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Computers & Security (2006) 25, 351e370

On Incident Handling and Response:

A state-of-the-art approach
Sarandis Mitropoulos*, Dimitrios Patsos, Christos Douligeris

Department of Informatics, University of Piraeus, 80, Karaoli and Dimitriou Street,

Piraeus 185 34, Greece

Received 24 February 2005; revised 18 July 2005; accepted 23 September 2005

KEYWORDS Abstract Incident Response has always been an important aspect of Information
Incident Handling; Security but it is often overlooked by security administrators. Responding to an
Incident Response; incident is not solely a technical issue but has many management, legal, technical
Computer forensics; and social aspects that are presented in this paper. We propose a detailed manage-
Internet forensics; ment framework along with a complete structured methodology that contains best
Software forensics; practices and recommendations for appropriately handling a security incident. We
Trace-back also present the state-of-the art technology in computer, network and software for-
mechanisms ensics as well as automated trace-back artifacts, schemas and protocols. Finally,
we propose a generic Incident Response process within a corporate environment.
ª 2005 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Introduction the end user, who becomes the target point: it is

the user who requests services; it is the user who
We stand today in front of the most important accesses networks and resources; it is the who that
advances of Information Technology. Considering requires security and privacy. Users are ‘carrying’
that nearly one billion computing systems in our their digital identities (usernames, passwords or
planet are already connected through the Internet PINs, digital certificates or biometric features)
(Global Reach, 2005), as well as the convergence of over several different platforms and applications
mobile telephony services and e-commerce, huge to request access: on their corporate workstations,
amounts of information flow from one network to on their home computers, on their mobile phones
another with a single command, request or click. or PDAs, leaving important traces of their selec-
To this extent many technologies, platforms and tions, habits and personal data.
infrastructures are thriving to provide services to In this context, there are many system vulner-
abilities that, if not addressed properly, could
potentially lead to a set of unauthorized actions
* Corresponding author. varying from a denial-of-service attack to identity
E-mail address: (S. Mitropoulos). theft. Therefore it is of utmost importance to treat

0167-4048/$ - see front matter ª 2005 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

352 S. Mitropoulos et al.

every security incident (i.e. any related activity from the corporate environment to the ordinary
with negative security implications (CERT/CC, Internet user. The paper concludes with ideas for
2005)) to its full extent, by applying appropriate further research and development in this area.
response methods, mechanisms and/or policies in
order to minimize its effect(s). On the other
hand, wherever applicable, these actions should The problem space
aim to reach the actual source of an incident.
These countermeasures can vary from simple fixes Organizations and individuals invest on preventive
(e.g. a software update) to extremely complex In- security measures to protect their assets, such as
cident Response Policies that have to be enforced safes, secure doors, windows, etc. Their main oper-
within organizations. Incident Response can be de- ation is to prevent someone from acting in a way that
fined as the process that aims to minimize the could pose harm on these assets. Security by pre-
damage from security incidents and malfunctions, vention, though, is not enough. Most of those who
and monitors and learns from such incidents (BSI, implement such measures also invest on detective
1999). and monitoring mechanisms (e.g. CCTV, alarms,
This paper proposes a management framework lights, etc.) to supplement the effectiveness of the
of Incident Response by examining proposed tech- previous measures. Nevertheless, even the combi-
niques (both research and applied), best practices nation of these measures does not guarantee total
and technology implementations. We first intro- security. Appropriate response mechanisms are nec-
duce the concept of Incident Response and present essary when a security-related incident occurs. For
the management issues that arise when an organi- example, when the alarm sounds when a burglar
zation is asked to handle a specific security enters a house, all the previously taken preventive
incident. The aim is not only to present the countermeasures are worthless if the police do not
complexity of the Incident Response process but show up in a short time interval.
also to identify and categorize the relations arising A similar situation appears in the Information
with various aspects of the Information Security Security area. Many products that are able to
and the Information Technology (IT) Management protect a company’s information assets and re-
sectors of an organization. We later introduce sources from unauthorized network access have
a structured methodology to isolate and handle been developed, in the last decade, firewalls being
a security incident and present the various phases perhaps the most popular and most effective.
of this methodology by proposing best practices Intrusion Prevention/Detection technology is of-
that could be enforced in every phase. A concep- fering monitoring services thus supplementing the
tual process that can be used to examine the effectiveness of the firewalls as well as a wide
system log files is also proposed. We refer to all range of other preventive countermeasures. If
these procedures as passive Incident Response a security incident does happen though, Incident
(also known as Incident Handling). Response is necessary to mitigate the immediate
We continue the paper by examining the active damage, eliminate any possible consequential
ways of responding to an incident, the techniques losses and prevent any possible future recurrence.
used to find the source of the incident, i.e. the
computer domain, the network, the system, the
user within a system or the actual person(s) who The management perspective of
started the incident in the best case. We then Incident Response
present the most well-known automated trace-
back mechanisms that have been proposed in the The Internet is being the network that links the
context of software forensics concepts at the entire planet so responding to security incidents
application level, computer forensics at the sys- often requires the coordination of international
tem level and Network Forensics at the network efforts. The Computer Emergency Response Team/
level. We refer to all these procedures as active Coordination Center (CERT/CC) at Carnegie Melon
Incident Response (also known as trace-back). A University has set the first milestone by providing
generic Incident Response scenario within a corpo- a central location for the reporting of such in-
rate environment is also provided to show the cidents as well as for providing the appropriate
applicability of these techniques. solutions. Similar efforts can be found in Europe
We finally examine the issues that remain open (Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams e
from a technical, management, legal and social FIRST), Australia (Australian Computer Emergency
perspective by emphasizing upon identity theft Response Team e AusCERT) and elsewhere. Com-
that reflects the changing focus of modern attacks: puter Security Incident Response Teams (CSIRTs)
On Incident Handling and Response: A state-of-the-art approach 353

are becoming an essential part of modern Infor- centers provide the same type of information with-
mation Security Standards (like ISO/IEC 17799) out a really thorough examination of the specific
(International Standards Organization, 2000). The incidents, offering to a large extent the same
work of CSIRTs is fully described in RFC 2350 (Inter- amount of information regarding a vulnerability,
net Engineering Task Force, 1998). threat or attack.
CSIRTs can be categorized by the specific con- When an organization decides to implement
stituency (internal, external, commercial, vendor, a corporate Incident Response Policy (also known
governmental, academic, etc.) they serve or by as Incident Response Capability), it is of major
the type of their existence and formation (formal, importance that the organization clarifies specific
ad hoc, etc.) (Van Wyk and Forno, 2001). CSIRTs roles and responsibilities in its jurisdiction. It is
can be members of international cooperation ef- important to stress that responding to a security
forts or can even operate under transnational incident is not solely a technical issue. Therefore,
agreements (Council of Europe, 2001). people from various departments outside the IT
A detailed analysis of Computer Security In- department have to actively participate in this
cident Response Teams Organizational Models can effort. A clearly-defined, easy to implement and
be found in Killcrece et al. (2003). Van Wyk and execute management structure is necessary. Fig. 1
Forno (2001) summarize the strengths and weak- presents a management schema for Incident Re-
nesses of the various types of Computer Incident sponse that contains the necessary parties (also
Response Teams as in Table 1. known as Contacts) that should participate in a cor-
In addition to Table 1, there is a growing debate porate Incident Response Capability along with
regarding the role of CSIRTs that can be best sum- their primary relationships and interactions.
marized in Dr Schultz’s (2004) statement that The key-person in such an organizational-wide
CSIRTs need to change, since most of the analysis program is the Incident Response Capability

Table 1 Advantages and disadvantages of the different types of CSIRTs (Van Wyk and Forno, 2001)
Team type Strengths Weaknesses
Public resource Low cost per organization. Problematic to provide one-to-one support to
(coordination/analysis each site.
Good source of statistics. Community funding model can be overly
Wide distribution of alerts.
Internal Dedicated service for parent Difficult to get big picture for widespread
organization. security incidents.
Hands-on support. Very difficult to get adequate funding and
Leverage for quantity discounts
on related products.
Direct feedback loop for
improving overall security.
Commercial Staffing expertise should be Cannot know the organization as well as
world class. employees do.
Only engaged (and paid for) on Second tier support means still having to handle
demand. day-to-day incidents internally.
Contractual leverage to get Timeliness to bring team on-site when seconds
desired level of service. matter.
Vendor Focus on rapidly responding to Narrow focus.
product vulnerabilities.
Availability of product design Can have spin control orientation.
engineers to fix bugs.
Ad hoc Better than nothing. No permanent resources.
Can at least help get key players No management buy-in.
involved during crises.
354 S. Mitropoulos et al.

Help Experts/
Senior CSIRT
Desk Consultants

Relations System and Other CSIRTs
Incident Administrators
Leader Internet

Corporate Information
Investigations Security Legal Advisor
Group Officer

Corporate boundaries

Figure 1 The Incident Response Capability Contacts.

Leader of the organization who should refer di- with third parties, like contractors, media agen-
rectly to the Senior Management of the organiza- cies, etc. Furthermore, the Human Resources de-
tion. He/she should cooperate effectively and partment could participate in the Capability in
efficiently with all other managers in order to order to take the appropriate actions when an in-
make them aware of an incident occurrence and ternal incident (caused by an employee) happens.
to facilitate management decisions to be made. The role of the Corporate Investigations Group is
This manager can, in some cases, direct the Com- also important since it has to keep the fact secret
puter Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT ), for as long as it is needed, facilitate the tracing of
which is responsible for designing, implementing the incident to the responsible party and not allow
and updating the technical solution, the proce- information to flow outside the organization that
dures and all the necessary guidelines for main- could affect its public image. This Group is often
taining the Incident Response Capability of an in close cooperation with the Information Security
organization, as described earlier. The System Officer as with all other security-related personnel
and Network Administrator(s) are the people who investigate security incidents and communi-
with the most technical knowledge within the or- cate with the Law Enforcement Agencies in case
ganization, since their everyday jobs include a serious incident happens (e.g. theft of IT equip-
design, installation and fine-tuning of systems ment, unauthorized copying of proprietary soft-
and networks and they can provide a very useful ware and data or whenever required by the law).
feedback in case an incident happens. They could The Legal Advisor of the organization is also essen-
either belong to the CSIRT or they could be tial in the Incident Response Capability develop-
alarmed only when there is a significant need. ment, being the person in charge of compliance
However, they need to be aware of any instance and provision of legal advice during the various
regarding a security breach. Last, but not least, phases of Incident Response. Finally, the corporate
the Help Desk personnel should participate in the Users should be trained to react according to the
Incident Response Capability, since there could policies, procedures and guidelines. In many occa-
be cases, such as a denial-of-service attack on sions, the security incidents are discovered by or-
the company’s public servers (e.g. Web Server, dinary users; a correct and rapid communication
FTP or Email), where the organization should is essential in a timely and effective response, es-
answer relevant enquiries. pecially in cases of internally-caused incidents.
Apart from IT-related sections of an organiza- Therefore, the users have to know how to react
tion, there is an emerging need for cooperation in the first place and with whom to communicate
with other departments as well. For example, the when such an incident occurs.
Public Relations department could be responsible Finally, according to the severity of a security
for handling the corporate public image after an incident there may be a need to cooperate with
incident occurs. This task involves communication external parties that can play an important role in
On Incident Handling and Response: A state-of-the-art approach 355

the discovery and response phases of a security incident to its actual source and, in most cases, the
incident. For example, the Internet Service Provider physical person(s) who caused the incident. Foren-
(ISP) can provide useful information when trying to sics require a strong understanding of the network
trace a network connection, since the ISPs are protocols and operating systems and demand not
providing the link of the corporate systems and only a high degree of patience but also an ability
networks to the outside world (be it the Internet, to follow law-related rules and procedures.
Extranets, etc.). Finally, other Computer Security Even though the field of forensics has been
Incident Response Teams (CSIRTs) and/or external developed and has matured in Law Enforcement
security experts can provide extremely useful serv- Agencies and not in the academic research world
ices when an incident is beyond the capabilities, (Yasincac and Manzano, 2001), it seems that best
knowledge and training of an organization’s CSIRT. practices and methodologies can be successfully
transferred to the Incident Response domain.
In order to combine efficiently and effectively
appropriate actions when an incident occurs, most
A methodology on Incident Response well-acknowledged methodologies include several
distinct parts. A typical sketch of such a method-
Apart from a well-defined and communicated ology is shown in Fig. 2, based upon the phases
management framework, both the literature and proposed in National Institute of Standards and
the commercial world provide well-structured Technology (2004) and Patsos (2002). Example rec-
methodologies consisting of several distinct phases ommendations and best practices are proposed
to isolate an incident and appropriately respond to throughout the following sections based upon the
it. The most important of these methodologies are existing literatures National Institute of Standards
the ‘‘Framework for Incident Response’’ by the and Technology (2004), Patsos (2002), Allen (2001),
Information Security Team of DePaul University Kossakowski et al. (1999). We limit ourselves only
(Information Security Team, 2002), the ‘‘Handbook to the absolutely necessary actions that should
For Computer Security Incident Response Teams’’ be taken in every phase, without exhausting all
by the Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Insti- possible options and alternative solutions.
tute (West-Brown et al., 1998) and the ‘‘Computer
Security Incident Handling Guide’’ by NIST (National
Institute of Standards and Technology, 2004). The Preparation phase
aim is to ‘patch a hole’ and minimize the mag-
nitude of incidents’ effects while trying to trace Considering that necessary security mechanisms
their source(s). are already in place both at the corporate gateway
However, it is necessary to comment on the fact (firewalls, antivirus software, strong authentica-
that, until now, there is no complete de jure tion mechanisms, etc.) and at critical internal
worldwide Incident Response standard, either as parts (Host and Network-Based Intrusion Detection
a dedicated document or as part of larger, enter- Systems (IDS)), additional specific software and
prise-wide Information Security Standard. One can hardware have to be installed as well (e.g.
only find specifically designed techniques. sniffers, audit log consolidation software, backup
For example, all US Federal Agencies are ob- software, etc.). In the preparation phase, useful
liged to provide an Incident Response Capability to actions include the following.
comply with the OMB’s Circular No. A-130, Appen-
dix III (OMB’s, 2005) as well as the Federal Informa-
tion Security Management Act (FISMA) of 2002
(United States Code, 2002). On the other hand, PREPARATION

ISO/IEC 17799:2000 (section Escalation level 2),

denotes that Incident Reporting and Handling are
essential for an organization but does not provide CONTAINMENT
specific information on this (International Stand-
ards Organization, 2000). ERADICATION
Most of the Incident Response methodologies
are strongly combined with the science of digital RECOVERY
forensics, i.e. the processes of unearthing data of
probative value from computer and information
systems (Mandia and Procise, 2002). Forensics in-
clude the necessary actions to trace-back a security Figure 2 Incident Response Methodology model.
356 S. Mitropoulos et al.

Operating systems and boot disks archive provide assurance when rebuilding a compromised
It is important to maintain a complete archive of system. These checksums should be stored in
all different versions of the operating systems special media (e.g. CD-ROMs) to make modifica-
installed in the corporate systems. Moreover, tions impossible.
original or trusted distribution media of any
third-party software and applications that have Backup media
been installed should also be archived to be avail- During the response process backups are used to
able when needed. Furthermore, boot disks of all restore from the latest available configuration of
operating systems installed should also be ar- the system and the last version of the data files.
chived. Boot disks allow system restart from Backups also preserve the evidence (in case the
a well-known (pre-existing) configuration and pro- organization decides to investigate the incident)
vide assurance that compromised files or malicious and are useful when an isolated (or test) system is
software has not been not loaded. analyzed. Recommended media are optical disks
(CD-R or DVR G R) that provide relatively high ca-
Security patches archive pacity (650e700 MB and 4.7e9.4 GB, respectively)
All operating systems and applications have some and prevent from accidental or intentional modifi-
(software) vulnerabilities. When vulnerabilities are cation. Other options include data tapes that can
discovered, the vendor is obliged to issue a securi- store huge volumes of data when capacity is a
ty-related patch to address it. The common prac- major concern (120 GB or more). Separated vol-
tice to download patches is through the vendor’s umes of a Storage Area Network (SAN) can also
website. It is very important to download and keep be very helpful in this situation.
an archive of all security patches for every piece of
software installed on the systems, along with their Resource kit
description and their cryptographic checksums. The resource kit should contain all the necessary
Apart from ensuring that no malicious code is tools that may be needed by the CSIRT during the
included in the patch, a correct cryptographic response process, e.g. disk imaging, file compari-
checksum also verifies its source (see section Cryp- son, configuration editors, cryptographic check-
tographic checksums of critical operating system sum builders, etc. The importance of the resource
and application files). kit should not be underestimated as it saves valu-
able time when handling an incident. Write-
Reinstallation tools protected media (or optical disks) are preferred
In case system reinstallation is needed it should be in this case as well. When handling an incident,
performed from a trusted source. When a number special hardware may be needed as well. For
of hosts (usually workstations) need simultaneous example, a laptop computer can be used to
reinstallation this could be performed with the use monitor the network traffic or perform a virus
of a network server that contains generic versions scan in certain systems. A Resource Kit Form may
of the whole system (probably images) and tools prove useful information when creating a resource
that are able to retrieve, unpack, verify and install kit of all software and hardware devices. It also
software patches as well. provides assistance when questions regarding
a specific host’s configuration arise. These forms
Backup procedures can be archived in printed media or stored in
Data backups are needed so that when an incident electronic format (e.g. on a CD-ROM, an internal
occurs damage to data is minimized. A very Web Server or a Database).
important issue when backing up or restoring
information systems’ configuration is data integri- Test systems and networks
ty; the system administrator(s) has to be sure that If there are sufficient hardware resources avail-
no malicious code is contained in the data backed- able, isolated (both physically and logically) sys-
up or the data restored. An off-site backup copy tems and networks similar to the original ones
that is held and protected away from the corpo- should be maintained. In case of a system com-
rate premises should also be maintained. promise these test systems can provide a smooth
transition and allow for continuous operation while
Cryptographic checksums of critical operating the compromised systems can be used for evidence
system and application files collection and analysis. If this is not the case, the
When installing a new system it is essential to CSIRT must have the capability to create an ‘‘ad
record the cryptographic checksum of critical hoc’’ test environment. It is important that all
operating system and application files. This will entities of the test environment must have the
On Incident Handling and Response: A state-of-the-art approach 357

same security level as the original (production) event and this is the stage when critical decisions
ones. have to be made to categorize an event and
respond accordingly. If procedures fail in this
Audit trail stage, the whole methodology may collapse and
An audit trail of all systems should be kept and be of no use.
protected. The complexity of today’s systems and The beginning of evidence collection should
networks leads to numerous audit logs. A recom- start immediately after the identification or even
mended practice is a central System Log Server the suspicion of an incident. The decision, though,
(often called Syslog) that keeps a copy of all the whether abnormal activity corresponds to an
audit information that is saved locally in every actual attack or an attack pattern is quite tricky.
system: firewalls, Intrusion Detection Systems, Technology offers assistance through a variety of
routers, hosts, etc. This system does not need to methods via Intrusion Detection and (Near) Real
be of the latest technology; therefore it can be Time Threat Management Systems that require
inexpensive but it should be isolated and pro- a wide deployment into corporate networks. It
tected. On the other hand, all traffic directed to should be mentioned though that in most cases it is
this server should be encrypted if possible, to the human factor that has the knowledge on what
prevent an attacker from reading information in consists abnormal activity in a specific corporate
transit. Moreover, this system should be hardened environment. Two main approaches regarding net-
to eliminate access to an attacker. The operating work incidents depending on their severity can be
systems and application hardening procedures identified:
limit the system configuration only to the neces-
sary services a system provides. Finally, the use of  immediately close the attacker’s point of entry
time synchronization protocols, like NTP (Network and eliminate all possible access means, or;
Time Protocol), is of major importance (Internet  remain ‘open’, as long as possible, and gather as
Engineering Task Force, 1992). All information of much information as possible to be used later
this kind should be synchronized with a trusted as evidence.
time source making it possible to use the audit trail
as evidence later.
Recent technological advances provide unified Audit log collection, examination and analysis
event log management systems, known as Security Perhaps the most tedious and tiring tasks are audit
Information Management Systems. These systems log collection and analysis. Since information about
are configured to collect, normalize, aggregate, an incident can be found at various sources (e.g.
correlate, report and archive security events firewall(s), IDS(s), router(s), etc.) a great amount of
written in various audit log files (e.g. firewalls, effort and time is required to correlate them before
routers, systems). The most important benefit of reaching trustworthy conclusions. Even worse, if
a Security Information Management System de- the working environment is heterogeneous with
ployment within an organization is the forensic respect to systems and network technologies, audit
information they can provide, by allowing specific log information comes in various formats and sizes.
queries regarding the source and destination as The importance of having a central System Log
well as the time and type of an incident. Server that performs a log analysis is based on the
Apart from Security Information Management observation that using one central system and
Systems, ordinary printers can provide great help applying filters can provide useful conclusions in
in certain cases. For example, a printer can be a relatively short period of time. However, if this
locally attached to a system under attack in a way system does not exist, an alternative manual
that every interaction with the system is immedi- approach is needed.
ately printed. This method prevents attackers A high level process and the respective possible
from altering their recorded actions (like they actions are proposed in Fig. 3, while the necessary
could possibly do with audit log files) and, more- steps are briefly described in the following
over, printers cannot be detected by attackers paragraphs.
(Stoll, 1990). Both Host and Network-Based Intrusion Detec-
tion Systems maintain a large database with
patterns of well-known attacks (known as ‘‘signa-
Identification phase tures’’). This database can provide useful infor-
mation regarding the type as well as the origin of
The identification stage is of crucial significance: an incident. If the incident is a known one, i.e.
this stage can identify the starting point of an belongs to the IDS database, the affected system
358 S. Mitropoulos et al.

Figure 3 IDS Log Analysis and possible actions.

should be checked against the vulnerability that information provided by the IDS. If the system is
caused the incident. If the system has the appro- vulnerable, it should be isolated in some way in
priate countermeasure against this vulnerability order to minimize the possibility that the incident
(usually a software patch) then the incident is propagates to other systems and networks.
recorded for archival purposes. Two major issues arise when a system is found
If the incident is a new one, then the security vulnerable. At first, all possible electronic evi-
gateway audit logs (usually the firewall logs) dence should be collected in a forensically sound
should be correlated in order to provide more manner to be handed for analysis at a later phase.
useful information. If the firewall prohibits the Secondly, the affected system should be recovered
connection then the IDS alarm is probably false. In either by applying the appropriate patch available
this case, the incident has to be recorded and the (see section Containment phase), or by the recov-
whole process stops. On the other hand, if the ery and backup media (see section Eradication
firewall permits this connection, then the related phase). If no such option is possible, the system
system(s) should be checked against the corre- should be rebuilt from scratch (see sections Eradi-
sponding vulnerability, as said before, using the cation phase and Recovery phase).
On Incident Handling and Response: A state-of-the-art approach 359

Incident reporting and assessment state of the system should be recorded. Use of the
As soon as an incident is identified it should be IDS information in parallel to system and disk
categorized in one of the three possible security imaging utilities could possibly achieve this.
levels based on the impact of a specific incident.
The impact is expressed in terms of financial Disk imaging of the affected system(s)
impact, impact to manufacturing, sales, corporate A disk image (also referred to as a bit stream
image or impact to trust by the company’s cus- image) is a bit-by-bit copy of the system affected
tomers. The scope of the impact will probably by a security incident. This imaging records the
determine the initial response. A draft listing of active state of the system at the time this
these security levels as well as a definition/de- operation is performed (snapshot). It is recom-
scription of each one of them is proposed in Table 2. mended that at least two images of every com-
Classification of the incident in one of these promised system should be taken and saved in
categories is part of what is called the Incident hardware-write-protected or optical media.
Reporting Form. In this form all relevant to the Common practices indicate that the imaging
incident information is documented. The impor- process is performed after a system is compro-
tance of this form is very significant, since it mised to assist during the computer forensics
contains useful information that is reviewed later analysis but, in many cases, ‘‘live’’ system images
during a forensics analysis or during the follow-up can be found in servers that incorporate mirroring
phase (see section Follow-up phase). Example in- techniques (e.g. RAID arrays). These (image) cop-
formation includes: ies can be later reinstalled on test systems for
further analysis. One of these copies should be
 date and time of reporting; used as evidence. Therefore, it should be sealed
 date and time of incident discovery; and stored in a secure location and not used for
 the system in which the incident was first any operational task.
identified; A very important issue when an organization
 possible systems and networks that may be decides to perform a forensics analysis in order to
affected; find and prosecute an attacker is to create and
 system configuration, host applications and carefully maintain a chain of custody. Further-
criticality; more, image copying should be done with great
 name and other credentials of the person that care, as unusual disk activity could alert an in-
completes the form. truder who has gained access to the system(s).

Other systems analysis

System information In a networked environment usually more than one
All network connections, running processes and system is affected by an incident, therefore
open files as well as the active users that are various other systems should be examined thor-
logged onto the network to give an overview of the oughly as well, including:

 systems at the same IP address range;

Table 2 Classification of incidents based upon se-  systems at the same network segment;
verity and impact  systems in the same network domain;
Security Description  other critical systems.
High The impact is severe. Examples include: In a remote attack, for example, the usual point
disruption of the corporate network, of entry of the attacker is the HTTP (Hyper Text
compromise of confidential information, a Transfer Protocol) server or the FTP (File Transfer
virus that has affected a large number of Protocol) server. In the case of a computer virus,
systems, etc. worm or malicious software in general, it is recom-
Medium The impact is significant. Examples mended that the SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Pro-
include: delayed delivery of electronic tocol) server should be examined in the first place.
mail and other services, exploited
vulnerabilities that do not affect the
overall system operation, etc.
Low The impact is minimal. Examples include: Containment phase
harmless SPAM email, isolated virus
infections, etc. The next step is to apply immediate solutions, thus
limiting the extent of the incident and letting the
360 S. Mitropoulos et al.

attack function only up to the desirable extent. Not decision, especially when an incident takes place
all attacks should be immediately stopped, since e in non-working hours.
for certain reasons computer forensics analysis may
be needed afterwards. Common techniques include Temporary shut down of the compromised
patch installations and configuration changes into system
critical perimeter, public and internal systems. If there is no alternative option the compromised
system should be shut down. This shut down will
Disabling of specific system services prevent further damages to the specific system (as
The results of the log analysis in combination with well as to other systems) and will also provide
the Incident Reporting Form should provide some some time for an initial analysis but such a shut
information about the scope of the incident as well down will deny access to corporate users that need
as the possible vulnerability that was exploited. these connections. Moreover, all available memory
Therefore, system services related to this vul- contents will vanish, thus destroying any possible
nerability should be disabled until a patch is evidence that may reside therein (e.g. running
issued, downloaded, verified and installed. programs of the attacker). This practice is not
By disabling specific services the problem is recommended and when performed it should be
isolated, there is enough time to address it done with great care and only for a limited time
properly and the system continues to operate period. If there are no alternative solutions,
providing a significant part of its services. However, a memory dump that contains memory contents
if this vulnerability is not a known one, a software should be written to the disk prior to the shut
fix may take a long time before it is issued. If this is down process in order to preserve any information
the case, either the service must remain disabled that could be used later as evidence.
until the ‘patch’ is issued, or ad hoc methods
should be followed (e.g. allow certain commands
upon a service like FTP-get but no FTP-put) Restoration of the compromised system
according to the nature of the problem. When there are enough hardware resources avail-
able a clean backup copy of the system should
Changing of passwords and account disabling replace the compromised one. However, it has to
This is the usual task all the administrators be made sure that the incident’s source (i.e.
perform when a network incident occurs, since vulnerability, access path, etc.) is identified and
compromised accounts are the usual point of entry the system is patched. This will limit the systems’
of an attacker. If this is the case and the intruder downtime and will provide enough time to perform
has not used some other means to gain access (e.g. a thorough analysis of the compromised host
a vulnerability that bypasses user authentication) without causing operational problems.
this practice will terminate its access path.
On the other hand this change provides the Eradication phase
attackers with a notification that someone is
watching, a situation that may not be desirable if This stage refers to the mid and long-term sol-
the organization has decided to remain ‘open’ to utions that have to be applied on the affected
trace the incident. When there is no other alter- systems in order to eliminate any possible means
native, advanced security techniques are used for recurrence of the specific attack. Possible
(e.g. use of honey pots). countermeasures at this stage include policy com-
pliance checks, independent security audits, pol-
Disconnection of the compromised system from icy updates, etc.
the network
In serious network incidents the need to disconnect
the compromised system from the network may Changing of all passwords in all compromised
arise in order to prevent the attacker from gaining systems
access to other systems (escalation attack) or from Even if the comparison with the cryptographic
taking complete control over this particular system. checksums that were recorded during the prepara-
Before doing this, the scope of the incident has tion phase does not indicate anomalies, it is not
to be carefully estimated in contrast with the uncommon to have all password changed in all
acceptable level of risk faced by business pro- systems affected. This is a time-consuming task
cesses. It needs to be stressed here that the performed by the administrators but this practice
Incident Response Capability should clearly define provides an additional assurance both to the sys-
who is empowered or authorized to take this tems administrator and to the management as well.
On Incident Handling and Response: A state-of-the-art approach 361

Complete elimination of intruder access and assessment or a penetration test in order to

identification of possible changes disclose possible existing vulnerabilities.
Attackers usually leave backdoor programs or
Trojan horses behind to be able to gain access at
a later time. Initially, a comparison of the critical System rebuilding from scratch
system files to the cryptographic checksums should As it was discussed in the previous phase, a com-
be performed. This comparison guarantees that no plete rebuilding of the system should be done
modification has been made during the incident. If during the recovery phase, where a larger time
time allows and if cryptographic checksums were frame permits the smooth execution of this heavy
recorded during the preparation phase, the same task. Furthermore, incident analysis may provide
comparison should be made regarding the data. feedback to the technical staff of the CSIRT
Although this is not a common practice, it may enabling them to determine the desired security
provide useful information. level.

Complete reinstallation of the compromised

Restoration of user data from trusted backups
Acting proactively can save precious time when
A complete reinstallation of all the compromised
restoring from backups. Original Cryptographic
systems is among the best possible practices. It
checksums guarantee data integrity and authenti-
may be performed faster when restoring from bit
cation. However, the recording of cryptographic
stream images (taken during the preparation
checksums for every available system turns out to
phase) rather than from ordinary system backups.
be a time-consuming task especially in cases where
It should not be forgotten though that the com- data content is frequently updated (e.g. a financial
promised systems need the necessary patches and
database) or is dynamic (e.g. fetching web pages
fixes before they are put back to production.
from another source). Backups made closest to the
time of the incident should be carefully used to
System rebuilding provide both a high-level of confidence and a quick
If backups and bit stream images have not been restoration time.
taken during the preparation phase, the system
administrator can restore the compromised sys-
tems from the original distribution media. This is System configuration review e auditing
probably one of the most discouraging and time- A convenient way to provide the maximum level of
consuming tasks, but also one that provides the confidence is to perform a system audit at the
highest possible level of assurance. This system compromised hosts. Apart from the maximum level
rebuilding should be definitely done in the ‘‘back- of assurance, auditing procedures will also dis-
ground’’, in a backup system, or could be trans- cover any possible mistakes or omissions during
ferred to the next phase of the Incident Response system rebuilding (residual risk). If the systems’
Capability if the effects of the incident allow for restoration were performed during the eradication
this. A fast system restoration from backups (or phase, it should not be forgotten that most of the
images) is preferable in order to guarantee business operations were performed under heavy stress;
continuity and a good level of assurance, giving the possible omissions or mistakes may still exist.
system administrator the opportunity to build the
compromised system from scratch at a later time.
Review of the protective and detective
Recovery phase In case a network incident has happened, the
firewall’s configuration and rule base should be
After all the previous steps have been successfully reviewed and updated. Security is not a static
followed, system restoration and security mecha- process; attack methods are evolving and security
nisms enhancements should begin in order to bring administrators have to constantly keep up with
the whole system back to production without any them. The same should be done with the IDS
security holes open. Examples include complete configuration in order to enable better monitoring
system rebuilding, data recovery from backup and reporting of security-related activities. The
media, installation of extra security mechanisms, intelligence of the IDSs relies on their proper
etc. Before putting compromised systems into configuration and the continuous updating of their
production again, it is advised to run a vulnerability signatures’ database.
362 S. Mitropoulos et al.

Follow-up phase the attack path (from the victim machine back to
the attacker machine) is prevented. In general,
Last but not least, all actions and information let C Z h1h2.hi be the connection path
concerning the incident should be documented between hosts hi (i Z 1,.n), then the trace-back
and electronic evidence should be disseminated problem is to recursively identify the actual IP ad-
for analysis in a forensically sound manner to dress of hnÿ1, . h1 (attacker), when the actual IP
experts. Furthermore, a post-mortem meeting address of host hn (victim) is given.
with Senior Management should take place in order Before proceeding to the essence of automated
to assess the damage done, the policies’ strengths trace-back mechanisms, it is important to define
and weaknesses and the procedures need to be the issue of network tracing, that e until now e
followed. The aftermath of an incident may in- has been used by network engineers to trouble-
dicate or even require that security policies, shoot routing functions and protocols. As the
procedures and guidelines have to be updated in relevant RFC denotes (Postel, 1981), the IP proto-
order to be able to address future attacks of the col provides the Record Route option in the proto-
same type. After the complete analysis of the col header that supports network tracing. When
incident is performed, changes in system config- this option is used the routing devices along
urations must be documented and the inventory of a path are mandated to append their IP addresses
systems and network assets has to be updated to to IP options portion of the IP header. The protocol
reflect these changes. header has a fixed part of 20 bytes and a variable
part (corresponding to the IP Options Field). The
total length of every IP packet in 32-bit words is
Tracing back a security incident mandated by the value of the 4-bit IHL (IP Header
Length), which is 15 (1111 in binary), resulting in
Handling a security incident may only be the a maximum of 60 bytes, of which only 40 bytes
beginning in the Incident Response process, since, are available for IP Options. With the current size
there could exist some occasions where the source of the Internet and the heavy routing information
of the incident has to be identified (i.e. the actual used in modern networks the Record Route field
attacker(s) should be found in order to be held appears rather limited to withstand recording for
accountable for their actions). The task though is every hop a packet traverses.
not easy since the attackers use impersonation Apart from the tremendous amount of process-
techniques to cover their traces and hide their ing overhead in routing devices since e at least e
identities. Impersonation attacks (also known as 32-bits of information have to be appended to data
spoofing or masquerade attacks) can be repro- in flight in every routing device, a wily attacker
duced in various different ways. The most well- can use another option in the IP header options
documented impersonation procedures are: field (e.g. the Loose source routing that mandatory
defines a list of routers that should not be missed
 MAC address spoofing (Whalen), i.e. imperson- during routing), ‘‘invent’’ additional hops in the
ating of a user’s MAC address; path and fill the 40 bytes available for IP options
 IP spoofing (Bellovin, 1989), i.e. impersonating with false or misleading information.
of a user’s source IP address;
 application layer spoofing, i.e. impersonating
of a user’s identity. IP marking trace-back

As the results of several Distributed DoS attacks In order to counter the limitations mentioned in
indicate (Lemos, 2001), the attackers often use in- the previous paragraph many automated trace-
termediate hosts and networks (in order to obtain back mechanisms techniques have been developed
different routing paths) before launching an at- in order to enable routers to probabilistically mark
tack. Besides that, they may also use some inter- packets and therefore make the reconstruction of
mediate compromised hosts (known as stepping- the complete path easier (Savage et al., 2000;
stones) that act as conduits and change the essence Song and Perrig, 2001; Park and Lee, 2001).
of the attack process by using, for example, en- Mechanisms that rely on IP marking use very
cryption (Zhang and Paxson, 2000). The reconstruc- complicated mathematical algorithms in order to
tion of the attack path back to the attacker, who identify the origins of IP packets, especially of
has used one of the previously mentioned imper- the spoofed ones. These mechanisms have proved
sonation techniques, is not straightforward. There robustness, effective probability rates and e rela-
are many ways that the correct reconstruction of tively e scalable deployment. On the other hand,
On Incident Handling and Response: A state-of-the-art approach 363

they require that all traffic is in clear text, so an probability of generating iTrace packets (Savage
obvious issue arising is the compatibility with IPSec et al., 2000). An enhancement to Bellovin’s ap-
(Kent and Atkinson, 1998) or other network en- proach, known as the Intention-driven iTrace
cryption methods that prevent routing devices (Mankin et al., 2001), is based upon the addition
from appending marking information and achieve of one extra bit (called intention-bit) in the routing
trace-back. and forwarding process as well upon the function-
alities provided by the Border Gateway Protocol
ICMP-based trace-back (BGP) (Rekhter and Watson).

Apart from IP marking techniques, the research

community and the IETF are evaluating a series of IP tunneling trace-back
ICMP-based trace-back mechanisms. The current
IETF standard is the iTrace scheme proposed by The CenterTrack schema introduces the concept of
Bellovin (2003), which is based on the capability some special types of routers (called tracking
of routing devices to generate a ‘‘trace’’ packet routers (Stone, 2000)) that create an overlay net-
for every packet they forward (and marked for work (Fig. 4). These routers have a physical or vir-
tracing). Both the original and the ‘‘trace’’ packet tual adjacency with the edge routers of an
are collected at the destination host and the route autonomous system. In turn, all edge routers are
is reconstructed. The iTrace scheme supports linked to a central tracking router (or a simple net-
HMAC (US Department of Commerce, 2002) and work of tracking routers) via IP tunnels and create
the X.509 protocol for authenticating and evaluat- an overlay network. CenterTrack requires that all
ing the iTrace messages (Adams). In the current re- edge and tracking routers are able to perform
vision of the standard, the number of iTrace input debugging functions. If this is not the case
packets generated by a router is relatively small, the use of network ‘‘sniffers’’ for traffic analysis
resulting in a low overhead (statistically, around and attack pattern recognition is allowed. The
0.005%) (Mankin et al., 2001). However, this malicious traffic that is originally destined for the
scheme requires a significant amount of traffic victim is routed through the overlay network
from a small number of sources, due to the lower via dynamic routing protocols, thus initiating a

Figure 4 CenterTrack simplified.

364 S. Mitropoulos et al.

hop-by-hop tracking, starting from the router that system owner or security personnel breaks into
is closest to the victim. hnÿ1 to verify the origin of the connection, most
In the entire process, a significant number of often by using techniques used by attackers. He
static routes (both in the egress and the ingress then breaks into hnÿ2 until reaching h1, which is
routers closest to the victim) must be configured so the attacker’s machine. Apart from the ethics
that attack traffic flows explicitly through the and legal complications, this method does not in-
overlay network, while e at the same time e troduce important overheads like CIS and could
legitimate traffic is not intercepted. The last fact be possibly scalable to cross-administration do-
is quite complicated since in general it is very mains or even the Internet. However, considering
difficult to filter and reroute certain volumes of the current high-speed networks the manual pro-
traffic that match specific attack patterns. A cesses that have to be performed for every host
drawback of this model is that an attacker can traced make this approach non-applicable. How-
detect the presence of tracking systems by statis- ever, it has been reported that the US Air Force
tically measuring the observed latency via frag- uses this method (Wang et al., 2001).
mented packets sent to the victim during the
information gathering phase of an attack (McClure Application-based trace-back
et al., 2001), exactly the same way sniffing pro-
grams or IDSs are detected. Besides this, an at- A very recent and promising research effort in
tacker can cause a DoS to the CenterTrack automated intrusion response has resulted in the
(which is a single-point-of-failure). Last but not Intruder Detection and Isolation Protocol (IDIP)
least, if the attack target is the edge router itself (Schnackenberg et al., 2002; Feiertag et al.,
then the system would try to reroute traffic des- 1999) (Fig. 5). The IDIP is currently being scaled
tined to the edge router through this specific to multiple administration domains across the In-
edge router, resulting either to tunnel collapsing ternet, since it is featuring low cost integration
or to endless routing loops. An alternative sugges- with current intrusion detection techniques by
tion using the concept of an overlay network has adding new response mechanisms and algorithms.
been proposed by Baba and Matsuda (2002). IDIP is based on the Common Intrusion Specifica-
tion Language (CISL), developed by the Common
Host-based trace-back approaches Intrusion Detection Framework (CIDF), providing
a unified explanation of security incidents
Historically, the first trace-back mechanisms pro- (Feiertag et al., 1999).
posed aimed to identify the hosts that formed the Recent results have shown that the protocol is
connection path. The most accredited of these performing well and is integrating smoothly with
mechanisms are the Caller Identification System IDS systems within the DARPA research community
(CIS) and the Caller ID system that are briefly ex- (Schnackenberg et al., 2002). Although IDIP is cur-
plained in the following. CIS is a trace-back system rently supporting a minimal set (‘‘block’’ and
that intends to identify the attacker through the ‘‘allow’’) through the CISL, these actions can be
login process (Jung et al., 1993). Its operation re- performed against a variety of different objects
lies on the information exchanged during the login (e.g. users, applications, processes, connections,
process within the systems involved in a connection states, systems, etc.) so that the overall combina-
chain. So, when a user from host h1 connects to tion of responses provides a significant number,
system hn (n O 2) through some intermediate hosts therefore facilitating granular policy development.
(h2,.hnÿ1) the hn-th system recursively queries
the hnÿ1-st host about the login information.
Therefore, for every system where a user logs-in, Performing a forensics analysis
all previous login information is checked before ac-
cess is granted (or denied). Important drawbacks Further to the trace-back mechanisms that allow
of this concept are the rather outdated method the discovery of the host(s) that participated in
and the native vulnerabilities introduced by au- the attack, the overall goal of a forensics analysis
thentication techniques. Apart from that an impor- is to develop comprehensive techniques to mirror
tant overhead in the login process is added, which a computer host to an actual entity.
can detected by the attackers. Caller ID, proposed
by Staniford-Chen and Heberlein (1995) introduces Computer forensics
a manual trace-back in every intermediate host of
the connection chain. When an attacker connects Computer forensics is the science that is dealing
to system hn through h1, h2, h3,., hnÿ1, the with finding appropriate evidence in end systems
On Incident Handling and Response: A state-of-the-art approach 365

Figure 5 The IDIP architecture (Schnackenberg et al., 2002).

(probably both in the attacker’s and the victim’s to be able to stand in the Court of Law. Moreover,
machines). Computer forensics is about the ‘‘pres- it is even more difficult to explain to the Court of
ervation, identification, extraction, documenta- Law how the whole attack has been carried out.
tion and interpretation of computer data’’ (Kruse The latter makes the importance of using forensi-
and Heiser, 2002). The objective is to identify cally sound techniques and tools extremely impor-
the actual programs that were used during an at- tant, as a minor aberration can destroy all the
tack as well as to simulate the entire attack pro- previous efforts. Apart from computer forensics
cess. Apart from being an extremely difficult that have been extensively analyzed in scientific
task, since there are millions of files that should literature other important forensics techniques
be analyzed, this process requires a deep knowl- include network and software forensics.
edge of the underlying legal framework. In many
cases attackers are using spoofing techniques to Network Forensics
hide their original identity, thus misleading a for-
ensics expert. Last but not least, since internation- Network Forensics (also known as Internet foren-
al law is not harmonized the whole process can be sics (Berghel, 2003)) primarily deal with the data
driven to an endless loop. Computer forensics found across a network connection (mostly ingress
techniques require specialized software to analyze and egress traffic from one host to another). We
and correlate miscellaneous files and logs, so as to have to state that the major difference with the
provide the big picture of the security puzzle. Pos- automated trace-back mechanisms that were pre-
sible actions to identify sources of evidence in- sented in the previous section is the fact that Net-
clude (Berghel, 2003): work Forensics deal with the reconstruction of the
attack path long after an incident has been oc-
 decrypting files; curred, mostly for accountability reasons and
 decompressing data; legally-driven purposes. Furthermore, one major
 cracking passwords; difference with computer forensics is the actual
 bit stream imaging of hard disk volumes; data that both examine.
 analyzing Free & Slack Space of one or more While, on one hand, computer forensics deal
hard disks; with data that are to be found on a system after an
 examining actual applications files; incident has occurred (data that is easily cloned
 reconstructing the ‘swap-file’, etc. and therefore examined), Network Forensics anal-
yses ephemeral and volatile data logged through
We have to note that even if such an analysis specific security countermeasures (e.g. packet
may lead to the actual attacker, it is often difficult filters, firewalls, intrusion detection, etc.). The
to monitor these computer actions in such a way as tools and skills used for such an analysis are almost
366 S. Mitropoulos et al.

the same as the ones used by Internet hackers. It is A generic Incident Response process in
the ethics and purpose that make the difference. a corporate environment
Not surprisingly, Network Forensics evolved as
a response to the hacker community (Berghel, In this section a combination of the management
2003). In such an analysis, possible patterns of framework proposed in Fig. 1 along with the meth-
data for analysis can be found among others in: odology presented in Fig. 2 is attempted. We brief-
ly propose the necessary actions that have to be
 the firewall log files; taken in order to minimize the effects of a security
 the Host and Network Intrusion Detection Sys- incident along with the efforts that will lead to the
tems’ log file; source of the attack.
 other monitoring devices or software; In this context, it is very important not to
 the router log files; overlook the fact that an incident’s significance
 the users’ directory. is increasing as time passes (which is true for the
most of known security incidents). This parameter
Artificial Intelligence and Fusion techniques is called ‘‘escalation level’’ and usually falls within
that are used in order to speed up the whole one of the following e broad e categories:
process as well as assisting in reaching useful
conclusions have also been proposed (Nong  Level 0, where the operations are normal and
et al., 1998). Last but not least, a Network Foren- there is no evidence that a security incident
sics analysis should progress in parallel to comput- is occurring.
er forensics, if such a separation is desirable when  Level 1, where a threat is discovered and the
investigating a security incident. initial responses are taken.
 Level 2, where the threat is spreading and con-
Software forensics tainment actions are taken.
 Level 3, where the threat has become signifi-
An idea introduced in the early-90s by Spafford cant and containment along with recovery ac-
and Weeber is software forensics, i.e. tracing tions are taken.
code back to their author(s) (Spafford and
Weeber, 1992). Although this may seem extraor- The proposed process along with the necessary
dinary at a first glance, the concept relies upon actions of every Incident Response Contact is
special individual characteristics that can be depicted in Fig. 6, while it is briefly explained in
found in any computer program segment, like the following.
Language, Formatting, Special Features, Com-
ment Styles, Variable Names, Spelling and Gram- Escalation level 0
mar, Use of Language Features, Execution paths,
Metrics, etc. Obvious limitations include code re- The CSIRT usually monitors all known sources for
use, application changes and the amount of code possible security alerts. These sources can be logs
to be examined. However, one does not intend of any proactive or detective security counter-
to solely identify an attacker through using only measure (e.g. firewalls, Intrusion Detection Sys-
software forensics but expects to use them in tems, Syslogs), various security mailing lists,
collaboration with other forensic techniques. It web-sites of analysis centers, etc.
is worth noting that the problem of code authen-
ticity is also related to financial crime, copyright Escalation level 1
of digital media, patent protection and computer
viruses. Extensions on this concept include, Mi- When a threat is identified and categorized then
crosoft’s Authenticode, a technique also relying the corporate CSIRT documents the incident (usu-
upon the benefits of Public Key Cryptography ally through the Incident Reporting Form), deter-
(Microsoft Corporation), and code signing exten- mines possible initial actions and notifies the
sions introduced by Sun Microsystems’s Java Pro- Incident Response Capability Leader (IRCL). The
gramming Language version 1.1 (McGraw and IRCL has to approve the initial actions and alert the
Felten, 1999). However, we have to comment Help Desk if user actions are required.
on the fact that both these two techniques
have been developed under the prism of provid- Escalation level 2
ing assurance on the authenticity of a piece of
program rather than on providing accountability When the threat has become significant then the
attributes. IRCL notifies the CSIRT about the threat impact
On Incident Handling and Response: A state-of-the-art approach 367












Figure 6 An example Incident Response process.

and alerts the System and Network Administrators.  estimation of the damage/impact;
Then, in turn, the IRCL collects any reports from  all actions taken during the incident;
them and starts to collect evidence. The CSIRT  follow-up actions needed for the complete
determines the required containment actions (pos- elimination of the vulnerability;
sibly in cooperation with external Security Ex-  policies and procedures that need updating;
perts/Consultants) and reports all actions taken  further actions that are possibly needed;
to the IRCL. According to the incident’s effects,  possible electronic evidence that will be hand-
other Contacts can be possibly alarmed at this ed to the responsible senior manager;
stage (e.g. Corporate Investigations Group, Help  update of the Incident Response Capability
Desk, Legal Advisor, etc.). procedures.

Escalation level 3

When the threat is severe or widely spread then the

IRCL has to communicate with the Senior Manage- Open issues
ment to gain support for further actions that need
to follow (e.g. shut down of a specific system or The methodologies, mechanisms and measures
a network subnet). The CSIRT and administrators presented in the previous sections provide the
decide the containment and/or eradication actions ‘‘rich picture’’ on the current state of Incident
that will follow. In the entire process electronic Handling and Response. However, we have to state
evidence is collected and documented since the that all those practices are closely related to
management may decide to further investigate an corporate IT Systems and Networks, since these
incident through a forensics analysis. were the most usual attack targets until nowadays.
In the last few years, experiencing the internet-
Postincident analysis working capabilities provided by 3G and broadband
networks along with advances of E-Government
When the incident has been treated properly then and E-Commerce applications, there is a major
the IRCL has to set a post-mortem meeting with shift on the target of Internet attacks from corpo-
representatives from all involved parties and from rate systems to the ordinary Internet user. In this
the Senior Management where the following issues situation, the consequences vary from a single
will be addressed: system restore to identity theft implications. The
368 S. Mitropoulos et al.

latter often leads to an individual inexistence for Discussion and conclusions

many daily operations, as described above. Iden-
tity theft, as recent surveys show, is the scourge of In this paper we proposed a detailed management
our time (Harris Interactive, 2003), with nearly framework along with a complete structured
33.4 million individual victims in the US only. methodology for appropriately handling a security
Although the term is rather legal than technical incident, we presented the state-of-the-art tech-
(since if someone else is forging our personal nology in computer, network and software foren-
details they still belong to us), it refers to the un- sics as well as automated trace-back artifacts,
authorized manipulation of personal data found schemas and protocols and we proposed a generic
in public or private databases as the product of in- Incident Response process within a corporate
adequate security. For instance, personal data environment.
include name and surname, financial details, Responding to security incidents has always
home address, penal records, military obligations, been an important part in the science of Informa-
medical history, etc. These data can be found in tion Security. With our heavy reliance on com-
various public or private databases. Identity theft puters, networks and applications for nearly all
is not the same as a regular credit card fraud for sorts of daily operations a major concern arises:
when a credit card’s validity is cancelled the sce- privacy. Formal methodologies for Incident Re-
nario stops. In identity theft, an attacker can use sponse as well as forensics need to take into
a person’s details and manipulate them in detri- serious consideration the attribute of privacy.
mental ways. This type of attack is not a new one Furthermore, since new types of attacks arise
to Information Security. It has evolved throughout containing human intelligence and exploiting in-
the years from the simple impersonation and has tangibles, it seems that the time has come for the
reached this spread due to our heavy reliance on Incident Response to move towards the human
automated systems for financial, military, govern- factor. As we mentioned earlier, it is the human
mental and miscellaneous other applications as that lies in the heart of computer-based applica-
well as due to the existence of infrastructures tions: technology merely supports our interaction.
that support these operations (e.g. the Internet, Once again, we found ourselves in classic dilem-
3rd Generation Mobile Phones, etc.). Quoting D. mas concerning how to implant certain aspects of
Solove, ‘‘Identity Theft does not just happen. It our conceptual world, like trust and privacy, into
has been constructed’’ (Solove, 2004). technology and how to legally treat these aspects
Although technology seems to be the obvious when transformed to digital. We simply stress the
culprit in identity theft, since it is a reincarnation fact that a person’s rights for or against a computer
of a typical ‘masquerade attack’ widely reviewed forensics analysis are not clarified yet, while they
in the literature, it is mostly the (international) must be protected.
laws and policies that cause the difficulties in an The art and science of Information Security
efficient response. The legal framework concern- experiences tremendous advantages worldwide,
ing security in the storing and processing of many of the times due to the oxymoron of failures
personal data in IT Systems is not clear (if defined) or poor security design in several widely used
in many occasions. modern systems. Open issues, apart from respond-
The issue of how an entity should respond when ing to identity theft, include the responses to
a digital identity-related security breach occurs critical infrastructure security incidents that form
still remains open. To our knowledge, no formal a critical part in most of western societies, since
methodology has been proposed so far to underline late or false responses could have fatal results in
this specific issue in any Information Security case of information warfare.
Standard, RFC or best practice guide and we Incidents should be both proactively and reac-
hope this paper will encourage heavy research in tively addressed to counter against a launched
this area. Classic Incident Response methodologies attack. The road of response includes advances in
are of no use in this situation, since most of their automated trace-back mechanisms and all types of
internal distinct phases cannot be directly e or forensics is still in their early infancy. There seems
indirectly e applied. A classic dilemma that lies on to be a fertile ground for research. Industry, on
this is that incidents have to be prevented while one hand, is providing good tools and resources for
privacy should be safeguarded and guaranteed. analyzing, determining the source and technically
This could mean that many security products have responding to an incident. Academia, on the other
to be completely redesigned for functional, secu- hand, focuses upon the advances of Incident Re-
rity and individual privacy purposes. sponse providing analysis, coordination and further
On Incident Handling and Response: A state-of-the-art approach 369

research. Finally, governmental institutions are BSI. Information security management, BS7799, part 1: code of
obliged to treat all incidents with respect to practice for information security management; 1999.
CERT/CC. Security of the Internet [online]. Available from:
privacy and issue appropriate laws and directives.; August
The need for international cooperation of all 2003 [3/01/2005].
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