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A Practical Approach to the Diagnosis

and Treatment of Vitiligo in Children

Khaled Ezzedine, MD, PhD,a Nanette Silverberg, MDb

Vitiligo is a common inflammatory skin disease with a worldwide abstract

prevalence of 0.5% to 2.0% of the population. In the pediatric population,
the exact prevalence of vitiligo is unknown, although many studies
state that most cases of vitiligo are acquired early in life. The disease
is disfiguring, with a major psychological impact on children and their
parents. Half of vitiligo cases have a childhood onset, needing thus a
treatment approach that will minimize treatment side effects while avoiding
psychological impacts. Management of vitiligo should take into account
several factors, including extension, psychological impact, and possible
associations with other autoimmune diseases. This review discusses the
epidemiology of vitiligo and outlines the various clinical presentations
associated with the disorder and their differential diagnosis. In addition,
the pathophysiology and genetic determinants, the psychological impact of
vitiligo, and management strategies are reviewed.

Vitiligo is a chronic, acquired EPIDEMIOLOGY OF PEDIATRIC VITILIGO

depigmenting condition of the
skin, and sometimes of the mucosa, The prevalence of vitiligo worldwide
that results in the selective loss ranges from 0% to 2.16% of the
aDepartment of Dermatology, Henri Mondor Hospital and
of melanocytes.1 Vitiligo has been population,6 with approximately one-
EpiDermE, Université Paris-Est Créteil Val-de-Marne, Créteil,
reported since ancient times and a third to one-half of all cases having France; and bDepartment of Dermatology and Pediatrics,
description of it exists in the Latin onset in childhood.7 There appear to Mount Sinai St. Luke's-Roosevelt and Beth Israel Medical
Centers, New York, New York
medical classic De Medicina of Celsus be 2 subsets of patients with vitiligo:
during the second century.2,3 The those with early onset (12 years of age Drs Ezzedine and Silverberg conceptualized and
name might come from the Latin or younger) who have more halo nevi, designed the study, performed data collection,
“vitium,” meaning defect or blemish.4 Koebner phenomenon (KP) (lesional drafted the initial manuscript, carried out the initial
analyses, reviewed and revised the manuscript, and
Although vitiligo is not a rare disease, development in response to trauma),
approved the final manuscript as submitted.
it has been until recently an orphan family history, segmental disease
DOI: 10.1542/peds.2015-4126
disease in terms of drug development and atopy, and those with late onset
and a neglected one in the field of who have more acrofacial lesions and Accepted for publication Jan 27, 2016
dermatology. Moreover, patients often thyroid disease (in those older than 12 Address correspondence to Khaled Ezzedine, MD,
complain that physicians are unaware years).7–9 High estimates of prevalence PhD, Department of Dermatology, Henri Mondor
Hospital and EpiDermE, Université Paris-Est Créteil
of treatment options and that most in pediatric vitiligo are noted when
Val-de-Marne, 94010 Créteil, France. E-mail: khaled.
of these physicians consider vitiligo analyzing groups of pediatric patients
as a “cosmetic disease.”5 Despite attending a dermatology clinic. For
PEDIATRICS (ISSN Numbers: Print, 0031-4005; Online,
the lack of demonstrative physical instance, in Nepal and India, 2.0% 1098-4275).
symptoms accompanying the disease and 2.6%, respectively, of children
Copyright © 2016 by the American Academy of
as compared with other common attending a dermatology clinic were Pediatrics
chronic dermatological disorders, diagnosed with vitiligo.10 In general
such as eczema and psoriasis, vitiligo population-based studies, vitiligo
causes emotional distress and impairs occurs in fewer than a half percent of To cite: Ezzedine K and Silverberg N. A Practical
Approach to the Diagnosis and Treatment of Vitiligo
patient and parental quality of life in the population of children. In a large
in Children. Pediatrics. 2016;138(1):e20154126
childhood. Chinese population-based study in

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PEDIATRICS Volume 138, number 1, July 2016:e20154126 STATE-OF-THE-ART REVIEW ARTICLE
which the prevalence overall was
0.56% of the population, a prevalence
of 0.1% in the 0 to 9 years age
group and 0.36% by 10 to 19 years
of age was recorded.11 Similarly a
Taiwanese study showed 0.09% of
children had vitiligo12 and a Danish
population-based study showed
0.09% and 0.15% prevalence for 0
to 9 and 10 to 20 years age groups,
respectively.13 In the Sinai desert,
a cohort of children younger than
18 years showed a prevalence of
Disease onset increases through the
first 2 decades of life. Disease is quite
uncommon in children younger than
2 years as opposed to congenital
disorders of pigmentation, such FIGURE 1
as nevus depigmentosus.15 Onset Typical nonsegmental vitiligo.
before age 2 years represents 11%
of pediatric-onset cases, 28% of male individuals. In a cohort of have usually distinct margins. When
cases start between 2 and 5 years, 268 Indian children 12 years and first seeing a patient, it is of prime
40% of cases begin between 5 and younger, 56.7% were girls (n = 152) importance to differentiate between
10 years, and 21% between 10 and and 43.3% were boys (n = 116).17 these 2 forms, as these are quite
18 years, demonstrating that median Similarly, in a Greek population, different in terms of prognosis,
age of onset is between 5 and 10 two-thirds of the children ages 0 evolution, and response to treatment
years of age.16 In a cohort of Indian to 10 years were girls, whereas patterns.
children, 56.7% of pediatric cases by late adulthood, incidence was
were noted in childhood between 8 similar between the genders.22
Nonsegmental Vitiligo
and 12 years.17 Early-onset disease The breakdown of vitiligo types in
(before age 12 years) represented a pediatric population of patients
NSV is the most common variant of
35.2% of cases in an Indian cohort.17 with vitiligo varies by population
vitiligo, and accounts for almost 80%
Children younger than 20 years reviewed. In a case series of 119
of all cases. NSV is characterized by
represent 35.5% of patients in a pediatric patients with vitiligo,
asymptomatic, well-circumscribed,
Nigerian cohort18 and age of onset 34% had generalized disease,
milky-white macules involving
before 20 years of age was noted 13% acrofacial, 3% mucosal, 29%
multiple parts of the body, usually
in 47.8% of patients in a Gujarati segmental, and 21% undetermined.
in a symmetrical pattern (Fig 1).
cohort.19 Mean age of onset can be Lower estimates of segmental disease
The disease can start at any site of
as low as 6.9 years in Indian children include 17.6% of cases in children
the body, but the fingers, hands, and
12 years and younger17 and as high who were 12 years or younger in an
face are frequently the initial sites.
as 17.4 years in an unselected Saudi Indian cohort.17
Within NSV, several subphenotypes
Arabian mixed pediatric and adult
have been well described, including
population.20 Family history appears
acrofacial, mucosal, generalized,
to be associated with earlier age of CLINICAL FEATURES
universal, mixed, and rare forms.
Recently, an international panel of Of note, overlaps between these
The prevalence of vitiligo by gender experts has proposed consensus forms may exist; for example, NSV
is usually close to if not equal, with definitions of vitiligo.23 Overall, may initially have an acrofacial
some studies supporting female vitiligo can be divided into pattern, with a later evolvement to
predilection in the youngest age segmental vitiligo (SV) and vitiligo/ the generalized form. Interestingly,
groups. Vora et al19 described a nonsegmental vitiligo (NSV), which a recent study based on latent class
Gujarati cohort of 1100 patients encompasses rare forms of vitiligo. analysis has distinguished 2 types
of all ages in which 57.3% were Typical vitiligo lesions can be defined of vitiligo with probable different
female individuals and 42.7% were as whitish, nonscaly macules that pathophysiological pathways.8

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Acrofacial vitiligo is not very
common in children. In this form,
areas involved are often limited to
the face, hands, feet, and orifices.
The form may later evolve to typical
generalized vitiligo.

Vitiligo universalis is a widespread

form of the disease that is generally
seen in adults, although cases in
children are reported.24 The term
“universalis” refers to the almost
virtually universal depigmentation
(>60% to 90% of the body surface
area) (Fig 2). Hairs may be partially
spared. In general, vitiligo universalis
is the result of generalized vitiligo
that gradually progresses to nearly
complete depigmentation of
the skin.

Mucosal vitiligo states for oral and/

or genital mucosae involvement
in vitiligo as part of generalized
vitiligo or as an isolated condition.
When limited to mucosa, differential
diagnosis should include lichen
sclerosus. Moreover, the coexistence
of both conditions has also been

Mixed vitiligo refers to the

concomitance of SV and NSV in a
single patient. Criteria proposed
for mixed vitiligo are detailed

Rare Forms
Several forms may fit into the
spectrum of rare vitiligo and all
should be considered as NSV forms.
Punctate vitiligo was first described Universal vitiligo.
by Falabella et al27 and refers to pea-
sized depigmented macules that may
involve any area of the body.23 hairs and rare depigmented been described.23 In this type
macules.29 of vitiligo, the early involvement
Vitiligo minor is rarely reported of the follicular melanocyte
Segmental Vitiligo
in children. In this rare form, reservoir is common and the
hypopigmented macules are SV accounts for 10% to 15% of all disease rapidly stabilizes over a
distributed mainly on the face, types of vitiligo. SV is defined as a few months. Epidemiologic data
and the back has been recently unilateral and segmental or band- also show an earlier age of onset.30
reported.28 Another striking rare shaped distribution (asymmetric Finally, SV should be differentiated
form is follicular vitiligo, which has vitiligo) (Fig 3). Generally, 1 unique from focal vitiligo in which a
the particularity to primarily involve segment is involved in SV, but 2 unique small lesion without a clear
the melanocyte follicular reservoir or more segments with ipsi- or segmental distribution pattern is
with whitening of most of the body contralateral distribution have described.

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PEDIATRICS Volume 138, number 1, July 2016 3
and VDR genes.39 These genes can
be broken down into 6 categories
of genes: (1) pigmentation gene
polymorphisms believed to create
increased risk of autoimmune
attack and susceptibility to damage:
TYR, TRP 1 and 2, OCA2 and its
transcription down regulator HERC2,
MC1R, and DDR1, which affects
melanocyte cellular adhesion; (2)
MHC loci (eg, HLA-A*02:01, HLA-DR4,
and HLA-DR7 alleles) and XBP1,
which regulates MHC expression;
(3) B- and T-cell developmental
genes, which promote activity and/
or repression promoting immune
response against melanocytes (eg,
Segmental vitiligo with hair whitening in the depigmented area.
CTLA4, BACH2, CD44, IKZF4, LNK); (4)
genes involved in innate immunity
(eg, NLRP-1, formerly NALP-1); (5)
PATHOPHYSIOLOGY AND GENETIC this subgroup carries more genetic
apoptosis determinants (CASP7);
DETERMINANTS susceptibility determinants.35
and (6) polymorphisms in genes
Associated autoimmune diseases
SV occurs focally, based on localized that regulate antiinflammatory
in family members in this cohort
susceptibility to disease and is activity (eg, glutathione S transferase,
were vitiligo itself, autoimmune
not associated with autoimmune vitamin D receptor).40
thyroid disease (particularly
phenomena unless nonsegmental
hypothyroidism), pernicious anemia,
disease or a generalized autoimmune
Addison disease, systemic lupus DIAGNOSIS AND DIFFERENTIAL
condition such as alopecia areata
erythematosus, and inflammatory DIAGNOSIS
occurs concurrently.31,32 The
bowel disease. Other studies have
leading theory is that generalized The diagnosis of vitiligo is
demonstrated personal and familial
vitiligo is a multifactorial, polygenic generally made clinically through
association of vitiligo with canity,21
autoimmune disorder that occurs the appearance of reduced or lost
atopic dermatitis,36,37 rheumatoid
in only a minority of genetically pigmentation of the skin in a typical
arthritis, types 1 and 2 diabetes
susceptible individuals and is distribution, including periorificial,
mellitus, alopecia areata, psoriasis,
therefore believed to have a strong segmental, lips and tips of the
chronic urticaria, lichen sclerosis
component of environmental fingers, toes and/or penis, flexural
et atrophicus, Celiac disease,
triggering. Other theories of vitiligo surfaces, and frictional areas, such
systemic lupus erythematosus, and
development include biochemical as waistbands.40,41 Clues to the
sarcoidosis.38 Extensive disease and
defects in the tetrahydrobiopterin presence of generalized vitiligo
increasing years with disease are the
pathway/oxidative damage, include multiple halo nevi, poliosis
factors most associated with vitiligo-
adhesion defects, and neural (loss of pigmentation in the hairs),
associated autoimmune disease.38
induction33; however, generalized canity, family history of vitiligo
disease at this point in time is At this time, there is no genetic and canity, and lesions in sites of
usually presumed autoimmune test for vitiligo. The genetics of trauma, so-called KP.42,43 SV is often
in nature, with demonstrable vitiligo are complex, as there are corroborated by the presence of
autoantibodies against pigment multiple determinants found in most linear lesions, broadly in the Lines
cells in patients with vitiligo.34 In genome-wide association studies. of Blaschko or on the face in typical
a survey of 2624 primarily White Consistent association with genes segments.44 Colocalization of poliosis
probands, frequency was 6.1% such as DDR1, XBP1, NLRP1, PTPN22 is common, whereas alopecia areata
in siblings, and concordance only and COMT has been noted. Other overlap may be noted as well. In
23% in identical twins. Early-onset studies have noted association with vitiligo, biopsy will demonstrate
disease was associated with more ACE, AIRE, CD4, COX2, ESR1, EDN1, in the center of a lesion the loss of
family members, suggesting that FAS, FOXD3, FOXP3, IL1-RN, IL-10, melanocytes (pigment cells) with

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special stains of the epidermis. The TABLE 1 Common Mimics of Vitiligo in Childhood
border of a lesion may be noted Differential diagnosis with nonsegmental vitiligo
visually to be inflamed (inflammatory Congenital depigmentation (often with appearance by 2 y of age)
vitiligo), and a notable inflammatory Albinism
Piebaldism (white forelock + ventral depigmentation)
infiltrate of CD 4+ and CD 8+ T
Waardenburg syndrome
lymphocytes may be seen on biopsy Tuberous sclerosis (leaf-ash depigmentation) (Fig 4A)
of an “active” border,39 although the Postinflammatorya
inflammation may be clinically absent. Chemical depigmentation
The differential diagnosis of vitiligo Atopic dermatitis
is broad and includes inflammatory, Lichen sclerosis et atrophicus
postinflammatory, neoplastic, Morphea
and primary pigmentary genetic Pityriasis alba (Fig 4B)
Pityriasis rosea
disorders (Table 1).
The first step is to determine whether Seborrheic dermatitis
the lesion is inherited or not. Indeed, Postinflammatory hypopigmentation
if the lesion is present at birth,
Progressive macular hypomelanosis
inherited or genetically induced Tinea versicolor (Fig 4C)
hypomelanoses should be ruled Tinea incognito
out. This is quite easy in patients Neoplastic
with dark phototype. However, in Mycosis fungoides (Fig 4D)
Differential diagnosis with segmental vitiligo
patients with fair skin complexion,
Nevus depigmentosus/hypochromic nevus (Fig 4E)
hypopigmented patches are usually a Associations between vitiligo and other inflammatory dermatoses may exist. In particular association of vitiligo and
revealed after the first sun exposure atopic dermatitis is frequently reported.
due to tanning of normal surrounding
skin, sometime in the first 2 years neoplastic hypomelanoses to exclude negative experiences can include
of life. In this case, family history, is mycosis fungoides (Fig 4D), and fear of being questioned about one’s
ethnic background/consanguinity that may highlight on Wood lamp appearance, teasing and bullying,
history, and a detailed family tree are examination.45,46 Therefore, biopsy anxiety over the potential for
of prime importance. Several genetic may be required in atypical cases disease spread, interference with
diseases may be misdiagnosed as and where mycosis fungoides is emotional maturation, depression,
vitiligo, but the most frequent are suspected; in that setting, T cell gene and interference with socialization
piebaldism and tuberous sclerosis. rearrangement studies on the biopsy (eg, sexual debut). Of the 25% of
In piebaldism, the combination of may be helpful. children with vitiligo evaluated for
white forelock, anterior body midline psychological issues, 60% reported
depigmentation, and bilateral shin For segmental vitiligo, naevus
depigmentosus (Fig 4E) is the most psychological problems in a cohort
depigmentation is the hallmark of the of 119 Brazilian children.16 A recent
disease. Differential diagnosis with common lesion in the differential
diagnosis. Naevus depigmentosus review article of quality-of-life issues
tuberous sclerosis might be trickier in childhood skin disease stated:
in case of ash-leaf hypopigmented is usually congenital and stable in
size, growing in proportion to the “In general, patients with vitiligo
spots (Fig 4A) without seizures experience low self-esteem, social
or other usually later cutaneous child’s growth. The lesion generally
holds a normal or subnormal number stigmatization, shame, avoidance
symptoms, such as shagreen patches, of intimacy, anxiety, depression,
or angiofibromas. of melanocytes with a reduced
production of melanin pigment. adjustment disorder, fear, suicidal
In noninherited lesions, which Where biopsy is needed, the inclusion ideation, and other psychiatric
are the most common differential of a specimen of normal skin for morbidity.”47 Recent studies have
diagnoses in children with vitiligo, comparison may be needed for suggested that childhood vitiligo
pityriasis versicolor (Fig 4B) and definitive reading. impacts quality of life similarly
postinflammatory hypomelanoses to psoriasis, as children enter
(hypopigmentation) should be adulthood.
ruled out. A Wood lamp can be THE PSYCHOLOGICAL IMPACT OF
used to highlight lesions of vitiligo VITILIGO An Internet-based survey of vitiligo
for confirmation distinguishing probands ages 0 to 17 years and their
vitiligo from pityriasis alba (Fig The psychological impact of vitiligo families showed that pediatric vitiligo
4C); on the other hand, one of the is profound in childhood. Associated was associated with increasing

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PEDIATRICS Volume 138, number 1, July 2016 5
disturbances in quality of life with
advancing age. When asked whether
they were bothered by their vitiligo,
only 4.1% of teenagers 15 to 17 years
were not bothered by their disease
versus 45.6% of children ages 0 to
6 years and 50% of children 7 to 14
years. In particular, facial and leg
involvements were most distressing
to the patient. Facial and arm lesions
were most associated with teasing
and bullying.48 Similarly, Bilgiç et
al49 demonstrated in a cohort of 41
children ages 8 to 18 years versus
controls that vitiligo had a negative
impact on the quality of life. Head
and neck in boys and genitalia and
legs in girls were correlated with
negative impact on quality of life.
Camouflage of visible facial lesions
has been shown to improve quality
of life in children with vitiligo.50
Depression and anxiety have been
reported in 26% and 42% of parents/
caregivers of children with pediatric



Assessment of the Overall

Involvement, Pace of Pigmentary
Loss, and Sites and Types of Disease
At first sight, defining the type A, Leaf-ash depigmentation in tuberous sclerosis. B, Tinea versicolor. C, Pityriasis alba. D, Hypopigmented
mycosis fungoides. E, Naevus depigmentosus.
of vitiligo that should be treated
is of prime importance, as SV
and NSV have different course, for guiding therapeutic management. rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative
prognosis, and treatment options. In addition, the analysis of KP colitis, and pernicious anemia, as well
Once the type of vitiligo has been (ie, development of lesions at friction as some less common autoimmune
clearly defined, the construction and traumatized sites) can reflect diseases.
of a therapeutic and management disease activity and is of particular
interest for the prevention of Natural Course of Disease if
plan may be started. Physicians
relapses. Indeed, there is clinical Treatment Not Rendered
should thoroughly examine their
patient by using natural light and evidence that in vitiligo, repeated SV has a very well-defined course
a Wood lamp for assessing disease trauma areas related to daily life and is not associated with an
extent. For that purpose, the use of habits (eg, hygiene or clothing) are autoimmune diathesis. The disease
the Vitiligo European Task Force more susceptible to KP, and a scoring usually spreads over the involved
questionnaire52, which summarizes of the probability of KP has been segment over a 3- to 24-month
the results of the personal and family proposed.42 Finally, there is now period. KP, when present, is
history of the patient along with strong evidence for the association limited to the affected area. Early
clinical examination items, may be of NSV with other autoimmune involvement of the hair follicular
helpful. Skin phototype, disease diseases, including autoimmune reservoir is the rule, and careful
duration, and extent and activity of thyroid diseases, atopic dermatitis, examination of the hairs in the
the disease are important elements diabetes type 1, alopecia areata, affected area often reveals whitening.

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Proposed therapeutic algorithm for childhood vitiligo.

One characteristic feature in SV The number of lifetime cycles and metabolic profile, thyroid function
is that once repigmentation has triggering factors are different in screen (thyrotropin) and antibodies
occurred, relapse is rare. each patient and yet still to be clearly (anti-thyroid peroxidase and anti-
elucidated. Epidemiologic studies thyroglobulin) to identify early
On the other hand, the course of NSV support the role of stress episodes as cases of thyroid disease requiring
is unpredictable. The natural history a trigger of disease and/or relapse. closer follow-up, as well as 25 (OH)
of the disease tends to be cyclic and An overall therapeutic algorithm for vitamin D, which when low may
includes a silent phase, during which the treatment of vitiligo is given in identify a subset of patients with
melanocyte destruction is minimal, Fig 5. greater propensity for secondary
and a so-called acceleration phase autoimmunity. Antinuclear antibody
Medical Workup
with rapid disease progression over (ANA) screening is recommended
a few weeks or months followed by a The care of SV does not require before phototherapy. Other screening
stabilization phase. Whitening of the medical workup, unless NSV or can be performed based on the
hairs may appear later in the course another systemic autoimmune presence of signs and symptoms
of the disease. Repigmentation disease is noted concurrently. of other autoimmune diatheses
may occur without any therapeutic The workup of children with NSV (eg, polyuria, polydipsia, gum
intervention or after sun exposure. includes a complete blood count, pigmentation, joint pain).37,40

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PEDIATRICS Volume 138, number 1, July 2016 7
Topical Therapies or climatotherapy at the Dead Sea, Minipulse Oral Steroids
has been described to be effective
There is no approved or labeled Steroid pulse therapy refers to
at repigmentation of facial and
treatment of vitiligo. Topical the intermittent administration
dorsal hand vitiligo. Not all mineral
therapies may be used solely of suprapharmacological doses of
complexes benefit patients with
in limited surface involvement steroids. This method is weighted to
vitiligo. For example, topical co-Q10
(<20% of body surface area) or in reduce the side effects of steroids.
application is not advised because of
combination with other treatments, No randomized placebo-controlled
potential triggering vitiligo through
mainly phototherapy, in wider clinical trial has yet confirmed the
a putative mechanism of peroxide
involvement (>20% of body surface interest of low-dose oral minipulse
generation.55 Therefore, mineral
area). There are 3 main classes of (OMP) steroids in vitiligo/NSV.
complex cream is generally used
topical drugs that are used in vitiligo: However, several retrospective
adjunctively and should be used only
topical steroids, topical calcineurin studies have underlined the
when the product efficacy can be
inhibitors, and topical vitamin D. interest of OMP of low doses of
The site of involvement should be betamethasone or dexamethasone
taken into account for the choice for 3 to 6 months in rapidly evolving
Sun Protection
between these different treatments. vitiligo with the principal aim to
Hence, the European Dermatology Sun protection is generally advised in halt disease progression.62,63 In
Forum consensus group has recently all patients, but is needed more so for addition, in a recent retrospective
published guidelines favoring the areas of depigmentation. As a result, study, the early use of short-term
use of topical calcineurin inhibitors any sun exposure that is not sought systemic steroids in combination with
as a first-line option for face and for purposes of repigmentation targeted phototherapy and topical
neck on a bidaily basis, as these have should be paired with sun protection, tacrolimus has shown to be effective
fewer side effects in these particular including age-appropriate sun block in repigmenting SV.63 Although
areas.53 or sunscreen, hats, sunglasses, and uncommon, side effects such as weight
clothing. gain and acneiform eruptions have
Midpotency topical corticosteroids been described with the use of OMP.
may be used for the rest of the body Oral Vitamins and Supplements
on a daily basis and in a sequential Phototherapy
There have been a few studies that
discontinuous scheme (eg, 1 week
suggest vitamin supplementation A variety of phototherapy modalities
treatment and 1 week off for 6
can enhance vitiligo outcomes. exist that have been shown to
months) to prevent local side effects
First, vitamin deficiencies have be beneficial in pediatric vitiligo.
(ie, skin atrophy, telangiectasia,
been noted in patients with vitiligo, Generalized phototherapy is often
hypertrichosis, acneiform eruptions,
including vitamin D, which has been performed in extensive disease and
and striae). The use of topical
linked to comorbid autoimmunity,56 in disease that is spreading rapidly.
vitamin D derivatives should be in
and B-complex vitamins, Psoralens and UVA (PUVA) has been
combination with topical steroids.
including folate and B12.57 historically used in vitiligo with
Hyperhomocysteinemia, which good benefit, but there is difficulty
Mineral Complex Cream
can be associated with vitamin B with nausea, compliance of eyewear,
Mineral complex creams have deficiencies, has also been linked office visits, and many side effects
been developed and tested in a to vitiligo.58,59 Low-dose vitamin including phototoxic reactions.64
broad age group of patients largely supplementation, such as 400 IU Therefore, PUVA has been largely
adjunctive to phototherapy. The Vitamin D3 daily, is common in replaced by narrowband UVB (NB
principle of therapy has been the childhood, but high-dose vitamin UVB). Furthermore, in head-to-head
reduction of oxidative pigment supplementation in childhood has study, there has been demonstrable
cell damage that is felt to occur limited data supporting its usage increased repigmentation that was
through tetrahydrobiopterin for childhood vitiligo, and in fact not significant over PUVA.65 In
pathway breakdown. Variable there are few safety data for usage children, NB UVB has become the
results have been seen, with some of herbal remedies, such as gingko in therapy of choice and can produce
centers reporting good outcomes childhood. One clinical trial that has 2 types of benefits: (1) repigmentation,
with proprietary products. The looked at safety and efficacy of the and (2) stabilization, the latter
initial clinical report54 described amino acid phenylalanine in high being an important way to gain
33 patients ages 4 to 68 years. dosage for vitiligo (a precursor to control over widespread disease.
Pseudocatalase and calcium topically, melanin) showed modest benefit in Njoo et al demonstrated >75%
combined with narrowband UVB repigmentation.60,61 repigmentation in 53% of children

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and 80% stabilization with twice- Cosmetics Furthermore, patients and parents
weekly NB UVB in children.66 Some may benefit from referral to a
benefit can be achieved with the Cosmetic camouflage, ranging from support group whether online or in
addition of topical corticosteroids. self-tanners to clothing alterations person. The following is a list of some
Other forms of phototherapy that to concealers including stage-type support sites for patients with vitiligo
have been described as safe and make-up, have been used to reduce worldwide:
effective for long-term therapy of the clinical appearance of disease.77
Cosmetic camouflage make-up can 1.
pediatric vitiligo include excimer laser,
targeted UVB, and targeted UVA1.67 be color matched to the skin, and 2.
Side effects of phototherapy include children/parents can learn how to 3.
itch, burning, erythema, stinging, apply these on a daily basis or before
blistering, and phototoxicity.67 major events to improve overall Conclusions
Targeted phototherapy may not allow quality of life.50 Vitiligo is a frequent cause of
for disease stabilization in extensive consultation and pediatricians and
disease, but does limit side effects to Surgical Grafting general physicians play a central
the local site treated.41 Excimer laser is Autologous grafting should be role in its management. Indeed, as
most beneficial in SV when performed reserved to stable vitiligo lesions the disease should be referred early
early on in disease.68 Phototherapy is (ie, lesions with no progression to potentialize treatment outcomes,
often more effective in darker patients for at least 1 year). The best they are at the frontline for
and the benefits of phototherapy in indication for grafting is stable referring patients to dermatologists
Fitzpatrick type I skin (lightest skin SV. Different grafting techniques and managing further treatment
type) do not outweigh the risk.53 have been described, including follow-up. Moreover, once the
Although long-term follow-up of punch grafting, split-thickness diagnosis has been confirmed by a
pediatric patients with vitiligo who skin graft, and the most recent is dermatologist, early recognition of
received phototherapy has not been melanocyte transfer grafting. The new flare-ups by pediatricians and
conducted, the risk of carcinogenesis main side effect of punch grafting general physicians will allow rapid
after phototherapy probably persists is a cobblestoning effect.78 All these therapeutic intervention to prevent
lifelong, requiring on-going full body techniques remain painful, with the wide spread of the disease.
skin examinations for screening after potential scarring and/or mottled Although there is no approved drug
therapy. As some patients with vitiligo pigmentation side effects on the for the treatment of vitiligo, there is
will have circulating ANAs, which recipient area and possible KP on now an arsenal of therapeutic options
could sensitize them, screening for the donor site. Grafting techniques that have proven efficacy in the
ANAs before systemic phototherapy have shown great results, although management of the disease. Parents
can be helpful. there is a concern about the long- should be advised that the treatment
term maintenance of these results in is often long term and requires
Psychotherapy vitiligo/NSV.79 their adherence. The association
of vitiligo with other autoimmune
Vitiligo has a strong and sustained diseases should prompt physicians
Clinical Consultation and
impact on the sufferer with long-term Comanagement to carefully seek any autoimmune/
fear of disease exacerbation, poor autoinflammatory-associated disease.
self-perception, low quality of life, Comanagement of vitiligo with Finally, as the disease is disfiguring,
poor interpersonal relationships, the following practitioner types one should not neglect its potential
depression, and anxiety (see may be advisable at times. These psychological impact, especially if the
section The Psychological Impact include endocrinology (eg, thyroid onset occurs during adolescence.
of Vitiligo).69–73 Psychotherapy, management), rheumatology (eg,
including cognitive-behavioral ANA-positive photosensitivity),
therapy and hypnosis, has been nutrition (eg, known vitamin ABBREVIATIONS
described to aid in quality of deficiencies), psychology/psychiatry
ANA: antinuclear antibody
life, reduce anxiety, improve (eg, anxiety), developmental
KP: Koebner phenomenon
coping with disease, and enhance specialists (eg, school-based
NB UVB: narrowband UVB
repigmentation.70,74–76 Children with difficulties arising from vitiligo),
NSV: nonsegmental vitiligo
extensive or visible disease, especially hematology (eg, pernicious anemia),
OMP: oral minipulse
adolescents, must be screened for gastroenterology (eg, suspected
PUVA: psoralens and UVA
psychological symptomatology and ulcerative colitis), and pediatrics (eg,
SV: segmental vitiligo
referred appropriately. for coordination of care).

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PEDIATRICS Volume 138, number 1, July 2016 9
FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE: The authors have indicated they have no financial relationships relevant to this article to disclose.
FUNDING: No external funding.
POTENTIAL CONFLICT OF INTEREST: Dr Ezzedine has indicated he has no potential conflicts of interest to disclose. Dr Silverberg has been an investigator for
Astellas Pharmaceuticals.

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A Practical Approach to the Diagnosis and Treatment of Vitiligo in Children
Khaled Ezzedine and Nanette Silverberg
Pediatrics; originally published online June 21, 2016;
DOI: 10.1542/peds.2015-4126
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A Practical Approach to the Diagnosis and Treatment of Vitiligo in Children
Khaled Ezzedine and Nanette Silverberg
Pediatrics; originally published online June 21, 2016;
DOI: 10.1542/peds.2015-4126

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PEDIATRICS is the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. A monthly

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