Dialogue Project

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“Who… who are you?

“I’m going to need you to sit down for this”
“What? I don’t understand”
“The fact that I look familiar to you”

“Are we related?”
“Well not exactly, I am you. A version of you”
“Is this like the Terminator? Do I have to save the world”
“Not the world, but you can change your future. I am here to help you not end up like me”
“How, I’m only in college, how can I change anything now”
“Let me start by telling you who you become if you follow the same path. I’m a 67 year old man. My
parents passed away a couple decades ago. I don’t have any kids, no wife. My sisters haven’t spoken to
me since the death of our parents”

“That’s impossible. I talk to them all the time. No way would I ever stop talking to them”
“Let me ask you this, how do you measure success?”
“Being rich, nice cars, a nice house. It’s pretty obvious what success is.”
“Well good news, then you're going to be successful.”
“Now, what makes you happy?”
“I don’t know, I guess money will buy me happiness when I’m older”
“What’s the point in dying rich, if there is no one around. I have terminal cancer. Two months to live. I
would give everything I have away for a chance at real happiness. Love is what fills the gap in your
heart. ”
“So I need to find love in order to be happy”
“You need to live life to the fullest. Working behind a desk is what I have been doing for 40 years now.
There is no happiness there. Travel the world. Meet as many people as you can. Experience everything
around you. That will make you the richest person in the world”

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