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Coach Niumatalolo 2009 WFCA Clinic Notes

Keys to a Successful Offense

(1) an identity – this is the same offense we ran in 1987 at Hawaii

(2) a “philosophy 

-          run the ball

-          control the clock (time of possession – we want opponent to have 8 series max)

-          pass for big plays (throw it over their heads)

-          have a “system”

-          practice the “system” every week – players will get good at it

-          K.I.S.S. principle

(3) a “package”

-          we are a triple option team first and foremost

-          everything we do comes off the triple option

-          complementary plays:  counter, midline, trap, belly

-          key premise – we’ll take what they give us

-          multiple formations (over 20) – ability to run the same plays out of most of them

-          play-action passing game that mirrors our running game

-          sprint-out package

-          a simple goal line package

 “heavy” formation80% red zone efficiency in 2008

o there are really only 3 plays
 rocket toss
 QB iso

(4) a “package” you can fix

-          early adjustments

 during a series and between series

 NOT on Saturday mornings!!! (Sundays if college)

-          to do this – play caller and offensive assistants must watch the game

-          no script!!! (it is tough to see the game with your head buried in a script)

-          have answers!! – be prepared for anything

-          entire staff/coaches must be on the same page – speak same language/vocabulary

-          examples of a “fix-it” during the game

 can’t block 3 tech or a good 5 tech

o down block him
o G block him
o read him
o double team him
o trap him

 vs. zone blitz? – run option away from it

 vs. 4-3 defense – can not get the MLB blocked

o go to “heavy” formation
o loop the FST to him (vs. Duke – 2008)

-          be specific in your fix-its – focus on one thing at a time – for example:

 work on the ILB

 work on the FS

Play-Calling Philosophy – Attacking the Defense

-          good defenses limit what they do (too much will hurt them) – prep time is short

-          defense must play balanced

-          we saw basically 3 fronts all year in 2008 (4-3/6-1, 50 (odd) variations, 8-man front) 

-          basically 3 coverages (4-across, 3-deep, man free)

-          no nickel or dime coverages

-          secondary must read run/pass (high hat, low hat, etc.) yet still handle cut blocks

-          what we check for (in order):

 numbers advantage

 different formations help us get this

 start in spread
 then go unbalanced
o trips (slot/HB over to his buddy’s side)
o over (WR over – ineligible inside receiver)

 blocking angles (usually to the smaller technique, i.e. shade vs. 3 tech)

 2 on 1 blocks if at all possible

 to the field (example – double 2Is have no technique advantage)

 play-action passes (P.A.P.) to hurt specific defenders on the field  – this is why we want
to make it look like the running plays as much as possible

 vs. 8-man front – the free safety (alley player)

 vs. quarter coverage – whomever the run support is

 vs. cover 2 – the roll corner

 vs. mike LB -

 other passing game elements (especially if vanilla coverages)

 1-on-1 routes (since usually ‘man” coverage

 7 or 8-man protection allows for “double-move” routes off of this

 possible double move routes:

 post
 post corner
 dig or post-dig

Keys to Implementing a Successful Offense

-          be committed

-          be patient

-          in the past  – it has been this:    Ready – Set – Hike

-          we are experimenting with these ideas:

 Down – Set – Hike

 Down – Ready – Set – Hike
 Going on 1st sound


-          Spread

-          Trips (both HBs on one side – both of them off the LOS) – a good run and pass formation

-          Over (both WRs on one side – inside WR ineligible)

-          Over Green (over-side HB steps up onto LOS – inside WR off)

-          Over Brown (HB opposite the over steps ontp LOS – inside WR off)

-          Heavy (both OTs on one side – one plays TE position – WR plays nub side OT)

 used a lot in goal line situations

 TE responsibilities the same as the HB

-          Double Flex (both WRs in tight)


-          O-line = 3 feet    

-          Slots = inside foot touching OT and 1 yd back (used to be 1 yd x 1 yd) – based on pitch

-          WRs = basically on the numbers of the field when the ball is in the middle      

-          FB = heels at 5 yards from the tip of the football – we experimented woth 4 yards but it
was too quick for the mesh


-          O-line = narrow stance, lots of weight forward, feet under armpits

The Triple Option


–        block the near deep defender

–        (1/2 field safety in Cov 2-like looks) (a “switch” with the FSHB)

–        (deep 1/3 CB in Cov 3-like looks)

–        (non-inverting safety (Cloud) or CB (Sky) in 4-Across looks)


–        block the run support or force

–         (roll CB in Cov 2-like looks) (a “switch” with the FSWR)

–        (invert safety in Cov 3-like looks)

–        (inverting safety (Sky) or CB (Cloud) in 4-Across-like looks)

-          if there is a FS in the middle of the field (i.e. 8-man front) – load block the FSLB

 if the FST has him blocked:

o go to the FS
o go to backside safety (if load is called vs. a 2-safety defense)


-          dip and rip by dragging your knuckles on the ground

–        take your best release (outside or inside) to block the FSLB

 if the FSG is covered (2I-2-3) – inside release automatic

 if the FSG is uncovered – outside release (loop)

–        to determine your FSLB – the key is your outside hip

 if the LB is inside of your outside hip – it is your FSLB – make an IN call to the QB
 if the LB is outside of your front hip – it is not your FSLB – make an OUT call to QB 

-          if you can’t get the FSLB (MLB vs. 4-3) – go to the next level

 vs. 2 deep safeties = the backside safety

 vs. 1 deep safety (FS) = the FS

-          if in “heavy” formation – combo the 3 tech with the FSG 


-          base block man on (2I-2-3)

-          if uncovered – block the near LB

-          if you can’t get the MLB (4-3) or FSLB (50) – block the backside safety (2-safety look)

-          scoop/base

-          if uncovered – go playside A-gap

 if MLB = block him to backside safety (2 safteies) to fold (1 safety)

 if 2-LB defense = block FSLB (plug) to BSLB


-          scoop

 45-60-90 steps (45 1st step – 60 2nd step – 90 3rd step)

 you must scoop the area from your crotch to the C’s crotch
o we want the best of both worlds – width and gaining ground
o head to the playside thigh board
o take whatever shows


-          scoop

-          45-60-90 steps

-          you must scoop the area from your crotch to the BSG’s crotch

-          if no one to scoop (i.e BSG uncovered)

 dip and rip

 work more vertical to prevent 5 tech a flat release to run QB down from behindlook back
to the fold player
o this is a “feel” thing
o is the “tunnel” closing up on you?

–        tail motion (pitch path)

–        you must get at least 1 ½ steps in the ground before the ball is snapped – preferably 2 steps

–        get to the FB’s butt in his initial alignment

–        take 3 flat steps

–        get downhill!! – marry yourself with the QB’s path

-          we want the pitch relationship ILLEGAL if possible (a forward pitch)

-          clinc talk would say the relationship is 4 yards by 1 yard


-          cut-off


-         inside leg of guard


-          almost a double “hop” step to get the 2nd step on the ground ASAP

-          we do not drag the back foot like some programs

-          work to have feet land in a “staggered” position – front foot ahead of the back one a little

 gets us on the proper angle for the FB

 gives us a fraction of a second longer to ride it

-          get the ball back as far as possible

-          do not transfer the weight – stay even and balanced

-          make a decision by the time the ball reaches your front leg

-          push off downhill

-          the “read”

 don’t over coach it

 if you think he can tackle the FB – pull it
 if not – give it
 a ton of reps solves the problem

-          reading of stunts (every day in practice)

 blood stunt
o toughest read
o read key (#1) (FB) and pitch key (#2) (QB) both coming hard
o if #2 comes hard:
 disengage with FB immediately
 pause for a split second to determine #2’s angle (he may run to the pitch)

 X-stunt
o a “stack” look with the read key (#1) and a stacked LB (#2)
o #1 and #2 will switch responsibilities
o we will “area” read this

 hard stunt

 up stunt

 mesh stunt

-          we let the QBs get a “game feel” of what is going on

Play-Action Passing

-          Protection:

 low hat – drive and press – screw in the shoulder pads

 big on big
 FB blocks FSLB
 QB takes care of #3 on the frontside edge
 if 4 come weak? – look out!!!

-          QB footwork

 fake T.O and get back!!

 we tried 3 down the line and 2 back like Nebraska  – QB got killed before setup

-         Routes

 Verticals
o triple option action
o vs. 8-man front = FSHB down the middle of field
o vs. 4-Across Invert = FSHB run down the hash
 Switch route (vs. Cov 2) – even in the red zone with hard CB support
o Out of triple option play-action
o Also out of rocket toss play-action

 Boot/Naked
o off the rocket toss
o variations:
 hit FB in the flat
 hit the WR vertical, dig, or skinny post
 switch route

 Crossing routes
o good out of Double Flex
o variations:
 double drag (vs. alley FS)

1. FSWR and FSHB double drag to the backside

2. BSWR skinny post

 HB single drag (vs. Cov 4 with a deep MLB)

1. FSHB drags to the backside

2. BSWR runs vertical

 WR single drag

1. Off the rocket toss (vs. safeties making the hit on the toss)
2. QB drops straight back
3. BSWR runs the drag across

Coach Niumatalolo 2008 Nike Clinic Notes

 Keys to Successful “O”
1. Philosophy
2. Have a package
3. Can you fix it?

1. Philosophy
We are running the ball.
We THROW for big plays.
We have a packaged system.
We practice the same plays every week and get great at it–KISS!
2. Package
We are a triple option offense FIRST!
Everything we do comes off the triple.
Multiple option schemes- counter, midline, trap, belly.
Multiple formations- with ability to run same plays.
Playaction passes mirror our runs.
Sprint out/half roll passing packages.

3. Can You Fix It?

Game-time adjustments-early-after series-NOT SUNDAY!
Staff on same page-eyes-speak same vocabulary.
Prepare for possible problems-have answers.
Game day playcalling-no script/how is Defense playing? Pick a couple of specific things on
which to focus.

Why The Triple?

1. Equalizer- forces defense to play assignments.
2. Limits the Defense- prep time short, balances Defense with formation, Defense must play
dive, quarterback, and pitch
3. Time of Possession- keeps their offense off the field.
4. Balanced formations- no strength-balances D
5. Numbers advantage- blocking angles.
6. Passing game vs. vanilla coverages- 4 across, 3 deep, man free.
7. Blitz pick up-WE WANT THEM TO BLITZ!
8. Different brand of football to the defense.

Keys to Implementation
1. Committed
2. Patience

Triple Option Rules

PSWR- block near deep defender (come off the ball!)
PSA- block run support (#3)
PT- veer (Playside LB)
PG- Base (if uncovered base LB)
C- Scoop/Base
BG- Scoop
BT- Scoop
BSA- Tail motion (tail of RB)
BSWR- Cutoff
QB- Veer steps
RB- Mesh Track

Scoop rules- crotch-to-crotch

Cadence- “Ready, Set, Hike.”

Tail motion aiming point- tailbone of RB.

Pitch the ball parallel.

QB’s second step must pound the ground.

Aiming point of RB-inside leg of guard.

Take care of run support player–do not worry about the corner!

Do not get beat on an underneath stunt!

Center’s release vs. noseguard- 45 degree angle and stay vertical!

Scoop- 45 degrees, 60 degrees, then 90 degrees–head to inside thigh. It’s like a banana or “J.”

The running back always keys the first playside DL.

The read–QB gives ball UNLESS the read can make the play (no shoulder reads, jersey reads)…

The pitch is thumbs down!

Practice vs. stack looks–easy stunt! Who is coming in and who is coming out!

Midline Rules–read from 2i out.

PSWR- Push/Stalk for inside run.
PT-1st DL outside read
PG- Veer Playside A gap- LB, BSLB, FS
C- Base/2i backside
BG- 2i backside/spot release
BT- Anchor (5 tech)
BSA- Tail motion (if trips block run support)
BSWR- Cutoff
QB- Midline steps (Drop and slide–end with staggered feet)
RB- Midline track (tailbone of center)

How to veer block- 45 degrees, dip, and rip

Zone Give
PG- Base-Zone
PT- Zone-toes should end up north and south
Backside scoops
Rocket Toss
PT and PG- Pull and run to sideline
Backside scoops
Playside A back has alley player- OLB or near high safety

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