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Brief Introduction:

Our firm has two products namely MOJO and MOON. Brandpro market is divided into three
groups of consumer segments, namely:
1) Savvy
2) Professionals
3) Trendy
All the three consumer segments mentioned above have similar needs and purchasing
behaviour. There were five other players in the market. But we haven’t considered all the
players in the market as our key competitors. Each competitor has targeted a different
customer segment, we have treated those competitors, which were targeting the same
segment of customers as of our firm.

Year 1:

Product Strategy:

MOJO is small brand and had low-end offering, we have decided to target the Savvy
shoppers, who are cautious on how their money is spent and highly rational in their
purchasing decisions. They demand affordable products with low performance and
convenience. Having said that this segment has lot of scope for gaining market share. So, we
have no product strategy for MOJO as it was a perfect fit for Savvy segment as of now.
MOON is a strong and profitable brand with its presence in Trendy and Professional
segments, so we have decided to invest our major chunk of budget on Professional
shoppers and very small proportion in the Trendy segment.
Pricing strategy:
We lowered the price of both the products, MOJO and MOON based on the prices of ROXY
and TOIZ respectively.
Targeting strategy:
We spent our promotion budget (3000) on MOJO in the savvy segment. For moon we spent
most of our allocated budget (2500) in the Professional segment and a very small proportion
(500) in the trendy segment.
Communication strategy:
We went according to the perceptual maps. We wanted to position MOON very close to the
TOIZ in the perceptual map and MOJO, very near to the ROXY.
Our SPI at the end of year 1 was 105. After looking at the results, we found that the market
share for the MOJO was increased and the market share for MOON came down.
Year 2:
Product Strategy:
For MOJO, we have continued to target the same Savvy shoppers. Having said that this
segment still has lot of scope to gain market share. So, we have no product strategy for
MOJO as it was a good fit for Savvy segment as of now.
For MOON, we have decided to invest our major chunk of budget on Professional shoppers
and very small proportion in the trendy segment. We have invested on Research and
development costs to make it more appealing to the Professional segment by adding few
specifications, such as increased battery life, number of features and processing power.
Pricing strategy:
We lowered the price of both the products, MOJO and MOON based on the prices of Savvy
segment and TOGA respectively.
Targeting strategy:
We spent our promotion budget (2900) on MOJO in the savvy segment. For moon we spent
most of our allocated budget (2600) in the Professional segment and a very small proportion
(200) in the trendy segment and the remaining (300) on R&D expenses.
Communication strategy:
We went according to the perceptual maps. We wanted to position MOON very close to the
TOGA in the perceptual map and MOJO, very near to the Savvy segment.
Our SPI at the end of year 2 was 112. After looking at the results, we found that the market
share for the MOJO was increased and the market share for MOON came down by 3%.
Learnings after Round 2:
We have incurred R&D expenses for the product MOON, but the competitor TOGA whose
screen size was very high compared to us, has reduced their screen size drastically. Since,
we have not decreased the screen size at all and the customers were attracted to this
feature and we know that this mistake which we have done is going to be impacted in
coming years. We wanted to increase the market share for MOJO, where we were doing
really good and continue do that, this is possible by investing some part on R&D on MOJO in
year 3.

Year 3:
Product Strategy:
For MOJO, we have continued to target the Savvy shoppers. Having said that this segment
still has lot of scope to gain market share. We have invested on Research and development
costs to make it more appealing to Savvy segment by adding and removing few
specifications, such as increased battery, increase the number of features and reduced the
screen size.
For MOON, we have decided to invest our major chunk of budget on Professional shoppers
and very small proportion in the trendy segment.
Pricing strategy:
We lowered the price of both the products, MOJO and MOON based on the prices of Savvy
segment and the competitor TOGA respectively.
Targeting strategy:
We spent our promotion budget (2950) on MOJO in the savvy segment. For moon we spent
most of our allocated budget (2750) in the Professional segment and a very small proportion
(50) in the trendy segment and the remaining (250) on R&D expenses.
Communication strategy:
We went according to the perceptual maps. We wanted to position MOON very close to the
TOGA in the perceptual map and MOJO, very near to the Savvy segment.
Our SPI at the end of year 3 was 119. After looking at the results, we found that the market
share for the MOJO was increased and the market share for MOON further came down by
2%, this was expected after the end of year 2 itself because the competitor has attracted the
customers by decreasing the screen size drastically.
Learnings after Round 3:
Since, we wanted to increase the market share for MOJO, where we were doing really good
and continue do that, so we have predicted that the R&D that we have invested this year
would have a positive effect on market share next year. So, we wanted to invest on R&D
expenses for MOON in the year 4 and try to position near to the competitor, TOGA.

Year 4:
Product Strategy:
For MOJO, we have continued to target the Savvy shoppers. Having said that this segment
still has lot of scope to gain market share.
For MOON, we have decided to invest our major chunk of budget on Professional shoppers
and very small proportion in the trendy segment. We have invested on Research and
development costs to make it appealing to Professional segment by adding few
specifications, such as increased processing power, increase the number of features and
reduced the screen size.
Pricing strategy:
We lowered the price of both the products, MOJO and MOON based on the prices of Savvy
segment and the competitor TOGA respectively.
Targeting strategy: We spent our promotion budget (2970) on MOJO in the savvy segment.
For moon we spent most of our allocated budget (2750) in the Professional segment and a
very small proportion (20) in the trendy segment and the remaining (300) on R&D expenses.
Communication strategy:
We went according to the perceptual maps. We wanted to position MOON very close to the
TOGA in the perceptual map and MOJO, very near to the Savvy segment.
Our SPI at the end of year 4 was 134. After looking at the results, we found that the market
share for the MOJO was increased and the market share for MOON further came down by
1.5%, so we were not expecting the competitor to reduce his processing power and they
rather increased their battery life which customers perceived it as premium and valuable.
Learnings after Round 4:
Since, we wanted to increase the market share for MOON, where we were not doing good
and so we have predicted that the R&D that we have invested this year would have a
positive effect on market share next year. But this has back fired as the competitor has
reduced the price drastically and increased the specifications. So, we had one year left with
us, so we just wanted to play with pricing by reducing the price drastically.

Year 5:
Product Strategy:
For MOJO, we have continued to target the Savvy shoppers. The entire budget was spent on
For MOON, we have decided not to spend budget here, since we know that the customers
preferred the specifications offered by the competitor.
Pricing strategy:
We lowered the price of both the products, MOJO and MOON based on the prices of Savvy
segment and the Professional segments respectively.
Targeting strategy: We spent our promotion budget (5800) on MOJO in the savvy segment.
For moon we spent most of our allocated budget (200) in the Professional segment.
Our SPI at the end of year 5 was 151. After looking at the results, we found that the market
share for the MOJO was increased and the market share for MOON further came down to
Final Learnings from the game:
We have gone wrong with our Product Strategy for MOON, we haven’t payed attention to
the critical dimensions which were perceived by the customers. Also, we should have
monitored the segment`s need evolution, which we haven’t done for MOON. We should
have used the market research and perception maps to understand the consumer
perceptions and needs.

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