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CYBER SECURITY  Confidentiality refers to protecting information

OBJECTIVES from being accessed by unauthorized parties. In

To understand: other words, only the people who are authorized
 Definition of Cyber Security to do so can gain access to sensitive data.
 Importance Cyber Security
 Cyber Security Objectives  A failure to maintain confidentiality means that
 Major Security Problems in Cyber Field someone who shouldn’t have access has managed
 How to Implement and Maintain Security of a to get it, through intentional behavior or by
Cyber Field Around Us accident. Such a failure of confidentiality,
commonly known as a breach
Meaning of the Word CYBER
 It is combining from relating to information  Your bank account data, for example, is more
technology, the Internet and virtual reality. sensitive than your email address, and so online
banking security is stronger than accessing your
DEFINITION OF CYBER SECURITY email account. Passwords, data encryption
 The term cyber security is used to refer the methods, and security tokens are all examples of
security offered through online services to methods to protect privacy and keep our
protect your online information. information confidential.
 With an increasing amount of people getting
connected to Internet, the security threats that 3. AVAILABILITY
cause massive harm are increasing also.  The property of being accessible and usable upon
 Cyber Security and Information Security differs demand by an authorized entity.
only in its response and reduction/prevention
 Cyber Security encompasses all aspects of  Availability means that information is
security namely, physical, technical, accessible by authorized users.
environmental, regulations and compliance
including third parties involved in delivering an  Information and other critical assets are
objective accessible to customers and the business when
needed. Note, information is unavailable not only
CYBER SECURITY OBJECTIVES when it is lost or destroyed, but also when
 Integrity – authenticity access to the information is denied or delayed
 Confidentiality – disclosure
 Availability- Access  Imagine a flood or fire damages your computer,
for example—would you be prepared for the
1. INTEGRITY consequences? Backing up your data frequently
 The property of safeguarding the accuracy and having a disaster recovery plan could help
and completeness of assets should the worst ever happen.
 Integrity refers to ensuring the authenticity of
information—that information is not altered,
and that the source of the information is
 Imagine that you have a website and you sell  • Our world today is ruled by technology and we
products on that site. Now imagine that an can’t do without it at all. From booking our flight
attacker can shop on your web site and tickets, to catching up with an old friend,
maliciously alter the prices of your technology plays an important role in it.
products, so that they can buy anything
for whatever price they choose. That would  • However, the same technology may expose you
be a failure of integrity, because your when it’s vulnerable and could lead to loss of
information—in this case, the price of a essential data. Cyber security, alongside physical
product—has been altered and you didn't commercial security has thus, slowly and
authorize this alteration steadily, become one of the most important topics
 For example, you wouldn’t be given access to
in the business industry to be talked about.
view or change the payroll systems in a
company unless you worked in the finance  • Cyber security is necessary since it helps in
department securing data from threats such as data theft or
misuse, also safeguards your system from viruses.
 The property that information is not made MAJOR SECURITY PROBLEMS
available or disclosed to unauthorized  Virus
individuals, entities, or processes  Hacker
 Malware
 Trojan Horses
 Password Cracking  Tim Berners-Lee - One of the most famous
names in computer science, Berners-Lee is the
1. VIRUSES AND WORMS founder of the World Wide Web. Today he
 Virus is a malware attached to a carrier such serves as the director of the World Wide Web
as an email message or a word processing Consortium (W3C), which oversees the
development of the web.
 Virus – malware attached to a carrier such as
an email message or a word processing  Greg Hoglund -Computer forensics expert
document Hoglund is best known for his work and
 A virus is a program that loaded on to your research contributions in malware detection,
computer without your knowledge and runs rootkits and online game hacking. In the past,
against your wishes. he worked for the U.S. government and the
 Worm is a malware that can autonomously intelligence community.
spread itself without a carrier, using  Richard M. Stallman - Founder of the GNU
information about connected computers project, a free software project that promotes
 Examples: freedom with regard to the use of computers,
 ILOVEYOU – referred to as Love Bug or Stallman is a prime example of a “good guy”
Love letter for you, this computer virus
hacker. Stallman founded the free software
caused $10 billion worth of damages
movement in the mid-1980s, with the idea that
 MEliSSA – a mass-mailing macro virus
that targeted MS Word and Outlook based computers are meant to support cooperation,
system. It caused $80 million worth of not hinder it.
 Code Red- a computer worm that attacked 2. GRAY HAT HACKERS
Microsoft’s IIS web server and caused  The term "grey hat", "greyhat" or "gray hat"
damage of $2 billion refers to a computer hacker or computer security
 Mydoom- a worm also known as Win32. expert who may sometimes violate laws or typical
Mydoom affected Windows computer and ethical standards, but does not have the malicious
caused $38.5 billion worth of damages intent typical of a black hat hacker.
Solution: Install a security suite that protects the  A hacker from Russia named Alexey tried on the
computer against threats such as viruses and worms.
image of Robin Hood, hacking,
2. HACKER according to ZDNet, more than 100 thousand
 In common a hacker is a person who breaks into MikroTik routers. True, his goal was not to obtain
computers, usually by gaining access to confidential information, to set up a botnet or
administrative controls other illegal activities. All Alex wanted was to
change the device settings to protect them from
 Examples:
outside intrusion.
o Kevin Mitnick – who is considered to be
the father of hacker& worlds most famous
 A black hat hacker (or black-hat hacker) is a
o Sergey Glazunov- who is considered to be
hacker who "violates computer security for little
the chrome hacker and wins 60,000
reason beyond maliciousness or for personal
 Kevin Mitnick
 White Hat Hacker
 Without a doubt, one of the best black hat
 Grey Hat Hacker
hackers to ever hit the tech world. He was, at one
 Black Hat HackeR point, the most wanted cybercriminal in the
world—and still remains one of the most
notorious in hacking history. He's even been
1. WHITE HAT HACKERS featured in documentaries abouthacking because
 The terms white hat in internet slang refers to of how smart he is.
an ethical computer hacker, or a computer  Kevin Mitnick's crimes included stealing secrets
security expert, who specializes in penetration from major companies like IBM and Motorola,
testing and in other testing methodologies to and even hacking into the National Defense
ensure the security of an organization’s warning system. He spent two stints in jail, but
information systems that need to hack never quite went away.
 Examples:
 Richard Pryce and Matthew Bevan
 Believe it or not, these two were only 21 and 17 To avoid trojans
when they became known as two of the best  Security suites, such as Avast Internet
black hat hackers in the world. They had a bunch Security will prevent you from downloading
of capers that made them wanted criminals— trojans
including hacking into multiple US military
 Password attacks by the hackers that are able
To prevent hacking
to determine passwords or find passwords to
 It may be impossible to prevent computer different protected electronic areas and social
hacking. networks sites.
, however effective security controls including  Example:
strong passwords, and the use of firewalls can

 The word "malware" comes from the
term "MALicious softWARE."
 Software that has some malicious intent
and which is installed on a user’s
computer without that user’s consent.
 Key loggers – Software installed on a
computer that captures key strokes and
sends these to a remote system. Used
to try and get personal information to
gain access to sites such as banks
 Ransomware– Software that runs on a
user’s computer and demands that the
user pays some other organization. If
they don’t, the information on their
computer will be destroyed.
 Malware can usually spread itself
from one computer to another either as
 virus or as a worm
 To stop malware
 Download an anti-malware program that
also helps prevent infections.
 Do not download from unknown sources
 Activate Network Treat Protection,
Firewall, Antivirus

Trojan horses are email viruses that can duplicate
themselves, steal information, or harm the computer
♦ These viruses are the most serious threats to
 Examples
• CryptoLocker- a trojan horse that
infects the system and looks for files
to encrypt. It caused $3 million worth
of damages
• Storm Worm- a backdoor trojan horse
that affected windows operating
system. It caused $80 millionworth of

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