Assignment Section 1

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Assignment 1, Spring 2018, Due on Feb 8 Name ____________________________

Each question is worth 1 point.

Chapter 1
1. Define the following words and place in their proper order with respect to hypothesis driven
science: conclusion, experiment, hypothesis, and observation. Begin with what you do first and
end with what you do last (within one iteration).

2a. What are four things that all cells have in common (both prokaryotic and eukaryotic)?

b. Name two major differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.

Chapter 2
1. Explain what is different between an ionic bond, a polar covalent bond, and a nonpolar
covalent bond.

2. The pH of a solution is changed from pH 4 to pH 6. Is the hydrogen ion concentration of the

changed solution higher or lower than what it used to be? Also indicate the numeric difference in
hydrogen ion concentration between the two solutions.

Chapter 3
1. What are the 3 parts of a nucleotide? What is different between ATP and dATP in terms of
molecular formula? I am not asking you to tell me the different functions that they perform.

2A. What parts of a polypeptide chain participate in the bonds that hold together secondary
structure? What type of bond is involved?
B. What parts of a polypeptide chain participate in the bonds that hold together tertiary structure?
What types of interactions (bonds) are involved.

Chapter 4
1A. What is the difference between a kilogram and a gram?

B. What is the difference between a nanometer and a centimeter?

I am asking for more than just which of each pair is bigger. I also want to know the numerical

2. Pick any two membrane-bound organelles found in eukaryotic cells and describe their

Chapter 5
1. Describe simple diffusion, facilitated diffusion, and active transport being sure to compare and
contrast the terms.

2. Draw a diagram of a membrane receptor and include the following details. Include a depiction
of the plasma membrane with which it is associated; label the locations of the extracellular space,
the cytoplasm, and the ligand-binding domain.

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