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English Description in English Spanish Words to learn

funeral the ceremony of burying a dead person funeral • Write down any other new words you
5 gentleman a man of a good family, usually wealthy caballero, señor
discover in your Oxford Graded Reader.
• Translate them into your language.
Good heavens! an exclamation of surprise ¡cielos!
• Now try to learn them!
David Copperfield headmaster the man in charge of a school director
de escuela

Charles Dickens / Retold by Clare West humble not proud; having a low opinion of one's own humilde, English Your language
importance modesto

invest to put momey into a bank or business invertir

1 lawcourt a building where judges and lawyers listen

to law cases
de justicia
Master used when speaking to a boy or a young gentleman señorito
opportunity a chance, the right moment oportunidad ................ ................
English Description in English Spanish
orphan a child whose parents are dead huérfano ................ ................
pale having little colour (in the face) pálido
admire to look at with pleasure, to like admirar ................ ................
parliament the place where a country's laws are made parlamento
adopt to take somebody else's child into your own family adoptar
and become its legal parents partner a person who works with another in a shared socio ................ ................
amount quantity or sum (of money) cantidad, suma
(de dinero) picnic (n) a meal which is eaten outside, away from home picnic
................ ................
angel a messenger from God; a kind, pure, ángel
plain (adj) poco atractivo
beautiful woman
not pretty; ordinary-looking ................ ................
approve to think that something or someone is good aprobar publish to prepare and print a book publicar
or right
................ ................
retire to stop work when you become old jubilarse
blush (v) to become red in the face, especially when ruborizarse right (n) a thing that you are allowed to do or have by law derecho ................ ................
rival someone who competes with another person rival,
boarding a school where people board (live, eat, and sleep internado (e.g. in love) contrincante ................ ................
school as well as study)
ruin (n) (in this story) the loss of a woman's good name ruina (la ................ ................
carriage a vehicle, pulled by horses, for carrying people carruaje reputación, etc.)
cart an open wagon pulled by one or more horses carreta, carro servant someone who is paid to work in another criado ................ ................
churchyard ground near a church where dead people cementerio person's home
(al lado de
are buried
una iglesia) shilling an old British coin (there were 20 shillings chelín ................ ................
in a pound)
coach a large carriage, pulled by horses, especially carroza
for long journeys and public transport sob (v) to cry loudly and very unhappily sollozar ................ ................
creditor someone to whom money is owed acreedor stepfather a man who marries your mother after your padrastro
................ ................
father's death
curly-haired with curly hair (hair that is not straight) de pelo rizado
debt money that is owed to someone deuda stern (adj) serious and disapproving; not kind or cheerful severo, riguroso ................ ................
disgust (n) a strong feeling of dislike repugnancia trust (v) to have confidence in someone confiar

document written or printed paper with important documento

................ ................
turn up (of an opportunity) to happen, especially by chance presentarse
information la ocasión
drunk (adj) of someone who has drunk too much alcohol borracho
................ ................
twins two children born to the same mother gemelos
embarrassed ashamed; worried about what other people think avergonzado at the same time ................ ................
evil (adj) very bad, wicked malo, malvado warehouse a building where goods are kept before they almacén
excuse (v) an explanation for doing something bad or wrong excusa are sent abroad, or to shops, etc. ................ ................
firm (adj) firme, decidido wicked evil, of bad character malo, perverso
strong and determined in behaviour ................ ................
firm (n) a company or business firma, empresa wise knowing what is right and good and sensible juicioso / sabio
................ ................

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