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Caston Draper

In this political cartoon Walt Handelsman (September 30, 2019) explains the impeachment
inquiry into the president of the United states which has arisen in the past couple of weeks. The
author juxtaposes ironic items into the cartoon as well as uses figurative language to better
explain all sides of the situation. Handelsman wants to explain his opinions of what he believes
to be the extent of the president's current situation. His straightforward tone really helps to push
the magnitude of this situation and what it means for the president and the United States.
In this cartoon Adam Zyglis (2019) argues that the president has doomed his position by
attempting to influence the 2020 elections. The author uses the metaphor of digging dirt to
produce a sense of irony which furthers the authors argument. Zyglis’ purpose in creating this is
to argue the extent of the president's actions and to convince others of them. The authors ironic
tone sticks with people who share his opinions, and maybe convinces others that share differing
opinions of the magnitude of the president’s actions.

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