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6 year old 9 year old 15 year old 15 year 16 year old 33 year old

boy boy female old male male female

Why Is Meat a “Because “Because “I grew up “It taste “I feel like it “because it
part of your diet? my parents my parents eating it” good” makes me has been in
eat it and cook it” stronger my life since
put it in the everyday” i can
food they
cook” remember”

Why is dairy a “Because “I like dairy “I barely “certain “It makes “I grew up
part of your diet? my parents products consume dairy my bones consuming
and think it dairy products stronger” dairy
buy it” plays a big products.
products, make
role for our
body” only butter other
because foods
it's an taste
ingredient better”
in a lot of
hot meals”

Would you say “no” “no” “no” “yes” “No, I can “no”
you're addicted to go without
meat? it”

Do you think it's “No, just for “Not really “no” “no” “no” “no”
necessary to dinner” only for
include meat in breakfast’
all 3 meals?

What do you like “I just like “That its “The “The “The “The
the most about how it taste” different different variety of different different
meat? types and flavors” types and types of textures and
different its also meat and types”
flavors and versatile. seasoning”
seasonings You can
that make it cook it all
taste good” types of

Do you know the “Yes I know “I know its "yes, I “ yes, I “Yes I “I know that
downsides of it's not good not good know that know that know that meat takes
eating meat? for you” for you it cause It can some of it longer to
because it cancer and cause is fake and digest in the
makes you diabetes, processed body and
gain make you and make and that that you can
weight” gain you gain some has get sick if its
weight, weight” harmful not
and I also chemicals thoroughly
know most in it” cooked”
of it is

Would you “no” “No, not at “no” “No its not “To an “No, it's not
consider meat all” healthy” extent” good for the
being healthy? body”

Could you go 6 “yes” “no” “If I really “Only if i “yeah” “Yes, if it

months without wanted to” make it a was a
eating meat? goal” challenge”

Could you go 6 “no” “yeah” “Yes “yes” “no” “Probably

months without because I so”
consuming dairy barely
consume it

Would you ever “no” “Maybe” “no “no” “no” “no”

consider going because I
vegan? still want to
maybe a
n though”

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