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586 BCE – In 586 BCE the the Torah’s legal passages. (Video came in the medieval period to
Babylonians destroyed the first 18) refer to the specific culture of
Jerusalem Temple and exiled the Judaism found in Germany and
elite population of Jerusalem to Northern France. (Video 4)
(pl. amoraim) is a rabbi who was
Babylonia, where they formed a
active after the completion of the BABYLONIA/BABYLON – Present
sizable and strong Jewish
Mishnah around 200 CE. An day Iraq was known in antiquity
community. (Video 2)
amora is understood as not being as Babylonia. The Babylonian
70 CE – In 70 CE the Romans able to directly contradict the Jewish community began with the
destroyed the second Jerusalem position of a tanna. (Video 8-9, exile of elite Judeans following the
Temple. This profound event 12, 14-15, 19-21) destruction of the first temple in
would have serious repercussions 586 BCE. (Video 4, 6, 11, 16a, 17,
APOCRYPHA – A term derived
for subsequent Judaism. (Video 1- 19, 23, 25)
from Greek by way of Latin to
refer to hidden books, it is used to BARAITA/BARAITOT – A baraita
AGGADAH – Aggadah is most refer to texts that are included in (pl. baraitot) is a tannaitic text
commonly used in contrast with the Septuagint but absent from that was not included in the
Halakhah and as such should be the Hebrew Bible. (Video 6) Mishnah. Because it is defined by
defined as non-legal Jewish period rather than genre, a
ARBA’AH TURIM – Code of Jewish
traditions. At times the term has baraita can either have the form of
Law written by Rabbi Jacob ben
come to reference narrative texts a Mishnah or that of Midrash.
Meir in the early fourteenth
in contrast with legal ones. (Video (Video 12-14, 17)
century. The organizational
apparatus invented in this code is BAVLI – The Babylonian Tamud
AGGADIC MIDRASH – Also known adopted by Shulhan Arukh. or Talmud Bavli is the Talmud
as amoraic midrash, this midrash (Video 3) produced by the rabbis who lived
includes materials attributed to in Babylonia (present day Iraq).
ASHKENAZ – Though originally a
both tannaim and amoraim. It is (Video 19)
biblical term, the term Ashkenaz
not specifically concerned with

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BEN ZAKKAI – Rabban Yohanan remarkably preserved within the EDGAR ALLAN POE – Edgar Allan
ben Zakkai is one of the putative arid climate of the Dead Sea area. Poe is a nineteenth century
founders of the rabbinic Scholars have been processing American short story writer
movement, who is said to have these documents ever since and whose stories are often haunting
survived the destruction of the consensus view is that they and uncanny. (Video 23)
Jerusalem and arranged for the represent the library of a sect—
EDIM ZOMEMIM – Hebrew term
survival of the rabbinic group in probably the Essenes—whose
meaning false witnesses. The term
Jamnia. (Video 18) Qumran outpost was overrun
specifically references the notion
shortly before Jerusalem in 69
BINYAN AV – Binyan Av is a of intention that the Bible
CE. (Video 22)
rabbinic reading strategy that connects with a specific quid pro
allows a reader to combine two DIASPORA – Greek term invented quo punishment. (Video 5-14,
scenarios in order to teach a to describe the unique condition 16b, 19)
shared consequence to a third of Judeans who insisted upon
EDUT – Hebrew term for
scenario. (Video 16a, 16b) ethnic and cultural identity
testimony. (Video 5)
outside of the homeland.
DAF YOMI – A program of study
Sometimes used to refer to all ESSENES – The Essenes were a
begun in the early twentieth
Jewish communities outside of second temple sect of Judaism that
century in which one studies a
Israel. (Video 4) engaged in textual study and had
double-sided page of the Talmud
specific understandings of matters
every day. The celebration that DISCIPLE CIRCLE – A somewhat
of theology and ritual. Recent
commemorates the completing of informal study arrangement in
scholarship has established that
the Talmud every 7.5 years is which students gravitated to and
the Essenes are the same as the
called the Siyyum Hashas. (Video studied with a single charismatic
group the rabbis call “the
1) rabbi. This was the typical setting
Boethousians” and that the
for rabbinic learning throughout
DEAD SEA SCROLLS – In 1948 a Essenes are the sect behind the
most of the Rabbinic period.
shepherd happened upon an Dead Sea Scrolls. (Video 22, 23)
(Video 2, 4)
archive of scrolls at Qumran

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“ESTABLISH FOR HIM” – “Establish (plural Geonim). The last quarter Instrumental in the modern
for him” is the term that of the first millennium is revival of Talmud study and
encapsulates the idea that a sometimes called the Geonic Yeshivot. (Video 4)
criminal may not receive two types period in Jewish historiography.
of punishment for one offense. (Video 4, 25)
Aristotleian work of philosophy
(Video 15)
GEZERAH SHAVAH – Gezerah written by Maimonides. (Video 4)
FOREWARNING – Rabbinic law Shavah is a rabbinic reading
HALAKHAH – Halakhah means
requires that criminal receive strategy that allows the reader to
Jewish law. Etymologically
explicit warning before they connect the identical term that
derived from the verb “to walk,”
commit a criminal act in order to appears in two separate passages
the term is as much about lived
be criminally liable for said act. and construct a two-way bridge
cultural norms as it is about civil
(Video 16b) across the divide that separates
or criminal law. (Video 21)
the passages. (Video 11)
GEMARA – An Aramaic
HASIDISM – A popular religious
synonym for the Hebrew word GORING OX – Exodus 21 initially
movement that began in
Talmud. When seventeenth asserts that the penalty for a
seventeenth century eastern
century censors prohibited the use goring ox that kills a person is the
Europe and came to include
of the word “Talmud” in printed death of the animal and its
roughly half of the Jews in
editions, printers replaces the negligent owner. Then it allows
Eastern Europe by the end of the
Hebrew term with its Aramaic for a ransom payment instead of
eighteenth century. Hasidism
equivalent. (Video 3) the death of the owner. (Video 12)
heavily emphasizes mysticism,
GRA/RABBI ELIJAH OF both in the form of direct mystical
VILNA/VILNA GAON – Eighteenth experience and through a
century Lithuanian rabbi who representative Tzaddik. (Video
developed a cult of personality 25)
despite never having an official
GEONIM – The head of the
communal leadership position.
Babylonian Yeshiva was a Gaon

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Enlightenment was founded by discusses the need to let a Hebrew error in which the scribe’s eye
Moses Mendelssohn, who sought slave free after six years of labor. skips from one iteration of a word
to gain Jewish political The rabbis understood that one to a later iteration of the same
emancipation alongside continued becomes a slave either by selling word. This is very common in
traditional observance. Dominated oneself or by being sold as a manuscripts of all kinds. (Video
by rationalism, this movement consequence of theft for which the 14)
attempted to update Jewish thief has no ability to remunerate
JOSEPHUS – Josephus was an elite
historiography, Jewish thought the owner. (Video 12-14)
Judean priest who fought as a
and the study of Jewish literature.
HEKESH – Hekesh Hekesh is a general on the Judean side of the
(Video 25)
rabbinic reading strategy that war with Rome before
HASMONEANS – The Maccabean allows the reader to connect two surrendering and becoming an
revolt in 165-162 BCE led to proximate terms in a biblical aide-de-camp first of Vespasian
Jewish self-rule in Judea for over passage and construct a two-way and later of Titus. Josephus was a
the next century. The royal bridge across the divide that prolific writer whose various
family, who descended from the separates the two concepts. (Video works written in Rome in the late
Maccabee family, are known as the 11) first century provide the most
Hasmoneans. The Hasmonean era detailed accounts of Judean life in
HELLENISM – The imitation of
ends with the rise of Herod in 37 the first century. (Video 22)
Greek language, culture and ideas,
BCE. (Video 20)
particularly associated with JUDAH THE PRINCE – Judah the
HAZAMAH – Hebrew term meaning Alexander the Great’s conquests Prince was an officially delegated
“act of testifying falsely with in the fourth century. (Video 20) community leader around the year
intention to produce a certain 200 CE. He is generally credited
outcome.” (Video 8-9, 11, 13-14) with having produced the
Mishnah. (Video 17)

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an inferential argument that Antiquity” is a term scholars use Century native of Cordoba Spain
applies the consequence of one to describe a period between the who moved to Egypt where he was
scenario to another. The second and eighth centuries CE a doctor, philosopher, rabbinic
argument can transfer either a that was very formative for scholar and communal leader. He
stringency or a leniency Western religion and thought. It authored both Guide to the
depending upon the relative overlaps nicely with the Rabbinic Perplexed and Mishneh Torah.
severity of the two respective period. (Video 24) (Video 3, 4)
scenarios. (Video 9-11)
LEVIRATE MARRIAGE – If a man MAKKOT – Tractate of Mishnah
KETUBOT – Tractate of Mishnah died without an heir, his widow and Talmud in the order of
and Talmud in order of Nashim was expected to wed the Neziqin (literally “damages”). The
(Family Law). It deals with deceased’s brother to produce first chapter of Makkot is about
marriage contracts and other legal offspring who would be false testimony. (Video 1-3, 8, 12,
matters related to marriage. considered offspring of the 15, 17-19)
(Video 15) deceased. The deceased’s brother
MANUSCRIPT – The dominant
could reject this arrangement
KOHEN/PRIEST – Biblical Judaism mode of Talmudic transmission
through a public ritual designed
recognizes a priestly caste of from 1000-1500 was a
to shame him. (Video 7-8, 12, 13)
Israelites who are specially handwritten codex (a bound paper
empowered to conduct temple MAH HATZAD – Mah Hatzad is a book designed for writing on both
rituals and who benefit from rabbinic reading strategy that sides of the page). (Video 3, 14,
certain agricultural tithes. This allows a reader to rehabilitate two 19)
caste also has a set of additional failed inferential arguments by
MARKED TEXT – A marked text is
restrictions on marriage and combining the two scenarios and
a text with a specific feature that
divorce. (Video 5-10, 12, 13) having the two scenarios teach a
requires interpretive attention.
shared consequence to a third
(Video 16a)
scenario. (Video 16a, 16b)

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MEHILTA – Mehilta is a work of MISHNAH – The Mishnah is a code NEZIQIN – One of the six
tannaitic midrash attributed to of law produced by the rabbis organizational orders of the
the school of R. Ishmael. A around the year 200 CE. The Mishnah. Neziqin covers civil and
separate work, Mehilta DeRabbi foundation for both Talmuds, it criminal law as well as tractates
Shimon bar Yohai, is attributed to divides the rabbinic period into with more abstract considerations
the school of R. Aqiba. (Video 23) the tannaitic period (rabbis active of questions of authority and
until the Mishnah’s oral leadership. Makkot is a tractate in
publication) and the amoraic this order. (Video 2, 8)
palaces are architectural works
period (rabbis active after the
constructed in the imagination in ORAL LAW – Rabbinic theology
Mishnah’s oral publication).
order to store and easily retrieve posits the existence of an oral law
(Video 1-3, 7-13, 15-22, 24)
memories stored within them. alongside the written law of the
(Video 17) MISHNEH – Torah Code of Jewish bible. Oral law includes both
Law written by Maimonides. This interpretations of biblical
MIDRASH – Midrash is a style of
code produces its own concepts and things that are
biblical interpretation that
organization of the law and entirely foreign to the bible.
originated as a study practice and
restates it in pure literary (Video 2, 7, 11)
became a genre of literature.
Hebrew. (Video 3, 4)
Among its many reading ORDER – An order is an
strategies, midrash licenses both NAHMANIDES/RAMBAN – organizational tier of the Mishnah.
intense atomistic local readings Thirteenth century legal scholar, The Mishnah is divided into six
and readings that read a passage biblical exegete and kabbalist. His orders. (Video 2, 3, 15, 17)
of one book of the bible in light of novellae to the Talmud combine
a passage from a different book of the Tosafist ideal of a unified
the bible. (Video 7, 9-13, 16a-20, Talmud with traditions inherited
22, 23) from Provence and northern
Spain. (Video 4)

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PALESTINE – Present day Israel PLINY THE ELDER – Pliny the RABBENU HANANEL – An eleventh
was known as Palestine in Roman Elder was a Roman writer who century rabbi who lived in
times. During the Rabbinic was a friend of Vespasian, the Qairouan (present day Tunisia).
period, the rabbis were general and later Caesar who Rabbenu Hananel produced one of
concentrated in Judea and the waged war against Judea in the the earliest Talmud
Galilee. (Video 4, 9-10, 15, 16b- seventh decade of the first century commentaries. (Video 3, 4)
22) CE. Pliny traveled through
RABBENU NISSIM – An eleventh
Palestine and his descriptions are
PASCHAL LAMB – The lamb century rabbi who lived in
historically helpful. (Video 22)
sacrificed as part of the Passover Qairouan (present day Tunisia).
rite and consumed on Passover PRINT EDITION – A specific Rabbenu Nissim produced one of
eve. (Video 16b) printing of the Talmud. Famous the earliest Talmud commentaries
ones include the sixteenth century and was a contemporary of
PENTATEUCH – See Torah (Video
Bomberg edition and the late Rabbenu Hananel. (Video 4)
2, 16a, 18)
nineteenth century Romm edition.
PHARISEES – The Pharisees were (Video 3, 14, 19)
MOVEMENT – Between 70 and 750
a second temple sect of Judaism
PROTO-MISHNAH – Proto- CE, a group of rabbis recreated
that engaged in textual study and
Mishnah is a term used to describe the ideology of Judaism around
had specific understandings of
Mishnah-style works that existed texts and interpretation, putting
matters of theology and ritual.
before the production of the forth a way of being Jewish that
Rabbinic texts sometimes assume
definitive Mishnah around 200 moved away from the cultic
the Pharisees to be the
CE. (Video 17) centrality of temple and sacrifice.
progenitors of the rabbis. (Video
Over time this would come to be
2, 9, 22) QUID PRO QUO – Latin term
the definitive version of Judaism
literally meaning “something for
until modernity. (Video 2, 4, 6-13,
something.” It describes an exact
exchange. (Video 15, 16b)

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RASHI (RABBI SHLOMO ITZCHAKI) RESPONSUM/A – A responsum (pl. views of the Sadducees and
– Eleventh Century Alsatian responsa) is a formal written embody the positions of their
scholar who wrote definitive answer to a religious question, opponents, the Pharisees. (Video
commentaries on both Torah and often about a matter of law. The 9, 22, 23)
Talmud. Rashi’s commentary on Geonim and the Yeshivot
the Talmud is both comprehensive produced responsa as part of their
Mishnah and other works of
and terse, an invaluable curriculum and this was one of the
rabbinic literature describe a
combination within a handwritten vehicles of communicating
Sanhedrin that is housed in the
manuscript culture. (Video 3) rabbinic Judaism to the diaspora.
Jerusalem temple, the
(Video 4)
REDUCTIO AD ABSURDUM – A authoritative fount of law and the
rhetorical argument that asserts RHETORIC – A classical discipline court of highest appeal. (Video 24)
that something must be the case of speech and debate that trained
by exploring the consequences of individuals to speechify both in
Tractate of Mishnah and Talmud
its negation. The more absurd the court and at court. It implicated
in the order of Neziqin (literally
consequence, the stronger the an entire pedagogical curriculum.
“damages”). Sanhedrin is about
argument. (Video 9, 10, 20) (Video 20)
the constitution and procedure of
REFORM – This nineteenth RHETORS – Professional courts. (Video 8, 18)
century religious reform program practitioners of rhetoric famed for
SECTS – During the late second
in Germany and the United States their speeches. (Video 20)
temple period, some elite Judean
sought to change Judaism so that
SADDUCEES – The Sadducees males participated in religious
it was more in keeping with
were a second temple sect of sects that separated themselves
mainstream Protestant values and
Judaism that engaged in textual from Jewish society at large and
practices. Over time, Reform
study and had specific from one another. The sects
would transform Judaism and
understandings of matters of attended very carefully to narrow
come to include a majority of Jews
theology and ritual. Rabbinic distinctions of ritual practice and
in these countries. (Video 4, 25)
texts generally disagree with the belief. (Video 2, 9, 22)

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SEFARAD – Though originally a Sifre Deuteronomy an Aqiban inferences or external factors.

biblical term, the term Sefarad school midrash. (Video 18) (Video 22)
came in the medieval period to
refer to the specific culture of
who asserts that his putatively literary unit of the Talmud is the
Judaism found in Southern Spain
virginal wife was not a virgin. sugya (or pericope). A sugya is the
and North Africa. (Video 4)
(Video 16b) topical treatment of a single topic
SHAS – A term derived from an or sub-topic. (Video 12, 14-15,
acrostic for “six orders,” it could 16b, 19-20)
Thirteenth century student of
refer to Mishnah, Tosefta or
Nahmanides who produced his SUSANNA – Apocryphal work
either Talmud, but it has come to
own novellae to the Talmud and appended to the book of Daniel. It
specifically reference the
an extensive set of responsa. is included in the Septuagint (an
Babylonian Talmud. (Video 3)
(Video 4) early Greek translation of the
SHULHAN ARUKH – Sixteenth Bible) and therefore in the Roman
STAM/STAMMAIM – The Stam (or
century code of Jewish law written Catholic and Eastern Orthodox
Stammaim) is the author
by Rabbi Yosef Karo. Shulhan bibles. It does not appear in the
responsible for the unattributed
Arukh’s pluralistic inclusion of Hebrew bible and is considered
parts of the Talmud’s dialogue.
multiple traditions and its apocryphal by Protestants. (Video
Scholarly consensus is that the
appearance at the dawn of print 6, 11, 18)
Stam is the latest contributor to
helped make it the definitive code
the text and is responsible for SYNOPSIS – A comparative
of Jewish law in modernity. (Video
many layout and editing decisions. apparatus that allows scholars to
3, 4)
(Video 14, 16b, 19-21) compare the versions of the text
SIFRE – Sifre is a work of tannaitic found in different textual
Midrash. There is a Sifre on witnesses. (Video 14)
legal philosophy that attempts to
Numbers and a Sifre on
be constrained by the text of the
Deuteronomy. Sifre on Numbers
law and without recourse to
is a Yishmael school midrash and

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TALMUD – Originally, a method of with the Torah’s legal passages Hebrew Bible, also known as the
study, Talmud developed into a and reads these very carefully. Pentateuch. (Video 1, 3-5, 9, 11,
genre of literature that combines (Video 16a, 18, 23) 13, 14, 16a, 18, 22-23)
legalistic thinking with creative
biblical interpretation in a
witnesses are witnesses that commits a tort that injures
somewhat haphazard textual
testify to the original text. These another party. (Video 12)
collage. Though there are two
include manuscripts, early print
Talmuds (Palestinian and TOSAFOT/TOSAFISTS – Twelfth-
editions, commentaries and
Babylonian), this course generally Thirteenth century school of
citations. (Video 14)
uses the term Talmud to refer to French and German Talmud
the more comprehensive and “THE TELLTALE HEART” – First commentary founded by Rashi’s
better studied Babylonian published in 1843, Edgar Allan grandson Rabbi Jacob ben Meir
Talmud. Poe’s “The Telltale Heart” is a (Tam). Tosafist work is
short story in which the narrator characterized by the attempt to
describes a murder he has make non-local passages of the
(pl. tannaim) is a rabbi who was
committed. The narrator’s guilt Talmud agree with one another.
active before the completion of the
emerges through the sound of the (Video 3, 4)
Mishnah around 200 CE. A rabbi
still-beating heart beneath the
can be considered a tanna even if TOSEFTA – A work of rabbinic
floorboards. (Video 23)
he is never quoted in the Mishnah. literature redacted after the
(Video 8, 12-13, 15-16b, 18, 24) THIRTEEN PRINCIPLES – A list of Mishnah and organized on the
midrashic reading strategies that Mishnah’s model of orders,
is part of the Jewish daily prayer tractates and chapters. Tosefta
MIDRASH – Tannaitic Midrash
book. (Video 16a) preserves traditions that are older
(also known as Halakhic Midrash)
than the Mishnah and sometimes
is midrash whose attributed TORAH – Hebrew word that
comments directly on the
rabbis are tannaim. This early literally means teaching but refers
Mishnah. (Video 12, 17, 23)
midrash is primarily concerned to the first five books of the

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TRACTATE – A topical unit of WISSENSCHAFT DES JUDENTHUMS and institutionalizing Rabbinic

Mishnah. Also a subsection of – Literally “The Science of Judaism and the Talmud. (Video
Mishnah’s orders. (Video 1-2, 4, Judaism,” this movement 4, 25)
7-9, 15, 17-18) consisted of scholars who analyzed
YOSEF KARO – Sixteenth century
ancient Jewish texts along the
TRICKSTER – Folk stories often scholar who was a child exilee
lines of nineteenth century
celebrate heroic tricksters— from Iberia to Safed in present
classicists. They comprise the
figures who achieve their goals day Israel. A legal scholar and
earliest formal field of university
circuitously, through a trick. mystic, Karo produced Shulhan
Jewish Studies. (Video 4)
Biblical stories are replete with Arukh, the definitive modern
tricksters (Jacob, Ruth, Tamar, YERUSHALMI – The Palestinian Jewish law code. (Video 3, 4)
etc.), who are often female. (Video Talmud or Talmud Yerushalmi is
ZAMAM – Hebrew term meaning
21) the Talmud produced by the
“he intended.” (Video 5)
rabbis who lived in Palestine
VILNA SHAS – A specific print
(present day Israel). (Video 19) ZIONISM – This nineteenth
edition of the Talmud produced
century Jewish nationalist
by the Widow and Brothers YESHIVA/OT – During the last
movement increased in strength
Romm Press in Vilnius, Lithuania quarter of the first millennium CE
in the early twentieth century and
between 1880 and 1886. Over the there were two large institutional
led to the creation of the modern
course of the twentieth century academies called Yeshivot (plural
state of Israel. (Video 25)
this edition became iconic and of Yeshiva) in Babylonia (present
definitive. (Video 3, 4) day Baghdad). These played an
important role in disseminating

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