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Ana María Melo Alfonso


Most tourists are unlikely to learn very much about the countries they visit
Euripides once said “Experience, travel - these are education in themselves” Education as if we
learn while we travel, is this true? Tourism has always been one of the most powerful industries
around the world. Consider as a mass-market product, it has a significant number of consumers
worldwide. Historically talking, tourism has existed since ancient time. Recreational and
educational travel was born in Egypt and through the years it has grown incredibly and
enormously until the point where we cannot only find the common type of traveling but other
types of tourism such as cultural tourism, eco-tourism, adventure tourism, massive tourism, etc.
On another note, there are some aspects of traveling and tourism that need to be discussed, like
the cultural and educational perspective of it. There are various reasons why tourism is practice,
one of the principal motivations to travel is the wealth of traditions worldwide. According to
this, travelers go to other countries with the idea of learning about its culture or about the place
in general. However, most of the time is unlikely for tourist to learn while they travel. This idea
will be discussed in this essay. The discussion is going to start by giving the arguments in favor
of the thesis, then the arguments against the premise will be clarified and lastly, a conclusion is
going to condense everything.

Hook / Thesis statement / Essay organization

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