Common Themes in Biology Assignment

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Recognizing five common themes helps us to understand biology:

 Organization: The function of something depends on its

structure. Think about the size, shape, and composition of the
different objects we study.

 Genetic Information: All living things store and use genetic

information in the form of DNA molecules. Storage means DNA is
cared for and kept track of, and use means that DNA is expressed to
make the tools (proteins) for life to function.

 Energy and Matter: Big things are made of smaller things –

building materials must be available whenever something is made.
When something is broken down, the building materials still exist in
one form or another. The same holds true for energy – energy must
come from somewhere and must go somewhere.

 Interactions: Organisms do not live isolated from other things -

living things interact with other living things and with their
environments. On a smaller scale, things like molecules interact with
other molecules and with larger structures.

 Evolution: New generations of life are made from pre-existing

life. Genetic information is passed from one generation to another.
Mutations are mistakes that can occur in DNA molecule – they can be
passed on to the offspring. Living things share certain things because
they are the descendants of a common ancestor. Living things may be
different from other living things because different mutations have

Assignment: For every chapter we cover this semester starting with

chapter 2, provide an example of at least 3 of the 5 common themes of
biology. Also explain why you think it is an example.

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