Pocket Character

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Pocket Character Encounter

“Ring ring ring” it’s 7:00am and Nick’s alarm goes off. Lying in his bed looking at the
ceiling he slowly reaches over and hits the alarm clock. He had already been up for what
seemed like hours. Was it fear, excitement or both. It seems like just a few days ago he was
walking around his college campus living his best life. However he was going onto a new
chapter in his life, today was the first day at his first real job. “Bzz bzz bzz” the phone ringing
breaks the inner silence that is paralyzing nick. “Good Morning sweetheart” a elderly woman
with the sweetest, most comforting voice is on the other end, his mother “Go get them tiger! I am
so proud of you and if your father was still with us I know he would be too”
Nick checks the bus schedule for the twentieth time this week just to be extra careful he
tells himself. Grabs his jacket and starts walking out into a cold San Francisco morning. It’s the
beginning of october and there are already halloween decorations all over. After a long bus ride
rehearsing the names of his new coworkers over and over again there it is. Nick had landed a
job at the Apple headquarters.

Nick, 22 year old caucasian male. An only child who lost his father at a young age. Just recently
graduated from the University of Alabama and moved to San Francisco to work for Apple. He is
very shy and lacks confidence. Smart, graduated top of his class.

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