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Comparative Analysis of Judaism, Christianity,

and Islam
Christianity, Islam and Judaism are considered as the three most influential world
religions in history. With millions of followers, these three influences how people live and
shapes their ideas and convictions. The three monotheistic religions clearly trace their
common roots from the Patriarch Abraham, hence the label Abrahamic religions.

• The three Abrahamic religions originated from a region we now call Southwest Asia
• also called Semitic religions since they came from an area where people speak
Semitic languages, particularly Hebrew, Aramaic, and Arabic
• Judaism originated from a land called Canaan; Christianity began in Palestine; while
Islam developed in Arabia

ORIGIN: Abraham as Patriarch

Judaism Christianity Islam

• Oldest among the three, • was formed around 33 • started around 622 C.E.,
beginning at around C.E in an area called originated from Mecca,
3,500 B.C.E Palestine with Muhammad,
• Ancient Israelites trace • Christians trace their considered the last
the origin of their nation origins to Jesus Christ, prophet or “Seal of the
and religion to one family born when the area was Prophet”
lead by Abraham, a under Roman Empire • It was during one of his
nomadic shepherd who • It was a time visits to a cave that the
entered into a covenant characterized by social angel Gabriel appeared
with God and heir to the disorder, political before him, delivering
Promised Land, Canaan. turmoil, uprisings, the message of God Allah
• The Hebrew Bible further poverty, heavy taxation, that he was chosen to
narrates how the 12 food shortage, and found a new religion and
tribes of Israel founded epidemics. To quell the preach that Allah is the
the nation of Israel and rebellion and implement only God that should be
Jacob, being the heir to a semblance of order, worshipped
the covenant, made a pact those who participated • But his teaching of
with God that they will be in armed uprisings were equality and
liberated from Egyptian crucified. brotherhood threatened
enslavement if they will • Jesus’ public ministry the power of the rich
continue to follow God’s were considered a threat Quraysh tribe so he was
commandments. to Roman authority so forced to escape to
He was arrested,
whipped, and crucified as
a penalty for what He Medina to avoid
did. persecution.

• They all developed during a time of political turmoil and social inequalities
(Egyptian enslavement of the Jews, Roman colonization of Christians, and the
economic dominance of the Quraysh tribe in Mecca)
• The conditions in society gave birth to religions which serve as the liberating force
that would provide the people with hope for a better life.
• All three religions developed belief in one God, or monotheism.
• The role of angels as messengers of God were evident among the three
• The story of creation
• The belief in Abraham as the patriarch of the three religions – the “Father of Many
Nations”; He was the ideal follower of God, for he followed God’s will

MORALITY: Living a God-like Life

Judaism Christianity Islam
• They are God’s chosen • Christians considers • Islamic concept of
people and in return following Jesus Christ’s morality and ethic is
they should follow His footsteps as basis of based on having faith in
commandments morality; Christians are one God, which is
expected to live a life for manifested in exhibiting
others righteousness and piety
• The Ten
• When one is led astray • A strong relationship
Commandments serve as
from God’s teachings, with God is the key to
a summary of all the
the Sacraments will help achieving virtue and
laws found in the Torah
in reconciling oneself to conduct
• “an eye for an eye, a
God (Sacrament of • Since Islam is considered
tooth for a tooth” – equal
Confession) not only as a religion, but
compensation for
• Unlike Judaism, as a way of life as well,
damage or loss, often in
Christianity does not moral righteousness is
the form of money and
advocate for retribution expected of Muslims in
not physical harm
since Christians are their everyday lives
• Treating others as you
advised to love their • Islam values holiness,
would have yourself
enemies humility, and
treated by others serves
accountability to God,
as a basis for Jewish
who is all-knowing
morality and ethics
• Charity is also
• People were created in
considered important
the likeness of God,
therefore we all have
goodness in ourselves
that’s why we should
treat each other well.
• Emphasis on the worship of one God as the basis of morality
• Concern for others as a manifestation of one’s love of God
• Judaism, Christianity and Islam believe that God is the only source of forgiveness
for humanity and only those who follow the righteous path will go to Heaven, while
those who lived a life away from God will go to Hell.

PURPOSE: To Love and Serve God

Judaism Christianity Islam
• Jews strive to become • The purpose of life is to • The purpose of life is to
god-like or imitate God love and serve God love and serve God
and possess the • A persons’ sin does not • Muslim must submit to
attributed and traits of devalue a person from the Allah and recognize that
God by being holy eyes of God, Christians Mohammed is His
believed that everyone is prophet
capable of redemption,
including sinners.
• All three religions believe that the main purpose of life is to worship and serve God,
follow God’s will, and show this love of God by sharing with other people and
helping the ones in need.

DESTINY: God’s Will and Free Will

Judaism Christianity Islam
• believes in • God wanted all of • Predestiny is more
predetermination, but it humanity to be saved, for emphasized
is humanity’s free will God created Hell not for • Muslims believe they are
that is the deciding factor humans but for Satan given free will by God
in the end and his demons. which allows them to live
• God places each and Therefore, it is their lives as they wish
every one in different humanity’s predestiny to • Unlike Judaism and
stations to challenge us to be saved. Christianity, in Islam even
do our best in serving • But since God gave us the decision we make out
Him no matter what our free will, it is up to us to of free will is governed by
circumstances are. claim that salvation God’s will
• One’s lifestyle will be the • God may have the best • Muslims believe that if
deciding factor on plans for us, but our something is not meant
whether God’s plan will actions and decisions by God to happen, it will
succeed or not determine whether Gpd’s not happen no matter
plans will materialize or how hard we try to make
not it happen and vice versa.
• Predestiny refers to the belief that all events are determined in advance by divine
will or fate.

VIEWS ON WOMEN: Women Have Subordinate Status

Judaism Christianity Islam
• propagates unequal • supposed to have a more • In theory, Islam treats
view of men and women positive regard for men and women equally
• men are superior to women for it is stated in the
women, women were • Some believe that Jesus Quran that men and
excluded from was a feminist because of women are equal in the
priesthood and His high regard for eyes of God
numerous religious women, He spoke • However, certain Islamic
duties frequently to women and practices contradict that
• Women are considered allowed them to be claim; some of these
impure for about half of included in His followers practices are the limited
each month because of • It was the Roman Empire access to education,
menstruation that became responsible seclusion, strict veiling,
• Divorce is allowed in for the formation of polygyny
Judaism, with men easily Christian Church, using • Muhammad decided that
divorcing their wives their political structures men should be allowed to
as models, which was have more than one wide
very hierarchical and to accommodate the
patriarchal widows and orphans of
those who died in the

• In general, women are treated as subordinate to men in the three Abrahamic

religions; they only differ in the levels of women subordination
• It is ironic that religions have claimed to liberate people from oppression but fail to
do so with their own women

Judaism Christianity Islam
Founders/ Early
Abraham, Moses Jesus, Peter, Paul Muhammad
Roman Catholic;
Orthodox, Reform,
Branches/Sects Eastern Orthodox; Sunni, Shi'a, Sufism
Hebrew Bible Qur'an (sacred text); Bible (Hebrew Bible
(Tanakh); Talmud Hadith (tradition) + New Testament)
One God: Yahweh One God, who is a One God (Allah in
God & Spirits
(YHVH) Trinity of Father, Arabic); the same
Son and Holy Spirit; God revealed
angels; demons; (imperfectly) in the
saints Jewish and Christian
Son of God, God
true prophet of God,
incarnate, Word of
Jesus false prophet whose message has
God, Messiah, savior
been corrupted
of the world
Day of Worship Saturday Sunday Friday
Eid-al-Fitr, Eid-al-
Yom Kippur, Days of Lent, Holy Week,
Major Holiday Adha, month of
Awe, Passover Easter
priest, bishop,
Clergy rabbis patriarch, pope, imams
pastor, minister,
preacher, deacon
Five Pillars: Faith,
Circumcision at Prayer, Alms,
birth, bar/bat Pilgrimage, Fasting.
Prayer, Bible study,
mitzvah at Mosque services on
baptism, Eucharist
adulthood, Fridays. Ablutions
Practices (Communion),
observing Sabbath, before prayer. No
church on Sundays,
wearing tallit and alcohol or pork.
numerous holidays.
tefilin, prayer Holidays related to
services the pilgrimage and
fast of Ramadan.

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