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; ‘ Abnormal and General (Emergency Procedures Normal Procedures In Flight Performance ops a A320 Fr eae QUICK REFERENCE HANDBOOK $9 999999999999 999999999999 99944449944 4444444 PUSVUVUSELULLLERERELEL ELLE ULCER EERE ECE LEER CECES QUICK REFERENCE HAND BOOK A318/A319/A320/A321 For A/C: MSN 9780 The content of this document is the property ‘of Airbus. Itis supplied in confidence and commercial security on its contents must be maintained. It must not be used for any purpose other than that for which tis supplied, nor may information contained in it be disclosed to unauthorized persons. Ht must not be reproduced in whole or in par without permission in wnting from the owners ofthe copyright. © AIRBUS 2005. All nghts reserved, AIRBUS S.A.S CUSTOMER SERVICES DIRECTORATE 31707 BLAGNAC CEDEX FRANCE Iss yesauas sainpas0ld AoueBs0w3\ pue jewiouqy jeuon \ soinpadoid Jeu0 eouewsoped Ibi UI meg SdO SSeS SEEELSESESELEEEEEEESI VVVSSSSEEEESEEEESSESEESSES ay GENERAL A3t: BOER AT RASBE IMPORTANT SCOPE ‘The QRH contains some specific procedures which ara not displayed on the ECAM. ‘As a general ule, the procedures displayed on tha ECAM are nol provided in the QRH (refer to FCOM PRO/ABN).. TTASKSHARING FOR ABN/EMER PROC For all abnormalemergency procedures, the tasksharing is as follows : ~ PF - Pilot fying - Responsible for the : * Thrust levers * Flight path and airspeed control ‘Aircraft configuration (request configuration change) * Navigation * Communications ~ PNF - Pilot non flying - Responsible for the : ‘+ Monitoring and reading aloud the ECAM and checklists ‘+ Performing required actions or actions requested by the PF, it applicable * Using engine master switches, cockpit C/Bs, IR and guarded switches with PF's confirmation. ECAM CLEAR DO NOT CLEAR ECAM WITHOUT CROSS-CONFIRMATION OF BOTH PILOTS, ABN/EMER PROC INITIATION Procedures are initiated on pilot flying command, 'No action wnil be taken (apart fram audio waming cancel through MASTER WARN light) until: ~ The appropriate fight path is established, and ~ The aircraft is at east 406 ft above the runway, ita failure occurs during takeotf, approach, or {go-around. (In some emergency cases, provided the appropriate fight path is established, the pilot flying may infiate actions before this height). NORMAL CHECKLIST Normal C/L are inttiated by the PF and read by the PNF. ‘The PF shall respond atter having checked the existing configuration. When both pilots have to respond, “BOTH is indicated. GENERAL GEN.02 AZ1B/A319/A3 20/4324 \EFERENCE HAND BOO} 08 FEB 12 | USE OF SUMMARIES GENERAL in case of an electrical emergency configuration, or a dual hydraulic failure: The ECAM should be applied first. This includes both the procedure, and the STATUS section, Only after announcing "ECAM ACTIONS COMPLETED’, should the Pilot Non Flying (PNF) refer to the corresponding QRH summary, When a failure occurs, and after performing the ECAM actions, the PNF must refer to the bottom of the applicable Summary page (below the Go-Around section), in order to determine the landing distance that takes into account the failure, For dry and wet runways, the Actual Landing Distances with failure are provided in the SUMMARIES. These Actual Landing Distances with failure are based on the following assumptions: ~ The approach speed is VREF + AVREF. The speed increment “APPR COR" (when applicable), and the ‘Corresponding landing distance penalties that are required when the A/THR is used, or in the case of ice accretion on surfaces that are not heated, are not taken into account. ~ These distances are computed without the benefit of the reverse thrust (ie. using the LOG DIST | Factors WITHOUT REV") | the fight crew wants fo take into account the benefit of the reverse thrust at landing, the Actual Landing Cistance with failure must be computed by multiplying the two following parameters: * The LDG DIST Factor "WITH REV" (Refer to the LDG CONF/APPR SPD/LDG DIST tables (QRH ABN 80)) and * The Actual Landing Distance without failure (Refer to the Landing Distance table without Autobrake (CONF FULL). ‘or contaminated runways. the L actors provided in the are Fe DG DIST Fe ‘SUMMARIES are the LDG DIST | Factors (WITHOUT REV" Depending on the actual landing distance with failure, the fight crew can decide whether or not a diversion is necessary. APPROACH PREPARATION As always. approach preparation includes a review of the ECAM STATUS. After renewing the STATUS, the PNF should refer to the *CRUISE® section of the summary, to determine the VREF correction, and compute the VAPP. AVREF table is provided in the summary. ‘The LANDING and GO-AROUND sections of the summary should be used for the approach briefing. APPROACH The APPR PROC actions should be performed by reading the APPROACH section of the summary. The PNF should then review the ECAM STATUS, and check that all the APPR PROC actions have been completed. 2DPPPPP PPP? OS SIAR AIRUAIRY GEN.03 | (08 FEB 12 GENERAL GENERAL INFORMATION J EFFECTIVITY ‘As QRH is published at aircraft level, each paper page has only one effectivity. PAGE NUMBERING ‘The page numbering follows the following rules: 00, 01, 02, Numbering for ABN, GEN, OPS, OE8 PROC sections O1A, 038, Numbering and index (A, B, ...) for procedures written on several paper pages 110, 3/5, + Numbering for NP-NP, FPE-SPO C1, C2 2 Index of the back cover page interior c3 2 Index of the back cover page exterior “BLANK* : _ Index of an intentionally left blank paper page created to ensure the correct format of the next chapter (begins on recto page) PRELIMINARY PAGES WITHIN THE QRH BINDER tts essential for Aiines to corectly manage the updates of the QRH. For this purpose, Airbus publishes Preliminary Pages with each QRH revision. These Preliminary Pages are used as reference documents {or Airings to manage the QRH updates, e.g. easily insert the revisions, identify the modifications that impact the QRH, get a synthesis of changes introduced with each revision, However, when the QRH Fevisions have been incorporated in accordance with the information given in the Preliminary Pages, these pages do not bring operational added value and therefore are no longer useful in the QRH binder {or any operational purposes. Theretore, to minimize the size of the QRH binder on board the aircraft and to optimize the operational use of the QRH, Airbus has no objection that the Airlines remove the Preliminary Pages trom the QRH atter the revisions have been incorporated in the QRH and all checks Performed to confirm the revisions have been correctly incorporated. You wil ind below thelist of Preliminary Pages that may be removed from the QRH binder + The Transmittal Letter ~The Filing Instructons + The List of Effective Documentary Units (the LESS is the reference) = The lst of Modifications + The Summary of Highlights ~ The front pages of all QRH sections = The Table of Contents (TOC) of the General section = The Table of Contents (TOC) of the Operations Engineering Bulletins section (the LEOEB is the reference) - All pages numbered *00" and *00A" of the Operations Engineering Bulletins section (approval DU of the OEBs) = This General Information (GEN.03) section eee FOO OFF FUT FUE EEE EEE E LES ER ZY ABNORMAL AND EMERGENCY PROCEDURES i PERPCRERESEESESEESEEEEEE EEE EEEEERGEaeaeanann: Fata TF FTF FFT T FUT UF kha e eed ce. ABNORMAL AND Bay EMERGENCY PROCEDURES 4 | ataneaunaranrsey TABLE OF CONTENTS Tere ABN-PLP PRELIMINARY PAGES TABLE OF CONTENTS. 1/4 ABN-21 Alr aes CABIN OVERPRESSURE.... Fiassscnaeisesastsanrsousmnenr snes Od ABN-22 Auto Flight LOSS OF FMS DATA IN DESCENT/APPROACH (Severe Reset)... sess 2201 LOW ENERGY WARNING. ABN-24 Electrical ELEC EMER CONFIG SYS Remaining. ELEC EMER CONFIG Summary... ABN-25 Equipment COCKPIT DOOR FAULT sssssssssssssssssnssesnsesessesesnseeneaneesensees 25.01 ABN-26 Fire Protection Wl SMOKE/FUMES REMOVAL gl... Ml SMOKE/FUMES/AVNCS SMOKE fl. ABN-27 Flight Controls LANDING WITH SLATS OR FLAPS JAMMED........ SIDESTICK/RUDDER PEDALS STIFF. RUDDER JAM... STABILIZER JAM. ABN-28 Fuel FUEL IMBALANC! FUEL LEAK...... GRVTY FUEL FEEDING. ABN-29 Hydraulic HYD B + Y SYS LO PR Summary. HYD G + B SYS LO PR Summary. HYD G + Y SYS LO PR Summary. ABN-30 Ice and Rain Protection DOUBLE AOA HEAT FAILURE. ABNORMAL AND Seq EMERGENCY PROCEDURES itonetdemminads TABLE OF CONTENTS O8FEB 12 ABN-31 Indicating / Recording Systems DISPLAY UNIT FAILURE. 31.01 ECAM SINGLE DISPLA' 31.02 MULTIPLE UNDUE ECAM ALERT: » 31,03 ABN-32 Landing Gear HM LOSS OF BRAKING gy. ss sananncananesnnsesssieneess S201 RESIDUAL BRAKING PROC.. 32.02 UG GRAVITY EXTENSION 32.03 LDG WITH ABNORMAL L/ 32.04 ASYMMETRIC BRAKING............scsssees » 32.05 ABN-34 Navigation WALL ADR OFF gg. . NAV FM / GPS POS DISAGREE 4.03 Bl EGPWS ALERTS gy. 4.04 IR ALIGNMENT IN ATT MOI . HTCAS WARNINGS @....... .06 UNRELIABLE SPEED INDICATION/ADR CHECK PROC ABN-36 Pneumatic AIR DUAL BLEED FAULT. ABN-70 Engines II ENG DUAL FAILURE - FUEL REMAINING i. IMI ENG DUAL FAILURE - NO FUEL REMAINING yy. ENG RELIGHT (in flight). ENG 1(2) STALL . ENG TAILPIPE FIRE. HIGH ENGINE VIBRATIO: ABN-80 Miscellaneous Circling Approach with One Engine Inoperative.. Straight-in-Approach with One Engine Inoperative. Il Forced Landing .. ll EMER Descent OVERWEIGHT LANDING.. I Stall Recovery Ml... " sPPOPPOEPEEEETETILAILALIAAARADADDDADTT > PELLELEEEEEREEEREEDELELE SEEGER EEGGGEEEEESOS7 ge ABNORMAL AND ABN EMERGENCY PROCEDURES 34 A919/4520/4321 TABLE OF CONTENTS 08 FER 12 Hi Stall Warning at Lift-Off mm. TAILSTRIKE....ssssscseeersees VOLCANIC ASH ENCOUNTE! Ml WINDSHEAR AHEAD a. Hl WINDSHEAR gy... WINDSHIELDMWINDOW ARCIN WINDSHIELDWINDOW CRACKE ECAM Advisory Condition VAPP Calculation. Use of the LDG CONF / APPR SPD / LDG DIST Tables.......... 80.15 LDG CONF/APPR SPD/LDG DIST Table - DRY RWY. LDG CONF/APPR SPD/LDG DIST Table - WET RWY.... LDG CONF/APPR SPD/LDG DIST Table - CONTA RWY. Tripped C/B Re-Engagement. Computer Reset....... Computer Reset Table. ll EMERGENCY EVACUATION Beet eee TTT RRR R RARER E SEE HEL ESEESSS [eww av] ABNORMAL AND 21.01 agtauassgaszonasay EMERGENCY PROCEDURES aaa CABIN OVERPRESSURE Apply the following procedure (not displayed on ECAM} in case of total loss of the cabin pressure control leading to overpressure PACK 1 oF 2... BLOWER + EXTRACT. Cabin air is extracted overboard. AP... @ If AP >9 PSI PACK 142. Before 10 min from landing: PACK 142... BLOWER + EXTRACT. CAUTION [Check that AP is zero betore opening the doors Exnay ABNORMAL AND 22.01 | EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ata LOSS OF FMS DATA IN DESCENT/APPROACH (SEVERE RESET) APIFD lateral and vertical selected modes, and A/THR, are available immediately after the reset. It Necessary, the pilot may perform the FCU selections for short-term navigation. When the FMS has automatically recovered (i.e. when the FMGC prompt is available and selectable on the MCDU MENU page) ~ The FMGS does not autotune the ILS and ADF ~ The FMS position bias is lost ~ Lateral and vertical managed modes cannot re-engage ~ The “CAB PR LOG ELEV FAULT message is displayed on the ECAM + A"MAP NOT AVAIL’ message may be displayed on one ND. Depending on the fight phase, apply the following procedure(s) as appropriate: ™ INITIAL APPROACH OR CLOSE TO ILS INTERCEPTION: © When the system has recovered: Access the RAD NAV Page, and manually tune the ILS (preferably using IDENT). Enter the ILS course, if a frequency has been entered. Fly in selected speed. Nole; —- LOC and G/S guidance modes are available ~ VLS speed is stil available and displayed on the PFD ~ Missed approach trajectory is not available. ™ DESCENT (IF TIME PERMITS) : © When the system has recovered: Perform DIR TO a downpath waypoint. Select heading, if required. Perform a LAT REV at the downpath waypoint and redefine the DESTINATION in the NEW DEST field. Redefine the arrival and/or the approach procedure. Select the FUEL PRED Page, and enter the GW. Activate the APPROACH phase, Enter destination data on the PERF APPR Page, as required. Managed speed UU TUR RR RRR OR EER EOE DOE EEUEUES is available. Exe ABNORMAL AND 22.02 agtemaaioaaaoiazes EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ea LOW ENERGY WARNING threshold under which thrust must be increased, “SPEED SPEED SPEED” accordingly, The “SPEED SPEED SPEED" synthetic voice sounds every 5 8 whenever the aircraft energy goes below a ‘Increase the thrust unti the warning stops and, depending on the circumstances, adjust the pitch ¢ SESESEESCESCESOCESSEOE PEVECECEEEERESESESESEEEEEE EEE ABNORMAL AND 24.01 Aatelagtevasaoaszs EMERGENCY PROCEDURES a L ELEC EMER CONFIG SYS REMAINING ELEC BAT ONLY EMER CONFIG SYS REMAINNG | EMER GEN RUNNING | or “GN THE GROUND ~ [PRESS AUTO SYST Norm Norm Norm: MAN PRESS CTL Trop Trop Top #7 RAMA Norm Norm Norm AIRCOND [PACK VALVET ‘orm Closure hop Closure Inop PRESS PACK VALVE 2 ~[__cresure Inop Closure Inop Closure inop © [AVIONIC VENT Nem Norm Partial |AFTCRGISOL VALVE Nom Trop TH09 [AFT CRG HEAT orm Trop. ino FRAGT [NAV FUNCTION TP Tony Trop nop Fug RCOU NE Tony Trop inop FAC. Ne Tony Trop inop Fou chtonty thi only cht only VT Torn orm Norm FT ‘Norm Trop Top RMP T Norm Norm Norm com REP Rap FO No Rom Norm 10s Nom Norm Non INTERPHONE Norm ‘Norm Norm [ove Nom Trop. Trop. LOUDSPEAKER Norm Rom Nor CREW OXY Norm Rom 7 orm = EMER EapT [PAX OXY maskrolesse (ado + Nom nop Inop [SUDES ARHEWARN Tom Tom Nar ENG 1 LOOP TRanly Kenly Rony ENG 2L00P Bony Bonty Bony [APULOOP: Trop Trop trop rine [CARGO SMOKE DET Channel Trop. Trop. Botte tony Bote oni Botte 1 ony Squib only Squib Konty Squib Aorly [CARGO FIRE EXT. Trop Trop Trop = [APU AUTO EXT. Trop | irop | rep =] ECAC TFT onfy TEND Wien SEC WT only 17 wie ren [Foe NT only nop Trop SFO WT onfy Flaps POS rd Norm LP VALVE Fol camel? Toop FUEL [FEED VALVE nop. Inop FVD |FIRE VALVES: Rory Trop. ‘Open! ICE- RAIN, Norm ICAPT AOA Top [RAIN REPELLENT (CAPT) LOCH SYST [ABCU UG [BRK PRESS IND. eae] 4318/43 19/A320/A324 SEERA TANGA ABNORMAL AND EMERGENCY PROCEDURES 24.01A 08 FEB 12 Continued from the previous page BAT ONLY ELECEMER CONFIG SYSREMAINNG | EMER GEN RUNNING} = SAT NT EMER CKPT Torn Norn Nom UGHTS [EvERcaS Nom Norm Norm Gl Tony Toniy™ Wt on™ AOR, NT only NP Tonty 1 tonty OF Ne Toniy Trop Trop. nay PORE Netoniy WT onip Wtony™ DME WT ont Trop. Top [vOR Nom Norm Neem = ate WF ronly Trop. Trop. isis Nom Nem Norm FENG TELE Tir BHC Top BHC T nop 5 (ERGz BEE BNC nop BHC nap PME aru aLEel Trop. Trop SLED IMANOTI) trop Trop. ECE STARTER ino Trop = aru FUELLP VALVE Norn or FUEL POMP ‘Norm Nor FADE AB eB Pwr Lt [RGNITON Ronis Ronty HP FUEL VALVE core orm Norn Ne MISC [MECH HORN. ‘Nom Rom a (al Restored, when speed s below TOOK, (Crew oxygen vatve noperatve. (© Lost. when speed s below 50 kt (© Lost 50 afte last engne shutdown, (@) 12 and IR3 are last 5 min afer faire ofthe mam generators. But, it repaces IR1 (ATT-HOG selector at CAPT3), (RQ remains supphed For APU star only (3 Channels A and B are set-powered above 12 % N2.fN2 is below 12 %, only Channel A i powered, VAD] eee ee eee eae te ABNORMAL AND EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ae A3t agsneaterasaanszs 08 FEB 12, ELEC EMER CONFIG ‘SUMMARY MAX SPO... ALTNLAW : PROTLOST ONLY CAPT PITOT AND AOA HEATED. FUEL: CTR TK UNUSABLE. COM: VHFI, HF1 <@ , ATC1, RMP1, only NAV: ILS, VORI, GPSt (IMMA insialed) only v2 me Tim lm [mpm] me] | 15 | 18 1 ats vee [re |e | 8 [W (1000 LB) VREF = VLS CONF FULL oe E CAT 2 NOP. MINIMUM RAT SPEED 140 KT SLATS FLAPS SLOW @ When LIG down: USE MAN OCH TRIM LANDING = FLARE: Only 2 spoters per wing. Dect law SPOILERS: Only 2 per wng NO REVERSER BRAKING: ALTERNATE without antiskid MAX BRX PR 1000 PSI NO NOSEWHEEL STEERING D = NIL ACTUAL LANDING DISTANCES (R) WITH FAILURE WITHOUT REV [WEIGHT (1000 LB) vo] 10 | 120 | 130 | 140 | 160 | 160 | 170 [DRY runway Tso | 7950 | 8350 | 8900 | 9800 | toa | 11860 Fier tote Landing Distance table witout Autobrake WET runway TT (CONF FULL} and apply LDG DIST Factor = 2.40 Faster ore Landing Distance table without Autobrake GORA nwa I Coe Pi ween DstST Tame [CORRECTIONS VT OUR above “HO tallwind DRY Runway 3s 8% “The method for approach speed computation 1s given in the ORH ABN 80 (Refer fo VAPP Calculation). wWobwebboeeebeEESESEEEEEEEEREREEGEEEGEEGEEUEEE Ey ABNORMAL AND 25.01 ARBAB Lo9200n924 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES — COCKPIT DOOR FAULT ‘Ths procedure should be apped, it the Cockpit Door Locking System (CDLS) tals, Ths faiure is indicated ‘when the FAULT light on the center pedesta's COCKPIT DOOR panel comes on. In the case of a DC BUS 2 taut, no FAULT indication appears on the center pedestal's COCKPIT DOOR Panel. The COLS is not electncally supplied, and is inoperative. CKPT DOOR CONT panel .... ‘Ths panel is located on the overhead panel ts used to identity the faulty CDLS item, and to very the ‘Status Of the pressure sensors and the three electrical latches (referred to as stnkes). © If one or more electrical latches (strikes) are faulty: ‘The cockpHt door is not intrusson-proof i two or more electrical latches are faulty, ‘The system may be recovered by performing the following steps: ‘Automat: latch release « not available. in case of cockpit decompression. © If no LED on the CKPT DOOR CONT panel is on: ‘The CDLS controt uns « faulty. therefore. the cockpit door might unlock automatically. Ifit does not, consider using the mecharscal overnde system to unlock the door. VOOR RSS OUSEE OEE OEOOEESEESEE Ey ABNORMAL AND 26.01 A2ysaseazaonsay EMERGENCY PROCEDURES [ane] a SMOKE/FUMES REMOVAL a EMER EXIT LIGHT sossseccssseccsesssssesbssoseausonsssosenasense ON @ If fuel vapors: CAB FANS... PACK 142... @ If no fuel vapors: CAB FANS... PACK FLOW. LDG ELEV DESCENT (FL 100, or MEA, or minimum obstacle clearance altitude). sevens INITIATE ATC... ... NOTIFY) SMOKE/FUMES/AVNCS SMOKE PROC..... CONTINUE While descending, continue applying the appropriate steps of the SMOKE/FUMES/AVNCS SMOKE procedure depending on the suspected smoke source. @ At FL 100 OR MEA: APU MASTER SwW (if in ELEC EMER en .ON PACK 122... _ MODE SEL... MAN VIS CTL... PNF COCKPIT WINDOW.. UG Eazy ABNORMAL AND 26.01A 319/431 9/a920/4924 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES EFERENCE HAND BOOK 08 FEB 12 a SMOKE/FUMES REMOVAL (Cont'd) @ When window is open: NON-AFFECTED PACK(s) VISUAL WARNINGS (noisy CKPT).. MONITOR SMOKE/FUMES/AVNCS SMOKE PROC CONTINUE evedveeddodbod ABNORMAL AND EMERGENCY PROCEDURES LAND ASAP IF PERCEPTIBLE SMOKE APPLY IMMEDIATELY: BLOWER... EXTRACT. CAB FANS... GALY & CAB.ucccscccssssesesssssssssssaneescseenesnanseeessssnsnnenets ESTABLISH @lF REQUIRED: CREW OXY MASKS.......cssssesseessee ON/100%/EMERG @ IF SMOKE SOURCE IMMEDIATELY OBVIOUS, ACCESSIBLE, AND EXTINGUISHABLE: FAULTY EQPT ssscscessssccsccrsonnsaenscseneserasennernsee ISOLATE! @ IF SMOKE SOURCE NOT IMMEDIATELY ISOLATE: DIVERSION INITIATE: DESCENT (FL 100, or MEA, or minimum obstacle Clearance altitUde).......ssssesssessecsssesssenes INITIATE @ AT ANY TIME of the procedure, if SMOKE/FUMES becomes the GREATEST THREAT : SMOKE/FUMES REMOVAL... ELEC EMER CONFIG Refer to the end of the procedure to Set ELEC EMER CONFIG @ At ANY TIME of the procedure, if situation becomes UNMANAGEABLE : IMMEDIATE LANDING CONSIDER Eazy ABNORMAL AND | 26.028 | EMERGENCY PROCEDURES Ase erenanemronsona SMOKE/FUMES/AVNCS SMOKE (Cont'd) AIR COND SMOKE/CAB EQUIPMENT SMOKE @ IF AIR COND SMOKE SUSPECTED: @ If smoke continues: PACK 1... PACK 2... @ If smoke still continues: EXTRACT... SMOKE/FUMES REMOVAL... . @ IF CAB EQUIPMENT SMOKE SUSPECTED: @ If smoke continues: EMER EXIT LIGHT... COMMERCIAL SMOKE DISSIPATION.. FAULTY EQPT. @ If smoke still continues or if faulty equipment confirmed isolated: COMMERCIAL SMOKE/FUMES REMOVAL... U AAAAAAAAARRARRRS UNDETERMINED/AVNCS/ELECTRICAL SMOKE @ IF SMOKE SOURCE CAN NOT BE DETERMINED AND STILL CONTINUES OR AVNCS/ELECTRICAL SMOKE SUSPECTED: ELEC EMER CONFIG @ IF SMOKE DISAPPEARS WITHIN 5 MINUTES: NORMAL VENTILATION R TO SET ELEC EMER CONFIG EMER ELEC GEN 1 LINE. EMER ELEC PWR @ WHEN EMER GEN AVAIL: APU GEN.... ELEC EMER CONFIG APPLY ECAM PROCEDURE, BUT DO NOT RESET GEN, EVEN IF REQUESTED BY ECAM. @ AT 3 min OR 2 000 ft AAL BEFORE LANDING: DODD REDD D ODODE RDO SHS DEH EEEEDEDES Mkt bk eb abd sdb 5858558580 F bE EESS Ea] ABNORMAL AND 27.01 Agseiaaraiaszonses EMERGENCY PROCEDURES — LANDING WITH SLATS OR FLAPS JAMMED LANDING CONF... ™ Repeat the following until landing configuration Is reachet SPEED SEL... Decelerate towards VFE NEXT - 5 kt but not below VLS. In case of ance, to avoid VFE ‘exceedance, the pilot may decide fo decelerate to a lower speed, but not below VLS. Note; + The autopilot may be used down to 500 ft AGL. As itis not tuned for abnormal configurations, its behavior can be less than optimum and must be monitored. + Approach with selected speed is recommended. + A/THR is recommended, except in the case of a G+8 SYS LO PR warning. * OVERSPEED waming and VLS, displayed on the PFD, are computed according tothe actual flaps/slats position. + VFE and VFE NEXT are displayed on the PFD according to the FLAPS lever position. f nol displayed, use the placard speeds, * IFVLSis greater than VFE NEXT (overweight landing case), the FLAPS lever can be set in the required next position, while the speed is reduced to follow VLS reduction as surfaces extend, The VFE waming threshold should not be triggered. In this case, disconnect the A/THR. A/THR can be re-engaged when the landing configuration is established. ‘As speed reduces through VFE NEXT: FLAPS LEVER..... ™ When landing configuration is establish DECELERATE TO CALCULATED APPROACH SPEED IN FINAL APPROACH [FOR GO AROUND) The table below provides the MAX SPEEDS for the abnormal configurations. IF SLATS FAULT: @ FOR CIRCUIT: MAINTAIN SLATS/FLAPS CONFIGURATION Recommended speed: MAX SPEED - 10 kt © FOR DIVERSION SELECT CLEAN CONFIGURATION Recommended flaps retraction speed: between MAX SPEED - 10 kt and MAX SPEED. Recommended diversion speed: MAX SPEED - 10 kt. IF FLAPS FAULT: © FOR CIRCUIT: MAINTAIN SLATS/FLAPS CONFIGURATION Recommended speed: MAX SPEED - 10 kt © FOR DIVERSION: If FLAPS jammed at 0 SELECT CLEAN CONFIGURATION Note; Recommended speed for slats retraction is between MAX SPEED - 10 Kt and MAX SPEED of actual siattlap position. Go 4 ONE STEP DOWN Ea ABNORMAL AND EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ARERR SEPRRBEL 08 FEB 12 LANDING WITH SLATS OR FLAPS JAMMED (Cont'd) Normal operating speeds @ If FLAPS jammed > 0 MAINTAIN SLAT/FLAP CONFIGURATION Recommended speed for diversion: MAX SPEED - 10 kt ‘Note; ~ In the majority of cases, VFE on PED is equal to the MAX SPEED. in this case, VFE can be used as MAX SPEED. In case the SPD LIM flag is displayed on the PFD, use the MAX SPEED displayed on the ECAM status page. - In some cases, MAX SPEED - 10 kt may be a few knots higher than the VFE, Inthis situation, plot may follow the VFE. = Incase of a go-around with CONF FULL selected, the L/G NOT DOWN waming is triggered at landing gear retraction. Shee Fans] Feo OcFst t3 NOUMITATION Tit mon 25K oon. 195 200K For fight with SLATS or FLAPS extended, fuel consumption is increased. Refer 10 the fuel flow indication, As a guideline, determine the fuel consumption in clean ‘configuration at the same attitude without airspeed limitation (e.g. From ALTERNATE FLIGHT PLANNING tables) and muttiply this result by 1.6 (SLATS EXTENDED) or 1.8 (FLAPS EXTENDED) o2 (SLATS and FLAPS EXTENDED) to obtain the fuel consumption required to reach the destination in the current configuration, PPPPPPPPPPPPRERE RS SAAS EG GGG ace eeeecececned ABNORMAL AND 27.03 agtayaaiaag2qa34 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES GIT SIDESTICK/RUDDER PEDALS STIFF Even if the autopilot is disengaged, the sidestick and/or the rudder pedals may be stiff. This may affect either. ~ Both sidesticks (CAPT and F/O) at the same time, but not the rudder pedals, or - One sidestick and the rudder pedals at the same time. ‘The piloting technique remains the same: The aircraft remains responsive. ‘However, the flight crew should keep in mind that they may need to use extra force on the sidesticks and/or the rudder pedals. AP DISENGAGEMENT... CONSIDER TRANSFERRING CONTROL TO PNF © FOR DECRAB, ROLLOUT, OR ENGINE FAILURE BE PREPARED TO APPLY EXTRA FORCE ON RUDDER PEDAL . CONFIRM, ARNAAAAAAARRRS eek t tke eee kkk Eee hehe L EE EE ESE ABNORMAL AND EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ey ASN: COMETS AAO ABST (08 FEB 12 RUDDER JAM Rudder jamming detected movement during rolling maneuvers. Tiss bocaue he perder andr os ca ornate fe elder bao tod back oe pd Use ECAM F/CTL SD page for a visual check of the rudder position. FOR APPROACH AVOID LANDING WITH CROSSWIND from the side where the rudder is deflected. MAX CROSSWIND for LDG 15 kt AUTO BRK. FOR LANDIN SPEED AND TRAJECTOR LDG DIST PROC... Refer to QRH ABN 80 LDG ON GROUND DIFFERENTIAL BRAKI Do not use asymmetnec reverse Use nosewheel steenng handie below 70 kt. ABNORMAL AND A318/A919/A920/4924 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES KREFE! STABILIZER JAM The ELACs may not detect a stabilizer jam when the pitch trim wheel is jammed. The flight control normal law remains active in this case and there is no ECAM waming. AP. ces MAN PITCH TRIM.. The pitch trim whee! may no © IF MAN TRIM AVAIL: TRIM FOR NEUTRAL ELEV | manual pitch trim is available, trim to maintain the elevator atthe zero position (indications on ECAM FICTL page). APPR PROC © IF MAN TRIM NOT AVAIL: FOR LDG. Do not select configuration full so as not to degrade the handling quali GPWS LDG FLAP 3. CAT 2 INOP PPPPPPPPPP PP PEP PREREEEEAAAAAAAAAMAAAARAARARE 8888888588558 5 4858848 EEEETESSI ABNORMAL AND 28.01 Aaleaaigaczoases EMERGENCY PROCEDURES Sat FUEL IMBALANCE Compar , . {tthe difference is significant, or ifthe FOB + FU decreases, suspect a fuel leak. CAUTION [A fuel imbalance may indicate a fuel leak. c Do nt apply tis procedure, a fuel eas suspected. Refer lo ABN-28 FUEL LEAK. FUEL X FEED....... © On the lighter side and in the center tank: FUEL PUMP6....... ‘© When fuel is balanced: FUEL PUMPS (WING + CTR)... FUEL X FEED....... i Ea ABNORMAL AND 28.02 agzuaioeazaagz4 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES — H FUEL LEAK ‘Atual leak may be detected, i ; | + The sum of FOB and FU significantly less than FOB at engine start or is decreasing, or = Apassenger observes fuel spray from engine/pylon or wing tp, or += The total fuel quantity is decreasing at an abnormal rate, or ~ A uel imbalance is developing, or - = Fuel quantity ina tank is decreasing too fast (leak from engine/pylon, or hole ina tank), oF = The Fuel fow is excessive (leak from engine), or ~ Fuelis smelt in the cabin, ~ The destination EFOB turns to amber on the F.PLN (or on the FUEL PRED) page, of ~ "DEST EFOB BELOW MIN’ appears on the MCDU scratchpad. Ht visibity permits, leak source may be identified by a visual check from the cabin. WHEN A LEAK IS CONFIRMED LAND ASAP ™ LEAK FROM ENGINE/PYLON CONFIRMED: Engine fuel leak can be confirmed by excessive fuel flow indicat THR LEVER (of affected engine) ENG MASTER (of affected engine! FUEL X FEED... If the leak stops, the crossfeed valve can now be opened to re-balance fue! quantity, or to enable use of fue! from both wings. Do not restart the engine. ™ LEAK FROM ENGINE/PYLON NOT CONFIRMED or LEAK NOT LOCATED: ‘Stop any fuel transfer, and then monitor the depletion rate of each inner tank, to determine if the leak is from an engine or a wing (case 1), or from the Center tank or the APU feeding line (case 2). ‘or a visual check, FUEL X FEED. MAINTAIN CLOSED The crossteed valve must remain prevent the leak from affecting both sides, CTR TK PUMP 142. ... OFF Each engine is fed via its associated inner tank only. INNER TANK FUEL QUANTITIES. MONITOR Monitor the depletion rate of each inner tank. ™ CASE 1: IF ONE INNER TANK DEPLETES FASTER THAN THE OTHER BY AT LEAST 300 kg (660 Ib ) IN LESS THAN 30 min: ‘An engine leak may stil be suspected. Therefore: THR LEVER (engine on leaking side) ENG MASTER (engine on leaking side). CTR TK PUMP 142. ON FUEL LEAK... MONITOR © If leak stops: Whe ed nk ed untae affected side stops decreasing, the engine leak is FUEL X FEED... The crossfeed valves can now be opened to re-balance fuel quantity, or nee fuel trom both wings. Do not restart the engine. Z Zz L EL. L. Eo Ez E é, > ABNORMAL AND 28.0 ARtKastaazo929 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES at FUEL LEAK (Cont'd) © If leak continues (after engine shutdown): =) The inner tank fuel quantity ofthe affected side continues to decrease. ithe leak has not =) =x) =) = =~ = = =a = = =a == —e aay ‘topped ater engine shut down, a leak from the wing may be suspected. ENGINE RESTART... CONSIDER [amen Do not apply the FUEL IMBALANCE procedure. Approach and landing can be done, even with one full wing/one empty wing. ™ CASE 2: IF BOTH INNER TANKS DEPLETE AT A SIMILAR RATE: ‘Aeak from the Center tank or the APU feeding line may be suspected. © If fuel smell in the cabin: APU (if ON). Ths prevents additional fuel loss through the APU feeding line. © When fuel quantity in one inner tank is less than 3 t (6 600 Ib): CTR TK PUMP 142.. ON FOR LANDING [CAUTION Do not use reversers. ABNORMAL AND 28.03 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES GRVTY FUEL FEEDING 08 FEB 12 {_ _ ENG MODE SEL. AVOID NEGATIVE G FACTOR © DETERMINE GRAVITY FEED CEILING: ‘Consult the following table to determine the flight altitude limitation. Flight conditions at time of gravity feeding Gravity eed ceiling Fright ime above FL 300 more than 80 min Curent FL (Fuel deaerated) Fight time above FL 300 less than 30 min FL 3007 (Fuel non-deaerated) ‘Rreraft fight level never exceeded FL 300 FL 180°, 07 000 above takeof airport, whichever is higher ‘(Fuel non-deaerated) (For JET B, gravity eed ceiling is FL 100 in al cases. DESCEND TO GRVTY FEED CEILING (if applicable). @ WHEN REACHING GRVTY FEED CEILING: FUEL X FEED... © IF NO FUEL LEAK AND FOR AIRCRAFT HANDLING: Ino fuel leak, and for fight with only one engine running (this engine being fed by gravity), apply the following : FUEL X FEEI BANK ANGLE. RUDDER TRIM. © WHEN FUEL IMBALANCE REACHES 1 000 kg (2 200 Ib BANK ANGLE... ... 2° or 3° WING DOWN ON LIVE ENG SIDE ON ENGINE SIDE «+ USE) AARASS AANA 22aea aa a AAAAAAA ~ F aaa k east a eae EEE EEE EEE ELE EEE ABNORMAL AND 29.01 agseaanpaszonses EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ana HYD B + ¥ SYS LO PR SUMMARY C | = = ad ata ‘CRUISE. = == MANEUVER WITH CARE Flight controls remain in normal law. LANDING CONF ‘APPROACH SPEED 3 VAPP = VREF +644 APPR COR FULL ‘VAPP = VREF + APPR COR [W (1 000 LB) B [104] tie | 10] 128 | 195) 144] 152 | 100 | 168 Te \VREF = VLS CONF FULL 17 = Tis | 123 | tar | tar | tas | too | 143 [146 [148 Sea APP OA CH ge CAT2INOP SLATS SLOWIFLAPS SLOW UG GRAVITY EXTENSION = = TEE LANDINGS FLARE — Only one ELEV and two spoilers per wing ‘SPOILERS Only 2 per wing REVERSER ‘Only N°1 BRAKING NORMAL NO NOSEWHEEL STEERING = TT GO-AROUNDT NO GEAR RETRACTION. Increased fuel consumption "ACTUAL LANDING DISTANCES (f) WITH FAILURE WITHOUT REV™ WEIGHT (T000LB)|__100 110, 120, 130 140 160] _170 DRY runway con | em (CONF ul) 4000 | 4200 | 4400 | 4650 | 4950 dr 680 950 | s4s0 | 600 | 6600 icone) 400 | 4200 | 4400 | 4 4 WET runway — 7 CONF ul) 570 | 6100 | 8550 | 7000 WET runway 700 | 7200 | 770 | 820 | 8700 (CONF 3) bon | ison" | 5 CONTA runway Fler lo GRH FPEAFL Landing Distance lable witout (CONF full) Autobrake (CONF FULL) and apply LDG DIST Factor = 1.75 CONTA runway Feferlo ORH FPEAIFL Landing Distance table wihoud (CONF 3) “Auicbrake (CONF 3 and apply LDG DIST Factor = 1.90 1a) Tt he credit of the remaining reverser needs fo be taken nto account, Refer o the LDG CONF/APPR SPD/LDG DIST tables (QRH ABN 60). [—___correcrions_ DRY runway WET runway The method for approach speed computation is given in the QRH ABN 80 (Refer to VAPP Calculation). +1000 fr above SL +10 taliwind 18% a ABNORMAL AND EMERGENCY PROCEDURES (08 FEB 12 HYD G +B SYS LO PR SUMMARY ALTN LAW : PROT LOST LANDING CONF [APPROACH SPEED Use FLAPS [W (1000 LB) [9 | toe] 12] 120 | 128] 16 | 144 [ 182 | 100 | 168 | 172 VREF=VLSCONFFULL| 110 | 115 | 119 | 123 | var | vat | 135 [ 139 [ 143 | 146 [148 — APPROACH CAT 2 INOP ‘SLATS JAMMED/FLAPS SLOW ATHR... GPWS LDG FLAP 3.. ‘@ WHEN LG down: USE MAN PITCH TRIM For Flaps extension: SPD SEL... When in landing CONF: DECELERATE TO CALCULATED VAPP FLARE: — Only one ELEV and two spoilers per wing. No ailerons. ANC slightly sluggish — Direct law ‘SPOILERS: Only 2 per wing REVERSER: OnlyN'2 BRAKING: ALTERNATE TO EAR RETRACTION. Inased toa consumption © For cireutt: MAINTAIN SLATS/FLAPS CONFIGURATION Recommended speed: MAX SPD - 10K © For diversion: SELECT CLEAN CONFIGURATION If Slats at zero: Normal operating speeds if Slats not at zero: Recommended speed MAX SPD -10 kt “ACTUAL LANDING DISTANCES (fy WITH FAILURE WITHOUT a WEIGHT (1 000 LB) yoo [10 | 120 [ 190 | a DRY runway 7250 | 4450 | 4650 | 4900 WET runway 4 e150 | 6550 | 7050 | 7580 a = 3150 TFlaler to te Landing Distance table without Auiobrake CONTA runway (CONF FULL) and apply LOG DIST Factor = 1.95 “Tithe cred of he remaining reverse’ needs 10 be taken into account, Reler tothe LDG CONF/APPR SPO/LDG DIST tables (QRH ABN 60). [CT TCORRECTIONS_— T+ 1000 R above St +10 We taltwind DRY runway 13% 418% WET runway 24% 2% “The method for approach speed computation is given in the QRH ABN 80 (Refer to VAPP Calculation). ARARRS AAANANAAAA aaa AADAAAA AAAAAN AADA2AA32 322222222 2D2DD2DBZ2ADR - Ppp UVES ODED U eat tte kU U tlle ABNORMAL AND EMERGENCY PROCEDURES HYD G + Y SYS LO PR SUMMARY . CRUISE_ ALTN LAW: PROT LOST TANOING CONF "APPROACH SPEED Use FLAPS VAPP = VREF + 2510 fw (1600 Ly To] 2 | 1 waa | 152 = 18] 172] VREF = VISCONF FLL 7 Hs [9 | 2s aT 7 135 [139 146 [148 ‘When in landing CONF : DECELERATE TO CALCULATED VAPP Stabilize at VAPP before LIG down, to be trimmed for approach. UG B GAAVITY) EXTENSION FLARI PITCH AUTHORITY REDUCED (No stabilizer). MAN TRIM Unusable Only 1 spoter per wing — Direct law ‘SPOILERS: Only 1 per wing NO REVERSER BRAKING: BRK Y ACCU PR ONLY (7 applications) MAX BRK PR 1 000 PSI NO NOSEWHEEL STEERING ae s SCO AROUND NO GEAR RETRACTION. Increased fuel consumption © For circult: MAINTAIN SLATS/FLAPS CONFIGURATION Recommended speed: MAX SPD - 10 kt ‘© For diversion: © If Flaps at zero: ‘SELECT CLEAN CONFIGURATION ‘ACTUAL LANDING DISTANCES (ft) WITH FAILURE WITHOUT REV EGHT (1000 CB} joo] 10 | 120 | 190 | 140 | 190] 100] 170 [DRY runway 3400 | 670 | 700 | 7400 | 7e00 | 8750 | 9650 | 10500 Teter to the Landing Distance table witha Avlobrake |WET runway (CONF FULL) and apply LDG DIST Factor = 2.15 Teter to the Landing Dislance able witout Avioorare ICONTA runway (CONF FULL) and apply LDG DIST Factor = 2.10 [eornecriors— +1 000 f above SL 710 Htallwind DRY runway 13% +18% “The method for approach speed computation is given in the QRH ABN 80 (Refer fo VAPP Calculation). fewer] ABNORMAL AND 30.01 A318/4319/0320/4321 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES BOOK COCR REFEAA NS DOUBLE AOA HEAT FAILURE (08 FEB 12 © If Icing conditions cannot be avoided: One of affected ADRs. NAV ADR DISAGREE eta ee FFF eee eC eh eee eek kee’ POVUECECSEES SS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSHOHOSGOSESGHEGES ExeEy ABNORMAL AND 31.01 agseugigaazoages| EMERGENCY PROCEDURES aH DISPLAY UNIT FAILURE ™ AFFECTED DU FLASHES INTERMITTENTLY: This phenomenon may be duet ntemitentElectical Power Supply Itemuptons. Kis evidenced by ‘one, oF combination, of the ~ Flashing of PED, ND, ECAM DUs (blank soreen or INVALID DATA message), = Flashing of MCDU, = Intermittent fight control law reversion. = IF THE CAPTAIN SIDE IS AFFECTED: Captain PFD, captain ND, ECAM DUs or MCDU 1 is(are) affected. GEN 1. @ If DUs do not stop flashing: GEN 1..... @ If DUs stop flashing: GEN 1... ‘Keep the generator OFF for the rest of the fight the need of the rudder trim to be reset using the sidesiip indication. AP and/or A/THR. APU START... IF THE FIRST OFFICER SIDE IS AFFECTED: First officer PFD, fist officer ND, lower ECAM or MCDU 2 is(are) affected. GEN 2...... @ If DUs do not stop flast GEN 2... KEEP OFF CHECK/RESET Intermittent Electrical Power Supply Interruptions may cause offset in the rudder tm. Check the need of the rudder trim to be reset using the sideslip indication. AP and/or A/THR. APU START.... 1 DU is blank (with or without a large letter “F” in amber), or the display is distorted: DU (affected). ...AS RORD The DU can be sw ECAM/ND XFR (if the ECAM DUs are affected)..... Transter SD to the F/O or CAPT ND. PFD/ND XFR (if the EFIS DUs are affected)... m INVALID DISPLAY UNIT message is displayed: This may be caused by a DU failure. FOR AUTOMATIC DU RECOVERY... U .. USE| USE .. WAIT MORE THAN 40 s ABNORMAL AND 31.01A 4315/8319/4920/4924 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES WEBI DISPLAY UNIT FAILURE (Cont'd) | © IF DUIS AUTOMATICALLY RECOVERED: No crew action is required, © IF DUIS NOT RECOVERED: Non-recovered DU... The DU can be switched off ™@ INVALID DATA message appears (not on all DUs): EIS DMC SWITCHING... © If unsuccessful: DU (affected). Note; The ND display may disappear, i too many waypoints and associated information are displayed. Reduce the range, or deselect WPT or CSTR, and the display will automaticaly recover, after about 30 s. ™ INVALID DATA message appears on all DUs: The autopilot, autothrust and MCDU navigation data are stil available, and may be used. FOR AUTOMATIC DUs RECOVERY ... . WAIT MORE THAN 40 s © IF ALL DUs ARE AUTOMATICALLY RECOVERED: No crew action is required. © IF ONE OR MORE DUs ARE NOT RECOVERED: Non-recovered DU: a Non-recovered DUs BACK ON sequentially, © If the initial failure re-occurs (INVALID DATA message appears on all DUs), when switching a given DU back ON: Apply the entire procedure again, from the beginning. Leave this specific DU permanently OFF. INVERSION OF THE EWD AND THE SD: ECAM UPPER DISPLAY .... ..OFF THEN ON The same action on the EIS DMC SWITCHING selector produces the same ‘offect. OFF THEN ON BEPPPER EF FFE ES S44 FES ERARRAARRAARRRARRRS Ea ABNORMAL AND 31.02 Aneuarerasaonaes EMERGENCY PROCEDURES sae ECAM SINGLE DISPLAY Only the EWD is available, There is no SD on the other DUs. ™ To call a SYS page: PRESS AND MAINTAIN the SYS Page key on the ECP, ™ OVERFLOW ON THE STATUS Page: PRESS AND MAINTAIN the STS key on the ECP The first page of STATUS appears. RELEASE IT, THEN PRESS AGAIN WITHIN 2s The second page of STATUS appears. CONTINUE UNTIL THE OVERFLOW ARROW DISAPPEARS. When the STS key is released for more than 2 s, the EWD reappears. EUURRERERRERASIGIDIIIIIIIITCTESSES CECE TITEEE ABNORMAL AND 31.03 A318(4919/A920/4324 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES mri MULTIPLE UNDUE ECAM ALERTS Inthe case of muttiple undue ECAM alerts conceming + ENG 1(2) N1(N2) (EGT) (FF) OVER LIMIT or + ENG 1(2) N1(N2) (EGT) (EPR) (FF) DISCREPANCY or, > NAV ATT(ALT) (HDG) DISCREPANCY or, - NAV FM/GPS POS DISAGREE or, ~ FUEL F.USED/FOB DISAGREE or, - MINIMUM of HUNDRED ABOVE caliouts, possibly associated with EFIS red flags, apply the below procedure : AFFECTED PARAMETERS... CROSSCHECK( ‘Crosscheck the affected parameters on the E/WD, PFD. ND or on the related SD page to confirm that the alerts are spunous. © If It s confirmed that the ECAM alerts are spurious, Identify the faulty DMC : EIS DMC SWITCH..... CAPT 3) DMC 3 replaces DMC 1. If the undue alerts stop, DMC 1 is the faulty DMC. © If unsuccessful : EIS DMC SWITCH... DMC 3 replaces DMC 2 Ifthe undue aierts stop, DMC 2 is the faulty DMC. PEPPPPPPPPPPPPPER TIAA AASARARDRzARDMMARARAMAAARS eEEEEEEEESES$355595555399899880000000080385882 A318/8319/a320/a324 © IF NO BRAKING AVAILABLE: REV, sassit,.n BRAKE PEDALS... AISKID & NW STRG. BRAKE PEDALS.. MAX BRK PR... © IF STILL NO BRAKING: PARKING BRAKE...... Ean ABNORMAL AND 32.02 14319/4319/A920/0324 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ure RESIDUAL BRAKING PROC © IN FLIGHT: BRAKE PEDALS... APPLY SEVERAL TIMES: ress the brake pedals several times. This could set to zero the residual pressure on the alternate system. © IF RESIDUAL PRESSURE REMAINS: AISKID & NW STRG selector. KEEP ON @ IF AUTOBRAKE IS AVAILABI FOR LANDING. Using MED mode which cancels residual alternate pressure. ™ IF AUTOBRAKE IS NOT AVAILABI JUST AFTER TOUCHDOWN... Pressing the brake pedals give immediate pir to normal braking, wich cancels residual alternate pressure. Beware of possible braking asymmetry after touchdown, which can be controlled by using the pedals. Note: _Iftre damage is suspected ater ianding, inspection ofthe tres is required before taxi If the te is deflated but not damaged, the aircraft can be taxied at low speed with the following limitations : 1. fone tre is deflated on one or more gears (ie. a maximum of three tires), the speed ‘should be limited to 7 kt when turing. 2, If two tires are deflated on the same main gear (the other main gear ties not being deflated) speed should be limited to 3 kt, and the nose wheel steering angle should be limited to 30° | PIPPPPPPPPPPPPPPERRATRARAAAARARQAGQ AQAA Qaaangns SHOE ddD999999999999IITISSTOOOSSSOEESESESS ‘ ABNORMAL AND 32.03 Agge(aa91azz0/a204 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES QUICK REFERENCE TANG BOS 08 FEB 12 UG GRAVITY EXTENSION CAUTION [Do not apply this procedure Wat least one green tangle is displayed on each landing ear on the WHEEL SD page. This is sufficient to confirm that the landing gear is |downlocked. Disregard any possible LG GEAR NOT DOWN ECAM alert at 750 f RA [and any possible GPWS "TOO LOW GEAR” aural alert. GRAVITY GEAR EXTN handerank..... PULL AND TURN Rotate the handle clockwise 3 tums until reaching the mechanical stop, even if resistance is fat UG lever. DOWN| GEAR DOWN indications (if available « CHECK Notes 1, Depending on aircraft speed, the display may show the landing gear doors in the amber transit position, 2. In the event of gravity extension, caused by the failure af both LGCIUs, landing gear position indications on ECAM are lost. LDG GEAR light on LDG GEAR control panel remain available, HLGCIU 1 is supplied. 3. The L/G LGCIU 2 FAULT or BRAKES SYS 1(2) FAULT waming may be spuriously triggered after a gravity extension. 4. the three green downiock arrows are not on, its possible that the handerank is not at the ‘mechanical stop. Check that the handorank is fimly against the mechanical stop. ™ If successful: Do not reset the freefall system: This will avoid such undesirable effects as further loss of fluid, in the event of a leak. or possible Landing gear unlocking, in the event of a gear selector valve jamming in the UP postion. Note; The free-fall system may be reset in fights used for training. Ifthe green hydraulic system is available, resetting the free-fall system allows the landing gear doors to be closed. The fight crew should not reset the free-fall system on the ground after fight. @ If unsuccessful: LDG WITH ABNORMAL L/G procedure. LDG WITH ABNORMAL LG ——1 Ex] ABNORMAL AND 32.04 agimasieaszoazee EMERGENCY PROCEDURES aT CAUTION gear on the WHEEL SD page. This is sufficient to confirm that the landing goa is }downlocked. Disregard any possible L(G GEAR NOT DOWN ECAM alort at 750 RA and any possible GPWS "TOO LOW GEAR’ aural alert, PREPARATION [Do not apply this procedure ft at least one groon Inangle Is displayed on each Sm GALY & CAB pb-sw.. Consider fuel reduction to a © If NOSE L/G abnormal: CG location (if possible)... ~ 10 passengers trom front to rear moves the CG roughly 4 % aft + 10 passengers from mid to rear moves the CG roughly 2.5% alt, ‘© If one MAIN LIG abnormal FUEL IMBALANCE. CONSIDER | (Open the fuel X-FEED valve and switch off the pumps on the side with landing gear normal extended. OXYGEN CREW SUPPLY. APPROACH GPWS SYS. UG lever. CHECK DOWN) GRVTY GEAR EXTN handcrank... URN BACK TO NORMAL! AUTOBRAKE.. DO NOT ARM EMER EXIT L ON CABIN REPORT. OBTAIN ASKID & NW STRI “OFF MAX BRAKE PR.. 100 PSI © If one or both MAIN L/G abnorma| GROUND SPOILERG...... BEFORE LANDING RAM AIR. BRACE FOR IMPACT.. © If the external light condition Is poor at landing: DOME LT... FLARE, TOUCH DOWN AND ROLL OUT Engines should be shut down sutficiently early to ensure fuel is shut off before the nacelles impact, but Sufficienttly late to ensure adequate hydraulic supplies for the flight controls, Engine pumps continue to supply adequate hydrauic pressure for 20 s aftr fst engine shutdown: : U AaaDasaSa SS AY aaa AAARAARAAANR A AAARAAF A ~~ oo 9999999809888 088 Pa LL EF ERE EYIIYVY ABNORMAL AND 4328A219/43200325 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES Use rol contol. 2s necessary, to maintain the unsupported wing up as long as possible. DIRECTIONAL CONTROL... .. MAINTAIN) Use racer and brakes (maximum 1 000 PS!) to maintain the runway axis as long as possible. © If both MAIN L/G abnormal: ‘Shut down the engnes n the fare, before touchdown, PITCH ATTITUDE (at touchdown). WHEN A/C STOPPED ENG (ail) and APU FIRE pushbutton.. Pressing he ENG FIRE pb shuts off the related hycraulic pressure within a short time. wee INITIATE Notty the cate crew about the emergency encountered and the intentions. Press the EVAC COMMAND po <#. 8 If Evacuation not required: CABIN CREW and PASSENGERS (PA)..... . NOTIFY Ensure that al tre landing gears are secured betore initiating the disembarkation (belore switching OFF the seat bets sons). Ey ABNORMAL AND agiaustemszqyasas EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ‘QUICK REFERENCE HAND BOOK ASYMMETRIC BRAKING Normal braking is faulty, or the green hydraulic system is in low pressure, and all brakes of one gear are released. Apply brake progressively on the available side. Counter swing with the rudder. Avoid crosswind in excess of 10 knots from the side of the available brake. © If only one reverse Is available: Do not use Reverse on the side of the available brake. LDG DIST PROC... APPLY) Refer to QRH ABN 80 LDG CONF / APPR SPD /LDG DIST following failures tables; in case of NORM BRK FAULT or G SYS LO PR. PPPPPPPPPPEPEPTZTZIZAAAAAAAAAAARARARAARARARARARARS ABNORMAL AND ASL VATISAIZS EMERGENCY PROCEDURES : ALL ADR OFF 7 SPD... ..FLY THE GREEN Fly within the green area of the speed scale fo ensure safe Night. For slatsMlaps retraction, 1 beter to ty at the top of the green area ofthe speed scale, CAUTION |The altitude displayed on the PFD is a GPS allude. MANUAL CABIN PRESSURE CONTROL TGTWS : CLIMB 500 ftmin DESC 300 ft'min wu FLY THE GREEN) lo fy at the bottom of the speed scale green area. ard to be Refer to ORH ABN 80 LDG CONF/APPR SPDYLDG DIST following failures tables APPR SPD.... 7 During the approach, the bug indicates VAPP_ © WHEN FLAP 2: LDG GRVTY EXTN... ‘All gear doors remain open. © WHEN L/G DOWNLOCKED: UG lever... GEAR DOWN © DURING FINAL APPROACH: MAN V/S CTL. PPIPPIPEPPPPERERE TTT TTRQAA ag Qagagcccaccccas ABNORMAL AND 4318/8391 9/4320/0321 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES cx mee z ALL ADR OFF (Cont'd) GPWS TERR . Eazy ABNORMAL AND 34.03 agiemaigaazeneat EMERGENCY PROCEDURES an NAV FM / GPS POS DISAGREE The FMS and GPS positions differ by more than a longitude threshold that depends on the latitude: ~ 0.5 min for latitudes below 55 °, ~~ 0.9 min for latitudes at or above 55 ° and below 70°, + ora latitude threshold of 0.5 min, regardless of the latitude. AC POS..., ‘The following procedure is not displayed on the EC: © If the message occurs during ILS/LOC approach (LOC green): DISREGARD it. © If the message occurs in climb, cruise, or descent: CHECK navigation accuracy, using raw data. @ If the check is positive: NAV mode and ND ARC/ROSE NAV may be used. If the check is negative: HDG/TRK mode and raw data must be used. When possible, compare the FM position versus the GPIRS position, on the POSITION MONITOR page: ® If one FM position agrees with the GPIRS position on the POSITION MONITOR page: Use the associated FD/AP. It not: Deselect GPS and revert to basic information. © If the message occurs during a Non Precision Approach (NPA): @ Overlay approach: SELECT HDG, or TRK, and use raw data. ™ GPS or RNAV approach: GO AROUND, or fly visual, if visual conditions are met. for diagnosis. [During daylight VMC conditions, with terrain and obstacles clearly in sight, the alert may be considered cautionary. Take positive corrective action until the alert stops or a safe 2 “PULL UP” - "TERRAIN TERRAIN PULL UP” ~ “TERRAIN AHEAD PULL UP ‘s"OBSTACLE AHEAD PULL UP": OFF Pull to full backstick and maintain in that position. THRUST LEVERS.. SPEED BRAKES level BANK..... NGS LEVEL or ADJUST) © When flight path is safe and the warning stops: Decrease pitch attitude and accelerate. © When speed is above VLS, and vertical speed Is positive: Clean up aircraft as required. © “TERRAIN TERRAIN” “TOO LOW TERRAIN”: Adjust the flight path or initiate a go-around, © “TERRAIN AHEAD"-"OBSTACLE AHEAD": Adjust the flight path. Stop descent. Climb and/or turn, as necessary, based on analysis of all available instruments and information. © “SINK RATE” “DON'T SINK”: Adjust pitch attitude and thrust to silence the alert. © “TOO LOW GEAR” - “TOO LOW FLAPS”: Perform a go-around. @ “GLIDE SLOPE”: Establish the aircraft on the glideslope, or set the G/S MODE pb to OFF, if flight below the glideslope is intentional (non precision approach (NPA)). ABNORMAL AND 34.05 A349(4919/a920/a324 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES area IR ALIGNMENT IN ATT MODE {FIR alignment is lost, the navigation mode is inoperative (red ATT flag on PFD and red HOG flag on ND). Aircraft attitude and heading may be recovered by applying the following procedure. ‘Aircraft must stay level with constant speed during 30 s, MODE SELECTOR. © MCDU INITIALIZATION: DATA (MCDU KEY)... The DATA INDEX page is displayed. IRS MONITOR (2L KEY)... The IRS MONITOR page is displayed. AC HEADING... The fight crew must enter the he OOOO POOSIPPHOP HSH PTET EETSESEESCESEEEEEEEEEEEEERRES ™ Tratfle advisory: “TRAFFIC” messages: Do not perform a maneuver based on a TA alone. ™ Resolution advisory : All “CLIMB” and “DESCEND” or “MAINTAIN VERTICAL SPEED MAINTAIN” or “ADJUST VERTICAL SPEED ADJUST” or “MONITOR VERTICAL SPEED” type messages AP (if engaged). BOTH FDs. Respond promptly and smoothly to an RA by adjusting or maintaining the pitch, as required, to reach the green area and/or avoid the red area of the vertical Speed scale. Note: Avoid excessive maneuvers while aiming to keep the vertical speed just outside the red area of the VSI, and within the green area. If necessary, use the full speed range between Vamax and VMAX. Respect stall, GPWS, or windshear waming, Notify ATC. © GO AROUND procedure must be performed when an RA “CLIMB” or “INCREASE CLIMB” is triggered on final approach: Note: Resolution Advisories (RA) are inhibited below 900 ft. ™ When “CLEAR OF CONFLICT” is announced: Resume normal navigation in accordance with ATC clearance. AP/FD can be re-engaged as desired. 999996959 | vy Eazy ABNORMAL AND 34.07 agiscaaioasanse! EMERGENCY PROCEDURES a Asia © If the safe conduct of the flight is impacted: Below THRUST RED ALT... Above THRUST RED ALT and Below FL 100. Above THRUST RED ALT and Above FL 100. FLAPS... When at, or above MSA or Circuit Altitud Level off for troubleshooting GPS ALTITUDE... ® To level off for troubleshooting: AP/FI UNRELIABLE SPEED INDICATION/ADR CHECK PROC Maintain current CONFIG Check retracted P Display on MCDU Note: Check the actual slat/flap configuration on ECAM, since flap auto-retraction may occur. . OFF) . OFF TPTCHTHAUST FOR INTIAL LEVEL OFF, 'SLATSFLAPS EXTENDED. ‘Koove 150 0001 | 150000 1-125 00015 | Below 125 0001 CONF Speed Pitch (yThrust (Ni) 3 € TOBA 7.0684 TORSO z F aes 85583 8.5153.0 TF ESE 45572 45523 $ THO2 T5558. T5510 CLEAN FL 200-FL 20 T0753 ‘Above FL 320 FLYING TECHNIQUE TO STABI Adjust pitch in order to fly the requir If the aircraft patch tends to increase. aircraf is slow, then increase thrust; 1 the aircraft pitch tends to decrease, aircraft is fast, then decrease thrust. D ~ PROBEMINDOW MEAT TECHNICAL RECOMMENDATIONS Respect Stall Waming. To monitor speed, refer to IRS Ground Speed or GPS Ground Speed variations. [CAUTION [ifthe faire ws due to radome destruction, the drag wilfincrease and herefore Ni rust be increased by 5 %. Fuel flow wil increase by about 27 %. Qo light When target pitch is reached, flying intended fight path, adjust thrust to target: 2.07808 .ON POPPPPPPPPPPRPERETEATTATAASASASaAagangannnann ABNORMAL AND odes Azteuaigaszoases EMERGENCY PROCEDURES RT =~: UNRELIABLE SPEED INDICATION/ADR “@.|. - CHECK PROC (Cont'd) AFFECTED ADR IDENTIFICATION Crosscheck all speed indications and Refer to the Operating Speeds table of the FPE In Flight Performance QRH Section (for F, S speeds) or Refer to Severe Turbulence table of QRH Operational Data Section in clean ™ If at least one ADR Is reliable: Faulty ADR(s)... REMAINING AIR DATA. Allermates sources may be used to evaluate the air dat ~ GPS attitude. ~ GPS and IRS ground speeds, taking into account altitude and wind effect. ™ It affected ADR(s) cannot be Identified, or if all ADRs are affected: This prevents the fight conta laws from using two coherent but unreliable ADR ata, For flight continuation, Refer to Climb, Cruise and Descent tables. ™ When below FL 250, if speed still unreliable: ALL ADRs P/B.. J. All ADRs must be switched OFF to replace the PFD's normal speed scale and attude indication to the Back Up Speed Scale and GPS altitude indication, SPD..... OFF: .. FLY THE GREEN. NAV ADR 14243 FAULT CLIMB/CRUISE/DESCENT (PITCH & THRUST TABLES) - CLIMB Set the thrust to CL. 150 00015 -125 0001] Below 125 0001 Pach (yThnust (Ni) _| 35CLB Eien} S5CLB BSCLB CLIMB/CRUISE/DESCENT (PITCH & THRUST TABLES) - CRUISE ‘Adjust N1 to maintain approximate level flight with pitch attitude held constant. When time permits Refer to Operational Data (OPS SEVERE TURBULENCE) and adjust pitch to maintain level flight. 2999999299999999990989999999 CLEAN Above 150000 Ib | 150 000 Ib- 125 000 Ib Below 125 000 Ib ch (Tews (NT) aida oe 7) 2s 258. 20768 TOTES ae Fae wore 3046 25S 20B0e >| CLIMB/CRUISE/DESCENT (PITCH & THRUST TABLES) - DESCENT wAvn| Sel the thrust to IDLE. A» vu Ey ABNORMAL AND 34.07B agimsazoesanast EMERGENCY PROCEDURES HTD UNRELIABLE SPEED INDICATION/ADR | CHECK PROC (Cont'd) CLEAN. “Above 150 00015] 1500001 - 125 0001] Below 125 0001 FL Speed teh (VTrwst (NY TLALLLLLRLERELKLICLKLKETETELEERAARARARARRARARRARAL *y 7? Asi eagy: Ciara eatin PPPIIPIIIISSIIS TSOP ISOSI9SSSIEG 36.01 08 FEB 12 ABNORMAL AND EMERGENCY PROCEDURES : AIR DUAL BLEED FAULT " IFENG1 BLEED was lost due to a: LEAK on side 1 ENG 1 FIRE Start Air Valve 1 failed open, DESCENT TO FL100/MEA. Descend rapidly to FL 100/MEA, to prever AVOID ICING CONDITIONS © IF ICE ACCRETION INITIATE, APPR SPD... VLS + 10 KT LDG DIST PRI APPLY | Refer to FCOM-QRH ABN 80 LDG CONF/APPR SPD/LDG DIST Tables. If ENG 2 BLEED was lost due to a; LEAK on side 2 ENG 2 FIRE Start Air Valve 2 failed open. CHECK CLOSED) -INITIATE, Descend rapidly to FL 225, to racover the bleed supply from the eee START Start the APU during the descent. © AT, OR BELOW, FL225 WING A.ICE.. APU BLEED must: APU BLEED...... MAX FL225 AVOID ICING CONDITIONS © IF ICE ACCRETION APPR SPD... LDG DIST PROC. Refer to FCOM-QRH AB) @ In all other case: DESCENT. Descend rapidly recovery is not successful, © If both packs are available : It both packs are operative, it can be suspected that the second bleed system failed due to excessive demand, Recovery of the second failed engine bleed may be attempted. If ENG 1 BLEED Is lost first : If ENG 2 BLEED is lost first: PACK 2... ENGINE 1 BLEED. Exe ABNORMAL AND [ 36.014 | Agimaginassoiase! EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ine AIR DUAL BLEED FAULT (Cont'd) © If engine bleed recovery was not successful, or If one pack Is inoperative: X BLEED.. .. CHECK OPEN DESCENT TO FL225/ME Descend rapidly to FL 225, to recover the bleed supply from the APU. ‘Start the APU during the descent. © AT, OR BELOW, FL225 : WING ALICE. ‘APU BLEED must not be used for wing ant-ice. APU BLEED. MAX FL225, AVOID ICING CONDITIONS © IF ICE ACCRETION Refer to FCOM-QRH ABN 80 LOG CONF/APPR SPD/LDG DIST Tables. PPPPPPPPPPROTT ABNORMAL AND EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ern ‘At 300 kt, the aircraft can fy up to about 2 nm/1 000 ft (with no wind). LANDING STRATEG’ Determine whether a runway’ VHFI/HF1 <4 /ATC1.. © IF NO RELIGHT AFTER 30 SEC: ENG MASTERS... . OFF 30 SION Unassisted start attempts can be repeated until successful, or until APU bleed is available. © IF UNSUCCESSFUL: CREW OXY MASKS (Above FL 100)... @ WHEN BELOW FL 250 APU (IF AVAIL)... © WHEN BELOW FL 200 WING ANTI ICI APU BLEED... ENG MASTERS (one at a time) Ea ABNORMAL AND 70.01A | EMERGENCY PROCEDURES 08 FEB 12 ENG DUAL FAILURE - FUEL REMAINING (Cont'd) © When APU bleed is available or if engine restart Is definitively considered impossible: OPTIMUM SPEED... ...REFER TO TABLE BELOW “GREEN DOT SPEED WITH ALL ENGINES INOPERATIVE (KNOTS) Weight (1 000 Toy ‘Ator below FL 200 FL 300 FL 400 170, 29 29 259 160 280. 240 250 150 2 23 + 241 140) 212 222 252 20) 203 213 2. 120 94 204 214 170 185, 195 205 100. 76 786 796, 90 167 wT 187 ‘At green dot speed, the aircraft can fly up to approximately 2.5 nm per 1 000 ft (with no wind). ‘Average rate of descent is approximately 1 600 fY/'min. CABIN AND COCKPIT. CABIN SIGNS.. COMMERCIAL. USE RUDDER WITH CARE © WHEN BELOW FL 150 RAM AIR.. APPROACH PREPARATION Note; Final descent slope, when configured (CONF 3 ; L1G DOWN) willbe approximately 1.2 nm per 1.000 ft (with no wind). IF FORCED LANDING ANTICIPATED APPROACH FOR LDG.... Only slats extend, and slowly. MIN APPR SPEED. VAPP... Vapp is the maximum VREF + 25 KY/150 kt: dl (1000 6 104 12 120 128 136 | 144 Vapp_ 70 | 150 | 150 | 150 | 152 | 156 [160 © Ata suitable altitude (not below 3 000 ft AGL), configure the aircraft for landing (CONF 3 ; LIG DOWN) : ‘© When in CONF 3 and VAPP: GRAVITY GEAR EXTN handcrank.... .. PULL AND TURN Flight controls revert to direct law at landing gear extension. Wait for CONF 3 and VAPP before extending the landing gear to enable the aicratt to be trimmed for approach. Disregard} “USE MAN PITCH TRIM’ on the PFD, because the stabilizer is frozen in the position where it was at, when the windmiling was insufficient to provide hydraulic power. U PRPPPPPPPPPPEPSTT99I9ITIVIAAAAAAARARAARRARAAR SOVSSSPVDIIIIDDIIDIDIDISOSIS SCS SPP T TEC eee sy Exe A341 CER ERNRABEL the approach speed may be adjusted up to 200 Kt (max speed with slats extended). GND SPLR.. MAX BRK PR. AT 2.000 FT AGL NOTIFY FOR LANDING AT 500 FT AGL BRACE FOR IMPACT. .. ORDER AT TOUCHDOWN ENG MASTER: APU MASTER BRAKES ON ACCU ONLY AFTER LANDING © When the aircraft has stopped: PARKING BRI ATC... FIRE pushbutton (ENG and APU). AGENTS (ENG and APU) Engine Agent 2 is not available. ™@ If Evacuation required: EVACUATION. ELT #4 not, switch on the transmitter. @ If Evacuation not required: CABIN CREW and PASSENGERS (PA)... IF DITCHING ANTICIPATED APPROACH FOR LDG..... Only slats extend, and slowly. MIN APPR SPEEI VAPP... Vapp is the maximum between VREF + 25 kt/150 kt: Weight (10001) | 96 | io | i2 | io | ize | 19] 1 | 152 160 | 168 | 172 Vapp [150 | 180 | 150 | 150 | 182 | 186 | 160 | te [tee | an Ta © Ata suitable altitude (not below 3 000 ft AGL), configure the aircraft for ditching (CONF 3 ; LIG UP) CHECK UP ABNORMAL AND 70.01C EMERGENCY PROCEDURES (08 FEB 12 Prefer ditching parallel to the swell If that causes a strong crosswind, ditch into the wind. Inall cases, touch down with a pitch attitude of approximately 11 * Minimze aircraft vertical speed. AT 500 FT AGL BRACE FOR IMPACT... AT TOUCHDOWN ENG MASTERS. APU MASTER SW. AFTER DITCHING ATC (VHF 1) FIRE pushbutton (ENG and APU! AGENT (ENG and APU)..... Engine Agent 2 is not available. EVACUATION. INITIATE ELT *..... EMITTING {f not, switch on the transmitter. NY NNN NANA PAAAALALLLAALRRANY ~ ON SVSSSESSESFSSSSSOOSSOESOESCECECELEECOSCEEC CC ECEESESE | SLA BIA2Z0/As2¢ OFF THEN ON, Then apply the folowing ; STATUS page, paper procedure, and it time permits, clear ECAM alerts, and check the ECAM OPTIMUM SPEED... 220 KT/GREEN DOT Initially, ty 220 kt, because the PFD may not alsplay the correct green dot speed. Then fly the green dot ‘speed according to the following table: (GREEN DOT SPEED WITH ALL ENGINES INOPERATIVE (KNO} ‘Ator below FL. 200 FL 300 21 Zar 212 222 205 25, 194 204 rs V6 186. 167 17 At green dot speed, the aircraft can fly up to approximately 2.5 nm per 1 000 ft (with no wind). Average rate of descent is approximately 1 600 fin. LANDING STRATEGY. DETERMINE Determine whether a runway can be reached or the mast appropriate place for a forced landing/ditching. CREW OXY MASKS (Above FL 100). CABIN AND COCKPIT. SIGNS..... COMMERCIAL. USE RUDDER WITH CARE © WHEN BELOW FL 150 RAM AIR... COMMON ACTIONS FOR THE APPROACH APPROACH PREPARATION ole: Final descent slope, when configured (CONF &/ UG DOWN), wil be approximately 1.2.Nim per 1 000 ft (with no wind). ‘S/OXY SUPPLY (below FL 100). IF FORCED LANDING ANTICIPATED APPROACH MIN APPR SPEED... Eazy ABNORMAL AND 70.02A AatMyA319/A320/A921 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES QUICK REFERENCE HAND BOOK 08 FEB 12 pa ENG DUAL FAILURE - NO FUEL REMAINING (Cont'd) VAPP.... DETERMINE Vapp is the maximum between VREF + 25 kv/150 kt. Weight (100015) | 96 | 104 | 112 | 120 | 126 | 190] 14 7 Vapp [150 [150 | 150 ! 150 | 152 | 156 ! 160 173 © Ata sultable altitude (not below 3 000 ft AGL), configure the aircraft for landing (CONF 3 ; YG DOWN) © When in CONF 3 and VAPP GRAVITY GEAR EXTN handerank.. .. PULL AND TURN Flight controls revert to direct law at landing gear for CONF 3 and VAPP ‘before extending the landing gear to enable the aircralt to be timmed for approach, Disregard “USE MAN PITCH TRIM on the PFD, because the stabilizer is frozen in the position where it was al, when the windmiling was insufficient to provide hydraulic power. ‘© When L/G downlocked UG lever... APPROACH SPEED.. ‘Adjust the speed to the determined Vapp. Nevertheless, to reach the landing field/tunway, the approach speed may be adjusted up to 200 kt (max speed with slats extended). AT 2.000 FT AGL CABIN..... AT 500 FT AGL BRACE FOR IMPACT... AT TOUCHDOWN ENG MASTERS. BRAKES ON ACCU ONLY AFTER LANDING © When the aircraft has stopped ™ If Evacuation required EVACUATION... ELT -4..... If not, switch on the transmitter ™ If Evacuation not required: CABIN CREW and PASSENGERS (PA) IF_ DITCHING ANTICIPATED APPROACH FOR LDG.... Only slats extend, and slowly. MIN APPR SPEED. NY a ah ARARAARDONY Exay ABNORMAL AND EMERGENCY PROCEDURES DUAL FAILURE - NO FUEL REMAINING (Cont'd) H .. DETERMINE [Weight (7 00016) 35] roa Te Lae |e | Vapp = 150 766 | 160 | 164 | 109 | 171 © Ata suitable altitude (not below 3 000 ft AGL), configure the aircraft for ditching (CONF 3 ; L/G UP) UG lever.. CHECK UP AT 2000 FT AGL CABIN... NOTIFY FOR DITCHING DITCHING pushbuttor wn ON Prefer ditching parallel to the swell If that causes a strong crosswind, ditch into the wind... In all cases, touch down with a pitch attitude of approximately 11°. Minimize aircraft vertical speed. AT 500 FT AGL BRACE FOR IMPACT... AT TOUCHDOWN ENG MASTERS. AFTER DITCHING ATC (VHF 1). . CHECK EMITTING If not, switch on the transmitter 70.03 (08 FEB 12 ABNORMAL AND EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ENG RELIGHT (IN FLIGHT) E=e BIER RRR MAX ALTITUDE... ENG MASTER (affected)... ‘Be aware that, contrary to an autostart on ground, the crew must take appropriate action in case of an abnormal start Engine light up should be achiaved within 30 s after fuel flow increases. ENG PARAMETERS (N2, EGT).... ™ When Idle Is reached (AVAIL Indication pulses in green) : ENG MODE SEL. TCAS MODE SEL -# Check that the selector is at TA/RA since, if the ENG SHUT DOWN procedure has been applied, the TCAS mode selector may have been set at the TA position. . CHECK Affected SYS... Restore affected systems, and set the X BLEED selector to AUTO, ™ If no relight: ENG MASTER (affected). | Wait 30 s before attempting a new start (to drain the engine). IN FLIGHT ENGINE RELIGHT ENVELOPE ec we orttetsbh S STARTER ASSIST] wanes: 2 [Engine Bleed. \| no's 5 20000 t < wy x 2 16000 a = 10000 5000 PIAARRAALRANRARRRRAN ABNORMAL AND a321 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES arED 12 (CE HAND BOOK, AgtB/A31 9/49: ‘QUICK REFERS ™ N2 between 50 % and IDLE: THR LEVER (AFFECTED ENGINE) ENG MASTER (AFFECTED ENGINE) ASSOCIATED PROCEDURES ENG 1(2) SHUT DOWN ™ N2 above IDLE (title and procedure not displayed on ECAM)= ™ On ground: THR LEVER (AFFECTED ENGINE) ENG MASTER (AFFECTED ENGI M Inflight: THR LEVER (AFFECTED ENGINE, ENG PARAMETERS (AFFECTED © Abnormal : ENG MASTER (AFFECTED ENGINE)... ASSOCIATED PROCEDURES ——_—— ENG 1(2) SHUT DOWN © Normal : ENG A.ICE (AFFECTED ENGINE) WING A.ICE..... THR LEVER (AFFECTED ENGIN! © Ifa stall recurs : THR LEVER (AFFECTED ENGINE)... © If a stall does not recur : Continue engine operation. FUTUR TROD DSS SSO OE SCOTS SESS ECT CEES AS1S(A319/A320/0324 ‘QUICK REFERENCE HAND BOOK ABNORMAL AND 70.05 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES = ENG TAILPIPE FIRE [CAUTION External fire agents can cause severe corrosive damage and should, therefore, only be [considered after having applied following procedure : MAN START. ENG MASTEI AIR BLEED PRESS. BEACON...... ENG MODE SEL. MAN START... © When burning has stopped MAN START.. ENG MODE SEL. PAAAAAAAAAAAARARAS aeaaded ry & @ 9aDDP eves odd do dSSESSESESEEEEEESSCEESTSCSCSEEEHCECHOHL pte ABNORMAL AND '320/A329 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES HENCE HAND BOOK, 08 FEB 12 HIGH ENGINE VIBRATION The ECAM's VIB advisory (N1 26 units, N2 24.3. Units) is mainly a guideline to induce the crew to monitor engine parameters more closely VIB detection alone does not require engine shutdown. ‘Note; 1. High engine vibrations may be accompanied by cockpit and cabin smoke, and/or the smel? ‘of buming. This may be due only to compressor blade tip contact with associated abradable seals. 2. High N1 vibrations are generally accompanied by perceivable airframe vibrations. High N2 vibrations can occur without perceivable airame vibrations. IF NO ICING CONDITIONS : ENG PARAMETERG...... .CHECK Check engine parameters and especially EGT ; crosscheck with the other engine. Report in the © If rapid increase above the advisory : THRUST LEVER (affected engine). .. RETARD Flight conditions permitting. reduce N1 to maintain the vibration fevel below the advisory threshold, ‘Note; ifthe VIB indication does not decrease following thrust reduction, this may indicate other engine problems. Apply the adequate procedure. IF ICING CONDITIONS : ‘An increase in engine vibrabons in iang conditions, with or without engine anti-ice, may be due to fan blades and/or spinner icing. ATHR. . OFF ENGINE ANTI-ICE.... CHECK IT ENG ANTHICE is off, switch t ON at idle fan speed, one engine at an approximate 30 5 interval. THRUST LEVER (one engine at a time)... INCREASE THRUST, Increase thrust fo a setting compatible with the fight phase. The VIB level will return to normal after ice is shed, despite a slight increase duang acceleration. Resume normal operation, ‘Note: When vibratons above the advisory level have been experienced during the flight, and if possible, shut down the engine after landing, for taxing. IVVUVUVVVOVO DEDEDE DOTSSOCOEEGOEOE SEES ESE C SEY ABNORMAL AND Maigiacenase EMERGENCY PROCEDURES mre 1282 aay: QUICK REFERENCE | CIRCLING APPROACH WITH ONE ENGINE INOPERATIVE LANDING WEIGHT. we CHECK © If the aircraft weight is above the maximum weight for circling In CONF 3 (given in the table below): The aircraft cannot maintain fight level with CONF 3 and the landing gear down. FOR LDG... USE FLAP 3 CONF 3 is preferred, to minimize a configuration change in short final. GPWS LDG FLAP ON Delay gear extension. Note; If the approach is flown at less than 750 ft RA, the “IG NOT DOWN" warning will be tnggered. The piiot can cancel the aural waming by pressing the EMER CANC pb, located on the ECAM control panel + ATOO LOW GEAR” warning is to be expected, it the landing gear is not downlocked at 500 ft RA MAXIMUM. WEIGHT FOR CIRCLING IN CONF 3 (1000 LB) STRAIGHT-IN-APPROACH WITH ONE ENGINE INOPERATIVE reasons, do not extend flaps ful unti established on a final descent to landing. For performance Ma level off is expected dunng the final approach. perform the approach and landing in CONF 3. saueusinesaaisst ABNORMAL AND 80.02 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES a BOMB ON BOARD IF POSSIBLE, LAND AND EVACUATE THE AIRCRAFT IMMEDIATELY. It itis not possible to land and evacuate the aircraft within 30 min, apply the folowing procedures : COCKPIT PROCEDURES BACKGROUND To avoid the activation of an atude-sensitive bomb, the cabin atitude should not exceed the value at which the bomb has been discovered. To reduce the effects of the explosion, the aircraft should fy as long as possible with approximately 1 PSI differential pressure, to help the blast go outwards. 1 PSI differential pressure corresponds 10 a 2.500 f difference between the aircraft and the cabin altitude. These conditions are achieved by using the manual pressure control. PROCEDURE The following procedure assumes that itis inated during climb or cruise : - First, maintain the cabin altitude. ~ While maintaining the cabin altitude, descend the aircraft fo the cabin altitude + 2 600 ft and maintain deta P at 1 PSI. ~ During further steps of descent, maintain delta P at 1 PSI. ~ For landing, reduce the differential pressure to zero, until the final approach. if fight conditions are different, the crew should adapt the procedure, bearing in mind the above-mentioned principles (background paragraph). nee AIRCRAFT (if climbing)... CABIN PRESS MODE SEL. a CAB ALT..... MAINTAIN CABIN CRE! ATC/COMPANY OPERATION: FUEL RESERVES.. Keep in mind that when fying at cabin atitude + 2 500 ft, the fue! consumption in CONF 1, with landing gear down, will be about 2.1 times that consumed in clean configuration. NEXT SUITABLE AIRPORT. FCU SPEED SELECTION KNO! Select the most appropriate speed, taking into account the time to destination, the fuel consumption ‘and the fact that low speed could reduce the consequences of possible structural damage, ifthe bomb explodes. DESCENT TO CAB ALT +2 500 FEET or MEA or minimum obstacle clearance| altitude. - INITIATE! AVOID CAB ALT..... MAINTAIN) VALVILALABRRARAARLLAARARRAN GEVSEDESOSE DEDEDE USSFSEEECCTSCSCSCCCSTC ECS A AS{8/A319/a320/0324 ABNORMAL AND 80.02A EMERGENCY PROCEDURES BOMB ON BOARD (Cont'd) © When at CAB ALT+ 2500 ft: 1 PSI DELTA P. GALLEY... ‘© When the bomb is secured at the LRBL or cannot be moved: EMER EXIT LT. COMMERCIAL. FLAPS (fuel permitting). For landing, use normal configuration, LANDING GEAR (fuel permitting, except for flight over water)... © For any other steps of descent: 1 PSI DELTA P...... ® During approach: CABIN PRESS MODE SEL... © When aircraft on ground and stopped in a remote area (if possible) : If evacuation required: EVACUATION. ‘Avoid exits, and exiting on the same side as the bomb or near the bomb. © If evacuation not required: CABIN CREW and PASSENGERS (PA)... CABIN PROCEDURES ta suspect device is found in the cabin: WARNING Do not cu or disconnect any wires and do nol open or atfempt to gain entry to] intemal components of a closed or concealed suspect device. Any attempt may result jin an explosion. Booby-trapped closed devices have been used on aircraft in the past. [WARNING [Alternate locations must not be used without consulting with an aviation explosives security specialist, Never take a suspect device tothe fight deck. [CAUTION The least nsk bomb location for aircraft structure and systems is center of the RH ant cabin door. _| EOD PERSONNEL ON BOARD... a CHECK| “Announce :"Is there any EOD personnel on board 7”. By using the inital, only persons familar with EOD (Explosive Ordnance Disposal) will be made aware ofthe problem. {EFERENCE HAND BOOK 08 FEB 12 INITIATE .. NOTIFY) ‘Secure in the attitude found and do not lift before having checked for an anti-| ion device, PASSENGERS... LEAD AWAY FROM BOMB Move passengers at least 4 seat rows away the bomb location. On fl ight, it may be necessary to double up passengers to achiave standoff from the suspect device. Passengers near the bomb should protect their heads with pilows, blankets. All passengers must remain seated with seatbelts on and, if possible, head below the top ofthe head rest. Seat backs and tray tables must be in their full upright position, Service items may need fo be collected in order to secure tray tables. UG ABNORMAL AND 80.02B 4318(4319/A320/8321 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES Gr BOMB ON BOARD (Cont'd) | PORTABLE ELECTRONIC DEVICES.. . SWITCH OFF The cabin crews must command passengers to switch off all portable electronic devices, BOMB....... . CHECK NO ANTI-LIFT DEVICE To check for an anti-lift switch or lever, slide a string or stiff card (such as the emergency information card) under the bomb, without disturbing the bomb. Jf the string or card cannot be stigped under the bomb, it may indicate that an anti-itt switch or lever is present and that the bomb cannot be moved. ‘fa card s used and can be slid under the bomb, leave it under the bomb and move together with the bomb. {fits not possible to move the bomb, then it should be surrounded with a single thin sheet of plastic (e.g. rash bag), then with wetted materials, and other blast attenuation materials such as seat cushions and soft carry-on baggage. Move personnel as far away from the bomb location as possible. EMERGENCY EQUIPMENTS. REMOVE AND STOW Emergency equipments (PBE, fre extinguisher, ..) located clase fo the LABL must be removed and ‘stowed in altemate location. GALLEY/FE POWER. .OFF All galley and IFE equipment © If the bomb can be moved: RH AFT CABIN DOOR SLIDE... LEAST RISK BOMB LOCATION (LRBL)..... Bui up a plato of solid baggage agains the door upto about 25 cm (10 in) below the middle of the door. On top of this, build up atleast 25 cm (10 in) of wetted material such as blankets and pilows. Place a single thin sheet of plastic (eg. trash bag) on top ofthe wetted materials. This prevents any possible short circuit CAUTION |DO NOT OMIT THE PLASTIC SHEETS, AS THE SUSPECT DEVICE COULD GET WET AND POSSIBLY SHORT CIRCUIT ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS CAUSING INADVERTENT DEVICE ACTIVATION. BOMB INDICATION LINE.. .. POSITION Note: A bomb location indicator line isa 6 ft o 8 ft (1.8 m to 2.4 m) line (e.g. neckties, headset cord, or belts connected together) preferably of constrating color, that helps the ‘responding bomb squad find the precise location of the suspect device within the LRBL. ‘stack once constructed. Position the bomb indication line from the location on the platform where you will place the suspect device, EXTENDING outward into the aisle. BOMB.... . MOVE TO LRBL| Carefully cary in the atitude found and place on top of the wetted materials in the same attitude and] as close to the door structure as possible. CAUTION = that the suspect device, when placed on the stack against the door, is above the slide pack but not against the door handle, and if possible, avoid placement in the view port. vu PPPPP POPP PPP PTF 2A A 444A ACACACAAATAAAUVIAVAS SUVUUVESSSEDSDSESESSESSSESEEESSSSSSSSEEEE EES: ABNORMAL AND EMERGENCY PROCEDURES. 08 FEB 12 BOMB ON BOARD (Cont'd) LEAST RISK BOMB LOCATION (LRBL).... Place an adalional singe thin sheet of plastic over the bomb, CAUTION [DO NOT OMIT THE PLASTIC SHEETS, AS THE SUSPECT DEVICE COULD GET WET AND POSSIBLY SHORT CIRCUIT ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS CAUSING INADVERTENT DEVICE ACTIVATION. Build up at 25 cm (10 in) of wetted material around the sides and on top ofthe bomb. DO NOT PLACE ANYTHING BETWEEN THE BOMB AND THE DOOR, AND MINIMIZE AIRSPACE AROUND THE BOMB, ‘The idea i to build up a protective surrounding ofthe bomb so that the explosive force is directed in {he only unprotected area into the door structure, Fill he area around the bomb with seat cushions and other sot materials such as hand luggage (Saturated with water on any other nonfiammable liquid) up to the cabin ceiling, compressing as ‘Much as possible. Secure the LRBL stack in place using belt, ties or other appropriate materials. ‘The more material stacked around the bomb, the less the damage will be. USE ONLY SOFT MATERIAL. AVOID USING MATERIALS CONTAINING ANY INFLAMMABLE LIQUID AND ANY METAL OBJECTS WHICH COULD BECOME DANGEROUS PROJECTILES. LBL STACK COMPLETE ‘Second Layer of Wet Material Bomb Location indicator Line ——_ Joost f : SLIDE First Layer of Wet Material Container Hard Baggage PASSENGERS... .-MOVE/ADVISE ‘Move passengers at least 4 seat rows away from the least risk bomb location (RH att cabin door). ‘On tull fights, it may be necessary to double up passengers to achieve standoff from the suspect paesongers near the bomb should protect their heads with pillows, blankets. All passengers must remain seated with seatbelts on and, if possible, head below the top of the head rest. Seat backs and tray tables must be in their full upright position. CABIN CREW. NOTIFY COCKPIT CREW Cabin crew notiy the fight crew BL. Ea] ABNORMAL AND 80.02D agtaiaatovanaoinazs EMERGENCY PROCEDURES — BOMB ON BOARD (Cont'd) EVACUATIONDISEMBARKATION..... ~EXECUTE| Evacuate through normal and emergency exits onthe oppasie side ofthe “bomb location. Do not tse the door just opposite the “bomb. Use alll available airport facilities to disembark without delay. 099900577 77TTAALAAAAARARARRARRRARRRARRAA o This procedure applies wher a Nn engines are running. If engines are not running, Refer fo the QRH ABN 70 ENG DUAL FAILURE (with or without fu! remaining) procedure, which has been amended to include the ing procedure when the engines are not running. PREPARATION Atom RANSPONDER (if available). .. NOTIFY/SELECT A7700 TRAY ATC of the nature of the emergency encountered, and state intentions. Select transponder code 7700, or transmit the distress message on: (VHF) 121.5 MHz or (HF) 2 182 kHz or 8 364 KHz. CABIN and COCKPIT. Omit the normal approach and landing checklist. CREW MASKS/OXY SUPPLY (below FL 10 APPROACH UG lever. SLATS and AT.2 000 FT AGL CAB PRESS MODE SEL. DITCHING pushbutton. Prefer ditching parallel to the swell. f that causes a strong crosswind, dich into the wind. In all cases, touch down with a pitch attitude of approximately 11 *. Minimize aircraft vertical speed. AT.500 FT AGL BRACE FOR IMPACT....... AT TOUCHDOWN ENG MASTERS... APU MASTERS SW. AFTER DITCHING ATC (VHF 1).... FIRE pushbutton (ENG and APU). AGENTS (ENGs and APU EVACUATIO! ELT... ff not.switch ON the transrniter. Ea] ABNORMAL AND 80.04 Aaneyagyoiaszoiagzt EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ETF FORCED LANDING This procedure applies when engines are running. If engines are not running, Refer to the QRH ABN 70 ENG DUAL FAILURE (with or without fuel remaining) procedure, which has been amended to include the forced landing procedure, when the engines are not running, PREPARATION ATC /TRANSPONDER (if available). .. NOTIFY/SELECT A7700 Notify ATC of the nature of the emergency encountered, and state intentions. If not in contact with ATC, select transponder code A7700, or transmit the distress message on: (VHF) 121.5 MMZz or (HF) 2 182 kHz oF 8 364 kHz. CABIN and COCKPIT...... + Loose equipment secured ~ Survival equipment prepared ~ Belts and shoulder hamess locked, Omit normal approach and landing checklist CREW MASKS/OXY SUPPLY (below FL 100)... APPROACH MAX BRK PR.. AT 2000 FTAGL CABIN... AT.500 FT AGL BRACE FOR IMPACT. AT TOUCHDOWN ENG MASTERS... APU MASTER S BRAKES ON ACCU ONLY AFTER LANDING © When aircraft has stopped: PARKING BRK. ATC (VHF 1)... FIRE pushbutton (ENG and APU) AGENTS (ENG and APU) ™ If Evacuation required: EVACUATION... ABNORMAL AND 80.04A Azagyag tor EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ar ™ If Evacuation not required: CABIN CREW and PASSENGERS (PA). SNNSVVVUVUVUVUU UCC ECC C CECE CCRC UU UCU eu eee reer Ear ABNORMAL AND 80.05 JERGENCY PROCEDURES azuanaasagasas | EMERGENC wreR EMER DESCENT IMMEDIATE ACTION CREW OXY MASK‘ EMER DESCENT... The fight crew must inform the cabin of emergency descent on the PA system. SIGNS..... The recommendation is to descend with the AP engaged ~ Turn the ALT selector knob and pull + Turn the HDG selector knob and pull ~ Adjust the target SPD/MACH, THR LEVERS(it AHR not engaged)... ~ If autothrust is engaged, check that THR IDLE is displayed on the FMA. + If not engaged, retard the thrust levers, SPD BRK... Extension of the speedbrakes wit significantly increase Vis, To avoid AP disconnection and automatic retraction of the speedbrakes, due fo possible activation of ‘Angle-of-Attack protection, allow the speed to increase before starting fo use the speedbrakes. WHEN DESCENT ESTABLISHED EMER DESCENT FL100, of minimum allowable attitude, SPEED....... MAX/APPROPRIATE. CAUTION |Descend at the maximum appropriate speed. If structural damage | is suspected, use the flight controls with care and reduce speed as appropriate, Landing gear may be extended below 25 000 ft.n such a case, speed must be reduced to VLOVLE. Note: The recommendation is to descend with the autopilot engaged. Use of the autopilot is also permitted in EXPEDITE mode -# . ENG MODE SEL... Notify ATC ofthe nature of the emergency, and slate intention. not in contact with ATC, transmit a gistress massage on one of the following frequencies: (VHF) 121.5 MHz, or (HF) 2 182 kHz, or 8 364 KHz. ATC XPDR 7700... ...CONSIDER ‘Squawk 7700 unless otherwise specified by ATC. To save oxygen, set the oxygen diluterselactor tothe N position. Ifthe oxygen diluter selector remains at 100 %, the quantity of oxygen may not be sufficient for the entire emergency descent profile, MAX FL..... w+ 100/MEA! © IF CAB ALT > 14 000 ft: PAX OXY MASKS... .. MAN ON This action confirms that the passenger oxygen masks are released. Note: Notity the cabin crew when the aircrat reaches a safe fight level, and when cabin oxygen is no more necessary. Pa PEPTITITITIVITVIDLIDAARARARARARARDAADDMIIN soveveveddddobeoooSSSSSSLOE DOES ESOL SEEEEES as: SEAT OVERWEIGHT LANDING LOG CONF.. Use the ECAM flap setting, ‘it required for abnormal operations. in all other cases * FULL is preferred for optimized landing performance . {Le arcran weights above the maxnum weg fr goaround (anf the aba below). use FLAP 3 [mn all cases, if landing configuration is different from FLAP FULL, use 1+F for go-around. ‘Note; For weights greater than 70 000 kg (ar 154 000 Ib), $ speed Is greater than VFE CONF 2 (200 kt). Consequently, on the FCU, the crew must select a speed below 200 kt before setting FLAPS 2. When in FLAPS 2, the crew can use managed speed again. AS REQUIRED. ‘or supplied by APU ‘Selectng packs OFF (or supphed from APU) will increase the maximum thrust available from the engines in the event of a go-around, © In the final approach stages TARGET SPEED... Reduce the selected speed on the FCU to reach VLS al runway threshold. Touch down as smoothly as possible (Maximum V/S at touchdown 360 tvmin). © At main landing gear touchdown VLS REVERSE THRUST.. USE MAX AVAILABLE, © After nosewheel touchdown BRAKES... APPLY AS NECESSARY Maximum braking may be used after nose whgel touchdown. But, if landing distance pernvts, delay or ‘reduce braking to fully benefit from the available runway fength. ® Landing complete BRAKE FANS -* Be prepared for tre deflation, i tamperaturas exceed 800 °C. MAXIMUM WEIGHT FOR GO AROUND IN CONF 3 (1 0001) Care ‘AIRPORT ELEVATION. ABNORMAL AND EMERGENCY PROCEDURES Bae a3: | ARERRASATARORBOE STALL RECOVERY ‘As soon as any stall indication (could be aural waming, butt...) is recognized, apply the immediate actions: NOSE DOWN PITCH CONTROL. APPLY This will reduce angle of attack Note; Incase of lack of pitch down authority, reducing thrust may be necessary. BANK...... © When out of stall (no longer stall indications) THRUST..... INCREASE SMOOTHLY AS NEEDED Note; Incase of one engine inoperative, progressively compensate the thrust asymmetry with rudder. .CHECK RETRACTED) SPEEDBRAKES.. FLIGHT PATH. COVER SMOOTHLY SELECT} ‘Note: fa nsk of ground contact exists, once clearly out of sta (no longer stall inaications), establish smoothly a postive clmb gradient. STALL WARNING AT LIFT-OFF Spurious stall waming may sound in NORMAL law, ifan angl of attack probe is damaged. In this case, apply immediately the following actions: THRUST. ss TOGA Althe same time: PITCH ATTITUDI BANK..... Note; When a safe fight path and speed are achieved and maintained, if stall warning continues, consider it a spunous. —_| « - RAAAAALARLAS TLULALLARRRRA TITTY 80.08 aay ABNORMAL AND | 80.08 | EMERGENCY PROCEDURES FERENCE Hi 4318/a319/,: SRNARLBARROUASay are In the event of a tatstrke, apply the folowing procedure: MAX FL... 500 fymin should be targeted forthe climb, to minimize pressure changes, and for passenger and crew comtort. ‘Similarly, the Fate of descent must be limited to about 1.000 fimin , except for the final approach that must be performed normally. Notify the ATC of the aircrat’s rate of climb, RAM AIR.. PACK 1 and wv wwBLSSSELEEEELEEOELECEECO ESOS COSCO EOEEEE SE, En ABNORMAL AND 80.09 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES 08 FEB 12 VOLCANIC ASH ENCOUNTER © If the aircraft enters a volcanic ash cloud: asaneniannagnaas ( p CREW OXYGEN MASK: CABIN CREW... Note; CARGO VENTILATION system is installed, it is recommended to switch off the CARGO ISOL VALVES, to prevent a cargo smoke warning being triggered. ENGINE PARAMETERS. AIRSPEED INDICATIONS. |" airspeed is unrelable or lost Refer to QRH ABN 34 Unreliable Speed Indicalio/ADA Check Proc procedure. Note’ fall engines flame out and speed indications are lost Refer to QRH ABN 70 DUAL ENGINE FAILURE procedure. to get the required pitch attitude for the optimum relight speed. {In case of engine failure, switch off the wing anti ice before engine restart. Note: If sufficient visibity is not granted for approach due to windshield/window damage, consider AUTOLAND. AUTOLAND 1s not available, consider opening the sliding window on the P's side, atter cabin depressunization, To manually depressunze the cabin: CAB PRESS MODE SEL.. MAN WS CTL. Due to the increased noise level, pay particular attention to visual wamings, MAN $F 1111111111999 R12ARAVARAVaAQaQAagas ; DOVWOVEOSDOLESEOSSEEEEEEEECECESOOOSCESOSCEE EEE ABNORMAL AND 80.10 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES aeE Assea34. QUEK REFERENCE WINDSHEAR AHEAD ‘The "WIS AHEAD" message is displayed on each PFD. The color of the message depends on the severity ‘and location of the windshear. Note: When a predictive windshear alert ( WINDSHEAR AHEAD” or “GO AROUND WINDSHEAR AHEAD’) is triggered, if the fight crew makes a positive verifcation that no hazard exists, then the alert may be disregarded, as long as: ~ There are no other signs of possible windshear conditions, and ~ The reactive windshear system is operational. ; ‘Known cases of spurious predictive windshear alerts have been reported at some airports, during either takeoff or landing, due to the specific obstacle environment. However, always rely on any reactive windshear ( WINDSHEAR ). WIS AHEAD RED ™ Takeoff Associated with an aural synthetic voice “WINDSHEAR AHEAD, WINDSHEAR AHEAD”. © Before takeoff Delay takeoff, or select the most favorable runway. © During the takeoff run Reject takeoff. Note: Predictive windshear alerts are inhibited above 100 Kts until 50 ft. © When airborne THR LEVERS, AAs usual, the slatflap SRS ORDERS... This includes the use of full backstic, if required. ‘Note: 1. Ifengaged, the autopilot disengages when ais greater than a prot. 2. If the FD is not available, use a pitch initial attitude up to 17.5 °. If necessary to minimize the loss of height, increase this pitch attitude. ™ Landing Associated with an aural synthetic voice “GO AROUND, WINDSHEAR AHEAD". GO AROUND... This includes the use of full backstick, i required, ‘Note: 1. Ifengaged, the autopilot oisengages when a is greater than a prot. 2, Ifthe FD is not available, use a pitch initial attitude up to 17.5 °. H necessary to minimize the loss of height, increase this pitch attitude. WIS AHEAD AMBER Apply precautionary measures, as indicated below: ™ Before TAKEOFF Delay takeoff until conditions improve. Evaluate takeoff conditions : « Using observations and experience. * Checking weather conditions. Select the most favorable runway (considering location of the likely windshear). vu ABNORMAL AND EMERGENCY PROCEDURES Gaza a Eeiceaaecarunite 08 FEB 12 WINDSHEAR AHEAD (Cont'd) id Use the weather radar or the predictive windshear system before commencing takeoff to ensure that the flight path clears any potential problem areas. Select TOGA thrust. Monitor closely airspeed and airspeed trend during the takeoff run for early signs of windshear, ™ During Approach Delay landing or divert to another airport until conditions are more favorable. Evaluate condition for a safe landing by : + Using observations and experience. * Checking weather conditions, Use the weather radar. Select the most favorable runway, considering also which has the most appropriate approach aid. Select FLAPS 3. Use managed speed in the approach phase. Check both FDs engaged in ILS, FPA or V/S. Engage the autopilot, for a more accurate approach and earlier recognition of deviation from the beam, when ILS is available. Note: - When itis using the GS mini-function, associated with managed ‘speed, the system will carry extra speed in strong wind conditions. - Incase of strong or gusty crosswind greater than 20 Kt, Refer to FPE-IFL VAPP Determination. I A red flag “WINDSHEAR" is displayed on each PFD associated with an aural synthetic voice “WINDSHEAR” repeated three times. |fwindshear is detected by pilot observation, apply the following recovery technique: ™ At takeoff If before V1 ‘The takeoff should be rejected only if significant airspeed variations occur below indicated V1 and the pilot decides that there is sufficient runway remaining to stop the airplane. " ifafter V1 THR LEVERS. REACHING VI SRS ORDERS... This includes the use of full backstick, if demanded, Note: 1. If engaged, the autopilot disengages when a is greater than a prot, 2. Ifthe FD bars are not available, use an intial pitch attude up to 17.5 ° with full baackstick, if necessary. I needed, 1 minimize the lass of heigh, increase this pitch -TOGA attitude. Uv PRITEILTTIIIITTLELIAVLVLLALARARARRARALARARI ABNORMAL AND 4380/8319/4920 a324 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES WINDSHEAR (Cont'd) ™ Airborne, initial climb or landing THR LEVERS AT TOGA. This includes the use of full backstick, if demanded, Note: 1. Ifengaged, the autopilot sangages when ar is greater than a prot. 2. If the FD bars are not available, use an initial pitch attitude up to 17.5 ° with full backstick, itmecessary, If needed, to minimize the foss of height, increase ths pitch atiude. DO NOT CHANGE CONFIGURATION (SLATS/FLAPS, GEAR) UNTIL OUT OF SHEAR. CLOSELY MONITOR FLIGHT PATH AND SPEED. RECOVER SMOOTHLY TO NORMAL CLIMB OUT OF SHEAR. Wwe VSESSLOTOSSSOSUSSSSESUTVSSESSOSSESEET’ Ea ABNORMAL AND 80.11 agisuaztaaczanass EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ane WINDSHIELD/WINDOW ARCING Affected WINDOWMWINDSHIELD ANTI ICE C) ul the circuit breaker ofthe affected window/windshield heat - Electrical arcing of the cockpit windshiekd‘window, or + Bumung smell or smoke identified as coming from the bottom right comer of CAPT windshield or bottom left comer of the F/O windshield. On the rear C/B panel: + ANTIICE L WSHLD C/B AF10 (123VU) * ANTIICE R WSHLD G/B AFO3 (123VU) * ANTI ICE/WINDOWS L C/B X14 (122VU) * ANTI ICE/WINDOWS R C/B W14 (122VU) PIFPFEPEP PF FELIRIIIIILIVIDALALAALERA ALARA DODOVOVOOOSO ESSE SESE SSS EOO ETOCS SSOSCESOSEL ABNORMAL AND 80.12 ee EMERGENCY PROCEDURES aneT Ag, CHAU IASON 29 WINDSHIELD/WINDOW CRACKED DIAGNOSIS OF INNER PLY. -PERFORM Touch the cracks with a pen (or carefuly wit fingemail) to determine (on the cockpit side. ™ Ifno crack on cockpit side: No limitation The inner ply is not affected. Therefore, the window/windshield is still able to sustain the maximurn differential pressure at the curent fight level ™ If cracks on cockpit side: MAX FL, The inner ply is affected. The fight crew is notable to easily determine if other plies are afected. The maximum fight level is restricted to FL 230/MEA to obtain AP 5 PSI, without resulting in an excessive cabin altude and an EXCESS CAB ALT waming. Note: The following procedure allows maintaining AP 5 PSI in manual cabin pressure mode. CAB PRESS MODE SEL. . MAN MAN WS CTL... AS RQRD Set the cabin altitude, according to the table below: [aP=5PS] Fi mo ——«180 200, 230, TAENALTTIE 3 3000) 006) 3000 © When starting the descent for approac! CAB PRESS MODE SEL. Note: {fall front facing windows are affected and if sufficient vis iy ot gated tr approach, consider AUTOLAND. if AUTOLAND is. not available, consider opening the siding window on the PFs side, alter cabin depressurizaton. To manually depressurize the cabin: CAB PRESS MODE SEL. ss MAN: MAN VSS CTL..... Due to the increased noise level, pay particular attention to visual warnings. r Enza (a3! SIERRA BEL ‘won | 80.13 | EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ECAM ADVISORY CONDITIONS IEPE changeover recommended: MODE SEL (MAN) Wait 10, then. MODE SEL (AUTO) IMODE SEL (MAN) Manual pressure contol TDG ELEV (ADJUST) It unsuccessful: MODE SEL (MAN) Maral pressure control ‘SYSTEM. ‘CONDITIO [CAB VERTICAL SPEED Wis > 1 800 tin }CAB ALTITUDE CAB PRESS [altitude 2 8 800 ft [CAB DIFF PRESS |AP > 1.5 PSlin phase 7 LILTRRRRARAARAS TOG OR TEMPS 147 eedvce IDG load, f possible (GALL r asc It required, restore when the temperature has dropped. Restict generator use to short time, the temperature res again _ excessively. Difference between wing fuel quandives —|FUEL MANAGEMENT (CHECK) greater than 1 500 kg (3.307 b) «fuel leakis suspected, Rotor lo FUEL LEAK procedure. rue, _ |Foeliemp greaterthan 45*C ininner col, |GALLEV (OFF) Jor 55°C in outer cel Pn Fuel temp ower than 40°C mn inner or — [Consider descending to & lower akiude and/or increasing Mach to outer cell increase TAT. (OXY [Cockpit oxygen bottle pressure < 800 PSI, [I mask is not being used, chack fits correctly stowed. EGT > EGT MAK-03 (inhibited dunng APU start) fi Ar) ovary Tare rs a ea Teno roaring of Gury alow ral message LOW OIL LEVEL pulsing) __|APU operation for about 10 h. eee trou pressure is between 16 PSI and 13 PS aan), continue real operation, > Itoil pressure is below 13 PSI (red indication), without the ENG ‘OIL LO PR warning, continue normal engine operation (t can be assumed that the oil pressure transducer is faulty). in both cases, monitor other engine parameters, especialy of temperature and quantity. [OIL PRESS Cosely monior other engine pararelars for sympiomse of engine IP > 90 Pst rattunction. thigh ol pressure is nol accompanied by other abnormal indications, | operate the engine normaly forthe remainder ofthe fight. Record high oll pressure, and corresponding N2 readings, for maintenance action. lO TEMP [An of temperature increase during normal steady-stale operations Hr > 140°C indicates a system mafunction, and should be closely monitored for other symptoms of engine matuncton Note; Ifthe OlL TEMP increase folows thrust reduction, Increasing thrust may reduce oll perature. in action, ano temperature increase could be related to the IDG oil cooling system. To reduce ol teiperature increases before kts are reached, the folowing is recommended: 1. Low Speed: Increase engine speed to increase fuel flow, and thereby coo! IDG ol 2. High Speed: Reduce generator bad, or tum off generator. oi temperature continues tose, mechanically disconnect IDG. Toa quantity i Tow al a high power seting, expect evel inorease ater power reduction. Tfontor engine parameters and crosscheck with ober engine. Refer to HIGH ENGINE VIBRATION procedure (Refer to ABN-70 HIGH ENGINE VIBRATION). Note; The advisory threshold may be decreased by a MCDU procedure at the level of bration reached dunn the last fight I this function hes been activated, the N1 and’ N2 VIB ‘Indication wil respectively puse below 6 and 4.3. ENG >} F777 IIIL IIIT x Prrreer?e ABNORMAL AND 80.14 Assematevaaznaze EMERGENCY PROCEDURES VAPP CALCULATION VAPP CALCULATION IN THE CASE OF AN ABNORMAL/EMERGENCY CONFIGURATION VAPP = VREF +AVREF + APPR COR LLL. RE ‘Weight (1000 ibs) [ise [104 [riz [120 ]120 [136 [144 | 152 [160 [100 [172 VREF (KT) eG aeegrr2 [rz [rar] v2e [129 [199 [197 [141 [14 [148 [190 swiscone run Poop asadnio firs re 129 [127 [151 [136 90 149 [146 ]48 ~ + - + APP Roach COR Sct AQVREF < 1010 WOK 2041 APPR COR 9 ine Highest of sue APPR COR = 1 Hesowees omen vs ecw Max 10K APPRCOR * 0K mar Max = 15 it (0 cane of te acereton ~ [APPR COR +AVREF het to 20 kt “Sasi pe eran eines bya acanona aco ot + win CONES ace anotner 5 knet speed increment and multiply the landing dntance by an adanonaltacior of 12 rstoad ot 1.1) VAPP = VREF +AVREF + APPR COR TOBE INSERTED INTHE MCDU PERF APPR PAGE (1) Refer to QRH ABN 80 LDG CONF/APPR SPDILDG DIST following failures tables EXAMPLE OF VAPP CALCULATION: Failure 2 ALTNLAW Flight Conditions Autothnust ON, ice accretion Landing Configuration : CONF3 Headwind tat Landing WeightG-—: 112000 Ibs/25% VREF determined from the landing weight: 119kt \VREF correction due tothe failure (AVREF) : 10Kt ‘As AVREF is equal to 10 kt the APPRoach CORrection (APPR COR) is the highest of: = 545 = 10 kt (ice accretion and landing in CONF 3) = 1/3 Headwind = 12 kv3 = 4 kt ‘APPR COR = 10 kt and the landing distance must be muttiplied by an additional factor of 1.2 VAPP = VREF + AVREF + APPR CORR = 1194 10+ 10 = 139 NOSDOVVROSSOVOSSOSSSVSSSSOOOTOVOSSESSSSLOOEEY Eazy ABNORMAL AND 80.15 aainusinaszanazy EMERGENCY PROCEDURES CHAN, USE OF THE LDG CONF / APPR SPD /LDG DIST TABLES USE OF THE LDG DIST FACTORS ‘Use the LDG DIST factors “WITHOUT REV” when: + All reversers are inoperative, or + Maximum reverse thrust on available reverser(s) is not selected, or + The aircraft has been dispatched with one or more reverser(s) inoperative, Use the LDG DIST factors “WITH REV" when at least one reverser is operative and maximum reverse thrust is selected at landing, Note; Not applicable if aircrat was dispatched with one raverser INOP. QRH ‘Landing distance factors are based upon dispatch with both reversers operating. LDG CONF / APPR SPD/ LDG DIST COMPUTATION FOR AN INDEPENDENT FAILURE Determine the FLAPS lever position for landing to be selected ‘Compute the VAPP: VAPP = VREF + A VREF + APPR COR - Determine the A VREF ~ Determine the APPRoach CORrection (Refer to ABN-80 VAP Calculation) ‘Compute the LDG DIST: ~ Determine the LOG DIST factor. Mutiply it by the additional factor, # any (Refer to ABN-80 VAPP Calculaton) ~ Muttiply the obtained LOG DIST factor by the ACTUAL LANDING DISTANCE WITHOUT AUTOBRAKE ~ CONFIGURATION FULL ~ without reversers correction (Refer to FPE-IFL Landing Distance Without AUTOBRAKE - CONF FULL) LDG CONF / APPR SPD / LDG DIST COMPUTATION FOR MULTIPLE FAILURES ‘Only combine PRIMARY or INDEPENDENT failures Determine the Flaps lever position for landing to be selected: ~ Use the lowest Flaps Lever Position for landing(ie. if FULL and 3, use 3) ‘Compute the VAPP: VAPP = VREF + 4 VREF + APPR COR + Use the highest A VREF to compute VAPP- ~ Determine the APPRoach CORrection (Reler to VAPP Calculation) ‘Compute the LDG DIST: - Determine the applicable LDG DIST factors in the same column ("WITH REV." or “WITHOUT REV,”) ~ Muttiply the applicable LDG DIST factors together, unless all values are marked with an asterisk (*). It all values are marked with an astensk, use the highest LDG DIST factor. Multiply it by the additional factor, if any (Refer to VAPP Calculation) + Multiply the obtained LDG DIST factor by the ACTUAL LANDING DISTANCE WITHOUT AUTOBRAKE = CONFIGURATION FULL ~ without reversers correction (Refer to FPE-IFL Landing Distance Without AUTOBRAKE - CONF FULL) Examples applicable to Dry runways / A/THR ON / No wind/ WITHOUT REV.Without ice accretion: TAO HT TESS VREF = 131 kt. Therefore VAPP = 131 +10 +5=146 kt. RPPPPPPPPPTEITIGIAAIIADADABARAAAARARARARRADDDS 13 18/4319, ithe eames Flape Lever Postion for Landing| OSSSEE » \VREF = 140 it, Therefore VAPP =140+25 =165 It osreb SddbboSSOSSESESEEE OOOO SOOS Ea ABNORMAL AND 80.1 6 | EMERGENCY PROCEDURES 7 AREER RREBOL eres LDG CONF/APPR SPD/LDG DIST TABLE - DRY RWY DAY RUNWAYS -_ FLAPS LEVER DIST Factore™ AVREF APPR ———— s¥s FAILURE POSTION | seoincrewent| OY WATHOUT | py WITH REV LOG aa a FUL 5 1 lac sus 1 ; 4 130 130 Fur z 130 0 bel 3 6 135 136 DCESSBUS™ Fu 5 720 120 theres no ice accretion 3 6 130 130 DC ESS BUS” FUL 10 135 135 ELEC [sf theres ice accretion 3 16 445, 145, DC ESS SHED BUS *” FUL 10 130 125 if there is ice accretion 3 16 1.45, 1.35, Fu 5 35 325 bc eeR con» 3 oa 3S : Fur 5 2.00 WA pc aus 1 +20 - 5 am Z FEWER ELEC CONF 3 0 EE NA and SLATS at7e0 80 (APPR) : sorHnesHou)| 24” 220" FLAPS <1 sa 3 ® a9 Zr set 3 2% 1.95" 175. 1FLPSL Sa 7 rn set 3 6 150° 10 FPS F i Set 3 3 TI or St 3 10 140" 130" FASS Sat z B T= = 13823 3 10 138" we - S33 3 5 10 120 FPS oe Set TOT ALLOWED isso FUL 0 To ry S33 FULL 5 125" 120" 4 ULL 5 120 720 IONE SPLA FAULT » y 5 i] i) pa Iwo SPLA FAULT * me 13 1s = 6 138 130 re 5 E 12 THREE SPLA FAULT @ A $ ie e - [ALL SPLRFAULTTGNO |FULL 150 750 SPUR FAULT ®” 3 6 150 150 o FOL > 130 125 f 7 SEC 1 or SEC 3 FAULT S é 2 i eo FUL - 120 1s SEC 2 FAULT # 3 é {0 oA @=u FICTL Fu 7 130 1 ” E SEC 2+3 FAULT A 3; = 1B @u sec 143 FAULT» ‘ sec 142 FAULT ® ~ [RUDDER JAM 6 & [SEC 14243 FAULT We a TALTN LAWIDIRECT 1 @ LAWIELAG 142148 3 1 . |ELEV FAULT/LU(R) ELEV 0 1.36" 1.30" @ FAULTISTAB JAM pOWOSESSSSSSSESOOE OSE OOTEODUTOTOSODOUULOESS 4318/43 19/a320/a324 ABNORMAL AND EMERGENCY PROCEDURES 08 FEB 12 Continued from the previous page IEFERENCE HAND BOOK, DRY RUNWAYS o ” Fars TOG DIST Factors” s¥s FAILURE PosmTON "| AVREF APPR PO Log. | SPDINCRENENT GREEN o i 120 : pLvE 6 130 125 HYD FULL EE yeuLow » a 5 13s ia [GREEN + BLUE Ey 1.85 1.85, GREEN + YELLOW uve + YELLOW» WING ANTIICE SYS Ace |rauLT™ Be i ther is ice aceetion : : = 175 760 6 130 175, : =a BRK RELEASED » ; ‘2 ee JACI UIA) RELEASED >] FULL - 730 730 pax [NORM BRK FAULT 3 8 245 205 ALT UR) RE FUL 2 2a 235 aGSYSLOPR 6 255 250 NORM BRK FAULT * : 12 ue 6 135 130 Fs ALIN z 17 0] FAULT © 6 1.90 175 TR re2S ROT 0 20 2 [DUAL IR FAULTIOUAL . 7 Nav [ADR FAULT ‘0 ise 130 lau. ADR OFF 3 Nor 135 120" APPLICABLE : DUALBLEED FAULTIVING or ENG BuEED [BLEED LEAK BLEED rue 4 a 1g FAULT /ENG BLEED LO ; : [TEMP and tice accreton * = (APPR) - * nev uniock winutet=] [an qTanesHon)) 8 28 10 135° 138" ENG _|BHUTDOWN wih ENG 130 128 FIRE po pushed ard ie re 2 accretion * ; Truly the IDG DIST tactors by the Actual Landing Dance DRY without Auobrake- confguraton FULL -wiout any reversers correction, Refer to FPE-IFL Landing Distance Without AUTOBRAKE - CONF FULL Flaps FULL and Flaps 3 are bth accepable postions. Flaps FULL recommended, but the fight crew may use Flaps 3, necessary, for operational reasons. . tthvust reversers selection at landing. ; in he case ofa failure ofall ADRS, the backup speed scale is activated. For approach speed, fy the bug. The apptcable landing configuration (CONF 1 or CONF 3) s spayed onthe ECAM STATUS page. ASLATARIATEBIREY Gay ABNORMAL AND EMERGENCY PROCEDURES 80.17 08 FEB 12 LDG CONF/APPR SPD/LDG DIST TABLE - WET RWY WET RUNWAYS: FLAPS LEVER] _ AVREF TOG DIST Factors = sys FAILURE POSITION | APPRSPD [WET WITHOUT FORLOG | INCREMENT REV. Wer wr PF] 1 JAC BUS 1 ’ 10 " ru | 120 loc eus2 z ‘~ DCESSBUS™ FOL 120 i there is no ce accretion 3 6 130 41.30 Oc ESS BUS > | Far 10 1.30" 180 ELEC |i there is ice accretion 3 16 1.45, 145 DC ESS SHED BUS * FUL 10 130 715 there is ice accretion 3 16 1.40 125 FULL 240 240 JOC EMER CONF ® 2 i oa JOC Bus 142 ® a 3 EMER ELEC CONF 3 1 240 NA FLAPS and SLATS at zero ‘O(APPAY 1 50 225° 190" (THRESHOLD) FM FUL = it NORM BRK FAULT | 8 245 1.85, TALTN UR) RELEASED © |#G SYSLOPR 3 6 2.60 250 NORM BRK FAULT ~ E 720 NORM + ALTN BRK FAULT a0 125 TR -2-3 FAULT [DUAL TR FAULT DUAL ADA FAULT NAV 130 7310 it there is no ice accretion 3 6 125 420 JOC ESS BUS © FULL 10 1.25 125 ELEC if there is ice accretion 3 16 1.40 1,35 JDC ESS SHED BUS * FULL 10 1.20 1.05 it there is ioe accretion 3 16 1.35 115 DG EMER CONF» FUL : 2.08 2.08 icone: 3 6 215, 215, +20 FULL ~ 125 NA OG BUS +2 3 6 1.45 NA JEMER ELEC CONF 3 10 2.45 NA FLAPS and STATS at zoo 1 ‘60 (APPR) 50 (THRESHOLD) Sat Set 3 4S S21 3 25 TRUSS Sa z 3H a S21 3 15 120° oF ST 3 Py 155° 1.30" S21 3 10 1.35" 1.10" =o Sa 3 zB = 1a sss 3 10 a 140 S23 3 5 125° 1.05" FLAPS>3 Set NOT ALLOWED 13a FOr ry THF Te] 553 1st 1.00" JONE SPLA FAULT * i 3 wo SPuR FAULT @ s THREE SPLR FAULT 1p ALL SPLR FAULT/ GND SPLR- 1.60 FAULT # 1.80, Ieec ~ 1.05, SEC 1 or SEC 3 FAULT ISEC 2 FAULT ® io FICTL 105 [SEC 249 FAULT 430. Sec 149 FAULT ® iS ISEC 142 FAULT © 2 =| RUDDER JAM * 1.25 SEC 1+2+3 FAULT NA JALTN LAW/DIRECT LAW/ELAC H+2/L+R ELEV FAULT/L(R) ELEV 3 10 1.30" 1.10" |FAULTSTAB JAM PEIIAIATS PPPPPOF OPP THO 2 2 FS777 TTF IITTETITIIT YE IEGS~USSCESSSOTUSOEOOESESOSOOE SOOO OOOO OSS OSES Asteasia, inure courte ABNORMAL AND EMERGENCY PROCEDURES aay zB 2k 3 GREEN + YELOW BLUE + YELLOW ™ Aice [WNGANTTICESYSFAULT >| Fats] 10 [120 | there is ice accretion 3 16 135 115 lan sxa0 » a 7.00 sao 3 8 120 105, BRK RELEASED™ - 1s TALTNU(RY RELEASED > rx [NORM BRK FAULT ALTN UR) RELEASED >] It SYSLOPR NORM BRK FAULT NORM + ALTN BRK FAULT # RTOS FAULT 3 ww a aE DUAL TR FAULT/DUAL ADR 3 0 ae ia nav [FAULT TOT = JALL ADR OFF 3 appanaiee 130 110 DUAL BLEED FAULT WING or pucey [ENGBLEEDLEAK x BLEED FUL 10 120 105 FAULT / ENG BLEED LO TEMP 3 6 135 18 and tice accretion 5 OPPAY " REV UNLOCK wit butt ‘ aoqmmnestoun | 29 4 ENG _| 3 10 10° 125" SHUTDOWN wih ENG FIRE PD Fa 7 720 108 pushed and ie accretion ® 3 16 135: 18 L_ Tatply the LDG DIST factors by the Actual Lancing Dslance CONTA without Atobrake - coiguraton FULL - wie any reversers correction. Refer io FPE-FL Landing Distance Without AUTOBRAKE - CONF FULL Flaps FULL and Flaps 3 ar both accepablepostons. aps FULL is recommended, bu the fight crew may use Flas 3 necessary, for operational reasons. In case of spatch with one or more reverses) inoperative, use the LG DIST factors“ WITHOUT REV. whatever the actual thrust reversers selecton at landing. In the case of 2 failure ofa ADRS, the backup speed scale is activated. For approach speed, fy the bug. The applicable landing contguraton (CONF 1 or CONF 3) is splayed on te ECAM STATUS page Pe Eazy ABNORMAL AND 80.19 4318(A3 19/A320/A924 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES TOFEB 12 TRIPPED C/B RE-ENGAGEMENT {do not reengage a circuit breaker (C75) that has tipped by sell, unless the Captain judges & necessary 10 do $0 for the safe Continuation of the flight. This procedure should be adopted only as 2 last resort, and only one reengagement should be attempted. (On ground, do not reengage the C/B of the fuel pumps) of any tank. For all other C/Bs, the fight crew Coordinates the action with maintenance, the flight crew may reengage a tnpped C/B, provided that the cause of the tripped C/B is identified, SPPPPPPSEPPPHOPFTTITILIFELLLELLALEKRARARARANS ee PU SVSOSOVSVVVSSSSEEEESELEEL OOO SE SEES EEEEE Ey ABNORMAL AND Anseiaieaszaazes EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ee C COMPUTER RESET When a ciital computer behaves abnormally, as a result ofan electrical transient, for example, the Operator can stop the abnormal behavior by briefly interrupting the power supply to its processor. The flight crew can reset ‘most of the computers in this aircraft with a normal cockpit control (selector or Rushton), However, fr some systems, he ny way cof lccal peri tpl associated cuit breaker, To perform a computer reset: ~ Select the related normal cockpit control OFF, or pull the corresponding circuit breaker. | ® He 35 if a normal cockpit contra is used, or § s ifa circuit breaker is used (unless a different time is indicated) ~ Select the related normal cockpit control ON, ot push the corresponding circuit breaker ~ Wait 3's for the end of the reset. WARNING [Do not reset more than one ‘computer at the same time, unless instructed to do so. ‘Note; In fight, before taking any action on the cockpit C/Bs, both the PF and PNF must: ~ Consider and fully understand the consequences of taking action ~ Grosscheck and ensure that the C/B label corresponds to the affected system. ‘The computers most prone to reset are listed in the table below, along with the associated reset procedure. Specific reset procedures included in OEB or TDUs are not referenced in this table and, when issued, supersede this table. ~ On ground, almost all computers can be reset and are not imited to the ones indicated in the table. ‘The following computers are not allowed to be reset in specific circumstances: + ECU (Engine Control Unit on CFM engines), or EEC (Electronic Engine Control on IAE engines). and EIU (Engine Interface Unit) while the engine is running, * BSCU (Brake Steering Control Unit, it the aircrat is not stopped. ~ Inflight, as a general rule, the crew must restrict computer resets to those listed in the table, or to those in applicable TDUs or OEBs. Before taking any action on other computers, the fight crew must consider and fully understand the consequences, ICAUTION |Do not pull the following circuit breakers: }~ SFCC (could lead to SLATS/FLAPS locked). ~ ECU or EEC, EIU. Baz ABNORMAL AND aunaunaraust! EMERGENCY PROCEDURES |. PMCBY 17 on 122VU Wat 1 s betore pustung the CB. 1On ground onty: - PACBY 17 on 1220 = Wat 1s belore pusting the CB. 1On ground onty; Pu CB W721 and W22 on 122VU J}. Pud CB X21 and X22 on 1220 ]. PulC'B Y18, ¥20 and ¥21 on 12VU J+ Pu CB D8 on 49VU = Wat Ss betore pushing allthe C/Bs. PPPPPP0OOOS SO OOO 440400000 004000000408 PPP PP PP eobbbbh sd boSDUSSLCLLESELEELELULE LESTE ECE ESET ATA A31: aaseleatsaazomsas Ey BOOK ABNORMAL AND EMERGENCY PROCEDURES 80.21A 08 FEB 12 Continued from the previous page ‘System matfunction or ECAM Warning/Caution AUTO FLT FCU 1(2) FAULT Affected System Fou Reset in flight: Pull the C/B BOS on 49VU for FCUT, or M21 on 121VU for FOUR. |. Pushitafter 5s. CHECK the displayed targets and the barometer relerence, and correct them it necessary. }On.grouned: |. Pull the G/B BOS on 49VU for FCUT, or M2I on 121VU for FOU. |- Push after Ss. - MFCUY(2) FAULT dsappers CHECK he ‘ann barometer reference, Sorte ree (RESET successtu) = FCUI(2) FAULT remains, pul both C/B B05 on 49VU and N21 on 121VU |. Push them ater 7 min, wth a delay of less than 5 s between side 1 and 2 |. Wait atleast 30 s for FCU? and FCU2 safely tests completion |. CHECK the displayed targets and barometer reference, and correct them # necessary (RESET ‘successtull [AUTOELT FOU 1+2 FAULT] [Fou In night; |. Pull the C/B BOS on 49VU for FCUY, and then (M21 on 121VU for FCU2. |- Push them after 5s. CHECK the displayed targets and the barometer reference, and correc them ft necessary. lon ground: | Pull the C/B B05 on 49VU for FCUT, and then Met on 121VU for FOUR. |. Push them ater 5 s |. WECU 142 FAULT disappears, CHECK the ‘displayed targets and barometer reference, and correct them f necessary (RESET successful) | ECU 142 FAULT remains, pul again both C/B B05 on 49VU and M21 on 121VU Push them after 7 min, with a delay of less than 5 sbotween side 1 and 2 | Wait for atleast 30 s for FCU1 and FCU2 safely tests completion - CHECK the displayed targets and barometer reference, and correct them f necessary (RESET successtul) FCU targets are synchronized on curentaicrat values, and displayed as selected targets. RE-ENTER the barometer altimeter seting value, itrecessary. ABNORMAL AND EMERGENCY PROCEDURES eae BEER ROL Continued from the previous page ‘System malfunction or ATA ECAM Warning/Caution ‘Affected System Reset lon ground onty; The Fhoht Crew could cancel these alerts by reseting both FACS, one ator he other |. Pull the CBs 803 and B04 on 49VU and push them aftr 5 8 pul the CBs MI8 and M19 on 121¥U and push them ater 5 (08 FEB 12 lor REAC W/S DET FAULT ” |On ground, or in fit: Pull the CB forthe locked or blanck MCDU and push ft back afler 10 6, The ocut breakers for the MCOU% are: ‘+ AUTO FLTIMCDU 1 Bt ON 49 VU (Overhead Panel) 1+ AUTO FLTIMCDU 2 N20 ON 121 VU (Right Rear Maictenance Panel) + AUTO FLTIMCDU 3 N21 ON 121 VU (Right Rear Maintenance Panel) “A Jon ground: uae - Apply exterel power or APU generator power - Wat 2 min beore resetting the FMGC crcut breakers - FO 1012) (OFF) Pullhe CB ofthe atlected FMGC and reset t ater 5», The cxcut breakers for the FMGC's ae: + AUTO FLT/FMGC 1 B2 ON 49 VU (Overhead Panel) AUTO FLTIFGC 2 M17 ON 121 VU (Pag eas Marterance Panel in fight: |- FD tor 2) (OFF) |. Pullthe CB of the afiected FMGC and reset t after 5 3, The cxcuut breakers for the FMGC's are: “+ AUTO FLTFFMGC 1 82 ON 49 VU (Overhead Panel) + AUTO FLI/FMGC 2 M17 ON 121 VU (Right Rear Mantenance Panel) PPPPPPPPPHRK ETT ES494944FFFFAZIIAGIAALGIAIAIRAS eee eee eeeeeeees a3 ‘ue ATA 23 23 24 LICK REFER Exe ass Araqaszs ‘System malfunction or ECAM Warning'Caution (Cabin interphone EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ABNORMAL AND ‘OB FEB 12 Continued from the previous page lon ground, or in fight; Pull meCi/Bs in the folowing order: P13 <8 and P14 dod dvovELEDESSSEE SESE OOO S ESSEC UELE NP-NP 10 NORMAL PROCEDURES (08 FEB 12 SAFETY EXTERIOR INSPECTION PF PRELIMINARY COCKPIT PREP | PF PAF [ENG MASTERS... CHECK | Ea 4318/A319/A320/ Bae Me NET ARU AOR NORMAL PROCEDURES COCKPIT PREPARATION NP-NP 210 08 FEB 12 PF PNF [GEAR PINS & COVERS... JOVERHEAD PANEL; +ALL WHITE LIGHTS. fRCDR GND CTL JMAINT PANEL. omsnon ICTR INSTRUMENT PANE Ists...... _A'SKID NW STRG, [PEDESTAL cpt iat WEATHER RADAR... ISWITCHING PANEL, EGAN STATUS. | Exo MasTER.... * ENG MODE SEL PARKING BRAKE PF + ATC CLEARANCI PACARS > v5) a> -> J> o> o> 5 Ezy IN FLIGHT PERFORMANCE [aseessrsaszoazas 08 FEB 12 [ IN CRUISE QUICK CHECK FL 100 LONG RANGE FLIGHT WITHOUT CAB PRESS IN CRUISE QUICK CHECK FROM ANY MOMENT IN CRUISE TO LANDING CRUISE : LONG RANGE - DESCENT : 250KT IMC PROCEDURE : 270 L8 (6MIN) "ENGINE ANTI ICE ON Fur = + 5% WIFI ESSE ORO PDP PPP PPP PPPPP PP POOL VV VV VY YY YU YY ay IN FLIGHT PERFORMANCE ud assestazlarzoiaay GROUND DISTANCE / AIR DISTANCE CONVERSION __8 § 8 238 q + tHe 8 60 ‘AIR DISTANCE (NM) 190 1 GROUND DISTANCE (wm) "AVERAGE TAS (KT)] 8 & 8 g§ § o NGesaEe 8 HEAD WIND , WIND (KT) TAIL WIND IN FLIGHT PERFORMANCE SoU BAT ASR IAS / MACH CONVERSION FPE-OPD 2/2 (08 FEB 12 TIARA 0.90 MACH \AAAAAA WR WY Wit RACE \ AN JAAS AAA \ VYANAAAN WIN RASA WA ASRS Et 080 CAAA AAA ANSAANARYY NAAN AAA CESS RNAS SQA AAAAAAMAS AANA AAA RAG RX KKEK[J{X SS NI AAR RSs RRRASSA&VSVW IQA ASS NINA AANAIN VAAN SSS NANNAKSANN ASSASSINS SSS KRACAN SESS) ) 060 050 0.40 030 POPP PITT TITTTITTTAITTIVTAUTETLECEEAUCEECKKCEELAUGES PIYVOYODD SSO TEPPPPP PPE PEPE EEE EU EVV PEE UE YEE SuNatRAszIAeY \USE.OF THE FUEL PENALTY FACTORS FPEFPF 1/4 08 FEB 12, USE OF FUEL PENALTY FACTOR TABLES IN FLIGHT PERFORMANCE The Fuel Penatty Factors Provided in the following tables are conservative values, given as a guideline in Grief increase the crew awareness and to help the decison naling, “ Note: Incase o ‘alr mmpactng the fuel consumption, the fel predictions provided by th FMS are ongerraiable (except in One Engine inoperative OE! condhton). The flight crew must still Compute and monitor the actual fuel consumption. Refer to the fotlo ., ECAM alert than 208 order to assess the impact ofthe fadure on the fuel consumption after any ~ Displays the line INCREASED FUEL CONSUMP in the STATUS SD page, or ~ Displays Fight Control Suraces in the INOP SYS, or mn ~ Impacts the Landing Gears of Landing Gear Doors retraction. ‘The Fuel Penalty Factors gwen in these tables have been. ‘taking . calculated into account: > The FUEL CRITICAL INOP SYS, and ~The aireraR configuration, speed or alitude described in the CONDITIONS cokurmn. Ensure that all these concitions are well met before applying the corresponding Ful Penalty Factor. METHODOLOGY ‘The methodology is the following: ~ Check the ECAM ALERT table to determine a Fuel Penalty Factor 6 agchcable depending on the CONDITIONS columa, then ~ Check the INOP SYS table in order to determine i, according ic the actual arcraf status. there is a Fuel Penalty Factor applicable depending on the CONDITIONS cohen ~ Honly one Fuel Penatty Factor (FPF) is applicable: ADDITIONAL FUEL = (FOB - EFOB at DEST) x FPF This additional fuel must be added to the fuel predictions provded by the FMS ~ Iftwo or more Fuel Penalty Factors (FPF) are applicable: ADDITIONAL FUEL = (FOB - EFOB at DEST) x (FPF1 + FPF2 «..) This additional fuel must be added to the fuel predictions provided by the FAS. Note: Due to previous failures in fight or dispatch under MEL. some failures coud have an mpact ‘on the fuel consumption: = Without being mentioned in the ECAM ALERT table (oniy through INOP SYS table) or if mentioned in the ECAM ALERT table, with additonal INOP SYS (other than the one(s) described in the FUEL CRITICAL INOP SYS column for Ps speotic ECAM aiert! mpacting also the fuel consumption. Example; * Dispatch with the ELAC 1 inoperative under MMEL + HYD G SYS LO PR ECAM caution in fight + These two failures lead to the loss of the let aileron + INOP SYS will displayed “L AIL” ifthe Fuel Penalty Factor of the HYD G SYS LO PR ECAM alert is applicable (spoiler extended). sum the corresponding factor with the Fuel Penalty Factor relatad to the INOP SYS “L(R) AIL" partially ‘extended. FPF (HYD G SYSLO PR) = 10% FPF (INOP SYS: L All) = 8% ‘Therefore, ADDITIONAL FUEL = (FOB - EFOB at DEST) x (10% + 8%) It the Fuel Penalty Factor of the HYD G SYS LO PR ECAM alatt is not applicable (spoiler remains retracted), apply the Fuel Penalty Factor related to the INOP SYS “L(R) A” partially extended. Therefore, ADDITIONAL FUEL = (FOB - EFOB at DEST) x 8% FPE-FPF eae IN FLIGHT PERFORMANCE 24 Sciences oamarncty FUEL CRTICAL rat sys ECAM ALERT ‘CONDTONS: PENALTY WNOP SYS FACTOR AC BUST FAULT TUR) spoder 3 nected extended 10% vec |{eauivalento 8 SYS LO PR) SPURS lithe time ofthe fare) | DC ESS BUS FAULT ar TUR) spoder3 i nccated oviended 10% (equivalent o B SYSLO PR) SALAS fat the time ofthe failure) fone aleron is inated Rly evened UR) AL |cpwards or downwarts) at Pease real one orbot aero) sare wea —] gq, | r 8% UR) ALO ee ee ae fone sper is suspedied tly enanded = Cruse Conditions: JOPT SPEED... GDOT +10KT Wnenever possible target oreen dot speed 10 o mine tel corsumpton. However bute encountered at GOOT | ca, 10 10 fy auto PLA ee KL increase speed to fly ICRUISE ALT....-AS REQUIRED FTL [Curent Fight Level (FL) may ot be SeLAFAULT ractaned due to rcreased crag, Martan Ja cruse Fas hgh as possbie Tone spoter or one pa of soars o~ baraly extended (zero hnge mement i spoler 3s partly etenced afer he bas 5 SPLRG win BLUE HYD [por eae Ofer Uptos's SPURT orSwith [spol or 5's partly evinced rte | Up BO GREENHYD [loss of the G hyorauie sytem 2 PLR? ord with [if spoier Zor 4 partly enended ater fe | Up wo YELLOWHYD oss of the Y hytrauti ystem * > FLAPS FROLTLOCRED a [SLATS FAULTLOCKED | SLATS if Slats are extended SLATS = FLAPS FAULTLOCKED | SLATS+ FLAPS] Sats and Flaps ae eed lB SySLo PR SPLA3 a 10% le systopR vit lhecees 10% [FUR spoters 2 and + are ndiaied SYS LOPR SPuR24 extended 2% atthe te ofthe ature) Both alerons are faded TS LiRAL SPL |Spoiers 1, 3and5” » yp [O*BSYSLOPR 14345 LELEV [Let elevators fale 15% RAT is exteced a os | SPLR 1426445 | Stbizer is jammed » j:¥:SYSLOPA STABILIZER | Spoters 1,2,4 and" 10% * Spoders 2,3 and 4 " ae [B+Y SYSLO PR ‘SPLR 2+3+4 RELEV | Right elevator is fated i RAT extended tom [SHOCK ABSORBER FAULT [GEAR NOT UPLOCKED JAl arcing gears are extended UG |BOGIE AGN FAULT opton) UGRETRACT | aco reterto PRO-SPOZS-10) 190% [GEAR UPLOCK FAULT DOORS NOT CLOSED USDOOR __|Aitanding gears doors are erended e_] (0) Dunng the fight, the spoter(s) may gradually extend and ncrease(s) the fuel consumpton, ‘A spol can be suspected uly extended (tunaway) high rol rate has been expenenced immediately afer the tau, «associated witha possible AP dsconnecton. A visual inspection, tine permits, can also confirm the tl extension of the spoiler. gradualy extend dung the fight ‘The maximum value of the Fuel Penaity Factor provided in the table considers that the two, Pairs of comespanding spoders LY TITITITTTCTITTIELTARLUELIBLULELUEBAREUERLETEERECBWED FPE-FPF | Sg IN FLIGHT PERFORMANCE 3/4 SSSHERRAIRIAY ane The mnenum valve of Pe Fuel Penalty Factor provded nthe tae considers Dat af spoters reman revacted The maxemven ‘valve has been catctated conexserng at al meacted spokers gradualy extend aung te fight FUEL PENALTY FACTORS/INOP SYS TABLE iF ore or bo aderorss) ware indicated partaly Le = AR OF LR A = = = “ | SASF iss waties ovement Yor to PPYSyOOSODDDODEREDPPPDPPE PPE EEE VY VV EU MY YEYY < KE =< a —! <= =z 2 E <= co Lu ao. oO ‘OPS OPERATIONAL DATA Aaseusteraszoiasas TABLE OF CONTENTS OPS-PLP PRELIMINARY PAGES p TABLE OF CONTENTS .ssacssseseseersstssstnsnsnsnenesentnnntsit SEVERE TURBULENCE Hydraulic Architecture. Flight Controls Architecture. Required Equipment for CAT2 and CAT3 ae OPERATIONAL DATA OPs.01 AaLFA2 19/432 A321 08 FEB 12 RENCE HAND BOOK SEVERE TURBULENCE ‘SPEED AND THRUST SETTING FOR RECOMMENDED TURBULENCE SPEED SPD (GROSS WEIGHT (1000 1b) or 100 Tio 20 130 10, 70] 160 [170 Mach me 390 0.76 803 815 86 840 = : 370 0.76 79.3 802 B12 823 835 : : 350 | 076 [730 [798 | aa — asf - | 330 | 076 [73.0 [7368 | oor | 008 7 x [310 275 782 789 735) 802 290 275 767 270 275 752) 275 SIGNS ...cscssssssenseee ON AUTO PILOT.... . KEEP ON AVTHR (when thrust changes become excessive} DISCONNECT, DESCENT.. .- CONSIDER Consider descending to or below OPT FI, in oder to increase the margin to buttet © FOR APPROACH: AJTHR in managed speed USE

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