Following The Money

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Following By Jim Naughton

the Money
W hen the General Convention of the Episcopal Church meets next month in Columbus, Ohio, a small
network of theologically conservative organizations will be on hand to warn deputies that they must
repent of their liberal attitudes on homosexuality or face serious consequences. The groups represent a small
minority of church members, but relationships with wealthy American donors and powerful African bishops
have made them key players in the fight for the future of the Anglican Communion.

Investing in
Canterbury, to remove the Episcopal Church from tanks such as the Heritage Foundation, the
the Communion, and to replace it with a signifi- American Enterprise Institute and the Hoover
cantly smaller and more conservative Church that Institute and individuals such as William Bennett,
would be headed by bishops with longstanding ties Charles Murray (The Bell Curve) and Dinesh

Upheaval to the AAC.

Ahmanson also helps sustain organizations in the
United Kingdom and elsewhere that support
removing the Episcopal Church and the Anglican
D'Souza (The End of Racism).
However, the foundations' activities also extend
into the nation's churches-particularly its mainline
Protestant churches. The foundations have provided
Millions of dollars contributed by a handful of Church of Canada from the Anglican Communion millions of dollars to the IRD2 which, in a
donors have allowed a small network of theological- unless they change their policies regarding same-sex fundraising appeal in 2000, said it sought to
ly conservative individuals and organizations to relationships. "restructure the permanent governing structure" of
mount a global campaign that has destabilized the The full extent of his contributions cannot be "theologically flawed" Protestant denominations
Episcopal Church and may break up the Anglican determined because most are made through his pri- and to "discredit and diminish the Religious Left's
Communion. vate foundation, Fieldstead and Company, whose influence." 3
The donors include five secular foundations that records are not open to public scrutiny. And neither The IRD was established in 1981 by neo-conser-
have contributed heavily to politically conservative the AAC nor the IRD discloses the names of its vative intellectuals hoping to counter the liberal
advocacy groups, publications and think tanks, and most significant contributors or the amounts of public policy agendas of the National and World
one individual, savings and loan heir Howard F. their donations. Councils of Christian Churches. Its founders,
Ahmanson, Jr., who has given millions of dollars to As a result, Anglicans have no full accounting of including Michael Novak, a Catholic theologian
conservative causes and candidates. how much money is being spent, and for what pur- and Richard John Neuhaus, then a Lutheran minis-
Contributions from Ahmanson and the Bradley, poses, in the struggle for control of their ter and now a Catholic priest, were particularly
Coors, Olin, Scaife and Smith-Richardson family Communion. concerned about the role of mainline and Roman
foundations have frequently accounted for more Catholic leaders in the civil wars that ravaged
than half of the operating budgets of the American Central America in the late 1970s and 1980s.4
Anglican Council and the Institute on Religion and THE FOUNDATIONS They were sharply critical of liberation theology,
Democracy, according to an examination of forms the Marxist-influenced school of thought developed
filed with the Internal Revenue Service and an Since the 1970s, charitable foundations estab-
lished by families with politically conservative views by Central and South American theologians, and
analysis of statements made by both donors and waged an aggressive media campaign in support of
recipients. have donated billions of dollars to what the
National Committee on Responsive Philanthropy, a the Reagan administration's policies in Nicaragua,
The AAC and the IRD have worked together in El Salvador and elsewhere, alleging links between
opposing the Episcopal Church's consecration of a watchdog group, has called "an extraordinary effort
to reshape politics and public policy priorities at the liberal church leaders and Marxist guerillas.
gay bishop with a male partner, its practice of Peter Steinfels, then executive editor of the inde-
ordaining non-celibate homosexuals to the priest- national, state and local level."1
Five foundations are of special note for the mag- pendent Catholic magazine Commonweal, wrote in
hood, and its willingness to permit the blessing of a 1982 article that the IRD advanced "a distinct
same-sex relationships. Their campaign has entailed nitude of their donations to political and religious
organizations. They are: the Lynde and Harry political agenda while claiming only a broad
extensive international travel, heavily subsidized Christian concern."5 Steinfels said the IRD asserted
conferences and the employment of a professional Bradley Foundation; the Adolph Coors
Foundation; the John M. Olin Foundation, which that churches should "cherish diversity and dis-
staff and consultants to coordinate and publicize agreement about the means to social justice" while
their efforts. ceased operations last year; the Smith-Richardson
Trust and the Scaife Family Foundations. Much of manufacturing "an arsenal of vague and damaging
Most recently the groups have organized several allegations almost certain to cast aspersions on a
of their international allies to pressure the Most the foundations' largesse supports institutions and
individuals active in public policy, including think broad band of church leadership."
Rev. Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of

1 "Moving a Public Policy Agenda," published by the National Committee on Responsive 4 "New Church Group Assails Support for Left," by Charles Austin, The New York Times,
Philanthropy, Washington, D. C., 1997. Excerpted by at http://www.mediatransparen- November 15, 1981.
5 All quotes are from "NeoConservative Theology" by Peter Steinfels, democracy, April 1982.
2 Online at []
3 "Reforming America's Churches Project 2001-2004," by the Institute on Religion and
Democracy, 2000, Washington, D. C.


2 Following the Money
In one well-publicized instance in the in his home state of California in the early
1980s, Diane Knippers, then an IRD staff 1990s. Research conducted for The Los
member, and later its president, distributed Angeles Times found that he and his wife
information critical of the Nicaraguan THE ORGANIZATIONS had contributed $3.9 million to
Council of Protestant Churches (Consejo de Republican candidates in state and local
Iglesias Pro-Alianza Denominacional, or races and $82,750 in federal races between
CEPAD), a disaster relief organization 1991 and 1995.14 They also contributed
founded after the devastating 1972 earth- FOUNDATION FOUNDED MISSION LEADER hundreds of thousands of dollars to ballot
quake and sponsored by the mainline initiatives that banned gay marriage and
American Baptist Church.6 American 1996 The American Anglican Council is a network of The Rev. Canon affirmative action.15 Campaign finance
CEPAD ran a network of medical clinics Anglican individuals (laity, deacons, priests and bishops), David C. records indicate that the couple continues
Council parishes and specialized ministries who affirm Anderson,
for the poor, as well as a successful literacy (AAC) Biblical authority and Christian orthodoxy president. to contribute heavily to Republican candi-
campaign, according to Fred Clark, an editor within the Anglican Communion. dates nationwide.16
of Prism, the magazine of Evangelicals for Ahmanson is a member of the secretive
Social Action. "That literacy work had won Council for National Policy, an elite group
the admiration and support of Nicaragua's Institute 1981 Its Reforming Americas Churches program James of politically conservative national leaders
president, Daniel Ortega, and his Sandinista on Religion was initiated in 2001 to “restructure the per- Tonkowich, who meet several times a year to coordinate
regime. Ortega's praise of CEPAD gave and manent governing structure” of “theological- president. their efforts on a common agenda.
Knippers what she saw as an opening," Clark Democracy ly flawed” mainline Protestant churches. According to a New York Times report, the
wrote in a 2003 account. (IRD) dates and locations of the group's meetings
Although the evangenical churches did are kept secret, as is its membership.
not support the Sandinistas, Clark wrote, Participants in the group's discussions
"Knippers portrayed CEPAD -- and there- International 1980 INFEMIT came into being when evangelical Canon Vinay promise not to reveal their content.17
Fellowship of mission theologians from Africa, Asia, and Samuel,
fore the American Baptist Foreign Mission Evangelical Latin America recognized the need to develop executive
Members in recent years have included Gary
Society -- as 'guilty' by association. She Mission an international network which they owned director. Bauer, Tom DeLay, James Dobson, Bob
wrote of CEPAD as a communist front, part Theologians and shaped. Jones, III, of Bob Jones University, Tim
of a supposed Soviet beachhead in (INFEMIT) LaHaye, author of the Left Behind series,
Nicaragua. No one in this country paid Grover Norquist, Oliver North, Ralph Reed,
much attention, but the contras did. Pat Robertson and Phyllis Schlafly. 18
CEPAD's clinics became targets for their
paramilitary terrorists." THE DONOR Ahmanson also supports several think
tanks. He was a major benefactor and for-
The ensuing controversy was followed mer board member of Rushdoony's
closely by mainstream evangelical publica- HOWARD F. AHMANSON, JR. Q His gifts to the IRD include, but aren’t lim-
Chalcedon Foundation. He also contributes
Q Supports the American Anglican Council, ited to: $528,000 in 1991-92; $460,000 in
tions such as Christianity Today. In the end, 2001; more than $150,000 in 2002-2003. heavily to the Discovery Institute, the intel-
INFEMIT USA and the Institute on Religion
Clark writes, "CEPAD was vindicated and and Democracy. Q His gifts to the AAC include $515,000 in
lectual flagship of the Intelligent Design
IRD suffered a devastating embarrassment. Q Has also supported: the Chalcedon 2000 and $462,408 in 2001. movement, 19 and the George C. Marshall
They were, rightly, perceived as an unreliable Foundation, the Discovery Institute, the George Institute, which disputes research indicating
source of information - closed-minded ideo- C. Marshall Institute and ballot initiatives oppos- that human activity contributes to global
logues who were willing to attack others on ing gay marriage and affirmative action. warming.20
the basis of irresponsibly flimsy evidence."7 In what may be his only published article,
Still, Knippers, who died in 2005, and Ahmanson advanced a Scriptural case for
the institute remained a favorite of con- THE FOUNDATIONS opposing minimum wage laws.21
servative foundations. Since 1985, the Ahmanson's views are considered contro-
IRD has received 72 grants worth more Q The Bradley, Coors, Olin, Scaife and Smith- Q The foundations have also supported the American versial enough that two Republican candi-
than $4,679,000 from the Bradley, Coors, Richardson family foundations Enterprise Institute, American Spectator magazine, dates, Linda Lingle, now governor of
Olin, Scaife and Smith-Richardson family Have made 72 grants worth $4,679,000 to the authors Charles Murray, (The Bell Curve) and Hawaii 22 and Virginia Congressman Frank
Institute on Religion and Democracy from 1985 to Dinesh D’Souza (The End of Racism), the Free
foundations.8 2004. Congress Research and Education Foundation and R. Wolf have returned his contributions to
After the Cold War, the IRD turned its the Heritage Foundation, among others. their campaigns.23
attention from the mainline churches' activi- The Institute on Religion and Democracy
ties in Central America to the churches' and the American Anglican Council have
internal affairs. In its Reforming America's shown no such reluctance.
Churches Ahmanson gave the IRD more than
Project, 2001-2004, the IRD invited $528,000 in 1991-92. In 2001, after a five-
of that time, secretly-underwritten internal legal system on biblical laws, including ston-
donors to help it in "restructuring" the dem- week vacation in Turkey with Knippers and
opposition to the Episcopal Church's poli- ing adulterers and homosexuals.10
ocratic governance of churches to which her husband, the Ahmansons became the
cies on homosexuality. Ahmanson, who suffers from Tourrette's
those donors might not belong. principal supporters of the IRD's Reforming
Ahmanson and his teenaged son David are syndrome, rarely grants interviews with the
To challenge the elected leadership of the America's Churches project. Howard
members of St. James, Newport Beach, one media, but he and his wife cooperated with
Episcopal Church, the IRD instituted an in- Ahmanson made five gifts totaling
of three parishes in the Diocese of Los the Register on a five-part profile that
house effort called Episcopal Action. More $460,000 to the institute that year. In addi-
Angeles that declared itself part of the appeared in August 2004.11 "I think what
significant, it nurtured an alliance with tion, Roberta Ahmanson agreed to join the
Anglican Church of Uganda because of dif- upsets people is that Rushdoony seemed to
Howard F. Ahmanson Jr. IRD's board. 24
ferences with its bishop, the Rt. Rev. J. Jon think--and I'm not sure about this--that a
In 2003, Knippers told the Washington
Bruno. Bruno voted to confirm Gene godly society would stone people for the
Post that Ahmanson continued to give the
HOWARD F. AHMANSON JR. Robinson, who lives with his male partner, same thing that people in ancient Israel were
IRD an average of $75,000 a year. 25
as Bishop of New Hampshire, and supports stoned," Ahmanson was quoted as saying. "I
Unlike the leaders of the secular founda- From 2001 to 2004, the IRD spent more
the blessing of same sex relationships. no longer consider that essential."12
tions that donate to the IRD, Ahmanson than $2.1 million on its church reform proj-
Previously, Ahmanson was a disciple of the "It would still be a little hard to say that if
and his wife, Roberta, a former religion ect, $449,182 of it on activities related to
Rev. Rousas John Rushdoony, the father of one stumbled on a country that was doing
reporter for the Orange County Register, are the Episcopal Church. 26
Christian Reconstructionism. Rushdoony that, that it is inherently immoral, to stone
deeply involved in current Episcopal and While Ahmanson was cementing his rela-
died in 2001 with the Ahmansons at his bed- people for these things," he added. "But I
Anglican controversies. For the last ten years, tionship with the IRD, he was also building
side. 9 He advocated basing the American don't think it's at all a necessity." 13
Ahmanson has significantly-and, for much up the American Anglican Council.
Ahmanson emerged as a political force

6 "IRD and the CEPAD Affair" by Fred Clark, November 24, 2003. Online at: tion online at: []
18 []
7 ibid.
19 "Giving Generously to their Causes," Orange County Register, Sunday August 8, 2004. Online at
8 [] []
9 "Avenging angel of the religious right by Max Blumenthal, Salon, January 6, 2004. Online at 20 "Enemy at the Gates" by Mike Holderness, New Scientist, October 8, 2005. Online at [http://www.newscien-
[] ] and "Oil firms fund climate change 'denial'" by David
Adams, The Guardian, January 27, 2005. Online at:
10 "The Strength of their Convictions" by Peter Larsen, Orange County Register, August 10, 2004. Online at: [,12996,1399585,00.html]
21 "Three New Testament Roots of Economic Liberty," by Howard F. Ahmanson, Religion & Liberty, (from the
11 The series is online at: [] Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty) January/February, 1997 Online at:
12 Larsen. Online at: [ part 3]
22 Larsen [, part 1].
13 ibid.
22 Larsen [, part 1].
14 "Rich source of GOP funds" by Gebe Martinez and Eric Bailey, The Los Angeles Times, July 10, 1996
15 Blumenthal
24 Blumenthal
16 Searches for 2000-2006 may be conduced at
25 "Conservatives Funding Opposition, Priest Says," by Alan Cooperman, The Washington Post, October 24, 2003,
17 "Club of the Most Powerful Gathers in Strictest Privacy" by David Kirkpatrick, The New York Times, August page A-3.
28, 2004. Online at
[] More informa- 26 IRS Forms 990. During this period the IRD spent $1,489,677 on efforts within the United Methodist Church.
Following the Money 3


ANGLICAN COUNCIL the group's budget
increased significantly.
The AAC was founded in 1996 to oppose In 2000, the AAC
Episcopal Church policies including the received just over
ordination of sexually active gay clergy and $1m in what IRS
the blessing of same-sex relationships. forms term "public
Knippers and two veterans of the Reagan support." Some
administration's Justice Department, $7,000 came from
Richard Campinelli and James Wootton, membership dues,
were its incorporators. and $515,000 from
Initially based in Dallas, the AAC moved the Ahmansons.33
to Washington in 1999, and shared office The following year,
with the IRD until 2005. Knippers was the the AAC stopped
AAC's first treasurer and a longtime member listing membership
of its board. Bishop James Stanton of Dallas, dues as a source of
founding chairman of the AAC, served on revenue. It received
the IRD's board. $730,238 in rev-
Ahmanson's relationship with the AAC enues, $462,408 in
began in 1997, when he passed a gift gifts from
through the AAC to the Ekklesia Society, Ahmanson.34
which had been founded the previous year In 2003 and
by the Rev. Canon Bill Atwood to foster 2004, the AAC had
international alliances within the Anglican combined revenues
Communion.27 The donation helped under- of more than $3.15
write the Anglican Witness and Life million, but stopped
Conference in Dallas, at which conservative listing the amounts
leaders from across the Communion began donated by major
work on an agenda that eventually included contributors.35
the creation of a strong, centralized form of Ahmanson's contin-
church governance, an evangelical approach ued involvement is
to Biblical interpretation and the defense of suggested by the fact
traditional teachings on human sexuality.28 that he placed the
One year later, they achieved one of their AAC fifth on a 2004
most important goals when the 1998 list of the 20 chari-
Lambeth Conference passed Resolution ties he has supported
1.10, declaring that same-sex relationships most generously.36 The Rev. Canon David C. Anderson, president of the American Anglican Council, was Howard F. Ahmanson, Jr.'s rec-
were incompatible with Scripture. In 2003, the AAC tor at St. James’, Newport Beach, which has broken away from the Episcopal Church and declared itself part of the
From the outset, the AAC relied heavily spent $248,000 on its Church of Uganda.
on donations from wealthy individuals. Of presence at the Episcopal
its $565,647 in revenues in 1997, $67,000 Church's General
came from membership dues, while more Convention.37 By contrast, Integrity, the gay the conservative Ethics and Public Policy have paid the price,” he said.
than $497,000 came in large donations from and lesbian organization which was the Institute as its U. S. mailing address, con- Samuel said “not a cent” of the organiza-
unnamed individuals, according to data the AAC's principal adversary on sexuality issues, tributed $357,414 to OCMS and $262,000 tions’ current budget is spent on
AAC provided to the Internal Revenue spent some $60,000. 38 to the Network for Anglican Mission and inter–Anglican activities.
Service. Of that total, $230,000 came from By 2004, the AAC was a well-established Evangelism, (NAME.)
one person. That funding pattern is still in advocacy group, not unlike others that flour- NAME held an international conference
evidence.29 in Africa in 2004 which produced papers THE NEXT STEP: GENERAL
ished in Washington. It spent just under CONVENTION, 2006
In 1998, the AAC reported $443,765 in $600,000 that year on employee compensa- justifying the actions of foreign bishops who
revenues, less than $38,000 of it from dues. tion, $124,000 on travel, and $114,000 in had claimed Episcopal churches as their When the General Convention of the
In 1999, membership dues accounted for printing and publications.39 own, or announced plans to found a mis- Episcopal Church meets in Columbus next
less than $23,000 of the $496,000 that the It was also developing a global reach. sionary church in the United States.42 month it will do so in a politically charged
council received in revenues. Some Summarizing its expenditures for that According to IRS Forms 990, INFEMIT atmosphere, created in some measure by conser-
$265,000-53 percent-came in two large gifts, year, the AAC says it spent more than USA raised more than $2.75 million from vative organizations supported by a small num-
possibly from the same donor. $361,000 on "advocacy and diplomatic 2000-2003. More than $2.6 million was ber of wealthy donors.
The organization intensified its efforts to efforts with international partners on contributed by an unnamed donor or hand- Filings made by several of these organiza-
cultivate Ahmanson as a donor in the sum- issues surrounding Anglican communion." ful of donors. It is not clear how much of tions give a partial accounting of the dona-
mer of 2000 at the suggestion of Bruce Three of those partners-the British evan- this money was donated by Ahmanson, but tions received and expenditures made by the
Chapman, another veteran of the Reagan gelical organizations Anglican Mainstream he listed INFEMIT 14th on the list of chari- AAC, INFEMIT and the IRD. But the
administration, who was then vice president ($60,000), the Church Missionary Society ties to which he has given the most money.43 groups do not observe the standards of trans-
of the AAC. (CMS) ($27,000) and the Oxford Center In a recent interview, Canon Vinay parency and accountability practiced by the
"Fundraising is a critical topic," Chapman for Mission Studies ($7,000)-received gifts Samuel, executive director of INFEMIT and Episcopal Church and its dioceses, whose
wrote in a memo to other board members. from the AAC during 2003-04.40 A CMS OCMS, said that while the organizations budgets must be approved in public meetings
"But that topic itself is going to be affected official said the donation was for tsunami had once been deeply involved in the by elected representatives. Nor are the groups
directly by whether we have a clear, com- relief. Anglican struggle over same sex relation- or their donors required to give a fuller
pelling forward strategy. I know that the The AAC is not the only Ahmanson- ships, “we’ve tried our best to distance our- accounting of their transactions, as would be
Ahmansons are only going to be available to funded organization that has aided conserva- selves from that battle” in the last two years. the case in secular U. S. politics.
us if we have such a strategy and I think it tive Anglicans in the United Kingdom. The In 2003, the organizations were “totally In addition, two key conservative organizations,
would be wise to involve them directly in International Fellowship of Evangelical involved” in the successful campaign to stop the Ekklesia Society and the Anglican Communion
settling on it as the options clarify." 30 Mission Theologians (INFEMIT), which is the Rev. Jeffrey John, who had been appoint- Network, are not required to file Forms 990 because
Chapman was the founder and president based at the Oxford Center for Mission ed Bishop of Reading, from assuming the they are classified as religious institutions.
of the Discovery Institute, and Ahmanson Studies (OCMS), pursues philanthropic office, Samuel said. John is celibate gay man. As a result, the bishops and deputies to
was the principal backer of its Center for the activities beyond the scope of an advocacy As the organizations became identified General Convention will be left to guess at the
Renewal of Science and Culture.31 In addi- organization. However, it played a signifi-
41 with inter-Anglican issues, donors of other intentions and resources of the American conser-
tion, the Rev. David C. Anderson, the cant role in the Anglican controversy. denominations stopped contributing, he vatives and bishops from the developing world
AAC's president, was Ahmanson's rector at From 2000 to 2004, its American branch, added. He said last year INFEMIT USA, who are pressing the Church to change its course
St. James’, Newport Beach, and a family INFEMIT USA, which, until recently, listed which does not currently have a U. S. office, or pay a price.
friend.32 The Ahmansons assented to the had raised approximately $300,000. “We

27 "A Church at Risk: The Episcopal 'Renewal' Movement" by Lewis C. Daly, IDS Insights (Institute for 36 "Giving generously to their causes," Orange County Register, August 8, 2004. Online at: [http://www.ocregis-
Democracy Studies), December 2001. Page 9.]
28 "Anglican bishops address issues of sexuality and international debt at Dallas meeting" by James Solheim, 37 IRS Form 990
Episcopal News Service, October 16, 1997. 38 IRS Forms 990
29 All of the following data is drawn from the American Anglican Council IRS 990 forms for the years 1997 39 IRS Form 990
through 2004. The forms do not contain donors names, however, they often contain information on large gifts. 40 IRS Form 990
30 Blumenthal 41 IRS Forms 990 report donations to micro-lending charities.
31 The center's aim, according to an internal document, was "the overthrow of materialism and its damning cul- 42
tural legacies," and the development a new scientific worldview "consonant with Christian and theistic convictions 43 "Giving generously to their causes"
"Discovery's Creation" by Roger Downey, Seattle Weekly, February 1, 2006. Online at:
[]. And "The Wedge," online at:
32 ibid.
33 IRS form 990, the American Anglican Council. Also, Blumenthal
34 IRS form 990. Also, Blumenthal
35 IRS form 990.
4 Following the Money

A Global
phere was unusually tense. Several primates
who opposed the Episcopal Church's posi-
tion on homosexual relationships had
refused to attend the Eucharist with the

Strategy church's primate, Presiding Bishop Frank

Griswold became angry when the pri-
mates assembled for a meeting and found
on their tables a document alleging various
The Dromantine Retreat and abuses of conservative Episcopal clergy and
Conference Center, a 19th Italianate congregations by liberal bishops that
mansion sits in stony isolation on a hill- Griswold said could only have been pre-
top outside Newry, Northern Ireland. pared by American activist.
The center is home to a Catholic semi- "I spoke very frankly about where these
nary, but it played host to a distinctively pieces of paper came from, and why are
Protestant drama in February 2005. For these people down the road in constant
five days, the Primates of the Anglican communication with various of you, and
Communion assembled in its meagerly- whose agenda is this?" he later told
furnished meeting rooms to determine Deborah Caldwell of Beliefnet. "Who is
whether the 77-million member body determining our agenda?" 2
could be preserved despite bitter disagree-
ments over homosexuality.
For the previous 15 months, the leaders THE AGENDA
of several conservative Episcopal organiza-
tions had been working secretly with their Leaders of the conservative wing of the
allies among the primates to remove the Presiding Bishop Frank Griswold of the Episcopal Church chats with the Most. Rev. Rowan Church have worked since at least the
Episcopal Church from the Communion 1990s to develop international alliances;
Williams, shortly after Williams was named Archbishop of Canterbury. those efforts first bore fruit at the 1998
for consecrating a gay man with a male
partner as bishop and permitting the bless- Lambeth Conference, where the bishops in
ing of same-sex relationships. Failing that, attendance passed a resolution declaring
they aimed to establish a parallel American that physical intimacy between members of
province for Episcopalians who differed the same sex was incompatible with
with their Church on the nature of Scripture.
same-sex relationships. However, their efforts took on added sig-
At the Dromantine conference, the nificance during the crisis precipitated by
Americans and their international allies the consecration of the Rt. Rev. Gene
collaborated with an unprecedented open- Robinson as Bishop of New Hampshire
ness, in an attempt to force Rowan November 2, 2003.
Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury, The backlash against the Episcopal
to take a harder line against the Episcopal Church provided an opening for its adver-
Church. saries to attempt to remove it from the
Among the primates who backed this Anglican Communion. The church's
effort were Peter Akinola of Nigeria, Henry removal would have diminished its stature,
Orombi of Uganda and Gregory Venables and its membership, as 10 dioceses and sev-
of Argentina. Working with them were the eral dozen parishes had expressed a desire to
leaders of the American Anglican Council, break with the church and remain within
the Anglican Communion Network, the the communion. In addition, without the
Ekklesia Society and the Institute on generally liberal voice of the Episcopal
Religion and Democracy. Church, the Communion would take on a
Those groups, backed by five politically more theologically conservative cast.
conservative U.S. foundations, and Howard The crisis also created an opportunity for
F. Ahmanson, a benefactor of numerous con- several influential primates in the develop-
servative ballot initiatives, candidates and ing world who wanted to move the
think tanks, had been cultivating relation- Communion, composed of autonomous
ships with evangelical leaders in the develop- provinces, toward the centralized curial form
ing world since the mid-1990s. But at of government advocated by the authors of
Dromantine, the Americans' role as the prin-
cipal strategists for the movement against
their church came into focus.
"Tell Rowan the Ekklesia Society-sponsored publication
To Mend the Net.3
American conservatives responded with a
During the conference, American and
British church activists took rooms in Newry
and kept in contact with the primates, who
that if he will two-pronged strategy: pressuring Williams to
expel the Episcopal Church and replace it
with Duncan's Network, while arguing that
were ostensibly meeting in private sessions.
Among the activists were the Rev. Canon
David Anderson, president of the AAC; the
not recognize crisis required the primates to exercise
authority that the Communion had never
granted them.
Rev. Canon Bill Atwood, general secretary of
Ekklesia; Bishop Robert Duncan of
Pittsburgh, moderator of the Anglican
the Network, Conservative leaders agreed on their strat-
egy at a meeting in London on November
20, 2003. In attendance were Duncan, sever-
Communion Network, and Diane Knippers,
president of the IRD.
"Conservative American and British
Evangelical leadership: Clockwise from top left:
they will al American conservatives and several pri-
mates sympathetic to their cause. According
to Duncan's notes, those present secretly
Archbishops Peter Akinola of Nigeria, Henry
activists, and the press corps, quickly found
that Dromantine's security guards were not a
formidable obstacle to gaining access to the
Luke Orombi of Uganda and Gregory Venables separate from agreed that the primates who supported the
Network would announce their support to
Williams, urge him to recognize the
of Argentina and the Southern Cone.
Primates, and would kindly … pass notes to
Primates if asked," wrote the Rev. George
Conger in the Church of England Newspaper.
him." Network as the true expression of
Anglicanism in the United States, and "Tell
Rowan that if he will not recognize the
"Car traffic into Dromantine … was busy Network they will separate from him." 4
throughout the week as conservative activists Notes from a meeting of Network leaders asked the primates to
would take primates off-campus from the Network supporters in London inform Williams that "in the present crisis
centre to dine and strategise."1 November 11, 2003. the issue of boundaries is suspended," mean-
Inside the gates at Dromantine, the atmos- ing that bishops could claim the right to

1 Behind the Scenes at the Primates Meeting, Part 2 by George Conger, Church of England Newspaper, March 4, 3 "Primates Consider Anglican 'Common Law,'" by Jan Nunley, Episcopal News Service, online at: [www.episco-
2005. Online at: [, March 9,
'%20Meeting,%20part%202] 4 "Mainstream Meeting" memo, online at [ ]. Point 4.

2 "The Battle Rages On," interview by Deborah Caldwell. March 2005. Online at:
Following the Money 5

minister uninvited in one another's

provinces and dioceses.
The Network also requested that the pri-
mates refuse to recognize any bishop who
had participated in Robinson's consecra-
tion. This, in effect, would have rendered
13 American sees, including the Diocese of
Washington, as vacant. Alan Wisdom, vice president of
Network leaders also asked that Duncan the Institute on Religion and
be regarded as Griswold's equal at all inter- Democracy said the IRD did not
national gatherings.5 typically disclose the names of its
In addition, Duncan's notes say: "We
commit to the guerilla warfare of the next
donors or the amount of their
year."6 donations. He confirmed that
The notes came to light a year later, Howard and Roberta Ahmanson
when two parishes in the Diocese of were donors, however, and said
Pittsburgh sued Duncan and other dioce- that the institute was "proud to
san officials, alleging that they planned to
claim ownership of property held in trust
be associated with them."
for the national church. The suit was set-
tled out of court in October 2005, but Cynthia Brust, director of commu-
not before several memos and emails cir- nications for the American
culated among leaders of the AAC, the Anglican Council said the AAC
IRD and the Network appeared on the
Web site of the Allegheny County (Pa.)
received roughly 62 percent of its
prothonotary's office.7 support from individuals, 26 per-
The Network soon learned that cent from foundations and 12
Williams would not recognize it as an percent from parishes and that
independent Anglican entity. Just three donations ranged from "$25
weeks after the London meeting, A.
Hugo Blankenship, a Network lawyer, e-
checks from people on fixed
mailed Duncan saying that one of incomes to foundation-sized
Williams's top aides, "simply won't listen grants."
to anything but our staying in ECUSA
[the Episcopal Church, U. S. A.] ….We "I don't release any information
did not feel it wise to warn him how
close ABC [the Archbishop of
on donors publicly," she added.
Canterbury] may be coming to losing the
Communion, especially if a number of The Ekklesia Society didn’t
Primates or Provinces recognize the respond to requests for an inter-
Network. I personally don't see much The Rt. Rev. Robert Duncan, Bishop of Pittsburgh is the moderator of the Anglican view.
chance the ABC will recognize the
Network at this time. Perhaps that Communion Network. In November 2005, he hosted a conference at which the Bishop of
changes if pressure within the Bolivia ordained clergy to work within the boundaries of the Episcopal Church. --Jim Naughton
Communion builds up."8
Duncan and the AAC maintained pub-
licly that they were working to "realign"
the Anglican Communion from within the
Episcopal Church. But on January 14, tor at his side, Akinola explained that the
2004, The Washington Post published a Convocation of Nigerian Churches in North
story headlined, "Plan to Supplant would be vulnerable to prosecution under conservative Episcopal parishes was developed America was intended as a refuge for Nigerians
Episcopal Church USA Is Revealed." 9 canon law. However, Chapman wrote, "we further in a March 3, 2004, memo to "Ekklesia immigrants in the United States, but added that
do have non-geographical oversight available Society primates and bishops" and leaders of Episcopalians who opposed the consecration of
from 'offshore' Bishops, and retired the Network by Canon Alison Barfoot. It was Gene Robinson would not be turned away.20
"ALTERNATIVE OVERSIGHT" Akinola said that he had discussed his
Bishops." occasioned, Barfoot wrote, by conservations
If "adequate settlements" were not within with Atwood, John Guernsey of the Network ideas for the convocation with Williams, and
The article was based on a letter from the
reach by "some yet to be determined and Martyn Minns of the AAC. that Williams suggested he pursue it in part-
Rev. Geoff Chapman, rector of St. Stephen's,
moment, probably in 2004," he added, "a Barfoot, formerly co-rector at Christ nership with the Network. But Williams
Sewickley-one of the larger parishes in
faithful disobedience of canon law on a Church in Overland Park, Kansas, had quickly released a statement saying that he
Duncan's diocese-who said he was respond-
widespread basis may be necessary." 13 recently been appointed an assistant to had never approved of the idea of convoca-
ing to an inquiry on behalf of the AAC and
Chapman's letter, which had also been Orombi, primate of the province of Uganda. tion, but had suggested that Akinola pursue
its "Bishops Committee on Adequate
leaked to Religion News Service and The An ally of Duncan's, Orombi had broken off his pastoral aims through the Network.21
Episcopal Oversight."10 The letter, dated
December 28, 2003, was leaked to Post Guardian in London, ignited controversy in relations with the Episcopal Church in Into this chaotic atmosphere, the Windsor
reporter Alan Cooperman. the church. The AAC's opponents said it December 2003.17 Report on Communion was released on
In the letter, Chapman wrote that the made conservatives' true intentions known. In the memo, Barfoot outlined a three- October 18, 2004.
AAC's "ultimate goal is a realignment of while its defenders argued that Chapman's step plan for removing parishes from the
Anglicanism on North American soil" result- letter represented the thoughts of only one oversight of Episcopal bishops and placing WINDSOR AND ITS AFTERMATH
ing in a "replacement jurisdiction." He man,14 that there was nothing new in letter, them under the oversight of an "offshore"
added that conservatives would "seek to that the AAC was interested only in alterna- bishop who would then delegate his authori- The report had been written by the Lambeth
retain ownership of our property as we move tive oversight for beleaguered conservative ty over that parish to the Network.18 If a Commission on Communion, which had been
into this realignment." 11 parishes, and that the affair was unworthy of parish did not already have a relationship formed by Williams and the primates, at an emer-
A parish interested in "alternative over- the media attention it had received.15 with an offshore bishop, Barfoot suggested, gency meeting a year earlier. Its membership was
sight" should declare its relationship with its One person who disagreed with this the Ekklesia Society could arrange a match.19 theologically and geographically diverse. Its charge
diocesan Bishop "severely damaged" as a assessment was Judge Joseph M. James of the While primates such as Orombi and Venables was to point a path away from schism without
result of Robinson's consecration, Chapman Allegheny County Court of Common Pleas. were willing to allow their bishops to claim author- revisiting the issue of sexual morality, but rather by
wrote, and state that it now looked to "one In pre-trial proceedings in Calvary v. ity over Episcopal parishes and property, Akinola focusing on issues of governance and authority.
of the Primates or an AAC orthodox Bishop Duncan, he characterized the Chapman let- made a bolder stroke, announcing in early In the days before the report was released,
for their 'primary pastoral leadership.'" 12 ter as the "smoking gun" that proved October 2004 that he planned to form his own conservative newspapers and Web sites
Episcopal bishops who claimed authority Duncan's intentions.16 church in the United States. During a press con- were alive with reports that the Episcopal
over a parish in another bishop's diocese The concept of "offshore oversight" for ference at Truro Church, with Minns, Truro's rec- Church and Anglican Church of Canada

5 Ibid. Points 11 and 18. 15 See [] and

6 Ibid. Point F. [] for the
7 Information on Calvary Episcopal Church, et. al. v. Duncan et. al. is online at: conservative response.
[]. 16 [ ]. Page 26
Memos by Duncan, Knippers and others have been removed, but are still available at [ 17 "Draft proposal for Overseas AEO" by Alison Barfoot, March 3, 2004. Filed in Calvary Episcopal Church, et.
Mainstream112003.pdf ] al. v. Duncan, et. al.
8 Email: "Re:Report from Meeting?" dated Dec. 9, 2003, entered in Calvary v. Duncan 18 Ibid, page 2.
9 "Plan to Supplant Episcopal Church USA is Revealed" by Alan Cooperman, The Washington Post, January 14, 2004, page A-4. 19 Ibid. Several dozen Episcopal parishes have asserted that they are now under the jurisdiction of a foreign pri-
10 Chapman memo online at mate, but no Episcopal bishop has risked accepting pastoral responsibility for those parishes.
11 Chapman, page 1. 20 "Two controversial bishops come to D. C." by Jim Naughton, Washington Window, November 2004, page 7.
12 Ibid Akinola's convocation has since been renamed the Convocation of Anglicans in North America.
13 Ibid. Page 2 21 "Canterbury says Akinola's convocation plan not approved by Williams", by Jan Nunley, Episcopal News
14 See statement of Bruce Mason in "Memo discloses AAC's strategy for replacing Episcopal Church" by Jan Service, October 6, 2004. []
Nunley, January 14, 2004. Online at: []
6 Following the Money


The Instruments of Unity or

"Instruments of Communion" are:
the Archbishop of Canterbury, the
Lambeth Conference, the Primates
Meeting and the Anglican
Consultative Council.

The Archbishop of
Canterbury: Senior bishop of the
Communion, he calls the once-a-
decade Lambeth Conference,
chairs the meeting of Primates,
and is President of the Anglican
Consultative Council. The Most
Rev. Rowan Williams is the

The Lambeth Conference: a

gathering of bishops from the 38
member churches in the
Communion, it meets every 10
years, and will next convene in

The Primates Meeting: a gath-

ering, usually annual, of the 38
senior archbishops or presiding The Most. Rev. Robin Eames, the Irish Primate, speaks to the media outside Lambeth Palace during a meeting of the Primates. Eames was the
bishops of each of the 38 church- chair of the Lambeth Commission on Communion which wrote The Windsor Report.
es. It first met in 1979.

The Anglican Consultative

Council: established in 1969, it
provides consultation and guid-
would have to either reverse their positions ter what the report says." 25 have traditionally relied on aid from else-
ance on policy issues, such as on homosexuality or force expulsion from None of the Anglican Communion's where in the Communion to survive. But
world mission and ecumenism. It the Communion. But the report proved a instruments of unity [see sidebar] possess the conservative Episcopalians had begun to
has roughly 120 members, meets great disappointment to the Network and canonical authority either to require compli- build the financial networks that they said
every three years, and is unique its allies. ance with the recommendations of the could sustain the African churches if they
among the instruments in includ- The commission chastised the Episcopal report, or to evaluate whether compliance left the Communion.
Church and called for an expression of regret had been achieved. But the Primates and the The tension-riddled Dromantine meeting
ing clergy and laity. and a moratorium on the future consecra- more broadly representative Anglican produced a communiqué more to conserva-
tion of gay bishops. But it also chided bish- Consultative Council could attempt to shape tives' liking than the Windsor Report. It
ops and primates who had authorized or par- the way it was interpreted. reaffirmed the call for a moratorium on the
ticipated in boundary crossings, and asked The council is a body of some 80 mem- consecration of gay bishops, softened the
that they, too, express regret, and refrain bers. It includes clergy and lay people, and is criticism of the border crossing primates-
from such actions in the future. Crossing considered less theologically conservative who nonetheless agreed not to "initiate" any
diocesan and provincial boundaries "goes not than the Primates meeting. But the council new border crossings-and requested that the
only against traditional and often-repeated did not meet until June 2005, while the pri- Episcopal Church and the Anglican Church
Anglican practice (as reaffirmed most recent- mates met in Dromantine in February. of Canada send their delegates to the next
ly by, for example, resolutions at Lambeth Before that meeting, Akinola and the leaders meeting of the consultative council as
1988 and 1998), but also against some of of some of the larger African provinces had observers, rather than as voting members.
the longest-standing regulations of the early made it clear to Williams, Archbishop Robin The primates also asked that the two church-
undivided church," the report said. 22 Eames of Ireland, who had chaired the es to explain to the council how they had
The commission also dealt a blow to the Lambeth Commission and others that if arrived at their decisions regarding same-sex
Network, recommending against the cre- issues raised by the report were not resolved relationships.
ation of a separate province within the to their liking, they were willing to leave the On the night before the communiqué
United States. 23 Communion, thus radically reducing its was presented at a press conference, a
Akinola called the report condescending,24 membership and its global reach. number of primates left the resort to
while Duncan declared that the process of The African provinces, and those in other attend a celebratory dinner hosted by
realignment was "already well begun no mat- parts of the developing world are poor, and Akinola26 and paid for by the American con-

22 The Windsor Report, paragraph 29, 3 30 Archbishop Eames Speaks at Cathedral, VTS," by Jim Naughton, October 17, 2005. Online at:
23 Ibid, paragraph 152.
31 Online at []
24 "Statement on The Windsor Report 2004 from the Primate of All Nigeria." Online at: [http://www.anglican-] 32 "A Plea for Patience" by Njongonkulu Ndungane, Church Times, Dec. 2, 2005 Online at:
25 "Disappointed Anglican Conservatives Mull Options, Threaten Revolt," by Kevin Eckstrom, Religion News ment]
Service in Christianity Today, October 18. Online at []
33 "Bolivian ordains Anglican clerics" by Julia Duin, The Washington Times, November 13, 2005. online at:
26 "Anglican leaders divided and defiant after gays pact," by Stephen Bates, The Guardian, March 4, 2005. Online []
at: [,3604,1430275,00.html]
34 "A Church Asunder" by Peter J. Boyer, The New Yorker, April 17, 2006. Page 64.
27 "Behind the Scenes at the Primates Meeting, Part 2" by George Conger, Church of England Newspaper, March
4, 2005.
28 "From Executive Council: A letter to Bishop John Paterson" April 13, 2005. Online at: [http://www.episco-]
29 "Apology opens remarks from Anglican Consultative Council chairman," Episcopal News Service, March 6,
2006. Online at []
Following the Money 7

servatives. Williams had striven to hold the mine whether Episcopal bishops are your brother Primates in the Global distance themselves from the letter, and in
meeting together, but he remonstrated with invited to the next meeting of the South for this damaging and irresponsible the process, provided another glimpse of
these primates when they returned.27 Lambeth Conference in 2008. smear," he wrote. American advisors prodding southern pri-
The United States and Canada accepted And whether Episcopal bishops are invit- Eames replied a few days later, saying: "I mates to do their bidding.
the Primates' requests, each withholding ed may determine whether their adversaries categorically state I have never believed that In a message to the Church Times,
their three voting delegates in an attempt to stage a boycott. any financial offer was accepted by any of Archbishop Njongonkulu Ndungane of
demonstrate that they sought reconciliation those who represent the Global South on South Africa, whose name did not appear
within the Communion.28 Conservatives any other than terms of Christian outreach." on the letter, wrote that his delegate at the
used the numerical advantage this provided WHOSE PIPER? WHOSE TUNE? While Akinola was chastising Eames, meeting, Bishop Johannes Seoka had "found
to get the council to affirm the Dromantine Since conservative Episcopalians' highly however, Canon Akintunde Popoola, direc- himself excluded from meetings, including
communiqué by a two vote margin with visible role at Dromantine, leaders of the tor of communications for the Church of those at which the letter was discussed -
four abstentions. Communion have begun to ask whether Nigeria, was defending the practice that despite the presence, it appeared, of others
The chair of the Anglican Consultative they and their financial backers such as Eames had decried. On the popular who were neither Primates nor, indeed,
Council, Bishop John Paterson of Auckland, Howard F Ahmanson, Jr., are the real power Thinking Anglicans Web site, he wrote: from the Global South."32
later apologized to the Executive Council of behind a movement that claims to draw its "For years, wealthy ECUSA churches like In November 2005, Duncan hosted a
the Episcopal Church for the way it had strength from Africa and Asia. Trinity Wall Street bankroll churches in conference in Pittsburgh at which a bish-
been treated, and said that the primates, as In an interview last October, Eames said developing countries (and dare I say even op from Venables' province ordained cler-
one instrument of unity, should not have that he was "quite certain" that African the Communion) with no eyeballs raised. gy to work under his authority in the
attempted to dictate terms to another.29 bishops were being offered money to cut Some 'poor churches' feel it is immoral to Dioceses of Maryland and Washington.33
In the Windsor Report and the their ties with the Episcopal Church. collect money from those they do not agree At the conference, Akinola told an
Dromantine communiqué, leaders of "Is it the might of finance that will influ- with. Those that agree with the position of audience of 2,500:
the communion acknowledged that the ence a theological outlook, and then that the poor are coming to their aid and some "Many of you have one leg in ECUSA
Episcopal Church's response would be outlook come to dominate the guys feel that is not moral. and one leg in the Network. With that,
neither official nor complete until Communion?" he said. "It raises a serious "Before such statements are made, my friends, comes disaster. While that
approved by its triennial General question for me: what is the real nature of Leaders should consider what the poor are remains, you can't have our support.
Convention. The Convention meets in their faith and their Anglicanism? It is cer- receiving and what they are missing. Which Because, you see, as we speak here, we
Columbus, Ohio for two weeks begin- tainly different from mine."30 is greater?"31 have all broken communion with ECUSA.
ning in mid-June. There it will consid- Akinola responded in an open letter to In late October, a number of primates If you want Global South to partner with
er a number of resolutions drafted in Eames on Oct. 16. "If you have any evi- from the Global South released a letter that you, you must let us know exactly where
response to the report. Whether its dence of such financial inducements I was sharply critical of Williams, who had you stand. Are you ECUSA? Or are you
response is deemed satisfactory by challenge you, in the name of God, to recently addressed them at a conference in Network? Which one?"34
enough in the communion may deter- reveal them or make a public apology to Cairo. Several of the primates sought to


Sex and the Anglican Communion

1988 2004
Lambeth Conference asks each province to March: TEC House of
reassess its attitude toward gays and lesbians. Bishops develops plan
to provide "delegated
episcopal oversight"
1998 of parishes out of
Lambeth Conference sympathy with their
Acknowledges that there are different per- bishops.
spectives on homosexuality held by faithful
Anglicans. June: Synod of
Anglican Church of
Affirms heterosexual monogamy as the Canada affirms the
only appropriate circumstance for "integrity and sanctity
sexual intercourse. of adult same sex
Describes homosexual practice as
incompatible with scripture. October: Lambeth
Commission on The Lambeth Commission on Communion, authors of
Says it cannot encourage same sex Communion releases The Windsor Report, outside Lambeth Palace.
blessings or ordination of those in same The Windsor Report which:
sex relationships. Describes the actions of TEC and DNW as
until General Convention 2006 and express-
a "breach of the bonds of affection."
es "deep regret for the pain that others have
Asks Primates and Anglican Consultative experienced with respect to our actions at
The Most Rev. Rowan Williams was Council to monitor work on studying sexuality. Calls on TEC and DNW to express regret
the General Convention of 2003."
and to explain their actions.
enthroned as Archbishop of Canterbury
in February, 2003. April: TEC Executive Council agrees to send
1999 Asks for a moratorium on consecrating bish-
delegates to ACC as "observers," rather than
ops in same sex relationships
Diocese of New Westminster, (DNW) as voting members.
Canada authorizes development of public Charges the Instruments of Unity to develop
rites for same sex blessings. June: Anglican Consultative Council receives
The Episcopal Church (TEC) begins study the "listening process" called for in Lambeth
The Windsor Report
of sexuality. 1998.
Affirms primates' Dromantine communiqué
2003 Asks for "listening process" of provinces
Affirms provincial integrity against unwel-
1968 come mission incursions.
sharing their studies and resolutions
August: TEC General Convention regarding sexuality.
The Anglican Consultative Council (ACC) consents to the election of Gene
meets for the first time. Robinson as Bishop of New
Hampshire, and affirms that same sex 2006
blessings are within the "common life" February: Primates receive The Windsor
1978 of the Church. Report at Dromantine
June: TEC General Convention to convene
in Columbus, Ohio to consider further
The Lambeth Conference calls for "deep and Call for a moratorium on public rites of
October: Rowan Williams, Archbishop responses to The Windsor Report and to
dispassionate" study of sexuality drawing on same sex blessings
of Canterbury, calls an emergency consider consents on newly elected bishops.
scripture, science and medicine and dialog Ask TEC and AC of Canada to withdraw
meeting of the Primates to respond to voting representatives from June meeting of
with gays and lesbians. the TEC and DNW, and creates the the Anglican Consultative Council. 2007
Lambeth Commission on Communion Ask TEC and AC of Canada explain their
1979 to attempt to preserve the actions at June ACC meeting. Autumn: Invitations to be mailed for
Communion. Lambeth Conference, 2008.
First Primates Meeting. March: TEC House of Bishops' effects
moratorium of consecration of all bishops
For further reading
BOOKS Democracy Studies the UMC," by Andrew J. Weaver and are here," by Steve Levin, Pittsburgh
A Church at IDS Insights, December 2001 Nicole Seibert, The New Zion's Post-Gazette, September 21, 2003
War: Anglicans Herald , January-February 2004
and Insights_Vol02Iss02.pdf localnews/
Homosexuality Jan2004_specialreport.html 20030921episcopal0921p3.asp
By Stephen Buying a Movement: Right-Wing
Bates, religion Foundations and American Politics "Why Conservatives Won't Schism: DOCUMENTS
reporter of The By People for the American Way What conservative Episcopalians Alison Barfoot Memo on "offshore"
Guardian learned from the women's ordina- oversight
Published 2004, file_33.pdf tion battles of the '70s will deter-
updated 2005 mine their next steps," by Deborah K-Ekklesia-overseas-AEO.pdf
Anti-Gay Politics and the Caldwell, Beliefnet , August 6, 2003
Hard Ball on Holy Religious Right Geoff Chapman Memo on a "replace-
Ground: The By People for the American Way story_13069_1.html ment province"
Religious Right v.
the Mainline for general/default.aspx?oid=2038 "The Primates Meeting at wp-srv/nation/shoulders/
the Church's Soul Dromantine, February 2005" by Episcopal.pdf
Edited by Stephen Simon Sarmiento
Swecker, 2006 ARTICLES Anglicans Online, February 27, 2005 "Mainstream meeting" notes from
"A Church Asunder" by Peter J. Boyer, The Bishop Robert Duncan
REPORTS New Yorker, April 17, 2006 news/articles/2005/
A Church at Risk: primatesmeeting0227.html F-Mainstream112003.pdf
The Episcopal content/articles/060417fa_fact5
'Renewal' Movement "Follow the Money: Documenting "Region funds Episcopalians' move to
By Lewis C. Daly, the Institute for the Right's Well-Heeled Assault on divide: Financial roots of conservatives


A question of relationships
This piece orginally appeared in the humanity from the bondage of self-seeking response to their cries. Each of us has unique pretation? Was it because more people could
Washington Window, April 2005. agendas to a place and time where God is all windows, our relationships with other people empathize with the plight of a lifeless marriage
and in all. When the truth that rushes from created in God’s image, that reveal the love than can understand the basis of same-sex
By Albert Scariato God’s being and is accepted and inhaled into and truth of God that is revealed in Jesus attraction? One would hope that this is not
God’s vessels of love - each of us - the incar- Christ. Those interpersonal relationships, the case. Yet, how can the rigid adherence to

t its June meeting, the Anglican nation of the divine will dwell beyond the even with all their foibles and frailties, where what is contrived by some to be the biblical
Consultative Council will hear presenta- physical and temporal limits of what we now we encounter love give us an approximation prohibition on homosexuality be squared with
tions by theologians from the Episcopal can perceive. of the love that God has for each and every the relaxed position of many of these same
Church USA and the Anglican Church of Sadly, it is most often difficult to recog- human being. people on prohibitions of divorce? Questions
Canada explaining why churches believe there nize, let alone to accept, what is truth. Much For gay and lesbian Christians, relation- of logic, bias, and subjection of the minority
is no Scriptural or theological barrier to the of what has been revealed to the church and ships with loved ones are the most vivid by the majority (the mighty versus the weak?)
consecration of a gay bishop or to the blessing to the world over the years as being ultimate- reminders of God’s love. These relationships, come to fore.
of monogamous same-sex relationships. ly consonant with the Gospel was welcomed no less than faithful, life-long heterosexual Ultimately, one has to face some simple
It is fitting that these presentations will not with joy and hope, but rather with skep- ones, reveal the “mystery of the union truths. No biblical author addresses the con-
focus on “relationship,” for embodied in that ticism and disdain, or rejected - its messen- between Christ and the church” to men and temporary model of two people of the same
word is the very core of the current situation gers often sharing the fate of the one who women who by their very nature are attract- sex living with each other in a relationship of
that no written document can ever hope to “preached peace to those who are far off ed sexually and otherwise to members of equals, faithful and caring. Biblical reference
overcome. Christianity is above all else about and those who are near.” A rehearsal of this their same sex. The business of the church is of supposed same-sex relationships is open to a
incarnation. We make the audacious claim litany would include but not be limited to meant to be about finding God within the wide range of interpretations. Sides on the
that God lived among us as a human being, the truth concerning: the complicity of the bonds of these relationships rather than present-day debate have staked out their
Jesus, son of Mary. This one person, born of church in justifying the often harsh rule of determining by vague, rather primitive, psy- claims. A two-fold truth emerges - the debate
woman through the unhindered Spirit of temporal kingdoms, the torture inflicted by chologically twisted, and medically dubious will not be settled this way, and in perseverat-
God, is, we say, God’s ultimate revelation to the inquisitors, the stifling of Galileo, the standards that they are immoral. ing over this issue so long and so intractably,
humanity. conscious encouragement and perpetuation Scripture has, is, and unfortunately may the church has been driven away from its com-
Notations on paper or papyrus, no matter of anti-Semitism, the reactions to the always be employed to defend the indefensible. mission to preach the Gospel.
how old, venerated or insightful, can hope reformers, the use of Scripture to justify slav- Read sermons from the 1850s from Boston and At the core of the issue of human sexuality
only to approximate the divine revelation we ery, the repression of women, institutional Richmond. Compare and contrast. Where is is the truth of the incarnation - that God took
have in Jesus Christ. The Bible itself admon- racism, and the list goes on. We have read of God? Where is truth? Where is the word made on humanity, and in so doing brings
ishes us that beyond its pages much remains it. We have heard it - over and over, council flesh? The Emancipation Proclamation of a sec- humanity into the sacramental realm. One
to be learned. Indeed Jesus told his disciples after council, convention after convention, ular leader and the amending of a human docu- aspect of that humanity is that some are
that there were matters that they were unable document after document. Today we hear it ment, The U.S. Constitution, settled the matter homosexual and others heterosexual. “God
to bear while he was still with them. God’s as well as the bloodiest of centuries, the of slavery - not the churches who divided them- looked at everything he had made, and
Holy Spirit would, however, guide them ulti- 20th, has given way to a new millennium in selves over the issue, and not the bible that was behold it was very good.” May our eyes
mately into all truth (John 16:12). which we hope and pray that we can be led used by slave-holders and abolitionists alike to behold God’s creation through divinely
Spanning the history of the church, the away from yet another stumbling block, sex- support their positions. inspired eyes, ears, hearts and minds. Pen,
Holy Spirit has striven to guide the world, uality, which keeps us away from the work of Somehow the Episcopal Church and most ink, paper, and even, yes, computers are
both outside and inside the church, into a bringing the Gospel of peace to a world at of the Anglican Communion has come to real- finite, limited. The Spirit that is at our
more complete understanding of truth. A war. ize correctly that in some instances divorce threshold knows no limits. How then can we
vital question in Jesus’ time and in our own God’s holy words, the Scriptures, are often may be the path of healing in a relationship impose a boundary on what is boundless? As
comes from Pilate’s lips (John 18:38), “What manipulated today in an attempt to thwart fraught with hurt and harm. Yet the Gospels the Spirit presses against the walls of division
is truth?” Accessing that truth has been the God’s ultimate word, Jesus, who ushered us speak more clearly on that matter than on the and discord, truth will emerge – the truth
work that the church has been commissioned into an era in which God’s will is made current issues of sexual relationship con- that liberates - the truth that Jesus promised,
to explore, incorporate and proclaim. Never known not in written word but in relation- fronting the church. The that now is hard to bear, but which will lead
has so great a task been undertaken by mere ship. Divine will entered into relationship church, the institution of marriage, and us to what Anselm called “that than which
mortals. Truth has within it the power to with and expressed solidarity with the society managed to stay intact when the teach- no greater can be conceived.”
create freedom (John 8:32). Freedom itself human condition by seeing, hearing, know- ing of Jesus in Mark 10:4-12 was reexamined The Rev. Albert Scariato, M.D., is priest
represents the ultimate gift of our God. ing and coming down to rescue a group of and reinterpreted in the power of the Spirit of in charge at St. John’s, Georgetown. He is
From Eden to Sinai to Calvary to the new desperate slaves (Exodus 3:7-8). Today, other God that Jesus promised would lead us into all completing work at the Catholic University
Jerusalem, we hear a story of God leading groups are experiencing God’s compassionate truth. How did the church come to this inter- of America on a Ph.D. in Biblical Studies.

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