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UNIT 9 – 10 – 11 – 12
 ¿Que estabas haciendo ayer?
 What were you doing yesterday?
Ayer estaba estudiando Ingles en el Cambridge
Yesterday I was studying English at Cambridge.
 ¿Qué hiciste el último fin de semana?
 What did you do the last weekend?
El fin de semana yo fuí a trabajar en el campo con mi familia.
On the weekend I went to work in the fields with my family.
 ¿Tuviste un accidente el domingo?
 Did you have an accident on Sunday?
No, I Didn’t have an accident on Sunday.
No , ai didend jab an accident on sandei

Reacción a una historia Puede comentar lo que dicen otras personas para
demostrar que está escuchando y que está interesado en la conversación.
Reacting to a story You can comment on things other people say to show you're
listening and interested in the conversation.
• Puedes usar expresiones de sorpresa como ¡Oh, no!, Oh ,. . . , ¿De verdad ?,
¡Estás bromeando!:
• You can use expressions of surprise like Oh, no!, Oh, . . . , Really?, You're
A: Todo se pegó al fondo de la sartén y se quemó.
A: It all stuck to the bottom of the pan and burned.
B : Oh, no!
• Puede dar información personal o sus opiniones:
• You can give personal information or your opinions:
R: Estábamos haciendo curry tailandés para un grupo de personas. . .
A: We were making Thai curry for a bunch of people . . .
B: Oh, me encanta la comida tailandesa.
B: Oh, I love Thai food.

• Puedes usar expresiones con eso + adjetivo:

• You can use expressions with that's + adjective:
A: Luego escondí la sartén quemada debajo del fregadero
A: Then I hid the burnt pan under the sink.
B: Oh, that's hilarious. B: Oh, eso es gracioso.
 Tell me one sentence comparing a city or a friend:
 Use one of these expressions in a telephone conversation:
Just a minute / second. Excuse me just a second. I'm sorry. Hold on (a second).
Could / Can you hold on a second? What were you saying? You were saying?
Where were we? What were we talking about?
 Phrases with verb +-ing and prepositions: You can use phrases with verb +-ing
or phrases with prepositions to identify people you can see. You can use them
to describe what people are doing or wearing, where they are, or what they
look like.
 Phrases with verb +-ing You can use phrases with verb +-ing to say what
someone is doing or wearing:
A: Which one is your roommate?
B: She's the woman standing by the table. or B She's the woman wearing (the)
black pants.
You can also use phrases with verb +-ing to ask questions about people you can
A: Who's the guy talking to Rosa's roommate? B The guy wearing (the) yellow
pants? My brother.
Remembering a name or a word
• When you can't remember a name . . . :
What's his / her name?
Do you remember that guy? Oh, what's his / her name?
Do you remember that cool guy in our class last year? Oh, what's his name?
• When you can't remember a word . . . :
What do you call it / them?
What do you call that . . . / those . . . ?
He always wore those baggy pants with all the pockets. What do you call
them? And he had long hair and a funny little beard . . . what do you call that?
Que vas hacer cuando te gradues?
 What are you going to do when you graduate?
Cuando yo me graude

All right and OK: You can use All right or OK when you agree to something:

A: Remind me to bring my beach umbrella.

B: All right / OK.

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