Evidence Take A Break

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Learning activity 1

Evidence: Take a break

Aspects Description Image

What it is In Colombia, the
celebrated. carnival of
Barranquilla is a
colorful carnival
where you can see
a lot of diversity
and exotic dances,
it is the most
important folkloric
and cultural event
in Colombia. And
the second largest
carnival in the

Where and It starts on the

when it is Saturday before
celebrated. Ash Wednesday,
when the holidays
begin and ends on
the immediately
following Tuesday,
although it is
necessary to
clarify that other
activities directly
related to the
Carnival take
place during a
large part of the
What people Some of the most
wear. traditional
costumes of the
carnival of
Barranquilla are
the Marimonda
and the Garabato.
Other elements
typical of the
carnival are the
masks of bull and
others allusive to
current events.

What people People dance;

do. singing and
enjoying the
carnival, it is only
possible to laugh
expressing all the
cultural and
folkloric varieties
of the Colombian
Caribbean coast,
as well as the
most varied local
such as popular
music and dance.
Why it is a This celebration is
special a masterpiece
celebration. because it is the
only space in the
country where the
manifestations are
expressed and the
dedication of the
people in the
elaboration of the
masks and the
dizfrases and in
the ancestral
that accompanies
the dances is

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