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What is the mission statement of the Snohomish County chapter of this party?

We are fighting
for a better, fairer, and brighter future for every American: rolling up our sleeves, empowering
grassroots voters, and organizing everywhere to take our country back.

Website: Link both the Snohomish County chapter and the national organization’s
websites here.
Person interviewed: (the people that were contacted to interview did not respond so we did our own

Person Interviewed: Name of local party chair or designated proxy, Title (Chair, Vice-Chair,

My questions for abortion would be if you consider for a minor to have parental consent
when wanting to get an abortion? In Washington state a woman has the legal right to have
an abortion If they want to the WA department of health says” that people have the right to
choose or refuse to have an abortion and requires state-regulated health plans that cover
maternity services to cover abortion service.” Washington is one of the states that allows a
minor to get abortion if they want to without have any parental consent at all the Washington
State department of health says that “People of any age have the right to independently consent
for their own abortion care.

With all the immigration things going on in the U.S how would you deal with immigrant
children separated from their families? Washington state Is treating immigrant children that
have been serrated form their families differently Using the Unaccompanied Refugee Minors
Program that take responsibility of the Immigrant children. The Washington of social health
services provides the children “welfare benefits and services available to other children in
Washington who require such services. The benefits and services allowed include Foster care
maintenance payments (room, board, and clothing), Medical assistance, Expenses incurred in
establishing legal responsibility, Extended Foster Care and Educational Training Vouchers.

As a party do you believe that the country and the people's life will go back to being the
same before the whole pandemic had started? Since this whole pandemic of COVID has
started many changes have had to be made in the country and in people's life's including work,
education and much more things.” About half of U.S. adults (51%) say they expect their lives
will remain changed in major ways after the pandemic is over”

My question for gun violence prevention would be if more requirements are asked for
purchasing a gun do you think that gun violence will decrease? Snohomish county gun
requirements are the same as the whole state and adding more requirements to own a gun in
Snohomish county won't do much to gun violence prevention. People will Access guns
illegally Even thru online “criminals are using the Internet to buy guns in Washington and
discovered that 1 in 10 individuals seeking to buy guns online in the state were prohibited
from owning guns under either federal or state law.”

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