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Trinidad, Joana Marie T.


BSA 22

1. Give 3 adjectives to describe your experience (explain each adjective briefly).

Heartwarming, rewarding, blessed. These are the 3 adjectives that

described my experience in the activity. Heartwarming in the sense of knowing
that I, in my own little way was able to give something to others that can give
them happiness on the day of Christmas. Second, the rewarding feeling was felt
knowing that even though I am still a student who does not have enough capacity
to be able to provide a big help, I was able to give something to others which can
provide them happiness. Lastly, I felt blessed for I have realized that even though
in my own family we don’t get to celebrate Christmas extravagantly, we are still
lucky for we get to have at least a small feast in our tables. Not like other people
who can’t even afford to buy anything to eat even on Christmas.

2. What have you learned about your experience and how did it benefit you as a
Lasallian and as a Christian/person?

At first, whenever I provide help to other people, although I don’t explicitly

tell that I want to receive something as a sign of gratitude, deep inside I am
hoping that there will be something at least. However, after my experience, the
thing that I have learned from giving noche buena package to personnel’s is the
value of not expecting something in return whenever I offer something to others
and just focus on the effect of my help to them for it weighs more. I have also
learned that I should be contented on what I possess, for others may not have
what I have or have less than what I have. In addition, during the duration of the
collection of funds, I learned how to sacrifice a little in order for me to be able to
give my share; my daily allowance in school is just enough for my food and
transportation expense every day, since we are obliged to contribute money for
the donation I started riding jeepney and tricycle going to school than riding van
for me to save some money to be able to contribute. With this experience I have
realized that my small sacrifice of not riding van going to school is nothing
compared to the joy I can provide to the people who will be our beneficiary.
Lastly, I also learned to be thankful for the things I can enjoy now and not feel
jealous of others, for other people might not have the capacity to enjoy even the
simple things. These learning have benefited me as a Lasallian/Christian for I am
able to live out the teachings God wanted us to practice; which is to love others
as I love myself, in this case is also letting them feel the joy of Christmas thru the
noche buena package we gave.

3. After doing your Midterm Main Task, would you still continue doing it, this time on
your personal capacity as an individual person and no longer as a requirement?
Why or why not?

After doing the midterm task, I would gladly continue giving out donations
personally on my own ways. For the reason, the feeling I got after helping people
is indescribable, I felt that the joy in my heart is overflowing because I get to help
other people even if I don’t know them personally. Although I know for a fact that
the help, I can give can be minimal in nature; I know that it can go a long way for
every great thing starts with small beginnings. In addition, I can also encourage
my parents and my friends to also participate with me in these kinds of activities
for us to be able to help more people who are less fortunate than us.
Furthermore, because thru this activity also helped me hone myself to be a more
selfless person, I have learned that in this world I will not always receive but I
should also give something and I think that if I will continue practicing this, I can
develop my character more and eventually be a better version of myself.

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