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Perfect Education

Date: 10/09/2020
Time: 3 hours 0 min Max. Marks: 186


Multiple Choice Question

Q1 Choose the correct alternative (s)

a) If the greatest height to which a man can throw a stone is h, then the
   greatest horizontal distance upto which he can throw the stone is 2h.

b) The angle of projection for a projectile motion whose range R is n

   times the maximum height is tan–1(4/n)

c) The time of flight T and the horizontal range R of a projectile are

   connected by the equation gT2 = 2Rtan where is the angle of

d) A ball is thrown vertically up. Another ball is thrown at an angle

   with the vertical. Both of them remain in air for the same period of
time. Then the ratio of heights attained by the two balls 1 : 1.

Q2 A bead is free to slide down a smooth wire tightly stretched between

points A and B on a vertical circle. If the bead starts from rest at A, the
highest point on the circle

a)    its velocity v on arriving at B is proportional to cos

b)    its velocity v on arriving at B is proportional to tan

c)    time to arrive at B is proportional to cos
d)    time to arrive at B is independent of
Q3 If T is the total time of flight, h is the maximum height & R is the range
for horizontal motion, the x & y co-ordinates of projectile motion and
time t are related as :
a)    b)    c)   
y = 4h y = 4h y = 4h

y = 4h

Q4 A man on a rectilinearly moving cart, facing the direction of motion,

throws a ball straight up with respect to himself
a)    The ball will always return to him
b)    The ball will never return to him
c)    The ball will return to him if the cart moves with constant velocity

d) The ball will fall behind him if the cart moves with some

Q5 A particle moves in the xy plane with a constant acceleration 'g' in the

negative y-direction. Its equation of motion is y = ax–bx2, where a and b
are constants. Which of the following are correct?
a)    The x-component of its velocity is constant.

At the origin, the y-component of its velocity is a

c)    At the origin, its velocity makes an angle tan–1(a) with the x-axis.

d)    The particle moves exactly like a projectile.

Q6 A ball is rolled off along the edge of a horizontal table with velocity 4
m/s. It hits the ground after time 0.4 s. Which of the following are
a)    The height of the table is 0.8 m

b)    It hits the ground at an angle of 60° with the vertical

c)    It covers a horizontal distance 1.6 m from the table

d)    It hits the ground with vertical velocity 4 m/s

Q7 A particle is projected from the ground with velocity u at angle with
horizontal. The horizontal range, maximum height and time of flight are
R, H and T respectively. They are given by,

R= ,H= , and T =

Now keeping u as fixed, is varied from 30° to 60°. Then,

a) R will first increase then decrease, H will increase and T will
b)    R will first increase then decrease while H and T both will increase

c)    R will decrease while H and T will increase

d)    R will increase while H and T will increase
Q8 A particle moves with constant speed v along a regular hexagon ABCDEF
in the same order. Then the magnitude of the average velocity for its
motion from A to
a)    F is v/5 b)    D is v/3 c)    C is v d)    B is v


Q9 The co-ordinates of a moving particle at a time t, are give by,

x = 5 sin 10 t, y = 5 cos 10t. The speed of the particle is :
Ans. 50
Q10 Tangential acceleration of a particle moving in a circle of radius 1
m varies with time t as (initial velocity of particle is zero). Time
after which total acceleration of particle makes and angle of 30°
with radial acceleration is x2\3 then find x.

Ans. 2
Q11 A particle moves along a straight line in such a way that it’s
acceleration is increasing at the rate of 2 m/s3. It’s initial
acceleration and velocity were 0, the distance covered by it in t = 3
second is. (in m)
Ans. 9
Q12 Balls are thrown vertically upward in such a way that the next ball
is thrown when the previous one is at the maximum height. If the
maximum height is 5m, the number of balls thrown per minute
will be
Ans. 60
Q13 A particle of mass 1 kg is acted upon by a force 'F' which varies as
shown in the figure. If initial velocity of the particle is 10 ms–1, the
maximum velocity attained by the particle during the period is (in
Ans. 110
Q14 A ball is projected from top of a tower with a velocity of 5 m/s at
an angle of 53° to horizontal. Its speed when it is at a height of 0.45
m from the point of projection is : (in m/s)
Ans. 4

Paragraph SCQ

A projectile crosses two walls of equal height H symmetrically as shown      

Q15 If the horizontal distance between the two walls is d = 120 m, then the
range of the projectile is
a)    240 m b)   160 m c)   300 m d)   cannot be obtained

Q16 The angle of projection of the projectile is

a)    tan –1 (3/4) b)    tan –1 (4/3) c)    tan –1 (4/5) d)    tan –1 (3/5)
Paragraph SCQ

At t = 0 a projectile is fired from a point O(taken as origin) on the ground with
a speed of 50 m/s at an angle of 53° with the horizontal. It just passes two
points A & B each at height 75 m above horizontal as  shown.    

Q17 The horizontal separation between the points A and B is

a)   30 m b)    60 m c)   90 m d)   None

Q18 The distance (in metres) of the particle from origin at t = 2 sec.
a)    b)    100 c)    60 d)    120
Multiple Choice Question

Q19 Which pair of atomic numbers represents s-block elements?

a)    3, 12 b)    6, 12 c)    7, 15 d)    9, 17

Q20 The elements with atomic numbers 35, 53 and 85 are all
a)    noble gases b)    halogens c)    heavy metals d)    light metals

Q21 For the reaction 2P + Q R, 12 mol of P and 8 mol of Q are taken then
a)    3 mol of R is produced b)    6 mol of R is produced

c)    25% of Q is left behind d)    25% of Q has reacted

Q22 For which of the following compounds molar mass and equivalent mass
are same.
a)    HNO 3 b)    MgSO 4 c)    H 3 PO 2 d)    NaCl

Q23 Which of the following concentrations depends upon temperature.

a)    Molarity b)    Normality c)    Mole fraction d)    Molality

Q24 Which of the following compounds have same percent by mass

a)    Glucose b)    Acetic acid c)    Ethanol d)    Sucrose

Q25 3.2 grams of methane is exploded with 12.8 grams of oxygen.Select

correct statements-
a)    Methane is excess reactant. b)    both are limiting reactants.

c)    8.8 grams of CO2 is produced. d)    3.6 grams of H2O is produced.

Q26 Select correct statements-
a)    Molar mass of substance is variable.
b)    Equivalent mass of substance is variable.

c)    Equivalent mass of substance is always fixed.

d)    Equivalent mass and Molar mass may be equal for substance

Q27 What is the molarity of H2SO4 solution that has a density of 1.84
g/cc and contains 98% by mass of H2SO4? (Given atomic mass of S =
Ans. 18.4
Q28 The molarity of the solution containing 2.8%( mass / volume)
solution of KOH is : (Given atomic mass of K = 39 ) is (Answer
should be reported as multiplied by 100):
Ans. 50
Q29 If one mole of ethanol (C2H5OH) completely burns to form carbon
dioxide and water, the weight of (in gm) carbon dioxide formed is
about :
C2H5OH + 3O2 2CO2 + 3H2O
Ans. 88
Q30 0.5 mole of H2SO4 is mixed with 0.2 mole of Ca(OH) 2. The
number of moles of CaSO4 formed is :
(Answer should be reported as multiplied by 40):
Ans. 8
Q31 Density of ozone relative to methane under the same temperature
& pressure conditions is :
Ans. 3
Q32 How many statements related to the modern Periodic Table is
(1) The p-block has 6 columns, because a maximum of 6 electrons
can occupy all the orbitals in a p-shell
(2) The d-block has 8 columns because a maximum of 8 electrons
can occupy all the orbitals in a d-subshell
(3) Each block contains a number of columns equal to the number
of electrons that can occupy that subshell
(4) The block indicates value of azimuthal quantum number (l) for
the last subshell that received electrons in building up the
electronic configuration
Ans. 1
Paragraph SCQ

Equivalent mas is a virtual amount for substance but this amount is useful to
solve problems.For elements it is the mass which can reacts with 1 grams of
hydrogrn or 8 grams of oxygen or 35.5 grams of chlorine and for compound it
is the direct sum of equivalent masses of elements present in that substance.

Q33 A metal chloride contains 29% metal by mass. Find equivalent wt. of
metal chloride.
a)    14.5 b)    40 c)    50 d)    35.5

Q34 1.08 gm metal combines with oxygen to give 2.04 gm metal oxide. Find
eq. wt. of metal and metal oxide.
a)   8,16 b)    9,17 c)   12,20 d)   None of these

Paragraph SCQ

Limiting Reactant : The reactant which is consumed at first completely in a
reaction is called limiting reactant. Limiting Reactant Concept is used when
amount of more than one reactants are given. Mole concept is used according
to limiting reactant

Q35 A mixture containing 100 g H2 and 100 g O2 is ignited so that water is

formed according to the reaction, 
     ; How much water will be formed
a)    112.5 b)   50 g c)   25 g d)   200 g

Q36 For the reaction :

5 mole of A and 8 mole of B will produce :
a)   5 mole of C b)    4 mole of C c)   8 mole of C d)   13 mole of C
Multiple Choice Question

Q37 In tan B + tan C =5 and tan A tan C=3, then

a)    is an acute angled triangle

b)    is an obtuse angled triangle

c)    Sum of all possible values of tan A is 10

d)    Sum of all possible values of tan A is 9

Q38 Let y=sin2x+cos4x. Then , for all real x
a)    The maximum value of y is 2 b)   
The minimum value of y is

c)    d)   

If 0 x,y 180° and sin (x–y) =cos(x+y)= , then the values of x and y are
given by
a)    x=45°, y= 15° b)    x=45°, y= 135° c)    x=165°, y= 15° d)    x=165°, y= 135°

Q40 The system of equations

log10(2000 xy)–log10 x. log10 y=4,
log10 (2yz)–log10y. log10 z=1
and log10(zx)–log10z. log 10 x=0 has two solutions (x1, y1, z1) and (x2, y2,
z2), then
a)    x 1 +x 2 =101 b)    y 1 +y 2 =25 c)    x 1 x 2 =100 d)    z 1 z 2 =100

Q41 If log105=a and log10 3=b, then

a)    3(1–a) b)    c)   
log40 15= log243 32 =

d)    All of these
Q42 If |a| < |b|, b–a < 1 and a, b are the real roots of the equation x2–| |x–|

|=0, the equation has

a)    one root lying in interval ( ) b)    one root lying in interval ( )

c)    one positive root d)    one negative root

Q43 If are the roots of the equation x2+a(2x+1)=0 and cos2

+q. sin2 +q are the roots of the equation x2+4x+2=0 then a is equal to
a)    –2 b)    –1 c)    1 d)    2

Q44 If are the roots of x3–x2+ax+b = 0 and are the roots of x3–
4x2+mx+n=0. If and are in AP with common difference d then
a)    a =m b)    a= m –5 c)    n = b –a –2 d)    b = m+n–3


Q45 tan46° tan14°–tan74° tan14°+tan74° tan46° is equal to

Ans. 3
Q46 Maximum value of the expression log3(9–2cos2 –4sec2 ) is equal
Ans. 1
Let and log24 sin x (24 cos x) = , then find the value of
cosec2 x.
Ans. 9
Q48 If x, y and log10 (2x)+log10 y = 2 and log10 x2–log10(2y) = 4 and
x+y = , where m and n are relative prime, the value of m–3n6 is

Ans. 9
Q49 A line x= intersects the graph of y=log5 x and y=log5 (x+4). The
distance between the points of intersection is 0.5. Given =a+ ,
where a and b are integers, the value of (a+b) is
Ans. 6
Q50 If product of the real roots of the equation, x2–ax+30= ,
a > 0, is and minimum value of sum of roots of the equation is .
The value of ( ) (where (.) denotes the least integer function) is
Ans. 9

Paragraph SCQ


Q51 If then ‘a’ satisfies

a)    b)    c)    d)   

Q52 If g(x) > –3 for all real x, then the values of k are given by
a)    b)    –1 <k<0 c)    d)   

Paragraph SCQ

Let log2  N=a1+b1, log3 N=a2+b2  and log5 N =a3+b3, where a1, a2, a3   I and
b1,b2, b3  [0, 1)
Q53 If a1 =5 and a2=3, the number of integral values of N is 
a)    16 b)    32 c)    48 d)    64

Q54 If a1=6, a2=4 and a3=3, the largest integral value of N is

a)   124 b)   63 c)   624 d)    127

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