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• Photography is the art of taking an image that is meant to inform, educate or
share an experience. It is the art of capturing light usually with a digital
• The three most important tools in photography is ISO, shutter speed, and
1. ISO (is the cameras sensitivity to light).
2. Shutter speed (is how long the image is exposed to light , controls how fast the
shutter closes).
3. Aperture (controls the size of the lens, would be used to create depth of field.)
• In photography how you represent your image is so important, and you do this
by framing. Framing your shot makes the picture more aesthetically
pleasing to the eye e.g. rule of thirds, leading lines and frame within a

Frame within a frame
• Advertising photography involves taking
photos of products and services to try and
compel people to buy it.
• In this photo the advertisement is for a can
of soup, using the picture of a tomato is
to suggest the product is healthy which is a
good selling point.
• In this photo there is a strong use of color red,
which symbolizes strength and
energy which is ideal for a food product.
Red also draws attention like no other color
which is useful as it’s the brands color.
• They also use a picture of the product which
is very important when advertising.

• In this photo they are selling a pair of

shoes, using both shoes to show two
angles of the product.

• They cleverly use the laces as leading lines

to draw your eye to the shoe and
the brand 

• In the photo I feel the biggest selling

point is the brand name, ADIDAS
which they make sure to show in the

• Landscapes is one of the most popular

type of photography. The main goal
for a landscape is to bring the viewer
to the scene .

• It will usually consist of nature scenes

like mountains, lakes, cliffs or
woodland. (Nature)

• In this photo the photographer is

painting a scene of a lake near wood

• Fashion photography is a genre that is dedicated to taking pictures

of clothing items. It is mainly used for advertisement, catalogues
and magazines e.g. VOGUE.
• In this photo we see a fashionable man walking from an expensive
car which suggests his success. This photo is trying to purvey a
man who is stylish, rich and successful. Which will appeal to
people and make them want to recreate this style.
• The slightly blurred background (using aperture) keeps the focus
on the man and what he is wearing. The use of symmetry also
helps keep the man as the main focus in the frame.
• Using the city as a background suggest that this is what is
considered stylish in ‘the city’.

• Photojournalism is a type of photography focuses mainly on

pictures which help to tell a real-life situation/story.
• In the picture opposite, shows a story of a women trying to protect
her children from some sort of gas. Looking at the expression
on her face which shows that the event was scary and
• The fact that some people are running, and some haven’t even
reacted to what's happen suggest that it is the beginning of the
• I feel the purpose of this photo is to give people an insight into
what happening in all countries around the world.

• The purpose of a portrait is to show the human form and emotion. It is

usually taken from the shoulders and the head with focus on the
face, but not always. 

• In this picture you can see that the background is blurred (low aperture)

this ensures the main focus is on the face. This is important aspect in

• In any portrait it is very important to capture the eyes as they hold the

most emotion 

• Some portraits are able to tell a story about the person for example how

old they are, how they live and their sense of style.
• Architectural photography or building photography is when the
focus is on buildings or cityscapes.

• They are very important in the architectural world, as they capture

the hard work and art of an architect by composing a great photo
of their building.

• In this type of photography the photographer will usually choose a

wide lens or an ultra-wide-angle lens because this will allow them
to fit the entire frame of the building in the shot .

• In this photo the photographer is trying to capture the art of the

architects building through the symmetry of the building.


• Studio photography is photography is usually done
indoors and is when the photographer has complete
control of lighting, backdrop, LEDS and soft boxes etc.
• In this particular photo you see a woman, but not all
studio photos contain people it could be anything from
animals to food.
• Studio photography will usually be used for magazines or
promotional advertising. 


• Sport photography consists of taking photos of sporting events

(football ,rugby and GAA matches) and Athletes. Their work
would be seen in newspapers, magazines and sports websites.

• Aperture and shutter speed is hugely important for this type of

photography. The more light available means the camera will
allow for a faster shutter speed which helps to freeze the action.

• In this example one of the fighters is throwing a face kick so the

cameras shutter speed would need to be fast to freeze the
motion so you can get a crisp image and also show what is
happening .

• Photo Illustration is taking a photograph and editing it to turn it

into something different often changing the meaning of the

• In this photo it is a girl but it has been edited to make it different .

I would say it is trying to represent the soul leaving the body

• Depending on the photo, you would see illustration photography

in advertising, books and even journalism, depending on what
the photographer's message is.

• Event photography is when a photographer
goes to an event like a concert and
documents it through taking pictures.
• You could see this type of photography in
newspapers, websites and magazines
depending on the event.


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