"Would You Rather" Questions

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La primera clase es el entrenamiento y las cosas en generales dar las reglas, y dinámicas

La segunda semana es las pruebas diagnostica

Montar algo en jamboard

Y hacer una laminita para hacer uso del web Paint

Spelling bee para la dinámica del primer dia

Nearpod para un video de bienvenida

Mandarle la planificación en un esquema


Spelling bee

What I like about you

Bien, esta primera clase es para saludarnos, para ver que todos estamos bien, en casita,
resguardados y para celebrar que estamos volviendo al aula, esta vez a una virtual, algo que no
habíamos visto. Y estoy muy feliz de poder ser parte de un cambio como este, es un país donde
nunca pensamos tener educación desde nuestras casas. Es un paso gigante

Se que de pronto va a ser difícil porque no estamos acostumbrados a manejar todas las
herramientas, pero recuerden que nosotros siempre vamos a estar aquí para lo que necesiten y
vamos a hacer este proceso lo más sencillo posible.

Antes de comenzar con las dinámicas de hoy, me gustaría hablarles un poquito de algo que a lo
mejor no hemos tocado, que son las ventajas de estudiar desde casa, porque siempre hay que
mirarle el lado bueno de las cosas

6. “Would You Rather” Questions

Lead, guide, and stimulate healthy debate among students with a set of
questions that are sure to get the classroom talking.Consider a few
examples of “would you rather” questions, such as:

 Would you rather play outdoors or indoors?

 Would you rather see a firework display or a circus performance?
 Would you rather go skiing or go to a water park?
 Would you rather everything in your house be one color or every
single wall and door be a different color?
 Would you rather visit the international space station for a week or
stay in an underwater hotel for a week?

To keep the class on the same page, consider preparing a few

questions on a printable such as the one below.
10. Two truths and a lie
Encourage students to write down three statements about themselves, with one of the
statements being false.
After giving students five minutes or so to write their sentences down, have them read
them out loud one by one — and enjoy the entertainment as fellow students try to guess
which of the statements is a lie.
This activity also serves as a simple, early way to get a gauge of the skill levels of
your new students: As your new students write out their sentences, you can walk around
and see which students need help might need help with written communication.
As they read out their sentences, you can also gauge verbal communication skills.


11. Class time capsule

Create individualized time capsules on the first day of school. Fill them with items such as
personal letters about what students plan to accomplish throughout the school year.Letters
can include expectations, clubs they would like to join, and desired grade point averages.
Sign up now

You can also take pictures of your students on the first day, print them out, and put them
inside the time capsules.On the last day of school, return each student's time capsule
and allow them to see how much they have learned, grown, and achieved throughout
the school year.

12. Tall Thomas

Encourage students to think of an adjective to describe themselves. The adjective must
suit the student and must also start with the first letter of their name — for example, “Tall
Thomas,” “Funny Frankie,” or “Smart Sam.”

Encourage students to try and memorize every name to add a skill-testing element
to the activity.Have the class stand in a circle, and then have one student state his or her
new nickname. Then, have the next student try to name the previous name before saying
their own name.Make sure to keep the activity lighthearted and fun. Feel free to stand in
the circle and join the fun to further engage with your students!

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