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HW499 Unit 5 Assignment


HW499 Unit 5 Assignment

Complementary and Alternative Medicine Course Syllabus

Credit Hours: 4.5

Course Description:

This community course is designed to explore different forms of complementary and

alternative medicine (CAM), specifically meditation. We will use lecture, discussions, and

handouts to examine the history of meditation, various types of meditation, its effects on the

body and the research behind it, its practical use in everyday scenarios, and if there are any

practitioners in the community. The course will end with an ungraded group quiz and discussion

to answer questions that were not addressed in class. The course requires full attendance each

week to pass and receive all credit hours.

Learning Objectives:

By the end of the three-week course, students should be able to:

o 1. Understand the difference between CAM and allopathic medicine

o 2. Articulate the history and origins of meditation

o 3. Recognize at least three different types of meditation

o 4. Understand and explain the physiological effects of meditation on the body

o 5. Discuss research that supports with meditative practices

o 6. Identify any meditation instructors that practice in the community

Course Materials:

Course materials are provided to students with the exception of a writing utensil.

Notebooks, laptops, tablets, etc. are not necessary but students may bring them if they wish to

take notes with them.


Course Policies:

There will be no graded assignments are homework for the duration of the course,

however students are encouraged to participate as fully as possible. This course is open to the

community and welcomes all community members from various backgrounds and cultures;

disrespectful or overly disruptive behavior and language may result in dismissal from the class.

Policies and procedures specific to the campus and its facilities should always be observed and

followed. Questions regarding those policies and procedures should be directed to the college


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