom event actions outside of
"ViewContent, AddToCart,Purchase, etc".

Conversion Rate Optimization

Conversion Rate Optimization

Even fewer realize how you can segment your pixel events in such a way that the data that Facebook
provides you through the "Analytics" tab in your business backend to hyper analyze exactly who key
audiences REALLY are...

Did you know that the Analytics tab will tell you what age demographic, gender, device type and locale
has your HIGHEST retention and repeat purchase rate?!

Did you know that if you set up your pixels properly it will even tell you what target demographic is
most likely to complete the funnel sequences you've set up?

This is one of the major secrets behind my ability to be able to launch successful advertising

Setting up pixel events for every major event :

- CTA button is seen / is not seen

- How far a user has scrolled on the page

- In 5 second intervals how long a user has been on a page

- Did they or did they not reach the CTA in the video

- How frequently have they come back to the site (use the counting metric)

Then cross sectioning these events against UTM tags inside of the Facebook Analytics platform in order
to identify exactly who and what traffic is key to the success of the campaign.

By creating custom events, you can identify the in funnel events that need to take place in order to get
the highest conversions and/or discover the demographic down to the interests and customer pro le
that are most likely to complete the desired actions. Not to mention by being able to determine how far
people have watched or read your content - you also will now have a systematic approach to
determining the best content to display to what demographic and at what time.

Think about it.

If within the rst few thousand dollars worth of spend, if you could identify breaks in your sales funnel
and at the same time double down and scale outreach to the exact customer demographic that will
predictably go through the desired funnel sequence you've laid out.

Conversion Rate Optimization

Conversion Rate Optimization

If you set this up you will discover down to the hour what content trends best, such as long form
content and inspirational videos after 10pm vs in the morning, or how short form copy and short form
educational/entertainment videos with large buzzfeed-like subtitles works best between the hours of

Sure, it's easier to be lazy, and setup the bare minimum amount of pixel events, and throw money at
the problem by launching a bunch of random audiences praying for something to stick, but it's even
easier to do things right the rst time around and setup your analytics dashboard in Facebook once to
give you all the KPIs (key performance indicators) you need to make business driven decisions so you
can crush every campaign.

1) iZooto
iZooto is an audience re-engagement tool that drives higher conversions, order ful llments, and user
callback exponentially. Say goodbye to cart drops and leaks with iZooto

• Segment users by interest, clickstream, and behavior

• Automatically send notifications when your users are most likely to engage with them

• Add banner images, emojis, CTAs

2) App follow

Conversion Rate Optimization

Conversion Rate Optimization

New AppFollow 3.0 with Customer Support tool to respond to user reviews in App Store & Google Play,
including Slack Reply bot, Zendesk, Intercom, Helpshift integrations and many more. We help mobile
developers run customer support, App Store Optimization (ASO) and monitor any app in the App Store,
Google Play & Windows Store. Check it out!

3) Olark

Olark is a chat application that allows you to interact with your visitors when they land on your
website. This tool makes it possible for you to have a one-on-one chat with your visitors and let you
know what they want from your business.

It also allows you to peep into activities of your visitors as they navigate through your website. So you
will know what resources they are often utilizing on your website.

Conversion Rate Optimization

Conversion Rate Optimization

###p It splits the tra c between two pages and ads Google Analytics tags like utm_campaing in order
to lter and monitor conversion rate between the two pages. “Normal platforms like unbounce are
great but fairly expensive an not self hosted, meaning that you can test some landing pages but you
can't really test something on site, for example a new feature or price. With it's super easy,
just select two pages and share your url on social media, emails or wherever. We take care of splitting
your tra c between the two pages and we add custom Google Analytics tags (like utm_campaign) so
we can then filter the results in your custom dashboard!”

Conversion Rate Optimization

Conversion Rate Optimization

5) ###a href="GA" class="redactor-linkify-object">https://ga-

dev-tools.appspot.c... builder
The BRAIN DEAD SIMPLE way to track your traffic without using redirect links

(Redirect links/link shorteners are disliked by email providers, some social media platforms, social
news sites and lots more, so this is killer)

6) Hello Bar
Hello Bar is a delightfully simple tool that allows you to insert a call-to-action button within a horizontal
bar at the top of your site. You create your bar and CTA around one of three goals: drive tra c, collect
emails or point visitors to your social media channels.

Top Benefits:

Track the number of clicks each header bar receives

Specify which pages your Hello Bar should/should not be shown on and program the bar to
display only during certain dates

Customize the color of the header bar and button so that they fit with your site design

Conversion Rate Optimization

Conversion Rate Optimization

This is great as you’ll be getting clicks or email addresses from some unused real estate on your site

7) SendX

SendX is growth tools + marketing automation for non-marketers. (See above- get customers to leave a
phone so you can call them back - amazing!)

Conversion Rate Optimization

Conversion Rate Optimization

Send X is great as the number 1 thing you should be doing in sales is getting your client on the phone.
So if you can get this happening on near-autopilot, even if you’re away from your livechat, you are
going to close more business.

8) Baremetrics
Baremetrics is a tool for all your subscription metrics. Analyze the health of your subscription business
by looking at MRR, user churn, failed charges, refunds, Customer Growth Rate, and more, to build a
complete picture of how users are subscribing. Pinpoint areas to improve and drive growth.

Conversion Rate Optimization

Conversion Rate Optimization

Best bit: The forecaster tool. Don't just view the current health of your business, get Baremetrics'
predictions for your metrics in the next year.Pricing:

Startup. $50/mo. $10,000 MRR or less.

Professional. $100/mo. $50,000 MRR or less.

Business. $250/mo. $200,000 MRR or less.

Enterprise. $500/mo. $500,000 MRR or less.

9) Proof
Proof shows your website browser a pop up of the most recent sale and location of other buyers as a
dynamic pop up, increasing FOMO (fear of missing out) and purchases

A 41 point checklist to make sure you have everything covered to make your website convert as well as

11) Supermetrics
Supermetrics Connectors for Data Studio empower you to directly pull marketing data from Facebook,
Twitter, Linkedin, Bing and 20+ sources into Data Studio, without the need to use Google Sheets as a
workaround. Build Data Studio reports with ease, for PPC, SEO, social and analytics.

Conversion Rate Optimization

Conversion Rate Optimization

12) Stunning
Stunning is an incredible service which chases bounced and
failed payments from your customers and automagically
emails (or texts!) them until they put their new card in to re-
activate subscriptions and purchases. One of the few tools you
can absilutely guarantee will make you way more money than
it costs to pay it's monthly fee. Get it.
13) ASO Desk
Pump up your keywords to build perfect semantic core for your app. Gain free search tra c in App
Store & Google Play with ASO Tools.

Conversion Rate Optimization

Conversion Rate Optimization

14) Intercom
Intercom enables customers to speak to you live via a chatbox on your site (which can go straight to
your mobile to answer!) - This will massively increase your conversions

Conversion Rate Optimization

Conversion Rate Optimization

15) Tower Data “Get Data in Real Time” (link here)

Clean your list and nd out demographics on the emails “You give them emails, they give you back
information on people!”.

Conversion Rate Optimization

Bonus Content

1. Huge List of the world’s best Incubators and Accelerators - By Juan Campos

2. Turn your LinkedIn contacts into a list of Emails

3. I’ve spotted Neil Patel’s hack to help increase gain social shares! - Vin Clancy

4. Identify, Email & Convert: The Simple Method to Turn Unconverted Tra c Into Loyal Customers -
By Marcus Svensson

5. The 1000 Podcast Swipe File - By Logan Honeycutt

6. Use Botletter instead of email

7. 26 Cold Email Examples Broken Down To Help You Write Your Own - Dmitry Dragilev

8. ‘The UX project checklist' - By Andrea Soverini

9. Overperforming social media influencer posts from the biggest in the game

10. The ultimate guide to building (and pro ting from) Chatbots - Even if you’ve never built one
before! - By Angelo Sorbello

11. ###a href="">SimilarWeb Pro

1) Huge List of the world’s best Incubators and Accelerators -

By Juan Campos
Putting together a detailed spreadsheet of these programs. You have editing access, so feel free to add
or comment as we all continue to contribute to the list!…/1CP0BmrPns3Wx5QZSukAV6_pgmZ…/edit…

2) Turn your LinkedIn contacts into a list of emails

What if I told you there is a way to download all your LinkedIn contacts - names, email addresses, job
titles, and companies etc. into one spreadsheet that you could easily upload to your email software
provider?You’d bite my arm o wouldn’t you?What if I told you that this also well within LinkedIn’s
terms of service too? (for now)Well here you are:1. Click the ‘My Network’ icon at the top of your
LinkedIn homepage.

Bonus Content
Bonus Content

2. Click Your connections on the left rail (the number of connections button will do)3. Click Manage
synced and imported contacts near the top right of the page.4. Under Advanced actions on the right
rail, click Export contacts.5. Click Export Contacts.

GDPR may affect this, but think about people outside of Europe!

3) I’ve spotted Neil Patel’s hack to help increase gain social

shares! - Vin Clancy
Neil Patel mentions at least 100 external links per blog post. After that he emails out each of the sites
he linked to saying something like “... I linked to [your website] within my latest blog post. … check it
out … feel free to share …”.

By doing this, he gains social shares and eventually builds up a large enough audience that is
leveraged to promote future posts.

4) Identify, Email & Convert: The Simple Method to Turn

Unconverted Tra c Into Loyal Customers - By Marcus
20 min setup.

What if I told you there’s a group of leads, already interested in what you have to sell and eager to talk
to you, sitting right under your nose?

...See More

The Easiest Customers You’ll Ever Get: 3 Steps to Identify, Email & Convert Your Site’s Visitors.

When was the last time you reached out to your website’s unconverted visitors? The people that didn’t
give you their contact details on their last visit.

If the answer to that question is “never” then you could be missing out on a big group of potential
customers. They know who you are and they’re likely already interested in what you have to sell.

In this guide, I want to teach you exactly how to find and talk to them.

You’ll learn how to identify visitors to your website, nd their contact information and quickly reach out
to them.

Bonus Content
Bonus Content

I’ll show you the free tools that enable you to perform monotonous tasks with the click of a button,
removing the need to manually search for contact information and letting you send dozens, if not
hundreds, of emails at once.

What’s more, the whole process will take less than twenty minutes.

Sound good? Let’s dive in!

Tools you’ll need:

Albacross - Completely free.

FindThatLead - Free for 10 searches/day. $29/month for more.

Woodpecker - Free 14-day trial then $40/month.

Step 1: Identify visitors to your site

1. First sign up to Albacross Web Tracking. The service is 100% free and will pinpoint exactly which
prospects and companies are visiting your site. All you need to do is copy and paste some simple code
into your site to start tracking. If you’re using WordPress you also have the option of installing a plugin.

2. You will need to wait for the data to be collected. Keep checking back to the “Track” area in your
dashboard. Depending on your site’s tra c, this can take anywhere from a few hours to a couple of
days. Don ’t worry, th e wai t wi l l b e worth i t!

3. Once you’ve got some visitor info, hit the “Export data” button in the top left hand corner.

Bonus Content
Bonus Content

4. Open up the downloaded file as a spreadsheet. You’re interested in the “Website” column.

5. Remove the companies that are already your customers. If you want to, you can use the information
about page views and visits to prioritize the most active, interested visitors.

The list of remaining websites is your new pool of potential leads! Now you just need to nd some
contact details...

Bonus Content
Bonus Content

Step 2: Find your leads’ contact info

1. Sign up to FindThatLead. It’s an easy-to-use service that matches website domains with email
addresses. You can use their free version or get a 10% discount to their monthly subscription service.

2. There are two ways you can search for email addresses. You can use the “Domain Search” function,
where domains need to entered individually. Alternatively, you can use the “Bulk Lead Search”.

3. To go with the second option, simply upload the edited Albacross le and match up the columns in
the dropdown menus.

Bonus Content
Bonus Content

4. Once you’ve generated the email addresses, export them. There’s no need to edit the downloaded

Step 3: Reach out to your prospects

1. Sign up to Woodpecker is one of my favourite tools. It lets you send out personalised
email in bulk and automatically follow up.

2. As with FindThatLead, you have the option to manually input email addresses (in which case you’ll
want to open up the spreadsheet you downloaded in step two and locate the “Email” column) or
upload in bulk.

To use the bulk function, just upload the le from step two and match up the columns. Woodpecker
will guide you through the whole process.

Bonus Content
Bonus Content

3. After you’ve uploaded the file you received from FindThatLead, you will get a screen like this:

4. From there you can start sending emails and converting your visitors to customers! Simply start a
new campaign, give it a great name like, “My wonderful website visitors,” and write your email
templates, adding personalization options wherever it’s appropriate.

Don’t forget to follow up!

Remember that company employees and executives are busy people! If you don’t hear back from them
straight away, don’t worry.

Bonus Content
Bonus Content

One of the great things about Woodpecker is the ability to automatically schedule follow-up emails.
You can add a second email when you’re setting up your campaign. It will send if you don’t get a reply
from a prospect in a specific number of days.

Now all that’s left to do is hit send…

5) The 1000 Podcast Swipe File - By Logan Honeycutt

Here is an awesome swipe le created by Logan, of ‘Grow With Logan’ that covers 1000 podcasts!This
comes with their full details, including: website, contact email, itunes link, the lot! It’s separated into
niches for your pleasure. So either get listening, or better yet, start an outreach campaign and see if
you can get featured. An awesome press and authority building opportunity!Here’s the link: Please do your research
rst, some of these podcasts may have run their course and have discontinued. A lot will still be going
though! Enjoy.

6) Use Botletter instead of email

Botletter is a similar service as Mailchimp, but instead of using emails we use Facebook Messenger.
Without any coding, you can connect our technology to your Facebook Page. Then people can subscribe
to your botletter right through Messenger. You will be able to send them messages with rich cards
attached whenever you want.

7) 26 Cold email examples broken down to help you write

your own - Dmitry Dragilev
Getting someone to respond to an ice cold email can be tough.In fact, maybe you’ve heard, or
thought:“Cold email is dead. It’s SPAM! Stick a fork in it. Within ve years, something new is going to
replace email.”I’ve heard these complaints a lot. But I disagree.What makes me so sure?Everything I’ve
achieved in my career, I’ve achieved … through cold email.

If you d on ’t h ave ti me to read th e en ti re arti cl e you can l i sten to th e au d i o versi on of i t

ri gh t h ere b el ow:

I took a startup from 0 to 40M page views and sold it to Google … th rou gh col d emai l .

I’ve published 1400+ guest posts and articles in most well known publications … th rou gh col d emai l .

I’ve built relationships with Gary Vaynerchuck, Tim Ferriss, Matt Mullenweg founder of WordPress, the
Winklevoss Twins, on and on and on … th rou gh col d emai l .

I grew this very blog from 0 to 20,000+ subscribers in two years allowing me to earn my rst $100K
from my PRThatConverts program … th rou gh col d emai l .

Just imagine:

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You can finally build a business, land sales, and reach your goals … by mastering cold email.

I’ll teach you how with specific examples of cold emails, how they work and why.


Strap in. This is going be a long–and fun–ride.

Defining cold email

Cold email is any email sent to a potential client that doesn’t have an existing connection to you.

Here’s a simple way to think about it:

If you send someone you’ve never met an email you found through a publicly available email address,
it’s cold email. Or …

If you email an influencer you’ve never met asking for feedback on an article, it’s cold.

Cold emails should include:

Your real name.

Your contact information: job title, website, social media profiles, phone number, etc.

Customized content for the recipient.

A conversation starter rather than a request to take quick action.

Cold emails are also:

Usually sent from one business to another, or from one individual to a public gure, such as a
journalist, influencer, or editor.

And they don’t always have a commercial motive.

Cold email is a one-on-one, personal conversation.

It’s like a cold call, but less intrusive and annoying.

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A cold email is like sending an email to a business acquaintance, except the recipient doesn’t
necessarily know you that well, if at all.

You’d send cold emails to get guest posting guidelines from editors, to get feedback from an influencer,
or to start a conversation with a potential client.

Is Cold Email Spam?

Here’s one of the most common questions I get from students:

“How is cold email different from spam?”

Cold email and spam are polar opposites.

Here’s why…


Uses a fake name

Doesn’t include contact information

Isn’t personalized (the same email is sent to several people)

Isn’t meant to start a conversation; rather, it’s usually targeting a direct purchase.

Has a commercial motive.

Spam is an example of a one-to-many email.

For example, a few days ago I received this email:

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Can you see all the tell-tale signs of spam?

This email doesn’t address me by name, and it’s not customized.

Did you notice that it doesn’t have a specific request?

It’s just a generic, “Let me know if you’re interested.”

But also:

There’s no contact information. I have no idea who the senders are, or what they represent …

Compare that example with another email:

Can you see the difference?

This cold email does three things:

It addresses the recipient directly.

It has a highly specific and relevant request.

And it mentions a common contact.

I’m not trying to push a product, or get anyone on the phone for a long conversation.

The real world equivalent of this email would be like saying, “Hi,” to a friend of a friend you bumped
into at a conference.

It’s not pushy.

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It’s not annoying.

And it’s perfectly reasonable, as long as your call to action isn’t overly aggressive.

For example: “Buy my product!”

Sounds pushy, right?

But if you say: “Let’s get coffee sometime!”

That sounds a lot better.

Want a ‘sniff test’ for spam vs. cold email?

Before you send out a cold email, ask yourself:

Would I be comfortable saying this to someone I met at a conference for the first time?

If the answer is no, then it’s likely spam. If the answer is yes, then it’s a cold email.

Keep in mind that spam is illegal . Send too much spam and you will run afoul of CAN SPAM laws.

Cold Email vs. Unsolicited Email

It’s important to understand:

Unsolicited Commercial Email (UCE) is the official term for spam used by FTC.

And UCE can range from a sales email (like the example above) to a newsletter from a company you’ve
never heard of before.

If you don’t want to break the law, you should know:

If you didn’t explicitly give permission with an opt-in form, and it meets the spam criteria above, you
can classify that email as UCE or unsolicited email.

Technically, cold email is unsolicited as well.

However, if an email has…

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appropriate header information

is personalized

and offers value

… then, it likely won’t be considered UCE or Spam.

Don’t Break the Law

Are you clear about whether an email falls under the CAN SPAM laws?

It can be tricky. So let me break it down:

As per FTC, all emails can contain three types of information:

Commerci al con ten t , such as selling a product, promoting a sale, etc.

R el ati on sh i p or tran sacti on al con ten t , such as a bank sending its customer a bank
statement, an e-commerce store sharing transaction details, or a blogger sending a message to
his list of subscribers.

Oth er con ten t , which can range from personal content to mixed (relationship + commercial)

According to FTC’s regulations, the purpose of an email decides whether it needs to comply with spam
laws. If the email is primarily commercial – or is deemed to be so by the recipient – it has to comply
with spam laws.

A well-crafted cold email might have a commercial tilt, but it also offers significant value.

Now, let’s get into how you can write amazing cold emails that convert!

Don’t Send Spam

The more of these best practices you follow, the less likely your email will be seen as spam:

1. Use correct h ead ers

The “email header” tells the recipient where the email is coming from.

This is bad:

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Always use your own name and personal email address. This shows that you are a real person, not a
random business sending unsolicited spam.

2. Use th e reci p i en t’s fi rst n ame

This is the easiest way to show that you didn’t just nd a list of emails and spam them – use their rst

A Hi {First Name} goes a long way towards making you sound more authentic.

3. M ake i t rel evan t to th e reci p i en t

What’s one of the biggest indicators of a spam email?

It’s irrelevant.

Spam emails seldom address the speci c needs of the recipient. They just send out the same message
to everyone, regardless of their requirements.

Always ensure that your email offers at least one thing that’s relevant or valuable.

4. Don ’t tal k ab ou t you rsel f too mu ch

Know how to write a great intro?

Keep it short.

A long intro makes your email harder to read and it makes it sound like spam.

You don’t have to tell them that you are “John Doe from Acme Industries, the leading manufacturer of
comically oversized gadgets for wily coyotes.”


The only time you should even use an introduction is if you’re mentioning a common contact!

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5. M atch th e su b j ect l i n e wi th th e emai l b od y

Have you seen these subject lines in your spam folder:

“Heard rumors about you”

“Dear friend”

“Urgent! Please read!”

You should avoid these at all costs.

Writing a great subject line is simple, just keep in mind:

Subject lines are meant to tell recipients exactly what they’re going to get in the email body.

6. Don ’t u se ob vi ou sl y cop y- p asted text

Want to get sent straight to the spam folder?

Modern email clients preserve formatting when you copy-paste from one document to another.

See for yourself:

Try copy-pasting the last sentence to a new Gmail message.

If you have obviously copy-pasted text because of formatting, the recipients will be able to spot it from
a mile away.

Dmi try’s take

“Remember: Personalization is key for any cold email! Address the recipient by name, and use your
real name with your picture in the signature. Or, better yet, create a custom video to make it even more

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7. Ad d you r con tact i n fo to th e si gn atu re

Name, website, social media pro les, position in the company, phone numbers – these are the bare
minimum you should have in your signature. If you can add a photograph, that’s great too.


Show the recipient that you are a real person!

8. Track you r emai l s

Are too many of your emails getting left unopened?

It’s a sign that your copy or your value proposition isn’t any good.

Track your email performance, then:

Fine tune to improve delivery.

The email examples below will help you understand and master these best practices:

Score a $3K contract

My old coach and current friend Bryan Harris is a cold email beast! Why?

His emails get incredible response rates!

Want to know the best part?

He shares how you can get the same response rate!

That’s how we have gems like ###a href="">this email:

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Do you see what makes Bryan’s email great?

1. Bryan clearly states that not only is he familiar with the product, but he’s also a customer.

2. He drops a big name right in the second line. By telling the reader that an industry leader,
KISSmetrics, trusts his work, he is establishing respect.

3. He links to an actual example of his work on the KISSmetrics blog.

4. Offer val u e: This is where his email stands out. Bryan o ers incredible value by showing what
the nal product might look like. Sure, it took an extra couple of hours, but by doing this, he
ensures that he’ll at least get noticed.

5. He closes with a question. This increases his chances of getting a response.

What can you learn from this?

If you give away tons of value …

It means more work upfront, but you’ll really stand out in the inbox.

But I know what you’re thinking:

How can I apply Bryan’s techniques to my own emails?

Try this template

I love (recipient’s company). I’m also a big fan of (compliment about a speci c part of the recipient’s

I (what kind of work you do). I work with (mention a big-name client, if you can).

Here’s an example of my work: (link to the best example of your work or favorite part of your portfolio).

I just wanted to email you to see if (recipient’s company) might be interested in something similar.

I made a demo to show you what it might look like here: (link to custom sample of work that you
created upfront for the recipient).

Is this something you’d be interested in?


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Land a whale shared this example on how to start a conversation with a prospective lead:

Here’s why this email converts:

1. It clearly identi es the sender, his current role, and what he’s trying to sell. I don’t know about
you, but I sure like to know who’s pitching me a product.

2. “Stab in the dark” is an informal and fun expression. Plus, it shows that the sender has done the
research and just needs a nal nudge in the right direction. (Pro tip: If you don’t know who to
send an email to, just ask!)

3. The invitation to discuss the product de nes an exact time and date. It also mentions the call will
be 15 minutes long to respect everyone’s time in scheduling the meeting.

Write an email that works the same way

Want to score a huge meeting?

It’s not that hard:

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Identify yourself clearly upfront

Verify whether you’re talking to the right person

Mention exactly how much of their time you want and when you want it.

Hi (recipient’s first name),

My name is (your rst name), and I’m (title) at (company name). We are currently o ering (describe

This is just an educated stab in the dark, but based on your online pro le, you seem to be the right
person to connect with. Or, if not, maybe you can point me in the right direction?

I’d like to speak with someone from (company name) who’s responsible for (position relevant to your

If that’s you, are you open to a 15-minute call on (speci c time/date) to discuss ways (service/product)
can more specifically help your business?

Or, if not you, can you please put me in touch with the right person?

I’d appreciate the help!


How to blow minds

If you’re familiar with modern marketing, you probably know Noah Kagan, formerly of Mint and
Facebook, founder of AppSumo, SumoMe and OkDork. Noah knows his stuff.

He also gets hundreds of emails every month from people asking for his help.

The following email, however, blew Noah’s mind.

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Noah has already done a pretty thorough breakdown of the email, so I won’t go into this in-depth. But
there are a couple of things I wanted to point out:

1. Successful people like to deal with other successful people. The sender, Dave Daily of Grav Labs,
points out upfront that he knows his stu really, really well. It might sound arrogant, but when
you’re competing for the attention of busy people, you need to be upfront.

2. Dave wanted to ask Noah about an app. So instead of fumbling around with an “idea,” he
sketched out an entire wireframe. At a time when everyone and his grandma has an idea for an
app, a wireframe alone means that you’re already way ahead of the pack.

It’s important to note:

The email is clearly about Noah – what he can get out of meeting Dave – not about Dave. This is a good
practice to adopt in all your emails.

###b the list format. There’s a reason why BuzzFeed works so well – people love to read lists, whether
online or in emails.

What you can learn from it

Show that you mean business – a busy person’s inbox is no place to be shy.

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You can also get away with writing long emails if you structure it well. For example, use lots of lists and
have a clear focus on how it benefits the receiver.

Follow these guidelines to write one yourself

1. Flatter the recipient

2. Establish why your product/service will benefit them.

3. Describe what makes you credible/successful.

4. Suggest a specific and brief time frame for a meeting.

The best pitch ever

Didn’t I tell you that Bryan Harris is an absolute beast when it comes to cold email?

###a href="Here’s" class="redactor-linkify-object"> one of Bryan’s

emails, but from the perspective of the receiver (HubSpot).

You’ll notice it’s the exact same email I discussed above, except this time …

It’s customized for HubSpot.

Here’s the best part:

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1. By referring to Ginny’s latest post on the HubSpot blog, Bryan is telling her that he’s not just a
random spammer. He’s actually taken the time to read the blog.

2. One of HubSpot’s closest competitors is KISSmetrics. So, of course, mentioning them in the email
would catch Ginny’s attention.

3. He doesn’t just share an idea – he makes an entire demo video. This isn’t a tweet or a 200-word
blog post. Making a video takes time. The free demo not only grabs attention, but also gives
HubSpot an idea of what the final product would look like.

What’s the result?

HubSpot was totally sold on the idea.

###p Ginny Soskey, who manages content strategy for HubSpot, announced it was the “best cold email
pitch” she’s ever received in a blog post that has been shared nearly 2,000 times.

What you can learn from it

Personalize your pitch!

How do you grab attention?

Mention something the receiver did recently (check their blog or Twitter) in the first line.

Land meetings
Takipi is a tool that helps developers understand when their code breaks in production. Since it
requires an installation on a live server, selling it to developers can be tough.

Yet, Iris Shoor, the co-founder of Takipi, managed to get ve installations from cold emails alone – 1.5x
more than what she got through introductions.

This is an example of an email she sent out to a company that used Scala:

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Lots of great stuff here:

1. ###p
2. Iris knows that the company runs Scala, so instead of sending them to the homepage, she linked
to Takipi’s Scala-focused landing page.

3. She mentions the recipient’s Github page and recent projects to show she’s done her homework.

What you can learn from it

Craft an email for one single person.

Don’t tell them anything they don’t need to hear …

Don’t mention anything that might be boring.


Personalize your email for a particular person and explain how your product/service/company can
solve that person’s problem.

Dmi try’s take

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“Attracting attention through a cold email is kind of like trying to get a hot date in high school. If you’re
trying to land a dinner date with one of the most popular people in school, you better prove you have
something unique and valuable to offer that person.”

Grab attention
You seriously can’t miss this email if it lands in your inbox thanks to a great visual message!

Scott from shared an email that uses an interesting tool to create a powerful
visual message.

###a href="">Here’s the example from his blog:

Scott has a breakdown on his own blog, but here are his most important points:

1. Scott jumps right in without an intro. This works when you already know the recipient. It can also
serve to grab attention. Say, for exmaple, “Your site doesn’t work!”

2. Scott doesn’t send a long email with a list of everything wrong with the mobile version of the
blog. Instead? He creates a visual presentation that depicts what’s wrong (again: show, don’t tell).
Also note the little sound warning – a nice touch.

3. Scott gives value by o ering to take care of this problem for Dan. This could turn into a paid
contract and a fruitful, long-term relationship.

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By the way:

BContext is the tool Scott uses to create these visual presentations.


What you can learn from it

Remember: Show, don’t tell.

Instead of writing a 500-word email filled with abstract ideas, create a video or presentation that shows
your ideas in action.

Win over a founder

###a href="This" class="redactor-linkify-object"> is a great email from
Sam Parr, founder of HustleCon, a startup event for non-tech people.

It’s incredibly well crafted with extensive personalization. Why?

Hours of work went into each email, but when you consider the rewards …

It was time well spent!

Here’s the email:

This email is different right from the very first word. It eschews all conventions and is just…fun.

It’s a hustler’s email, which is exactly what HustleCon is all about.

Here’s the best part:

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1. Love it or hate it, you can’t ignore that rst line (reminder for marketers: what doesn’t stand out
gets forgotten). Sam mentions Rick Marini’s (founder of BranchOut) barely known past and the
$200k job he turned down. So he comes across as authentic, and not all bluster.

2. ###p
3. He doesn’t write a 500-word explanation. Instead? He links to a page that tells Rick more about
the conference.

Sam also made these fun GIFs for all the recipients.

GIFs are a great way to personalize your message without being stuffy and corporate-y.

What you can learn from it

Have fun!

And mirror your brand’s image in your language.

If you’re branding yourself as a fun, youthful alternative to stu y conventional conferences, don’t use
the same stuffy, conventional language in your emails.

Score an Interview
###a href="">John Corcoran was a writer for the Clinton White House,
so you bet he knows a thing or two about writing amazing copy.

John wrote a piece in the Art of Manliness where he mentioned Noah Kagan.

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For a follow-up, he wanted to interview Noah about the importance of failure.

How’d he do it?

With this email:

Now there’s a whole process before this email (covered here), but the email itself has lots of gems:

1. John mentions the recent interaction he had with Noah on another platform. That’s a great way
to remind the recipient that you aren’t total strangers.

2. It’s important to reassure busy people that you won’t take up half their day with a request. John
clears this upfront by mentioning the interview will take 5-7 minutes.

3. John mentions Andrew Warner, of Mixergy, and his recent Forbes post. How does this help? It
establishes that John and Noah have a common contact. And it proves John’s work has appeared
in reputed publications like Forbes.

4. More namedropping.

5. John knows how much Noah loves tacos.

What you can learn from it

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You can use this example, too, if you can mention a common connection.

Remember: Even a distant connection is better than no connection.

Dmi try’s take

“Would you have the nerve to walk up to a total stranger and ask them for a date? What if you two had
a friend in common? Mentioning your common connection would likely help your chances of landing
that date. The same goes for cold emails!”

Kickstart a relationship
This email from Sidekick is simple, clear and well-thought out. It isn’t designed to do anything fancy or
win over celebrities to speak at your gig. Instead, it focuses on driving leads and relationships further
down the sales pipeline.

Take a look:

There’s nothing fancy going on here, but you’d be surprised by how many B2B salespeople get it

This example is short, crisp and clear – exactly what you’d want in a B2B email.

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1. ###p
2. The email focuses on bene ts, not features. There’s no mention of any fancy tracking algorithm
or smart platform. It’s all about how they can save the recipient time and money!

3. The email ends by asking for 15 minutes, a reassurance to busy people.

What you can learn from it

Focus on benefits instead of features.

This rule applies to everything – landing pages, sales letters, emails.

Land a $15K project

Lots of cold emails are all about writing the perfect pitch or personalizing the email to the extent that
the prospect just can’t ignore it.

This ###a href="

project/">one from Messwerks, however, focuses on what you can achieve if you target exactly the right

Take a look:

Looks like nothing special, right?

It has three lines, a simple subject, and no fancy gimmicks.

Yet, it got Messwerks a $15K consulting gig. Why?

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Because they focused obsessively on targeting the perfect client.

You can read about it on the blog post linked above, but here are the most important takeaways:

1. Messwerks targeted growing companies that had already raised some funding. These
businesses have their hands full and usually need help with UX and design work. Since these
businesses are already looking for help, the opening line works like a charm.

2. ###p

What you can learn from it

Choose your targets wisely.

You can do a lot with a simple email, if you send it to the right group of people.

Don’t skimp on your homework …

Research your ideal customer thoroughly before you even send an email.

Grab customers early

This one-paragraph message from Ash Maurya is chock full of wins.

It ticks all the right boxes:

It’s succinct, it’s targeted, it’s personalized, and it has a clear objective.

Everything I love about it:

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1. Ash mentions that he saw the recipient at an event. This establishes a connection and proves
you probably share the same interests and passions.

2. Further establishing shared passions: Someone who breeds horses would love to talk about how
they select bloodlines.

3. Flattery works, and there’s lots of it here. It tells the recipient(s) that they are among the most
“exceptional” breeders in Texas and states they’re “impressive.”

4. Closes with a speci c request for a phone call, plus a mention of the recipient’s future activities.
This again hammers in the fact that you aren’t a creepy sales guy who’s just out there to land a
deal. Instead, it establishes the fact that you’re a business owner who has a common interest.

What you can learn from it

Don’t be a slimy sales guy! How?

Be human.

Show you care about the people you email …

Tell them about your shared passions and interests.


Your objective is to build relationships, not just close deals.

Connect with a pain point

Yep, this is the third reference to Bryan Harris in this article.

I said he is an absolute beast, right?

In this blog post on his site, Bryan shows how to ###a href="
customers/">use data to create a targeted list of prospects. Then?

He sends them a clear, straightforward email about how they can make their business better.

Here Bryan Harris receives an email from the highly esteemed Nathan Barry, founder of ConvertKit:

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The hard part is creating the list of prospects, but Bryan’s blog post goes pretty deep into that so I
won’t cover it here.

Rather, I’ll focus on the best parts of the email:

1. The subject line is a single word: InfusionSoft. Since Nathan’s list of contacts is targeted
(bloggers who are sick of InfusionSoft’s complexity) this one word subject will stand out in the

2. “How are you liking it?” If you’re a blogger who uses InfusionSoft, you probably aren’t overjoyed
about using it. This single line is a great way to bring the reader’s attention to the issue, without
stating it outright.

3. The actual subject of the email: The alternative to InfusionSoft that’s designed only for bloggers.

4. ###p

What you can learn from it

Once again, it’s simple:

Address the customer’s primary pain point.

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Tell them how you can solve it.

Then, pin point a time for a short meeting.

Dmi try’s take

For example: “How does 9 a.m. Tuesday sound?” Don’t worry, if they’re busy, but interested, they’ll just
ask to meet another time.

Start a relationship
Before I share this PR outreach cold email example, if you need to nd a PR outreach tool head over to
this article ###a href="
startups/">rating every PR tool with pros, cons, and prices.

The cold email below is a great way to kickstart a relationship with a blogger or journalist.

It references their past work, directs them to something that might interest them (based on their past
work), and opens the possibilities for a longer conversation.

Here’s what I love about it:

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1. The rst paragraph references their recent work, then directs them to a story from a trusted
website (here: Gizmodo) that talks about the same thing.

2. The second paragraph brings attention to a related topic and plugs your own blog post. (It can
be somebody else’s blog post, too, since your only objective is to start a relationship.)

3. The email ends with a question, which opens up the chance for a longer conversation.

What you can learn from it

Journalists and bloggers care about their work.

By referencing their recent work and directing them to something similar, you show that you care
about them, and that you have similar interests.

Over time, this can help you develop a relationship.

Help someone out

Have an excuse.

What’s a better excuse than to point out typos and grammatical errors?

You’ll be surprised how effective this can be, especially with writers who take their work seriously.

1. Warning!People can be touchy about their grammar. Instead of saying “your grammar is wrong,”
be friendly and polite.

2. ###p

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What you can learn from it

Show a genuine interest!

Ask what they’re working on next to start a conversation.

Use a hook
There’s nothing in uencers love more than knowing how their strategies and tactics have helped

Share your results with them, and they’ll be happy to spread it to their fans and followers.

It establishes a great connection, and it gets them great press!

Here’s a simple template on how to do this:

1. Mentions the recent post, states how you’ve been following it, and how it has affected your life.

2. A link to the post, along with a subtle suggestion that the in uencer can share it with his

What you can learn from it

If you’ve ever followed any influencer’s advice, share your results with them.

It’s one of the best hooks for building a relationship with them.

Get published
For this example to work, you need two things:

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An interesting story

And a person willing to tell it.

The former is something I can’t help you with.

For the latter, monitor your Twitter feed, or start conversations using some of the templates above to
see if there are any writers, bloggers and journalists looking to cover stories similar to yours.

Then, send them this email:

1. Mention how you found the story idea – on their blog, via email, or on their public Twitter feed.

2. Your story – in as few words as possible.

3. Tell them how this ties into the topic they wanted to write about, plus the results from your story.

What you can learn from it

Writers and journalists love it when they can get a personal, human angle on a story.

If you know journalists who are writing about a topic that you have relevant experience with, it’s a great
idea to pitch them stories.

Win a backlink
This is one email every marketer has to send sooner or later: a backlink request.

Here’s how to do it right:

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The first step, of course, is to ensure that you have top-notch content.

Then, find a list of people who link to resources similar to yours, and send this email.

Here’s why this email works:

1. Clearly mentions the specific post and how you found it, social media, search, etc.

2. Links to the reference post that you improved on (aka the ‘Skyscraper method’).

3. Asks for feedback, then puts a subtle plug for a backlink.

What you can learn from it

The best way to get a backlink is to improve an existing resource.

Then, ask all those who’ve linked to it to take a look at your improved resource – and perhaps give a
backlink in return.

Nail a sales call!

If you’re in B2B sales, or are a ###a href="sales" class="redactor-linkify-
object"> manager you’ll have to make dozens of calls every day.

This example ensures that you’ll get more yays than nays:

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1. It asks for just 10 minutes. That’s good enough for most busy people. And what company
wouldn’t want 100 more great customers?

2. It name drops a close competitor or industry leader, and shows the results they got from this

3. ###p

What you can learn from it

Tell prospects exactly what kind of results they can expect. Then…

Tell them how long you’ll take to achieve it!

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Dmi try’s take

“Here’s a recap of some of the most important aspects of cold email: do your research; make it
personal; o er value; sound credible; close with a question; suggest speci c meeting times; focus on
bene ts versus features; track your performance; and do what you can to build a long lasting

More Cold Email Resources

I promised you tons of email resources…

And I’m not going to back out of that promise!

I’ve covered tons of examples with templates here.

These will help you craft stellar cold emails of your own.

And don’t forget you can get 15 more templates here, too!

But, if you want even more help writing an amazing email?

Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered!

Here are more go-to resources for writing cold emails:

1. How to get early customers to respond to your emails

Feedback from your early customers is vital to your product’s success.

However, not all early customers are that eager to respond to emails. This link to LeanStack will help
you with that.

2. How to write a great email to a cold lead

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It doesn’t matter whether you’re a freelancer, a marketer, or a founder, you’ll have to send out emails to
cold leads if you want to grow your business.

This link gives a great overview of how to write an effective email that can win you deals.

3. How to automate prospecting to land clients fast

This is something every freelancer has been guilty of:

You spend far too much time dealing with existing clients instead of looking for new ones.

That’s bad for the long-term health of your business. Use the advice from this email to automate your
prospecting with cold email.

4. How to write an email that doesn’t suck

93.9% of cold emails suck.

This is what Anand Sanwal of CBInsights discovered after analyzing 147 cold emails. Read this post to
figure out what makes a bad cold email, and how to write a good one.

5. Seven sanity checks for sending emails out

You’ll want to read this post before you hit send!

6. Quick tips on how to write a subject line for sales

The subject line is the single most important part of any cold email. Read this post to get it right the
first time!

7. 15 commandments for every email sequence

Read this to learn the 15 rules you must follow before sending out a cold email. I love the advice about
mentioning competitors and mirroring your target’s tone.

8. How I Wrote an Email that Got A 50% Reply Rate

This links to a full case study of my very carefully targeted cold email campaign aimed at experts — the
aim was to set up an interview.

It talks all about where I found my prospects, how I personalized each email, and more.

9. Email Signature Perfection: Should I Buy One or Create

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This link shows you why email signatures are the most neglected tool in daily communications and
how to ensure yours is effective.

So there you go – lots more resources to help you master cold emails.

Cold Calls Don’t Work!

1% success rate.

Given how labor intensive it is, and how many rejections you have to endure to get one “yes,” it’s not a
surprise fewer and fewer salespeople are making calls.

Cold emailing is much more e ective at putting yourself in front of prospects and nurturing them into
customers. Here’s why it’s a whole new ballgame.

Cold emailing is scaleable

You can only call one person at one time. With email, you can use outreach automation tools to create
automated cold email sequences and nurture hundreds of prospects at once.

The other limit of cold calling is that you have to catch a decision-maker at the right time. They rarely
return voicemails. With email, you can stay on the rst page of your prospect’s inbox for at least three
to five hours, increasing your chance of getting noticed and opened.

How to sen d an au tomated col d emai l seq u en ce to con vert th e maxi mu m n u mb er of

p rosp ects i n to cu stomers

In a cold email drip sequence, you write four to six emails ahead of time, leaving a few words and
phrases to be personalized for each prospect, such as their name, where you found them, and what
industry they work in.

Remember to write each email based on the customer perspective!

Be specific about how you can help your prospect solve a big problem for them.

You may already know this, but it’s easy to get stuck inside your own perspective as soon as you start

For example, if you say, “My tool can help you rapidly build a targeted leads list.”

Then, you’re describing a feature instead of a benefit, and it’s from your perspective.

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But, if you say, for example:

“Never worry about running out of new sales opportunities …”

Then, you’re describing speci c bene ts and how it can solve problems from your customer’s

Dmi try’s take

Using an outreach automation tool like Prospect or Outreach, you can add the emails in your sequence,
upload your leads list and set up a send schedule for it.

Your email sequence and schedule can go something like:

1st d ay: In trod u cti on emai l

There are many approaches you can use for the initial introduction email including:

1. Ask for a con n ecti on to th e ri gh t p erson i n th e comp an y

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Source: Breakthrough Email

2. Ask th e p rosp ect for h on est feed b ack on you r p rod u ct

Source: Datanyze

3. Ask i f you can sh are a val u ab l e i d ea to grow th ei r b u si n ess

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Source: Sales Hacker

4. How you r comp an y can h el p wi th a recen t i n d u stry/comp eti tor even t

Source: Andrew’s Musings

3rd d ay: Provi d e val u e or offer to p rovi d e h el p i n a fol l ow u p emai l

Source: Blogarama

5th d ay: In vi te th em to a rel evan t h i gh val u e web i n ar wh ere you can d emon strate you r
exp erti se an d ski l l s

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Source: SumoMe

8th d ay: You ’re wel come to p i ck my b rai n emai l

Source: Datanyze

Why send a sequence instead of just a single email?

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Many prospects require a few touches before you a) catch them at the right time when they can type
out a reply or b) can get them to understand why it’s worth their while for them to reply.

When Heather Morgan of Salesfolk ran a cold email campaign for Ambition, they received responses as
far along as the eighth, and last, email in the sequence!

You can easily track your open and response rates

With cold calling, unless you call using special software, you have to manually input most of the data
including how many callbacks you received and how many calls you had to make before you connected
with your prospect.

With email, tools can automatically track sends, opens, link clicks and responses so you know exactly
how well each sequence is performing.

This also helps you analyze patterns that most often lead to closed deals:

Wh at sen d ti mes got th e most op en s?

How man y tou ch p oi n ts d oes i t take on average to get you r p rosp ect to resp on d ?

Does i t make a d i fferen ce wh at sen d er n ame you u se?

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You can also tweak certain elements of your emails like the subject or the calls to action to see what
improves your response rates.

It’s much more di cult to A/B test cold call approaches since many non-trackable variables can impact
the success rate from your tone of voice to your choice of words (unless you read verbatim from a
script every time).

Screenshot taken from

It’s much easier to nd and guess emails than phone

Many companies do not publicly list the direct phone numbers of their employees. So it’s an uphill
battle to convince gatekeepers to connect you.

With email, since most companies use predictable naming format like or, there are many tools that can
‘automagically’ provide you a list of email addresses based on rst and last names and the company
they work for including:

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Skrapp lets you add relevant people you nd on LinkedIn to your leads list and nds their emails for

If email-searching software is giving you trouble, you can also try Googling

“ email”

This sometimes turns up the email addresses of company employees published on a page and shows
how their emails are formatted, so you can reliably guess the email of the person you want to reach at
that company, if you know their name.


Based on that result, we can see that Salesforce formats their employee emails as:

Subject Lines that Work

Subject lines should entice your prospects to open your email. The holy trinity of good subject lines:

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1) short (8-10 words max)

2) use a casual tone (prospects do not want to read an email that sounds like it came from their lawyer)

3) not deceptive (if they feel you tricked them into opening, they won’t respond, and it sullies your
company’s reputation)

Here are a few h i gh p erformi n g su b j ect l i n e formu l as to u se as a referen ce

For i n i ti al i n trod u cti on emai l s

1. [Colleague] recommended I get in touch

If you use the appropriate person email template shown above, you can mention the name of the
colleague who referred you in your subject line.

1. 10x [prospect company]’s [area they would want to grow – example: sales, user retention]

1. I found you through [Name]

To be able to use this subject line, see what mutual connections you share with this prospect on
LinkedIn and mention one of them in the title.

1. Congratulations on [recent good event that happened to their company]

1. Been following you on [site where they publish content] and wanted to reach out

1. Are you the right person to speak with?

1. Saw you use [complimentary product] – you may find this interesting

1. A new [area that your product is in] strategy for [Company]

For fol l ow u p emai l s

1. My brain is an open book for you

1. Should I stay or should I go?

1. Can you blame me for swinging for the fences

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1. Re: subject line of your first email

Only do this for one of your followups.

1. Saw that [event relevant to their industry/company or something the prospect recently did]

Bonus: Cold email pro tips!

1. Create a separate email address from which to send your cold email campaigns.

In case you get any spam complaints or servers ag you for sending a lot of similar emails at the same
time, this protects the sender reputation of your primary email.

2. If you can nd this data point on your prospects easily, separate your prospects into di erent lists
based on their time zones.

This way, for example, you can time your emails to go out exactly at 10AM their time.

Without accounting for timezone, they may get your cold email at lunch time and miss it entirely.

3. Make it easy for anyone to schedule a call with you in one click.

For example, Calendly lets you set what times you’re available and your prospect can instantly book a
free time with you, eliminating the need for any back and forth.

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4. When setting up your rst cold email campaign, it helps to write unique emails to your rst 10 or so

Try to use a slightly different approach, timing and copy for each prospect.

Based on the open and response rates of your di erent approaches, you will see which subject lines
work, what calls to action get the most clicks, and when it’s the best time to send the emails.

For one-on-one cold emails, you can use Mixmax to track the emails.

5. In the last 2-3 emails of your sequence, you can o er a way for prospects to opt out of your emails to
avoid annoying those who aren’t interested.

Many outreach automation tools let you insert an unsubscribe link into your emails. Clicking on it
removes the contact from your list (similar to email marketing).

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You can use a line like:

No longer interested in hearing from me? Click here.

All right, that’s a wrap! These are all the cold email templates and tactics I’ve used for over eight years,
and now I want you to do the same!

8) A simple hack to double your conversion rate

The same landing page, the same CTA but without the navigation links: +100% to the conversion rate.

Remove all links and buttons but an actual CTA.

Amazon removes nearly all links during checkout.

9) ‘The UX project checklist' - By Andrea Soverini

This is an awesome sauce checklist that Andrea Soverini has created on Product Hunt. The checklist
has supporting articles for each point and is a lot more interactive if you click through the link above,
however here are the basic points which Andrea believes that every UX based project needs. Click the
link to see it but here’s the overview.

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Competitive Analysis - See how others solve similar problems and try to not reinvent the wheel.

Data analysis - Do you have all the useful data you need? Try to have a look at funnels, clicks,
page views, performances...

User feedback - Always speak with Customer Care team! Don't have one? Check your old surveys
or videos, what your customer says? What do they actually do?

User stories - Have you done personas yet? If not DO IT NOW. Ok, now use them to write down
user stories and scenarios.

User ows - Create your user's ow based on the scenarios you created, you can use it later to
review the journey and create wireframes on top of each step.

Red routes - De ne red routes for your product and you’ll be able to identify, prioritise and
eliminate any usability obstacles on key user journeys.

Brainstorm & sketch - Find a war room, ll it with markers and drinks, get together and sketch,
discuss, vote, disrupt, have fun!

Wireframe - Add some details and structure to your ideas, reuse patterns and create pages on
top of your user flows so you'll not leave anything behind.

Prototype - You can start creating paper prototypes and continuously iterate to more functional
ones. Use sketches, HTML pages or static images, then just get some people and test.

IA - Understand your users, your data structure and your channels. How can you organise your
navigation and content in a clear and consistent way?

Language - Follow your brand personality, keep in mind users' culture and language, the context
of your product and make sure they understand you.

Accessibility - You don’t need to add extra functionality or to duplicate any content. The key is
simply to assess the requirements of those with different skills and limited devices.

UI elements - Reuse elements and patterns. Follow your style guidelines. Don't have any? Create
your guidelines. Start small, then create pages.

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Gestures - So you have a swipe slider? Tell me more about pinch, drag, zoom, rotate, shake, six-
inch smartphones, left-handed people, mouseover, kinect, motion detection...

Responsiveness - Can I see it on my mobile? Oh wait, what about my smart-watch which works as
a remote for my 50" TV. Bonus: remember cross device experience.

Waiting times - If your users have to wait ages for the page to load, at least show them a loader.
If take longer why don't you try something more entertaining?

Errors - Be clear and speci c on what and where user's error is. I mean, your error, because if it's
your fault you should say it.

Completed actions - Give immediate and clear feedback of successful user's actions. Do not
always wait for server response, trust your server once in a while!

Finalise layout - It's time to let your design shine, make it in the right way, don't stop with the rst
solution, always ask "is this the best you can do?"

Use of images and icons - Use of icons and images is strongly in uenced by context, culture and
layout that you use. Like icons, test your images, small changes can bring huge improvements.

Font & colours hierarchy - Use colours and font sizes properly, try to follow your guidelines and
keep it simple. The best visual hierarchies lead users to take the action confidently.

Micro copy - Every word is important, and a bit of personality will help your brand.

Micro interactions - Trigger, rules, feedback, loop. Details make the product. Bonus: Ever heard
about easter eggs?

Transitions - Motion shouldn't be only beautiful, it should build meaning about the spatial
relationships, functionality, and intention of the system.

KPI Setup - What you want to achieve? What are your goals? Write down how you de ne success
and failure and check if you have everything you need to collect the data.

AB Test plan - Plan your AB test ahead and, if you can, plan a short roadmap of improvements.
Your goal is not just improving KPIs, but learning something.

Test - UX lab, survey, sessions recording... test, observe and fix, test, observe and fix…

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11) Over Performing social media in uencer posts from the

biggest in the gameCheck out this doc of THE biggest social
media in uencer posts ever!
12) The ultimate guide to building (and pro ting from)
Chatbots - Even if you’ve never built one before! - By Angelo

Messenger Marketing. Chatbots. Puh-lease— anything but

another shiny and distracting new trend, right?
….Except, I was totally and completely wrong.

Even after I was told that chatbots were the “biggest thing since email” — I just rolled my eyes and
ignored them.

Well, it wasn’t until a mentor told me that they were here to stay that I gave them a second look.

They were right. And I was so so wrong.

But, how much of it is buzz generated by marketers that don’t know what they’re really talking about?

Messenger. Replacing email? Gimme a break.

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However… What if they could become a potent weapon to supercharge your current growth strategy?

How would you even do that?

Well, lucky for you — I read basically everyth i n g there is to know about marketing with chatbots and
created a step-by-step guide to help you build out a strategic Messenger Marketing plan for your

Interested in using chatbots to strategically grow? Keep reading this practical guide.

Wh at Is M essen ger M arketi n g an d Wh y Sh ou l d You Care? 3

Why Are Chatbots the Future of Customer Service? 6

Why You Lead Response Time Matters 8

How to Create You r Fi rst Faceb ook Ch atb ot: Step - By- Step Gu i d e 8

1. Do You Have a Facebook Page? 9

2. Setup your Welcome Message. 10

3. Set Up AI for your FAQ 13

Th e “ON E” Secret Strategy to Su p erch arge You r Faceb ook M essen ger M arketi n g R esu l ts 14

How to Bu i l d a M essen ger M arketi n g Fu n n el 16

Ch atb ot Cop ywri ti n g: Use Psych ol ogy to tel l Stori es & Sel l 17

How to Qu al i fy You r Poten ti al Cl i en ts – On Au top i l ot Usi n g M essen ger M arketi n g 22

How to Op ti mi z e You r Ch atb ot, 10 Easy Ti p s You M UST Imp l emen t 23

1- Tell People What to Do 23

2- Make Sure That People Know that they’re talking with a bot, not with an actual person 26

3- Give them a Reason to Use Your Chatbot (Instead of the Website) 26

4- Beware of how your Profile image looks like on Messenger. 27

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5- Assume your user is stupid… 27

6- Deliver Value on a Regular Basis 28

How to Get M ore Su b scri b ers to You r Faceb ook M essen ger Ch atb ot 29

5 Great Examp l es of Usi n g M essen ger M arketi n g an d Ch atb ots for Growth th at you can
take i n sp i rati on from 37

1. How to Teach and Sell on a Mass Scale through Facebook Messenger 37

2. How a real estate bot helped sell three apartments in 10 days 41

The Results 48

3. How to Distribute Your Contents on a Mass Scale Using Messenger Marketing 49

4. How to Increase Sales for Your Ecommerce with a Chatbot, the eBay Case 52

5. How to Go Viral Using Messenger Marketing 54

6. How to Qualify Your B2B Leads on Autopilot with a Chatbot 58

7. Other Use Cases Examples 59

How to M on eti z e you r Ch atb ot Usi n g Faceb ook M essen ger M arketi n g 60

Con cl u si on . Th e Tru th Ab ou t M essen ger M arketi n g (Wi l l M essen ger R ep l ace Emai l s? 62

What Is Messenger Marketing and Why Should

You Care?
ManyChat de nes Messenger marketing simply as “the act of marketing to your customers using a
messaging app.”

Conceptually, it is similar to how email marketing works. The di erence stands in the fact that
Messenger is has a two-sided interaction.

When speaking about why you should consider using Facebook Messenger as a marketing tool,the
following graphs will make it easier to explain it why.

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This last graph published by Business Insider shows clearly how Messaging platforms are getting more
and more relevant year after year. In fact, currently, people exchange 1 billion messages with
businesses on Facebook every month.

This means that, while all the other marketers are busy using Social Media, you can surpass them by
surfing the growing trend of Messaging apps.

This assumption is furtherly backed by a Nielsen’s Facebook Messaging Survey which showed that
messaging ranked second out of nine possible modes of communication with business and that 53
percent of people are more likely to shop with a company they can message directly.

This means that they are not merely using it for personal communication as many people think.

No wonder that Apple recently unveiled “Business Chat,” or Chatbots for iMessage.

Not everybody replies to email or click on it. But the open-rates for emails are about 31%, while with
Messenger it can be as high as 80% on average at the moment.

Exactly these numbers got many huge companies interested in Chatbots and Messenger marketing like
BMW, Adidas, etc.

300.000 AI-powered chatbots were created only for Facebook Messenger.

The major reason? In the era of authenticity in Marketing, Messenger and Chatbots help you to build a
relationship and engage with customers, on a mass scale.

Why Are Chatbots the Future of Customer Service?

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Other stats that support the relevance of chatbots for business are:

1. 56% of people surveyed would rather message than call customer service

2. More than 1 in 2 people say they’re more likely to shop with a business they can message.

3. 67% expect to message businesses more in the next two years.

4. (source: DigitalMarketer.)

5. Often the question asked from your customers are the same.

This means that basically not being proactive in using Messenger Marketing for your business it’s the
same as not replying to the phone. My suggestion: create now your chatbot. Even if you just set up
your FAQ, like I’m going to show you later in this guide.

Why Your Lead Response Time Matters

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Dr. James Oldroyd published the Lead Response Management Study, which shows company sales
representatives have a short amount of time to respond before their leads become “cold.”

This research found “the odds of making a successful contact with a lead are 100 times greater when a
contact attempt occurs within 5 minutes, compared to 30 minutes after the lead was submitted.
Similarly, the odds of the lead entering the sales process, or becoming quali ed, are 21 times greater
when contacted within 5 minutes versus 30 minutes after the lead was submitted.” (Oldroyd, 2007)

Moreover, in an article published in the Harvard Business Review, called “The Short Life of Online Sales
Leads,” it’s shown how much companies who can reply faster than the others will have an advantage
over their competitors. Especially if they’re able to save time qualifying the leads on autopilot using
your chatbot like I’m going to show you later in this guide (click here to jump at that section.)

How to Create Your First Facebook Chatbot: Step-

By-Step Guide
First of all, if you’re wondering h ow mu ch ti me d oes i t take to b u i l d a good ch atb ot for you r
b u si n ess , the answer is minimum 1-hour.

Of course, like with many other projects, the more time you pour in, it’s usually the better.

Is it hard? Absolutely not! Everybody can do it if you follow this step-by-step guide.

If you’re considering hiring a developer, their price usually starts from $ 1000 for a basic bot (+ an
eventual maintenance fee) to different thousands for more complex works.

Should you hire a developer? It’s your choice. Again, you can absolutely create a chatbot that converts
into sales by following this step-by-step guide.

Let’s start to see now how you can create a fully working bot.

In this example, you are going to use Chatfuel, the tool I prefer to use to build my chatbots.

There’s a huge discussion about which tool is better. I suggest you stick to Chatfuel or ManyChat.
They’re both free.

1. Do You Have a Facebook Page?

First thing rst, you must have a Facebook Page to connect your chatbot. If you don’t have, just create it

Once you have it, click on “Connect to Facebook” on the main dashboard of Chatfuel.

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2. Setup your Welcome Message.

Now click on your newly create chatbot, and the interface will show something similar to this:

When writing your welcome message, ask yourself this question:

What’s that start message that can make your user understand what your world is all about?

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If you have an e-commerce, you might consider showing them your products rst or let them navigate
through your products categories. However, in general, make them sign-up for your future broadcasts
immediately by giving them a clear bene t like in the picture (it’s my chatbot if you’re guessing, and
YES! You can subscribe here.)

3. Set Up AI for your FAQ

Once your “Welcome Message” is ready, click on “Set Up AI” on your main Chatfuel’s Dashboard and
insert your most-frequently asked questions, like:

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You can even set-up typical questions like: “Thank You” to reply “You’re Welcome”, or “Lol” with “I’m glad
I can make you laugh.” or “How old are you?” with “I don’t have an age, but I’ve been developed in 2018.”

You can test this anytime with the button “Test This Chatbot.”

The “ONE” Secret Strategy to Supercharge Your

Facebook Messenger Marketing Results
You can now leave your chatbot like this, and get some return by merely saving time from replying to
your most FAQ, or by showing them your products for free, but the truth is:

People, at the moment, just don’t know how to order something through Messenger, like in the case of
their pizza with Domino’s or their food with WholeFoods.

Or even if they know, it will not pass through their mind the idea: “Oh, let’s order a pizza, let’s go on

It’s way too early for this.

But this leaves space for another opportunity, teaching to your audience, and create value for them
thanks to your contents and insights.

Right now is by far the best way to increase your sales as a consequence.

My advice would be then to don’t just use your chatbot for customer service or selling reasons. If you
do that, you’re leaving on the table the most significant benefit you have: creating relationships.

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If you see the bot of ###a href="">Mixergy, it teaches you what

to do and what chatbots are all about.

It rst teaches, builds a relationship and trust, and only at the end it tries to sell you something you
already showed interested to and understand.

This approach is what the whole “Unmarketing” movement is about. If you want to know more about
that about how to build relationships first instead of sleazily selling.)

Chatbots are not a shortcut for that, but they can help us to speed up the process.

Your SUPERPOWER: You’ll be able to automatically teach and create value for your customer ###/isell .

This means that the process of taking a stranger to being considered trustworthy and being a source
of trusted info and education, will be all automated.

How? You need to create Messenger Marketing funnel.

Don’t be afraid. I’m going to guide you step-by-step.

How to Build a Messenger Marketing Funnel

Now that you have your chatbot ready to re, it’s time to create a funnel to supercharge your activities
and results. Here’s how the General Flow of a Messenger Marketing Funnel looks like:

1. Deliver your lead magnet (e-book, quiz, or video)

2. A fun and ultra engaging first interaction + (ask to talk again / tell them what will be coming)

3. Educate and deliver value (could be daily tips or step by step process)

4. Ask Qualifying questions (segment your subscribers)

5. Soft sell in an educational context.

6. Keep giving value & further qualify the lead

7. Call to action

Let’s see how we can create this funnel!

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Chatbot Copywriting: Use Psychology to tell

Stories & Sell
First of all, one of the main di erence between Ads and Email marketing is that chatbots are not a
broadcasting platform.

It’s instead a two-way media platform where you actually have a conversation with your user. This
means that when in doubt, act accordingly:

Do more listening than talking. Use it as an opportunity to extract as much info and data to lead
the conversation to a sale and quality the other part;

When you write, think about what would I message to a friend to take them to take the next step
in their customer journey?

Now, let’s talk about how to make your bot compelling and get people to read your stuff?

Copywriting is vital in your messenger marketing strategy.

In this section, I’m going to teach you how to break down your messages to make them more interactive
and visually pleasing, and how to structure your broadcasts and follow-up sequences.

What happens often, is that people who use Chatbots send you these long-messages that don’t t the

They, in fact, barely fit the screen of your phone.

What you’re are going to do instead, is using a fool-proof structure that resembles real conversations
between human beings.

… Wait for it!

It’s, Vi su al + Con ci se text + Bu tton .

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Why is it such a sure-proof formula? Well, it’s the same used by newspapers and blogs.

Image Source

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In this case, the yellow button “Read More” is the call to action.

Your goal with chatbots is always to segment and gain micro commitments.

So, how do you get people to click from one message to the other?

How do you position yourself to make them ready for the sale?

In which stage of the funnel are they?

Why don’t people want to buy?

With chatbots, you have the opportunity to learn from them. How?

Use the three sentences rule by Andrew Warner.

Don’t go too long without asking for the interaction.


Whatever is your goal and your subscribers’ goal, always remember to build a relationship first.

Teach → Build Relations → Sell

From what I’ve seen, if you want to sell with your chatbots, what works best is soft-selling. Asking for a
sale without doing too much.

When you send your regular messages, always give them a reason to start. At the end of your
messages, tell hem what is going to happen next.

For instance, “That’s it for today. Facebook Messenger will send you an alert once there’s a new

How to Qualify Your Potential Clients – On

Autopilot Using Messenger Marketing
How to get the right people to your salespeople?

It’s a common problem for B2B businesses, but now that you have your chatbot ready, you can deploy it
to send your potential customers to a di erent sequence based on who they are, and the replies they
tell you.

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After you user subscribed and you eventually delivered your lead magnet, as Andrew Warner shows in
###a href="this" class="redactor-linkify-object"> video, ask them a
qualifying question. I.e., How much your company spends on Ads every month?

In this case, if the answer for instance, from 0 to $ 1000, we will reply “Ok, thank you for answering.”

But if they say more than a $ 1000, you can tell them “Do you want a free consultation?”

How to Optimize Your Chatbot, 10 Easy Tips You

MUST Implement
Little details matters when you’re dealing with Messenger Marketing and Chatbots. Here are some
important things to make sure you’ll give a right look for your company.

1- Tell People What to Do

If they get your Messenger bot, people have no idea of what to do.

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Many people will get onto the screen of your chatbot. A blank screen and only “Get Started.”

Guide them, or people will get lost.

Make it very explicit what people have to do, otherwise often they will just not take actions not to tell
you that they didn’t understand.

How to do it?

Go to “Settings on Your Page.” Then click “Messaging,” and click Yes on “Show Messenger greeting.”

2- M ake Su re Th at Peop l e K n ow th at th ey’re tal ki n g wi th a b ot, n ot wi th an actu al p erson

3- Gi ve th em a R eason to Use You r Ch atb ot (In stead of th e Web si te)

It’s going to be beneficial to you cause you can then re-contact them in the future.

4- Beware of h ow you r Profi l e i mage l ooks l i ke on M essen ger.

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You see how the borders are cut off this image?

What do you think your subscribers will feel when they start a conversation with your chatbot?

Well, that you’re not ready to start it.

Or that you don’t care about the details.

You’re trying to create a chatbot for the whole purpose of enhancing the experience and improving
your brand equity along the way.

Beware of this; it’s essential to get this right.

5- Assume your user is stupid…

Not because he is stupid, but because maybe he’s busy or distracted. Perhaps he is texting real quick
while waiting for someone to come in 5 minutes or has a kid in the hands.

Take this in mind while creating your sequences and broadcasts.

6- Deliver Value on a Regular Basis

Reminder: People expect value from you on a regular basis.

This might mean that you create contents, not for you but to teach your audience and solve their
problems. You want them to look forward to your content!

What are they interested in?

This depends on your audience, try to understand it through your analytics, surveys, conversions data,

It’s not important what do you think will give them value, it’s about what brings it for them.

Without this premise, your Messenger Marketing efforts would be useless.

How to Get More Subscribers to Your Facebook

Messenger Chatbot

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You’re chatbot and messenger marketing funnel is ready congratulations!

Now what?

If you’re not getting inquiries organically from your Facebook Page, there are di erent tactics that you
use to get more subscribers.

1- Ad d from Commen ts

You can simply add a rule to your Facebook Page, that when people comment a speci c word or
phrase, they’ll be contacted in automatic on Messenger.

In this example Tim Ferris used “mentor” as a word to deploy the contact:

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You can simply do this by checking “Grow” or “Growth Tools” tab on the platform you used to create
your chatbot.

2- Imp l emen t “Sen d Bu tton ” to you r l an d i n g p ages

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Image Source

Simple as that. Instead of asking for an email, you just need to implement your “Send to Messenger”
button on your landing page to deliver your lead-magnet, promotion, or similar.

3- Create a vi ral l oop b y aski n g you r su b scri b ers to sh are

You can easily invite your subscribers to share by implementing a button like in the picture.

Image source

4- Create a “R ef” Li n k or a Lan d i n g Page to sen d traffi c to

You can find the link at the top of the dashboard when the bot is open.

5- Use JSON M essen ger Ad s

You can either use the same “Comment to Chat” tactic of the #1 point or use Messenger a destination
instead of an external website.

6- Ad d a Cu stomer Ch at Pl u gi n for you r si te

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7- Su b mi t you r b ot to Su b mi t to BotLi st an d th e M essen ger Di scovery secti on

There are di erent chatbots directories online where you can add your chatbot, such as ###a
href="">BotList, Chatbottle, or the official Messenger Discovery section.

They basically work as an App Store for chatbots.

8- Get a M essen ger Cod e

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9- Sh owcase you r b ot on you r Faceb ook Page

Add a Send Message button on your Facebook page. This will enable your page visitors to connect with
your chatbot in one click.

Or even consider using a call to action in your Facebook cover (like in the picture.)

Image Source (Chatfuel)

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5 Great Examples of Using Messenger Marketing

and Chatbots for Growth that you can take
inspiration from
1. How to Teach and Sell on a Mass Scale through
Facebook Messenger
As I said before in this guide, people, at the moment, just don’t know how to order something through
Facebook Messenger, like in the case of their pizza with Domino’s or their food with WholeFoods.

Or even if they know, it will not pass through their mind the idea: “Oh, let’s order a pizza, let’s go on

It’s way too early for this.

But this leaves space for another opportunity, teaching to your audience, and create value for them
thanks to your contents and insights.

Right now is by far the best way to increase your sales as a consequence.

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###a href="">Stapho Thienpont and Sonny De Meester of the

Marketing Family, a full-stack LinkedIn growth agency, understood that, and they skillfully used their
chatbot to deliver engaging teaching sequences with what constitutes an entire course on how to
become a LinkedIn sensei in just a few steps.

Their strategy has been to rst invite people interested in the course by producing relevant contents
on the topic and distributing it on various social platforms.

Notice how they not only used this opportunity to invite their users to their Facebook group (they could
have done the same for their email list.) and how they then segmented the list to make sure not to piss
o people who are interested in the content coming. (remember, in Messenger marketing is always
crucial to segment and ask for micro-commitments.)

With chatbots, the same principle of email marketing applies: You don’t want many subscribers, you
want the right one. That’s why Ezra Firestone of Smart Marketer suggests adding a “unsubscribe”
button to each broadcast.

They then used the power of chatbots to survey their audience and deliver the best contents of their
course. Of course, this kind of data will be useful for them also to know better what materials create on
in the future, on what services they should focus more they’re efforts, and so on.

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How many people do you think would have replied to an email sent to the same question/survey?

Very few; that’s the magic of Chatbots, crazy-high CTR.


Before of starting the actual teaching of the course, Stapho and Sonny kept growing the subscribers to
their chatbot.

How? By sharing the bot through Messenger. It’s one of the easiest ways to do it as users remain on the
platform and will be more likely to join.

And now finally, time to teach!

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See how interactive and engaging are the contents. That’s the superpower of chatbots, creating a more
valuable experience for your customers, who always come first.

2. How a real estate bot helped sell three apartments in 10

by ###a href="">Juhan Kaarma

I’ll cover the ow of the bot with explanations and screenshots of what happens in each step. (The
content and structure of the screenshots is synonymous with the actual client that I won’t reveal here).
You can check out the bot for yourself here:

Step #1. The bot is linked to a Facebook ad. When a person clicks on the ad’s CTA button, our bot
sends them a welcome message. Here’s what it looks like:

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Step #2. Once the user clicks either of the buttons, it will trigger the next step, and the bot will start
nurturing the lead with information about the apartment + understanding what are the needs of the

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Step #3. After getting a basic understanding of the user’s preferences and making sure they’re
interested in the apartments, it’s time to get that lead and put him in touch with a real-estate agent
who will take it from here.

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N ote #1.

On ce th e u ser i s read y to tal k to th e agen t, th e ch atb ot asks th e p erson ab ou t h er

p referred ch an n el of commu n i cati on (for examp l e p h on e vs. emai l ). In ou r exp eri en ce,
p eop l e p refer to l eave th ei r emai l i n 90% of th e cases.

Th e b ot col l ects th at i n fo an d forward s i t to a sp read sh eet or CR M vi a Zap i er wh ere th e

agen ts h ave access to i t an d get i n tou ch wi th th e p oten ti al b u yer.

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N ote #2. On ce th e p oten ti al b u yer’s con tact i n formati on i s col l ected , th e b ot can d o some
th i n gs:

1. sh ow th e l ead an oth er real estate for sal e

2. take th e u ser to a web si te

3. p rovi d e fi n an ci n g op ti on s an d so on .

Imagi n ati on i s p retty mu ch th e l i mi t. In th i s case, we’re gi vi n g th e u ser an op p ortu n i ty to

ch eck ou t more p i ctu res of th e p rop erty as wel l as ch eck ou t oth er d evel op men ts.

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The Results
Th e b ot i n i ts n atu re i s extremel y si mp l e, an d th ere’s l ots of room for i mp rovemen t, b u t
th e resu l ts we’ve h ad wi th th i s are q u i te aston i sh i n g.

Th i s b ot h as b een acti vel y ru n n i n g for ten d ays. Th e ad sp en d h as b een 94 EUR (rou gh l y

100 USD).

Li n k cl i cks: 1064

Con versati on s: 243

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Con tacts: 60

Ap artmen ts: 3

From a total of 1064 l i n k cl i cks 243 h ave con verted i n to actu al con versati on s (l ead s th at
th e b ot can fol l ow u p wi th for examp l e). From th ose 243 con versati on s, th e b ot h as p re-
q u al i ed an d col l ected th e con tact i n formati on of 60 p eop l e. Th e cost p er p re- q u al i ed
l ead i s 1.6 EUR (ap p rox 2 USD). From th ose con tacts al read y th ree p eop l e h ave mad e a
p re- reservati on for at l east on e ap artmen t i n th e b u i l d i n g th at i s goi n g to b e b u i l t. N ot a
b ad retu rn on an i n vestmen t :)”

3. How to Distribute Your Contents on a Mass Scale Using

Messenger Marketing
Faceb ook M essen ger Ch atb ots cu rren tl y h ave a mu ch h i gh er- CTR th an emai l s.

Th en , wh y n ot l everage on th i s factor to d i stri b u te you r con ten t more effi ci en tl y?

If more p eop l e vi ew you r b l og p ost, th e ch an ce th at you r p i ece of con ten t wi l l b e sh ared

an d get as a con seq u en ce more vi si ts, l ead s an d SEO- j u i cy si mp l y mu l ti p l i es.

Th at’s wh at R i card o Gh eki ere , fou n d er of Fast Forward , u n d erstood an d sap i en tl y

i mp l emen ted to d i stri b u te h i s b i - weekl y growth marketi n g gu i d es.

Hi s ap p roach con si sted of p romoti n g/d ri ve tra c to h i s remarkab l e con ten ts from soci al
med i a an d oth er i n stan ces, an d from th at arti cl es ad d i n g a l i n k to h i s ch atb ot.

Hi s wel come message an d con ten t d i stri b u ti on system are easy to u n d erstan d for h i s
fi n al u sers.

N oti ce h ow h e’s al ways en gagi n g wi th h i s au d i en ce wi th few- sen ten ces messages, an d

h ow h e d oesn ’t l i mi t h i s messages to j u st p oi n t to th e con ten t.

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He’s n ot p u sh i n g you an yth i n g b u t merel y h avi n g a con versati on wi th you . Th at’s p reci sel y
wh at ch atb ots are al l ab ou t, creati n g rel ati on sh i p s.

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Th en recei ved over 8,000 n ew su b scri b ers.

M an y B2B comp an i es are won d eri n g i f ch atb ots wou l d n ’t su i t more B2C b ran d s, e-
commerce stores, or p rofessi on al servi ces p rovi d ers.
It’s i s j u st a gl i mp se of h ow p owerfu l M essen ger M arketi n g can b e i f u sed correctl y to
b u i l d a rel ati on sh i p an d en gage wi th you r cu stomers.
M arketers h ave b een l ooki n g for someth i n g th at wou l d h ave su rp assed emai l marketi n g
for years, an d I d on ’t th i n k M essen ger marketi n g wi l l d o th e work. Wh y?

SimilarWeb Pro o ers website analytics intelligence tools that

collect important metrics on tra c, engagement, keywords,
etc. for your website as well as for the sites of your
competitors. It gives you a comprehensive overview of where
you are against your competition and hints for smarter
business decisions.
The tool gathers data from di erent sources, including international panels, ISP data, and the websites
you are interested in. Then it digests this raw information by applying its algo, selects the most
relevant data, and delivers it beautifully to your dashboard as graphs, reports, funnels, and charts. The
best thing about SimilarWeb Pro is that it is able to monitor your industry as a whole and give you key
tendencies of your market – relevant trends, promising new players, leaders, and marketing strategies.

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And so we come to the end of our journey for now (or, more likely, the start, as you wonder where to
begin with all this goodness!)

You may be feeling a little overwhelmed.

Don’t worry, this is normal.

To briefly go the level “above” growth hacking,

Here are 7 things I do every Sunday to prepare me for the week:

1. Get to inbox Zero - You NEED to start the week with nothing waiting. Monday morning, a mountain of
things to do WILL arrive.

Be ahead of the game by having this taken care of.

2. Set my teams’ tasks out for the week.

The best start to your day as a manager is to see if your team is stuck anywhere and needs your help,
and knows what they should be working on.

3. Set agenda for weekly kickoff agenda with my team

4. Tackle my two biggest tasks.

Again, Monday is always going to be busy and should be full of meetings.

If I don’t get ahead of it here, it’ll have to wait until Tuesday and I’m playing catch up

5. Watch Billions.

This show reminds me to aim higher, and to always be thinking big

6. Pre-plan cooking meals for the week.

Saves me time on game days :)

7. Write my content for the week - If it doesn’t get done here, I struggle to do one post a week.


If I do this, I do 2 posts a day easy

8. Stay up late working.

A good day to do it as no deep work is ever done on a Monday, and I finish work at 3.30pm to go see my
personal trainer

What I *don’t* do is plan out my goals for the week, as they are already set based on my project plans.

If you have to rely on coming up with tasks for yourself, you’ll likely forget and/or get stressed out trying
to work these things out.

Have them set long in advance then adjust them as needed.

That should set you up to be productive.

Now, let me break down what you could be doing each week:

> Aim to do three growth experiments per week. Start with whatever you feel will get the fastest
results, master them, automate them/get your interns to run them for you

> If you get stuck, reach out to us in the Ace Th e Game Faceb ook Grou p .

Us or the community will help you.

> Don’t beat yourself up if it seems difficult. Remember what’s waiting for you once you take action.

Finally, stay updated with the most cutting edge hacks in the Aces Never Say Die Facebook Group.

As ever, email with any questions.

Thank you SO MUCH for being part of this.

I want to hear about your wins in the group.



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