Examples of Indirect Characterization From "The Cask of Amontillado"

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Examples of Indirect Characterization from “The Cask of Amontillado”

Character: Montresor
Type of Indirect Examples Explanation
Speech  Speaks to Fortunato like a friend, refers to Montresor is sneaky, clever, and
Fortunato as friend deceiving.
 Speaks in code/riddles to hide his true motives.

Thoughts  Believes that he should seek revenge on anyone

who insults him or dishonors him. Montresor is a man of principal. He is
 Believes that, in order for revenge to be prideful and demands respect. Believes
successful, one must seek revenge without in being just. Protective of his family
consequence and make himself known to the name and honor.
person he seeks revenge against.
 Family creed/motto is "Nobody provokes me and
gets away with it."

Effect on others  Gains Fortunato’s trust.

 Uses reverse psychology to lure Fortunato to the Montresor is smart, clever, and
vault. manipulative.
 Plays on Fortunato’s weaknesses.

Actions  Plan the perfect crime.

 Ensures there are no witnesses.
 Lures Fortunato to the vault under false Montresor is careful, thorough, and
pretense. ruthless.
 Teases Fortunato until the last second.

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Type of Indirect Examples Explanation
Speech The narrator is blunt, easily annoyed,
 “Doodle, don’t you want to learn to walk?” and mean at times.
 “For heaven’s sake, what’s the matter?” I asked,
 “Then I’ll leave you hear all by yourself,” I
 “Shut up. I’m not going to hurt you.”
 Aggressive, demanding, language and tone.

 Frustrated by having a brother that is not The narrator is harsh, selfish, and
normal. unsympathetic.
 Ashamed of Doodle’s appearance and disability.

Effect on others  Makes Doodle cry at times, purposely scares The narrator is tough and
him. unsympathetic. Seems heartless at
 Doodle wants his approval/acceptance. times, but in some instances, he is
 Doodle tried harder to do normal things at his motivating and encouraging.

Actions  Leaves Doodle during a storm.

 Shows Doodle his casket and tells him that he The narrator is mischievous, but also a
was supposed to die as a baby. normal big brother (doing things to tease
 Purposefully pulls the wagon too fast so that or hurt the younger brother’s feelings)
Doodle will fall out.
 Teaches Doodle to swim and walk.

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Examples of Indirect Characterization from “The Scarlet Ibis”

Character: Narrator

Examples of Indirect Characterization from “Two Kinds”

Character: Jing-Mei (the daughter)

Type of Indirect Examples Explanation
Speech  “I won’t let her change me.” Jing-Mei is stubborn.
 “Why don’t you like me the way I am? I am not a
 Yells, screams at mom.
 Begs for acceptance.

Thoughts  She believes he mother doesn’t accept her for

who she is.
 She doesn’t believe that she can do anything Jing-Mei has low confidence and is
she wants in life. reluctant to try.
 She doesn’t believe she should try to be
successful, but that she should simply be

Effect on others  She tricks Old Man Chong into thinking she can
play the piano. Jing-Mei is childish, disobedient, and
 Disappoints mother by refusing to try. disrespectful. However, she shows
 Hurts mother in anger; says mean things. (without knowing it) that she is

Actions  Refuses to try/practice. Jing-Mei is lazy and irresponsible.

 Fails at the talent show.
 Blames mother for failure and rebels.
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