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Tasks and questions to Magnus Chase: The Hammer of Thor (Book 2)

Chapter 2

I. General questions.

Answer the questions at the class.

a) Did you like the chapter?

b) Which moment from the chapter was the best one?
c) What did you not like about the chapter?
d) What would you do in this chapter if you were Magnus Chase?
II. Questions to chapter 2.

Read the chapter attentively. After that, answer the following questions and be
ready to retell.

a) Who was Jack? What did Magnus say about him? What can you tell
about him, based on Book 1?
b) Where was Magnus and Jack going?
c) What did Magnus say about the assassin? Why did he think it was a guy?
d) What did Magnus do to the church’s roof when he was swinging?
e) Why was Magnus afraid to die outside Valhalla?
f) What did the assassin say to Magnus?
g) Why didn’t Jack want to chop the assassin’s head?
h) Which song did Jack perform when he tried to kill the assassin?
i) How did Magnus help Jack with the assassin? Did he take part in a fight?
j) What did Magnus hear on the roof? Why did it scare him?
k) What did the assassin tell Magnus about the trip to Provincetown?
l) Where did Magnus go after the encounter with the assassin?
m) What was Magnus thinking about after the fight?
III. Vocabulary to use. Learn the words, given below.
1. to howl [haʊl] heulen/jaulen
2. to reverberate [rɪˈvɜːbəreɪt] nachhallen
3. to hang out [hæŋ aʊt] heraushängen
4. to wield [wiːld] haben
(to hold and use
a weapon)
5. to swing [swɪŋ] schwingen
6. to resurrect [ˌrɛzəˈrɛkt] wieder beleben
7. to dangle [ˈdæŋgl] baumelm
8. to brag [ bræg] renommieren/ sich
9. a chain [ʧeɪn] Die Halskette
10. a quarry [ˈkwɒri] Der Steinbruch

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