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Body & Mind Activity

1,Describe two things that you like about your body and your mind.

About my mind I like that I have the skill to keep calm and stay neutral in critical situations
that allow me to think with rationality at that moments. About my body I like the color of my
eyes that are very uncommon and my hands because I am very skilled at time to do some
activities faster and efficiently with my hands.

2,Can diet and exercise become unhealthy habits? Explain.

Everithing can be unhealthy if you do it in an excess, so if you do a lot of excersise you can
hurt your body and an excesive diet can cause alimentary problems
3, Do you know any home remedies for common illness? Describe one.

I know about one remedy for coughing that coinsist in mix an egg with honey and a lemon until it
becomes a type of sparkling punch that you consume to refresh your throat

4, How does stress affect you? Describe how you cope with stress.

The stress can affect anyone health because it makes the brain work unefiently making that causes
that body defenses don’t work and making the body vulnerable to some diseases. To cope with
stress I do something that I like such as hearing music or chill out watching a movie and playing

5. Do you think there are problems with the medical industry? What are they? Describe one

I think that today in our country the main problem with the medical industry is the infrastructure than
does not work efficiently and makes the process very slow causing problems to the people that
takes the service

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