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Damelia Coleman Chemistry February 4, 2019

LAB #: 4

TITLE: Bonding

TOPIC: Ionic and Covalent Compounds

AIM: To distinguish between ionic and covalent compounds

APPARATUS/ MATERIALS: Sucrose, sodium chloride, naphthalene, magnesium sulphate,

copper sulphate, potassium nitrate, electrolytic cell, beakers, Bunsen burner.


1. The sodium chloride was heated and observed for one minute.
2. Step one (1) was repeated using the five compounds.
3. The solubility of each of the compounds were tested in water.
4. The electrolytic cell was used to test the conductivity of the compounds in their solution
5. The results obtained were tabulated.



Damelia Coleman Chemistry February 4, 2019




SODIUM CHLORIDE When it was being heated the Due to its ionic bond There are free ions
sodium chloride did not Sodium Chloride is moving in the solution,
change due to its strong ionic soluble in water. therefore it is an ionic
electrostatic bond causing the compound which
substance to have a high allows electricity to
melting point, therefore it conduct.
remained as white solid
COPPER SULPHATE The blue crystals began to Copper Sulphate is Due to the free ions in
turn pale to white powder soluble in water its solution it is an
while it was being heated. because of its ionic ionic compound
During the change it shows bond, so it is able to therefore electricity is
that this compound has a low dissolve in polar able to conduct.
melting point. substances such as
NAPHTHALENE The substance was heated Because of its non- Does not conduct any
rapidly resulting in a polar covalent bond electrical charge
colourless liquid, due to its Naphthalene is because it has no free
low melting point. While this insoluble in water. ions, therefore it is a
substance was burning, it Non-polar substances non-polar covalent
released a similar scent of cannot dissolve in compound.
camphor balls. polar substances.
POTASSIUM NITRATE The white salt crystals melted Because of its ionic This ionic compound
into a brown liquid during the bond, Potassium contains free ions
heating process. Nitrate is soluble in which allows the
water. solution to conduct
electrical charge.
MAGNESIUM During the heating process, Magnesium Sulphate is In this solution it
SULPHATE melting, the substance dried able to dissolve in contained free ions
into white powdered solid water due to its ionic moving around which
substance. Much changes did bond. results in electrical
not took place. charge. Hence it is an
ionic compound.
SUCROSE This compound was heated Sucrose is soluble in Because of its polar
rapidly resulting in a black water because it is a covalent bond it is able
liquid, which shows that this polar covalent to dissolve in water. It
compound has a low melting compound. has no free ions
point. Therefore it is a therefore it cannot
covalent compound. conduct electricity.
Damelia Coleman Chemistry February 4, 2019


Ionic compound is a chemical compound that is composed of metal and non-metal atoms which
are held together by an electrostatic force due to ionic bonding.
Covalent compound is a molecule that is made up of two non-metal atoms which are formed by
covalent bonding, hence they share one or more pairs of valence electrons.

The results shown in the table above represents the occurrence of each compounds and how they
reacted. The various compounds were tested in the given state, by heating, solubility in water
and electrical conductivity in their aqueous state. The results showed how each compound
reacted to the different test.


It can concluded that the ionic compounds were found to be Sodium Chloride, Potassium
Nitrate, Copper Sulphate and Magnesium Sulphate. The covalent compounds that were found
are Sucrose and Naphthalene.

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