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Submitted by Marwin Joyce Odita DM 40th

1. General definitions and criteria of heroes.

A hero is someone who does something for the benefit of others. They are
disciplined and moved by their principles, not just to gain public attention. Heroes are
willing to take a risk on behalf of others. They are courageous, they are aware of the
dangers they might face but they act anyway. Lastly, heroes are humble.

2. Definition of national heroes according to the National Historical Commission of

the Philippines.

A hero means a prominent or central personage taking an admirable part in

any remarkable action or event; a person of distinguished valor or enterprise in
danger, or fortitude in suffering; and a man honored after death by public worship
because of exceptional service to mankind.

3. Criteria for selecting national heroes as set by the National Historical

Commission of the Philippines.

Criteria for National Heroes

1. Heroes are those who have a concept of nation and thereafter aspire and struggle
for the nation’s freedom. Our own struggle for freedom was begun by Bonifacio and
finished by Aguinaldo, the latter formally declaring the revolution’s success. In
reality, however, a revolution has no end. Revolutions are only the beginning. One
cannot aspire to be free only to sink back into bondage.

2. Heroes are those who define and contribute to a system or life of freedom and order
for a nation. Freedom without order will only lead to anarchy. Therefore, heroes are
those who make the nation’s constitution and laws, such as Mabini and Recto. To the
latter, constitutions are only the beginning, for it is the people living under the
constitution that truly constitute a nation.

3. Heroes are those who contribute to the quality of life and destiny of a nation.

Additional Criteria for Heroes

1. A hero is part of the people’s expression. But the process of a people’s

internalization of a hero’s life and works takes time, with the youth forming a part of
the internalization.

2. A hero thinks of the future, especially the future generations.

3. The choice of a hero involves not only the recounting of an episode or events in
history, but of the entire process that made this particular person a hero.
4. What makes Jose Rizal a hero?

Rizal became the voice of a people long oppressed by centuries- old Spanish
rule. As an educated man, he was exposed to some of the abuses by Spanish friars and
government officials. Although Rizal did not push for independence, his writings and
execution inspired many to revolt against Spain. He instilled the sense of nationalism
among citizens oppressed by centered old Spanish rule.

Rizal did not advocate for armed struggle. He is the epitome of the saying
"The pen is the mightier than the sword". He was also learned man who pushed for
the emancipation of the people through education. He advocated for equal rights to be
accorded to locals and not just limited to Spanish colonials.

Jose Rizal is an icon and a martyr for independence and freedom not just the
Filipinos but all of the oppressed people in the history who have hungered, struggled
and fought for liberty, dignity, enlightenment, and social and economic justice. If he
had been then a schoolmaster no doubt he could have changed this country into more
than it is now.

5. Is Jose Rizal worthy of being the Philippine national hero? Defend your answer.

Jose Rizal is worthy of being the Philippine national hero. This is because he’s
a multifaceted individual both through the mind and manipulative areas, not to
mention his inherit character and the love to people, especially to the poor. His
sensitivity to the needs of others was overwhelming as evidenced by his sincere
services to the people as doctor, engineer, teacher, artist, farmer and the like.

He fought through his pen, books and knowledge. He did not fight through
guns and swords. With the articles he had written, of which most of the topics
discussed were all about slavery and abused, he has touched lives, awakened the
people, but also provoked the Spaniards thus sent him to jail. But even then, he was
still fighting, not for himself or for his family, but more for his people, for us through
his ideas, through poems and other written articles.

But whether a national hero or not, he did a very good job for us considering
the fact that he had set us all free from slavery and better education. He’s a very good
example and an inspiration to us, most specially to students because of his intelligence
and boldness. He was not a traitor. He had faced death with boldness. He had proven
the saying that goes. “A pen is mightier than sword”.

6. Discuss “heroes of the past” versus “modern-day heroes”.

Heroes of the past are someone who fought for freedom brought upon their
principles, they were the ones who contributed to the birth of our nation. Meanwhile,
a modern-day hero is someone who help people and above all, has made a huge
contribution for the community. A modern-day hero is a man or woman whose
actions have been in the service of the greater good and whose influence is national or
international; someone who is prepared to act in pursuit of a freer, more equitable and
democratic future, without recourse to violence. OFWs, Teachers, soldiers, and
people like Efren Peñaflorida and Cris Valdez are among these modern-day heroes.

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