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A. The action of the play

1. In thirty words or less, summarize the story/situation of your scene.

 Kat and Jay were ex-couple. They broke up because Jay cheated on Kat
and now, Jay wanted to win Kat back. Because of what Jay did to her, Kat
didn’t want to be involved with Jay anymore.

2. How are things different at the end of your scene than at the beginning? In
other words, what changes in the course of the scene? (Answer this
question in one sentence.)

 The scene started with jay, forcing Kat to do what he wanted her to do. But
as the scene goes on, Kat dominate the scene. She became aggressive
and her determination to leave is seen.

3. What is the primary focus of the seen? In other words, what is important iin
the script: telling a story? Depicting a character? Communicating ideas
with the audience? Revealing a relationship? Be sure to explain your

 The primary focus of the scene is telling a story. The past events that
happened when they are in a relationship is revealed through the
conversation of the characters such as when Jay cheated, and how hurt
Kat was.

B. Your Main Character in the play

4. In twenty-five words or less, describe your character.

 Jay is a cheater, but he realized that he loved Kat and he wanted to get
her back while Kat, she loves Jay but eventually gave up because of what
he did to her. She never wants to get back with Jay again because she
already loves someone new.

5. What is the basic relationship between your character and other main
characters? For instance, are they lovers? Parent-and-child? Business
associates? Master-and-servant?

 Kat and jay were lovers.

6. What is the central goal, motive, or desire of your character?

 Jay’s goal is to be with Kat again, start over again with her while Kat just
want to get away from Jay and go to her new lover.

7. What obstacles keep your character from accomplishing his/her goal?

 The obstacle that’s keeping Jay accomplish his goal is because Kat
doesn’t love him anymore, she don’t want to be with him anymore. On the
other hand, the eagerness of Jay is the obstacle that keeps Kat
accomplishes her goal.

8. What is the central conflict? How does it develop? And what is the result?
(One sentence per question.)

 The central conflict of the story is the eagerness of jay to make Kat go
back to him but Kat doesn’t want to. It was developed as Jay converse
with Kat. The result is, Jay failed to achieve his agenda which is to
convince Kat come back with him.

C. The ideas of the play

9. What philosophical ideas or questions does the scene suggest? (Use one
sentence per idea or question.)

 The philosophical idea the scene suggest is, cheating is a choice. It is not
a mistake. Someone has an option, people don’t cheat accidentally, they
cheat intentionally.

10. What is the theme of this scene? (Limit yourself to one or two sentence.)

 The theme is how mistakes change someone.


A. The action of the play

1. In thirty words or less, summarize the story/situation of your scene.

 Danilo is in comma because he got into a car accident after chasing Joy
who is actually absent-minded because she have an affair with Danilo’s
eldest brother.

2. How are things different at the end of your scene than at the beginning?
In other words, what changes in the course of the scene? (Answer this
question in one sentence.)

 In the beginning of the scene, the conversation of the characters were

calm but as the conversation goes on, the intensity is there especially
when Joy revealed her relationship with Danilo’s brother.

3. What is the primary focus of the scene? In other words, what is

important in the script: telling a story? Depicting a character?
Communicating ideas with the audience? Revealing a relationship? Be
sure to explain your answer.

 The scene is focused on telling how Danilo got into the car accident and
reveals the relationship of Joy with Danilo’s brother. It also includes the
reason why and how Joy fell inlove with Danilo’s brother.

B. Your Main Character in the play

4. In twenty-five words or less, describe your character

 Danilo loves Joy so much that he wants to secure their future that results
losing his time for his girlfriend while Joy, is a woman who just wants
Danilo’s time and presence.

5. What is the basic relationship between your character and other main
characters? For instance, are they lovers? Parent-and-child? Business
associates? Master-and-servant?

 Danilo and Joy were lovers

6. What is the central goal, motive, or desire of your character?

 Joy’s motive is to say sorry and to explain the reason of what she did to
Danilo so she wants him to wake up. On the other hand, Danilo’s motive is
to make Joy feel how much he loves her so he is willing to hand her over
to his brother.

7. What obstacles keep your character from accomplishing his/her goal?

 The gap or distance between them because Joy can’t see or talk to Danilo
for he is just a spirit.

8. What is the central conflict? How does it develop? And what is the
result? (One sentence per question.)

 The central conflict there is they can’t talk to each other even if Danilo is
answering whatever Joy is saying. Resulting to lack of communication.

C. The ideas of the play

9. What philosophical ideas or questions does the scene suggest? (Use

one sentence per idea or question.)
 The philosophical idea does the scene suggest is we can’t really talk to
spirits. And the philosophical question does the scene suggest is that is it
possible to talk with human being even when you are already a spirit?

10. What is the theme of this scene? (Limit yourself to one or two
 The theme of this scene is love can make people insane.

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