Sapot Lokal Campaign Lookbook

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Sap t Lokal

Showcasing the highlights of the Malaysian fresh

food industry in support of small businesses.

General Project Details

Major Project III is a self-negotiated brief about promoting a public

awareness campaign. This includes proposing a suitable strategy that will

address the selected area of concerns and target audience. Visual mock-ups

will need to be developed based on the selected platforms that is best for

communication. Exploring a variety of communication strategies is

encouraged, mainly online platforms with traditional media forms to support if

needed. It is also a requirement to identify a suitable organisation that would

likely support the campaign initiatives and its goals.

A public awareness campaign is a marketing effort to build public

recognition of a problem through media, messaging, and an organized set of

communication tactics. These campaigns target a large number of people

over a specific period of time to try and achieve a certain level of increased

awareness about a cause.

Public awareness campaigns are important in society because they can be

used to encourage the community to take action. They inform the public about

a current problem by highlighting and drawing attention to it in such a way

that the information and education provided can solicit action to make people

want to get involved and contribute to making a change.

Main Topic


COVID-19 has had a disastrous effect on people’s physical

health in the past couple of months. Currently in September

2020, the pandemic has taken the lives of hundred thousands

globally. Besides causing major physical health issues, the

nature of this pandemic to self-isolate and avoid social

contact has taken a toll on the mental health of citizens. One

of the effects experienced is “cabin fever’ syndrome, an

increased restlessness resulting from social isolation.

Besides individuals, businesses as well have suffered during

the current economy crisis. Many small, family owned

businesses have had to close shop due to a lack of

customers. A survey was conducted for campaign

development research to prove these effects are apparent in

Malaysian residents specifically. The following survey data

that supports the above claims was a result of 208 responses,

with respondents being residents of Malaysia, of all age

Further Research and Case Studies

The Tourism, Arts and Culture Ministry cancelled Visit Malaysia 2020 due

to the pandemic. This was supposed to be a big year for the local tourism

industry, but plans and preparation in anticipation of tourists had to be

completely cancelled due to a worldwide travel ban. During the earlier part of

the Movement Control Order (MCO), the smaller businesses in the non-

essentials line (such as in the tourism industry), suffered losses as it had been

hard for them to make a living when no one is allowed to go out of the house

except for necessities, such as to buy groceries. Altogether the losses suffered

in the Tourism industry in just the first half of 2020 amounted to about RM45
Further Research and Case Studies


The nationwide demand for fresh vegetables and fruit dropped ever since the

Movement Control Order (MCO) came into effect on March 18 2020. The

MCO which saw the closure of night markets (pasar malam), farmers’ market

(pasar tani) and many restaurants nationwide, resulted in wholesalers choosing

to buy in smaller quantities to avoid losses.

These articles follow-up on a case where a viral video showed a Cameron

Highlands farmer throwing his fresh-grown veggies into a field due to a lack of

demand of buyers. His buyers were usually merchants from wholesale markets

in Kuala Lumpur and also pasar tani visitors. However, these 2 facilities were

not allowed to operate during the MCO. Many farmers and fresh food sellers

endured similar situations due to the sudden lack of business.

Supporting Survey Results

After research on the above effects of the pandemic on Malaysia, I decided to

focus my campaign on bringing awareness to the Tourism, Food and Economy

sector. The following survey results helped to narrow down the campaign

direction further.

Based on the responses, older respondents (above 60) and those with young

children are not keen to travel due to the risk factors related to these age

groups. When asked when before the pandemic how often did they go on

holiday, 69.7% said occasionally, making this the majority category of this

survey. In the extra thoughts section at the end of the survey, some

respondents said they believe traveling is essential for a healthy mind and soul.

I believe targeting this audience of occasional holiday makers would be

suitable for my campaign, in an effort to convince them that perhaps now

during the Recovery MCO period they should take a break and go on holiday,

as long as they follow the appropriate hygiene rules. In comparison to frequent

travellers, who would have personally had a passion for travel already, it would

be more suitable to direct this campaign towards occasional travellers who

do not travel as often.

Phase 1


Snapchat is a video messaging mobile application that has a key feature

called Snap Map. This is a map with real-time updates that allows you to see

Stories (videos recorded and uploaded by users) from all over the world. Users

can also share their locations with each other and view what’s going on

around them at that certain moment.

A Sapot Lokal Snapchat filter has been created for the duration of the

campaign. It would automatically be included in the list of filters Malaysians

can choose from, with a short introduction about the campaign included.

When travelling Malaysia and buying fresh ingredients, this filter can be used

on Stories uploaded in support of the campaign. When uploaded to the Snap

Map, users from all over Malaysia can view the locations of where these videos

were taken, automatically linking buyers with the vendors locations. Fun

Malaysian state stickers are included in the Snapchat package, adding depth

to this campaign by allowing people to highlight where these unique fresh

ingredients are from, relating it to a specific Malaysian state.

Snap Map
Supporting Survey Results


Majority of the respondents are aware of the economy crisis and have

personally experienced losses in their industry. In the extra thoughts section,

many people lost their jobs or their salary reduced during the pandemic, due

to the lack of business. On the Food side, when asked what is the best thing

about Malaysian food, 85.7% said the wide range of varieties, while only 34%

fresh ingredients. This gave me insight that not many Malaysians relate the

local food industry to the actual fresh food available in the country. When

asked if they prefer to buy imported food products over locally made, 73.4% of

respondents said it depends on the product. This is reasonable because some

foods may specifically be made in certain countries abroad, however I would

like to provide information to Malaysians that our country actually has

specialty products as well, and at this moment it would be good to support

these local food vendors.

Campaign Details
Showcasing the highlights of the Malaysian fresh food

industry in support of small businesses.

To encourage Malaysians to support the local fresh food industry.

Showcase highlights of the local food-tourism industry in the form of a

Food Trail to gain support of Malaysians   

Raise awareness that l ocal fresh food is as good or even better than

what is available overseas 

Educate why we should be supporting local vendors more than ever

now during the economy crisis


Based on the response from the survey

conducted, I would not encourage age groups in

the high-risk category to actively participate in

this campaign as the virus is still apparent in the

country. Also, many have suffered economically

during the pandemic crisis, with some stating they

lost their jobs and have been left unemployed,

and some struggling with their salaries being cut.

Therefore, I would like to focus this campaign towards the audience of:

Employed, city-folk who were occasional travellers before MCO

Age range from 21 to 55 years old
Proposed Client


The proposed client for this campaign is The Tourist Development Corporation

of Malaysia (TDC), or more popularly known as Tourism Malaysia. It was

established in 1972 as an agency under the Malaysian Ministry of Culture, Arts

and Tourism. Its full focus is on promoting Malaysia both domestically and


Their Mission
Marketing Malaysia as a destination of excellence and to make the tourism

industry a major contributor to the socio-economic development of the


Their Objectives
Promote Malaysia as an outstanding tourist destination.

Showcase Malaysia's unique wonders, attractions and cultures by

encouraging tourism and its related industries in Malaysia.

Help develop domestic tourism and provide increased employment

opportunities. The growth of tourism would also contribute positively to the

country's economic development and quality of life.

This client is suitable for this project as this campaign aims to revive the

domestic tourism industry and the losses endured during Visit Malaysia 2020.

This campaign shares the same objectives as the client: to showcase

Malaysian highlights, encouraging people to travel locally more, even after the

pandemic has subsided (in the long run).

The following is the proposed client's current collateral style. Their most

popular item are their postcards. On social media, they use e-posters to

advertise destinations. The key highlights of these collateral I would like to

feature for this campaign's designs are:

Real life photographs of destinations and attractions

Logo in a cursive script

To launch the campaign’s Food Trail, the following media (combining both

digital and traditional) will be utilised:



Online article on Media Website


The key words that would be communicated in the design of this campaign,

are fresh, experience and local. I would like to include a collage of still images

and moving visuals in the collateral, focusing on organic, natural colours.

Handwritten styled fonts will be used to further emphasise the organic, homely

feel of this campaign.


Travelling locally for short breaks was

always an adventure I looked

forward to. I like photography,

especially landscape and food, and

have managed to captured

photographs in the past years that

could be utilised in this campaign

proposal. My favourite photos from

local destinations always include the

Malaysian flag waving in the wind.

The national pride is felt more

against the beautiful backdrop. I

would like to include a Malaysian

flag element, including state flags, in

my artwork, while also featuring

fresh food photographs I have taken

in various states around Malaysia

throughout my travels.


Sap t Lokal

Sapot Lokal is a slang term used in the Malay language. The slogan

emphasises that this campaign works both ways: giving vendors a chance to

recover after the initial MCO, but also fresh food for you. Geotag symbol with

the Malaysian flag to emphasise that this is a travel campaign, but paired with

bright visuals of the ingredients.


While planning out the collateral for this campaign, several sketches were

done to determine the photo collage layouts on different online and physical

platforms. There needed to be a consistency in the look throughout the

collateral. The following were my sketched plans for the social media section

of my proposed campaign, specifically for Facebook and Snapchat. Postcards

were drafted to be part of the physical items section of the campaign.






Campaign Execution Plan


October 2020 Attract attention 
Launch of FB group

Introduction & purpose

Snap Map

November 2020 Gain interest
Desire to participate
Weekly photo challenge

Online article

December 2020
Take action
Food Trail Map

Phase 1


Facebook Groups are a community-based group on the social media platform,

Facebook. It is a virtual space for members to share ideas, communicate and

give insight on a mutual topic of interest. The reason why a group was chosen

to launch this campaign, instead of the more common Facebook Page, is

because it is more interactive among members. With a Page, it is mainly a one-

way communication between the administrator and the members, but with a

Group there is a strong sense of sharing within a community. Anyone can post

what they have learnt and share any personal knowledge they have. This

connects and brings people together on a single platform.

This group would launch with Introduction posts on the campaign, its objective

and how the community plays a role in this. The reason why Malaysians should

Sapot Lokal will be explained and the importance of eating fresh ingredients

in our lives.

Facebook Group Cover Photo

To gain more traction and more members to the Sapot Lokal Facebook Group,

a simple introduction directing people to the Group would be posted on

Tourism Malaysia’s official Facebook Page, which has a large following of 3

million likes. The reason why I have not proposed for the Sapot Lokal campaign

to be directly posted on his Page is because the current audience for the

Tourism Malaysia page is majority non-Malaysians who have plans to visit

Malaysia or have visited before. However, the campaign’s audience is focused

towards residents of Malaysia, which I believe a community experience would

be better achieved in a separate campaign Group.


Sapot Lokal Group

A campaign in association with Tourism

Malaysia showcasing the highlights of the
Malaysian fresh food industry in support
of... See More

When following the Tourism Malaysia Snapchat account, a list is created of all

the users using the filter for the day. The content is refreshed every 24 hours,

allowing for new content and locations to be featured everyday. This will be

an activity where users could click & discover different places on the Snap

Map, adding locations to their wish list and exposing where these fresh

ingredients come from.

Snapchat Filter Snapchat Filter Mock-up

Sticker Series Filter & Stickers Mock-up
Phase 2


After the first month since the Group has been launched, a weekly photo

challenge will be launched. The mechanics of the competition is that once

every week, a topic regarding fresh food would be released on the group. For

example, it could be in relation to a colour (red, green etc.), where the food is

grown (in the hills, from the sea etc.) or even the taste of the food (sweet,

spicy etc.).

After this topic is posted, the challenge is for members of the group to post

photos/videos that only feature vendors that fit into that category. They are

required to include information on the location and what is on sale.

Participants could be fresh food vendors themselves featuring their own

business, and behind the scenes moments on how the food is cultivated.

Photo Challenge Submission Examples

The most interesting posts that were posted throughout the week based on the

topic will get the chance to be featured on the Tourism Malaysia page

through the re-share option on both posts and Facebook Stories. This would

be a great opportunity for vendors to gain exposure with 3 million followers

tuning into the Page. This would also redirect interested people to become

members of the Sapot Lokal group to follow up on the topics featured in the

future weeks.

This would open up a wide array of locations which could be added to

people’s personal travel list, and even open up ingredients people did not

know was available within certain states. To inspire members to share more

and give an example of what should be posted, visually attractive e-posters

would be posted throughout the challenge topic period. 3 examples have

been developed for the mock-up items of this campaign.

Tourism Malaysia Page Mock-up

The Food Trail


The Food Trail is a compilation of the top fresh ingredients from each state in

Malaysia, encouraging people to include some of these locations on their next

road trip to get a taste of these specialities. To introduce the Food Trail, an

online article will be published on a Malaysian social news website. I have

proposed SAYS Malaysia. They create shareable, viral articles that expose and

discuss new trends.

The content of this article would include an introduction of this campaign and

the highlighted ingredient from each state in Malaysia. This will be the most

popular ingredient that is grown in that state. The purpose of this article is to

inspire readers to Sapot Lokal and realise that these small businesses need our

support more than ever now. A link to the Facebook Group will be included in

the article to redirect interested readers to follow up with more locations on

the Food Trail Map.

Sap t Lokal #SapotLokal: Savour these 12 fresh delights
on a road trip along the Food Trail Map
A fresh start for small businesses with the freshest food for you.

Published for Tourism Malaysia


Phase 3


After the previous activities have been completed, a Food Trail Map will be

developed and incorporated in the Tourism Malaysia website. This will be a

compilation of all the information gained on the Facebook group – including a

list of vendors who would like to be featured on the Food Trail Map. This would

be a map of Malaysia with state geotag symbols scattered throughout the

country. Each geotag represents the location of the participant vendor.

Clicking on each geotag would allow the reader to see information on that

specific vendor in that state, including their success stories from being

featured on this campaign. For example, clicking on a rambutan fruit seller in

a rural part of Kelantan could show you how a simple post on the Facebook

Group increased visitors and sales to his orchard by 50%. This is to emphasise

one of the objectives of this campaign to educate others how supporting local

vendors can make a difference in their lives.

Using this map allows you to choose the destination you are travelling to and it

will show all the vendors you can visit on your road trip. All the stops you can

make between your starting destination and your end. This map will be the

closing feature of this campaign, with it running after the campaign ends so

people could use the information to plan roadtrips locally in the long run after

the pandemic is over.


Postcards are the proposed client Tourism Malaysia’s most popular brand

collateral, with different series being released every year. A postcard series

would be released for this campaign that features the highlight ingredient

from each state. It features the state geotag and an overview of the place the

fruit is grown. The purpose of this postcard is to allow people to feel the

accomplishment of travelling to that state and collecting the postcard which

can only be bought from that state.

The act of receiving a postcard was a rare experience during the height of the

pandemic, as no one globally was allowed to travel for leisure. The feelings I

want conveyed on the receivers end by reading this postcard is to realise that

travel is allowed again and there are interesting sights to see within the

country, as featured on the bright photographs in the postcard. Receiving a

postcard from their loved one would be a personal encouragement to step out

of the house and travel safely.

Postcard Front & Back

There have been certain campaign goals or milestones that would be defined

as success criteria:

1000 members in the Sapot Lokal Facebook Group      

500 people contribute to the Snapchat Snap Map 

200 postcards sent out across Malaysia

Active participation in the Food Trail Map

Online article shared throughout social media


People are encouraged to travel to food key spots, even

after the pandemic has subsided (in the long run)     

More people being cautious about buying local products as

much as often

Understand that what we have in Malaysia is as good or

even better as foreign made products


I believe public awareness is important in informing others on issues happening

in our country. The success of a campaign like this could make a difference in

thousands lives. For the expected outcome of this campaign, I hope that

people are encouraged to travel to fresh food key spots, even after the

pandemic has subsided.

The Food Trail Map on the website allows access to these locations long after

the campaign has ended. I hope that this would make people reconsider and

be cautious about buying local products as often, instilling the importance of

buying local, especially during this period of the world. People should

understand that what we have in Malaysia, the unique ingredients that cannot

be found anywhere else, is as good or even better that foreign obtained


To close, the result of this campaign idea is from my wanderlust travel spirit

who missed travelling during the MCO months. I hope the pandemic subsides

in the coming years and that the world would never see a restricted year like

2020 ever again. Thank you for reading and do get in contact with me if you

would like to find out more about this campaign proposal. Thank you.

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Blogs. Available at:


Stock images used derived from Unsplash (

Helena Roshnee Eswaran


Intake: APT3F1911ABM

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