Kodaira1963 III

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Annals of Mathematics

On Compact Analytic Surfaces, III

Author(s): K. Kodaira
Source: Annals of Mathematics, Second Series, Vol. 78, No. 1 (Jul., 1963), pp. 1-40
Published by: Annals of Mathematics
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Vol. 78, No. 1, July, 1963
Printed in Japan


(Received April 19, 1962)

11. An exact sequence

In the preceding section we have shown that the family ?F(g, G) of
analytic fibrespaces of elliptic curves over A consists of all analytic fibre
spaces B", '2 c H'(A, E2(B4)). We denote by @4, the component of the fibre
CO of B* over ap containing the unit o(ap) and let

BO has a structure of analytic fibresystem of abelian groups over A which
is the restriction of that of BO. Let f2(BO)denote the sheaf over A of
germs of holomorphic sections of BO. Obviously f2(BI) is a subsheaf of
f2(BI) and the stalk of the quotient sheaf f2(B#)/f2(B1)over each point
u C A' vanishes. Hence we obtain the exact sequence

(11.1) *. -* , H'(A, S?2(B#))- H'(A, 2(B#)) -? .

For each element C e H'(Ay,f(Bl)) we define Bi in the same manner as

in Definition 9.2. In view of the exact sequence (11.1) we obtain from
Theorem 10.1 the following

THEOREM 11.1. The family 9(,{, G) consists of all analytic fibre

spaces Bi, '2C H'(A, f2(B#)).
The notion of fibrespaces and their equivalences depends on the sheaf
of structure groups.' By a (63-fibre space we mean a fibre space with a
sheaf (3 of structure groups, and we say that two fibrespaces are (X-equiv-
alent if they are equivalent as (63-fibre spaces. The fibre space Bi may
be considered as an analytic fibrespace, as an f2(BO)-fibrespace, or as an
f2(Bl)-fibrespace. The cohomology class C) C H'(Ay,f(BO)) represents the
f2(Bl)-equivalence class of Be.
Let C& denote the fibreof BI over u c A. It is clear that

* On compact analytic surfaces, I, Ann. of Math., 71 (1960), 111-152; II, Ann. of Math.,
77 (1963), 563-626.
t The author was supported during the final phases of the preparation of this paper
by a research project at Harvard University sponsored by the National Science Founda-
I A. Grothendieck, A general theory of fibre spaces with structure sheaf, University of
Kansas, 1955.

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C Ou- Cu , for useA',

EPO, for u =ap.
It follows that
a complex torus, if C. is regular,
(11.2) =C if C. is of type 1b,
C otherwise
Let fbdenote the tangent space of C# at o(u). The union
of the tangent spaces fuformsa complex line bundle over A in an obvious
manner. Since the fibrefbof fover u can be regarded as the infinitesimal
group of the complex Lie group C#uwhich is isomorphic to a complex to-
rus, C or C*, we have a canonical homomorphism
h,,:fb C#U.
We define h to be the map of f onto BI which coincides with h. on each
fibre fu of f. Let f2() denote the sheaf over A of germs of holomorphic
sections of f. We infer readily that themap h is locally biholomorphic.
Hence h induces a homomorphism of the sheaf f2(f)onto the sheaf f2(B ).
We denote this homomorphismby the same symbol h.
The stalk of the sheaf G over ap is, by definition,
Gap= F(G' IE)E = Ep-ap,
where Ep denotes a circular neighborhood of ap in A. Hence Gapis (iso-
morphic to) the submodule of Z 0D Z which consists of all pairs (n1,nA)of
integers nl, n, satisfying the linear equation
(nl, n2)(Ap) = (nl, n2) -

Using the normal formof A, (see Table I in ? 9) we infer, therefore, that

Z ?DZ, if Capis regular,
(11.3) Gap z, if Ca is of typeI,
0, Yotherwise.

THEOREM11.2. We have the exact sequence

(11.4) 0 G ) f2(B#) >
PROOF. Let K denote the kernel of the homomorphismh: 2(f) (BI).
Our purpose is to prove the isomorphism
K ?G .

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First we consider the restriction K' = K A A' of K to A'. Let f' = fIA'
be the restriction of fto A'. We have, by (8.5),
BI A'-= B' = U'xC/? .

Hence, letting Q0 denote the subgroup of !? consisting of all analytic

9?0) = g(Q, 0, 0): (i, t)-(, f6(i) w1(A')0
, c
of U' x C, we infer that
(11.5) f' = U'xC/?Q0.
We denote by {i, C} the point on f'corresponding to (9, g) c U' x C. We

Consequently the kernel K' of the homomorphismh: Q(f') f2(B') con-

sists of germs of holomorphic sections
u-{ui, njw(i) + n2} , nn2 CZ
of ft. Thus the stalk K' of K' over each point u C A' is the free abelian
group with two generators
u*{il, o(IU)} and u-*{l, 1}.
o.(8u3) = fe(it)(aeco(i) + be),
1 = f0(il)(cew(i6) + do)
we have
(fil-, j(8i)) = aogo(8)(il, w(iu)) + beg0(fl)(jt,1),

(oil, 1) = cogO(S)(i, w(Iu)) + dg0(/3)(iZ,1),

while the sheaf G' is defined by the representation:

(c dp)
of r1(A'). Hence we conclude the isomorphism
K' G'.
We have the equality
Gap P(G'IEl.
To prove the isomorphismK G, it sufficestherefore to show that the
corresponding equality

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Kap = F(K'I E')

holds for each point ap C {ap}.

For any section p of K over Ep, we denote by A' the restriction of p
to E'. The section q is uniquely determined by g'. Hence we may identi-
fy each section v c F(K IEp) with its restriction q' c F(K' I E') and con-
sider F(K IEp) as a subgroup of F(K' IE'), while, since K' is a locally
constant sheaf, we may identify P(K [ Ep) with the stalk Kap. Thus we
Kap F(KI Ep) C F(K' I E).
For our purpose it sufficestherefore to verify that the equality
(11.6) F(KI Ep) = F(K' IE')
holds for each point ap C {ap}.
( i) In case Cap is a regular fibre,the sheaf K IEp is locally constant.
Hence we obtain (11.6).
(ii) In case Cap is a singular fibreof type Ib, we have, by (8.42),
B'j Ep = W, = Epx C*IC,
where C denotes the infinitecyclic group generated by the analytic auto-
morphism: (m,w)-(r, Wzb) of E' x C*, z being a local uniformizationvari-
able of the center ap on A. Hence we infer that
fj p = EpxC
and that
h: (r, go) ((r, w))O , w= e
Consider a germ A: z - (m,A(z)) of holomorphic section of fover u e Ep.
In case u#ap, the germ * belongs to K,, if and only if exp [2wri*(r)]= Tab
for an integer n. In case u = ap, the germ * belongs to Ka. if and only
if exp [2ri*(z)] = 1. Assume that Ep is a disk: I I < i, take a section
0 C F(K' I E') and write it in the form

0: *(r, 0(7)), 0 < jzj < .

The fibre coordinate 0(z) is a single-valued holomorphic function of
a, 0 < IzI <s, and satisfies the equality exp [2riO(z)] = zTnb for an integer
n. The equality implies that

O(r) = 1. nb log z + mn,


where m is an integer. It follows that n vanishes and 0(z) = m. Hence

the section 0 belongs to F(K IEn). Thus we obtain (11.6).

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(iii) In case Cap is a singular fibrewhose typeis differentfrom Ib, we

have, by (11.3),
r(K' I EP) Fr(GII Et) = Gap= 0
Hence the equality (11.6) follows, q.e.d.
We derive from (11.4) the exact cohomologysequence
(11.7) ... H (A, (f)) h* H1(A, 2(B#))6- H2(A, G) -* .
We define
c((?) = 8*(r?)
, for r c H'(A, S?2(B#))
We call c(r) C H2(A, G) the characteristic class of the &7(B#)-fibrespace
B7' over A.
The cohomologygroup H1(A, f2()) has a canonical structure of complex
vector space. Given a cohomology class c C H2(A, G), we choose an ele-
ment C of H1(A, f2(BI)) such that c(r) = c and define
Vt = Bh (t) +, for t C H1(S. n(f)) A
THEOREM 11.3. The collection of the compact analytic surfaces
Vt, t c H1(A, 2(9)),forms a complex analytic family.2
PROOF. Let {f1,* , f>, ... , f } denote a base of the linear space
H1(A, f2(f))and let
t= tf,
fV t C.
We fix a finitecovering {Ej} of A by sufficientlysmall circular disks Ej,
and represent each cohomology class f, by a 1-cocycle {fvjk} composed of
holomorphic sections fvAk of fover Ej n Ek such that, if Ej n Ek contains
a pointap c {ap},theholomorphicsectionfvjk vanishes. Moreover,we rep-
resenty bya 1-cocycle{jk}, l2ik c F(B#IEl n Ek). The analyticfibrespace
V, = Bh*(t)?' is the union of the pieces B I Ej obtained by identifying
2z c B IEj with Zk c B IEk if and only if
zj = L(h(E.tvfvjk) + Y(jk)Zk

It follows immediately that the complex structure of Vt depends holo-

morphically on t, q.e.d.
We denote by CV(c) the complex analytic family of the surfaces Vt =
Bh*(t)+, t e H'(Ay,f(f)). In view of (11.7), the family CV'c) is composed
of all analytic fibrespaces B0, c(O)=c, with repetitions. Hence we obtain
THEOREM11.4. If c(O) = c(r), thentheanalytic surface B0 is a defor-
'mationof B".
2 Compare K. Kodaira and D. C. Spencer, On deformations of complex analytic structures,

X-II, Ann. of Math., 67 (1958), 328-466, ? 18.

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THEOREM11.5. B ' is an algebraic surface if and only if '2 is an ele-

mentof finiteorder of H'(A, f2(BO)).
PROOF. ( i ) We set V = B7'. Let {Ej} denote a finite covering of A&
by sufficientlysmall circular disks Ej and let Bj = B IEj, Vj = V IEp.
Moreover, let {2k},jk c F(Bo I E3 n Ek), be a 1-cocycle representing the

cohomology class A. Then there exist biholomorphicfibremaps pj of V,

onto Bj such that

(11.8) = L(i~k)

(ii) Consider a fibre CI of By. An effectivedivisor b of degree n on

C. is a formal sum of n points z z( z(n) on C'. We define**.

s(b) = z(1) + Z(2) + * + z(n)

where the symbol + denotes the group operation on the abelian group
Cu. Let E be an open subset of A, and let E denote an analytic curve
on B IE containing no components of fibresof B I E. Assume that E is
contained in the open subset B IIE of B I E. Then E cuts out on each fibre
C#of By | E an effectivedivisor g. CI whose degree is independent of u,
and the map u s(E* C ) of E into B' [ E is holomorphic. Hence, setting
;(U) = CID

we obtain a holomorphicsection 0: u t(u) of BO IE over E.


(iii) Assume that V is an algebraic surface imbedded in a projective

space. Let X denote a general hyperplane section of V and let
(11.9) ft = pa(X n v3) .
Clearly Sj is a non-singular curve on Bj. We definea holomorphicsection
u:u $'(u) of B' over E3 n A' by setting
0^(u)= s(.Fi C.) for ueEjf At'.

The holomorphic section S can be extended to a holomorphic section Ej of

By over Ej. To prove this, we consider the case in which Bj contains a
singular fibre Cap of B. Obviously we may assume that Bj is the open
subset Bp of B defined in ? 8.
In case the singular fibreCa is of type Ib, II, III, or IV, the curve Ej is
contained in B' | Ep. Hence the extension dj is obtained simply by set-
ting tj(u) = s(Fi* C 1) for u e Ep.
In case the singular fibre Ca is of type I *, II*, III* or IV*, B, = Bp is
a non-singular model of the quotient space F/C obtained by a canonical
reduction of singularities, where F is an analytic fibre space of elliptic
curves over a disk D: I a I < s, of which the fibre F0 over the center 0 of

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D is either of type I2b or regular, and where C is a cyclic group of analytic

automorphisms of F of order 2, 3, 4, or 6 (see ? 8). Thus there is de-
fined a meromorphic correspondence between Bj and F composed of
holomorphicmaps q of Bj onto F/C and + of F onto F/C:

Bj 9P>F/C < F.

Let E: = Ej n A'. To prove that the holomorphicsection j of B' over

E' can be extended to a holomorphicsection tj of B over Ej, it suffices
to show that the closure in Bj of $;(E;) is an analytic curve. In fact,
assuming that the closure in Bj of t;(E;) is an analytic curve A, we infer
readily that the intersection multiplicity (ACap) is equal to 1. It follows
that A is a non-singular curve on B$ IEj intersecting simply with each
fibre CI, u e Ej. Hence we obtain an extension tj of j by setting dj(u)=
A*C$ for ueEj.
The curve Ei on Bj determines the corresponding analytic curve Y -
*- '(Ej) on F. The curve Y is contained in F'. Hence, denoting by F,
the fibreof F' over a e D and setting
y(a) = s(Y. F). for a e D,

we obtain a holomorphicsection y: a- y(o) of F' over D. The analytic

curve y(D) on F determines the corresponding analytic curve 9-'i*y(D)
on B3. Moreover,since Y = A-'q{Ej), the analytic curve q-x*y(D) con-
tains t'(E,). Consequently the closure in Bj of t;(E;) is an analytic curve.
Thus we obtain a holomorphicsection dj of B over Ej such that
(11.10) Mu(u)= s(-CU) , for u e E, nat.
Denoting by m the least common multiple of the orders of the finiteabel-
ian groups CO/C~a, apE {ap},we notethat

Mta: u mtj(u)

is a holomorphicsection of B I over Ej.

Let n denote the intersection multiplicityof X and the general fibre
of V. From (11.8) and (11.9) we obtain
Ej = L("Cjk) fqk

Combining this with (11.10) we get

tj(u) = n27jk(u)+ Mk(u), for u e Ej f Ek

Hence we obtain
mnyijk(u) = m;(u) - mk(u), for u e Ej n Ek.

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This proves that mnn7vanishes. Thus we conclude that C is an element

of finiteorder of H'(A, f2(B#)).
(iv) Assume conversely that nr vanishes for a positive integer n. Then
there exists a O-cochain {tJ},tj e P(Bo# Ej), such that

nfl7jk(U) = Mk(u) - Mj(u), for u E Ej n Ek.

By an elementary consideration we infer that H'(Ej, G) vanishes. There-

fore, we obtain from (11.4) the exact sequence
H0(Ej, &2(f))
.. . -> H0(Ej, 72(B#))-> 0
Consequently, we can findfor each section tj a holomorphicsection fj of
fover Ej such that
tj h(fj).
We define
97= h(n-lfj).
Then we have
n')j = j.
Hence, setting
'jk(U) = "jk(U) - rk(U) + MU), for u e Ej n Ek,

we obtain
n7*(u) = 0 .
Thus the cohomologyclass 7 is represented by the 1-cocycle {1d*1 satisfy-
ing n7*4 0.
= We may assume therefore that the 1-cocycle{rk} satisfies
n27jk= 0.

Let ZI denote the subgroup of the abelian group CI. consisting of those
elements z of C#which satisfy nz = 0. ZI = U,,Zu is an analytic curve
on B#. We define Z to be the closure of Z# in B. We infer readily that
Z is a (possiblyreducible)algebraic curve on B.
Since, by hypothesis, rhjk(u) belongs to the subgroup Z# of C , we have
ZI = L(r/jk)Z', for u e Ej n Ek.
Hence we get
Z n B, n Bk = L(Yjk)(Z n Bj n Bk),
while 11j'-1 = L(1jk). Consequently, we obtain
n Vk = xk(Z ) n v.
This provesthe existenceof an algebraic curve X on V which coincides

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with a-11(Z) in each open subset Vj of V. The intersection multiplicity

of X and the general fibreof V is equal to n2. Hence we obtain the in-

dim I2X + 4>1:-'(u,) I 2 2un2 + constant, uXeA

where iF denotes the canonical projection of V onto A. The inequality

proves the existence of two algebraically independent meromorphicfunc-
tions on V. Consequently V is an algebraic surface (compare Theorem
THEOREM 11.6. If c(C) is an elementof finiteorder of H2(AX,G), then
the analytic surface B' is a deformationof an algebraic surface.
PROOF. Assume that nc(r) vanishes for a positive integer n. Then, in
view of the exact sequence

*. -* , H'(A, a(f)) -
H'(Az (B#)) -> H2(A, G) - 0

(see (11.7)), there exists an element f e H1(A, a2(f))such that

nro= h*(f) .
0 -C h*(nlf),
we obtain
nO-0, c(0)-c(C) .
Hence we conclude with the aid of Theorems 11.5 and 11.4 that BO is an
algebraic surface and that B77is a deformation of BO, q.e.d.
THEOREM 11.7. If the sheaf G is non-trivial,the cohomologygroup
H2Q(, G) is finite.
PROOF. The cohomologygroup H2(A, G) is isomorphic to the homology
group Hoz(? G). Hence, letting M denote the submodule of Z (D Z gen-
erated by the elements
(nl, n2)(Sp) - (n1,n2) , (nl, n2) e Z QdZ, 9 e 7cl(A') ,
we obtain the isomorphism
H2(A,G) Z E Z/M.
After a suitable change of the base of Z QDZ, we may assume that M
consists of all elements (nlel, n2e2),n, e Z, n2 e Z, where e1 and e2 are non-
negative integers. Suppose that H2(A , G) is an infinitegroup. Then either
e1 or e2 must vanish. If e1 vanishes, we have

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(? 1)
and therefore
w(,Si) = @(u) + be, for 8 e ir(A'),

while 3@(X) > 0. Hence exp [2rio(u)] is a single-valued holomorphic

function on A' with I exp [2riw(u)] I < 1 and therefore exp [2wiw(u)] is
reduced to a constant. It follows that w(il) is a constant, and consequently
(So) = 1 for f8e 71(A'). Thus the sheaf G is trivial. If e2 vanishes, then
we have

(So)= (
/1 0
and therefore

=(1/w(8) + Cpo.

Hence, considering exp [-2ri/o(u)] instead of exp [2rio(u)], we conclude

that the sheaf G is trivial, q.e.d.
The following theorem is an immediate consequence of Theorems 11.6
and 11.7.
THEOREM11.8. In case thesheaf G is non-trivial,everymemberV of
thefamily SF(%,G) is a deformationof an algebraic surface.
Now we consider the case in which the sheaf G is trivial. The triviality
of G implies that the meromorphicfunctionS(u) has no pole. Hence &(u)
is reduced to a constant, and therefore w(u) is independent of u. Con-
sequently the basic member B of ?T(J, G) is reduced to an analytically
trivial fibre space; i.e., B =A x Co in the complex analytic sense, where
COdenotes an elliptic curve (see (8.5)). Any member B", 'ye H1(A, &2(B)),
of ?F(J, G) is therefore an analytic fibre bundle over A whose fibre is
the elliptic curve COand whose structure group is the translation group
acting on CO.
Let p denote the genus of A.
THEOREM11.9. In case thesheaf G is trivial, the first Betti number
b,of B' e 9(g, G) is given bytheformula
(11.11) b1 I{2p+ 2 if c40)= 0
12p+ 1 ,otherwise
PROOF. We write
Co- C/Go,

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where G, denotes the discontinuous subgroup of C generated by the

periods 1 and wo,,3w0> 0, of C,. For any point C e C we denote by [C] the
corresponding point on CO= C/Go. Let {Ej} denote a finitecovering of A
by small circular disks Ej. The restriction B" IEj of B" to Ej is analyt-
ically trivial, i.e.,
B" IEj = Ejx C0
and (u, [ajr)e Ej x C0 is identical with (u, [R']) e Ek x Co if and only if

[=jl - [Vk+ fJk(u)],

where flk(U) is a holomorphicfunctionof u defined on Ej n 2k. We have

[fjk(U) + fki(U) + fij(u)] = 0 , for u ErE., Ej n1Ek

It follows that
Cijk - fij(u) + fik(U) + fki(U)

is a constant belonging to Go. We infer readily that the collection {Cijk}

of the constants Cijk forms a 2-cocycle on the nerve of the covering {Ej}
of A which represents the characteristic class c(r) e H2(A, Go) of B".
We calculate b, with the aid of de Rham's theorem. We associate
with each element [C] of COthe analytic automorphism
(u, [Nj]) (u, Wij+ g])
of Be. Thus we consider CO as an analytic group of automorphisms of
BO. Let R denote the field of real numbers. Since COis compact, any 1-
dimensional cohomologyclass of B" with coefficientsin R is represented
by a d-closed real 1-formq which is invariant under CO. It is clear that,
on each open subset B" IEj of B", the 1-form q can be written in the
(11.12) p Ad~j + Ad~j + dXj(u),
where A is a constant which is independent of j and Xj(u) denotes a real-
valued differentiablefunction of u defined on Ej.
Since H2(A, Go) is a subgroup of H2(A, C), we may consider the charac-
teristic class c(C) as an element of H2(A, C) C. The constant A satisfies
the linear equation
(11.13) Ac(7) + A c(27)=O.
In fact, since
(11.14) dgj = di'k + dfJk(u), on B" I Ef n Ek,
it follows from (11.12) that

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Adfik(u) + Adfik(u) = dXk(u) - dXj(u), for u e Ej n Ek.

Hence, setting
+ Afjk(U) - + X3(U),
Cjk = Afjk(U) Xk(U)

we obtain constants Cjk satisfying the equations

(11.15) Ci, + Cik + ck, = AciJk+ Acj-k
Thus we get (11.13).
Conversely,for any constantA satisfying(11.13), we can find a 1-
form p of the form (11.12). In fact the equation (11.13) asserts the ex-
istence of real constants Cjk satisfying (11.15). It follows from (11.15)
that the differences
gjk(u) = Afjk(U) + Afjk(U) - Cjk

satisfy the conditions

gij(U) + gjk(U) + gki(U) = 0.

Hence we can findreal-valued differentiablefunctions Xj(u) such that

Afjk(U) + AfJk(U) -
Cjk = Xk(U) -

Combining this with (11.14) we obtain

Ad j + Ad j + dXj(u) = Ad k+ Adck + dXk(U).

Thus we conclude the existence of p of the form (11.12).

Let n denote the number of solutions of the linear equation (11.13)
which are linearly independent over R. We infer from the above results
that the firstBetti number b1of B'1 is equal to 2p + n. Since c(C) is an
element of H2(A, C) C, the number n is equal to 2 or 1, according as
c(r) = 0 or # 0. Consequently, we obtain (11.11), q.e.d.
We conclude from Theorems 11.6 and 11.9 the following
THEOREM 11.10. In the case in whichthesheaf G is trivial, a mem-
G) is a deformationof an algebraic surface if
ber B' of thefamily N(,J
and onlyif thecharacteristicclass c(r) vanishes.
12. Numerical invariants
In this section we shall calculate several numerical invariants, e.g., the
arithmetic genus Pa and the geometric genus pg, of the algebraic surface
It is a matter of triviality to verifythe following lemma for each type
of singular fibrelisted in Theorem 6.2.

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LEMMA. Let Cap

= E npsop, be a simple singular fibre of an analytic
fibrespace of elliptic curvesovera curveand let D ==E mp.0pbea divi-
sor composed of the coMponontsEps of Cap. If theintersectionmultiplic-
ity (D~p8) vanishesfor all componentsOp8, thenD is a multiple of Cap.
Let p denote the genus of A and let f be the canonical bundle of A.
THEOREM12.1. The canonical bundleKof B is inducedfrom thecom-
plex line bundlef - f over A bythe canonical projectionP of B onto A:
(12.1) K = T*( - f) .
PROOF. We take a sequence of distinct points u1, u2, ***, u>, ... on A'
and consider the divisor
C (n _=E -V = 1 by'

on B. The virtual genus wr'(C'n)) of C (n) is equal to 1. Therefore, using

the formula (2.16), we obtain
(12.2) dimI K + C() l=Pa + k + n-1, k O.
This implies that the complete linear system I K + C (n)I contains an ef-
fective divisor D, provided that n > 1-Pa. The intersection multiplicity
(DC.) of D and any fibre C., of B vanishes. Hence D can be written in
the form
D =
EpE~mp.Hp, + Etmqc,
where the Op. denote irreducible components of the singular fibresCap of
B and the coefficientsm, vanish except for a finite number of points u
on A'. Since
(K@p8) = (C0@p8) = 0,
we have
(OptEsmpsops) = 0.
Hence, by the above lemma, the divisor E8mp8@p8 is a multiple of Cap.
The canonical divisor D - C( can be written therefore in the form
where the coefficientsk. vanish except for a finitenumber of points u on
A. Thus we see that
(12.3) K= [EkuC] I

We consider the holomorphicsection o: u o(u) of B which maps each

point E A onto the unit o(u) of the fibre CI of B'. For the sake of
brevity we identify A with the curve o(A) on B by means of the biholo-
morphic map: u o(u) of A onto o(A). Denoting by KA the restriction of

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K to the curve A = o(A), we infer from (12.3) that

(12.4) K = T*(K,) -
The complex line bundle fover A coincides with the normal bundle of A
in B, i.e., the restriction [A],zof the complex line bundle [A] over B to A.
The canonical bundle f of A is given by the adjunction formula
= KA + [A]A
(see (2.2)). Hence we get
KA= -f.
Combining this with (12.4) we obtain (12.1), q.e.d.
Let c2 denote the Euler number (or the second Chern class) of the sur-
face B. The formula (12.3) implies that (K2) vanishes. Hence, by
Noether's formula (5.8), we have
(12.5) 12(Pa + 1) = C2
We denote by v(T) the number of the singular fibresof B of type T
and by j the order of the meromorphicfunction g, i.e., the total multi-
plicity of the poles of A.
THEOREM12.2. The arithmetic genus Pa of the surface B is given by
the formula

(12.6) 12(Pa + 1) = j + ,b6v(Ib) + 22)(II) + 10,v(II*)

+ 32(III) + 9v(III*) + 4i(IV) + 8v(IV*) .

PROOF. By the Euler numbers(Cap) of a singular fibreQp =EanPs

we shall mean the Euler numberof the polyhedronU8(O3P8.
The values of
S(Cap) are listed in Table II. Since the Euler number of any general fibre
Table II

type Ib 1 II I II* 1III III* IV IIV*

S(Cap) b + 6 2 10 3 6 4 8

C,. of B vanishes, we have

C2= E

Combining this with (12.5) we get

12 (Pa + 1) = Epc(Cap) Y

while each fibre of type Ib or I* corresponds to a pole of order b of g.

Consequently we obtain (12.6), q.e.d.

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The formula (12.6) implies that Pa + 1 is non-negative and that Pa + 1

vanishes if and only if , is reduced to a constant and B has no singular
Let c(f) denote the characteristic class of the complex line bundle fover
A. In view of the canonical isomorphism: H2(A, Z) Z. we may consider
c(f) to be an integer.
THEOREM12.3. We have

(12.7) c(f) =- P- 1
PROOF. It follows from (12.1) that dim K + C'%' I is equal to the di-
mensionof the completelinear systemI f-f + 1u, I on the curve A.
Hence, for all sufficientlylarge values of n, we have
dim I K + CIn'| = p- c(f) + n- 2.
Combining this with (12.2), we get
p - c( = Pa + k + 1,

while, by Theorem 2.3, the integer k is equal to p for all sufficientlylarge

values of n. Consequently we obtain (12.7), q.e.d.
It follows from (12.1) that the geometric genus Pg of B is equal to the
dimension of the complete linear system I -f increased by 1. Hence,
using Riemann-Roch's theorem, we get

Po = P + Pa + 1 + dimIfI.
The formula (12.6) shows that c(f)= - Pa - 1 < 0. Hence dim I t is equal
to 0 or -1 according as f= 0 or A 0. Consequently we obtain

(12.8) Pg = {P. if f= 0.
By the duality theorem we have
dimH'(A, &7(f))= dimI f-f I + 1 .
Hence we obtain
(12.9) dim H'(A, P.
Consider the complex analytic family CV")' consisting of the surfaces
Vt = B *(t)+v,
t E H'(A, 2(f)),wherer is an elementof H'(A, [2(B)) with
c(r) = C.
THEOREM 12.4. If the order of c is finite and if the geometric genus
Pg of B is positive, then the general member of the family CV(6)is non-
algebraic, or, more precisely, the member Bh*(t)+,7of CVD6)is an algebraic

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surface if and only if t belongsto a countablesubsetof H'(Q, [2(f)).

PROOF. Let F denotethe subgroupof H'(A, f?(f))consistingof those
elementst whichsatisfythe conditionthat h*(t)are of finiteorder. Since
the groupH'(A, G) is finitelygenerated,we inferfromthe exact sequence
(11.7) that F is countable. Lettingn denotethe orderof c, we have
c(n^) = 0 .
Hence, by (11.7), thereis an elementf of H'(A, f2(f))such that
h*(f) = nC .
Substitutings - n-'f fort, we obtain
h*(t) + C = h*(s) + 0, a-C-h*(n-1f)

Since nO vanishes,we inferfromTheorem11.5 that Bh*(8)+o is an alge-

braic surface if and onlyif s belongs to F. Consequently,the surface
Bh*(t)+ is algebraic if and only if t belongs to the countable subset
-n-1f + F of H1(A,&2(f)),q.e.d.
13. A spectral sequence
manifold. Let
In this sectionwe denoteby A a compactdifferentiable
S be a sheaf over and let T denotethe canonicalprojectionof S onto
A. By an automorphism of S we shall mean a pair (g,, g,) of a bidiffer-
entiablemap g, of A onto A and an isomorphism
g, of S ontoS such that
Tgs= gAP.
We assume that a finitegroup6 and a homomorphism
g - (gA, gs)

of S are given. For brevitywe

of 6 into the groupof automorphisms
gu = gu, for ueA .
By a (3$-invariant coveringof A we shall mean a covering{E} of A by
open subsets E satisfyingthe followingtwo conditions:
(i) if E E {E}, thengE E {E} forall g E 6;
(ii) if E c {E} and if g E ;, then eithergEfnE is emptyor gE = E.
Let {E} be a finite G-invariantconveringof A, and let N denote the
nerve of {E}. A q-cochainon N with coefficients in S is, by definition,
an anti-symmetric functions of q + 1 elementsE,, E1, ** Eq of {E}
whose value s(E0,E1, ... Eq) is a section of S over E, n E1 n ... n Eq.
We denoteby ds the coboundaryof s. Moreover,forany elementg E 0,
we denoteby gs the q-cochaindefinedby the formula

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(gs)(Eo, El, ***,IEJ = gss(g-'&o g-'El, * ,g-'Eq).

Let Cq(N) denote the module of q-cochains on N with coefficientsin S.
A p-cochain on ( with coefficientsin Cq(N) is, by definition, a function
s = s(g1, -* *, g,) of p elements gl, **, gp of (3 with values in Cq(N). We
denote by Av q(N) the module of p-cochains on 6 with coefficientsin
Cq(N). The coboundary6s of a p-cochain s = s(g1, * , gp) is defined by
the formula
(as)(gl1 g2, * I gP+1) = g1s(g2, * Y gp+1)

(13.1) 1) S(gl,* , .. * * gp+J)

(-1)P+1s(g1 ...*
**, gp)
We form the bigraded module
A(N) = 1"A-(N), A?(N) = APq(N)
of which the bigradation is defined by the indices p and q, and the total
gradation by n. We set
Ds = ds + ( Os)qas, for s e AP (N) .
It is clear that D2 0 and that DAn(N) _ An+1(N). Thus D is a co-
boundary of total degree 1 acting on A(N). We define
H(A(N)) = EnH-(A(N))
to be the graded D-cohomology group of the graded module A(N).
Consider a finite 63-invariantcovering {F} of A which is a refinement
of {E}, and denote by M the nerve of {F}. We choose a map wrof the set
{F} onto the set {E} which maps each element F of {F} onto an element
E D F of {E} such that wrg= gwr.This is possible since {E} and {F} are
both (5-invariant. For any cochain s = s(g1,
*l , gp,Eo, * , Eq), we then
define wtsby the formula
(ws)(g1, * *, gp,F0* *, Fq) = rFs(gl, *, gP, rFoy,* W
where rF denotes the restriction map to F0 n F, n ...** Fq. We infer
readily that the homomorphismw of A(N) into A(M) commutes with D.
Hence w induces a homomorphism,
71U H(A(N)) H(A(M))-

Moreover, the homomorphism wM is independent of the choice of the map

r. It depends only on the coverings {E} and {F}. Consequently, we can
define in a usual manner the direct limit limNH(A(N)) of the modules
H(A(N)) with respect to the projections wr.
DEFINITION 13.1. The graded cohomologygroup

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H(6 x A, S) = Z.Hn(o XA, S)

of ( x A with coefficientsin the sheaf S is the direct limit limNH(A(N))
of the graded D-cohomology groups H(A(N)).
We set
Bl.q(N)= APq(N) + AP+l,-l(N) + AP+2,'-2(N)q-1-.+

The filtration
An(N) = B0'n(N) D Bln-'(N) D DD. D Bn,'(N) D 0

of An(N) inducesa filtration

(13.2) Hn(o Xl S) = K0'n m Kn-1D ** D Kn D 0
of the cohomologygroupHn(o x A, S) in a natural way. We define
(13.3) Hp q(o x Al S) = KP qIKP+lq-1.
We notethat each elementg of ( inducesan automorphism of the coho-
mologygroup Hq(LA,S) in a natural manner. Hence the cohomology
groupHP(6, Hq(A, S)) of ( with coefficients
in Hq(A, S) is defined.
THEOREM13.1. There exists a spectral sequence EP q in which
(13.4) Ep2 -HP((6, Hq(A, S)),P
(13.5) Ep~q HP~q(6 XAl S).
PROOF. Let Ep q(N) denote the spectral sequence derived fromthe
bigraded module A(N) withthe coboundaryD. The map wrof {F} onto
{E} inducesa homomorphism
wV: Ep q(M) - Ep q(N)

which depends only on the coverings{E} and {F}. Formingthe direct

= limN Er (N)

with respectto the projectionswr,we obtaina spectralsequence EP q in

which(13.4) and (13.5) hold.
14. Automorphisms
Let V be an analyticfibrespace of ellipticcurvesover A belongingto
the family?(1g,G). By an automorphismof the analyticfibrespace V
over Avwe shall meana biholomorphic map g of V onto V such that IDg1-1
is a biholomorphic map of AvontoA, where 4 denotesthe canonicalpro-
jection of V ontoAv.In this sectionwe shall examine finitegroups of
automorphisms of V.

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First we consider the basic member B of ?F(g, G) and assume that

there is given a homomorphism of a finite group ( into the group of
automorphisms ofB whichleave invariant thecurveo(A) on B. For each
element g E ( we write the correspondingautomorphismof B in the form
z -gz, zeB.
For brevity, we identifyA with o(A) by means of the biholomorphicmap:
UA o(u) of /vonto o(z?). Then we have
(14.1) Pg = gT,
where T denotes the canonical projection of B onto A. The abelian group
structure of the fibre C. of B over u E A' is determined uniquely by the
position of the unit u = o(u). Hence g maps the abelian group C. isomor-
phically onto the abelian group C,,. It follows that g induces an auto-
morphism of the sheaf i(Bl) over A. We denote the induced automor-
phism of &(Bl) by the same symbol g. Thus we define a homomorphism
of ( into the group of automorphismsof f2(BO). Applying Definition 13.1
to the sheaf D(Bl) over A we form the cohomologygroups
Hn(Ox A, 2(B#)) , n = 0, 1,2,
We shall show that each element 6 of H'(6 x As,f2(B )) determines an
analytic fibre space Ve 9(E, G) and a finite group (, of automorphisms
of V which is homomorphicto (. We represent the cohomology class 6
by a 1-cycle s E A'(N), where N denotes the nerve of a finiteb-invariant
covering {Ej} of /vby small circular disks Ej. We write
S = SO+ Si soE A0"1(N),Si e A" 0(N),
and set
12Ok= sO(E3,Ek), X3(g) = sl(g, Ej) .
Note that 12Okand XJ(g) are respectively holomorphic sections u -fjj(u)
and u - of BI over E3 f Ek and Ej. For each elementg of ( we
XJ(g, u)
define a permutation: j gj of the indices j by putting

g-lEj= E17 i

The equation: Ds = 0 is then written in the form

)M(u) + )hjk(U) + r7ki(u) = 0, for u E l

E, nEk,
(14.2) gr79J3k(g'u) -
)jk(U) = Xk(g, u) - X9(g, u) , for u E E3 f Ek,
gXhg-'u) - XJ(gh,u) + XJ(g,u) = 0, for u e Ej .
The first line of (14.2) implies that the collection {1jk} of 12jk forms a 1-
cocycle on N with coefficientsin the sheaf f2(BO) and determines an

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element 7 of H1(A, 2(B#)). We set V = B'7. We have a collectionof

biholomorphicfibremaps /ij of Vj = V IEj onto Bj = B I Ej such that
(14.3) Mipk = L(02k).
The secondline of (14.2) impliesthat
L(xj(g))gL(7gjgk)g'= L((jk)L(Xk(g))-

Combiningthis with (14.3) we get

,Pt-lL(Xj(g))gp, j = Uk Lt(Xk(g))gP~k

Hence, setting
(14.4) go
= on each V~j,
we obtain a biholomorphic
map g, of V onto V. It is clear that
(14.5) TIgV= goD.
Thus g, is an automorphism of the analytic fibre space V over A. Now
the thirdline of (14.2) impliesthat
L(Xj(gh)) = L(xj(g))gL(Xgj(h))g-1 .
Hence we obtain
(gh)v = /A-1L(\j(gh))ghUhg.
= v
=/17L(Xj(g))g/, -pj.L(Xgj(h))hlah.
Thus we concludethat the automorphisms
go,g E (S, forma finitegroup
63, whichis homomorphicto 63.
DEFINITION 14.1. We denote by the symbol (B, 6)0 the pair (V, (Xv) of
the analytic fibre space V = B" and the finite group TV of automor-
phisms go, g E 65, of V.
THEOREM 14.1. For any pair (V, X35)of an analytic fibre space
V e Ef(,#,
G) and a finite group ( of automorphisms of V, we can find a
homomorphism of (S into the group of automorphisms of B leaving in-
variant the curve A and an element a of H1((6 x A, i2(B )) such that

(14.6) (V, () = (B, 5)-

PROOF. Each elementg of ($ determinesan automorphism
g, of A such
1bg= g,,F.
We denoteby(Githe groupconsistingof the automorphisms g,. We write
V = B", 7 e H'(A, &D(B9)). We fix a finite(%-invariant covering{Ej} of

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A by sufficiently small circulardisks Ej, and representt by a 1-cocycle

{J2jk}on the nerveof the covering{Ej} withcoefficients
in f2(BO). We then
have a collectionof biholomorphic fibremaps aj of Vj = VI Ej onto Bj=
B I Ej such that

(14.7) pjpk = L0ik)

We definea permutation:j - gj by setting

gAlE; = Egj

pfgft-'is a biholomorphic
map of Bgj onto Bj satisfying
Ppltjgl- = gAP.
Hence the map
X3(g):U - Xi(g, U) = [fgg-eJg-1U
is a holomorphic
sectionof BI over Ej. (Note that g-lu = o(g-lu) e B$.)
We define
(14.8) = 9

Clearlythe map gj is a biholomorphic

map of Bgj ontoBj and satisfies
(14.9) Tg3 = g'1, on Bj,,
(14.10) gju = gAu, for ue A n Bgj,
Now we prove that
(14.11) 9i = gk on Bj fl Bgk
We inferreadilythat
)7*: Uk- '*(U) = gj27gjgk(gA 8)

is a holomorphic
sectionof B over Ej n Ek and that
gjL(76jgk) = L(7*)gjI

while,by (14.7) and (14.8), we have

L(0jk)L(Xk(g))gk = L(xj(g))gjL(rgjgk), on Bgj n Bgk
Hence we get
L(rik + Xk(g))gk = L(X3(g) + )*)gi, on B1jn Bgk

Since, by (14.10), gjg lu = gkg9'u = u, this impliesthat

(14.12) Y7ik(U) + -Xk(g, U) = Xi(g, U) + -*(U) I, for u e Ej n Ek

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Consequently,we obtain (14.11).

gB = gj, on each Bgj
map gBof B ontoB. It followsfrom
we obtainthereforea biholomorphic
(14.9) and (14.10) that
TgB = gBT

Thus rB is an automorphismof the analyticfibrespace B which leaves

invariantthe curve A. We obtain from(14.8) the formula
(14.13) g j
P7'L(Xj(g))gBfgj M

g gB is a homomorphism
Next, we show that the correspondence: of
the group( intothe groupof automorphisms of B. Let g and h be arbi-
traryelementsof 6 and let
f = gh.
Then we have fA = gah, and, therefore,fj = hgj. We have

fB = L(- X(f ))jfp-1= L(-xj(f ))pjgrpe jhpe-j

L(- Xj(f ))L(Xj(g))gBL(Xgj(h))hB
iBL(Xgj(h)) - ()gB

whereX* denotesthe holomorphic
U X*(U) = g9fBXj(h g-lu)
of B$ over Ej. Hence we get
(14.14) fB = L(X- Xj(f ) + Xj(g))gBhB

fBU fAu = = gBhBU, for u e A,
it followsfrom(14.14) that
(14.15) X*(U)- Xj(f, U) + Xj(g,U) = 0, foru e Ej.
Consequently,we obtain
fB = gBhB.

We infer from (14.12) and (14.15) that the sections Yjk and Xj(g) satisfy
the simultaneousequations (14.2). Hence, setting
S = so + s1, so(Ej, Ek) = )?jk, s1(g,Ej) = xj(g),

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we obtain a l-cocycle s. Defining a EH x a, 2(B#))to be the cohomol-

ogy class of s, we conclude from (14.13) that (V, () = (B, 6)0, q.e.d.
Assume that there is given a finite group ( of automorphisms of B
which leave invariant the curve A. Each automorphism g e ( of B in-
duces automorphisms of the sheaves G, &2(f)and i2(B#)in a natural man-
ner. Thus we have homomorphismsof ( into the groups of automorphisms
of the sheaves G, i(f) and &2(B#). Hence the graded cohomology groups
H( X A, G), H(6 x A, a2(f))and H(6 x A, i2(B#))are defined. For brevity
we write RI,( ) in place of the symbolHn(o x A, ). Thus, forinstance,
we denoteby c?WN&2(f))
the cohomologygroupHn(o x A, &2(f)).
THEOREM14.2. We have
(14.16) = H0(13, Hn(A, &2(f))
PROOF. Consider the spectral sequence Ep q associated with the coho-
mology group H(6 x A, 2(f)). Since Hq(z , f2(f))is a C-module, we have
EP q= HP(61Hq(A, a2(f)))= 0 , for p > 1 .
Hence we get
EOq EOq Ho(6, Hq(A, f2(f))),

EP~q Ep~q= 0for p? 1.

Consequently, we obtain (14.16), q.e.d.
We have the exact sequence

We derive from this the exact cohomology sequence

- , Sl'(&2(f)) , 3c(&2(B#))-, i2(G) ****.

Combining this with (14.16) we obtain the exact sequence

f2f)h* 6 f
(14.17) * H0(63,H'(zl, (f) W'(D(B#)) - 2(G) ' 0
Note that Ho(I, H'(z, 12(f))consists of those elements of H'(A, 12(f))which
are invariant under 6. We define
(o) = ,*uo for ao e Ml(f2(B .
We consider the quotient sheaf
Q = f2(B )/Q(B0
Each element g of 6( induces an automorphism of Q in an obvious man-
ner. Hence the cohomology groups Si"(Q), n = 0, 1, 2, * , are defined
and the exact sequence

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(14.18) ... *3L(Q) -J1(n(B#)) l L JRC(Q)

-* a t(n(B#))
holds. The sheaf Q has only a finitenumber of non-vanishing stalks each
of which is a finitemodule. It follows that the cohomologygroups Mn(Q)
are finite.
In what follows we assume that S3operates effectivelyon the curve A
in the sense that the homomorphismof 3 into the group of automor-
phisms of A is an isomorphism. Letting a be an element of M1([2(B#))
we set
(V,I5) - (B, ),
where we write 3 in place of d, Moreover, we assume that the quotient
surface V/(@is non-singular. V/( is then an analytic fibrespace of
elliptic curvesover thequotientcurve A/v/3
whichmay possess multiple
singular fibres.
The cohomologygroup H0(6, H1(A, 2(f)))has a canonical structure of
complex vector space. The exact sequences (14.17) and (14.18) show that,
for any element t of H'(6, H1(A, [2(f))),ch*(t) is an element of C1([2(BI)).
We define
(14.19) (Vt, Ot) = (B, 3)Lh*(t)+r, for t e H(131 H1(A, &2(f)))
and form the quotient surface Vtldt. Note that V0/60coincides with
THEOREM 14.3. Vt/lt is a non-singular compact analytic surface.
The collectionof thecompactanalytic surfaces
vtloty te H?(6, H'(A5 f2()))
forms a complexanalyticfamily.
PROOF. Let {f1, , f,, -*, fd} denote a base of the linear space

H?(69 H1(Aj f2(f)))

and let
t= ,t,,f,,, tGeC .
We fix a finite63-invariantcovering {Ej} of A by small circular disks Ej
and represent each cohomology class fyby a 1-cocycle {fvjk} composed of
holomorphicsections fvj, of fover Ej n Ek such that

fjk() = 0

and such that faik vanishes if Ej n Ek contains a point a, E {cd}. We de-

note by N the nerve of the covering {Ej}. We represent a by a cocycle
s = so + s so e A01(N), s, e A10(N)

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and set
Qik = so(Ei, EJk), X(g) = sl(g, BEj)
Then the cohomologyclass ch*(t)+ a is representedby the cocycle
s(t) = so(t)+ s1 , s,(t,Ej, Ek) = h(EtafVik) + rjk

Hence thereis a collectionof biholomorphic fibremaps Itj of V, IEj onto

B IEj such that
pj = L(h(EtafVik) + '7ik)kA-

It followsthat the complexstructureof V, depends holomorphically on

elementg, of (, is defined
t. For each elementg of 3 the corresponding
by the formula
gt= Pi-L(Xi(g))gfei

This shows that, foreach indexj, the biholomorphic map gt: V, I Ej

map L(Xj(g))g: B IE6,j B I Ej.
V, IEj is equivalentto the biholomorphic
Hence the complexstructureof each piece
VtI Ui/($3t, Uj = UgegEj ,
of the quotientsurface Vt/ltis independentof t. Consequently,Vt/lt
is a compactnon-singularanalytic surface. We infer readily that the
collectionof the quotientsurfaces Vtl@t, t E H0(6, H1(A, 2(r))),formsa
THEOREM 14.4. If the order of a is finite,then the quotientsurface
is algebraic.
PROOF. We representa by a cocycles = so + s, and define
)7e H'(Al fQ(B#))
to be the cohomology class of the 1-cocycle r7k = so(Ej, Ek). We have the
exact sequence

* *- k
HH(A, Q) Hi(A, f2(B#)) > H1(A, f2(B#)) *0.
Hence we find an element 0 of H1(A, [2(B#))such that cO= A. By hy-
pothesisthereis a positiveintegerm such that ma = 0. It followsthat
emO= m)7= 0, while H0(A, Q) is a finitegroup. Hence the order of 0 is
finiteand therefore,by Theorem11.5, V = B" = B0 is an algebraic sur-
face. Consequentlyby Theorem3.1, the quotient surface V/1 is alge-
braic, q.e.d.
Let n0and n1denoterespectivelythe ordersof the finitegroups3CO(Q)
and #1(Q) and let

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n = non,.
Then, by the exact sequence (14.18), there exists an element
Uo e- Ml(f(B 0))

such that
e(uo) = njl,
and no0ais uniquely determined by a. We define
(14.20) c(na) = c(nOao)-

Note that c(na) is an element of ?2(G).

14.5. If theorderof c(na) is finite,thenthequotientsurface
V/@is a deformationof an algebraic surface.
PROOF. Let m denote the order of c(na). We have
c(mnouo) = mc(na) = 0 .
Hence, by the exact sequence (14.17), there exists an element f of
H0Q(3,H1(A, f2(f)))such that
h*(f) = mn4oO-

We set
t =-m-in-1f
and define
(Vtl Ot) = (B, 6), a = eh*(t) + a.
We have
mnO ch*(mnt)+ mna =-ch*(f) + mnc(ao) = 0.
Hence, by Theorem 14.4, the quotient surface Vt/lt is algebraic and, by
Theorem 14.3, V/1 is a deformation of Vtldt, q.e.d.
We have shown in ? 11 that, if G is trivial, then B is analytically
trivial, i.e., B =A x COin the complex analytic sense. In what follows,
we employ for A x C0 the notation introduced in the proof of Theorem
11.9. Thus, for instance, we denote by [g'] the point on C0 = C/Gocor-
responding to T' e C. We shall say that S3acts trivially on the fibres of
B = A x COif and only if g: (u, [-]) -(gu, [g]) for all g e S3,(u, [g]) e A x C0.

THEOREM14.6. I2(G)is a finitegroupunless B is analytically trivial

and 0 acts trivially on thefibreson B.
PROOF. Consider the spectral sequence Ep q associated with the coho-
mology group H(Q3 x A, G). We have
Ep q = H ,P(ol Hq(A, G)) .

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The cohomology group Hq(A, G) is finitelygenerated, while, for p > 1,

the order of each element of HP(6, Hq(A, G)) divides the order of $.
Hence the terms EP q, p > 1, are finitegroups. It follows that, if E2 2 is
finite, then MI2(G)is finite.
If the sheaf G is non-trivial, then, by Theorem 11.7, H2(A, G) is finite
and therefore EO 2 is finite. Consequently, 42(G)is a finitegroup.
If G is trivial, then B is analytically trivial, i.e., B = A x CO. Hence,
each automorphism g e ($3of B has the form
g: (n, [C]) > (gu, [e4]) , where e4 or e6 1
The automorphism g induces an automorphism (A) of H2(A, G) Z 0DZ
which depends only on the value of the constant e. If e = 1, then (A) = 1.
If e t 1, then (A) is represented by one of the following seven matrices
0 1 1 4
(O1) + ( O) '+( + (?1

(compare Table I). The term E'2? consists of those elements of H2(A, G)
which are invariant under (3. We infer therefore that Eo 2 vanishes un-
less e = 1 for all g E (A3.Consequently, 32(G) is a finitegroup unless (
acts trivially on the fibresof B, q.e.d.
Now we consider the case in which B is analytically trivial, i.e., B =
A x Co, Co = C/Go,and (3 acts trivially on the fibresof B. Note that, in
this case, B I and BI both coincide with B, the complex line bundle f is
trivial, and G = A x Go. Hence the exact sequence (14.17) is reduced to

(14.21) *.. > H'(A,

HO((31 )) j(((B)) 2 2 (Go) - 0.
By a constant section of B over Ej we shall mean a map of Ej into B of
the form us (i, [d]), where d e C is independent of u. Let a be an ar-
bitrary element of C1(f2(B)). We can choosea cocycles = s0 + s, repre-
senting the cohomologyclass a such that the values s,(g,Ej) of s, are
constantsectionsof B over thedisks Ej. We verify this as follows. Let
Sp= s + s' be any cocycle representing a and write s'(g, Ej) in the form

Ej): u
1M~g, (u. [fj(g. uf)]),
where fj(g, u) is a holomorphicfunctionof u definedon Ej. Since 0 acts
trivially on the fibresof B, the vanishing of 3s' implies that
[fgj(h, g-1u)- fj(gh, u) + fj(g, u)] = 0, for g, h e ($3.
It follows that
cj(g, h) = fgj(h, g-1u) - fj(gh, u) + fj(g, u)
is a constant belonging to Go. Denoting by 1 the order of X, we set

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dj(g) = 1ZhIOcj(g, h),

rj(u) = +)?gexfj(Y, i)

Then we have

dj(g) = fj(g, u) + rgj(g-lu)- rj(u).

Hence, letting r denote the cochain defined by
r(Ej): u (u, [rj(u)])
and setting
s = s0 + si = sI + sI + Dr,
we conclude that sl(g, Ej) is the constant section: u (u, [dj(g)]). -

We set Y7jk= so(Ej, Ek), X3(g) = sl(Ej) and writeokj, in the form
Yjk: U (U, [fjk(u)])

where fik(U) is a holomorphicfunction defined on E, n Ek. Note that

Xj(g): u (u, [dj(g)]) .
We write

( V, Xv) = (B. (3)

The surface V = B " is the union of the product spaces Ej x CO where
(u, [nj])e Ej x COis identical with (u, ['k]) e Ek x CO if and only if

[>] =
[ik + f k(U)] -

The automorphism g, of V corresponding to g E (S3 is given by the for-

(14.22) go: (ginu, [gj]) (u, [g'j]) = (u, [gaff
+ dj(g)]) .
Consider a fixed point a e A of an automorphism g e (3, g # 1, and de-
note by (3a the subgroup of (3 consisting of those automorphisms which
leave invariant the point a. Since, by hypothesis, (3 acts effectively on
A, (3a is a finitecyclic group. Let n denote the order of Oa- We choose
a local coordinate r on A of the center a and a generator ga of (3a such
that ga transforms z into env, en = exp (2wi/n). Suppose that a e Ej and
that Ej is the circular disk: I T I < 1. Then we have
(14.23) (ga)v: (Z., [I']) (ej, [?j + di(ga)])

We infer readily that

n [di(ga)] 0 .

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Thus the order m of [dj(ga)] divides n. The formula (14.23) shows that
the quotient surface Vj/(($f)Z, Vj = VI Ej, is an analytic fibre space of
elliptic curves over the disk Ej/(i~awhose fibreover the center of Ejffia
is of type mIO. Consequently,thequotientsurface V/(3, is an analytic
fibre space of elliptic curves overA/(3of which each singular fibre is
of type .I,, m dependingon thesingular fibre.
Let p denote the genus of the curve A/6.
THEOREM14.7. In case B is analytically trivial and ($3acts trivially
on the fibresof B, the first Betti number b, of the quotientsurface

V/(Ov,(V, (Wv)= (B, (6)0, is given bytheformula
(14.24) b, 2p + 2, if theorder of c(a) is finite,
2p + 1, otherwise .

PROOF. We infer from (14.22) that, for any element [go]of CO,the au-
(uy [Nj) (uy 1Uj +C]

of V induces an automorphism of the quotient surface V/($31-.Thus CO

acts on V/,3Vas an analytic group of automorphisms. Hence, any 1-di-
mensional cohomology class of V/f3i,with coefficientsin R is represented
by a d-closed real 1-form* which is invariant under CO. We denote by
+ the 1-form on V induced from * in an obvious manner. In view of
(11.12) we have
= Ad~j + Ad<3 + dwj(u),

where A is a constant. As (11.13) shows, the constant A satisfies the

(14.25) Ac(r) + Ac(7?) = 0.

Conversely, for any constant A satisfying (14.25), we can finda d-closed

real 1-form* on V/63Vsuch that
- = Ad~j + Ad~j + dwj(u).

In fact, we have seen in the proof of Theorem 11.9 that there exists a
d-closed real 1-formq' on V of the form

p = Ad~j + Ad~j + dXj(u) .

Assuming that each fixed point a e A of g e (3, g # 1, is covered by (one
and) only one disk Ej e {Ej}, we choose the 1-formq' such that the func-
tions Xj(u) vanish in a neighborhood of each fixed point a e A of g e ($3,

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g # 1. We have, by (14.22),

gvq' = Ad~j + Ad~j + dZj(g-lu) .

Hence, setting

Ad~j + Ad~j + dwj(u), wj(u) -ge5X6Jg-,u),

we obtain a d-closed real 1-form ' on V which is invariant under 0,

Moreover, the functions wj(u) vanish in a neighborhood of each fixed
point a e A of g e 0, g t 1. Consequently, the 1-form is induced from
a d-closed real 1-form f on the quotient surface VI0,3.
It is clear that k is (induced from) a d-closed real 1-form on A/@ if
and only if the constant A vanishes. Hence, we infer that b, is equal to
2p + 2 or 2p + 1 according as c(@) = 0 or # 0. For our purpose, it suf-
fices therefore to verify that the order of c(u) is finiteif and only if c(C)
Let Epwq denote the spectral sequence associated with the cohomology
group H(O x A, G.). The term E"2 can be considered as a subgroup of
E202 in a canonical manner. Hence, we have the exact sequence

0 Kl 1, X#2(GO) >EO.2

while, since (3 acts trivially on the fibresof B, we have

20,2 -=H?((3 HO(AjGo)) -=H2(A , Go).
Consequently we obtain the exact sequence

0 -_ K"-l ?2(Go) H2(A, Go).

We infer readily that
19c(a) = cr .
As was shown in the proof of Theorem 14.6, the terms Erpq,p > 1, are
finite groups. It follows that the group K"' is finite, while H2(A, Go) is
isomorphic to the free abelian group Go. Hence we conclude that the
order of c(a) is finite if and only if c(a) vanishes, q.e.d.

15. Elliptic surfaces

By an elliptic surface we shall mean an analytic fibre space of elliptic
curves over a non-singularalgebraic curve. In view of Theorem 6.1, any
elliptic surface is obtained from an elliptic surface whose fibres contain
no exceptional curves by applying a finite number of quadric transfor-

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Let V be an elliptic surface, i.e., an analytic fibre space of elliptic

curves over an algebraic curve A, of which the fibrescontain no excep-
tional curves, and let 4) denote the canonical projection of V onto A.
We denote the singular fibresof V by Cap, p = 1, 2, 3, * **, and as-
sume that the fibres Cap,1? p ?1, are of types m.PIbPmP > 2, respectively,
and the fibres Cap, P > 1 + 1, are simple. Let m0denote the least com-
mon multiple of the integers m1, Mi2, ** *, mi, and let d = m1m2 ... *ml.
We fix an arbitrary point a, on A - {ap} and construct a d-fold abelian
covering 2 of A which is unramified over A - {ao, al, ***, al}, and has
d/mpbranch points of order mP - 1 over each point ap, p = 0,1, ***,1.
We then define V to be the analytic fibre space of elliptic curves /v
induced from V and denote by <D the canonical projection of V onto
A. V is an abelian covering surface of V which is unramified over
V-Ca0 and has d/m0 branch curves over Ca0 (see Theorem 6.3). Let
0 be the covering transformation group of a with respect to A. Each
covering transformation g e 0 induces a covering transformation of V
with respect to Vin an obvious manner. We denote the induced covering
transformation of V by the same symbol g. We have
C g= g4 .
Hence g is an automorphism of the analytic fibre space V over a. Thus
O5 acts on V as a group of automorphisms. It is clear that V =V/0.
IVis free from multiple singular fibres. Let X and G denote respectively
the functional and the homological invariants of V, and let B be the ba-
sic member of the family f(,%, G). Note that B is an analytic fibre space
of elliptic curves over the curve a. We infer from Theorem 14.1 that (3
acts on B as a group of automorphisms which leave invariant the curve
o(A) c B and that
(V, 0) = (B, ))', where a e H'(A, f2(BO)) .
Thus we conclude the following
THEOREM15.1. Every elliptic surface is represented in the form
QmQm-i ... (V? 0) = (B, c)0,

where a is an elementof H1(03 x ,I[2(B#)) and the symbolsQ1,Q2,*..

indicate quadric transformations.
We infer from Theorems 14.5, 14.6, and 14.7 that the quotient surface
V/03is a deformation of an algebraic surface if and only if the first Betti
number of V/03is even, while the firstBetti number of a surface is in-
variant under quadric transformations. Consequently, we obtain the

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THEOREM15.2. An elliptic surface is a deformation of an algebraic

surface if and only if its first Betti number is even.

16. Kahler surfaces

In this section we shall prove the following theorem.
THEOREM16.1. Every compact Kdhler surface is a deformation of an
algebraic surface.
Let V be a compact Kahler surface. If V possesses two algebraically
independent meromorphicfunctions, then V is an algebraic surface (see
Theorem 3.1). If V possesses one and only one algebraically independent
meromorphic function, then V is an elliptic surface (see ? 4) and, since
V carries a Kahler metric, the firstBetti number of V is even. Hence,
by Theorem 15.2, V is a deformation of an algebraic surface. In case V
has no meromorphic function except constants, the geometric genus p;,
of V is equal to 1, and the irregularity q of V is equal to either 2 or 0
(see Theorem 5.2). Moreover, if q -2, the surface V is obtained from
its Albanese variety by applying a finitenumber of quadric transforma-
tions (see Theorem 5.3). The Albanese variety is obviously a deformation
of an algebraic surface. Hence, in case q -2, the surface V is a defor-
mation of an algebraic surface.
In what follows we consider the case in which V has no meromorphic
function except constants and the irregularity q of V vanishes. In view
of Theorem 6.1 the surface V is obtained froma compact analytic surface
W containing no exceptional curves by applying a finitenumber of quad-
ric transformationsQ1, Q2, . * Qm, i.e.,
V = QmQm-1 ...
Q2Q1( W).

Let pa denote the center of the quadric transformation Q,. Note that p,
is a point on the surface Q1-1Q1-2* ** Q1( W). We obtain a small deforma-
tion of V by small displacements of the centers P1,P2, ...* ps,,, while any
small deformation of a compact Kahler surface is a Kahler surface.3
Hence we may assume without loss of generality that
Al (2 QV-l--2 QA(P) Y for 1 ? X < ?< m.
We write
P = Q1 1Q2-1 ... Q-1

and set
3 See K. Kodaira and D.C. Spencer, On deformations of complex analytic structures,
III. Stabilitytheoremsfor complexstructures,Ann. of Math., 71 (1960), 43-76, Theorem

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Kv = QmQmi ... Qv(Pv), for v = 1, 2, m.

Note that K,, is an exceptional curve on the surface V. We denote by f2

and &2l respectively the sheaves over V of germs of holomorphic func-
tions and of holomorphicp-forms.
Since the geometric genus pg of V is equal to 1, there exists on V one
and only one linearly independent holomorphic2-formf.
LEMMA 16.1. The divisor of f is given by theformula

(f) = K, + K2 + *. .
+ Km .
PROOF. By Theorem 5.1, the number of irreducible curves on the sur-
face W is finite. Let C1, C2, *.*, C. ... be the irreducible curves on W
and let C * denote the proper transformof Cn,on the surface V. Since
the irregularity and the geometric genus of V are 0 and 1, respectively,
we infer from the inequality (5.3) that
'(C*) n O. forn=1,2,3, *
Moreover, applying (5.4) to the curve K, + C *, we obtain the inequality

(K>C*) _ 1
Hence we conclude that Cn is a non-singular rational curve.
We have, by (5.5), the inequality

(C2) < - 1
while the surface W contains no exceptional curve. Hence, we obtain

(C2) < - 2.
It is obvious that the holomorphic2-formf on V is induced from a holo-
morphic 2-form h on W. We infer in the same manner as in the proof
of Theorem 5.4 that the divisor (h) of h vanishes. Consequently, the
divisor (f) of f is the sum of the exceptional curves K1, K2, *- i, Km
introducedby the quadric transformations Q1,Q2,
, Qm, q.e.d.
We set
(16.1) K= (f) K1 + K2+ + Km.
Thus we denote by K a canonical curve instead of the canonical bundle.
Let e denote the sheaf over V of germs of holomorphic vector fields.
LEMMA 16.2. The second cohomologygroup H2(V, J)vanishes.
PROOF. By the duality theorem we have

H 2(V T) i\ H0V TTOT21

Ad T(K))

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Take an arbitraryelement cp of H0(V, [210Q?2(K)). Note that 9 is a

meromorphic 1-form on V which is holomorphic outside the canonical
curve K. The map P maps V-K biholomorphicallyonto W- P(K), and
P(K) is a finiteset of points. Hence cp induces a holomorphic 1-form k'
on W-P(K), and *' can be extended to a holomorphic1-formi on W. j
induces a holomorphic 1-form on V which obviously coincides with 9.
Thus p is holomorphicon V. We conclude therefore that

HO( V, V2'
0Q&2(K)) = H0( V, Sf) = 0, q.e.d.
We define [2'( K) to be the subsheaf of &21 consisting of germs of
those holomorphic1-formswhose coefficientsvanish on K, and denote by
c the inclusion map of f21(-K) into S[l. The inclusion map c induces a
c*: H'( V, f2'(- K)) H'( V, ff)
In terms of the local coordinates z1,z2 on V we write

f = I 2E f~dz A dz0, fibca =-fad


For any germ of holomorphicvector field

= 2=

we set
F(O) = Em f,0wdz3

The map F: 0 F(O) maps the sheaf e isomorphically onto f}1(-K).

Thus we obtain
(16.2) --S2l(-K)
We denote by CGthe vector space of v complex variables.
LEMMA 16.3. We have the exact sequence

(16.3) 0 > C2m - H1(V, gl1(-K)) c H1(V, f21)- Cm-n 0.

PROOF. Let e be the restriction of the anti-canonical bundle [-K] to

the canonical curve K and let f2(e) denote the sheaf over K of germs of
holomorphicsections of e. Moreover, let [2l denote the sheaf over K of
germs of holomorphic1-forms. Note that, on each component K, of K,
e coincides with the complex line bundle determined by a divisor of degree
1. We have the exact sequences4
4 See K. Kodaira and D. C. Spencer, On a theoremof Lefschetz and the lemma of Enriques-
Severi-Zariski, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., U. S. A., 39 (1953), 1273-1278.

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0 -> Q 21 - , -, 0
0 > l(- K) >" > e) 0
Combined with (16.2) the above Lemma 16.2 implies the vanishing of
H2( V, f21(- K)), while, by hypothesis, H0( V, &21) vanishes. Moreover, it
is obvious that H0(K, [2u) and H1(K, E2(e)) vanish. Combining these re-
sults with exact cohomology sequences derived from the above exact
sequences, we obtain the exact sequences
0- -> H1(V, 2")-> H1(V, f2) - H>(K, f2l) >0
0 - H0(V, &2(e)) - H1(V, &21(-K)) - H1(V, 2") 0,
while we have
H'(K, f2(e)) - C2m
H1(K, 12 ) C
Consequently, we obtain (16.3), q.e.d.
Let b2 denote the second Betti number of V. Noether's formula (5.8)
asserts that
12p, + 10 = 8q + b2+ (K2)
while, by (16.1),
(K2) -m .

Hence, we obtain
(16.4) b2 - 22 + m .
dimH2( V, f2) = dimH0( V, 122) pg 1
it follows from (16.4) that
(16.5) dim H1( V, f12) = 20 + m .
Combining this with (16.3) and (16.2) we obtain
(16.6) dim H1(V, 6) = dim H'(V, 121(-K)) -20 + 2m .
Let M be a small spherical neighborhood in C20+2mof the center 0, and
let To(M) denote the tangent space of M at 0. Since, by Lemma 16.2,
the second cohomologygroup H2( V, () vanishes, there exists5 a complex
analytic family -Vof compact analytic surfaces V1,t e M, such that V1/=
V and such that the map po: 8/&t-o po(&/t) maps the tangent space To(M)
isomorphicallyonto H1(V, 6), where the symbol po(8/1t)denotes the in-
5 See K. Kodaira, L. Nirenberg, and D. C. Spencer, On the existenceof deformations
of complexanalytic structures,Ann. of Math., 68 (1958), 450-459.

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finitesimaldeformation of V, along 8/St. We may suppose that the ana-

lytic surfaces Vt, t E M, have one and the same underlying differentiable
manifold X. We identify X with V, and consider the local complex co-
ordinates z1, z2of V as local differentiablecoordinates on X. We choose6
local complex coordinates C,, C2of the analytic surface Vt such that Ci=
j1(z,t) and C2= 2(z,t) are differentiable functions of z1, z2depending ho-
lomorphically on t. By hypothesis, the surface V carries a Kihler form
= V-1
- go dz, A dz .

Hence we can define on each surface Vt, t e M, a Kihler form a), which
depends differentiablyon t and satisfies the condition that o),=0w, pro-
vided that M is sufficientlysmall.7 The existence of a Kdhler metric on
Vt implies that the geometric genus of Vt is independent of t. Hence
there exists on each surface Vt one and only one linearly independent
holomorphic2-formft. We may assume8 that ftdepends holomorphically
on t. This means that, when f, is written in the form
(16.7) ft= (1/2) d,= fs(Cj t)d~w(z,t) A ds(z, t)I
the coefficientsfw(t, t) are holomorphicin C1,C2and t. It follows that the
canonical curve Kt = (ft) of Vt is composed of m exceptional curves Kt1,
.. on t; thus
Kt-(ft) = Ktl + Kt2 + *. + Ktm.
Consider the integral

Ct = ft A fo
We infer from (16.7) that c, depends holomorphicallyon t. Hence, writ-
ing ft in place of C0112ct-lft, we obtain

(16.8) ft A = 1
By (16.4) the second Betti number b2 of X is equal to 22 + m. We
choosea Betti base {Z1,Z21 .* I Z22+m}of 2-cycleson X such that
Z1I Z2 .. Z22c X - K I
= K,,S
Z22+V/ forv =1, 2, *, m.
See Kodaira, Nirenberg, and Spencer, loc. cit.

Kodaira and Spencer, loc. cit. in ref. 3.

8 See K. Kodaira and D. C. Spencer, Existence of complex structure on a differentiable

family of deformations of compact complex manifolds, Ann. of Math. 70 (1959), 145-166,

? 4.

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Let hj(t), j=1, 2, ***, b2,be real harmonic 2-formson Vt with respect to
the Kahler format such that
| hj(t) = jk, forj, k= 1, 2,***,b2

We set
aJk \hj(t) A hk(t)

of Zi and Zj, we have

Denotingby (ZiZ3) the intersectionmultiplicity
(16.9) E s (ZiZ3)a3k = aik -
Hence, theconstantsajk are rational numbers.
We set
(16.10) x = ft

Since Z2211= K, is homologous to the analytic cycle Kt, on Vt, the periods
X22 (t), = 1, 2, *.-, m, vanish. Hence we obtain

ft = E2j2 xj(t)hj(t) .
We inferfrom(16.7) that theperiods X#(t) functionsof
are holomorphic
t. We associate with each Kahler surface Vt the point
X(t) = (Xl(t), X2(t), *.,* *X22(t))

in a projectivespace P21of dimension21. Let Q denotethe fieldof ration-

al numbers.
LEMMA16.4. If thepoint x(t) is rational overthefield Q(V-1), then
Vt is an algebraic surface.
PROOF. Assumethat x(t) is rationalover Q(V/-1). Let
at = Tk ukhk(t) -

Take a small positivenumbers. Since

If aitXi(t)Uk ft A t= 0
we can finda positive integer n and integers nk satisfyingthe linear
E jk aikX j(t)nk 0
and the inequalities

Uk -n < 6 k = 1, 2, * I b2

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We define
-= ELnkhk(t)-

Then we have

YtA = 0.

Hence, the real harmonic 2-form&i)on Vt is of type (1, 1). Moreover, c is

positive, since Q)tis positive, and the periods

ob@ = nk

are integers. Thus 0i)is the Kahler formassociated with a Hodge metric.
Consequently, Vt is an algebraic surface,9 q.e.d.
We have

EYk~=l ajkXj(t)Xk(t) Aft = 0


Thus we see that X(t) is a point on the hypersurface S in P21defined by

the equation"

(16.11) E22
I ajkXjXk 00

Since (ZiZ3) vanishes for i ? 22 < j, we infer from(16.9) that the deter-
minant Iaj, I of the coefficientsaJk, j, k = 1, 2, ***, 22, of the equation
(16.11) does not vanish. Our purpose is to prove that some members V,
of the family CV are algebraic surfaces. The hypersurface S contains an
everywhere dense subset of points" which are rational over Q(v' -1).
Therefore, in view of Lemma 16.4, it sufficesfor our purpose to show
that the subset X(M) of S consisting of all points X(t), t e M, contains a
neighborhood of X(0) in S.
Let H11 denote the space of harmonic forms of type (1, 1) on the Kah-
ler surface V. Identifying the cohomology group H1(V, (21) with H111 by
means of the Dolbeault isomorphism,we write the exact sequence (16.3)
in the form
(16.12) 0 - C2m- H1(V, l1(_K)) '* H11 Ctm 0

We have the isomorphism

9 See K. Kodaira, On Kahier varieties of restricted type, Ann. of Math., 60 (1954), 28-48.
10This result is due to A. Andreotti. Deformations of compact regular Kahler surfaces
with trivial canonical bundles have been studied by A. Weil, A. Andreotti, and H. Grauert.
We apply their method to the case in which the canonical bundles are not necessarily
"1 See Th. Skolem, Diophantische Gleichungen, Berlin, 1938, Kap. III, ? 1.

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F *: H'(VI 0) -=H'(VI n21(- K)).

Hence we obtain a homomorphism

c*F*po: To(M) H111

of the tangent space To(M) into the linear space H111

LEMMA 16.5. For any tangentvector0/Ste To(M) thefollowingequal-

ity holds:
(16.13) c*F*p0(alat)= L2 [aX(t)/at] t=oh3(O)
PROOF. We denote by H the orthogonal projection operator of the
linear space of differential forms on X onto the subspace of harmonic
forms with respect to the Kahiler form at. Moreover, we denote by a the
exterior derivative with respect to the variables zl1 Z2. The cohomology
group H1(V, 0) is canonically isomorphic to the a-cohomology group of
vector forms of type (0, 1) and the infinitesimal deformation po(p/it) is
represented by the 8-closed vector form
M=18at (Z)a/Ozaz , where ' (z) = [aa(z, t)/at]o
Hence we obtain
(16.14) c*F*p0(0alt) = HEM,.f.,sat (z) A dzs
For brevity we write fJ'for [af,/0t],0 . Obviously fot is a d-closed 2-form.
From (16.8) we get

|fo' A fo = 0 1

while, since ft A ft vanishes identically, we have

fo Afo = 0
Hence we conclude that the harmonic part HfoJ
of fo' is of type (1, 1). On
the other hand we infer from (16.7) that

foJ= L~f1s (z) A dzs + a form of type (2, 0).

Hence we get
Hfo' = H faDt(z) A dzo.
Combining this with (16.14) we obtain
(16.15) c*F*p0(alat)= HfJ
Writing .(0) for [VXj(t)/at],_0,
we have

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\f0= YZSo'.

Hence we get
Hfo' = E22 X'.(O)hj(0)
Combining this with (16.15), we obtain (16.13), q.e.d.
Let TX(O)(S) denote the tangent space of S at X(0). The holomorphic
map X: t -kX(t) of Minto S induces a linear map A of To(M) into TX(O)(S).
To prove that x(M) contains a neighborhood of X(0) in S, it sufficesto
show that A maps To(M) onto TX(O)(S). It follows from (16.8) that the
coordinates xj(t) of x(t) are normalized by the condition:

T.j aik1J(t)Xk(0)
= 1

Hence we have
= ,22_= x(O)x, xj(o) = x t=-

Since po maps To(M) onto H1(V, 0), we infer from (16.12) and (16.5)
dim e*F*po(To(M)) = 20
Combined with (16.13) this implies that
dim ATO(M) 20,
while it is obvious that
dim Tx(O)(S) 20

Hence we conclude that A maps To(M) onto TX(O)(S).


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