The Great Gatsby: 1. Describe The Roaring 20s (Own Words)

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Jessika Eslava -5CM

The Great Gatsby

1. Describe the Roaring 20s (own words)

This was the period during the 20s, when the United States and the
West had their greatest economic prosperity, in this period people
decided to give themselves "luxuries" and the money was spent on
entertainment, but without a doubt the most significant thing was the
purchase of cars, this was possible thanks to the beginning of loans and
the payment of credits in this way anyone could access this " richness"
but also the radio and phonographs appeared. In addition to money,
there was also a cultural change as women were finally allowed to vote
and many of them revealed themselves and changed their way of
dressing, their hairstyle and began to be independent. Jazz and dance
were of great importance at this time.

2. One of the themes of the book is the American Dream. Explain why.
(own words)

Even in this time it is called "American dream" the desire that many
people have to change a little their way of living trying their luck in the
United States because it is still a destination with many more
opportunities compared to other countries. I read a piece of information
where they explain that the English pioneers persuaded the citizens of
their country to move to the British colonies in North America, describing
the United States as a land of opportunity and abundance in the 16th

3. Name another theme and explain why. (own words)

subordination: Daisy must fulfill the role of woman of her house in charge
of cleaning the children and her husband, a typical attitude of the time

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