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Chapter 65

Gas, Plume, and Thermal Monitoring

Simon A. Carn
Department of Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences, Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI, USA

Chapter Outline 2.4.1. Ultraviolet Measurements of Volcanic

1. Introduction 1126 Gases 1135
2. Gas Measurements and Monitoring 1126 2.4.2. Thermal IR and Microwave Measurements
2.1. Principles 1126 of Volcanic Gases 1135
2.2. Direct/In situ Sampling of Volcanic Gases 1128 2.4.3. Ash and Aerosol Measurements 1140
2.2.1. High-Temperature Fumarolic Discharges 2.4.4. Satellite Sensor Synergy 1142
from Active Craters 1128 3. Thermal Measurements and Monitoring 1142
2.2.2. In situ Measurements of Volcanic Plumes 1128 3.1. Principles 1142
2.2.3. Soil Gas (CO2 Emissions) 1129 3.2. The Origin and Detection of Volcanic Thermal
2.3. Remote Sensing Measurements of Volcanic Gases 1130 Anomalies 1144
2.3.1. Ground-Based and Airborne Gas 3.3. Acquisition of IR Measurements 1145
Measurements 1130 4. Website Dissemination and Alert Systems 1146
2.3.2. UV Imaging Cameras 1132 5. Future Directions 1147
2.3.3. IR Spectroscopy 1132 Further Reading 1148
2.4. Satellite Remote Sensing of Volcanic Gases and
Aerosols 1133

GLOSSARY retrieval The derivation of the abundance (e.g., column amount) of

an atmospheric constituent (gas or particles) from spectra of
active remote sensing A remote sensing technique using an artificial electromagnetic radiation intensity.
source of electromagnetic radiation, typically mounted on the spatial resolution The ability of a remote sensing system to resolve
same platform as the detector (e.g., light detection and ranging objects or phenomena of a given spatial dimension.
[LiDAR] and radio detection and ranging [radar]). spectral resolution The ability of a remote sensing system to
atmospheric window A region of the electromagnetic spectrum with discriminate wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation.
high atmospheric transmission, usually exploited for remote spectroscopy The measurement of electromagnetic radiation in-
sensing of the Earth’s surface. tensity as a function of wavelength.
electromagnetic radiation Radiation comprising orthogonal electric stratosphere The layer of Earth’s atmosphere directly above the
and magnetic fields; its interaction with atoms and molecules in troposphere, extending up to w50 km above sea level (ASL),
matter is the basis of all remote sensing techniques. Travels at the characterized by stability (due to a temperature inversion above
speed of light, and can be transmitted through a vacuum. the tropopause) and the ozone layer.
fumarole A crack or fissure in a volcanic edifice through which thermal infrared The region of the EM spectrum corresponding
volcanic gases are emitted. to peak thermal emission from objects at terrestrial tempera-
hyperspectral Measurements providing contiguous coverage of a tures, extending from w4 to 15 mm wavelength, used for
region of the electromagnetic spectrum at high spectral resolution. remote sensing of several volcanic gases and volcanic
multispectral Measurements at discrete, non-contiguous channels at ash/aerosols.
specific wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum. troposphere The lowest, most dynamic layer of Earth’s atmosphere,
passive remote sensing A remote sensing technique that exploits containing 99% of its water vapor and extending to altitudes of up
natural sources of electromagnetic radiation (e.g., the Sun, ther- to 20 km ASL in the tropics, or 7 km ASL in polar regions. The
mal emission from the Earth or the atmosphere). top of the troposphere is the tropopause.
remote sensing The measurement of some property of an object, by ultraviolet The region of the EM spectrum whose major source is
an instrument that is not in physical contact with that object. solar radiation, extending from w10 to 400 nm wavelength, the

The Encyclopedia of Volcanoes. 1125

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1126 PART | VIII Eruption Response and Mitigation

300e400 nm band of which is used for remote sensing of sulfur (ground based, airborne, and space-borne), since the vast
dioxide (SO2), ozone, and reactive halogens. majority of volcanic gas, plume, and thermal monitoring
volcanic cloud A discrete body of volcanic gases and particles employs this technique. Although the theoretical principles
drifting in the atmosphere. of remote sensing remain essentially unchanged, the
volcanic degassing The separation or release of volcanic gases from
available technology and instrumentation for volcano
their magma source, preceded by exsolution of volatile species to
remote sensing, and available computational resources for
form bubbles. Often classified as passive (quiescent) or eruptive/
explosive. data processing and dissemination, have advanced greatly
volcanic plume A cloud of gases and particles entrained by the in recent years, permitting significant advances in mea-
prevailing wind but still attached to the volcanic vent at its source. surement automation and sensitivity, instrument portability
and data availability.


Eruptions are relatively rare in the life cycle of most vol- MONITORING
canoes. At any given time, most subaerial volcanic activity
occurring on Earth consists of persistent, passive emissions
2.1. Principles
of gases and aerosols, either in the form of focused gas The key role of volatiles in driving volcanic activity has
plumes from summit vents (e.g., Mt Etna, Italy) or as been appreciated since the early days of volcanology. At
diffuse emissions from fumaroles and volcano flanks the great depths (i.e., pressures) of basaltic magma gener-
(e.g., Vulcano, Italy), and thermal features associated with ation in the mantle, volatile species such as water (H2O),
the heat transported to the surface from depth by the carbon dioxide (CO2), and sulfur species (sulfur dioxide,
emitted gases. The ultimate origin of many volatile species SO2 and hydrogen sulfide, H2S) are completely dissolved in
in volcanic gas emissions, and surface geothermal mani- the melt. As magmas ascend to lower pressures, volatile
festations, is magma stored at depth beneath volcanoes, and solubility tends to decrease and volatiles begin to exsolve
volcanic emissions provide the only direct chemical link to from the melt and form bubbles, thus initiating the process
subsurface magma that could fuel eruptions. Volcanic gas, of magma degassing and lowering bulk magma density.
plume, and thermal monitoring is therefore one of the In low-viscosity basaltic magmas these bubbles, being less
linchpins of the tripartite approach to volcano surveillance dense than the surrounding melt, will typically rise relative
that typically also includes seismic and geodetic moni- to the melt and may escape continuously to the surface
toring, with the overarching goal of forecasting volcanic through fracture networks in the crust and/or the magma
eruptions. Furthermore, significant amounts of current column itself, or they may become trapped at some inter-
volcanological research are devoted to measuring, inter- mediate depth. If the gases escape to the surface, their
preting, and understanding the origins of temporal trends in detection and measurement, and variations over time, may
volcanic gas and heat emissions, and to developing new represent an eruption precursor and provide indications of
tools to quantify volcanic gas and heat fluxes (e.g., Kern the quantity, composition, and storage conditions (pressure,
et al., 2010a; Harris, 2013). temperature) of magma stored at depth. Gas release in a
In addition to the relatively benign or “passive” releases more sporadic, explosive manner in the form of rising gas
of volcanic gases described above, monitoring of volcanic pockets or slugs drives the classic Strombolian activity
clouds and plumes is also crucial during eruptions observed at many basaltic volcanoes (e.g., Stromboli,
(e.g., Surono et al., 2012). The large quantities of volcanic Italy).
gases and aerosols (e.g., volcanic ash) discharged during In higher viscosity, silicic magmas, exsolved bubbles
major explosive eruptions can have significant effects on may be unable to separate from the melt, or may do so
climate (e.g., the 1815 Tambora eruption), Earth’s atmo- much more slowly. In such cases there may be little or no
sphere, the natural and built environment, and the health of precursory release of gas prior to an eruption. As the bubble
humans and other living organisms. Airborne volcanic ash population increases, magma density decreases and this
is also a major hazard to jet aircraft, and accurate tracking drives magma ascent toward the surface. At sufficiently
of drifting volcanic ash clouds is essential for aviation high bubble fractions, the magma may fragment into a low-
safety (see Chapter 52). Remote sensing of volcanic gases density mixture of gas and melt fragments (e.g., ash and
and ash from the synoptic perspective of Earth-orbiting pumice) and accelerate rapidly upward as an explosive
satellites plays a key role in these efforts. volcanic eruption plume (or plinian eruption), instanta-
This chapter summarizes the state-of-the-art in volcanic neously releasing large quantities of volcanic gas. Alter-
gas, plume, and thermal monitoring, describing the sig- natively, if gas loss is permitted (e.g., through permeable
nificant advances in this field that have occurred in the past networks of bubbles or via collapse of bubble-rich foams),
decade. We focus on remote sensing from various platforms the resulting degassed melt may erupt nonexplosively in an
Chapter | 65 Gas, Plume, and Thermal Monitoring 1127

effusive eruption and form a lava dome or flow. Since will only reach the surface if a dry pathway is established.
volatile loss (particularly dewatering) impacts magma Prior to this, volatile species such as CO2 and H2S (along
rheology by increasing melt viscosity (by increasing melt with H2O of both magmatic and hydrothermal origin) may
polymerization and undercooling), which in turn impedes dominate in volcanic emissions. Thus, monitoring of mul-
subsequent degassing, there can be complex feedbacks tiple volatile species (e.g., CO2, SO2, H2S, HCl, and HF)
between degassing and magma ascent on various time- and their ratios is deemed more useful than surveillance of
scales. Monitoring volcanic gas emissions with high tem- a single species for prognostic purposes, particularly at
poral resolution (e.g., hourly and daily) can assist efforts to reawakening volcanoes.
recognize these processes and thus contributes to volcanic Apart from scrubbing, the other major factor that
hazard assessment. determines whether volatiles degassed from magma will
While their relative proportions depend on tectonic reach the surface is permeability. Volatiles may migrate
setting and magma composition, the major volatile species upward through the magma column as bubbles, or through
comprising volcanic gases are invariably H2O, CO2, sulfur fractures in the surrounding crust and volcanic edifice.
species (SO2, H2S), and halogen species such as hydrogen Broadly speaking, volcanic degassing regimes may be
chloride (HCl) and hydrogen fluoride (HF). In addition, characterized as open-system, where permeability is high
volcanic gases contain many other minor and trace com- and most exsolved volatiles can freely escape to the
ponents, such as hydrogen (H2), nitrogen (N2), the noble surface, or closed-system, where gas loss is impeded
gases helium (He) and argon (Ar), and trace metals (lead, (e.g., due to high melt viscosity or fracture sealing by
zinc, gold). The abundances or isotopic ratios of some of precipitates). In the latter case, high gas pressures may
these components (e.g., He) can be characteristic of the develop, possibly triggering an explosive release of trap-
volatile source region (e.g., crust vs. mantle), and therefore ped gas or an eruption. Transitions between open- and
of considerable diagnostic value. Although the details vary closed-system degassing may be recognized by moni-
and are beyond the scope of this chapter, CO2 is typically toring volcanic gas emission rates in conjunction with
the least soluble volatile species in magma, SO2 has in- other geophysical data (e.g., seismic data; Carn et al.,
termediate solubility, and water and the halogen species 2008).
(HCl, HF) are the most soluble. Among the sulfur species, Once released into the atmosphere as a volcanic
H2S is associated with higher pressures (i.e., greater depths) plume, the fate of volcanic gases is species-dependent.
and lower temperatures than SO2, and thus the former The complex atmospheric chemistry of volcanic plumes
(recognized by its characteristic “rotten egg” odor) is the is a major focus of current research. Understanding the
dominant sulfurous gas in fumarolic emissions at dormant depletion rates of volcanic gases is critical for accurate
volcanoes. SO2, on the other hand, is thermodynamically interpretation of remote sensing data collected at varying
favored in high-temperature magmatic gases at low pres- distances downwind of the emission source. Depletion of
sures, and thus predominates in eruptive gases and emis- volcanic gases can occur by dissolution in condensed
sions sourced from shallow magma reservoirs. For this water (SO2 and HCl are particularly soluble) and wet
reason, and because it is the easiest gas to measure using deposition, via gaseor aqueous-phase oxidation (e.g., SO2
remote sensing techniques (see below), most volcanic gas is oxidized to sulfate) and conversion to aerosol, or via dry
monitoring is focused on SO2. deposition in grounded plumes. Reactive halogen species
Another important attribute of volatile species is their (BrO, ClO) can be generated in volcanic plumes from
reactivity; the species that form strong acids (e.g., SO2, primary halogen species (e.g., HBr) via photochemical
HCl, and HF) are more water-soluble and susceptible to halogen-catalyzed ozone depletion reactions. Conversion
dissolution in hydrothermal fluids or groundwater of volcanic SO2 to sulfate aerosol, which has significant
(e.g., hydrolysis), whereas other volatile species (e.g., CO2, effects on shortwave (UVevisible) and long-wave (IR)
H2S, and noble gases) are more inert. Measurements of the radiation and hence can impact climate, is the most
latter are particularly important at “wet” volcanoes with important and well-understood atmospheric effect of
extensive hydrothermal systems, ground- or surface water, volcanic emissions (see Chapter 53). However, in the
for example tropical or glaciated volcanoes, volcanoes current era of climate change and rising anthropogenic
hosting crater lakes, or volcanic systems awakening after CO2 emissions there is a renewed interest in the relative
an extended period of dormancy. The depletion of magnitude of volcanic CO2 emissions, which are poorly
magmatic volatiles prior to emission via dissolution, constrained on a global scale. As discussed below, vol-
gasewater or gasewatererock reactions (forming pre- canic CO2 is challenging to measure using remote sensing,
cipitates) within the volcanic edifice is generally referred to but CO2 does have the advantage of being relatively inert
as “scrubbing.” SO2 is particularly prone to hydrolysis and and hence immune to the processes that can deplete other
disproportionation to sulfide (H2S), sulfur (S), or sulfate volatile species in volcanic gases, either prior to or after
(H2SO4), and hence SO2 degassed from magma at depth emission.
1128 PART | VIII Eruption Response and Mitigation

2.2. Direct/In situ Sampling of Volcanic volcanic plumes invariably begin to condense immediately
Gases upon emission. Cross-sensitivity to various gas species can
also be an issue with some detectors. The inevitable
2.2.1. High-Temperature Fumarolic Discharges degradation of sensors in the acidic environment of a
from Active Craters volcanic plume may also preclude long-term autonomous
Direct, in situ sampling of volcanic gases at the point of
Figure 65.1 shows an example of real-time multi-gas
emission remains the only technique capable of providing
observations of H2O, CO2, and SO2 applied to the fore-
the complete chemical and isotopic composition of volca-
casting of eruptions at Etna volcano (Aiuppa et al., 2007).
nic gases (after laboratory analysis of the collected sam-
The transition from normal, quiescent degassing behavior
ples). Gases are most commonly collected by inserting a
to explosive activity is presaged by an increase in the CO2/
titanium or glass tube into a fumarole and bubbling the
SO2 ratio, which is interpreted as the result of replenish-
gases through an evacuated bottle of alkali solution
ment of the volcanic plumbing system with CO2-rich
(NaOH), which absorbs the acidic gases and allows other
magma rising from depth.
species to collect in the headspace (the “Giggenbach bot-
In situ measurements of volcanic plumes can also be
tle” technique). The value of volcanic gas samples gener-
made by mounting sensors on piloted aircraft, unmanned
ally correlates with gas emission temperature, since hotter
aerial vehicles (UAVs), balloons, or kites and penetrating
emanations will be more representative of magmatic gases
the airborne gas plume aloft. In addition to gas mixing
and less contaminated by air or hydrothermal system
ratios, emission rates of SO2, CO2, and H2S can also be
interaction. The desire to sample the hottest and most
derived from airborne in situ measurements by flying gas
highly pressurized fumaroles within active craters renders
sensors in a ladder traverse across a volcanic plume. The
direct gas sampling inherently hazardous. Another draw-
resulting data are interpolated to produce a gas concentra-
back is the typically low temporal resolution of such
tion map, which is then integrated over the plume cross-
measurements, particularly at more active volcanoes or
sectional area and multiplied by wind speed to yield gas
those with less accessible craters and fumaroles. Further-
flux. Data collection typically takes at least w1 h and
more, the most abundant volcanic gas, H2O, can be difficult
therefore stable wind conditions are required in order to
to quantify due to condensation in the collection tube. For
avoid errors in the flux calculation, but in ideal conditions
further information on the collection and measurement of
such techniques are complementary to, and perhaps more
volcanic gases via direct sampling, the reader is referred to
accurate than, flux calculations derived from remote
Chapter 45 on “Volcanic Gases.”
sensing data.
Recently, several attempts have been made at in situ
2.2.2. In situ Measurements of Volcanic Plumes
volcanic plume measurements conducted from UAVs
Recent improvements in sensor technology have stimu- (e.g., McGonigle et al., 2008), and this is likely to
lated the development of portable sensor packages capable become more widespread in the future. The use of UAVs
of measuring concentrations of multiple gas species in for volcano monitoring is becoming more attractive due
volcanic plumes (H2O, CO2, SO2, H2S, HCl, HF, and H2), to the significantly reduced cost and risk, as well as
commonly termed Multi-gas sensors (e.g., Aiuppa et al., increased accessibility with lightweight, portable, low-
2007). These can be deployed on crater rims to sample cost UAVs now available, including relatively stable
young volcanic plumes as they begin to drift downwind, heli-, quad, or octo-copters. However, UAVs often require
permitting monitoring of gas ratios with high temporal experienced pilots, can be difficult to control in windy
resolution. In situ measurements are advantageous since conditions, and although becoming more affordable are
they yield actual mixing ratios (e.g., in parts per million or not yet truly expendable. Furthermore, widespread
ppm) of volatile species in volcanic plumes, which are adoption of UAVs (or unmanned aircraft systems, UAS)
often difficult to obtain from remote sensing data unless for volcano surveillance is likely to depend on regula-
the physical dimensions of the plume are known (see tions for their integration into national airspace shared
below). with manned aircraft, which will vary between nations.
Multi-gas packages typically incorporate a combina- At the extreme end of the UAV spectrum are platforms
tion of nondispersive infrared (NDIR) spectrometers (for such as NASA’s Global Hawk, which has a range of
CO2, CO, and H2O measurement), electrochemical sensors 11,000 nautical miles, a 32 h flight time, and can carry a
(for SO2, H2S, HCl, and HF), and semiconductor sensors 1500-pound payload, and could potentially be used to
(for H2). Quantification of H2O is most challenging since intercept and sample drifting volcanic clouds in remote
volcanogenic water must be distinguished from the large regions. Such in situ airborne measurements are valuable
background atmospheric water vapor abundance, and for validation of satellite remote sensing retrievals of
it can only be measured in the vapor phase, whereas volcanic gases.
Chapter | 65 Gas, Plume, and Thermal Monitoring 1129

FIGURE 65.1 (A) Time evolution of CO2/SO2 molar ratios in Etna’s central crater plume, measured by in situ multi-gas sensors. Right axis shows
estimated pressures (in MPa) evaluated by combining volcanic gas data with model results. Timing of 2004e2005 and 2006 eruptions are also shown.
(B) Detail of JuneeJuly 2006 period. Gray dots refer to composition of plume released at eruptive vent (right scale). LTdlocal time. (C) Detail of the
OctobereNovember 2006 period. Dark gray bars indicate timing of Strombolian events 2e9 that occurred at southeast summit crater (SEC). Reprinted
from Aiuppa, A., Moretti, R., Federico, C., Giudice, G., Gurrieri, S., Liuzzo, M., Papale, P., Shinohara, H. and Valenza, M., 2007. Forecasting Etna
eruptions by real-time observation of volcanic gas composition. Geology. 35 1115e1118, doi:10.1130/G24149A.1. Copyright 2007, with permission from
Geological Society of America.

immunity to assumptions about soil characteristics or the

2.2.3. Soil Gas (CO2 Emissions) flux regime (e.g., advective/diffusive). The main challenge
In addition to the conspicuous, focused volcanic emissions with such localized measurements is extrapolation to an
from summit crater plumes and fumaroles, volcanoes also entire volcanic edifice, with the usual approach involving
release significant amounts of gas (particularly CO2) multiple measurements to achieve a representative map-
through their flanks in the form of diffuse or soil gas ping of CO2 flux, followed by estimation of the total CO2
emissions. Since soil gases must traverse considerable release using interpolation algorithms. Floating accumu-
thicknesses of crust after release from magma reservoirs at lation chambers have also been deployed on volcanic lakes
depth, they are dominated by inert gases that are not to determine CO2 fluxes.
scrubbed by groundwater, such as CO2 and noble gases More recently, the micrometeorological eddy covari-
(He, Rn). The global volcanic flux of diffuse CO2 is poorly ance technique has been tested as a method to monitor
constrained but believed to be quite significant: perhaps diffuse volcanic CO2 emissions. EC derives the CO2 flux at
w25% of the total global subaerial volcanic CO2 flux from the surface from the covariance between fluctuations of the
passive crater degassing, diffuse degassing, and volcanic vertical component of the wind and the fluctuations of the
lakes (Burton et al., 2013). atmospheric CO2 concentration. The EC provides advan-
Several techniques have been used to quantify diffuse tage of being an automated, time-averaged, and area-
CO2 emissions. Direct methods include the accumulation integrated technique with a spatial scale significantly
chamber (or closed-chamber) method and eddy covariance larger (square meter to square kilometer) than that of the
or alternately eddy correlation (EC). The static accumula- accumulation chamber method. However, volcanic envi-
tion chamber method, originally used in agriculture to ronments may be too heterogeneous for EC application in
determine soil respiration, was adapted to measure volca- terms of the spatial and temporal variability of surface
nogenic soil CO2 emissions. An open-bottomed chamber of fluxes and surface morphology.
known volume is inverted on the surface and the increase in Diffuse CO2 degassing measurements require careful
CO2 concentration is measured; the initial rate of change of interpretation since CO2 fluxes are influenced by surface
the concentration is proportional to the CO2 flux. Advan- soil permeability and atmospheric pressure changes that
tages of the accumulation chamber method include can mask signals from deeper magma reservoir or conduit
1130 PART | VIII Eruption Response and Mitigation

degassing. Soil gas permeability is dependent on soil deuterium UV lamp to supply a source of the short-
moisture content; hence, tropical volcanoes are particularly wavelength UV radiation (0.2e0.25 mm) where H2S ab-
susceptible. sorbs. Active sensing techniques can be used to artificially
extend the optical path and detect volatile species present in
2.3. Remote Sensing Measurements very low concentrations (e.g., OClO).
Passive UV remote sensing typically uses scattered
of Volcanic Gases sunlight as the source of EM radiation, restricting the
The use of remote sensing to measure volcanic emissions technique to daylight hours, ideally under relatively cloud-
offers several advantages over direct sampling and in situ free conditions and low solar zenith angles (around local
measurements. Remote sensing is less hazardous, as data noon). It is often assumed that the solar UV radiation, after
can be collected from relatively safe distances, and data scattering by air molecules, follows a direct (i.e., straight)
can also be collected more rapidly, more frequently, and path through the volcanic plume. However, determination
over larger areas (e.g., an entire volcanic plume) than is of the actual UV optical path can be highly complex when
achievable with direct sampling. The principal drawbacks using a scattered light source due to multiple scattering of
of remote sensing are the limited range of volcanic vol- UV radiation by air molecules and aerosols (e.g., clouds)
atile species that can be reliably quantified, and that the either outside or within the volcanic plume. This can be a
technique yields integrated (or “column”) amounts of major source of error in UV remotely sensed measurements
gases along the optical path between the sensor and the of volcanic gases. Direct sun measurements, made by
source of EM radiation (i.e., gas mixing ratios cannot be pointing the sensor at the Sun, are also possible in the UV
determined unless the plume thickness is known). To be and circumvent the optical path problem since the path can
measurable by passive remote sensing, utilizing a nat- be deduced straightforwardly from geometric principles.
ural source of electromagnetic (EM) radiation (e.g., the Path-length issues are generally negligible in IR remote
Sun, skylight, or heat from an active volcanic vent), a sensing of volcanic gases due to less significant scattering
volatile species must satisfy several criteria: it must at the longer IR wavelengths.
absorb EM radiation in a waveband that provides
adequate signal at the Earth’s surface (usually in an 2.3.1. Ground-Based and Airborne Gas
atmospheric window with high transmittance), it must
be present in significant concentrations in the volcanic
plume (i.e., above detection limits), and its abundance in There have been significant advances in remote sensing
the ambient atmosphere surrounding the plume must be technology since the adoption of the UV correlation spec-
low (or ideally, zero). The two most commonly exploited trometer (COSPEC) for ground-based SO2 measurements
wavebands for passive remote sensing of volcanic gases in the late 1960s. The COSPEC is a bulky, analog “black
are the ultraviolet (UV) band (wavelengths of w0.3e0.4 box” instrument that provides accurate SO2 measurements
mm; Figure 65.2) and the infrared (IR) band (wavelengths under certain conditions but provides scant opportunity for
of w2e10 mm; Figure 65.2). data reprocessing or evaluation of radiative transfer effects
The only major component of volcanic plumes that on the measurements. In the past decade, the COSPEC has
usually satisfies the above criteria is SO2, which has strong been largely superseded by compact fiber-optic UV spec-
absorption bands in the UV (at w310e340 nm; trometers that record continuous spectra at high spectral
Figure 65.2) and IR (at w4, w7.3 and w8.6 mm; resolution in the UV wavelength range (Galle et al., 2003).
Figure 65.2), and low ambient concentrations away from These spectrometers can be deployed in exactly the same
pollution sources (e.g., power plants and metal smelters). configurations as the COSPEC: by traversing beneath a
Minor volatiles quantifiable by passive remote sensing volcanic plume by road, sea, or air to obtain a plume cross-
include CO, HCl, HF, halogen oxides (bromine monoxide section, or by scanning the sensor field of view (FOV)
(BrO), chlorine monoxide [ClO], and chlorine dioxide through a plume horizontally or vertically from a stationary
(OClO)), carbonyl sulfide (OCS), and nitrogen dioxide position. However, the significant reduction in physical
(NO2). Notably, the most abundant volcanic gases (H2O size, cost, and power consumption of miniature UV spec-
and CO2) are notoriously difficult to measure by remote trometers relative to a COSPEC has also permitted novel
sensing due to their high atmospheric abundance applications such as walking traverses (using a helmet-
(w1e4 vol% and w400 ppmv (parts per million by vol- mounted spectrometer), UAV deployment, and automated
ume), respectively), although this problem can be sur- scanning spectrometer networks (e.g., to ensure that vol-
mounted by maximizing concentrations of volcanic gases canic plumes can be measured autonomously under mul-
in the optical path, or via active remote sensing using an tiple wind direction regimes). Dual-beam and dual-FOV
artificial source of EM radiation. The latter technique has spectrometer configurations have also been developed in
also been used to measure volcanic H2S emissions, using a a bid to reduce the largest source of error in SO2 flux
Chapter | 65 Gas, Plume, and Thermal Monitoring 1131

FIGURE 65.2 The electromagnetic spectrum

showing regions where remote sensing of gases
and particles is possible, and typical levels of
atmospheric transmission (black line). Top
panel: Ultraviolet (UV), visible, and near
infrared (NIR) part of the spectrum indicating
regions where gases absorb and the locations of
the bands used by various satellite instruments
(Table 65.1). The region between 280 and
340 nm (0.28 and 0.34 mm) is used by several
satellite instruments to measure volcanic SO2.
Middle panel: The middle infrared part of the
spectrum. Water vapor and CO2 have major
absorption bands, but there are gaps where
remote sensing of the surface to detect volcanic
hot-spots is possible. Thermal alerts generated
by satellites are useful early indicators of vol-
canic unrest. Bottom panel: The TIR part of the
spectrum from w5e20 mm wavelength. There
are important absorption bands of SO2 in this
region that are routinely used to measure this
gas. This is also the principal region used to
measure ash particles in the atmosphere.
Figure courtesy of Fred Prata, NILU.
1132 PART | VIII Eruption Response and Mitigation

measurements, which is invariably the determination of UV cameras provide two-dimensional images of volcanic
plume speed (usually assumed to equal the wind speed at plumes, and when collected at high temporal resolution
plume altitude). In turn, these developments have stimu- (1 Hz is typical) such imagery can be used to visualize
lated the deployment of autonomous spectrometer net- plume dynamics and obtain plume speed information,
works at a greater number of degassing volcanoes (e.g., the which is required for SO2 emission rate calculations. Hence
Network for Observation of Volcanic and Atmospheric SO2 emission rates can be measured at high temporal
Change or NOVAC project (Galle et al., 2010)) and are resolution, permitting correlation with other geophysical
improving our knowledge of global volcanic SO2 emission data such as seismic or infrasound measurements
rates. (e.g., Figure 65.3).
Reduction of UV spectrometer data typically utilizes Disadvantages of UV cameras are that they have low
the differential optical absorption spectroscopy (DOAS) spectral resolution, since wavelengths must be selected
technique, widely used in the atmospheric science com- using relatively broadband filters that cannot resolve the
munity, and capable of retrieving path amounts of SO2, detailed spectral variation of the SO2 absorption cross-
BrO, ClO, OClO, and NO2 from UVevisible spectra of section. This also necessitates calibration, either using
volcanic plumes. DOAS exploits the characteristic narrow- SO2 gas cells of known concentration or using independent
band UVevisible absorption structures of trace gas mole- spectral information from a co-aligned UV spectrometer.
cules, and hence requires measurements at high spectral Hybrid techniques such as Imaging-DOAS (I-DOAS)
resolution. Retrievals can be performed in real-time circumvent the calibration issue by physically scanning one
using current laptop computers, and collected spectra can row of a 2D CCD array across an FOV to form an image
be archived and reprocessed using improved retrieval (with one CCD dimension acquiring spectral information
algorithms. Corrections for radiative transfer effects while the other acquires vertical spatial information), per-
(e.g., multiple scattering) can also be implemented using forming a DOAS trace gas retrieval for each scan incre-
DOAS measurements, improving the accuracy of volcanic ment, at the expense of temporal resolution. Despite the
SO2 retrievals (e.g., Kern et al., 2010b). disadvantages of UV cameras, the potential insights into
UV spectrometers are also deployed on aircraft to plume dynamics and volcanic conduit processes (such as
measure SO2, although the cost of aircraft time usually gas accumulation and release) provided by UV cameras,
prohibits routine airborne plume surveillance, except in and their increasing affordability, have stimulated major
remote regions where it may be the only option. Airborne interest in these instruments among the volcano remote
plume traverse measurements of SO2 with UV spectrom- sensing community.
eters can also be combined with in situ measurements UV camera technology for volcanological applications
(e.g., CO2 and H2S) to derive fluxes of other volcanic gases. continues to improve, with more sensitive back-thinned
Currently, this technique is probably the most robust for CCDs now available that increase the signal-to-noise in
measuring volcanic CO2 fluxes (which cannot be readily UV camera imagery, along with systems lacking mechan-
quantified using remote sensing techniques), since airborne ical shutters with higher frame rates and longer lifetimes.
SO2 measurements have the advantage of proximity to the Calibration using a co-aligned spectrometer is likely to
volcanic plume, minimizing the effect of light dilution remain the best approach for SO2 retrieval from UV camera
between the plume and the instrument. Airborne mea- imagery, due to the limitations on filter bandwidths and the
surements of volcanic CO2 emissions from Kilauea have trade-off between spectral resolution and signal-to-noise
also been achieved by measuring IR transmission through (narrower filter bandwidth reduces the number of photons
the volcanic plume with the AVIRIS hyperspectral transmitted). These advances render UV cameras more
radiometer. suitable for long-term autonomous operation, and many
volcano observatories will likely incorporate UV cameras
into their monitoring networks over the coming decade to
2.3.2. UV Imaging Cameras
measure SO2 emissions.
A more recent development in UV volcanic plume remote
sensing has been the adoption of UV imaging cameras for
2.3.3. IR Spectroscopy
SO2 measurements. Although the concept of volcanic
plume imaging was first posited some time ago, only Although UV spectroscopy is more commonly used for
recently has appropriate UV imaging hardware become remote sensing of volcanic plumes, IR spectroscopy offers
readily available. Originally designed for astronomical several key advantages. It can be used by day or night, and
observations, commercially available UV cameras utilize many volcanoes inherently provide a strong, natural source
charge-coupled devices (CCDs) that provide sensitivity at of IR radiation (e.g., a hot vent, lava lake, or lava flow) that
UV wavelengths where SO2 absorbs radiation. The can be exploited for measurements. Nonvolcanic natural
advantage over conventional UV DOAS techniques is that sources of IR radiation, such as direct solar radiation from
Chapter | 65 Gas, Plume, and Thermal Monitoring 1133

FIGURE 65.3 (A) Ultraviolet (UV) camera imagery of variable gas emissions from two vents at Fuego volcano, Guatemala, prior to an explosion. Times
are UTC on 21 January 2009; (B) Example of an ash-rich explosion plume (w450 m in height above summit); (C) UV camera SO2 emission rates from
Fuego on 21 January 2009 (circles) and low-frequency 10 s average seismic amplitude (RSAM; black line). Note the strong correlation between these
high-frequency datasets, with a slight temporal offset between them (x-axes are offset by 32 s to compensate for overall lag). From Nadeau et al. (2011).

the Sun or reflected solar radiation from clouds or the deployment at volcanoes, with thermoelectric or Stirling-
Moon, or artificial sources (e.g., an IR lamp), can also be cycle detector cooling available to avoid the use of liquid
used. The Fourier-Transform IR (FTIR) spectroscopy nitrogen. Most existing FTIR volcanic gas data have been
technique permits simultaneous measurement of several collected during short field campaigns at degassing vol-
important volcanic gas species, including H2O, CO2, SO2, canoes. However, in 2008 a remote-controlled FTIR in-
HCl, and HF, providing valuable constraints on gas ratios, strument was installed at the summit of Stromboli volcano
which can be diagnostic of the pressure (i.e., depth) of (Italy), to permit more frequent measurements of volcanic
origin of volcanic gases (e.g., Allard et al., 2005; gas ratios (e.g., SO2/CO2 and SO2/HCl) in emissions from
Figure 65.4). The usual requirement for FTIR measure- individual vents on the volcano’s crater terrace. Measure-
ments is that the volcanic gas be at a lower temperature than ments have shown systematic increases in CO2/SO2 ratios
the source of background IR radiation, so that gas abun- prior to major explosions at Stromboli, and are thus valu-
dance can be determined using principles of absorption able for hazard assessment. Imaging FTIR instruments,
spectroscopy, which is always the case for solar occultation which collect both spectral and spatial information, are also
FTIR measurements. Since volcanic gases cool rapidly to available but remain prohibitively expensive for most vol-
sub-magmatic temperatures upon emission, these condi- cano monitoring applications, although their use may in-
tions are also usually satisfied when observing gas emis- crease in the future.
sions against a background of lava lakes (e.g., Figure 65.4),
lava fountains, or hot vents. Alternatively, an artificial
source of IR radiation such as an IR lamp can be employed 2.4. Satellite Remote Sensing of Volcanic
in active-mode FTIR spectroscopy. Volcanic gases can also
be observed in emission, e.g., against a cloudy or clear-sky
Gases and Aerosols
background at a lower temperature, although in these cases The first satellite measurements of SO2 emitted by explo-
absolute radiometric calibration of the FTIR using a sive volcanic eruptions, made by the Total Ozone Mapping
blackbody radiation source is essential. Spectrometer (TOMS) instrument in the 1970s, provided a
Although FTIR spectrometers may never be as compact new perspective on volcanic degassing. The large quantities
as fiber-optic UV spectrometers, reasonably rugged of SO2 released in some cases, such as the w20 Tg
and portable FTIR instruments are available for field measured after the 1991 eruption of Pinatubo (Philippines),
1134 PART | VIII Eruption Response and Mitigation

FIGURE 65.4 Top: Fourier-Transform infrared (FTIR) spectrometer measurements at Nyiragongo volcano (DR Congo) in June 2007. The active lava
lake in the central pit crater, at magmatic temperatures, acts as the source of infrared radiation for the FTIR spectrometer (white box in foreground).
Volcanic gases cool rapidly to near-ambient temperatures upon emission, permitting measurement via infrared absorption spectroscopy. Bottom: Tem-
poral evolution of volcanic gas amounts and ratios measured by FTIR during and after the 14 June 2000 lava fountain at Etna (Sicily). Upper plot shows a
time series of measured path amounts of volcanic gases (left-hand log scale), together with volcanic tremor amplitude (right-hand scale, RD indicates
reduced displacement, in cm2) as an indicator of eruption intensity. Lower plot shows the evolution of SO2/HCl and HCl/HF ratios (left-hand scale) during
and after the fountaining, and evolution of the radiating source temperature retrieved from FTIR spectra (right-hand scale). Note the higher SO2/HCl ratio
during the fountaining phase, indicative of a deeper gas source. Left and center dashed lines indicate the onset of bursts of lava overflowing the upper south
crater rim; right dashed line indicates end of explosive activity. From Allard et al. (2005).
Chapter | 65 Gas, Plume, and Thermal Monitoring 1135

often vastly exceeded petrological estimates of degassing volcanic SO2 clouds in the upper troposphere and lower
and spawned new research into the origin of this “excess stratosphere (UTLS; e.g., Figure 65.6; also see related
sulfur.” Space-borne SO2 measurements also facilitated multimedia content), and hence quantify volcanic SO2
more quantitative studies of the effects of volcanic emis- emissions on a broader scale than was previously possible.
sions on the Earth’s atmosphere and climate, the latter of Although reconciling ground-based and satellite measure-
which are largely due to sulfate aerosol derived from SO2. ments of volcanic SO2 emissions has proved challenging
Satellite sensors remain the only viable means to detect and at some volcanoes (likely due to the significant spatial
monitor emissions from remote or unmonitored volcanoes, averaging of volcanic plumes in satellite observations),
or from volcanoes in eruption that are too hazardous for these measurements are providing improved constraints on
ground-based or airborne surveillance. Over the past two the spatial and temporal variability of volcanic degassing
decades, satellite remote sensing has evolved from a tool (e.g., Carn et al., 2013). They can also be used in
used exclusively to study large volcanic eruptions to one conjunction with other geophysical datasets to gain insight
that can also be used to monitor passive volcanic degassing into volcanic processes, even when ground-based SO2
of SO2 and small eruptions, and thus plays a greater role in measurements are unavailable (e.g., Figure 65.7).
routine volcano monitoring (e.g., Carn et al., 2013). The UV satellite measurements of volcanic SO2 clouds in
increased sensitivity to volcanic SO2 is the result of im- the UTLS are very robust, and sensitive instruments such as
provements in the spectral and spatial resolution of OMI, OMPS, and GOME-2 can detect SO2 emissions from
satellite instruments. a wide range of eruption magnitudes. One constraint on
eruption detection is timing: since UV measurements are
2.4.1. Ultraviolet Measurements of Volcanic daytime only and at specific overpass times (Table 65.1),
nighttime eruptions may not be captured if SO2 discharge is
low and disperses before the following day (but IR sensors
Like suborbital UV remote sensing, satellite UV mea- measure at nightdsee below). Some of the largest SO2
surements use scattered sunlight as a radiation source and releases measured over the past decade have been from
are predominantly used to measure volcanic SO2, but the Kasatochi in August 2008 (w2 Tg), Sarychev Peak (Kurile
reactive halogen species BrO and OClO have also been Islands) in June 2009 (w1 Tg), and Nabro (Eritrea) in June
detected in volcanic clouds after some large eruptions 2011 (w3e5 Tg; Figure 65.6), although the proportion of
(e.g., Kasatochi in 2008 and Puyehue-Cordón Caulle in SO2 reaching the stratosphere (where it has most impact on
2011; Theys et al., 2014). Since solar UV radiation at climate) varies between eruptions. The Nabro eruption was
longer wavelengths (>0.31e0.32 mm) is not absorbed by notable as the pattern of atmospheric SO2 dispersion after
O2 and O3 in the upper atmosphere, it is transmitted to the initial injection led to suggestions that the Asian
Earth’s surface, providing sensitivity to volcanic SO2 at low Monsoon anticyclonic circulation played a role in lofting
altitudes (i.e., passive degassing) in the absence of thick the gas into the stratosphere, rather than direct injection
overlying meteorological clouds. The increase in atmo- above the volcanic vent, although the relative significance
spheric transmission of UV radiation with wavelength has of these processes remains unclear. However, it does
also been exploited to retrieve the altitude of volcanic SO2 highlight other potential pathways for tropospheric volca-
directly from UV satellite measurements, rather than nic SO2 to enter the stratosphere and impact climate. In
inferring cloud height indirectly (e.g., by comparing cloud addition to these relatively large SO2 emissions (although
drift with winds aloft). Constraining SO2 altitude is crucial none approach the 1991 Pinatubo SO2 loading), there have
for climate modeling and aviation hazard mitigation. been regular injections of w0.1e0.3 Tg SO2 into the UTLS
Four UV TOMS missions provided a near-continuous, from smaller eruptions. Recently it has been posited that
long-term record of volcanic SO2 emissions from major these frequent, small injections may play an important role
eruptions between 1978 and 2005. There are currently three in maintaining the stratospheric sulfate aerosol layer at
operational, polar-orbiting UV satellite sensors continuing above-background levels, partly offsetting the warming
this long-term record: the Ozone Monitoring Instrument effects of tropospheric greenhouse gases.
(OMI) on NASA’s Aura satellite, the Global Ozone
Monitoring Experiment 2 (GOME-2) on MetOp-A/B, and 2.4.2. Thermal IR and Microwave Measurements
the Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite (OMPS) aboard
of Volcanic Gases
Suomi-NPP (Table 65.1). OMI, GOME-2, and OMPS are
hyperspectral instruments, providing higher spectral (and Numerous thermal IR (TIR) satellite sensors also have the
in the case of OMI, spatial) resolution than the multi- capability to measure volcanic SO2 (Table 65.1;
spectral TOMS. This allows OMI, GOME-2, and OMPS to Figure 65.2), including multispectral instruments
detect lower tropospheric volcanic SO2 plumes released by (e.g., MODIS, ASTER, SEVIRI, HIRS, and VIIRS) and
passive degassing (e.g., Figure 65.5), in addition to hyperspectral sounders (e.g., AIRS, IASI, and CrIS). The
TABLE 65.1 Currently Operational (June 2014) and Near-Future Satellite Missions with Volcanic Plume/Thermal Monitoring Capabilities

Volcanic Features Overpass
Satellite1 Sensor(s)1 Launch Date Monitored2 Time (Local)3 Spatial (nadir)4 Temporal5 Websites6

Polar-orbiting (LEO)
NOAA-15 AVHRR/3 13 May 1998 Hot spots, ash 7:30 am 1 km Daily USGS:
HIRS/3 UTLS SO2 18 km Daily
Landsat 7 ETMþ 15 Apr 1999 Hot spots 9:45 am 15e60 m 16 days Landsat science: http://landsat.gsfc.nasa.
NASA Terra MODIS 18 Dec 1999 Hot spots, SO2, 10:30 am 250 me1 km 2  daily MODVOLC: http://modis.higp.hawaii.
ASTER ash, aerosols 15e90 m 16 days edu/
MISR Hot spots, SO2, 250e275 m 9 days AVA:
MOPITT ash, aerosols 22 km MISR at JPL:
Ash/gas plumes NCAR:
NASA EO-1 ALI 21 Nov 2000 Hot spots 10:00 am 10e30 m 16 days USGS:
Hyperion Hot spots 30 m 16 days
NASA Aqua MODIS 4 May 2002 Hot spots, SO2, 1:30 pm 250 me1 km 2  daily MODVOLC: http://modis.higp.hawaii.
AIRS ash, aerosols 13.5 km 2 days edu/
UTLS SO2, ash, SACS:

NASA Aura OMI 15 Jul 2004 SO2, BrO, OClO, ash 1:45 pm 13  24 km wDaily NASA:
MLS UTLS SO2, HCl, CH3Cl 1.5  3 16 days

 300 km
NOAA-18 AVHRR/3 20 May 2005 Hot spots, ash 1:30e2:30 pm 1 km Daily USGS:
HIRS/4 UTLS SO2 10 km Daily
CALIPSO CALIOP 28 Apr 2006 Ash/aerosol cloud 1:31 pm 333 m 16 days
altitude (horizontal)

Eruption Response and Mitigation

CloudSat CPR 28 Apr 2006 Hydrometeors, ash 1:31 pm 1.5 km 16 days
EUMETSAT GOME-2 19 Oct 2006 SO2, BrO, OClO, ash 9:30 am 80  40 km wDaily SACS:
MetOp-A IASI SO2, H2S, CO, ash, 12 km 2  daily
AVHRR/3 aerosols 1 km Daily php
HIRS/4 Hot spots, ash 10 km Daily
NOAA-19 AVHRR/3 6 Feb 2009 Hot spots, ash 1:30e2:30 pm 1 km Daily USGS:
HIRS/4 UTLS SO2 10 km Daily
Chapter | 65
NASA/NOAA OMPS 29 Oct 2011 SO2, ash 1:30 pm 50 km Daily NASA:
Suomi NPP VIIRS Hot spots, SO2, ash 375e750 m 2  daily
CrIS UTLS SO2, ash, 14 km Daily
EUMETSAT GOME-2 17 Sep 2012 SO2, BrO, OClO, ash 9:30 am 80  40 km wDaily SACS:
MetOp-B IASI SO2, H2S, CO, ash, 12 km 2  daily

Gas, Plume, and Thermal Monitoring

AVHRR/3 aerosols 1 km Daily php
HIRS/4 Hot spots, ash 10 km Daily
Landsat 8 OLI, TIRS 11 Feb 2013 Hot spots, ash 10:00 am 15e100 m 16 days USGS:
NASA OCO-2 2 Jul 2014 CO2 1:15 pm 1.3  2.3 km 16 days
ESA Sentinel-2 MSI 2014 Hot spots 10:30 am 10e60 m 5 days
ESA Sentinel-5 TROPOMI 2015 SO2, BrO, 1:35 pm 7  7 km Daily
precursor OClO, ash html
Geostationary (GEO)
EUMETSAT MVIRI 9 Feb 1997 Hot spots n/a 2.5e5 km; 30 min
Meteosat-7 57 E
CMA FY-2E S-VISSR 19 Oct 2004 Hot spots, ash n/a 1.25e5 km; 30 min
105 E
EUMETSAT SEVIRI 22 Dec 2005 Hot spots, n/a 1e3 km; 9.5 E 5 min
Meteosat-9 ash, SO2
HotVolc: http://www.obs.univ-
JMA MTSAT-2 Himawari-7 18 Feb 2006 Hot spots, ash n/a 1.25e5 km; 30 min
145 E
CMA FY-2D S-VISSR 15 Nov 2006 Hot spots, ash n/a 1.25e5 km; 30 min
87 E
GOES-14 (E) Imager 27 Jun 2009 Hot spots, ash n/a 1e4 km; 1 min
75 W
GOES-15 (W) Imager 4 Mar 2010 Hot spots, ash n/a 1e4 km; 1 min
135 W
KMA MI 26 Jun 2010 Hot spots, ash n/a 1e4 km; 10 min
COMS-1 128 E


TABLE 65.1 Currently Operational (June 2014) and Near-Future Satellite Missions with Volcanic Plume/Thermal Monitoring Capabilitiesdcont’d
Volcanic Features Overpass
Satellite1 Sensor(s)1 Launch Date Monitored2 Time (Local)3 Spatial (nadir)4 Temporal5 Websites6

CMA FY-2F S-VISSR 13 Jan 2012 Hot spots, ash n/a 1.25e5 km; 30 min
113 E
EUMETSAT SEVIRI 5 Jul 2012 Hot spots, ash, SO2 n/a 1e3 km; 0 15 min
JMA MTSAT Himawari-8 2014 Hot spots, ash, SO2 n/a 0.5e2 km; 2.5 min
145 E
GOES-R ABI Early 2016 Hot spots, ash, SO2 n/a 0.5e2 km; 30 s
75 /137 W
L1 Lagrange libration point
NOAA DSCOVR EPIC 2015 SO2, ash n/a 8 km; sunlit 90 min
Earth disk dscovr.html
Satellite and sensor acronyms: NOAA: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; NASA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration; EO: Earth Observing; CALIPSO: Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared
Pathfinder Satellite Observations; EUMETSAT: European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites; NPP: National Polar-orbiting Partnership; ESA: European Space Agency; CMA: China Meteorological
Administration; FY: Feng-Yun; JMA: Japan Meteorological Agency; MTSAT: Multi-functional Transport SATellite; GOES: Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite; KMA: Korean Meteorological Administration;
COMS: Communication, Ocean, and Meteorological Satellite; DSCOVR: Deep Space Climate ObserVatoRy; AVHRR: Advanced Very High-Resolution Radiometer; HIRS: High-resolution Infrared Radiation Sounder; ETM:
Enhanced Thematic Mapper; MODIS: MODerate resolution Imaging SpectroRadiometer; ASTER: Advanced Space-borne Thermal Emission and Reflection radiometer; MISR: Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer;
MOPITT: Measurements Of Pollution In The Troposphere; ALI: Advanced Land Imager; AIRS: Atmospheric InfraRed Sounder; OMI: Ozone Monitoring Instrument; MLS: Microwave Limb Sounder; CALIOP: Cloud-Aerosol
LIdar with Orthogonal Polarization; CPR: Cloud Profiling Radar; GOME: Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment; IASI: Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer; OMPS: Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite; VIIRS:
Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite; CrIS: Cross-track Infrared Sounder; OLI: Operational Land Imager; TIRS: Thermal Infrared Sensor; OCO: Orbiting Carbon Observatory; MSI: Multispectral Imager; TROPOMI:
TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument; MVIRI: Meteosat Visible and Infrared Imager; S-VISSR: Stretched Visible and Infrared Spin Scan Radiometer; SEVIRI: Spinning Enhanced Visible and InfraRed Imager; MI: Mete-
orological Imager; ABI: Advanced Baseline Imager; EPIC: Earth Polychromatic Imaging Camera.
Only those phenomena that can be monitored quantitatively are listed (i.e., visible imaging of volcanic plumes is excluded).

Only the daytime overpass of each satellite is given. Infrared sensors also collect data at night.
Spatial resolution typically varies between spectral bands.
The maximum temporal resolution is listed. Some LEO spacecraft/sensors are pointable (e.g., NASA’s EO-1, Terra/ASTER), which can increase temporal resolution. Note that geostationary imagers typically have a nominal
temporal resolution of 15e30 min, but higher resolution is possible in special observation modes (e.g., GOES Super Rapid Scan).
URLs provided are single examples of sites where instrumental datasets (if available) can be viewed or accessed. Note that website URLs are subject to change but were active at the time of writing.

Eruption Response and Mitigation

Chapter | 65 Gas, Plume, and Thermal Monitoring 1139

latter provide higher sensitivity to SO2, though spatial

resolution is also a factor. The TIR sensors complement UV
instruments by measuring at night and by offering different
sensitivity to SO2. Unlike in the UV, the main factor gov-
erning detection of SO2 in the IR is the temperature dif-
ference, or thermal contrast, between the SO2 layer and the
background (which could be the ground surface or a layer
of meteorological clouds). All other factors being equal, IR
sensitivity to SO2 increases with thermal contrast, thus it
tends to peak for volcanic clouds located at the cold-point
(or thermal) tropopausedusually the coldest level of the
atmosphere. Detection of SO2 at high altitudes can be
compromised when it is viewed against a cold background
(e.g., polar regions; strong temperature inversions; and so
on) due to the lack of thermal contrast. The other major
constraint on IR SO2 measurements is water vapor abun-
dance, particularly when the 7.3 mm absorption band of
SO2 is exploited, due to reduced atmospheric transmission
in this region of the EM spectrum (Figure 65.2). However,
FIGURE 65.5 Composite OMI SO2 and reflectivity image of the
SO2 can be quantified using this waveband if the gas is
southwest Pacific region on April 23, 2006. In this single image, tropo-
spheric SO2 plumes can be discerned issuing from seven volcanoes (from located in the UTLS, above the lower tropospheric peak in
north to south): Anatahan (CNMI), Manam (PNG), Ulawun (PNG), water vapor concentration. Combined use of the three IR
Bagana (PNG), Tinakula (Solomon Islands), Aoba (Vanuatu), and SO2 absorption bands (n1 at w8.6 mm, n3 at w7.3 mm,
Ambrym (Vanuatu). From Carn et al. (2013). and n1þn3 at w4 mm) can provide constraints on SO2
altitude owing to their distinctive vertical sensitivity.
Detection of passive volcanic degassing in the IR is

FIGURE 65.6 Cumulative SO2 column amount (note logarithmic color scale) measured by OMI in the Nabro volcanic cloud from June 10 to
July 15, 2011.
1140 PART | VIII Eruption Response and Mitigation

10 300 as volcanoes and power plants. This can be achieved by

Seismic event counts

250 pointing the sensor at the emission source, with the goal
8 200 of filling the w10 km diameter FOV with emitted CO2 to
OMI SO2 mass [kilotons]

150 maximize the signal. NASA’s recently launched Orbiting

100 Carbon Observatory 2 (OCO-2; Table 65.1) offers even
6 50 greater potential for volcanic CO2 detection due to its
0 smaller footprint (1.3  2.3 km). Although neither
OMI SO2 mass
4 LP GOSAT nor OCO-2 provide adequate temporal resolution
VT or spatial coverage to be effective volcano monitoring
EXP tools, such measurements will certainly improve con-
2 HT
straints on the sources and sinks of CO2.
Beyond the TIR region, the microwave region of the
0 EM spectrum is also used to measure volcanic gases. The
May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct
Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) on NASA’s Aura satellite
Month of 2005
detects thermal microwave emission from Earth’s limb
FIGURE 65.7 OMI SO2 burdens (lower panel) and seismic event counts (looking horizontally through the atmosphere instead of
(upper panel; courtesy of the Instituto Geofı́sicoeEscuela Politécnica
Nacional (IGeEPN), Ecuador) for Reventador volcano, Ecuador in
downward in the nadir direction) by scanning vertically
MayeSeptember 2005. Seismic events shown are long-period (LP), from the surface to w90 km altitude. MLS can measure
volcano-tectonic (VT), hybrid (HB), explosion signals (EXP), harmonic vertical profiles of volcanic SO2 and HCl (and potentially
tremor (HT), and spasmodic tremor (SP). Note the anticorrelation between other species such as CH3Cl) after volcanic eruptions,
OMI SO2 and seismicity, indicating alternation between open- (elevated provided that the gases reach the UTLS or above
SO2; low seismicity) and closed-system (low SO2; elevated seismicity)
degassing at Reventador. From Carn et al. (2008).
(e.g., Figure 65.8).

2.4.3. Ash and Aerosol Measurements

possible using 8.6 mm data, but requires high spatial reso-
lution (e.g., MODIS or ASTER; Table 65.1). The eruption of the relatively obscure (at the time)
An advantage of the TIR is that several other volcanic Eyjafjallajökull volcano in southeast Iceland in April
gas species exhibit absorption features in this spectral band, 2010 was a landmark event in volcanology. The eruption,
in addition to SO2 (Figure 65.2). Although more chal- although modest in magnitude, produced ash-rich vol-
lenging, and hence less common than SO2 retrievals, such canic plumes that had a major impact on aviation in
measurements provide unique constraints on the budgets of Europe and subsidiary effects worldwide. Although the
other volcanic volatile species. Recently, H2S has been volcanic ash hazard to aviation was recognized by the
detected and quantified in volcanic plumes from Kasatochi scientific community prior to 2010, the economic impact
and Grimsvötn (Iceland) using the IASI instrument of the Eyjafjallajökull eruption arguably brought the
(Clarisse et al., 2011), providing the first direct observa- issue to worldwide public attention for the first time,
tions of the abundance of this important sulfur species in and also gave renewed impetus to studies involving
explosive eruption clouds. IASI and MOPITT (Table 65.1) volcanic ash measurements and monitoring. Ash is usu-
also detected volcanic CO in the emissions from Grimsvötn ally a minor component of tropospheric volcanic
(in 2011) and Eyjafjallajökull (in 2010); the first time CO plumes and effusive eruption clouds, but ash concentra-
of volcanic origin has been detected from space (Martinez tions can be very high in fresh explosive eruption
et al., 2012). clouds, especially in the first few hours after emission.
Arguably the most useful volatile species to measure, For a detailed discussion of volcanic ash hazards to
from the standpoint of eruption forecasting, would be aviation, and current remote sensing techniques used to
CO2, but volcanic CO2 is among the most challenging detect volcanic ash in the atmosphere, the reader is
gases to detect using satellite remote sensing due to the referred to Chapter 52 on “Volcanic Ash Hazards to
high atmospheric background (w400 ppmv), which Aviation.”
dominates the signal. Even at the strongest volcanic CO2 Aerosols such as volcanic ash, desert dust, and smoke
sources, such as Etna, the volcanic CO2 anomaly may be absorb UV radiation (the principal UV-absorbing com-
<10 ppm above the background close to the crater, ponents in ash and dust are iron oxides), while sulfate
imparting stringent demands on the precision and aerosol, sea salt, and ice crystals are only weakly
accuracy of satellite CO2 measurements. The Japanese absorbing; thus UV satellite measurements can be used to
Greenhouse Gases Observing Satellite (GOSAT) mission, detect, quantify, and characterize atmospheric aerosols.
launched in 2009, carries one of the first satellite sensors However, satellite-based ash detection more commonly
with the capability to detect CO2 from point sources such utilizes TIR wavelengths at w11 and 12 mm in the
Chapter | 65 Gas, Plume, and Thermal Monitoring 1141

FIGURE 65.8 Vertical profile through the stratospheric volcanic cloud produced by the eruption of Kelud (Java) in February 2014, observed by sensors
in NASA’s A-Train satellite constellation at 18:13 UTC on February 13, just w2 h after the eruption. The central image shows a vertical profile of aerosols
observed by the CALIOP lidar on CALIPSO (532 nm total attenuated lidar backscatter); the volcanic umbrella cloud (at w18e19 km) and two levels of
overshooting top (at 22e26 km) are clearly apparent. The horizontal white line is the tropopause. Red stars indicate AIRS SO2 brightness temperature
differences (BTDs; restricted here due to cloud opacity preventing SO2 detection in the TIR over much of the cloud). White crosses denote an atmospheric
temperature profile from the Surabaya-Juanda rawinsonde sounding at 00Z on February 14. Above the CALIOP image are collocated stratospheric SO2,
HCl, and IWC (ice water content) retrievals from Aura/MLS at several pressure levels (in hPa, indicated top left). The MLS data show clear signs of
stratospheric injection of SO2 and HCl, with SO2 detected as high as 31 mb (equivalent to an altitude of w23e24 km, which is consistent with the
CALIOP data).

“split-window” technique, based on the inverse wave- techniques (e.g., LiDAR and radar) provide very accurate
length dependence of ash and water/ice cloud absorption altitude information. The 2006 launch of the Cloud-
in the TIR. Numerous operational, polar-orbiting, and Aerosol Lidar with Orthogonal Polarization (CALIOP)
geostationary multispectral IR satellite sensors possess aboard the CALIPSO satellite, and the Cloud Profiling
the TIR window channels required to detect volcanic ash Radar (CPR) aboard CloudSat (Table 65.1), into NASA’s
(e.g., AVHRR, GOES, SEVIRI, MTSAT, and MODIS; polar-orbiting A-Train spacecraft constellation was a
Table 65.1), and these data can also be used to quantify major boon to volcanological remote sensing. CALIOP
ash column abundance and determine ash concentrations can provide vertical profiles of particles (including ash,
if cloud thickness is known. Hyperspectral IR sensors sulfate, and hydrometeors) in volcanic clouds
such as IASI and AIRS can be used to identify the (e.g., Figure 65.8), although the chances of sampling
characteristic spectral signatures of ash and other aerosol fresh volcanic clouds are slim owing to LiDAR’s poor
particles (e.g., sulfate) and determine the composition of spatial coverage. CPR is a millimeter-wavelength radar
airborne particles. This was demonstrated after the that is sensitive to water/ice particles in clouds and pre-
rhyolitic eruption of Chaitén volcano (Chile) in 2008 cipitation, and also coarser volcanic particles such as
(Gangale et al., 2010). ash aggregates. Working in concert, CALIOP and CPR
The most critical factor determining the impact of a can yield information on particle abundance, phase
volcanic eruption on climate or aviation is plume alti- (e.g., liquid or solid) and size in volcanic clouds, in
tude. Direct measurements of ash or gas altitude using addition to cloud altitude and thickness. The latter can be
passive UV/IR remote sensing techniques are possible used to calculate concentrations of SO2 and ash in vol-
but inherently imprecise, whereas active sensing canic clouds.
1142 PART | VIII Eruption Response and Mitigation

2.4.4. Satellite Sensor Synergy sensing measurements in the TIR rely on the detection of
electromagnetic radiation emitted by the target, and the
Since a single satellite has a limited payload of sensors, theoretical bases of all such measurements are the radiation
obtaining coincident measurements at multiple wave- laws (Planck, StefaneBoltzmann, and Wien). Planck’s law
lengths and/or using multiple techniques requires coordi- defines the relationship between the absolute temperature
nated observations from a group (or constellation) of (T) of a body and the emitted spectral radiance (with units
spacecraft flying in close formation along the same orbital of power per unit area per unit solid angle per unit
track. NASA’s A-Train (, which wavelength, e.g., W m2 sr1 mm1; Figure 65.9), which is
currently contains the OCO-2, GCOM-W1, Aqua, CALI- the fundamental quantity measured by IR sensors, though it
PSO, CloudSat, and Aura satellites (Table 65.1), is the is usually converted to an equivalent brightness tempera-
largest such constellation in operation. Several A-Train ture (by inverting Planck’s law). Integrating Planck’s law
sensors make near-coincident (within w15 min) observa- with respect to wavelength yields the StefaneBoltzmann
tions of volcanic cloud constituents, including OMI, MLS, (or Stefan’s) law (F ¼ sT4; where s is the Stefane
AIRS, MODIS, CALIOP, and CPR (Table 65.1). Boltzmann constant), which defines the total power per unit
Combining data from these sensors has yielded new insight area (F; W m2) emitted by a blackbody at temperature, T,
into the composition and vertical distribution of gases and and stresses the very strong temperature dependence of the
particles in volcanic clouds. A spectacular example of emitted energy. Differentiating Planck’s law once with
A-Train observations following the February 2014 eruption respect to wavelength yields Wien’s law (lmaxT ¼ 2898),
of Kelud (Java, Indonesia) is shown in Figure 65.8. Satellite which defines the important inverse relationship between
constellations such as the A-Train represent a new para- temperature and the peak wavelength (lmax) of thermal
digm for remote sensing of dynamic phenomena such as emission. Planck’s law curves (Figure 65.9) have a char-
volcanic eruptions, and will likely be replicated in the acteristic shape, with a sharp decline in spectral radiance at
future. shorter wavelengths, a peak (defined by Wien’s law) and a
Other potential satellite sensor synergies exist between slower decline toward longer wavelengths. Planck’s and
geostationary and polar-orbiting (or Low Earth Orbit; LEO) Wien’s law tell us that active lava at magmatic temperatures
satellites. Most current satellite measurements of SO2 are (w700e1300  C or 1300e2400  F; e.g., uncrusted lava
made from LEO spacecraft (Table 65.1). The only geo- lakes, or flows) can emit significant amounts of radiation at
stationary sensor currently capable of measuring volcanic
SO2 is the IR SEVIRI on the Meteosat satellites observing
Europe and Africa, whereas most geostationary in-
struments can detect volcanic ash (Table 65.1). Future
IR SO2 measurements from geostationary platforms 105 1200 K
600 K
(e.g., Himawari-8, GOES-R ABI; Table 65.1) will offer 300 K
greater temporal resolution (w15 min) than current LEO 104 Mixed pixel
Spectral radiance (W m−2 sr−1 µm−1)

Reflected solar
data, and cover East Asia and the Americas, both regions Wien’s law

with significant volcanic activity. The availability of mul- 103

tiple sources of satellite SO2 measurements is useful for
sensor intercomparisons and validation. For volcanic SO2, 102
the total mass measured using different LEO sensors has
been observed to differ by more than a factor of two, owing 101
to different instrument characteristics, sampling, and
algorithms. 100

3. THERMAL MEASUREMENTS AND 0.1 0.3 1 2 3 4 10 20 100
Wavelength (µm)
FIGURE 65.9 Spectral radiance (W m-2 sr-1 mm-1) from blackbodies at
3.1. Principles a range of temperatures (300, 600, and 1200 K) as a function of wave-
length (mm), calculated using Planck’s law. Mixed pixel represents the
Volcanoes can be prodigious sources of heat, and remote radiance from a sub-pixel sized area of active lava (0.03% of the pixel at
thermal surveillance from the ground, air, or space using 1100  C) within a background at ambient temperatures (15  C). The
Reflected solar curve shows the reflected solar radiance for a surface
the shortwave IR (SWIR), mid-IR, and TIR regions of the
reflectivity of 10%. Spectral radiance maxima from blackbody radiators lie
EM spectrum is one of the most effective and widely used along the Wien’s law curve. Gray bands indicate commonly exploited
volcano monitoring techniques, largely superseding in situ atmospheric windows in the SWIR (w1.6 mm, 2e2.5 mm), mid-IR (MIR,
temperature measurements using thermocouples. Remote 3e4 mm), and TIR (8e13 mm) spectral bands.
Chapter | 65 Gas, Plume, and Thermal Monitoring 1143

visible wavelengths, thus explaining the red-orange glow of radiance will be an area-weighted sum of the radiance from
freshly erupted lava. each thermal component. This effect depends on the spatial
Wien’s law also indicates that, in order to achieve resolution of the sensor (w10 me1 km; Table 65.1), sat-
maximum sensitivity to the full range of ambient to ellite viewing geometry (which varies from day-to-day) and
magmatic surface temperatures, sensor channels in a range the nature of the target. Typically, with the exception of
of TIR wavebands are preferable. Since water vapor and major effusive eruptions, features at magmatic tempera-
clouds strongly attenuate TIR radiation, sensor channel tures occupy very small fractions of the instrument IFOV,
placement is largely dictated by the presence of atmo- although the profuse spectral radiance from such bodies
spheric windows where transmission of radiation is highest. permits their detection even for very small fractional areas
Some of the most commonly exploited SWIR, mid-IR, and (e.g., Figure 65.9). A further advantage of 3.7 mm mid-IR
TIR windows are at wavelengths of w1.6 mm, 2e2.5 mm, data is its sensitivity to high-temperature features of sub-
3e4 mm, and 8e13 mm (Figure 65.2, Figure 65.9) and most pixel extent, even in a 1 km AVHRR pixel, due to the
IR satellite instruments have channels in at least one of strong thermal emission in this waveband (Figure 65.9,
these spectral regions. Due to its proximity to the peak Figure 65.10; e.g., Steffke and Harris, 2011). For example,
emission from high-temperature targets, and sensitivity to Figure 65.9 shows the significant increase in spectral
rising temperatures relative to longer wavelength channels, radiance at 3.7 mm due to a sub-pixel sized area of active
the mid-IR channel at w3.5e4 mm (e.g., on the AVHRR lava covering only 0.03% of the pixel. Combining mid-IR
and GOES Imager) is among the most useful wavebands for data with TIR measurements less sensitive to high tem-
volcano monitoring (e.g., Figure 65.10), particularly at peratures (e.g., at 11 mm) in “dual-band” techniques per-
nighttime when reflected solar radiation (which can be mits quantitative analysis of the spatial extent of hot
significant at wavelengths of 4 mm; Figure 65.9) is absent volcanic features, though the solution becomes better
(e.g., Harris, 2013). constrained when data at multiple wavebands are available.
An important consideration in IR remote sensing, However, since satellite sensors are not optimized for the
particularly from satellite platforms, is the “mixed pixel” exceptional temperatures encountered in active volcanic
effect. In volcanic observations, the instrument’s Instanta- contexts, sensor saturation is a common problem and this
neous Field of View (IFOV) will typically contain surfaces prohibits quantitative analysis. The AVHRR 3.8 mm chan-
at a range of temperatures, and the emitted spectral nel saturates at pixel-integrated temperatures of w325 K,

FIGURE 65.10 Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) digital elevation model (DEM) mosaic of the Kamchatka Peninsula and selected TIR
(3.55e3.93 mm) Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) data. All images are north oriented to top, scale bar is in  C, and satellite image
numbers are noted at bottom. (A) Google Earth image showing Klyuchevskaya group. (B) Thermally elevated pixels at summit of Bezymianny.
(C) Thermally elevated pixels at Kliuchevskoi. (D) Contemporaneous thermal activity at both volcanoes. From van Manen and Dehn (2009).
1144 PART | VIII Eruption Response and Mitigation

unsaturated data over a wider range of high-temperature

targets than 3e4 mm channels. However, the strong re-
flected solar radiation contribution can easily mask any
volcanic signal in daytime 1.6 mm data (Figure 65.9), so
observations at this wavelength are best made at night.
A further advantage of nighttime data is that any spectral
radiance recorded at 1.6 mm can be attributed entirely to
volcanic phenomena since, in contrast to the 3e4 mm
waveband, thermal emission from surfaces at ambient
temperatures is negligible at 1.6 mm (Figure 65.9). Hyper-
spectral imagers providing 100s of contiguous channels
(e.g., NASA’s EO-1 Hyperion; Table 65.1) provide the best
opportunity for unsaturated data and detailed thermal
characterization of volcanic surfaces (e.g., lava flow cool-
ing; Figure 65.11), though saturation can still be an issue.

FIGURE 65.11 Heat flux (due to radiational and convective heat loss) 3.2. The Origin and Detection of Volcanic
from an ‘a‘a lava flow erupted from Nyamuragira volcano, Democratic
Republic of Congo, observed by NASA’s EO-1 Hyperion sensor on 21
Thermal Anomalies
May 2004. North is down. The height of each colored column is propor- The range of thermal features present on a volcanic
tional to the heat flux and a logarithmic color scale has been applied. From
Wright et al. (2010).
edifice can include fumarole fields with temperatures
slightly above background, warm crater lakes, hot vents
heated by emitted gases, and active lava lakes, flows, or
although some sensors (e.g., MODIS) mitigate the impact domes (e.g., Figure 65.10, Figure 65.11, Figure 65.12,
of saturation by including channels with larger dynamic Figure 65.13). TIR monitoring techniques are employed to
ranges to record higher temperatures. At shorter wave- detect surface manifestations of volcanic unrest, such as
lengths, a 1.6 mm channel (e.g., available on AVHRR, increased fumarole or vent temperatures due to magma
ASTER, MODIS, Landsat ETMþ, and OLI) can provide ascent from depth. They are also used in a more

FIGURE 65.12 Landsat 8 satellite imagery showing thermal anomalies due to lava in the summit crater of Shishaldin volcano, Alaska, on March 18 and
27, 2014. Image courtesy of Alaska Volcano Observatory/US. Geological Survey (created by David Schneider). URL:
Chapter | 65 Gas, Plume, and Thermal Monitoring 1145

FIGURE 65.13 The photograph shows the surface of the active lava lake at Erta’Ale (Ethiopia) in November 2006. The inserts are thermal camera
images of the lava lake collected in February 2001, March 2003, December 2005, and November 2006. The thermal images reveal details of the lake
surface such as incandescent cracks, crustal plates, and bursts of hot gas bubbles at hot spots. U and D mark the locations of the upwelling and
downwelling margins, respectively. From Spampinato et al. (2011).

quantitative way to determine the spatial extent of active emissivity, atmospheric attenuation, and other factors; thus
lava flows or lakes, or to estimate lava effusion rates during interpretation of trends can be challenging. High spatial
effusive eruptions (e.g., Harris et al., 2007). resolution sensors (e.g., Landsat ETMþ, OLI, and TIRS;
The principal goal of thermal surveillance is the ASTER; Table 65.1) provide more detailed characteriza-
detection of volcanic thermal anomalies (e.g., Steffke and tion of volcanic thermal features (e.g., Figure 65.12), but
Harris, 2011), though quantitative analysis is also desirable. less frequently (and sometimes at significant cost), hence
Effective space-based monitoring systems should permit integration of these observations with high temporal reso-
detection of active volcanism on kilometer scales or lution data is the best approach. Identification of long-term
smaller, and provide repetitive, frequent observations trends in heat flux is generally more valuable than mea-
(requiring use of low spatial, high temporal resolution data) surements of absolute temperature and thermal distribu-
with low noise and at low cost. As described above, tions at any given time (e.g., van Manen and Dehn, 2009).
detection of small volcanic heat sources can be very
effective and timely using night-time mid-IR
(e.g., 3e4 mm) band data from high temporal, and low-to-
3.3. Acquisition of IR Measurements
moderate spatial resolution sensors such as AVHRR, Remotely sensed IR data can be collected from the ground,
GOES, or MODIS (Figure 65.10; e.g., Harris, 2013). The air, or space. Airborne IR surveys of active volcanoes using
use of operational meteorological satellites (e.g., NOAA’s aircraft-mounted sensors are uncommon and not discussed
Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites further here. Ground-based and airborne IR measurements
(GOES) and Polar-Orbiting Environmental Satellites are now predominantly made using thermal cameras, which
(POES)) offers the additional benefits associated with as- capture a 2D image rather than the single spot measurement
sets designed to monitor weather conditions, that is, 24/7 collected by an IR radiometer. Detector technology for
operations and near real-time (NRT) data availability. thermal cameras has greatly improved in recent years, with
However, temporal variations in spectral radiance (or most devices using either a focal plane array (FPA) of
derived pixel brightness temperatures) can rarely be IR-sensitive pixels or microbolometers (whose resistance
unambiguously attributed to volcanic processes, due to the depends on the intensity of incident radiation). FPAs can
modulating effects of variable IFOV size, viewing geom- operate at cryogenic or ambient temperatures, and micro-
etry, meteorological cloud cover, solar radiation, surface bolometers are uncooled, but cooled detectors are more
1146 PART | VIII Eruption Response and Mitigation

sensitive due to lower noise levels (e.g., IR emission from Kamchatka. Useful synergies can be exploited between
the detector itself). However, uncooled sensors are more high spatial, low temporal resolution data (e.g., from AS-
compact, less expensive and require less power, and are TER or Landsat), which permit detailed thermal charac-
usually adequate for monitoring high-temperature volcanic terization of volcanic features, and more frequent
targets. Currently available portable thermal cameras overpasses by low-to-moderate spatial resolution assets
operate in either the 3e5 mm or 7.5e13 mm wavebands (e.g., AVHRR and MODIS) for timely hot-spot detection.
(Figure 65.9), and offer variable image resolution This synergy is also exploited in autonomous spacecraft
(640  480 or 1024  1024 pixels) and sampling rates observing systems such as NASA’s Volcano Sensor Web
(60e132 Hz). Temperatures of up to 2000  C can be (VSW), which monitors volcanic activity alerts from
measured, thus avoiding saturation when imaging active diverse sources (e.g., satellite-based hot-spot detection,
lava and permitting quantitative analysis, although surface volcanic ash advisories, and in situ monitoring networks)
emissivity is often unknown (but can usually be assumed to and uses them to trigger data acquisition by the ALI and
be close to unity). As for satellite instruments, the use of the Hyperion sensors aboard the EO-1 spacecraft (Table 65.1).
3e5 mm and 7.5e13 mm wavebands is primarily due to the The VSW has been successfully implemented in several
high atmospheric transmission in these spectral regions volcanic crises (e.g., Nyamulagira in 2006 and Eyjafjalla-
(although volcanic gases such as SO2 and water vapor do jökull in 2010), often pre-empting manual triggering, and
absorb some radiation at these wavelengths) and their collecting valuable observations that would not otherwise
proximity to radiance maxima from bodies at magmatic be made (e.g., Davies et al., 2013).
and ambient temperatures, respectively (Figure 65.9).
While most thermal cameras used for volcano monitoring
are broadband instruments, it is also possible to equip TIR 4. WEBSITE DISSEMINATION AND ALERT
imaging cameras with multiple narrow band (0.5e1.0 mm)
spectral filters, rotated sequentially into the camera FOV
with a filter wheel, to select specific wavelengths for A major advance over the past decade has been the
measurements of SO2 and volcanic ash. increasing dissemination of remote sensing data via the
Owing to their portability, low power requirements and Internet, particularly satellite measurements. There are now
relatively low-cost, thermal cameras and analogous in- numerous websites providing publicly available satellite
struments have been employed in a broad range of volcano measurements of SO2, volcanic ash, and TIR hot-spots
monitoring applications (e.g., Ramsey and Harris, 2013). (e.g., MODVOLC, SACS, and HotVolc; Table 65.1). In
These include thermal mapping of hydrothermal areas and addition to the worldwide expansion of the Internet, mobile
fumarole fields, imaging active lava flows and domes, devices, and increased computational power, a major driver
visualizing convective motion on the surface of lava lakes for the development of these services has been the need to
(e.g., Figure 65.13), analyzing the dynamics of Strombolian issue timely warnings of drifting volcanic clouds to avia-
eruptions, measuring lava effusion rates, lava flow velocity tion. Rapid growth, and interest, in web-based volcanic SO2
and cooling rates, and deriving plume rise speeds. Regular and ash services has occurred since the volcanic ash crisis
thermal surveys can be used to detect changes in temper- caused by the April 2010 eruption of Eyjafjallajökull
ature related to subsurface magma migration. Lava effusion (Iceland), although many existed beforehand and the vol-
rates are a critical parameter for lava flow hazard mitiga- canic ash hazard to aviation (see Chapter 52) has been
tion. Remote measurement of effusion rates requires recognized for several decades. TIR hot-spot monitoring
several assumptions, resulting in significant errors, but websites have also been operational for some time, the
results comparable to field data have been obtained. most widely used of which is the MODVOLC system
Numerous space-borne sensors collect TIR data at driven by MODIS data (;
varying spatial, spectral, and temporal resolution and at Wright et al., 2004).
different overpass times (e.g., AVHRR, Landsat ETMþ, The time latency of the data presented on these websites
MODIS, ASTER, SEVIRI, GOES, EO-1 ALI, Hyperion, (i.e., the delay between data acquisition on the spacecraft
and VIIRS; Table 65.1; Figure 65.10, Figure 65.11, and display on the website) varies, and although many
Figure 65.12). TIR sensor channel locations are dictated by services aim to provide data in “‘near real-time” (NRT), the
the presence of atmospheric windows (Figure 65.2), hence delay can be a few hours for a polar-orbiter. Many satellites
channels at 3e4, 11 and 12 mm are ubiquitous, permitting offer direct broadcast (DB) capabilities, where satellite data
detection of volcanic hot-spots. The large number of space- can be received directly at a ground receiving station as the
borne TIR datasets provides useful redundancy for opera- spacecraft flies overhead, rapidly processed and displayed
tional volcano monitoring, and high temporal resolution within w5e30 min, and a few systems exploit this capa-
even from LEO satellites, especially in high-latitude vol- bility (e.g., the OMI/OMPS Satellite Measurements from
canic regions such as Alaska, the Aleutian Islands, and Polar Orbit (SAMPO) service:
Chapter | 65 Gas, Plume, and Thermal Monitoring 1147

html; NASA’s Direct Readout Laboratory: https:// last National Research Council’s Earth Science Decadal Receiving stations are Survey for launch in the 2020 timeframe, will provide 60 m
mostly located at high latitudes to maximize the “visibility” spatial resolution and 5 days revisit time in the TIR. In the
of polar-orbiting satellites. Even these low latencies are nearer term, the NASA/NOAA DSCOVR mission (Table
arguably not rapid enough to enable a jet aircraft traveling 65.1) will offer the prospect of volcanic SO2 measurements
at cruising speed to divert around a fresh volcanic eruption from the unique perspective of the L1 EartheSun Lagrange
cloud, but capabilities are improving. (or libration) point at 1.5 million kilometers from Earth,
Several websites also offer eruption “alerts,” based on where the gravitational forces of the Sun and Earth are
TIR, SO2, or volcanic ash measurements. Typically, an alert balanced. Positioning a satellite at L1 permits a continuous
is issued if the detected radiance, or SO2 or ash abundance view of the sunlit hemisphere of the Earth.
exceeds a predefined threshold, although the latter are often The next decade is also likely to see an increased focus
set at low levels in order to capture both small and large on quantifying CO2 emissions from space, including the
eruptions. Alerts based on SO2 data may also be triggered volcanic contribution. Motivation for this includes the need
by periods of vigorous volcanic degassing, in the absence to better quantify the global volcanic budget of deep car-
of an eruption. The provision of timely, accurate eruption bon, and understand the role of volcanic degassing of
alerts, with no false alarms, is a desirable but challenging greenhouse gases in climate change. Several imminent or
goal (e.g., Steffke and Harris, 2011), and more accurate planned satellite missions, such as NASA’s OCO-2, JAXA’s
alert thresholds could perhaps be derived from data mining GOSAT-2, and ESA’s CarbonSat, will offer the potential to
and analysis of prior satellite measurements of eruptions. measure volcanic CO2 emissions from space, although this
In addition to satellite measurements, real-time or NRT is never likely to become as routine as volcanic SO2 mea-
web-camera (webcam) imagery from many volcanoes can surements due to the challenges of detecting the volcanic
now be accessed online, usually via volcano observatories. CO2 signal (a few ppmv) against the atmospheric back-
Webcams typically operate at visible wavelengths, ground (w400 ppmv). It will likely be restricted to the
providing qualitative monitoring of volcanic gas and ash strongest volcanic CO2 degassing sources, such as Mt.
plumes and weather conditions. Visible wavelength cam- Etna, major eruptions notwithstanding. High spatial reso-
eras are ineffective at night unless very high-temperature lution (w1e2 km) is essential in order to maximize the
phenomena are present, but near-IR or TIR webcams volcanic signal in the sensor’s IFOV, hence the temporal
(e.g., the thermal cameras described above) are also in use resolution of satellite CO2 measurements is low
by some observatories (e.g., at Etna, Italy; http://www.ct. (e.g., 16 days for OCO-2; Table 65.1)., providing nighttime To assess the feasibility of space-borne volcanic CO2
surveillance. detection, we can consider the situation at a strong CO2
source such as Etna, which emits CO2 at an average rate of
w190 kg s1. If Etna’s plume was aligned along the full
2.3 km length of an OCO-2 IFOV, thus maximizing the
Although funding for costly satellite missions is ultimately amount of volcanic CO2 in the scene, then for a wind speed
subject to the vagaries of federal budgets, capabilities of 5 m s1 the total volcanic CO2 loading in the IFOV
for space-borne monitoring of volcanic plumes and hot- would be w87,000 kg. Converting to molecules of CO2
spots are likely to remain uninterrupted over the next and averaging over the 1.3  2.3 km OCO-2 nadir IFOV
decade (e.g., Table 65.1). Several instruments capable of yields a CO2 column amount of w3.5  1019 molecules
measuring volcanic SO2 emissions are currently in orbit cm2, which is w0.6% of the atmospheric background
(e.g., OMI, OMPS, and IASI) or planned for launch in the CO2 column at Etna (w6  1021 molecules cm2). The
near future (e.g., TROPOMI). MODIS-like TIR measure- volcanic CO2 contribution would be higher if the wind
ments will be continued by VIIRS on the Suomi NPP and speed were lower, and vice versa. The required accuracy for
JPSS satellites. Improved iterations of high spatial resolu- OCO-2 is 0.2% or better, in which case detection of strong
tion assets are also being launched (e.g., Landsat-8), but volcanic CO2 sources would be feasible under optimal
high temporal and low spatial resolution data are likely to conditions (although note that the significant impacts of
remain the mainstay of operational volcanic gas, plume, meteorological clouds are ignored here).
and thermal monitoring from space (e.g., Ramsey and Major developments in ground-based observations are
Harris, 2013). However, although there is usually a trade- likely to arise in the field of infrared laser absorption
off between spatial and temporal resolution, advanced spectroscopy, using techniques such as Differential Ab-
sensors such as TROPOMI (daily or better temporal reso- sorption LiDAR (DIAL) and cavity ring-down spectros-
lution and 7 km spatial resolution) attempt to optimize copy (CDRS) to analyze volcanic gases such as H2O and
both. NASA’s Hyperspectral Infrared Imager (HyspIRI) CO2. The advantage of laser spectroscopy is that it allows
sensor, one of the several missions recommended by the very precise wavelength selection, which can be tuned to
1148 PART | VIII Eruption Response and Mitigation

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Parello, F., 2011. First 13C/12C isotopic characterisation of volcanic
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