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Project - First Phase

Brief explanation of your project.

-Create your Company: Name, Company description.
        What kind of business do you want to start?
        What does your industry look like?
        What will it look like in the future?
        Mention the products (goods or services) that your company is able to offer.
       The problem the business is solving, the solution and why now.
- How your "star product (project form another subject)" will fit on your company and
how it relates with your career.
Length: 1 page, no formalities
Due date: September 21st
Include names and identification numbers of the members of the group.
The kind of business that I want to create is one in which I can provide services and
products to people to improve their quality of life and to facilitate certain things that are
typical of the home.
I project my industry as one of the largest in the country, with the main objective of
customer satisfaction through the quality of our products and services. One of my main
objectives as the owner of the company is to be able to innovate every day so that this
project continues to grow and be able to keep up with everything new that technology
brings us, and to be able to cover more the different needs of our clients.
Right now my company is focused on the development and installation of the measure
water level in water tanks and cisterns, without neglecting the possibility of expanding
our production to different products than this one as well as other services that satisfy
the needs and demands of our customers.

Knowing the water level in a container that we cannot see is an enigma, so far, we can
only decipher the accumulated amount by opening the lid to check how much liquid we
have left.
We believe that our project could help to reduce the risk of accidents or deaths caused
by having the cisterns constantly opened for measuring the water level. We also believe
that by not having to open the lid of the water tanks often, we can avoid further
contamination of the water or the entrance of insects to it.

This product is related to my company since it aims to cover a need presented by our
clients, which is to know the level of water in their water tanks and cisterns, on the other
hand, our company has also been in charge of installing these.
I relate the product to my career because as an industrial engineer I seek to optimize
processes, facilitate processes, improve people's quality of life, provide good service,
and this is just what my product does.

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