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The University of Kansas

KU Writing Center
Writing Guide: Original Research

Original Research
Though writers in any discipline may conduct original research, scientists and social scientists in particular are
interested in controlled investigation and inquiry. Their research often consists of direct and indirect observation in
the laboratory or in the field. Many scientific papers are written to investigate a hypothesis (a statement to be tested);
that is, the writer moves from a concept to specific instances of the concept. Typically, this type of paper builds on
the existing research on the topic, addresses a specific question, presents the findings according to the standard
structure described below, and suggests questions to be investigated in the future. Although the precise order of
research elements may vary somewhat according to the specific task, most include the following elements:

• title page
• abstract
• table of contents
• list of illustrations
• body of the report
• appendix
• references cited

Title Page

The specifications of the title page will vary. If a separate page is required, one format follows: drop down
approximately a third of the page to center the title; double space and then list the author and other required
identifying information of the author; space near to the bottom margin; list recipient of the report; finally, enter the
date of submission. If the title page is expected to be incorporated on the front page, the author's name, identifying
information, the recipient, and date in an upper corner. In this format, the title is listed above the text of the

Whichever format you choose, keep in mind the importance of your title. It draws the reader to your text. It also
facilitates research because retrieval systems often work with keywords extracted from the title or from a list the
author supplies. Select these words with consideration of how prospective readers might attempt to access your
document. When possible, incorporate them into the title.


An abstract is a narrative condensation of a longer written document. It is written with the same organization as the
original document, usually without “review” or comment. Abstract lengths vary by disciplinary expectations and by
the purpose of the project; generally, though, 50-100 words for a short paper and 150-200 for a longer one will serve
as a guide.

Contents of abstracts fall into two categories: indicative and informative. The indicative abstract helps readers to
understand the scope of the original document so that they can determine whether to read it more thoroughly.
Informative, on the other hand, includes the elements of an original research report: its objective, methods, results,
and conclusions.

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KU Writing Center
Writing Guide: Original Research (Page 2)

Whichever type of abstract you write, it should be able to stand alone as a statement separate from the larger

• The title and author’s name need to be incorporated into the abstract or cited on the page.
• Keywords for electronic retrieval need to be incorporated into the text. (They may also be listed at the end
of the abstract text.)
• Bibliographic references and graphics are typically excluded.

Abstracts challenge writers because they require decisions about what constitutes that essence of a document full of
important information. Here are some tips to help you:

• write the final version of your abstract after your paper is completed so the organization and development
of the two documents match.
• begin with a topic sentence: what is this paper about?
• use your outline to confirm that you are summarizing the most important information.
• keep your readers in mind as you develop the abstract.

To help your readers,

• assume that they are generally familiar with the information being abstracted but are interested in
evaluating the usefulness of the entire document for their purposes.
• write concisely but in a readable style so that they can read through the abstract quickly to ascertain the
essence of the larger document.
• don’t slow them down with unnecessary technical jargon or obscure vocabulary and detail.
• begin the abstract paragraphs with topic sentences.
• provide information in each sentence; for example, if it is important enough to include, “a cost was given,”
it is appropriate to give the specifics: “The cost was $5.25 per gallon.”

Abstracts are typically placed prior to the manuscript.

Table of Contents

The table of contents provides the reader the outline and location of specific aspects of your document. Listings in
the table of contents typically match the headings in the paper. The table of contents and elements of the paper prior
to the main text are usually numbered with lower case roman numerals. “Table of contents” is not listed, however,
on the table of contents page. The main document and subsequent pages are counted with Arabic numerals.

List of Illustrations

A listing of illustrations is typically included with longer documents. Under a headings such as “List of Illustrations”
or “List of Tables” are listed number, title, and page number of each illustration.

Body of the Report

If you are asked to write a research report based on original research, the tone will be objective and formal, the
writing should be concise and direct, and the structure is likely to consist of these standard sections: introduction,
methods, results, discussion, and conclusion. Sections are typically identified and subdivided with headings.

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Writing Guide: Original Research (Page 3)
Introduction: Given what the field says about this topic, here is my contribution to this line of inquiry.

The introduction places the study in the research arena. In the introduction, you will define and clarify the state of
the art by citing key literature that has laid the groundwork for this investigation. This review of the literature will
identify relations, contradictions, gaps, and inconsistencies between previous investigations and this one, and
suggest the next step in the investigation chain, which will be your hypothesis. The introduction will be written in
the present tense because it is ongoing information.

Materials and Methods (Procedures): This is how I collected and analyzed the information.

This section recounts the procedures of the study. It will be written in past tense because you have already
completed the study. It must include what is necessary to replicate and validate the hypothesis. What details must
the reader know in order to replicate this study? What were your purposes in this study? The challenge in this
section is to understand the possible readers well enough to include what is necessary without going into detail on
commonly known information. Results should not be recounted in this section.

Results: This is what I found out from my research.

This section reports the findings from your research. Because this section is about research that is completed, it is
written primarily in the past tense. The form and level of detail of the results depends on the hypothesis of the paper,
the goals of this report, and the needs of your audience. Visuals are often used in the results section, but they should
enhance, rather than substitute for your narrative of results. Develop a narrative and visuals that cite key findings
which address your hypothesis. Include any unusual findings that will clarify the data.

Discussion: This is what my findings mean in this situation and in terms of the literature more broadly.

This section is your opportunity to explain the importance and implications of your research. What is the
significance of this research in terms of the hypothesis? In terms of other studies? Incorporate key studies introduced
in the review of literature into your discussion. What questions for future research do these findings suggest?

Because it is ongoing information, the discussion should be written in the present tense. Sometimes the results and
discussion are combined; if doing so, be certain to give fair weight to both.

Conclusion: These are the key findings gained from this research.

Summarize the key findings of your research effort in this brief final section. This section should not introduce new


The appendix includes attachments that are pertinent to the main document but are too detailed to be included in the
main text. These materials should be titled and labeled (for example Appendix A: Questionnaire). The appendix
needs to be referred to in the text so that the reader understands additional useful information is available elsewhere
in the document.

References Cited

See KU Writing Center guides on Citing/Documenting Your Sources.

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Writing Guide: Original Research (Page 4)
Careful editing and proofreading is important in all your writing, but precision is especially important in this type of
writing. Carelessness in your information management or writing will undermine your credibility and raise doubt
about the quality of your research. Therefore, proofread scrupulously.

Section headings are typically incorporated into documents of this sort. For the reader, they function as a guideline
of your reasoning; for you, they serve as a check of the logic and thoroughness of your writing. Review your
headings to confirm that they are concise, informative, and consistent at each level in part of speech. That is, if your
first subheading is a phrase that begins with a verb, all subheadings at that level must be phrases that begin with
verbs, and so on.

If your instructor does not provide specific guidelines, format your final product with a 1 to 1.5 inch margin,
depending on your binding requirements.

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