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‫المركز الجامعي الونشريسي – تيسمسيلت‬

‫معهد العلوم و التكنولوجيا‬

‫شعبة اإللكترونيك‬

Master 1 : Filière Electronique/Spécialité Instrumentation Matière : TP Systèmes asservis numériques

TP N°= 4-5
The desired objectives

➢ Design some controllers in state space representation using MATLAB programing environment.
➢ Showing the effectiveness of the optimal control (LQR) comparing with classical control (poles placement).
Problem 1 (Controller state feedback matrix gains K)
Consider the following discrete-time state space system:

 x1 ( k + 1)  1 2   x1 ( k )  0 
 =   x k  + 1 
 x2 ( k + 2 )   0 3   2 ( )  

The required
- Find the controller state feedback matrix gains K1 which place in the closed loop system the following poles: P1,2 = 0.25  0.6614 j ,
using two methods.
Problem 2 (Observer state feedback matrix gains L)

Consider the following discrete-time state space system:

  x1 ( k + 1)  0 −0.16   x1 ( k )  0 
 =  + u (k )
 x2 ( k + 2 )  1 −1   x2 ( k )  1 

  x1 ( k ) 
 y ( k ) =  0 1  x ( k ) 
  2 
The required
- Find the observer state feedback matrix gains L which place in the closed loop system the following poles: P1,2 = 0.5  0.5 j , using
two methods.
Problem 3

Consider the following discrete-time state space system:

 x1 ( k + 1)  1 2   x1 ( k )  0 
 =  + 
 x2 ( k + 2 )  0 3   x2 ( k )  1 

The required (Optimal Control LQR)

1 0 
- Find the LQR optimal control matrix gain K2 such: Q=  and R = 1 .
 0 1 
- Compute the 2-norm of K1 and K2. What does the value of the norm represent, and what do you conclude?

HELP Using MATLAB, programming environment. Create a new file*.m then insert the following functions:
place, acker, dlqr, ctrb, obsv, rank, norm.

Responsable du Matière Dr. NAIL Bachir Durée : 3 Heures Année Universitaire 2019/2020

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